new PluralRulesTest().run(args);
+ public void testNewSamples() {
+ String description = "one: n is 3 or f is 5 @integer 3,19, @decimal 3.50 ~ 3.53, …; other: @decimal 99~103, 999, …";
+ PluralRules test = PluralRules.createRules(description);
+ checkNewSamples(description, test, "one", PluralRules.SampleType.INTEGER, "@integer 3, 19", true, new FixedDecimal(3));
+ checkNewSamples(description, test, "one", PluralRules.SampleType.DECIMAL, "@decimal 3.50~3.53, …", false, new FixedDecimal(3.5,2));
+ Collection<Double> oldSamples = test.getSamples("one");
+ assertEquals("getSamples; " + "one" + "; " + description, new TreeSet(Arrays.asList(3d, 19d, 3.5d, 3.51d, 3.52d, 3.53d)), oldSamples);
+ checkNewSamples(description, test, "other", PluralRules.SampleType.INTEGER, "", true, null);
+ checkNewSamples(description, test, "other", PluralRules.SampleType.DECIMAL, "@decimal 99~103, 999, …", false, new FixedDecimal(99d));
+ Collection<Double> oldSamples2 = test.getSamples("other");
+ assertEquals("getSamples; " + "other" + "; " + description, new TreeSet(Arrays.asList(99d, 100d, 101d, 102d, 103d, 999d)), oldSamples2);
+ }
+ public void checkNewSamples(String description, PluralRules test, String keyword, SampleType sampleType,
+ String samplesString, boolean isBounded, FixedDecimal firstInRange) {
+ String title = description + ", " + sampleType;
+ FixedDecimalSamples samples = test.getDecimalSamples(keyword, sampleType);
+ if (samples != null) {
+ assertEquals("samples; " + title, samplesString, samples.toString());
+ assertEquals("bounded; " + title, isBounded, samples.bounded);
+ assertEquals("first; " + title, firstInRange, samples.samples.iterator().next().start);
+ }
+ assertEquals("limited: " + title, isBounded, test.isLimited(keyword, sampleType));
+ }
private static final String[] parseTestData = {
"a: n is 1", "a:1",
"a: n mod 10 is 2", "a:2,12,22",
private static String[][] operandTestData = {
{"a: n 3", "FAIL"},
- {"a: !n!≠!1,2; b: not n is 3..5; c:n≠5", "a:1,2; b:6,7; c:3,4"},
- {"a: !n!≠!1,2; b: n!=3..5; c:n≠5", "a:1,2; b:6,7; c:3,4"},
+ {"a: n=1,2; b: n != 3..5; c:n!=5", "a:1,2; b:6,7; c:3,4"},
+ {"a: n=1,2; b: n!=3..5; c:n!=5", "a:1,2; b:6,7; c:3,4"},
{"a: t is 1", "a:1.1,1.1000,99.100; other:1.2,1.0"},
{"a: f is 1", "a:1.1; other:1.1000,99.100"},
{"a: i is 2; b:i is 3",
assertNull("Should fail with 'null' return.", rules);
} else {
- logln(rules.toString());
+ logln(rules == null ? "null rules" : rules.toString());
checkCategoriesAndExpected(pattern, categoriesAndExpected, rules);
} catch (Exception e) {
for (ULocale locale : factory.getAvailableULocales()) {
PluralRules rules = factory.forLocale(locale);
- Collection<NumberInfo> samples = rules.getFractionSamples();
Map<String,PluralRules> keywordToRule = new HashMap<String,PluralRules>();
+ Collection<FixedDecimalSamples> samples = new LinkedHashSet<FixedDecimalSamples>();
for (String keyword : rules.getKeywords()) {
+ for (SampleType sampleType : SampleType.values()) {
+ FixedDecimalSamples samples2 = rules.getDecimalSamples(keyword, sampleType);
+ if (samples2 != null) {
+ samples.add(samples2);
+ }
+ }
if (keyword.equals("other")) {
keywordToRule.put(keyword, singleRule);
- Map<NumberInfo, String> collisionTest = new TreeMap();
- for (NumberInfo sample : samples) {
- collisionTest.clear();
- for (Entry<String, PluralRules> entry: keywordToRule.entrySet()) {
- PluralRules rule = entry.getValue();
- String foundKeyword =;
- if (foundKeyword.equals("other")) {
- continue;
- }
- String old = collisionTest.get(sample);
- if (old != null) {
