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+ <h1>4 Basic Data Types and Interfaces</h1>
+ <br />
+ <a id="Contents" name="Contents"></a>
+ <h3>Contents</h3>
+ <ul class="toc">
+ <li class="tocline2"><a href="types.html#BasicDataTypes"
+ class="tocxref">4.1 Basic data types</a></li>
+ <li class="tocline2"><a href="types.html#ColorKeywords"
+ class="tocxref">4.2 Recognized color keyword names</a></li>
+ <li class="tocline2"><a href="types.html#BasicDOMInterfaces"
+ class="tocxref">4.3 Basic DOM interfaces</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <br />
+ <a id="BasicDataTypes" name="BasicDataTypes"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types"></a>
+ <h2>4.1 Basic data types</h2>
+ <p>The common data types for SVG's properties and attributes
+ fall into the following categories:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a id="DataTypeInteger" name="DataTypeInteger"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::integer"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><integer></span>: An <integer>
+ is specified as an optional sign character ('+' or '-')
+ followed by one or more digits "0" to "9". If the sign
+ character is not present, the number is non-negative.<br />
+ Unless stated otherwise for a particular attribute or <a
+ href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a>, the range for a
+ <integer> encompasses (at a minimum) -2147483648 to
+ 2147483647.<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, an <integer> is represented as an
+ <span class="DOMInterfaceName">long</span> or an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGAnimatedInteger"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedInteger</span></a>.</li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="DataTypeNumber" name="DataTypeNumber"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::number"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><number></span> (real number value):
+ The specification of real number values is different for <a
+ href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a> values than for
+ XML attribute values.
+ <ul>
+ <li>CSS2 [<a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/">CSS2</a>] states
+ that a <a href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a>
+ value which is a <number> is specified in <span
+ class="SVG-Term">decimal notation</span> (i.e., a <a
+ id="DataTypeDecimalNumber"
+ name="DataTypeDecimalNumber"><span
+ class="attr-value"><decimal-number></span></a>),
+ which consists of either an <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeInteger"><integer></a>, or
+ an optional sign character followed by zero or more
+ digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more
+ digits. Thus, for conformance with CSS2, any <a
+ href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a> in SVG which
+ accepts <number> values is specified in decimal
+ notation only.</li>
+ <li>For SVG's XML attributes, to provide as much
+ scalability in numeric values as possible, real number
+ values can be provided either in <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeDecimalNumber">decimal
+ notation</a> or in <span class="SVG-Term">scientific
+ notation</span> (i.e., a <a id="DataTypeScientificNumber"
+ name="DataTypeScientificNumber"><span
+ class="attr-value"><scientific-number></span></a>),
+ which consists of a <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeDecimalNumber"><decimal-number></a>
+ immediately followed by the letter "e" or "E" immediately
+ followed by an <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeInteger"><integer></a>.</li>
+ </ul>
+ Unless stated otherwise for a particular attribute or <a
+ href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a>, a
+ <number> has the capacity for at least a
+ single-precision floating point number (see [<a
+ href="http://www.color.org/ICC-1A_1999-04.PDF">ICC32</a>])
+ and has a range (at a minimum) of -3.4e+38F to
+ +3.4e+38F.<br />
+ It is recommended that higher precision floating point
+ storage and computation be performed on operations such as
+ coordinate system transformations to provide the best
+ possible precision and to prevent round-off errors.<br />
+ <a
+ href="conform.html#ConformingHighQualitySVGViewers">Conforming
+ High-Quality SVG Viewers</a> are required to use at least
+ double-precision floating point (see [<a
+ href="http://www.color.org/ICC-1A_1999-04.PDF">ICC32</a>])
+ for intermediate calculations on certain numerical
+ operations.<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, a <number> is represented as a
+ <span class="DOMInterfaceName">float</span> or an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGAnimatedNumber"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedNumber</span></a>.
+ </li>
+ <li><a id="DataTypeLength" name="DataTypeLength"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::length"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><length></span>: A length is a
+ distance measurement. The format of a <length> is a <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeNumber"><number></a>
+ optionally followed immediately by a <a
+ href="coords.html#UnitIdentifiers">unit identifier</a>. (Note
+ that the specification of a <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeNumber"><number></a> is
+ different for <a href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a>
+ values than for XML attribute values.)<br />
+ If the <length> is expressed as a value without a unit
+ identifier (e.g., <span class="attr-value">48</span>), then
+ the <length> represents a distance in the current user
+ coordinate system.<br />
+ If one of the <a href="coords.html#UnitIdentifiers">unit
+ identifiers</a> is provided (e.g., <span
+ class="attr-value">12mm</span>), then the <length> is
+ processed according to the description in <a
+ href="coords.html#Units">Units</a>.<br />
+ Percentage values (e.g., <span
+ class="attr-value">10%</span>) depend on the particular
+ property or attribute to which the percentage value has been
+ assigned. Two common cases are: (a) when a percentage value
+ represents a percent of the viewport (refer to the section
+ that discusses <a href="coords.html#Units">Units</a> in
+ general), and (b) when a percentage value represents a
+ percent of the bounding box on a given object (refer to the
+ section that describes <a
+ href="coords.html#ObjectBoundingBox">Object bounding box
+ units</a>).<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, a <length> is represented as an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGLength"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLength</span></a> or an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGAnimatedLength"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedLength</span></a>.</li>
+ <li><a id="DataTypeCoordinate" name="DataTypeCoordinate"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::coordinate"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><coordinate></span>: A
+ <coordinate> represents a <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeLength"><length></a> in the
+ user coordinate system that is the given distance from the
+ origin of the user coordinate system along the relevant axis
+ (the x-axis for X coordinates, the y-axis for Y
+ coordinates).<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, a <coordinate> is represented as
+ an <a href="types.html#InterfaceSVGLength"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLength</span></a> or an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGAnimatedLength"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedLength</span></a> since
+ both values have the same syntax.</li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="DataTypeList" name="DataTypeList"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::list"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><list of xxx></span> (where xxx
+ represents a value of some type): A list consists of a
+ separated sequence of values. The specification of lists is
+ different for <a
+ href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a> values than for
+ XML attribute values.
+ <ul>
+ <li>Lists in <a
+ href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a> values are
+ either comma-separated, with optional white space before
+ or after the comma, or space-separated, as specified
+ either in the <a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/">CSS2</a>
+ specification (if the property is defined there) or in
+ this specification (if the property is not defined in the
+ CSS2 specification).</li>
+ <li>Unless explicitly described differently, lists within
+ SVG's XML attributes can be either comma-separated, with
+ optional white space before or after the comma, or white
+ space-separated.</li>
+ </ul>
+ White space in lists is defined as one or more of the
+ following consecutive characters: "space" (Unicode code
+ 32), "tab" (9), "line feed" (10), "carriage return" (13)
+ and "form-feed" (12).<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, a <list of xxx> is represented
+ by various custom interfaces, such as <a
+ href="coords.html#InterfaceSVGTransformList"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGTransformList</span></a>.<br />
+ Here is a description of the grammar for a <list of
+ xxx>:
+ | XXX comma-wsp ListOfXXX
+ (wsp+ comma? wsp*) | (comma wsp*)
+ ","
+ (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)
+ where XXX represents a particular type of value.<br />
+ <br />
+ </li>
+ <li><a id="DataTypeNumberOptionalNumber"
+ name="DataTypeNumberOptionalNumber"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::number-optional-number"></a>
+ <span class="SVG-Term"><number-optional-number></span>:
+ A special case of <a href="types.html#DataTypeList"><list
+ of xxx></a> where there are at least one and at most two
+ entries in the list and the entries are of type <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeNumber"><number></a>.</li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="DataTypeAngle" name="DataTypeAngle"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::angle"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><angle></span>: An angle value is a
+ <a href="types.html#DataTypeNumber"><number></a>
+ optionally followed immediately with an angle unit
+ identifier. Angle unit identifiers are:
+ <ul>
+ <li><span class="attr-value">deg</span>: degrees</li>
+ <li><span class="attr-value">grad</span>: grads</li>
+ <li><span class="attr-value">rad</span>: radians</li>
+ </ul>
+ For properties defined in [<a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/">CSS2</a>], an angle
+ unit identifier must be provided. For SVG-specific
+ attributes and properties, the angle unit identifier is
+ optional. If not provided, the angle value is assumed to be
+ in degrees.<br />
+ The corresponding SVG DOM interface definition for
+ <angle> is an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGAngle"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAngle</span></a> or an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGAnimatedAngle"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedAngle</span></a>.
