#endif // portNUM_PROCESSORS == 2
+TEST_CASE("test adjtime function", "[newlib]")
+ struct timeval tv_time;
+ struct timeval tv_delta;
+ struct timeval tv_outdelta;
+ tv_time.tv_sec = 5000;
+ tv_time.tv_usec = 5000;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(settimeofday(&tv_time, NULL), 0);
+ tv_outdelta.tv_sec = 5;
+ tv_outdelta.tv_usec = 5;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(NULL, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(tv_outdelta.tv_sec, 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(tv_outdelta.tv_usec, 0);
+ tv_delta.tv_sec = INT_MAX / 1000000L;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(&tv_delta, &tv_outdelta), -1);
+ tv_delta.tv_sec = INT_MIN / 1000000L;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(&tv_delta, &tv_outdelta), -1);
+ tv_delta.tv_sec = 0;
+ tv_delta.tv_usec = -900000;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(&tv_delta, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(tv_outdelta.tv_usec <= 0);
+ tv_delta.tv_sec = 0;
+ tv_delta.tv_usec = 900000;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(&tv_delta, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(tv_outdelta.tv_usec >= 0);
+ tv_delta.tv_sec = -4;
+ tv_delta.tv_usec = -900000;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(&tv_delta, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(tv_outdelta.tv_sec, -4);
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(tv_outdelta.tv_usec <= 0);
+ // after settimeofday() adjtime() is stopped
+ tv_delta.tv_sec = 15;
+ tv_delta.tv_usec = 900000;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(&tv_delta, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(tv_outdelta.tv_sec, 15);
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(tv_outdelta.tv_usec >= 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(gettimeofday(&tv_time, NULL), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(settimeofday(&tv_time, NULL), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(NULL, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(tv_outdelta.tv_sec, 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(tv_outdelta.tv_usec, 0);
+ // after gettimeofday() adjtime() is not stopped
+ tv_delta.tv_sec = 15;
+ tv_delta.tv_usec = 900000;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(&tv_delta, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(tv_outdelta.tv_sec, 15);
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(tv_outdelta.tv_usec >= 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(gettimeofday(&tv_time, NULL), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(NULL, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(tv_outdelta.tv_sec, 15);
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(tv_outdelta.tv_usec >= 0);
+ tv_delta.tv_sec = 1;
+ tv_delta.tv_usec = 0;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(&tv_delta, NULL), 0);
+ vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(adjtime(NULL, &tv_outdelta), 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(tv_outdelta.tv_sec == 0);
+ // the correction will be equal to (1_000_000us >> 6) = 15_625 us.
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(1000000L - tv_outdelta.tv_usec >= 15600);
+ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(1000000L - tv_outdelta.tv_usec <= 15650);
+static volatile bool exit_flag;
+static bool adjtime_test_result;
+static bool gettimeofday_test_result;
+static uint64_t count_adjtime;
+static uint64_t count_settimeofday;
+static uint64_t count_gettimeofday;
+static void adjtimeTask2(void *pvParameters)
+ struct timeval delta = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 0};
+ struct timeval outdelta;
+ // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe
+ while (exit_flag == false) {
+ delta.tv_sec += 1;
+ delta.tv_usec = 900000;
+ if (delta.tv_sec >= 2146) delta.tv_sec = 1;
+ adjtime(&delta, &outdelta);
+ count_adjtime++;
+ }
+ vTaskDelete(NULL);
+static void settimeofdayTask2(void *pvParameters)
+ struct timeval tv_time = { .tv_sec = 1520000000, .tv_usec = 900000 };
+ // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe
+ while (exit_flag == false) {
+ tv_time.tv_sec += 1;
+ settimeofday(&tv_time, NULL);
+ count_settimeofday++;
+ vTaskDelay(1);
+ }
+ vTaskDelete(NULL);
+static void gettimeofdayTask2(void *pvParameters)
+ struct timeval tv_time;
+ // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe
+ while (exit_flag == false) {
+ gettimeofday(&tv_time, NULL);
+ count_gettimeofday++;
+ vTaskDelay(1);
+ }
+ vTaskDelete(NULL);
+TEST_CASE("test for no interlocking adjtime, gettimeofday and settimeofday functions", "[newlib]")
+ TaskHandle_t th[4];
+ exit_flag = false;
+ count_adjtime = 0;
+ count_settimeofday = 0;
+ count_gettimeofday = 0;
+ struct timeval tv_time = { .tv_sec = 1520000000, .tv_usec = 900000 };
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(settimeofday(&tv_time, NULL), 0);
