machine type too.
Daniel (9 March 2007)
+- Robert A. Monat improved the maketgz and VC6/8 generating to set the correct
+ machine type too.
- Justin Fletcher fixed a file descriptor leak in the curl tool when trying to
upload a file it couldn't open. Bug #1676581
ZLIB_PATH = ../../zlib-1.2.1\r
+MACHINE = X86\r
# USE_WINDOWS_SSPI uses windows libraries to allow NTLM authentication\r
# without an openssl installation and offers the ability to authenticate\r
# using the "current logged in user". It does however require that the\r
LNKDLL = link.exe /DLL\r
LNKLIB = link.exe /lib\r
-LFLAGS = /nologo\r
+LFLAGS = /nologo /machine:$(MACHINE)\r
SSLLIBS = libeay32.lib ssleay32.lib\r
ZLIBLIBSDLL= zdll.lib\r
ZLIBLIBS = zlib.lib\r
echo "generate VC8 makefiles"
# Generate VC8 versions from the VC6 Makefile versions
-sed -e "s#/GX /DWIN32 /YX#/EHsc /DWIN32#" -e 's#/GZ#/RTC1#' -e 's/VC6/VC8/g' lib/Makefile.vc6 > lib/Makefile.vc8.dist
-sed -e "s#/GX /DWIN32 /YX#/EHsc /DWIN32#" -e 's#/GZ#/RTC1#' -e 's/VC6/VC8/g' src/Makefile.vc6 > src/Makefile.vc8.dist
+sed -e "s#/GX /DWIN32 /YX#/EHsc /DWIN32#" -e 's#/GZ#/RTC1#' -e 's/wsock32.lib/wsock32.lib bufferoverflowu.lib/g' -e 's/VC6/VC8/g' lib/Makefile.vc6 > lib/Makefile.vc8.dist
+sed -e "s#/GX /DWIN32 /YX#/EHsc /DWIN32#" -e 's#/GZ#/RTC1#' -e 's/wsock32.lib/wsock32.lib bufferoverflowu.lib/g' -e 's/VC6/VC8/g' src/Makefile.vc6 > src/Makefile.vc8.dist
# Replace version number in plist file:
OPENSSL_PATH = ../../openssl-0.9.7e\r
+MACHINE = X86\r
# USE_WINDOWS_SSPI uses windows libraries to allow NTLM authentication\r
# without an openssl installation and offers the ability to authenticate\r
# using the "current logged in user". It does however require that the\r
RCD = rc.exe /dCURLDEBUG=1\r
CFLAGS = /I../lib /I../include /nologo /W3 /GX /DWIN32 /YX /FD /c\r
-LFLAGS = /nologo /out:$(PROGRAM_NAME) /subsystem:console /machine:I386\r
+LFLAGS = /nologo /out:$(PROGRAM_NAME) /subsystem:console /machine:$(MACHINE)\r
RESFLAGS = /i../include\r