datadir = ${datarootdir}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${subdir}
dist_data_DATA = \
+ blue-turtle.png \
chrome.png \
filter_bar.png \
filter_icon.png \
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+ <div id="prefs-dialog" style="display:none;">
+ <ul>
+ <li id="prefs-tab-general"><a href="#prefs-page-torrents">Torrents</a></li>
+ <li id="prefs-tab-speed"><a href="#prefs-page-speed">Speed</a></li>
+ <li id="prefs-tab-privacy"><a href="#prefs-page-privacy">Privacy</a></li>
+ <li id="prefs-tab-network"><a href="#prefs-page-network">Network</a></li>
+ <li class="ui-tab-dialog-close"></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div>
+ <div id="prefs-page-torrents">
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title">Downloading</div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key">Download to:</div><div class="value"><input type="text" id="download-dir"/></div></div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="start-added-torrents"/><label for="start-added-torrents">Start when added</label></div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="rename-partial-files"/><label for="rename-partial-files">Append ".part" to incomplete files' names</label></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title">Seeding</div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><input type="checkbox" id="seedRatioLimited"/><label for="seedRatioLimited">Stop seeding at ratio:</label></div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="seedRatioLimit"/></div></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><input type="checkbox" id="idle-seeding-limit-enabled"/><label for="idle-seeding-limit-enabled">Stop seeding if idle for N minutes:</label></div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="idle-seeding-limit"/></div></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="prefs-page-speed">
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title">Speed Limits</div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><input type="checkbox" id="speed-limit-up-enabled"/><label for="speed-limit-up-enabled">Upload (kB/s):</label></div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="speed-limit-up"/></div></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><input type="checkbox" id="speed-limit-down-enabled"/><label for="speed-limit-down-enabled">Download (kB/s):</label></div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="speed-limit-down"/></div></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title"><img src="images/graphics/blue-turtle.png" width="16" height="9" style="padding-right: 10px;"/>Alternative Speed Limits</div>
+ <div class="row" style="font-size: smaller; padding-bottom: 4px;">Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times</div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key">Upload (kB/s):</div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="alt-speed-up"/></div></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key">Download (kB/s):</div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="alt-speed-down"/></div></div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="alt-speed-time-enabled"/><label for="alt-speed-time-enabled">Scheduled Times</label></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key">From:</div>
+ <div class="value"><select id="alt-speed-time-begin"></select></div></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key">To:</div>
+ <div class="value"><select id="alt-speed-time-end"></select></div></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><label for="alt-speed-time-day">On days:</label></div>
+ <div class="value"><select id="alt-speed-time-day">
+ <option value="127">Everyday</option>
+ <option value="62">Weekdays</option>
+ <option value="65">Weekends</option>
+ <option value="1">Sunday</option>
+ <option value="2">Monday</option>
+ <option value="4">Tuesday</option>
+ <option value="8">Wednesday</option>
+ <option value="16">Thursday</option>
+ <option value="32">Friday</option>
+ <option value="64">Saturday</option></select></div></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="prefs-page-privacy">
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title">Blocklist</div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><input type="checkbox" id="blocklist-enabled"/><label for="blocklist-enabled">Enable blocklist:</label></div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" id="blocklist-url"/></div></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key" style="margin-top: 3px; font-size: smaller;">Blocklist has <span id="blocklist-size">?</span> rules</div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="button" id="blocklist-update-button" value="Update"/></div></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title">Privacy</div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key">Encryption mode:</div>
