Problem: Playing back recorded key sequence mistakes key code.
Solution: Insert a <Nop> after the <Esc>. (closes #4068)
if (gui.in_use && shape_changed)
gui_update_cursor(TRUE, FALSE);
+ if (timedout && c == ESC)
+ {
+ char_u nop_buf[3];
+ // When recording there will be no timeout. Add a <Nop> after the ESC
+ // to avoid that it forms a key code with following characters.
+ nop_buf[0] = K_SPECIAL;
+ nop_buf[1] = KS_EXTRA;
+ nop_buf[2] = KE_NOP;
+ gotchars(nop_buf, 3);
+ }
+" Check that replaying a typed sequence does not use an Esc and following
+" characters as an escape sequence.
+func Test_recording_esc_sequence()
+ new
+ let save_F2 = &t_F2
+ let t_F2 = "\<Esc>OQ"
+ call feedkeys("qqiTest\<Esc>", "xt")
+ call feedkeys("OQuirk\<Esc>q", "xt")
+ call feedkeys("Go\<Esc>@q", "xt")
+ call assert_equal(['Quirk', 'Test', 'Quirk', 'Test'], getline(1, 4))
+ bwipe!
+ let t_F2 = save_F2
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1003,