- errln(locale + "\tNon-unique rules: " + sample + " => " + old + " & " + foundKeyword);
- } else {
- collisionTest.put(sample, foundKeyword);
+ Map<FixedDecimal, String> collisionTest = new TreeMap();
+ for (FixedDecimalSamples sample3 : samples) {
+ Set<FixedDecimalRange> samples2 = sample3.getSamples();
+ if (samples2 == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (FixedDecimalRange sample : samples2) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
+ FixedDecimal item = i == 0 ? sample.start : sample.end;
+ collisionTest.clear();
+ for (Entry<String, PluralRules> entry: keywordToRule.entrySet()) {
+ PluralRules rule = entry.getValue();
+ String foundKeyword =;
+ if (foundKeyword.equals("other")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String old = collisionTest.get(item);
+ if (old != null) {
+ errln(locale + "\tNon-unique rules: " + item + " => " + old + " & " + foundKeyword);
+ } else {
+ collisionTest.put(item, foundKeyword);
+ }
+ }
private static String[][] equalityTestData = {
// once we add fractions, we had to retract the "test all possibilities" for equality,
// so we only have a limited set of equality tests now.
- { "a:n in 2;b:n in 5",
- "b: n in 5;a: n in 2;" },
+ { "c: n%11!=5", "c: n mod 11 is not 5" },
+ { "c: n not is 7", "c: n != 7" },
+ { "a:n in 2;", "a: n = 2" },
+ { "b:n not in 5;", "b: n not = 5" },
// { "a: n is 5",
// "a: n in 2..6 and n not in 2..4 and n is not 6" },
int start = shouldBeEqual ? i : i + 1;
for (int j = start; j < objects.length; ++j) {
Object rhs = objects[j];
- if (shouldBeEqual != lhs.equals(rhs)) {
+ if (rhs == null || shouldBeEqual != lhs.equals(rhs)) {
String msg = shouldBeEqual ? "should be equal" : "should not be equal";
fail(id + " " + msg + " (" + i + ", " + j + "):\n " + lhs + "\n " + rhs);
* Tests getUniqueKeywordValue()
public void TestGetUniqueKeywordValue() {
+ assertRuleKeyValue("a: n is 1", "not_defined", PluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE); // key not defined
+ assertRuleValue("n within 2..2", 2);
assertRuleValue("n is 1", 1);
assertRuleValue("n in 2..2", 2);
- assertRuleValue("n within 2..2", 2);
assertRuleValue("n in 3..4", PluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE);
assertRuleValue("n within 3..4", PluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE);
assertRuleValue("n is 2 or n is 2", 2);
assertRuleValue("n is 2 and n is 3", PluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE);
assertRuleValue("n is 2 or n in 2..3", PluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE);
assertRuleValue("n is 2 and n in 2..3", 2);
- assertRuleKeyValue("a: n is 1", "not_defined", PluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE); // key not defined
assertRuleKeyValue("a: n is 1", "other", PluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE); // key matches default rule
assertRuleValue("n in 2,3", PluralRules.NO_UNIQUE_VALUE);
assertRuleValue("n in 2,3..6 and n not in 2..3,5..6", 4);
Collection<Double> list = rules.getSamples(keyword);
logln("keyword: " + keyword + ", samples: " + list);
- assertNotNull("list is not null", list);
+ assertNotNull("keyword: " + keyword + ", rules: " + rules + ": list is not null", list);
if (list != null) {
- assertTrue("list is not empty", !list.isEmpty());
- for (double value : list) {
- assertEquals("value " + value + " matches keyword", keyword,;
+ if (!assertTrue(locale + "Testing getSamples.isEmpty for " + keyword + ", in " + rules.getRules(keyword), !list.isEmpty())) {
+ int debugHere = 0;
+ rules.getSamples(keyword);
+ }
+ if (rules.toString().contains(": j")) {
