else if (picktyp != LOCK_PICK) verb = "unlock", it = 1;
else verb = "pick";
Sprintf(qbuf, "There is %s here, %s %s?",
- doname(otmp), verb, it ? "it" : "its lock");
+ safe_qbuf("", sizeof("There is here, unlock its lock?"),
+ doname(otmp), an(simple_typename(otmp->otyp)), "a box"),
+ verb, it ? "it" : "its lock");
c = ynq(qbuf);
if(c == 'q') return(0);
doname(otmp), otmp->obroken ? "broken" : "unlocked");
- Sprintf(qbuf,"There is %s here, force its lock?", doname(otmp));
+ Sprintf(qbuf,"There is %s here, force its lock?",
+ safe_qbuf("", sizeof("There is here, force its lock?"),
+ doname(otmp), an(simple_typename(otmp->otyp)),
+ "a box"));
c = ynq(qbuf);
if(c == 'q') return(0);
if (fem) {
if (rn2(20) < ACURR(A_CHA)) {
Sprintf(qbuf, "\"That %s looks pretty. May I have it?\"",
- xname(ring));
+ safe_qbuf("",sizeof("\"That looks pretty. May I have it?\""),
+ xname(ring), simple_typename(ring->otyp), "ring"));
if (yn(qbuf) == 'n') continue;
} else pline("%s decides she'd like your %s, and takes it.",
if (ring==uleft || ring==uright) continue;
if (rn2(20) < ACURR(A_CHA)) {
Sprintf(qbuf,"\"That %s looks pretty. Would you wear it for me?\"",
- xname(ring));
+ safe_qbuf("",
+ sizeof("\"That looks pretty. Would you wear it for me?\""),
+ xname(ring), simple_typename(ring->otyp), "ring"));
if (yn(qbuf) == 'n') continue;
} else {
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)trap.c 3.4 2003/04/30 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)trap.c 3.4 2003/02/10 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
/* caller may subsequently fill pit, e.g. with a boulder */
trap->ttyp = PIT; /* explosion creates a pit */
trap->madeby_u = FALSE; /* resulting pit isn't yours */
- seetrap(trap); /* and it isn't concealed */
#endif /* OVLB */
if(!u.dx && !u.dy) {
for(otmp = level.objects[x][y]; otmp; otmp = otmp->nexthere)
if(Is_box(otmp)) {
- Sprintf(qbuf, "There is %s here. Check it for traps?", doname(otmp));
+ Sprintf(qbuf, "There is %s here. Check it for traps?",
+ safe_qbuf("", sizeof("There is here. Check it for traps?"),
+ doname(otmp), an(simple_typename(otmp->otyp)), "a box"));
switch (ynq(qbuf)) {
case 'q': return(0);
case 'n': continue;