+ </li>
+ <li><a id="DataTypeColor" name="DataTypeColor"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::color"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><color></span>: The basic type
+ <color> is a CSS2-compatible specification for a color
+ in the sRGB color space <a
+ href="http://www.iec.ch/nr1899.htm">[SRGB]</a>. <color>
+ applies to SVG's use of the <a
+ href="color.html#ColorProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'color'</span></a> property and is a
+ component of the definitions of properties <a
+ href="painting.html#FillProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'fill'</span></a>, <a
+ href="painting.html#StrokeProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'stroke'</span></a> <a
+ href="pservers.html#StopColorProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'stop-color'</span></a>, <a
+ href="color.html#SolidColorProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'solid-color'</span></a>, <a
+ href="filters.html#FloodColorProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'flood-color'</span></a> and <a
+ href="filters.html#LightingColorProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'lighting-color'</span></a>, which also
+ offer optional ICC-based color specifications.<br />
+ SVG supports all of the syntax alternatives for
+ <color> defined in [ <a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/syndata.html#value-def-color">
+ CSS2-color-types</a>], with the exception that SVG contains
+ an expanded list of <a
+ href="types.html#ColorKeywords">recognized color keywords
+ names</a>.<br />
+ A <color> is either a keyword (see <a
+ href="types.html#ColorKeywords">Recognized color keyword
+ names</a>) or a numerical RGB specification.<br />
+ In addition to these color keywords, users may specify
+ keywords that correspond to the colors used by objects in the
+ user's environment. The normative definition of these
+ keywords is [<a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/ui.html#system-colors">CSS2
+ system colors</a>].<br />
+ The format of an RGB value in hexadecimal notation is a '#'
+ immediately followed by either three or six hexadecimal
+ characters. The three-digit RGB notation (#rgb) is converted
+ into six-digit form (#rrggbb) by replicating digits, not by
+ adding zeros. For example, #fb0 expands to #ffbb00. This
+ ensures that white (#ffffff) can be specified with the short
+ notation (#fff) and removes any dependencies on the color
+ depth of the display. The format of an RGB value in the
+ functional notation is 'rgb(' followed by a comma-separated
+ list of three numerical values (either three integer values
+ or three percentage values) followed by ')'. The integer
+ value 255 corresponds to 100%, and to F or FF in the
+ hexadecimal notation: rgb(255,255,255) = rgb(100%,100%,100%)
+ = #FFF. White space characters are allowed around the
+ numerical values. All RGB colors are specified in the sRGB
+ color space (see <a
+ href="http://www.iec.ch/nr1899.htm">[SRGB]</a>). Using sRGB
+ provides an unambiguous and objectively measurable definition
+ of the color, which can be related to international standards
+ (see [ <a
+ href="http://www.hike.te.chiba-u.ac.jp/ikeda/CIE/publ/abst/15-2-86.html">
+ COLORIMETRY</a>]).<br />
+ The corresponding SVG DOM interface definitions for
+ <color> are defined in [<a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html">DOM2-CSS</a>];
+ in particular, see the [ <a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-RGBColor">
+ DOM2-CSS-RGBCOLOR</a>]. SVG's extension to color, including
+ the ability to specify ICC-based colors, are represented in
+ DOM interface <a href="#InterfaceSVGColor"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGColor</span></a>.</li>
+ <li><a id="DataTypePaint" name="DataTypePaint"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::paint"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><paint></span> : The values for
+ properties <a href="painting.html#FillProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'fill'</span></a> and <a
+ href="painting.html#StrokeProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'stroke'</span></a> are specifications of
+ the type of paint to use when filling or stroking a given
+ graphics element. The available options and syntax for <span
+ class="attr-value"><paint></span> are described in <a
+ href="painting.html#SpecifyingPaint">Specifying
+ paint</a>.<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, <paint> is represented as an <a
+ href="painting.html#InterfaceSVGPaint"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGPaint</span></a>.</li>
+ <li><a id="DataTypePercentage" name="DataTypePercentage"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::percentage"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><percentage></span>: The format of a
+ percentage value is a <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeNumber"><number></a>
+ immediately followed by a '%'. Percentage values are always
+ relative to another value, for example a length. Each
+ attribute or <a href="intro.html#TermProperty">property</a>
+ that allows percentages also defines the reference distance
+ measurement to which the percentage refers.<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, a <percentage> is usually
+ represented as an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGLength"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLength</span></a> or an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGAnimatedLength"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedLength</span></a>.</li>
+ <li><a id="DataTypeTransformList"
+ name="DataTypeTransformList"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::transform-list"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><transform-list></span> : The detailed
+ description of the possible values for a
+ <transform-list> are detailed in <a
+ href="coords.html#TransformAttribute">Modifying the User
+ Coordinate System: the transform attribute</a>.<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, <transform-list> is represented as
+ an <a href="coords.html#InterfaceSVGTransformList"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGTransformList</span></a> or an <a
+ href="coords.html#InterfaceSVGAnimatedTransformList"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedTransformList</span></a>.</li>
+ <li><a id="DataTypeURI" name="DataTypeURI"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::URI"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeURI"><uri></a></span> (Uniform
+ Resource Identifiers [URI] references): A URI is the address
+ of a resource on the Web. For the specification of URI
+ references in SVG, see <a href="struct.html#URIReference">URI
+ references</a>.<br />
+ Within the SVG DOM, <uri> is represented as a <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">DOMString</span> or an <a
+ href="types.html#InterfaceSVGAnimatedString"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedString</span></a>.</li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="DataTypeFrequency" name="DataTypeFrequency"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::frequency"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><frequency></span>: Frequency values
+ are used with aural properties. The normative definition of
+ frequency values can be found in [<a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/aural.html">CSS2-AURAL</a>].
+ A frequency value is a <number> immediately followed
+ by a frequency unit identifier. Frequency unit identifiers
+ are:
+ <ul>
+ <li><span class="attr-value">Hz</span>: Hertz</li>
+ <li><span class="attr-value">kHz</span>: kilo Hertz</li>
+ </ul>
+ Frequency values may not be negative.<br />
+ The corresponding SVG DOM interface definitions for
+ <frequency> are defined in [<a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html">DOM2-CSS</a>].
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="DataTypeTime" name="DataTypeTime"
+ class="indexref-basic_data_types::time"></a> <span
+ class="SVG-Term"><time></span>: A time value is a
+ <number> immediately followed by a time unit
+ identifier. Time unit identifiers are:
+ <ul>
+ <li><span class="attr-value">ms</span>: milliseconds</li>
+ <li><span class="attr-value">s</span>: seconds</li>
+ </ul>
+ Time values are used in CSS properties and may not be
+ negative.<br />
+ The corresponding SVG DOM interface definitions for
+ <time> are defined in [<a
+ href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html">DOM2-CSS</a>].