+ printf("CPU0 and CPU1. Tasks run: 1 - adjtimeTask, 2 - gettimeofdayTask, 3 - settimeofdayTask \n");
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(adjtimeTask2, "adjtimeTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[0], 0);
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(gettimeofdayTask2, "gettimeofdayTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[1], 1);
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(settimeofdayTask2, "settimeofdayTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[2], 0);
+ printf("Only one CPU. Tasks run: 1 - adjtimeTask, 2 - gettimeofdayTask, 3 - settimeofdayTask\n");
+ xTaskCreate(adjtimeTask2, "adjtimeTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[0]);
+ xTaskCreate(gettimeofdayTask2, "gettimeofdayTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[1]);
+ xTaskCreate(settimeofdayTask2, "settimeofdayTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[2]);
+ printf("start wait for 10 seconds\n");
+ vTaskDelay(10000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
+ // set exit flag to let thread exit
+ exit_flag = true;
+ vTaskDelay(20 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
+ printf("count_adjtime %lld, count_settimeofday %lld, count_gettimeofday %lld\n", count_adjtime, count_settimeofday, count_gettimeofday);
+ TEST_ASSERT(count_adjtime > 1000LL && count_settimeofday > 1000LL && count_gettimeofday > 1000LL);
+static void adjtimeTask(void *pvParameters)
+ struct timeval delta = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 0};
+ struct timeval outdelta = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 0};
+ // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe
+ while (exit_flag == false) {
+ delta.tv_sec = 1000;
+ delta.tv_usec = 0;
+ if(adjtime(&delta, &outdelta) != 0) {
+ adjtime_test_result = true;
+ exit_flag = true;
+ }
+ delta.tv_sec = 0;
+ delta.tv_usec = 1000;
+ if(adjtime(&delta, &outdelta) != 0) {
+ adjtime_test_result = true;
+ exit_flag = true;
+ }
+ }
+ vTaskDelete(NULL);
+static void gettimeofdayTask(void *pvParameters)
+ struct timeval tv_time;
+ gettimeofday(&tv_time, NULL);
+ uint64_t time_old = (uint64_t)tv_time.tv_sec * 1000000L + tv_time.tv_usec;
+ // although exit flag is set in another task, checking (exit_flag == false) is safe
+ while (exit_flag == false) {
+ gettimeofday(&tv_time, NULL);
+ uint64_t time = (uint64_t)tv_time.tv_sec * 1000000L + tv_time.tv_usec;
+ if(((time - time_old) > 1000000LL) || (time_old > time)) {
+ printf("ERROR: time jumped for %lld/1000 seconds. No locks. Need to use locks.\n", (time - time_old)/1000000LL);
+ gettimeofday_test_result = true;
+ exit_flag = true;
+ }
+ time_old = time;
+ }
+ vTaskDelete(NULL);
+TEST_CASE("test for thread safety adjtime and gettimeofday functions", "[newlib]")
+ TaskHandle_t th[4];
+ exit_flag = false;
+ adjtime_test_result = false;
+ gettimeofday_test_result = false;
+ struct timeval tv_time = { .tv_sec = 1520000000, .tv_usec = 900000 };
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(settimeofday(&tv_time, NULL), 0);
+ printf("CPU0 and CPU1. Tasks run: 1 - adjtimeTask, 2 - gettimeofdayTask\n");
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(adjtimeTask, "adjtimeTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[0], 0);
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(gettimeofdayTask, "gettimeofdayTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[1], 1);
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(adjtimeTask, "adjtimeTask2", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[2], 0);
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(gettimeofdayTask, "gettimeofdayTask2", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[3], 1);
+ printf("Only one CPU. Tasks run: 1 - adjtimeTask, 2 - gettimeofdayTask\n");
+ xTaskCreate(adjtimeTask, "adjtimeTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[0]);
+ xTaskCreate(gettimeofdayTask, "gettimeofdayTask1", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[1]);
+ xTaskCreate(adjtimeTask, "adjtimeTask2", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[2]);
+ xTaskCreate(gettimeofdayTask, "gettimeofdayTask2", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, &th[3]);
+ printf("start wait for 10 seconds\n");
+ vTaskDelay(10000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
+ // set exit flag to let thread exit
+ exit_flag = true;
+ vTaskDelay(20 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
+ TEST_ASSERT(adjtime_test_result == false && gettimeofday_test_result == false);
#if defined(WITH_RTC) || defined(WITH_FRC)
static _lock_t s_boot_time_lock;
+static _lock_t s_adjust_time_lock;
+// stores the start time of the slew
+RTC_DATA_ATTR static uint64_t adjtime_start = 0;
+// is how many microseconds total to slew
+RTC_DATA_ATTR static int64_t adjtime_total_correction = 0;
+static uint64_t get_time_since_boot();
// Offset between FRC timer and the RTC.
