At creation time, the object lives in memory but its storage is broken. Upon restart,
2.11 now limits the direct active-stage file access (this is hidden from the user),
and caches active stages for packages in-memory.
-Bonus on startup/config validation: Icinga now logs a critical message when a deployed
-config package is broken.
+It also tries to repair the broken package, and lots a new message:
-icinga2 daemon -C
+systemctl restart icinga2
+tail -f /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log
-[2019-04-26 12:58:14 +0200] critical/ApiListener: Cannot detect active stage for package '_api'. Broken config package, check the troubleshooting documentation.
+[2019-05-10 12:27:15 +0200] information/ConfigObjectUtility: Repairing config package '_api' with stage 'dbe0bef8-c72c-4cc9-9779-da7c4527c5b2'.
-In order to fix the broken config package, and mark a deployed stage as active
+If this does not happen, you can manually fixthe broken config package, and mark a deployed stage as active
again, carefully do the following steps with creating a backup before:
Navigate into the API package prefix.
drwx------ 4 michi wheel 128B Mar 27 14:39 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 michi wheel 25B Mar 27 14:39 include.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 michi wheel 405B Mar 27 14:39 active.conf
-drwx------ 7 michi wheel 224B Mar 27 15:01 abcd-ef12-3456-7890
+drwx------ 7 michi wheel 224B Mar 27 15:01 dbe0bef8-c72c-4cc9-9779-da7c4527c5b2
drwx------ 5 michi wheel 160B Apr 26 12:47 .
add it into a new file `active-stage`. This can be done like this:
-echo "abcd-ef12-3456-7890" > active-stage
+echo "dbe0bef8-c72c-4cc9-9779-da7c4527c5b2" > active-stage
-Re-run config validation.
+`active.conf` needs to have the correct active stage too, add it again
+like this. Note: This is deep down in the code, use with care!
-icinga2 daemon -C
+sed -i 's/ActiveStages\["_api"\].*/ActiveStages\["_api"\] = "dbe0bef8-c72c-4cc9-9779-da7c4527c5b2"/g' /var/lib/icinga2/api/packages/_api/active.conf
+Restart Icinga 2.
+systemctl restart icinga2
-The validation should not show an error.
> **Note**
this point.
2.11 makes this mechanism more stable and detects broken config packages.
+It will also attempt to fix them, the following log entry is perfectly fine.
-[2019-04-26 12:58:14 +0200] critical/ApiListener: Cannot detect active stage for package '_api'. Broken config package, check the troubleshooting documentation.
+[2019-05-10 12:12:09 +0200] information/ConfigObjectUtility: Repairing config package '_api' with stage 'dbe0bef8-c72c-4cc9-9779-da7c4527c5b2'.
-In order to fix this, please follow [this troubleshooting entry](
+If you still encounter problems, please follow [this troubleshooting entry](
## Upgrading to v2.10 <a id="upgrading-to-2-10"></a>
+ /* Create the internal API object storage. Do this here too with setups without API. */
+ ConfigObjectUtility::CreateStorage();
/* Remove ignored Downtime/Comment objects. */
try {
String configDir = ConfigObjectUtility::GetConfigDir();
#include "remote/jsonrpc.hpp"
#include "remote/apifunction.hpp"
#include "remote/configpackageutility.hpp"
+#include "remote/configobjectutility.hpp"
#include "base/convert.hpp"
#include "base/defer.hpp"
#include "base/io-engine.hpp"
Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener", "Please read the upgrading documentation for v2.8:");
+ /* Create the internal API object storage. */
+ ConfigObjectUtility::CreateStorage();
/* Cache API packages and their active stage name. */
#include "base/dependencygraph.hpp"
#include "base/utility.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
#include <fstream>
using namespace icinga;
String ConfigObjectUtility::GetConfigDir()
- /* This may throw an exception the caller above must handle. */
- return ConfigPackageUtility::GetPackageDir() + "/_api/" +
- ConfigPackageUtility::GetActiveStage("_api");
+ String prefix = ConfigPackageUtility::GetPackageDir() + "/_api/";
+ String activeStage = ConfigPackageUtility::GetActiveStage("_api");
+ if (activeStage.IsEmpty())
+ RepairPackage("_api");
+ return prefix + activeStage;
String ConfigObjectUtility::GetObjectConfigPath(const Type::Ptr& type, const String& fullName)
"/" + EscapeName(fullName) + ".conf";
+void ConfigObjectUtility::RepairPackage(const String& package)
+ /* Try to fix the active stage, whenever we find a directory in there.