+ // hack until we remove j
+ } else {
+ for (double value : list) {
+ assertEquals(locale + " value " + value + " matching keyword", keyword,;
+ }
public void TestGetAllKeywordValues() {
// data is pairs of strings, the rule, and the expected values as arguments
String[] data = {
- "a: n in 2..5", "a: 2,3,4,5; other: null; b:",
+ "a: n mod 3 is 0", "a: null",
+ "a: n in 2..5 and n within 5..8", "a: 5",
+ "a: n in 2..5", "a: 2,3,4,5; other: null",
"a: n not in 2..5", "a: null; other: null",
"a: n within 2..5", "a: null; other: null",
"a: n not within 2..5", "a: null; other: null",
"a: n in 2..5 or n within 6..8", "a: null", // ignore 'other' here on out, always null
"a: n in 2..5 and n within 6..8", "a:",
- "a: n in 2..5 and n within 5..8", "a: 5",
- "a: n within 2..5 and n within 6..8", "a:", // our sampling catches these
- "a: n within 2..5 and n within 5..8", "a: 5", // ''
- "a: n within 1..2 and n within 2..3 or n within 3..4 and n within 4..5", "a: 2,4",
- "a: n within 1..2 and n within 2..3 or n within 3..4 and n within 4..5 " +
- "or n within 5..6 and n within 6..7", "a: null", // but not this...
- "a: n mod 3 is 0", "a: null",
- "a: n mod 3 is 0 and n within 1..2", "a:",
- "a: n mod 3 is 0 and n within 0..5", "a: 0,3",
- "a: n mod 3 is 0 and n within 0..6", "a: null", // similarly with mod, we don't catch...
- "a: n mod 3 is 0 and n in 3..12", "a: 3,6,9,12",
- "a: n in 2,4..6 and n is not 5", "a: 2,4,6",
+ // we no longer support 'degenerate' rules
+ // "a: n within 2..5 and n within 6..8", "a:", // our sampling catches these
+ // "a: n within 2..5 and n within 5..8", "a: 5", // ''
+ // "a: n within 1..2 and n within 2..3 or n within 3..4 and n within 4..5", "a: 2,4",
+ // "a: n mod 3 is 0 and n within 0..5", "a: 0,3",
+ "a: n within 1..2 and n within 2..3 or n within 3..4 and n within 4..5 or n within 5..6 and n within 6..7", "a: null", // but not this...
+ "a: n mod 3 is 0 and n within 1..2", "a: null",
+ "a: n mod 3 is 0 and n within 0..6", "a: null", // similarly with mod, we don't catch...
+ "a: n mod 3 is 0 and n in 3..12", "a: 3,6,9,12",
+ "a: n in 2,4..6 and n is not 5", "a: 2,4,6",
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) {
String ruleDescription = data[i];
String result = data[i+1];
PluralRules p = PluralRules.createRules(ruleDescription);
+ if (p == null) { // for debugging
+ PluralRules.createRules(ruleDescription);
+ }
for (String ruleResult : result.split(";")) {
String[] ruleAndValues = ruleResult.split(":");
String keyword = ruleAndValues[0].trim();
Collection<Double> values;
if (valueList == null || valueList.length() == 0) {
- values = Collections.<Double>emptyList();
+ values = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
} else if ("null".equals(valueList)) {
values = null;
} else {
- values = new ArrayList<Double>();
+ values = new TreeSet<Double>();
for (String value : valueList.split(",")) {
Collection<Double> results = p.getAllKeywordValues(keyword);
- assertEquals("keyword '" + keyword + "'", values, results);
+ assertEquals(keyword + " in " + ruleDescription, values, results);
if (results != null) {
try {
Set<ULocale> locales = data.get(rule);
System.out.print(" \"" + CollectionUtilities.join(locales, ","));
for (StandardPluralCategories spc : set) {
- Collection<NumberInfo> samples = rule.getFractionSamples(spc.toString());
- System.out.print("; " + spc + ": " + CollectionUtilities.join(samples, ", "));
+ String keyword = spc.toString();
+ FixedDecimalSamples samples = rule.getDecimalSamples(keyword, SampleType.INTEGER);
+ System.out.print("; " + spc + ": " + samples);