+ <div class="value"><select id="encryption">
+ <option value="tolerated">Allow encryption</option>
+ <option value="preferred">Prefer encryption</option>
+ <option value="required">Require encryption</option></select></div></div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="pex-enabled" title="PEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to."/>
+ <label for="pex-enabled" title="PEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to.">Use PEX to find more peers</label></div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="dht-enabled" title="DHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker."/>
+ <label for="dht-enabled" title="DHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker.">Use DHT to find more peers</label></div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="lpd-enabled" title="LPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network."/>
+ <label for="lpd-enabled" title="LPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network.">Use LPD to find more peers</label></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="prefs-page-network">
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title">Listening Port</div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><label for="peer-port">Peer listening port:</div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="peer-port"/></div></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"> </div>
+ <div class="value"><span id="port-label">Status: Unknown</span></div></div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="peer-port-random-on-start"/><label for="peer-port-random-on-start">Randomize port on launch</label></div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="port-forwarding-enabled"/><label for="port-forwarding-enabled">Use port forwarding from my router</label></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title">Connections</div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><label for="peer-limit-per-torrent">Max peers per torrent:</label></div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="peer-limit-per-torrent"/></div></div>
+ <div class="row"><div class="key"><label for="peer-limit-global">Max peers overall:</label></div>
+ <div class="value"><input type="text" class="numberinput" id="peer-limit-global"/></div></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="prefs-section">
+ <div class="title">Options</div>
+ <div class="checkbox-row"><input type="checkbox" id="utp-enabled" title="uTP is a tool for reducing network congestion."/>
+ <label for="utp-enabled" title="uTP is a tool for reducing network congestion.">Enable uTP for peer communication</label></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<div id="torrent_inspector" style="display:none;">
<div style="display:none;" class="inspector_close" id="inspector_close"><img id="inspector_close_image" src="./images/buttons/cancel.png"/></div>
- <div class="dialog_container" id="prefs_container" style="display:none;">
- <div class="dialog_top_bar"></div>
- <div class="dialog_window">
- <h2 class="dialog_heading">Preferences</h2>
- <div id="pref_error"></div>
- <form action="" id="prefs_form">
- <div id="prefs_tabs">
- <ul>
- <li id="prefs-tab-general" class="prefs-tab selected">General</li>
- <li id="prefs-tab-speed" class="prefs-tab">Speed</li>
- <li id="prefs-tab-peers" class="prefs-tab">Peers</li>
- <li id="prefs-tab-network" class="prefs-tab">Network</li>
- </ul>
- <div id="prefs-page-general" class="prefs-page">
- <div class="preference download_location">
- <label class="category">Add transfers:</label>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <label for="download_location" class="item">Download to:</label>
- <input type="text" name="download_location" id="download_location"/>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox auto_start">
- <input type="checkbox" name="auto_start" id="auto_start"/>
- <label for="auto_start" class="item">Start transfers when added</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="preference encryption">
- <label class="category">Encryption:</label>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="encryption" id="encryption"/>
- <label for="encryption" class="item">Ignore unencrypted peers</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="preference web_gui">
- <label class="category">Web Client:</label>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <label for="refresh_rate" class="item">Refresh Rate:</label>
