include $(top_builddir)/src/
OBJS = check.o controldata.o dump.o exec.o file.o function.o info.o \
- option.o page.o parallel.o pg_upgrade.o relfilenode.o server.o \
+ option.o parallel.o pg_upgrade.o relfilenode.o server.o \
tablespace.o util.o version.o $(WIN32RES)
override CPPFLAGS := -DDLSUFFIX=\"$(DLSUFFIX)\" -I$(srcdir) -I$(libpq_srcdir) $(CPPFLAGS)
if (!live_check)
start_postmaster(&old_cluster, true);
- get_pg_database_relfilenode(&old_cluster);
/* Extract a list of databases and tables from the old cluster */
- * copyAndUpdateFile()
+ * copyFile()
- * Copies a relation file from src to dst. If pageConverter is non-NULL, this function
- * uses that pageConverter to do a page-by-page conversion.
+ * Copies a relation file from src to dst.
const char *
-copyAndUpdateFile(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter,
- const char *src, const char *dst, bool force)
+copyFile(const char *src, const char *dst, bool force)
- if (pageConverter == NULL)
- {
#ifndef WIN32
if (copy_file(src, dst, force) == -1)
return getErrorText();
return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * We have a pageConverter object - that implies that the
- * PageLayoutVersion differs between the two clusters so we have to
- * perform a page-by-page conversion.
- *
- * If the pageConverter can convert the entire file at once, invoke
- * that plugin function, otherwise, read each page in the relation
- * file and call the convertPage plugin function.
- */
- if (pageConverter->convertFile)
- return pageConverter->convertFile(pageConverter->pluginData,
- dst, src);
- else
- {
- int src_fd;
- int dstfd;
- char buf[BLCKSZ];
- ssize_t bytesRead;
- const char *msg = NULL;
- if ((src_fd = open(src, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
- return "could not open source file";
- if ((dstfd = open(dst, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0)
- {
- close(src_fd);
- return "could not create destination file";
- }
- while ((bytesRead = read(src_fd, buf, BLCKSZ)) == BLCKSZ)
- {
- if ((msg = pageConverter->convertPage(pageConverter->pluginData, buf, buf)) != NULL)
- break;
- if (write(dstfd, buf, BLCKSZ) != BLCKSZ)
- {
- msg = "could not write new page to destination";
- break;
- }
- }
- close(src_fd);
- close(dstfd);
- if (msg)
- return msg;
- else if (bytesRead != 0)
- return "found partial page in source file";
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- * linkAndUpdateFile()
+ * linkFile()
* Creates a hard link between the given relation files. We use
* this function to perform a true in-place update. If the on-disk
* instead of copying the data from the old cluster to the new cluster.
const char *
-linkAndUpdateFile(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter,
- const char *src, const char *dst)
+linkFile(const char *src, const char *dst)
- if (pageConverter != NULL)
- return "Cannot in-place update this cluster, page-by-page conversion is required";
if (pg_link_file(src, dst) == -1)
return getErrorText();
+++ /dev/null
- * page.c
- *
- * per-page conversion operations
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
- * src/bin/pg_upgrade/page.c
- */
-#include "postgres_fe.h"
-#include "pg_upgrade.h"
-#include "storage/bufpage.h"
-static void getPageVersion(
- uint16 *version, const char *pathName);
-static pageCnvCtx *loadConverterPlugin(
- uint16 newPageVersion, uint16 oldPageVersion);
- * setupPageConverter()
- *
- * This function determines the PageLayoutVersion of the old cluster and
- * the PageLayoutVersion of the new cluster. If the versions differ, this
- * function loads a converter plugin and returns a pointer to a pageCnvCtx
- * object (in *result) that knows how to convert pages from the old format
- * to the new format. If the versions are identical, this function just
- * returns a NULL pageCnvCtx pointer to indicate that page-by-page conversion
- * is not required.
- */
-pageCnvCtx *
- uint16 oldPageVersion;
- uint16 newPageVersion;
- pageCnvCtx *converter;
- const char *msg;
- char dstName[MAXPGPATH];
- char srcName[MAXPGPATH];
- snprintf(dstName, sizeof(dstName), "%s/global/%u", new_cluster.pgdata,
- new_cluster.pg_database_oid);
- snprintf(srcName, sizeof(srcName), "%s/global/%u", old_cluster.pgdata,
- old_cluster.pg_database_oid);
- getPageVersion(&oldPageVersion, srcName);
- getPageVersion(&newPageVersion, dstName);
- /*
- * If the old cluster and new cluster use the same page layouts, then we
- * don't need a page converter.
