#include "gvplugin_device.h"
#ifdef HAVE_WEBP
+#include "webp/encode.h"
typedef enum {
} format_type;
-static void
-Y_inv ( unsigned int width, unsigned int height, char *data)
- unsigned int x, y, *a, *b, t;
- a = (unsigned int*)data;
- b = a + (height-1) * width;
- for (y = 0; y < height/2; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- t = *a;
- *a++ = *b;
- *b++ = t;
- }
- b -= 2*width;
- }
static void webp_format(GVJ_t * job)
-#if 0
- ILuint ImgId;
- ILenum Error;
- ILboolean rc;
- // Check if the shared lib's version matches the executable's version.
- if (ilGetInteger(IL_VERSION_NUM) < IL_VERSION ||
- fprintf(stderr, "DevIL version is different...exiting!\n");
+ WebPPicture picture;
+ WebPConfig config;
+ if (!WebPPictureInit(&picture) || !WebPConfigInit(&config)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error! Version mismatch!\n");
+ goto Error;
- // Initialize DevIL.
- ilInit();
- // Generate the main image name to use.
- ilGenImages(1, &ImgId);
- // Bind this image name.
- ilBindImage(ImgId);
- // cairo's inmemory image format needs inverting for DevIL
- Y_inv ( job->width, job->height, job->imagedata );
- // let the DevIL do its thing
- rc = ilTexImage( job->width, job->height,
- 1, // Depth
- 4, // Bpp
- IL_BGRA, // Format
- job->imagedata);
- // output to the provided open file handle
- ilSaveF(job->device.id, job->output_file);
- // We're done with the image, so delete it.
- ilDeleteImages(1, &ImgId);
- // Simple Error detection loop that displays the Error to the user in a human-readable form.
- while ((Error = ilGetError())) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", iluErrorString(Error));
+ picture.width = job->width;
+ picture.height = job->height;
+ if (!WebPPictureAlloc(&picture)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error! Cannot allocate memory\n");
+ return;
+ if (!WebPPictureImportRGBA(&picture, (const uint8_t * const)(job->imagedata), 4)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error! Cannot import picture\n");
+ goto Error;
+ }
+ if (!WebPEncode(&config, &picture)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error! Cannot encode picture as WebP\n");
+// fprintf(stderr, "Error code: %d (%s)\n",
+// pic.error_code, kErrorMessages[picture.error_code]);
+ goto Error;
+ }
+// DumpPicture(&picture, job->output_file);
+// FIXME - unfinished code
+ WebPPictureFree(&picture);
static gvdevice_engine_t webp_engine = {