- <input type="text" name="refresh_rate" id="refresh_rate" class="numberinput"/>
- <label class="suffix">seconds</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div style="clear: both; visibility: hidden;"></div>
- </div>
- <div id="prefs-page-speed" class="prefs-page" style="display: none;">
- <div class="preference limit_total">
- <label class="category">Speed Limits:</label>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="limit_download" id="limit_download"/>
- <label for="limit_download" class="item">Download Rate:</label>
- <input type="text" name="download_rate" id="download_rate" class="numberinput"/>
- <label class="suffix">kB/s</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="limit_upload" id="limit_upload"/>
- <label for="limit_upload" class="item">Upload Rate:</label>
- <input type="text" name="upload_rate" id="upload_rate" class="numberinput"/>
- <label class="suffix">kB/s</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="preference limit_turtle">
- <label class="category">Temporary Speed Limits: (Turtle)</label>
- <label>Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times</label>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <label for="turtle_download_rate" class="item">Download Rate:</label>
- <input type="text" name="turtle_download_rate" id="turtle_download_rate" class="numberinput"/>
- <label class="suffix">kB/s</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <label for="turtle_upload_rate" class="item">Upload Rate:</label>
- <input type="text" name="turtle_upload_rate" id="turtle_upload_rate" class="numberinput"/>
- <label class="suffix">kB/s</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="turtle_schedule" id="turtle_schedule"/>
- <label for="turtle_schedule" class="item">Scheduled times:</label>
- <select name="turtle_start_time" id="turtle_start_time" size="1">
- </select>
- <select name="turtle_end_time" id="turtle_end_time" size="1">
- </select>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <label for="turtle_days" class="item">On days:</label>
- <select name="turtle_days" id="turtle_days" size="1">
- <option value="127">Everyday</option>
- <option value="62">Weekdays</option>
- <option value="65">Weekends</option>
- <option value="1">Sunday</option>
- <option value="2">Monday</option>
- <option value="4">Tuesday</option>
- <option value="8">Wednesday</option>
- <option value="16">Thursday</option>
- <option value="32">Friday</option>
- <option value="64">Saturday</option>
- </select>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div style="clear: both; visibility: hidden;"></div>
- </div>
- <div id="prefs-page-peers" class="prefs-page" style="display: none;">
- <div class="preference peers_conn">
- <label class="category">Connections:</label>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <label for="conn_global" class="item">Global maximum connections:</label>
- <input type="text" name="conn_global" id="conn_global" class="numberinput"/>
- <label class="suffix">peers</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <label for="conn_torrent" class="item">Maximum connections for new transfers:</label>
- <input type="text" name="conn_torrent" id="conn_torrent" class="numberinput"/>
- <label class="suffix">peers</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="conn_pex" id="conn_pex"/>
- <label for="conn_pex" class="item">Use peer exchange (PEX) for public torrents</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="conn_dht" id="conn_dht"/>
- <label for="conn_dht" class="item">Use distributed hash table (DHT) for public torrents</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="conn_lpd" id="conn_lpd"/>
- <label for="conn_lpd" class="item">Use local peer discovery for public torrents</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="preference block_conn">
- <label class="category">Blocklist:</label>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="block_enable" id="block_enable"/>
- <label for="block_enable" class="item">Prevent peers in blocklist from connecting</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv block_url">
- <label for="block_url" class="item">URL:</label>
- <input type="text" name="block_url" id="block_url"/>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <input type="button" name="block_update_button" id="block_update_button" value="Update"/>
- <label class="suffix" id="block_size">IP rules in the list</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div style="clear: both; visibility: hidden;"></div>
- </div>
- <div id="prefs-page-network" class="prefs-page" style="display: none;">
- <div class="preference utp">