- */
- if (newPageVersion != oldPageVersion)
- {
- /*
- * The clusters use differing page layouts, see if we can find a
- * plugin that knows how to convert from the old page layout to the
- * new page layout.
- */
- if ((converter = loadConverterPlugin(newPageVersion, oldPageVersion)) == NULL)
- pg_fatal("could not find plugin to convert from old page layout to new page layout\n");
- return converter;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
- * getPageVersion()
- *
- * Retrieves the PageLayoutVersion for the given relation.
- *
- * Returns NULL on success (and stores the PageLayoutVersion at *version),
- * if an error occurs, this function returns an error message (in the form
- * of a null-terminated string).
- */
-static void
-getPageVersion(uint16 *version, const char *pathName)
- int relfd;
- PageHeaderData page;
- ssize_t bytesRead;
- if ((relfd = open(pathName, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
- pg_fatal("could not open relation %s\n", pathName);
- if ((bytesRead = read(relfd, &page, sizeof(page))) != sizeof(page))
- pg_fatal("could not read page header of %s\n", pathName);
- *version = PageGetPageLayoutVersion(&page);
- close(relfd);
- return;
- * loadConverterPlugin()
- *
- * This function loads a page-converter plugin library and grabs a
- * pointer to each of the (interesting) functions provided by that
- * plugin. The name of the plugin library is derived from the given
- * newPageVersion and oldPageVersion. If a plugin is found, this
- * function returns a pointer to a pageCnvCtx object (which will contain
- * a collection of plugin function pointers). If the required plugin
- * is not found, this function returns NULL.
- */
-static pageCnvCtx *
-loadConverterPlugin(uint16 newPageVersion, uint16 oldPageVersion)
- char pluginName[MAXPGPATH];
- void *plugin;
- /*
- * Try to find a plugin that can convert pages of oldPageVersion into
- * pages of newPageVersion. For example, if we oldPageVersion = 3 and
- * newPageVersion is 4, we search for a plugin named:
- * plugins/convertLayout_3_to_4.dll
- */
- /*
- * FIXME: we are searching for plugins relative to the current directory,
- * we should really search relative to our own executable instead.
- */
- snprintf(pluginName, sizeof(pluginName), "./plugins/convertLayout_%d_to_%d%s",
- oldPageVersion, newPageVersion, DLSUFFIX);
- if ((plugin = pg_dlopen(pluginName)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else
- {
- pageCnvCtx *result = (pageCnvCtx *) pg_malloc(sizeof(*result));
- result->old.PageVersion = oldPageVersion;
- result->new.PageVersion = newPageVersion;
- result->startup = (pluginStartup) pg_dlsym(plugin, "init");
- result->convertFile = (pluginConvertFile) pg_dlsym(plugin, "convertFile");
- result->convertPage = (pluginConvertPage) pg_dlsym(plugin, "convertPage");
- result->shutdown = (pluginShutdown) pg_dlsym(plugin, "fini");
- result->pluginData = NULL;
- /*
- * If the plugin has exported an initializer, go ahead and invoke it.
- */
- if (result->startup)
- result->startup(MIGRATOR_API_VERSION, &result->pluginVersion,
- newPageVersion, oldPageVersion, &result->pluginData);
- return result;
- }
new_cluster.bindir, cluster_conn_opts(&new_cluster),
log_opts.verbose ? "--verbose" : "");
- get_pg_database_relfilenode(&new_cluster);
uint32 major_version; /* PG_VERSION of cluster */
char major_version_str[64]; /* string PG_VERSION of cluster */
uint32 bin_version; /* version returned from pg_ctl */
- Oid pg_database_oid; /* OID of pg_database relation */
const char *tablespace_suffix; /* directory specification */
} ClusterInfo;
/* file.c */
-typedef const char *(*pluginStartup) (uint16 migratorVersion,
- uint16 *pluginVersion, uint16 newPageVersion,
- uint16 oldPageVersion, void **pluginData);
-typedef const char *(*pluginConvertFile) (void *pluginData,
- const char *dstName, const char *srcName);
-typedef const char *(*pluginConvertPage) (void *pluginData,
- const char *dstPage, const char *srcPage);
-typedef const char *(*pluginShutdown) (void *pluginData);
-typedef struct
- uint16 oldPageVersion; /* Page layout version of the old cluster */
- uint16 newPageVersion; /* Page layout version of the new cluster */
- uint16 pluginVersion; /* API version of converter plugin */
- void *pluginData; /* Plugin data (set by plugin) */
- pluginStartup startup; /* Pointer to plugin's startup function */
- pluginConvertFile convertFile; /* Pointer to plugin's file converter
- * function */
- pluginConvertPage convertPage; /* Pointer to plugin's page converter
- * function */
- pluginShutdown shutdown; /* Pointer to plugin's shutdown function */
-} pageCnvCtx;