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <br />
+ <a id="ColorKeywords" name="ColorKeywords"
+ class="indexref-color_keywords"></a>
+ <h2>4.2 Recognized color keyword names</h2>
+ <p>The following is the list of recognized color keywords that
+ can be used as a keyword value for data type <a
+ href="types.html#DataTypeColor"><color></a>:</p>
+ <table summary="color keywords">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table summary="color keywords part 1">
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="aliceblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/aliceblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">aliceblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(240, 248,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="antiquewhite color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/antiquewhite-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">antiquewhite</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(250, 235,
+ 215)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="aqua color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/aqua-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">aqua</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 255,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="aquamarine color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/aquamarine-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">aquamarine</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(127, 255,
+ 212)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="azure color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/azure-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">azure</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(240, 255,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="beige color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/beige-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">beige</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(245, 245,
+ 220)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="bisque color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/bisque-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">bisque</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 228,
+ 196)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="black color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/black-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">black</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 0,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="blanchedalmond color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/blanchedalmond-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">blanchedalmond</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 235,
+ 205)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="blue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/blue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">blue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 0,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="blueviolet color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/blueviolet-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">blueviolet</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(138, 43,
+ 226)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="brown color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/brown-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">brown</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(165, 42,
+ 42)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="burlywood color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/burlywood-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">burlywood</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(222, 184,
+ 135)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="cadetblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/cadetblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">cadetblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 95, 158,
+ 160)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="chartreuse color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/chartreuse-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">chartreuse</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(127, 255,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="chocolate color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/chocolate-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">chocolate</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(210, 105,
+ 30)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="coral color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/coral-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">coral</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 127,
+ 80)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="cornflowerblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/cornflowerblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">cornflowerblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(100, 149,
+ 237)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="cornsilk color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/cornsilk-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">cornsilk</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 248,
+ 220)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="crimson color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/crimson-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">crimson</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(220, 20,
+ 60)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="cyan color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/cyan-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">cyan</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 255,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 0,
+ 139)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkcyan color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkcyan-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkcyan</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 139,
+ 139)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkgoldenrod color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkgoldenrod-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">darkgoldenrod</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(184, 134,
+ 11)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkgray color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkgray-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkgray</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(169, 169,
+ 169)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkgreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkgreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkgreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 100,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkgrey color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkgrey-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkgrey</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(169, 169,
+ 169)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkkhaki color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkkhaki-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkkhaki</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(189, 183,
+ 107)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkmagenta color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkmagenta-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkmagenta</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(139, 0,
+ 139)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkolivegreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkolivegreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">darkolivegreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 85, 107,
+ 47)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkorange color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkorange-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkorange</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 140,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkorchid color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkorchid-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkorchid</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(153, 50,
+ 204)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkred color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkred-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkred</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(139, 0,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darksalmon color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darksalmon-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darksalmon</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(233, 150,
+ 122)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkseagreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkseagreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkseagreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(143, 188,
+ 143)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkslateblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkslateblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">darkslateblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 72, 61,
+ 139)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkslategray color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkslategray-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">darkslategray</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 47, 79,
+ 79)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkslategrey color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkslategrey-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">darkslategrey</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 47, 79,
+ 79)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkturquoise color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkturquoise-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">darkturquoise</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 206,
+ 209)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="darkviolet color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/darkviolet-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">darkviolet</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(148, 0,
+ 211)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="deeppink color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/deeppink-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">deeppink</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 20,
+ 147)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="deepskyblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/deepskyblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">deepskyblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 191,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="dimgray color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/dimgray-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">dimgray</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(105, 105,
+ 105)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="dimgrey color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/dimgrey-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">dimgrey</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(105, 105,
+ 105)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="dodgerblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/dodgerblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">dodgerblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 30, 144,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="firebrick color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/firebrick-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">firebrick</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(178, 34,
+ 34)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="floralwhite color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/floralwhite-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">floralwhite</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 250,
+ 240)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="forestgreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/forestgreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">forestgreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 34, 139,
+ 34)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="fuchsia color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/fuchsia-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">fuchsia</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 0,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="gainsboro color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/gainsboro-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">gainsboro</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(220, 220,
+ 220)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="ghostwhite color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/ghostwhite-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">ghostwhite</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(248, 248,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="gold color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/gold-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">gold</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 215,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="goldenrod color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/goldenrod-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">goldenrod</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(218, 165,
+ 32)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="gray color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/gray-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">gray</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(128, 128,
+ 128)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="grey color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/grey-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">grey</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(128, 128,
+ 128)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="green color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/green-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">green</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 128,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="greenyellow color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/greenyellow-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">greenyellow</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(173, 255,
+ 47)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="honeydew color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/honeydew-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">honeydew</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(240, 255,
+ 240)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="hotpink color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/hotpink-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">hotpink</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 105,
+ 180)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="indianred color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/indianred-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">indianred</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(205, 92,
+ 92)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="indigo color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/indigo-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">indigo</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 75, 0,
+ 130)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="ivory color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/ivory-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">ivory</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 255,
+ 240)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="khaki color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/khaki-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">khaki</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(240, 230,
+ 140)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lavender color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lavender-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lavender</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(230, 230,
+ 250)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lavenderblush color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lavenderblush-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">lavenderblush</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 240,
+ 245)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lawngreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lawngreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lawngreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(124, 252,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lemonchiffon color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lemonchiffon-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lemonchiffon</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 250,
+ 205)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(173, 216,
+ 230)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightcoral color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightcoral-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightcoral</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(240, 128,
+ 128)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightcyan color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightcyan-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightcyan</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(224, 255,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightgoldenrodyellow color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightgoldenrodyellow-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">lightgoldenrodyellow</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(250, 250,
+ 210)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightgray color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightgray-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightgray</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(211, 211,
+ 211)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightgreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightgreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightgreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(144, 238,
+ 144)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightgrey color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightgrey-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightgrey</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(211, 211,
+ 211)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table summary="color keywords part 2">
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightpink color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightpink-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightpink</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 182,
+ 193)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightsalmon color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightsalmon-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightsalmon</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 160,
+ 122)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightseagreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightseagreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">lightseagreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 32, 178,
+ 170)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightskyblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightskyblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightskyblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(135, 206,
+ 250)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightslategray color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightslategray-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">lightslategray</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(119, 136,
+ 153)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightslategrey color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightslategrey-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">lightslategrey</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(119, 136,
+ 153)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightsteelblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightsteelblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">lightsteelblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(176, 196,
+ 222)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lightyellow color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lightyellow-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lightyellow</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 255,
+ 224)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="lime color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/lime-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">lime</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 255,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="limegreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/limegreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">limegreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 50, 205,
+ 50)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="linen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/linen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">linen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(250, 240,
+ 230)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="magenta color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/magenta-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">magenta</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 0,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="maroon color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/maroon-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">maroon</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(128, 0,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumaquamarine color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumaquamarine-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">mediumaquamarine</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(102, 205,
+ 170)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">mediumblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 0,
+ 205)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumorchid color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumorchid-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">mediumorchid</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(186, 85,
+ 211)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumpurple color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumpurple-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">mediumpurple</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(147, 112,
+ 219)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumseagreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumseagreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">mediumseagreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 60, 179,
