void Set(ACMRandom *rand_class, T (ACMRandom::*rand_func)());
// Set the buffer (excluding padding) to the output of ACMRandom function
- // 'RandRange' with range 'low' to 'high' which must be within
- // testing::internal::Random::kMaxRange (1u << 31).
+ // 'RandRange' with range 'low' to 'high' which typically must be within
+ // testing::internal::Random::kMaxRange (1u << 31). However, because we want
+ // to allow negative low (and high) values, it is restricted to INT32_MAX
+ // here.
void Set(ACMRandom *rand_class, const int32_t low, const int32_t high);
// Copy the contents of Buffer 'a' (excluding padding).
+// TODO(johannkoenig): Use T for low/high.
template <typename T>
void Buffer<T>::Set(ACMRandom *rand_class, const int32_t low,
const int32_t high) {
EXPECT_LE(low, high);
EXPECT_GE(low, std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
EXPECT_LE(high, std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
+ EXPECT_LE(static_cast<int64_t>(high) - low,
+ std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
T *src = TopLeftPixel();
for (int height = 0; height < height_; ++height) {
for (int width = 0; width < width_; ++width) {
- src[width] = static_cast<T>((*rand_class).RandRange(high - low) + low);
+ // 'low' will be promoted to unsigned given the return type of RandRange.
+ // Store the value as an int to avoid unsigned overflow warnings when
+ // 'low' is negative.
+ const int32_t value =
+ static_cast<int32_t>((*rand_class).RandRange(high - low));
+ src[width] = static_cast<T>(value + low);
src += stride_;