- <label class="category">Peer communication:</label>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="network_utp" id="network_utp"/>
- <label for="network_utp" class="item">Enable Micro Transport Protocol (µTP)</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="preference port">
- <label class="category">Peer listening port:</label>
- <div class="formdiv">
- <label for="port" class="item">Incoming TCP Port:</label>
- <input type="text" id="port" name="port" class="numberinput"/>
- <label class="suffix" id="port_test"></label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="port_rand" id="port_rand"/>
- <label for="port_rand" class="item">Randomize port on launch</label>
- </div>
- <div class="formdiv checkbox">
- <input type="checkbox" name="port_forward" id="port_forward"/>
- <label for="port_forward" class="item">Automatically map port</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div style="clear: both; visibility: hidden;"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <span id="transmission_version"></span>
- <a href="#save" id="prefs_save_button">Save</a>
- <a href="#cancel" id="prefs_cancel_button">Cancel</a>
- </form>
- </div>
- </div>
<div class="dialog_container" id="stats_container" style="display:none;">
<div class="dialog_top_bar"></div>
<div class="dialog_window">
<li id="unlimited_download_rate">Unlimited</li>
<li id="limited_download_rate">Limit (10 kB/s)</li>
<li class="separator"></li>
- <li>5 kB/s</li>
- <li>10 kB/s</li>
- <li>20 kB/s</li>
- <li>30 kB/s</li>
- <li>40 kB/s</li>
- <li>50 kB/s</li>
- <li>75 kB/s</li>
- <li>100 kB/s</li>
- <li>150 kB/s</li>
- <li>200 kB/s</li>
- <li>250 kB/s</li>
- <li>500 kB/s</li>
- <li>750 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>5 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>10 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>20 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>30 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>40 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>50 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>75 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>100 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>150 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>200 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>250 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>500 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='download-speed'>750 kB/s</li>
<li>Total Upload Rate
<li id="unlimited_upload_rate">Unlimited</li>
<li id="limited_upload_rate">Limit (10 kB/s)</li>
<li class="separator"></li>
- <li>5 kB/s</li>
- <li>10 kB/s</li>
- <li>20 kB/s</li>
- <li>30 kB/s</li>
- <li>40 kB/s</li>
- <li>50 kB/s</li>
- <li>75 kB/s</li>
- <li>100 kB/s</li>
- <li>150 kB/s</li>
- <li>200 kB/s</li>
- <li>250 kB/s</li>
- <li>500 kB/s</li>
- <li>750 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>5 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>10 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>20 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>30 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>40 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>50 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>75 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>100 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>150 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>200 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>250 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>500 kB/s</li>
+ <li class='upload-speed'>750 kB/s</li>
<li class="separator"></li>
<li>Sort Transfers By
<ul id="footer_sort_menu">
- <li id="sort_by_activity">Activity</li>
- <li id="sort_by_age">Age</li>
- <li id="sort_by_name">Name</li>
- <li id="sort_by_percent_completed">Progress</li>
- <li id="sort_by_ratio">Ratio</li>
- <li id="sort_by_queue_order">Queue Order</li>
- <li id="sort_by_state">State</li>
+ <li class='sort-mode' id="sort_by_activity">Activity</li>
+ <li class='sort-mode' id="sort_by_age">Age</li>
+ <li class='sort-mode' id="sort_by_name">Name</li>
+ <li class='sort-mode' id="sort_by_percent_completed">Progress</li>
+ <li class='sort-mode' id="sort_by_ratio">Ratio</li>
+ <li class='sort-mode' id="sort_by_queue_order">Queue Order</li>
+ <li class='sort-mode' id="sort_by_state">State</li>
<li class="separator"></li>
<li id="reverse_sort_order">Reverse Sort Order</li>
+ <div id="prefs-button"> </div>
<div id="turtle-button"> </div>
<div id="compact-button"> </div>
file-row.js \
formatter.js \
inspector.js \
- menu.js \
+ prefs-dialog.js \
remote.js \
torrent.js \
torrent-row.js \
- * Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * For more details, see
+ * Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