+ 113)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumslateblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumslateblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">mediumslateblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(123, 104,
+ 238)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumspringgreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumspringgreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">mediumspringgreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 250,
+ 154)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumturquoise color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumturquoise-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">mediumturquoise</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 72, 209,
+ 204)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mediumvioletred color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mediumvioletred-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">mediumvioletred</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(199, 21,
+ 133)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="midnightblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/midnightblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">midnightblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 25, 25,
+ 112)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mintcream color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mintcream-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">mintcream</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(245, 255,
+ 250)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="mistyrose color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/mistyrose-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">mistyrose</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 228,
+ 225)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="moccasin color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/moccasin-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">moccasin</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 228,
+ 181)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="navajowhite color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/navajowhite-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">navajowhite</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 222,
+ 173)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="navy color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/navy-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">navy</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 0,
+ 128)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="oldlace color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/oldlace-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">oldlace</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(253, 245,
+ 230)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="olive color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/olive-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">olive</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(128, 128,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="olivedrab color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/olivedrab-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">olivedrab</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(107, 142,
+ 35)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="orange color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/orange-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">orange</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 165,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="orangered color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/orangered-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">orangered</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 69,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="orchid color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/orchid-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">orchid</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(218, 112,
+ 214)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="palegoldenrod color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/palegoldenrod-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">palegoldenrod</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(238, 232,
+ 170)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="palegreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/palegreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">palegreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(152, 251,
+ 152)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="paleturquoise color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/paleturquoise-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">paleturquoise</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(175, 238,
+ 238)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="palevioletred color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/palevioletred-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span
+ class="prop-value">palevioletred</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(219, 112,
+ 147)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="papayawhip color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/papayawhip-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">papayawhip</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 239,
+ 213)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="peachpuff color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/peachpuff-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">peachpuff</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 218,
+ 185)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="peru color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/peru-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">peru</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(205, 133,
+ 63)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="pink color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/pink-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">pink</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 192,
+ 203)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="plum color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/plum-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">plum</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(221, 160,
+ 221)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="powderblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/powderblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">powderblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(176, 224,
+ 230)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="purple color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/purple-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">purple</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(128, 0,
+ 128)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="red color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/red-chip.png" width="16"
+ height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">red</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 0,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="rosybrown color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/rosybrown-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">rosybrown</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(188, 143,
+ 143)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="royalblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/royalblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">royalblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 65, 105,
+ 225)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="saddlebrown color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/saddlebrown-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">saddlebrown</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(139, 69,
+ 19)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="salmon color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/salmon-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">salmon</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(250, 128,
+ 114)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="sandybrown color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/sandybrown-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">sandybrown</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(244, 164,
+ 96)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="seagreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/seagreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">seagreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 46, 139,
+ 87)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="seashell color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/seashell-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">seashell</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 245,
+ 238)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="sienna color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/sienna-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">sienna</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(160, 82,
+ 45)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="silver color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/silver-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">silver</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(192, 192,
+ 192)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="skyblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/skyblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">skyblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(135, 206,
+ 235)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="slateblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/slateblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">slateblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(106, 90,
+ 205)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="slategray color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/slategray-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">slategray</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(112, 128,
+ 144)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="slategrey color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/slategrey-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">slategrey</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(112, 128,
+ 144)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="snow color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/snow-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">snow</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 250,
+ 250)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="springgreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/springgreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">springgreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 255,
+ 127)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="steelblue color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/steelblue-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">steelblue</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 70, 130,
+ 180)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="tan color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/tan-chip.png" width="16"
+ height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">tan</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(210, 180,
+ 140)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="teal color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/teal-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">teal</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 0, 128,
+ 128)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="thistle color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/thistle-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">thistle</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(216, 191,
+ 216)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="tomato color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/tomato-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">tomato</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 99,
+ 71)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="turquoise color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/turquoise-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">turquoise</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb( 64, 224,
+ 208)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="violet color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/violet-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">violet</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(238, 130,
+ 238)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="wheat color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/wheat-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">wheat</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(245, 222,
+ 179)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="white color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/white-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">white</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 255,
+ 255)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="whitesmoke color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/whitesmoke-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">whitesmoke</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(245, 245,
+ 245)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="yellow color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/yellow-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">yellow</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(255, 255,
+ 0)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="yellowgreen color-patch"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/yellowgreen-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value">yellowgreen</span></td>
+ <td><span class="color-keyword-value">rgb(154, 205,
+ 50)</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img alt="blank entry"
+ src="images/types/colorchips/blank-chip.png"
+ width="16" height="16" /></td>
+ <td><span class="prop-value"> </span></td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <br />
+ <a id="BasicDOMInterfaces" name="BasicDOMInterfaces"></a>
+ <h2>4.3 Basic DOM interfaces</h2>
+ <p>The following interfaces are defined below: <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGElement">SVGElement</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedBoolean">SVGAnimatedBoolean</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedString">SVGAnimatedString</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGStringList">SVGStringList</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedEnumeration">SVGAnimatedEnumeration</a>,
+ <a href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedInteger">SVGAnimatedInteger</a>,
+ <a href="#InterfaceSVGNumber">SVGNumber</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedNumber">SVGAnimatedNumber</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGNumberList">SVGNumberList</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedNumberList">SVGAnimatedNumberList</a>,
+ <a href="#InterfaceSVGLength">SVGLength</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedLength">SVGAnimatedLength</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGLengthList">SVGLengthList</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedLengthList">SVGAnimatedLengthList</a>,
+ <a href="#InterfaceSVGAngle">SVGAngle</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedAngle">SVGAnimatedAngle</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGColor">SVGColor</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGICCColor">SVGICCColor</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGRect">SVGRect</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGAnimatedRect">SVGAnimatedRect</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGUnitTypes">SVGUnitTypes</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGStylable">SVGStylable</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGLocatable">SVGLocatable</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGTransformable">SVGTransformable</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGTests">SVGTests</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGLangSpace">SVGLangSpace</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGExternalResourcesRequired">SVGExternalResourcesRequired</a>,
+ <a href="#InterfaceSVGFitToViewBox">SVGFitToViewBox</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGZoomAndPan">SVGZoomAndPan</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGViewSpec">SVGViewSpec</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGURIReference">SVGURIReference</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGCSSRule">SVGCSSRule</a>, <a
+ href="#InterfaceSVGRenderingIntent">SVGRenderingIntent</a>.</p>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGElement" name="InterfaceSVGElement"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGElement</span></h3>
+ <p>All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to
+ elements in the SVG language (e.g., the <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGPathElement</span> interface
+ corresponds directly to the <a
+ href="paths.html#PathElement"><span
+ class="element-name">'path'</span></a> element in the language)
+ are derivative from base class <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGElement</span>.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGElement : Element {
+ attribute DOMString id;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute DOMString xmlbase;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ readonly attribute SVGSVGElement ownerSVGElement;
+ readonly attribute SVGElement viewportElement;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>id</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The value of the <a
+ href="struct.html#IDAttribute"><span
+ class="attr-name">id</span></a> attribute on the given
+ element.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>xmlbase</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">xml:base</span> on the given element.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGSVGElement</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>ownerSVGElement</span></dt>
+ <dd>The nearest ancestor <span
+ class="element-name">'svg'</span> element. Null if the
+ given element is the outermost <span
+ class="element-name">'svg'</span> element.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGElement</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>viewportElement</span></dt>
+ <dd>The element which established the current viewport.
+ Often, the nearest ancestor <span
+ class="element-name">'svg'</span> element. Null if the
+ given element is the outermost <span
+ class="element-name">'svg'</span> element.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedBoolean"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedBoolean"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedBoolean</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes of type boolean which can be animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedBoolean {
+ attribute boolean baseVal;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ readonly attribute boolean animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>boolean</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>boolean</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedString"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedString"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedString</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes of type DOMString which can be animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedString {
+ attribute DOMString baseVal;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ readonly attribute DOMString animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGStringList"
+ name="InterfaceSVGStringList"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGStringList</span></h3>
+ <p>This interface defines a list of <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">DOMString</span> objects.</p>
+ <p><span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGStringList</span> has the
+ same attributes and methods as other SVGxxxList interfaces.
+ Implementers may consider using a single base class to
+ implement the various SVGxxxList interfaces.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGStringList {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;
+ void clear ( )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ DOMString initialize ( in DOMString newItem )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ DOMString getItem ( in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ DOMString insertItemBefore ( in DOMString newItem, in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ DOMString replaceItem ( in DOMString newItem, in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ DOMString removeItem ( in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ DOMString appendItem ( in DOMString newItem )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned long</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>numberOfItems</span></dt>
+ <dd>The number of items in the list.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>clear</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Clears all existing current items from the list, with
+ the result being an empty list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-parameters">No
+ Parameters</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>initialize</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Clears all existing current items from the list and
+ re-initializes the list to hold the single item
+ specified by the parameter.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which should become the only
+ member of the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">DOMString</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item being inserted into the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>getItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns the specified item from the list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item from the list which
+ is to be returned. The first item is number
+ 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">DOMString</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The selected item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>insertItemBefore</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Inserts a new item into the list at the specified
+ position. The first item is number 0. If newItem is
+ already in a list, it is removed from its previous list
+ before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item before which the new
+ item is to be inserted. The first item is
+ number 0.<br />
+ If the index is equal to 0, then the new item
+ is inserted at the front of the list. If the
+ index is greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems, then the new item is appended to
+ the end of the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">DOMString</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>replaceItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Replaces an existing item in the list with a new item.
