--- /dev/null
+#include "GVRenderData.h"
+#include <gvc/gvc.h>
+namespace GVC {
+GVRenderData::GVRenderData(char *data, std::size_t length)
+ : m_data(data), m_length(length) {}
+GVRenderData::~GVRenderData() { gvFreeRenderData(m_data); }
+} // namespace GVC
--- /dev/null
+#pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string_view>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#if gvc___EXPORTS // CMake's substitution of gvc++_EXPORTS
+#define GVRENDER_API __declspec(dllexport)
+#define GVRENDER_API __declspec(dllimport)
+#define GVRENDER_API /* nothing */
+namespace GVC {
+class GVLayout;
+ * @brief The GVRenderData class represents a rendered layout in a specific text
+ * format
+ */
+class GVRENDER_API GVRenderData {
+ ~GVRenderData();
+ // delete copy for now since we cannot use default because we manage a C
+ // string using a raw pointer
+ GVRenderData(GVRenderData &) = delete;
+ GVRenderData &operator=(GVRenderData &) = delete;
+ // delete move for now since we cannot use default because we manage a C
+ // string using a raw pointer
+ GVRenderData(GVRenderData &&) = delete;
+ GVRenderData &operator=(GVRenderData &&) = delete;
+ // get the rendered string as a C string. The string is null terminated, but
+ // that is not useful for binary formats. Combine with the length method for
+ // that case.
+ char *c_str() const { return m_data; }
+ // get the length of the rendered string
+ std::size_t length() const { return m_length; }
+ // get the rendered string as a string view
+ std::string_view string_view() const {
+ return std::string_view{m_data, m_length};
+ }
+ friend GVLayout;
+ // use GVLayout::render to constuct a GVRenderData object
+ GVRenderData(char *rendered_data, std::size_t length);
+ // the underlying C data structure
+ char *m_data = nullptr;
+ std::size_t m_length = 0;
+} // namespace GVC