commands -- which are now both 4-way toggles */
#define GRAPH_prefix 25 // beginning text + opening '['
#define GRAPH_actual 100 // the actual bars or blocks
-#define GRAPH_suffix 2 // ending ']' + trailing space
+#define GRAPH_suffix 1 // ending ']'
static float Graph_adj; // bars/blocks scaling factor
static int Graph_len; // scaled length (<= GRAPH_actual)
static const char Graph_blks[] = " ";
static const char Osel_filterI_fmt[] = "\ttype=%d,\t" OSEL_FILTER "%*s\n";
/* Support for 2 abreast Cpu display (if terminal is wide enough) */
-static char Double_sp[] = " ";
+#ifdef TOG4_OFF_SEP
+static char Double_sp[] = " ";
#define DOUBLE_space (sizeof(Double_sp) - 1)
+static char Double_sp[] = " ~1 ~6 ";
+#define DOUBLE_space (sizeof(Double_sp) - 5) // 1 for null, 4 unprintable
#define DOUBLE_limit (160 + DOUBLE_space)
else Graph_len = 80 - GRAPH_prefix - GRAPH_suffix;
if (Screen_cols < DOUBLE_limit) Curwin->rc.double_up = 0;
if (Curwin->rc.double_up) {
- Graph_len = (Screen_cols - DOUBLE_space - (2 * (GRAPH_prefix + + GRAPH_suffix))) / 2;
+ Graph_len = (Screen_cols - DOUBLE_space - (2 * (GRAPH_prefix + GRAPH_suffix))) / 2;
if (Graph_len > GRAPH_actual) Graph_len = GRAPH_actual;
Graph_adj = (float)Graph_len / 100.0;
//#define TERMIOS_ONLY /* just limp along with native input only */
//#define TOG4_NOFORCE /* no force 2 abreast mode with '4' toggle */
//#define TOG4_NOTRUNC /* ensure no truncation in 2 abreast mode */
+//#define TOG4_OFF_SEP /* don't show two abreast visual separator */
//#define TREE_FOCUS_X /* 'F' resets forest view indentation to 0 */
//#define TREE_NORESET /* sort keys do NOT force forest view OFF */
//#define TREE_SCANALL /* rescan array w/ forest view, avoid sort */