+ <sect2 id="RT_PLPython">
+ <title>Use PLPython to dump out images via SQL</title>
+ <para>This is a plpython stored function that creates a file in the server directory for each record.</para>
+ <programlisting>//plpython postgresql stored proc. Requires you have plpython installed
+<![CDATA[CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION write_file (param_bytes bytea, param_filepath text)
+AS $$
+f = open(param_filepath, 'wb+')
+return param_filepath
+$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;]]></programlisting>
+<programlisting>--write out 5 images to the PostgreSQL server in varying sizes
+-- note the postgresql daemon account needs to have write access to folder
+-- this echos bath the file names created;
+ SELECT write_file(ST_AsPNG(
+ ST_AsRaster(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,5),j*5, 'quad_segs=2'),150*j, 150*j, '8BUI',100)),
+ 'C:/temp/slices'|| j || '.png')
+ FROM generate_series(1,5) As j;
+ write_file
+ C:/temp/slices1.png
+ C:/temp/slices2.png
+ C:/temp/slices3.png
+ C:/temp/slices4.png
+ C:/temp/slices5.png
+ </sect2>