+ * This automatically heals packages < 2.11 which remained broken.
+ */
+ namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+ fs::path path(ConfigPackageUtility::GetPackageDir() + "/" + package + "/");
+ fs::recursive_directory_iterator end;
+ String foundActiveStage;
+ for (fs::recursive_directory_iterator it(path); it != end; it++) {
+ boost::system::error_code ec;
+ const fs::path d = *it;
+ if (fs::is_directory(d, ec)) {
+ /* Extract the relative directory name. */
+ foundActiveStage = d.stem().string();
+ break; // Use the first found directory.
+ }
+ }
+ if (!foundActiveStage.IsEmpty()) {
+ Log(LogInformation, "ConfigObjectUtility")
+ << "Repairing config package '" << package << "' with stage '" << foundActiveStage << "'.";
+ ConfigPackageUtility::ActivateStage(package, foundActiveStage);
+ } else {
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Cannot repair package '" + package + "', please check the troubleshooting docs."));
+ }
+void ConfigObjectUtility::CreateStorage()
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(ConfigPackageUtility::GetStaticPackageMutex());
+ /* For now, we only use _api as our creation target. */
+ String package = "_api";
+ if (!ConfigPackageUtility::PackageExists(package)) {
+ Log(LogNotice, "ConfigObjectUtility")
+ << "Package " << package << " doesn't exist yet, creating it.";
+ ConfigPackageUtility::CreatePackage(package);
+ String stage = ConfigPackageUtility::CreateStage(package);
+ ConfigPackageUtility::ActivateStage(package, stage);
+ }
String ConfigObjectUtility::EscapeName(const String& name)
return Utility::EscapeString(name, "<>:\"/\\|?*", true);
bool ConfigObjectUtility::CreateObject(const Type::Ptr& type, const String& fullName,
const String& config, const Array::Ptr& errors, const Array::Ptr& diagnosticInformation)
- {
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(ConfigPackageUtility::GetStaticPackageMutex());
- if (!ConfigPackageUtility::PackageExists("_api")) {
- ConfigPackageUtility::CreatePackage("_api");
- String stage = ConfigPackageUtility::CreateStage("_api");
- ConfigPackageUtility::ActivateStage("_api", stage);
- }
- }
+ CreateStorage();
ConfigItem::Ptr item = ConfigItem::GetByTypeAndName(type, fullName);
static String GetConfigDir();
static String GetObjectConfigPath(const Type::Ptr& type, const String& fullName);
+ static void RepairPackage(const String& package);
+ static void CreateStorage();
static String CreateObjectConfig(const Type::Ptr& type, const String& fullName,
bool ignoreOnError, const Array::Ptr& templates, const Dictionary::Ptr& attrs);
if (
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Cannot detect active stage for package '" + packageName + "'. Broken config package, check the troubleshooting documentation."));
+ return ""; /* Don't use exceptions here. The caller must deal with empty stages at this point. Happens on initial package creation for example. */
return stage.Trim();
String ConfigPackageUtility::GetActiveStage(const String& packageName)
+ String activeStage;
ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance();
- /* config packages without API make no sense. */
+ /* If we don't have an API feature, just use the file storage without caching this.
+ * This happens when ScheduledDowntime objects generate Downtime objects.
+ * TODO: Make the API a first class citizen.
+ */
if (!listener)
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("No ApiListener instance configured."));
- String activeStage;
+ return GetActiveStageFromFile(packageName);
/* First use runtime state. */
try {
/* When we've read something, correct memory. */
if (!activeStage.IsEmpty())
listener->SetActivePackageStage(packageName, activeStage);
- else
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Cannot detect active stage for package '" + packageName + "'. Broken config package, check the troubleshooting documentation."));
return activeStage;
void ConfigPackageUtility::SetActiveStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName)
+ /* Update the marker on disk for restarts. */
+ SetActiveStageToFile(packageName, stageName);
ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance();
- /* config packages without API make no sense. */
+ /* No API, no caching. */
if (!listener)
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("No ApiListener instance configured."));
+ return;
listener->SetActivePackageStage(packageName, stageName);
- /* Also update the marker on disk for restarts. */
- SetActiveStageToFile(packageName, stageName);
std::vector<std::pair<String, bool> > ConfigPackageUtility::GetFiles(const String& packageName, const String& stageName)