- * Common javascript
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
var transmission,
+$.fn.tabbedDialog = function (dialog_opts) {
+ this.tabs({selected: 0});
+ this.dialog(dialog_opts);
+ this.find('.ui-tab-dialog-close').append(this.parent().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close'));
+ this.find('.ui-tab-dialog-close').css({'position':'absolute','right':'0', 'top':'16px'});
+ this.find('.ui-tab-dialog-close > a').css({'float':'none','padding':'0'});
+ var tabul = this.find('ul:first');
+ this.parent().addClass('ui-tabs').prepend(tabul).draggable('option','handle',tabul);
+ this.siblings('.ui-dialog-titlebar').remove();
+ tabul.addClass('ui-dialog-titlebar');
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialise the dialog controller
dialog = new Dialog();
- * Return a copy of the array
- *
- * @returns array
- */
-Array.prototype.clone = function () {
- return this.concat();
* "innerHTML = html" is pretty slow in FF. Happily a lot of our innerHTML
* changes are triggered by periodic refreshes on torrents whose state hasn't
return result;
- * Truncate a float to a specified number of decimal
- * places, stripping trailing zeroes
- *
- * @param float floatnum
- * @param integer precision
- * @returns float
- */
-Math.truncateWithPrecision = function(floatnum, precision) {
- return Math.floor(floatnum * Math.pow (10, precision)) / Math.pow(10, precision);
- * Round a string of a number to a specified number of decimal
- * places
+ * Round a string of a number to a specified number of decimal places
Number.prototype.toTruncFixed = function(place) {
- var ret = Math.truncateWithPrecision(this, place);
+ var ret = Math.floor(this * Math.pow (10, place)) / Math.pow(10, place);
return ret.toFixed(place);
+Number.prototype.toStringWithCommas = function() {
+ return this.toString().replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
* Trim whitespace from a string
Prefs.prototype = { };
Prefs._RefreshRate = 'refresh_rate';
-Prefs._SessionRefreshRate = 'session_refresh_rate';
Prefs._FilterMode = 'filter';
Prefs._FilterAll = 'all';
Prefs._SortByRatio = 'ratio';
Prefs._SortByState = 'state';
-Prefs._TurtleState = 'turtle-state';
Prefs._CompactDisplayState= 'compact_display_state';
Prefs._Defaults =
- * Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * For more details, see
+ * Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
- * Class Dialog
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
function Dialog(){
- * Copyright © Jordan Lee
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * <>
+ * Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
function FileRow(torrent, i)
-*** This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC
-*** This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
-*** For more details, see
+ * Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
+ */
Transmission.fmt = (function()
* Copyright © Jordan Lee, Dave Perrett, Malcolm Jarvis and Bruno Bierbaumer
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * For details, see
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
function Inspector(controller) {
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * For more details, see
- *
- * Menu Configuration Properties
- */
-Menu = {
- context: {
- menu_style: {
- width: '310px',
- backgroundColor: '#fff',
- border: 'none',
- padding: '5px 0',
- textAlign: 'left'},
- item_style: {
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- margin: '0',
- padding: '0 10px 2px 20px',
- color: '#000',
- fontSize: '14px',
- cursor: 'default',
- border: 'none'},
- item_hover_style: {
- backgroundColor: '#24e',
- color: '#fff',
- border: 'none'},
- item_disabled_style: {
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- margin: '0',
- padding: '0 10px 2px 20px',
- color: '#aaa',
- fontSize: '1.5em',
- cursor: 'default',
- border: 'none'}
- }
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright © Jordan Lee, Dave Perrett, Malcolm Jarvis and Bruno Bierbaumer
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
+ */
+function PrefsDialog(remote) {
+ var data = {
+ dialog: null,
+ remote: null,
+ elements: { },
+ // all the RPC session keys that we have gui controls for
+ keys: [
+ 'alt-speed-down',
+ 'alt-speed-time-begin',
+ 'alt-speed-time-day',
+ 'alt-speed-time-enabled',
+ 'alt-speed-time-end',
+ 'alt-speed-up',
+ 'blocklist-enabled',
+ 'blocklist-size',
+ 'blocklist-url',
+ 'dht-enabled',
+ 'download-dir',
+ 'encryption',
+ 'idle-seeding-limit',
+ 'idle-seeding-limit-enabled',
+ 'lpd-enabled',
+ 'peer-limit-global',
+ 'peer-limit-per-torrent',
+ 'peer-port',
+ 'peer-port-random-on-start',
+ 'pex-enabled',
+ 'port-forwarding-enabled',