-const pageCnvCtx *setupPageConverter(void);
-/* dummy */
-typedef void *pageCnvCtx;
-const char *copyAndUpdateFile(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, const char *src,
- const char *dst, bool force);
-const char *linkAndUpdateFile(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, const char *src,
- const char *dst);
+const char *copyFile(const char *src, const char *dst, bool force);
+const char *linkFile(const char *src, const char *dst);
void check_hard_link(void);
FILE *fopen_priv(const char *path, const char *mode);
#include "access/transam.h"
-static void transfer_single_new_db(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter,
- FileNameMap *maps, int size, char *old_tablespace);
-static void transfer_relfile(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, FileNameMap *map,
- const char *suffix);
+static void transfer_single_new_db(FileNameMap *maps, int size, char *old_tablespace);
+static void transfer_relfile(FileNameMap *map, const char *suffix);
*new_db = NULL;
FileNameMap *mappings;
int n_maps;
- pageCnvCtx *pageConverter = NULL;
* Advance past any databases that exist in the new cluster but not in
print_maps(mappings, n_maps, new_db->db_name);
- pageConverter = setupPageConverter();
- transfer_single_new_db(pageConverter, mappings, n_maps,
- old_tablespace);
+ transfer_single_new_db(mappings, n_maps, old_tablespace);
/* We allocate something even for n_maps == 0 */
- * get_pg_database_relfilenode()
- *
- * Retrieves the relfilenode for a few system-catalog tables. We need these
- * relfilenodes later in the upgrade process.
- */
-get_pg_database_relfilenode(ClusterInfo *cluster)
- PGconn *conn = connectToServer(cluster, "template1");
- PGresult *res;
- int i_relfile;
- res = executeQueryOrDie(conn,
- "SELECT c.relname, c.relfilenode "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
- " pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
- "WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND "
- " n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' AND "
- " c.relname = 'pg_database' "
- "ORDER BY c.relname");
- i_relfile = PQfnumber(res, "relfilenode");
- cluster->pg_database_oid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, 0, i_relfile));
- PQclear(res);
- PQfinish(conn);
* transfer_single_new_db()
* create links for mappings stored in "maps" array.
static void
-transfer_single_new_db(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter,
- FileNameMap *maps, int size, char *old_tablespace)
+transfer_single_new_db(FileNameMap *maps, int size, char *old_tablespace)
int mapnum;
bool vm_crashsafe_match = true;
strcmp(maps[mapnum].old_tablespace, old_tablespace) == 0)
/* transfer primary file */
- transfer_relfile(pageConverter, &maps[mapnum], "");
+ transfer_relfile(&maps[mapnum], "");
/* fsm/vm files added in PG 8.4 */
if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) >= 804)
* Copy/link any fsm and vm files, if they exist
- transfer_relfile(pageConverter, &maps[mapnum], "_fsm");
+ transfer_relfile(&maps[mapnum], "_fsm");
if (vm_crashsafe_match)
- transfer_relfile(pageConverter, &maps[mapnum], "_vm");
+ transfer_relfile(&maps[mapnum], "_vm");
* Copy or link file from old cluster to new one.
static void
-transfer_relfile(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, FileNameMap *map,
- const char *type_suffix)
+transfer_relfile(FileNameMap *map, const char *type_suffix)
const char *msg;
char old_file[MAXPGPATH];
/* Copying files might take some time, so give feedback. */
pg_log(PG_STATUS, "%s", old_file);
- if ((user_opts.transfer_mode == TRANSFER_MODE_LINK) && (pageConverter != NULL))
- pg_fatal("This upgrade requires page-by-page conversion, "
- "you must use copy mode instead of link mode.\n");
if (user_opts.transfer_mode == TRANSFER_MODE_COPY)
pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "copying \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", old_file, new_file);
- if ((msg = copyAndUpdateFile(pageConverter, old_file, new_file, true)) != NULL)
+ if ((msg = copyFile(old_file, new_file, true)) != NULL)
pg_fatal("error while copying relation \"%s.%s\" (\"%s\" to \"%s\"): %s\n",
map->nspname, map->relname, old_file, new_file, msg);
pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "linking \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", old_file, new_file);
- if ((msg = linkAndUpdateFile(pageConverter, old_file, new_file)) != NULL)
+ if ((msg = linkFile(old_file, new_file)) != NULL)
pg_fatal("error while creating link for relation \"%s.%s\" (\"%s\" to \"%s\"): %s\n",
map->nspname, map->relname, old_file, new_file, msg);