// Initialized after reset or light sleep.
#if defined(WITH_RTC) && defined(WITH_FRC)
return result;
+// This function gradually changes boot_time to the correction value and immediately updates it.
+static uint64_t adjust_boot_time()
+ uint64_t boot_time = get_boot_time();
+ if ((boot_time == 0) || (get_time_since_boot() < adjtime_start)) {
+ adjtime_start = 0;
+ }
+ if (adjtime_start > 0) {
+ uint64_t since_boot = get_time_since_boot();
+ // If to call this function once per second, then (since_boot - adjtime_start) will be 1_000_000 (1 second),
+ // and the correction will be equal to (1_000_000us >> 6) = 15_625 us.
+ // The minimum possible correction step can be (64us >> 6) = 1us.
+ // Example: if the time error is 1 second, then it will be compensate for 1 sec / 0,015625 = 64 seconds.
+ int64_t correction = (since_boot - adjtime_start) >> ADJTIME_CORRECTION_FACTOR;
+ if (correction > 0) {
+ adjtime_start = since_boot;
+ if (adjtime_total_correction < 0) {
+ if ((adjtime_total_correction + correction) >= 0) {
+ boot_time = boot_time + adjtime_total_correction;
+ adjtime_start = 0;
+ } else {
+ adjtime_total_correction += correction;
+ boot_time -= correction;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((adjtime_total_correction - correction) <= 0) {
+ boot_time = boot_time + adjtime_total_correction;
+ adjtime_start = 0;
+ } else {
+ adjtime_total_correction -= correction;
+ boot_time += correction;
+ }
+ }
+ set_boot_time(boot_time);
+ }
+ }
+ return boot_time;
+// Get the adjusted boot time.
+static uint64_t get_adjusted_boot_time (void)
+ _lock_acquire(&s_adjust_time_lock);
+ uint64_t adjust_time = adjust_boot_time();
+ _lock_release(&s_adjust_time_lock);
+ return adjust_time;
+// Applying the accumulated correction to boot_time and stopping the smooth time adjustment.
+static void adjtime_corr_stop (void)
+ _lock_acquire(&s_adjust_time_lock);
+ if (adjtime_start != 0){
+ adjust_boot_time();
+ adjtime_start = 0;
+ }
+ _lock_release(&s_adjust_time_lock);
#endif //defined(WITH_RTC) || defined(WITH_FRC)
+int adjtime(const struct timeval *delta, struct timeval *outdelta)
+#if defined( WITH_FRC ) || defined( WITH_RTC )
+ if(delta != NULL){
+ int64_t sec = delta->tv_sec;
+ int64_t usec = delta->tv_usec;
+ if(llabs(sec) > ((INT_MAX / 1000000L) - 1L)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If adjusting the system clock by adjtime () is already done during the second call adjtime (),
+ * and the delta of the second call is not NULL, the earlier tuning is stopped,
+ * but the already completed part of the adjustment is not canceled.
+ */
+ _lock_acquire(&s_adjust_time_lock);
+ // If correction is already in progress (adjtime_start != 0), then apply accumulated corrections.
+ adjust_boot_time();
+ adjtime_start = get_time_since_boot();
+ adjtime_total_correction = sec * 1000000L + usec;
+ _lock_release(&s_adjust_time_lock);
+ }
+ if(outdelta != NULL){
+ _lock_acquire(&s_adjust_time_lock);
+ adjust_boot_time();
+ if (adjtime_start != 0) {
+ outdelta->tv_sec = adjtime_total_correction / 1000000L;
+ outdelta->tv_usec = adjtime_total_correction % 1000000L;
+ } else {
+ outdelta->tv_sec = 0;
+ outdelta->tv_usec = 0;
+ }
+ _lock_release(&s_adjust_time_lock);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
void esp_clk_slowclk_cal_set(uint32_t new_cal)
(void) tz;
#if defined( WITH_FRC ) || defined( WITH_RTC )
if (tv) {
- uint64_t microseconds = get_boot_time() + get_time_since_boot();
+ uint64_t microseconds = get_adjusted_boot_time() + get_time_since_boot();
tv->tv_sec = microseconds / 1000000;
tv->tv_usec = microseconds % 1000000;
(void) tz;
#if defined( WITH_FRC ) || defined( WITH_RTC )
if (tv) {
+ adjtime_corr_stop();
uint64_t now = ((uint64_t) tv->tv_sec) * 1000000LL + tv->tv_usec;
uint64_t since_boot = get_time_since_boot();
set_boot_time(now - since_boot);