MAKE_GENERATOR = "Unix Makefiles"
- # ('generator name', 'build command line', 'version command line')
- ("Ninja", [ "ninja" ], [ "ninja", "--version" ]),
- (MAKE_GENERATOR, [ MAKE_CMD, "-j", str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()+2) ], [ "make", "--version" ]),
+ # ('generator name', 'build command line', 'version command line', 'verbose flag')
+ ("Ninja", [ "ninja" ], [ "ninja", "--version" ], "-v"),
+ (MAKE_GENERATOR, [ MAKE_CMD, "-j", str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()+2) ], [ "make", "--version" ], "VERBOSE=1"),
GENERATOR_CMDS = dict( (a[0], a[1]) for a in GENERATORS )
+GENERATOR_VERBOSE = dict( (a[0], a[3]) for a in GENERATORS )
def _run_tool(tool_name, args, cwd):
def quote_arg(arg):
Find the default cmake generator, if none was specified. Raises an exception if no valid generator is found.
- for (generator, _, version_check) in GENERATORS:
+ for (generator, _, version_check, _) in GENERATORS:
if executable_exists(version_check):
return generator
raise FatalError("To use, either the 'ninja' or 'GNU make' build tool must be available in the PATH")
cmake_args = ["cmake", "-G", args.generator]
if not args.no_warnings:
cmake_args += [ "--warn-uninitialized" ]
+ if args.no_ccache:
+ cmake_args += [ "-DCCACHE_DISABLE=1" ]
cmake_args += [ project_dir]
_run_tool("cmake", cmake_args, cwd=args.build_dir)
home_dir = cache["CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY"]
- if os.path.realpath(home_dir) != os.path.realpath(project_dir):
+ if os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(home_dir)) != os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(project_dir)):
raise FatalError("Build directory '%s' configured for project '%s' not '%s'. Run ' fullclean' to start again."
% (build_dir, os.path.realpath(home_dir), os.path.realpath(project_dir)))
except KeyError:
generator_cmd = GENERATOR_CMDS[args.generator]
+ if not args.no_ccache:
+ # Setting CCACHE_BASEDIR & CCACHE_NO_HASHDIR ensures that project paths aren't stored in the ccache entries
+ # (this means ccache hits can be shared between different projects. It may mean that some debug information
+ # will point to files in another project, if these files are perfect duplicates of each other.)
+ #
+ # It would be nicer to set these from cmake, but there's no cross-platform way to set build-time environment
+ #os.environ["CCACHE_BASEDIR"] = args.build_dir
+ #os.environ["CCACHE_NO_HASHDIR"] = "1"
+ pass
+ if args.verbose:
+ generator_cmd += [ GENERATOR_VERBOSE[args.generator] ]
_run_tool(generator_cmd[0], generator_cmd + [target_name], args.build_dir)
parser.add_argument('-C', '--project-dir', help="Project directory", default=os.getcwd())
parser.add_argument('-B', '--build-dir', help="Build directory", default=None)
parser.add_argument('-G', '--generator', help="Cmake generator", choices=GENERATOR_CMDS.keys())
- parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-warnings', help="Disable Cmake warnings")
+ parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-warnings', help="Disable Cmake warnings", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="Verbose build output", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument('--no-ccache', help="Disable ccache. Otherwise, if ccache is available on the PATH then it will be used for faster builds.", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument('actions', help="Actions (build targets or other operations)", nargs='+',