plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/SystemEvents \
-LIBSUBDIRS= lib-tk site-packages test test/output test/data \
+LIBSUBDIRS= tkinter site-packages test test/output test/data \
test/decimaltestdata \
encodings \
email email/mime email/test email/test/data \
%if %{include_tkinter}
%files tkinter
-# Path component for the Tkinter-related modules
-# The TKPATH variable is always enabled, to save you the effort.
Source: Lib\xml\*.*; DestDir: {app}\Lib\xml; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main; Flags: recursesubdirs
Source: Lib\hotshot\*.*; DestDir: {app}\Lib\hotshot; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main; Flags: recursesubdirs
Source: Lib\test\*.*; DestDir: {app}\Lib\test; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: test; Flags: recursesubdirs
+Source: Lib\tkinter\*.py; DestDir: {app}\Lib\tkinter; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tk; Flags: recursesubdirs
Source: Lib\site-packages\README.txt; DestDir: {app}\Lib\site-packages; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Lib\site-packages\win32com\*.*; DestDir: {app}\Lib\site-packages\win32com; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main; Flags: recursesubdirs
Source: Lib\site-packages\win32comext\*.*; DestDir: {app}\Lib\site-packages\win32comext; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main; Flags: recursesubdirs
-Source: Lib\lib-tk\*.py; DestDir: {app}\Lib\lib-tk; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tk; Flags: recursesubdirs
Source: include\*.h; DestDir: {app}\include; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: main
Source: Tools\idle\*.*; DestDir: {app}\Tools\idle; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite; Components: tk; Flags: recursesubdirs
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.2; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.2\PythonPath; ValueData: "{app}\Lib;{app}\DLLs"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
-Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.2\PythonPath\tk; ValueData: {app}\Lib\lib-tk; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Components: tk
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.2\PythonPath\win32; ValueData: "{app}\lib\site-packages\win32;{app}\lib\site-packages\win32\lib"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.2\PythonPath\win32com; ValueData: C:\Python\lib\site-packages; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.2\Modules; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
Name: {app}\Lib\lib-old\*.pyc; Type: files
Name: {app}\Lib\lib-old\*.pyo; Type: files
Name: {app}\Lib\lib-old; Type: dirifempty
-Name: {app}\Lib\lib-tk\*.pyc; Type: files
-Name: {app}\Lib\lib-tk\*.pyo; Type: files
-Name: {app}\Lib\lib-tk; Type: dirifempty
+Name: {app}\Lib\tkinter\*.pyc; Type: files
+Name: {app}\Lib\tkinter\*.pyo; Type: files
+Name: {app}\Lib\tkinter; Type: dirifempty
Name: {app}\Lib\test\*.pyc; Type: files
Name: {app}\Lib\test\*.pyo; Type: files
Name: {app}\Lib\test; Type: dirifempty
item: Remark
item: Install File
- Source=..\lib\lib-tk\*.py
- Destination=%MAINDIR%\Lib\lib-tk
+ Source=..\lib\tkinter\*.py
+ Destination=%MAINDIR%\Lib\tkinter
Description=Tkinter related library modules
item: Edit Registry
Total Keys=1
- New Value=%MAINDIR%\Lib;%MAINDIR%\DLLs;%MAINDIR%\Lib\lib-tk
+ New Value=%MAINDIR%\Lib;%MAINDIR%\DLLs
New Value=
item: Edit Registry
Total Keys=1
- New Value=%MAINDIR%\Lib;%MAINDIR%\DLLs;%MAINDIR%\Lib\lib-tk
+ New Value=%MAINDIR%\Lib;%MAINDIR%\DLLs
New Value=
is set, we believe it. Otherwise, we use the path of our host .EXE's
to try and locate our "landmark" (lib\\ and deduce our home.
- If we DO have a Python Home: The relevant sub-directories (Lib,
- plat-win, lib-tk, etc) are based on the Python Home
+ plat-win, etc) are based on the Python Home
- If we DO NOT have a Python Home, the core Python Path is
loaded from the registry. This is the main PythonPath key,
and both HKLM and HKCU are combined to form the path)
is set, we believe it. Otherwise, we use the path of our host .EXE's
to try and locate our "landmark" (lib\\ and deduce our home.
- If we DO have a Python Home: The relevant sub-directories (Lib,
- plat-win, lib-tk, etc) are based on the Python Home
+ plat-win, etc) are based on the Python Home
- If we DO NOT have a Python Home, the core Python Path is
loaded from the registry. This is the main PythonPath key,
and both HKLM and HKCU are combined to form the path)
#define PYCC_VACPP /* Define Indicator of C Compiler */
/* Platform Filesystem */
-#define PYTHONPATH ".;.\\lib;.\\lib\\plat-win;.\\lib\\lib-tk"
+#define PYTHONPATH ".;.\\lib;.\\lib\\plat-win"
#define DOSFILESYS /* OS/2 Uses the DOS File Naming Conventions */
/* #define IMPORT_8x3_NAMES (let's move up to long filenames) */
#define MS_WIN32 /* only support win32 and greater. */
#define MS_WINDOWS
-# define PYTHONPATH L".\\DLLs;.\\lib;.\\lib\\plat-win;.\\lib\\lib-tk"
+# define PYTHONPATH L".\\DLLs;.\\lib;.\\lib\\plat-win"
#define NT_THREADS
print("WARNING: _ctypes.pyd not found, ctypes will not be included")
- # Add all .py files in Lib, except lib-tk, test
+ # Add all .py files in Lib, except tkinter, test
pydirs = [(root,"Lib")]
while pydirs:
parent, dir = pydirs.pop()
if dir == ".svn" or dir.startswith("plat-"):
- elif dir in ["lib-tk", "idlelib", "Icons"]:
+ elif dir in ["tkinter", "idlelib", "Icons"]:
if not have_tcl:
("InstallGroup", -1, prefix+r"\InstallPath\InstallGroup", "",
"Python %s" % short_version, "REGISTRY"),
("PythonPath", -1, prefix+r"\PythonPath", "",
("Documentation", -1, prefix+r"\Help\Main Python Documentation", "",
"[TARGETDIR]Doc\\"+docfile , "REGISTRY.doc"),
("Modules", -1, prefix+r"\Modules", "+", None, "REGISTRY"),