and <code>Directory</code> blocks), these rules are being applied
after a URL has already been translated to a filename. Because of
this, mod_rewrite temporarily translates the filename back into a URL,
- by stripping off directory path before appling the rules. (See the
- <code class="directive"><a href="../mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewritebase">RewriteBase</a></code> directive to
- see how you can further manipulate how this is handled.) If a substitution
- is made, a new internal subrequest is issued with the new URL, which restarts
- processing of the request phases. In this context, care must be taken to
+ by stripping off the directory path (including a trailing slash)
+ before applying the rules. ) If a substitution is made, a new internal
+ subrequest is issued with the new URL, which restarts processing of the
+ request phases. If the substution is a relative path, the <code class="directive"><a href="../mod/mod_rewrite.html#rewritebase">RewriteBase</a></code> directive
+ determines the URL-path prefix appended to the substitution.
+ In per-directory context, care must be taken to
create rules which will eventually (in some future "round" of per-directory
rewrite processing) not perform a substitution to avoid looping.
(See <a href="">RewriteLooping</a>
and <code>Directory</code> blocks), these rules are being applied
after a URL has already been translated to a filename. Because of
this, mod_rewrite temporarily translates the filename back into a URL,
- by stripping off directory path before appling the rules. (See the
- <directive module="mod_rewrite">RewriteBase</directive> directive to
- see how you can further manipulate how this is handled.) If a substitution
- is made, a new internal subrequest is issued with the new URL, which restarts
- processing of the request phases. In this context, care must be taken to
+ by stripping off the directory path (including a trailing slash)
+ before applying the rules. ) If a substitution is made, a new internal
+ subrequest is issued with the new URL, which restarts processing of the
+ request phases. If the substution is a relative path, the <directive
+ module="mod_rewrite">RewriteBase</directive> directive
+ determines the URL-path prefix appended to the substitution.
+ In per-directory context, care must be taken to
create rules which will eventually (in some future "round" of per-directory
rewrite processing) not perform a substitution to avoid looping.
(See <a href="">RewriteLooping</a>