{type :: string(),
height :: integer(),
- weight :: integer()}).
+ width :: integer()}).
-type state() :: #state{}.
-type slot() :: [binary()].
{ok, #media_info{
type = string:to_lower(T),
height = list_to_integer(H),
- weight = list_to_integer(W)}};
+ width = list_to_integer(W)}};
_ ->
?ERROR_MSG("failed to identify type of ~s: ~s", [Path, Res]),
{error, Res}
-spec convert(string(), media_info()) -> {ok, string()} | pass.
-convert(Path, #media_info{type = T, weight = W, height = H}) ->
+convert(Path, #media_info{type = T, width = W, height = H}) ->
if W*H >= 25000000 ->
?DEBUG("the image ~s is more than 25 Mbpx", [Path]),
thumb_el(Path, URI) ->
ContentType = guess_content_type(Path),
case identify(Path) of
- {ok, #media_info{height = H, weight = W}} ->
+ {ok, #media_info{height = H, width = W}} ->
#xmlel{name = <<"thumbnail">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_THUMBS_1},
{<<"media-type">>, ContentType},