.\" .PE
.\" clean up
.de PS
-.nr PX \\w'\\$1'u
-.nr PY \\w'\\$1\ -\ 'u
-.sn \\n(pdu
-.in +\\n(PYu
+.nr PY \\w'\\$1\ -\ 'u \" width of label plus " - " for line 1
+.sn \\n(pdu \" tmac.n: inter-paragraph space
+.in +\\n(PYu \" additional indent past label (etc)
+.si \" tmac.n: start indented section
.\" labeled paragraph label (and first line)
.de PL
-.ti -\\n(PYu
-\\$1\\h'|\\n(PXu'\ -\ \\c
+\\h'|-\\n(PYu'\\$1\ -\ \\c \" back up, output the label,
+. \" then output the " - " and attach
+. \" the next line (the text) without
+. \" stopping(\c: nroff section 4.2)
.\"labeled paragraph end
.de PE
-.in -\\n(PYu
-.sn \\n(pdu
+.ei \" tmac.n: end indented section
+.in -\\n(PYu \" undo indent past label (etc)
+.sn \\n(pdu \" tmac.n: inter-paragraph space
.\" end of labeled paragrah