snprintf(proj_str, maxproj4len, "+proj=utm +zone=%d +south +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs", id - SRID_SOUTH_UTM_START + 1);
+ /* Gnomic zones (about 30x30, larger in higher latitudes) */
+ else if ( id >= SRID_GNOMIC_START && id <= SRID_GNOMIC_END )
+ {
+ int zone = id - SRID_GNOMIC_START;
+ int xzone = zone % 20;
+ int yzone = zone / 20;
+ double lat_0 = 30.0 * (yzone - 3) + 15.0;
+ double lon_0;
+ /* The number of xzones is variable depending on yzone */
+ if ( yzone == 2 || yzone == 3 )
+ lon_0 = 30.0 * (xzone - 6) + 15.0;
+ else if ( yzone == 1 || yzone == 4 )
+ lon_0 = 45.0 * (xzone - 4) + 22.5;
+ else if ( yzone == 0 || yzone == 5 )
+ lon_0 = 90.0 * (xzone - 2) + 45.0;
+ else
+ lwerror("Unknown yzone encountered!");
+ snprintf(proj_str, maxproj4len, "+proj=gnom +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +lat_0=%g +lon_0=%g +units=m +no_defs", lat_0, lon_0);
+ }
/* Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area South Pole */
else if ( id == SRID_SOUTH_LAMBERT )
int type1, type2;
int empty1 = LW_FALSE;
int empty2 = LW_FALSE;
+ double ycenter, xcenter, xwidth, ywidth;
Datum d1 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
Datum d2 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);
if ( empty2 )
gbox2 = gbox1;
+ ycenter = (gbox1.ymin + gbox1.ymax + gbox2.ymin + gbox2.ymax) / 4.0;
+ xcenter = (gbox1.xmin + gbox1.xmax + gbox2.xmin + gbox2.xmax) / 4.0;
+ xwidth = fabs(FP_MAX(gbox1.xmax, gbox2.xmax) - FP_MIN(gbox1.xmin, gbox2.xmin));
+ ywidth = fabs(FP_MAX(gbox1.ymax, gbox2.ymax) - FP_MIN(gbox1.ymin, gbox2.ymin));
/* Are these data arctic? Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area North. */
if ( gbox1.ymin > 65.0 && gbox2.ymin > 65.0 )
** far as a half zone past a zone boundary.
** Note we have no handling for the date line in here.
- if ( fabs(FP_MAX(gbox1.xmax, gbox2.xmax) - FP_MIN(gbox1.xmin, gbox2.xmin)) < 6.0 )
+ if ( xwidth < 6.0 )
/* Cheap hack to pick a zone. Average of the box center points. */
double dzone = (gbox1.xmin + gbox1.xmax + gbox2.xmin + gbox2.xmax) / 4.0;
+ /*
+ ** Can we fit into a custom Gnomic area? (30 degrees high, variable width)
+ ** We will allow overlap into adjoining areas, but use a slightly narrower test (25) to try
+ ** and lower the worst case.
+ ** Again, we are hoping the dateline doesn't trip us up much
+ */
+ if ( ywidth < 25.0 )
+ {
+ int xzone = -1;
+ int yzone = 3 + floor(ycenter / 30.0); /* (range of 0-5) */
+ /* Equatorial band, 12 zones, 30 degrees wide */
+ if ( (yzone == 2 || yzone == 3) && xwidth < 30.0 )
+ {
+ xzone = 6 + floor(xcenter / 30.0);
+ }
+ /* Temperate band, 8 zones, 45 degrees wide */
+ else if ( (yzone == 1 || yzone == 4) && xwidth < 45.0 )
+ {
+ xzone = 4 + floor(xcenter / 45.0);
+ }
+ /* Arctic band, 4 zones, 90 degrees wide */
+ else if ( (yzone == 0 || yzone == 5) && xwidth < 90.0 )
+ {
+ xzone = 2 + floor(xcenter / 90.0);
+ }
+ /* Did we fit into an appropriate xzone? */
+ if ( xzone != -1 )
+ {
+ PG_RETURN_INT32(SRID_GNOMIC_START + 20 * yzone + xzone);
+ }
+ }
** Running out of options... fall-back to Mercator
** and hope for the best.