+ If newItem is already in a list, it is removed from its
+ previous list before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item which is to be
+ replaced. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">DOMString</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>removeItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Removes an existing item from the list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item which is to be
+ removed. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">DOMString</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The removed item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>appendItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Inserts a new item at the end of the list. If newItem
+ is already in a list, it is removed from its previous
+ list before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">DOMString</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedEnumeration"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedEnumeration"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedEnumeration</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes whose value must be a constant from a
+ particular enumeration and which can be animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedEnumeration {
+ attribute unsigned short baseVal;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ readonly attribute unsigned short animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned short</span>
+ <span class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned short</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedInteger"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedInteger"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedInteger</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes of basic type 'integer' which can be
+ animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedInteger {
+ attribute long baseVal;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ readonly attribute long animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>long</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>long</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGNumber" name="InterfaceSVGNumber"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGNumber</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes of basic type 'number'.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGNumber {
+ attribute float value;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The value of the given attribute.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedNumber"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedNumber"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedNumber</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes of basic type 'number' which can be
+ animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedNumber {
+ attribute float baseVal;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ readonly attribute float animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGNumberList"
+ name="InterfaceSVGNumberList"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGNumberList</span></h3>
+ <p>This interface defines a list of <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGNumber</span> objects.</p>
+ <p><span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGNumberList</span> has the
+ same attributes and methods as other SVGxxxList interfaces.
+ Implementers may consider using a single base class to
+ implement the various SVGxxxList interfaces.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGNumberList {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;
+ void clear ( )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ SVGNumber initialize ( in SVGNumber newItem )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ SVGNumber getItem ( in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ SVGNumber insertItemBefore ( in SVGNumber newItem, in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ SVGNumber replaceItem ( in SVGNumber newItem, in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ SVGNumber removeItem ( in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ SVGNumber appendItem ( in SVGNumber newItem )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned long</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>numberOfItems</span></dt>
+ <dd>The number of items in the list.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>clear</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Clears all existing current items from the list, with
+ the result being an empty list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-parameters">No
+ Parameters</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>initialize</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Clears all existing current items from the list and
+ re-initializes the list to hold the single item
+ specified by the parameter.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGNumber</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which should become the only
+ member of the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGNumber</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item being inserted into the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>getItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns the specified item from the list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item from the list which
+ is to be returned. The first item is number
+ 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGNumber</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The selected item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>insertItemBefore</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Inserts a new item into the list at the specified
+ position. The first item is number 0. If newItem is
+ already in a list, it is removed from its previous list
+ before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGNumber</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item before which the new
+ item is to be inserted. The first item is
+ number 0.<br />
+ If the index is equal to 0, then the new item
+ is inserted at the front of the list. If the
+ index is greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems, then the new item is appended to
+ the end of the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGNumber</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>replaceItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Replaces an existing item in the list with a new item.
+ If newItem is already in a list, it is removed from its
+ previous list before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGNumber</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item which is to be
+ replaced. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGNumber</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>removeItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Removes an existing item from the list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item which is to be
+ removed. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGNumber</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The removed item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>appendItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Inserts a new item at the end of the list. If newItem
+ is already in a list, it is removed from its previous
+ list before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGNumber</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGNumber</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedNumberList"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedNumberList"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedNumberList</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes which take a list of numbers and which can
+ be animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedNumberList {
+ readonly attribute SVGNumberList baseVal;
+ readonly attribute SVGNumberList animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGNumberList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGNumberList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ then this attribute contains the current animated value
+ of the attribute or property, and both the object itself
+ and its contents are readonly. If the given attribute or
+ property is not currently being animated, then this
+ attribute contains the same value as 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGLength" name="InterfaceSVGLength"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLength</span></h3>
+ <p>The <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLength</span>
+ interface corresponds to the <span
+ class="attr-value"><length></span> basic data type.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGLength {
+ // Length Unit Types
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER = 1;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE = 2;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS = 3;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS = 4;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX = 5;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM = 6;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM = 7;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN = 8;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT = 9;
+ const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC = 10;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short unitType;
+ attribute float value;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute float valueInSpecifiedUnits;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute DOMString valueAsString;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ void newValueSpecifiedUnits ( in unsigned short unitType, in float valueInSpecifiedUnits );
+ void convertToSpecifiedUnits ( in unsigned short unitType );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Definition group Length Unit Types</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><b>Defined constants</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="enumeration values" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The unit type is not one of
+ predefined unit types. It is invalid to attempt to
+ define a new value of this type or to attempt to
+ switch an existing value to this type.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>No unit type was provided (i.e., a
+ unitless value was specified), which indicates a
+ value in user units.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A percentage value was
+ specified.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A value was specified using the
+ "em" units defined in CSS2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A value was specified using the
+ "ex" units defined in CSS2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A value was specified using the
+ "px" units defined in CSS2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A value was specified using the
+ "cm" units defined in CSS2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A value was specified using the
+ "mm" units defined in CSS2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A value was specified using the
+ "in" units defined in CSS2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A value was specified using the
+ "pt" units defined in CSS2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>A value was specified using the
+ "pc" units defined in CSS2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned short</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>unitType</span></dt>
+ <dd>The type of the value as specified by one of the
+ constants specified above.</dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The value as an floating point value, in user units.
+ Setting this attribute will cause valueInSpecifiedUnits
+ and valueAsString to be updated automatically to
+ reflect this setting.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>valueInSpecifiedUnits</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The value as an floating point value, in the units
+ expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will
+ cause value and valueAsString to be updated
+ automatically to reflect this setting.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>valueAsString</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The value as a string value, in the units expressed by
+ unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value and
+ valueInSpecifiedUnits to be updated automatically to
+ reflect this setting.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>newValueSpecifiedUnits</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Reset the value as a number with an associated
+ unitType, thereby replacing the values for all of the
+ attributes on the object.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned
+ short</span> <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">unitType</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The unitType for the value (e.g.,
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">float</span> <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">valueInSpecifiedUnits</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The new value.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>convertToSpecifiedUnits</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Preserve the same underlying stored value, but reset
+ the stored unit identifier to the given unitType.
+ Object attributes unitType, valueAsSpecified and
+ valueAsString might be modified as a result of this
+ method. For example, if the original value were "0.5cm"
+ and the method was invoked to convert to millimeters,
+ then the unitType would be changed to
+ SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM, valueAsSpecified would be changed to
+ the numeric value 5 and valueAsString would be changed
+ to "5mm".
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned
+ short</span> <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">unitType</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The unitType to switch to (e.g.,
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedLength"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedLength"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedLength</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes of basic type 'length' which can be
+ animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedLength {
+ readonly attribute SVGLength baseVal;
+ readonly attribute SVGLength animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGLength</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGLength</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property, and both the object itself and its contents are
+ readonly. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGLengthList"
+ name="InterfaceSVGLengthList"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLengthList</span></h3>
+ <p>This interface defines a list of <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLength</span> objects.</p>
+ <p><span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLengthList</span> has the
+ same attributes and methods as other SVGxxxList interfaces.
+ Implementers may consider using a single base class to
+ implement the various SVGxxxList interfaces.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGLengthList {
+ readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;
+ void clear ( )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ SVGLength initialize ( in SVGLength newItem )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ SVGLength getItem ( in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ SVGLength insertItemBefore ( in SVGLength newItem, in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ SVGLength replaceItem ( in SVGLength newItem, in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ SVGLength removeItem ( in unsigned long index )
+ raises( DOMException );
+ SVGLength appendItem ( in SVGLength newItem )
+ raises( DOMException, SVGException );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned long</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>numberOfItems</span></dt>
+ <dd>The number of items in the list.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>clear</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Clears all existing current items from the list, with
+ the result being an empty list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-parameters">No
+ Parameters</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>initialize</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Clears all existing current items from the list and
+ re-initializes the list to hold the single item
+ specified by the parameter.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGLength</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which should become the only
+ member of the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGLength</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item being inserted into the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>getItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns the specified item from the list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item from the list which
+ is to be returned. The first item is number
+ 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGLength</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The selected item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>insertItemBefore</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Inserts a new item into the list at the specified
+ position. The first item is number 0. If newItem is
+ already in a list, it is removed from its previous list
+ before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGLength</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item before which the new
+ item is to be inserted. The first item is
+ number 0.<br />
+ If the index is equal to 0, then the new item
+ is inserted at the front of the list. If the
+ index is greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems, then the new item is appended to
+ the end of the list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGLength</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>replaceItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Replaces an existing item in the list with a new item.
