Form_pg_type typclass;
Form_pg_attribute att = desc->attrs[i];
char *outputstr;
- int len;
/* skip dropped columns */
if (att->attisdropped)
pq_sendbyte(out, 't'); /* 'text' data follows */
outputstr = OidOutputFunctionCall(typclass->typoutput, values[i]);
- len = strlen(outputstr) + 1; /* null terminated */
- pq_sendint(out, len, 4); /* length */
- pq_sendstring(out, outputstr); /* data */
+ pq_sendcountedtext(out, outputstr, strlen(outputstr), false);
len = pq_getmsgint(in, 4); /* read length */
/* and data */
- tuple->values[i] = (char *) pq_getmsgbytes(in, len);
+ tuple->values[i] = palloc(len + 1);
+ pq_copymsgbytes(in, tuple->values[i], len);
+ tuple->values[i][len] = '\0';
--- /dev/null
+# Test replication between databases with different encodings
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PostgresNode;
+use TestLib;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+sub wait_for_caught_up
+ my ($node, $appname) = @_;
+ $node->poll_query_until('postgres',
+ "SELECT pg_current_wal_location() <= replay_location FROM pg_stat_replication WHERE application_name = '$appname';")
+ or die "Timed out while waiting for subscriber to catch up";
+my $node_publisher = get_new_node('publisher');
+$node_publisher->init(allows_streaming => 'logical', extra => ['--locale=C', '--encoding=UTF8']);
+my $node_subscriber = get_new_node('subscriber');
+$node_subscriber->init(allows_streaming => 'logical', extra => ['--locale=C', '--encoding=LATIN1']);
+my $ddl = "CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b text);";
+$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', $ddl);
+$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', $ddl);
+my $publisher_connstr = $node_publisher->connstr . ' dbname=postgres';
+my $appname = 'encoding_test';
+$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE PUBLICATION mypub FOR ALL TABLES;");
+$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr application_name=$appname' PUBLICATION mypub;");
+wait_for_caught_up($node_publisher, $appname);
+$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', q{INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1, E'Mot\xc3\xb6rhead')}); # hand-rolled UTF-8
+wait_for_caught_up($node_publisher, $appname);
+is($node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{SELECT a FROM test1 WHERE b = E'Mot\xf6rhead'}), # LATIN1
+ qq(1),
+ 'data replicated to subscriber');