on MSVC.
Fix strange nonstandard version of __stdcall specifyer in thread
tests on win32.
#ifdef WIN32
-static unsigned STDCALL fn(void* arg)
+static unsigned __stdcall fn(void* arg)
static void* fn(void* arg)
#if defined(ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY) && defined(WIN32)
-static unsigned STDCALL fn(void* arg)
+static unsigned __stdcall fn(void* arg)
static void* fn(void* arg)
#ifdef WIN32
-static unsigned STDCALL fn(void* arg)
+static unsigned __stdcall fn(void* arg)
static void* fn(void* arg)
exec sql whenever not found sqlprint;
#ifdef WIN32
-static unsigned STDCALL fn(void* arg)
+static unsigned __stdcall fn(void* arg)
static void* fn(void* arg)
EXEC SQL whenever not found sqlprint;
#if defined(ENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY) && defined(WIN32)
-static unsigned STDCALL fn(void* arg)
+static unsigned __stdcall fn(void* arg)
static void* fn(void* arg)
exec sql whenever not found sqlprint;
#ifdef WIN32
-static unsigned STDCALL fn(void* arg)
+static unsigned __stdcall fn(void* arg)
static void* fn(void* arg)
<CreateProperty Value="-C INFORMIX -r no_indicator" Condition="'%(Pgc.FileName)'=='rnull'">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="ECPGPARAM" />
+ <CreateProperty Value="-c" Condition="'%(Pgc.FileName)'=='array_of_struct'">
+ <Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="ECPGPARAM" />
+ </CreateProperty>
<!-- Run ECPG and the Visual C++ compiler on the files. Don't bother with dependency check between the steps -->
- <Exec WorkingDirectory="%(Pgc.RelativeDir)" Command="$(OUTDIR)ecpg\ecpg -c -I ../../include --regression $(ECPGPARAM) -o %(Pgc.Filename).c %(Pgc.Filename).pgc" />
+ <Exec WorkingDirectory="%(Pgc.RelativeDir)" Command="$(OUTDIR)ecpg\ecpg -I ../../include --regression $(ECPGPARAM) -o %(Pgc.Filename).c %(Pgc.Filename).pgc" />
<Exec WorkingDirectorY="%(Pgc.RelativeDir)" Command="cl /nologo %(Pgc.FileName).c /TC /MD$(DEBUGLIB) /DENABLE_THREAD_SAFETY /DWIN32 /DWIN32_ONLY_COMPILER /I. /I..\..\include /I..\..\..\libpq /I..\..\..\..\include /link /defaultlib:$(OUTDIR)libecpg\libecpg.lib /defaultlib:$(OUTDIR)libecpg_compat\libecpg_compat.lib /defaultlib:$(OUTDIR)libpgtypes\libpgtypes.lib" />