+ If newItem is already in a list, it is removed from its
+ previous list before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGLength</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item which is to be
+ replaced. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGLength</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>removeItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Removes an existing item from the list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned long</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">index</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The index of the item which is to be
+ removed. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGLength</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The removed item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Raised if the index number
+ is negative or greater than or equal to
+ numberOfItems.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>appendItem</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Inserts a new item at the end of the list. If newItem
+ is already in a list, it is removed from its previous
+ list before it is inserted into this list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGLength</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">newItem</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The item which is to be inserted into the
+ list. The first item is number 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGLength</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The inserted item.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ the list cannot be modified.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: Raised if parameter
+ newItem is the wrong type of object for the
+ given list.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedLengthList"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedLengthList"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedLengthList</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes of type SVGLengthList which can be
+ animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedLengthList {
+ readonly attribute SVGLengthList baseVal;
+ readonly attribute SVGLengthList animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGLengthList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGLengthList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property, and both the object itself and its contents are
+ readonly. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAngle" name="InterfaceSVGAngle"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAngle</span></h3>
+ <p>The <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAngle</span> interface
+ corresponds to the <span
+ class="attr-value"><angle></span> basic data type.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAngle {
+ // Angle Unit Types
+ const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
+ const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 1;
+ const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG = 2;
+ const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD = 3;
+ const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD = 4;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short unitType;
+ attribute float value;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute float valueInSpecifiedUnits;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute DOMString valueAsString;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ void newValueSpecifiedUnits ( in unsigned short unitType, in float valueInSpecifiedUnits );
+ void convertToSpecifiedUnits ( in unsigned short unitType );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Definition group Angle Unit Types</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><b>Defined constants</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="enumeration values" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The unit type is not one of
+ predefined unit types. It is invalid to attempt to
+ define a new value of this type or to attempt to
+ switch an existing value to this type.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>No unit type was provided (i.e., a
+ unitless value was specified). For angles, a
+ unitless value is treated the same as if degrees
+ were specified.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The unit type was explicitly set
+ to degrees.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The unit type is radians.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The unit type is grads.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned short</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>unitType</span></dt>
+ <dd>The type of the value as specified by one of the
+ constants specified above.</dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The angle value as a floating point value, in degrees.
+ Setting this attribute will cause valueInSpecifiedUnits
+ and valueAsString to be updated automatically to
+ reflect this setting.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>valueInSpecifiedUnits</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The angle value as a floating point value, in the units
+ expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will
+ cause value and valueAsString to be updated
+ automatically to reflect this setting.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>valueAsString</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ The angle value as a string value, in the units
+ expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will
+ cause value and valueInSpecifiedUnits to be updated
+ automatically to reflect this setting.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>newValueSpecifiedUnits</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Reset the value as a number with an associated
+ unitType, thereby replacing the values for all of the
+ attributes on the object.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned
+ short</span> <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">unitType</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The unitType for the angle value (e.g.,
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">float</span> <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">valueInSpecifiedUnits</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The angle value.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>convertToSpecifiedUnits</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Preserve the same underlying stored value, but reset
+ the stored unit identifier to the given unitType.
+ Object attributes unitType, valueAsSpecified and
+ valueAsString might be modified as a result of this
+ method.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned
+ short</span> <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">unitType</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The unitType to switch to (e.g.,
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedAngle"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedAngle"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedAngle</span></h3>
+ Corresponds to all properties and attributes whose values can
+ be basic type 'angle' and which are animatable.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedAngle {
+ readonly attribute SVGAngle baseVal;
+ readonly attribute SVGAngle animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGAngle</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGAngle</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property, and both the object itself and its contents are
+ readonly. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGColor" name="InterfaceSVGColor"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGColor</span></h3>
+ <p>The <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGColor</span> interface
+ corresponds to color value definition for properties <a
+ href="pservers.html#StopColorProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'stop-color'</span></a>, <a
+ href="filters.html#FloodColorProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'flood-color'</span></a> and <a
+ href="filters.html#LightingColorProperty"><span
+ class="prop-name">'lighting-color'</span></a> and is a base
+ class for interface <a
+ href="painting.html#InterfaceSVGPaint"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGPaint</span></a>. It incorporates
+ SVG's extended notion of color, which incorporates ICC-based
+ color specifications.</p>
+ <p>Interface <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGColor</span>
+ does <em>not</em> correspond to the <span
+ class="attr-value"><color></span> basic data type. For
+ the <span class="attr-value"><color></span> basic data
+ type, the applicable DOM interfaces are defined in [<a
+ href="refs.html#ref-DOM2-CSS">DOM2-CSS</a>]; in particular, see
+ the [<a
+ href="refs.html#ref-DOM2-CSS-RGBCOLOR">DOM2-CSS-RGBCOLOR</a>].</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGColor : css::CSSValue {
+ // Color Types
+ const unsigned short SVG_COLORTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
+ const unsigned short SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR = 1;
+ const unsigned short SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR_ICCCOLOR = 2;
+ const unsigned short SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR = 3;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short colorType;
+ readonly attribute css::RGBColor rgbColor;
+ readonly attribute SVGICCColor iccColor;
+ void setRGBColor ( in DOMString rgbColor )
+ raises( SVGException );
+ void setRGBColorICCColor ( in DOMString rgbColor, in DOMString iccColor )
+ raises( SVGException );
+ void setColor ( in unsigned short colorType, in DOMString rgbColor, in DOMString iccColor )
+ raises( SVGException );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Definition group Color Types</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><b>Defined constants</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="enumeration values" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_COLORTYPE_UNKNOWN</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The color type is not one of
+ predefined types. It is invalid to attempt to
+ define a new value of this type or to attempt to
+ switch an existing value to this type.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>An sRGB color has been specified
+ without an alternative ICC color
+ specification.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>An sRGB color has been specified
+ along with an alternative ICC color
+ specification.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to when keyword
+ 'currentColor' has been specified.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned short</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>colorType</span></dt>
+ <dd>The type of the value as specified by one of the
+ constants specified above.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>css::RGBColor</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>rgbColor</span></dt>
+ <dd>The color specified in the sRGB color space.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGICCColor</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>iccColor</span></dt>
+ <dd>The alternate ICC color specification.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>setRGBColor</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Modifies the color value to be the specified sRGB color
+ without an alternate ICC color specification.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">rgbColor</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The new color value.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR: Raised if one of the
+ parameters has an invalid value.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>setRGBColorICCColor</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Modifies the color value to be the specified sRGB color
+ with an alternate ICC color specification.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">rgbColor</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The new color value.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">iccColor</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The alternate ICC color specification.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR: Raised if one of the
+ parameters has an invalid value.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>setColor</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Sets the colorType as specified by the parameters. If
+ <code>colorType</code> requires an RGBColor, then
+ <code>rgbColor</code> must be a valid RGBColor object;
+ otherwise, <code>rgbColor</code> must be null. If
+ <code>colorType</code> requires an SVGICCColor, then
+ <code>iccColor</code> must be a valid SVGICCColor
+ object; otherwise, <code>iccColor</code> must be null.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">unsigned
+ short</span> <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">colorType</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>One of the defined constants for <span
+ class="dom-attr-name">colorType</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">rgbColor</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The specification of an sRGB color, or
+ null.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">iccColor</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The specification of an ICC color, or
+ null.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-returnvalue">No Return
+ Value</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR: Raised if one of the
+ parameters has an invalid value.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGICCColor" name="InterfaceSVGICCColor"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGICCColor</span></h3>
+ <p>The <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGICCColor</span>
+ interface expresses an ICC-based color specification.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGICCColor {
+ attribute DOMString colorProfile;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ readonly attribute SVGNumberList colors;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>colorProfile</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>The name of the color profile, which is the first
+ parameter of an ICC color specification.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGNumberList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>colors</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>The list of color values that define this ICC color.
