30 Jun 2009, PHP 5.3.0
- Upgraded bundled PCRE to version 7.9. (Nuno)
. Added Windows support for stat(), touch(), filemtime(), filesize() and
related functions. (Pierre)
. Re-added socket_create_pair() for Windows in sockets extension. (Kalle)
- . Added inet_pton() and inet_ntop() also for Windows platforms. (Kalle)
- . Added mcrypt_create_iv() also for Windows platforms. (Pierre)
+ . Added inet_pton() and inet_ntop() also for Windows platforms.
+ (Kalle, Pierre)
+ . Added mcrypt_create_iv() for Windows platforms. (Pierre)
. Added ACL Cache support on Windows.
(Kanwaljeet Singla, Pierre, Venkat Raman Don)
. Added constants based on Windows' GetVersionEx information.