+ Each color value is an arbitrary floating point
+ number.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGRect" name="InterfaceSVGRect"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGRect</span></h3>
+ <p>Rectangles are defined as consisting of a (x,y) coordinate
+ pair identifying a minimum X value, a minimum Y value, and a
+ width and height, which are usually constrained to be
+ non-negative.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGRect {
+ attribute float x;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute float y;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute float width;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute float height;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>x</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">x</span> on the given element.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>y</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">y</span> on the given element.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>width</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">width</span> on the given element.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>float</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>height</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">height</span> on the given element.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGAnimatedRect"
+ name="InterfaceSVGAnimatedRect"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedRect</span></h3>
+ Used for attributes of type SVGRect which can be animated.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGAnimatedRect {
+ readonly attribute SVGRect baseVal;
+ readonly attribute SVGRect animVal;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGRect</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>baseVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>The base value of the given attribute before applying
+ any animations.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGRect</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>animVal</span></dt>
+ <dd>If the given attribute or property is being animated,
+ contains the current animated value of the attribute or
+ property, and both the object itself and its contents are
+ readonly. If the given attribute or property is not
+ currently being animated, contains the same value as
+ 'baseVal'.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGUnitTypes"
+ name="InterfaceSVGUnitTypes"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGUnitTypes</span></h3>
+ <p>The <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGUnitTypes</span>
+ interface defines a commonly used set of constants and is a
+ base interface used by <a
+ href="pservers.html#InterfaceSVGGradientElement"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGGradientElement</span></a>, <a
+ href="pservers.html#InterfaceSVGPatternElement"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGPatternElement</span></a>, <a
+ href="masking.html#InterfaceSVGClipPathElement"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGClipPathElement</span></a>, <a
+ href="masking.html#InterfaceSVGMaskElement"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGMaskElement</span></a>, and <a
+ href="filters.html#InterfaceSVGFilterElement"><span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGFilterElement</span></a>.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGUnitTypes {
+ // Unit Types
+ const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
+ const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE = 1;
+ const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX = 2;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Definition group Unit Types</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><b>Defined constants</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="enumeration values" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The type is not one of predefined
+ types. It is invalid to attempt to define a new
+ value of this type or to attempt to switch an
+ existing value to this type.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to value <span
+ class="attr-value">userSpaceOnUse</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to value <span
+ class="attr-value">objectBoundingBox</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGStylable" name="InterfaceSVGStylable"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGStylable</span></h3>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGStylable {
+ readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString className;
+ readonly attribute css::CSSStyleDeclaration style;
+ css::CSSValue getPresentationAttribute ( in DOMString name );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGAnimatedString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>className</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">class</span> on the given element.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>css::CSSStyleDeclaration</span>
+ <span class='dom-attr-name'>style</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">style</span> on the given element. If
+ the user agent does not support <a
+ href="styling.html#StylingWithCSS">styling with CSS</a>,
+ then this attribute must always have the value of
+ null.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>getPresentationAttribute</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns the base (i.e., static) value of a given
+ <em>presentation attribute</em> as an object of type
+ CSSValue. The returned object is live; changes to the
+ objects represent immediate changes to the objects to
+ which the CSSValue is attached.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">name</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>Retrieves a "presentation attribute" by
+ name.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">css::CSSValue</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <p>The static/base value of the given
+ <em>presentation attribute</em> as a
+ CSSValue, or NULL if the given attribute does
+ not have a specified value.</p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGLocatable"
+ name="InterfaceSVGLocatable"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLocatable</span></h3>
+ <p>Interface <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLocatable</span>
+ is for all elements which either have a <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> attribute or don't have a
+ <span class="attr-name">transform</span> attribute but whose
+ content can have a bounding box in current user space.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGLocatable {
+ readonly attribute SVGElement nearestViewportElement;
+ readonly attribute SVGElement farthestViewportElement;
+ SVGRect getBBox ( );
+ SVGMatrix getCTM ( );
+ SVGMatrix getScreenCTM ( );
+ SVGMatrix getTransformToElement ( in SVGElement element )
+ raises( SVGException );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGElement</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>nearestViewportElement</span></dt>
+ <dd>The element which established the current viewport.
+ Often, the nearest ancestor <span
+ class="element-name">'svg'</span> element. Null if the
+ current element is the outermost <span
+ class="element-name">'svg'</span> element.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGElement</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>farthestViewportElement</span></dt>
+ <dd>The farthest ancestor <span
+ class="element-name">'svg'</span> element. Null if the
+ current element is the outermost <span
+ class="element-name">'svg'</span> element.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>getBBox</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns the tight bounding box in current user space
+ (i.e., after application of the <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> attribute, if any)
+ on the geometry of all contained graphics elements,
+ exclusive of stroke-width and filter effects).
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-parameters">No
+ Parameters</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGRect</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>An SVGRect object that defines the bounding
+ box.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-method-name'>getCTM</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns the transformation matrix from current user
+ units (i.e., after application of the <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> attribute, if any)
+ to the viewport coordinate system for the
+ nearestViewportElement.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-parameters">No
+ Parameters</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGMatrix</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>An SVGMatrix object that defines the
+ CTM.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>getScreenCTM</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns the transformation matrix from current user
+ units (i.e., after application of the <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> attribute, if any)
+ to the parent user agent's notice of a "pixel". For
+ display devices, ideally this represents a physical
+ screen pixel. For other devices or environments where
+ physical pixel sizes are not known, then an algorithm
+ similar to the CSS2 definition of a "pixel" can be used
+ instead.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-parameters">No
+ Parameters</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGMatrix</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>An SVGMatrix object that defines the given
+ transformation matrix.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>getTransformToElement</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns the transformation matrix from the user
+ coordinate system on the current element (after
+ application of the <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> attribute, if any)
+ to the user coordinate system on parameter <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name"><code>element</code></span>
+ (after application of its <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> attribute, if any).
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">SVGElement</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">element</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The target element.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">SVGMatrix</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>An SVGMatrix object that defines the
+ transformation.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Exceptions</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method exceptions" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">SVGException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ currently defined transformation matrices
+ make it impossible to compute the given
+ matrix (e.g., because one of the
+ transformations is singular).
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGTransformable"
+ name="InterfaceSVGTransformable"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGTransformable</span></h3>
+ <p>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGTransformable</span> contains
+ properties and methods that apply to all elements which have
+ attribute <span class="attr-name">transform</span>.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGTransformable : SVGLocatable {
+ readonly attribute SVGAnimatedTransformList transform;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGAnimatedTransformList</span>
+ <span class='dom-attr-name'>transform</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> on the given
+ element.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGTests" name="InterfaceSVGTests"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGTests</span></h3>
+ <p>Interface <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGTests</span>
+ defines an interface which applies to all elements which have
+ attributes <a
+ href="struct.html#RequiredFeaturesAttribute"><span
+ class="attr-name">requiredFeatures</span></a>, <a
+ href="struct.html#RequiredExtensionsAttribute"><span
+ class="attr-name">requiredExtensions</span></a> and <a
+ href="struct.html#SystemLanguageAttribute"><span
+ class="attr-name">systemLanguage</span></a>.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGTests {
+ readonly attribute SVGStringList requiredFeatures;
+ readonly attribute SVGStringList requiredExtensions;
+ readonly attribute SVGStringList systemLanguage;
+ boolean hasExtension ( in DOMString extension );
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGStringList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>requiredFeatures</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">requiredFeatures</span> on the given
+ element.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGStringList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>requiredExtensions</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">requiredExtensions</span> on the given
+ element.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGStringList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>systemLanguage</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">systemLanguage</span> on the given
+ element.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Methods</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class='dom-method-name'>hasExtension</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Returns true if the user agent supports the given
+ extension, specified by a URI.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span
+ class="dom-parameters">Parameters</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method parameters" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>in <span
+ class="dom-parameter-type">DOMString</span>
+ <span
+ class="dom-parameter-name">extension</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>The name of the extension, expressed as a
+ URI.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-returnvalue">Return
+ value</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="method return value" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-returnvalue-type">boolean</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>True or false, depending on whether the
+ given extension is supported.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-no-exceptions">No
+ Exceptions</span></dt>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGLangSpace"
+ name="InterfaceSVGLangSpace"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLangSpace</span></h3>
+ <p>Interface <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGLangSpace</span>
+ defines an interface which applies to all elements which have
+ attributes <a href="struct.html#XMLLangAttribute"><span
+ class="attr-name">xml:lang</span></a> and <a
+ href="struct.html#XMLSpaceAttribute"><span
+ class="attr-name">xml:space</span></a>.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGLangSpace {
+ attribute DOMString xmllang;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ attribute DOMString xmlspace;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>xmllang</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">xml:lang</span> on the given element.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>xmlspace</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">xml:space</span> on the given
+ element.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGExternalResourcesRequired"
+ name="InterfaceSVGExternalResourcesRequired"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGExternalResourcesRequired</span></h3>
+ <p>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGExternalResourcesRequired</span>
+ defines an interface which applies to all elements where this
+ element or one of its descendants can reference an external
+ resource.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGExternalResourcesRequired {
+ readonly attribute SVGAnimatedBoolean externalResourcesRequired;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGAnimatedBoolean</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>externalResourcesRequired</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">externalResourcesRequired</span> on the
+ given element. Note that the SVG DOM defines the
+ attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">externalResourcesRequired</span> as
+ being of type <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGAnimatedBoolean</span>,
+ whereas the SVG language definition says that <span
+ class="attr-name">externalResourcesRequired</span> is not
+ animated. Because the SVG language definition states that
+ <span class="attr-name">externalResourcesRequired</span>
+ cannot be animated, the animVal will always be the same
+ as the baseVal.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGFitToViewBox"
+ name="InterfaceSVGFitToViewBox"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGFitToViewBox</span></h3>
+ <p>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGFitToViewBox</span> defines DOM
+ attributes that apply to elements which have XML attributes
+ <span class="attr-name">viewBox</span> and <span
+ class="attr-name">preserveAspectRatio</span>.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGFitToViewBox {
+ readonly attribute SVGAnimatedRect viewBox;
+ readonly attribute SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGAnimatedRect</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>viewBox</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">viewBox</span> on the given
+ element.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio</span>
+ <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>preserveAspectRatio</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">preserveAspectRatio</span> on the given
+ element.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGZoomAndPan"
+ name="InterfaceSVGZoomAndPan"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGZoomAndPan</span></h3>
+ The <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGZoomAndPan</span>
+ interface defines attribute "zoomAndPan" and associated
+ constants.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGZoomAndPan {
+ // Zoom and Pan Types
+ const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_UNKNOWN = 0;
+ const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_DISABLE = 1;
+ const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_MAGNIFY = 2;
+ attribute unsigned short zoomAndPan;
+ // raises DOMException on setting
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Definition group Zoom and Pan Types</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><b>Defined constants</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="enumeration values" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_UNKNOWN</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The enumeration was set to a value
+ that is not one of predefined types. It is invalid
+ to attempt to define a new value of this type or to
+ attempt to switch an existing value to this
+ type.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_DISABLE</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to value <span
+ class="attr-value">disable</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_MAGNIFY</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to value <span
+ class="attr-value">magnify</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class='dom-attr-type'>unsigned short</span>
+ <span class='dom-attr-name'>zoomAndPan</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">zoomAndPan</span> on the given
+ element. The value must be one of the zoom and pan
+ constants specified above.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-parameters">Exceptions on
+ setting</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="attribute setting exceptions"
+ border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'><span
+ class="dom-exception-type">DOMException</span></td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div>
+ attempt to change the value of a readonly
+ attribute.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGViewSpec" name="InterfaceSVGViewSpec"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGViewSpec</span></h3>
+ <p>The interface corresponds to an SVG View Specification.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGViewSpec :
+ SVGZoomAndPan,
+ SVGFitToViewBox {
+ readonly attribute SVGTransformList transform;
+ readonly attribute SVGElement viewTarget;
+ readonly attribute DOMString viewBoxString;
+ readonly attribute DOMString preserveAspectRatioString;
+ readonly attribute DOMString transformString;
+ readonly attribute DOMString viewTargetString;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGTransformList</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>transform</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to the <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> setting on the SVG
+ View Specification.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGElement</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>viewTarget</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to the <span
+ class="attr-name">viewTarget</span> setting on the SVG
+ View Specification.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>viewBoxString</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to the <span
+ class="attr-name">viewBox</span> setting on the SVG View
+ Specification.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>preserveAspectRatioString</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to the <span
+ class="attr-name">preserveAspectRatio</span> setting on
+ the SVG View Specification.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>transformString</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to the <span
+ class="attr-name">transform</span> setting on the SVG
+ View Specification.</dd>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>DOMString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>viewTargetString</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to the <span
+ class="attr-name">viewTarget</span> setting on the SVG
+ View Specification.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGURIReference"
+ name="InterfaceSVGURIReference"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGURIReference</span></h3>
+ <p>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGURIReference</span> defines an
+ interface which applies to all elements which have the
+ collection of XLink attributes, such as <a
+ href="struct.html#xlinkRefAttrs">xlink:href</a>, which define a
+ URI reference.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGURIReference {
+ readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString href;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Attributes</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><span class="dom-readonly">readonly</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-type'>SVGAnimatedString</span> <span
+ class='dom-attr-name'>href</span></dt>
+ <dd>Corresponds to attribute <span
+ class="attr-name">xlink:href</span> on the given
+ element.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGCSSRule" name="InterfaceSVGCSSRule"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGCSSRule</span></h3>
+ <p>SVG extends interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">CSSRule</span> with interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGCSSRule</span> by adding an <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGColorProfileRule</span> rule to
+ allow for specification of ICC-based color.</p>
+ <p>It is likely that this extension will become part of a
+ future version of CSS and DOM.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGCSSRule : css::CSSRule {
+ // Additional CSS RuleType to support ICC color specifications
+ const unsigned short COLOR_PROFILE_RULE = 7;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Definition group Additional CSS RuleType to support
+ ICC color specifications</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><b>Defined constants</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="enumeration values" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>COLOR_PROFILE_RULE</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The rule is an <a
+ href="color.html#InterfaceSVGColorProfileRule">@color-profile</a>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <br />
+ <a id="InterfaceSVGRenderingIntent"
+ name="InterfaceSVGRenderingIntent"></a>
+ <h3>Interface <span
+ class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGRenderingIntent</span></h3>
+ <p>The <span class="DOMInterfaceName">SVGRenderingIntent</span>
+ interface defines the enumerated list of possible values for
+ 'rendering-intent' attributes or descriptors.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><br />
+ <b>IDL Definition</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <div class='idl-code'>
+interface SVGRenderingIntent {
+ // Rendering Intent Types
+ const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_UNKNOWN = 0;
+ const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_AUTO = 1;
+ const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL = 2;
+ const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_SATURATION = 4;
+ </div>
+ <br />
+ </dd>
+ <dt><b>Definition group Rendering Intent Types</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><b>Defined constants</b></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <table summary="enumeration values" border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>RENDERING_INTENT_UNKNOWN</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>The type is not one of predefined
+ types. It is invalid to attempt to define a new
+ value of this type or to attempt to switch an
+ existing value to this type.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>RENDERING_INTENT_AUTO</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to a value of <span
+ class="prop-value">auto</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>RENDERING_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to a value of <span
+ class="prop-value">perceptual</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to a value of <span
+ class="prop-value">relative-colorimetric</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>RENDERING_INTENT_SATURATION</td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to a value of <span
+ class="prop-value">saturation</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign='top'>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top'>Corresponds to a value of <span
+ class="prop-value">absolute-colorimetric</span>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <hr class="navbar" />
+ <div class="navlinks">
+ <p><a href="render.html">previous</a> <a
+ href="struct.html">next</a> <a
+ href="index.html#minitoc">contents</a> <a
+ href="eltindex.html">elements</a> <a
+ href="attindex.html">attributes</a> <a
+ href="propidx.html">properties</a> <a
+ href="indexlist.html">index</a> </p>
+ </div>
+ </body>