+ 'rename-partial-files',
+ 'seedRatioLimit',
+ 'seedRatioLimited',
+ 'speed-limit-down',
+ 'speed-limit-down-enabled',
+ 'speed-limit-up',
+ 'speed-limit-up-enabled',
+ 'start-added-torrents',
+ 'utp-enabled'
+ ],
+ // map of keys that are enabled only if a 'parent' key is enabled
+ groups: {
+ 'alt-speed-time-enabled': ['alt-speed-time-begin',
+ 'alt-speed-time-day',
+ 'alt-speed-time-end' ],
+ 'blocklist-enabled': ['blocklist-url',
+ 'blocklist-update-button' ],
+ 'idle-seeding-limit-enabled': [ 'idle-seeding-limit' ],
+ 'seedRatioLimited': [ 'seedRatioLimit' ],
+ 'speed-limit-down-enabled': [ 'speed-limit-down' ],
+ 'speed-limit-up-enabled': [ 'speed-limit-up' ]
+ }
+ },
+ initTimeDropDown = function(e)
+ {
+ var i, hour, mins, value, content;
+ for (i=0; i<24*4; ++i) {
+ hour = parseInt(i/4, 10);
+ mins = ((i%4) * 15);
+ value = i * 15;
+ content = hour + ':' + (mins || '00');
+ e.options[i] = new Option(content, value);
+ }
+ },
+ onPortChecked = function(response)
+ {
+ var is_open = response['arguments']['port-is-open'],
+ text = 'Port is <b>' + (is_open ? 'Open' : 'Closed') + '</b>',
+ e = data.elements.root.find('#port-label');
+ setInnerHTML(e[0],text);
+ },
+ setGroupEnabled = function(parent_key, enabled)
+ {
+ var i, key, keys, root;
+ if (parent_key in data.groups)
+ {
+ root = data.elements.root,
+ keys = data.groups[parent_key];
+ for (i=0; key=keys[i]; ++i)
+ root.find('#'+key).attr('disabled',!enabled);
+ }
+ },
+ onBlocklistUpdateClicked = function ()
+ {
+ data.remote.updateBlocklist();
+ setBlocklistButtonEnabled(false);
+ },
+ setBlocklistButtonEnabled = function(b)
+ {
+ var e = data.elements.blocklist_button;
+ e.attr('disabled',!b);
+ e.val(b ? 'Update' : 'Updating...');
+ },
+ getValue = function(e)
+ {
+ var str;
+ switch (e[0].type)
+ {
+ case 'checkbox':
+ case 'radio':
+ return e.prop('checked');
+ case 'text':
+ case 'select-one':
+ str = e.val();
+ if( parseInt(str,10).toString() === str)
+ return parseInt(str,10);
+ if( parseFloat(str).toString() === str)
+ return parseFloat(str);
+ return str;
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ /* this callback is for controls whose changes can be applied
+ immediately, like checkboxs, radioboxes, and selects */
+ onControlChanged = function(ev)
+ {
+ var o = {};
+ o[] = getValue($(;
+ data.remote.savePrefs(o);
+ },
+ /* these two callbacks are for controls whose changes can't be applied
+ immediately -- like a text entry field -- because it takes many
+ change events for the user to get to the desired result */
+ onControlFocused = function(ev)
+ {
+ data.oldValue = getValue($(;
+ },
+ onControlBlurred = function(ev)
+ {
+ var newValue = getValue($(;
+ if (newValue !== data.oldValue)
+ {
+ var o = {};
+ o[] = newValue;
+ data.remote.savePrefs(o);
+ delete data.oldValue;
+ }
+ },
+ getDefaultMobileOptions = function()
+ {
+ return {
+ width: $(window).width(),
+ height: $(window).height(),
+ position: [ 'left', 'top' ],
+ resizable: false,
+ draggable: false
+ };
+ },
+ initialize = function (remote)
+ {
+ var i, key, e, o;
+ data.remote = remote;
+ e = $('#prefs-dialog');
+ data.elements.root = e;
+ initTimeDropDown(e.find('#alt-speed-time-begin')[0]);
+ initTimeDropDown(e.find('#alt-speed-time-end')[0]);
+ o = isMobileDevice
+ ? getDefaultMobileOptions()
+ : { width: 350, height: 400 };
+ o.autoOpen = false;
+ = 'fade';
+ o.hide = 'fade';
+ o.close = onDialogClosed;
+ e.tabbedDialog(o);
+ e = e.find('#blocklist-update-button');
+ data.elements.blocklist_button = e;
+ // listen for user input
+ for (i=0; key=data.keys[i]; ++i)
+ {
+ e = data.elements.root.find('#'+key);
+ switch (e[0].type)
+ {
+ case 'checkbox':
+ case 'radio':
+ case 'select-one':
+ e.change(onControlChanged);
+ break;
+ case 'text':
+ e.focus(onControlFocused);
+ e.blur(onControlBlurred);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // handle orientation changes...
+ var supportsOrientationChange = 'onorientationchange' in window,
+ orientationEvent = supportsOrientationChange ? 'orientationchange' : 'resize';
+ $('body').bind(orientationEvent, function() {
+ data.elements.root.dialog('option',getDefaultMobileOptions());
+ });
+ },
+ getValues = function()
+ {
+ var i, key, val, o={},
+ keys = data.keys,
+ root = data.elements.root;
+ for (i=0; key=keys[i]; ++i) {
+ val = getValue(root.find('#'+key));
+ if (val !== null)
+ o[key] = val;
+ }
+ return o;
+ },
+ onDialogClosed = function()
+ {
+ window.scrollTo(0,1);
+ $(data.dialog).trigger('closed', getValues());
+ };
+ /****
+ ****/
+ // update the dialog's controls
+ this.set = function (o)
+ {
+ var e, i, key, val, option,
+ keys = data.keys,
+ root = data.elements.root;
+ setBlocklistButtonEnabled(true);
+ for (i=0; key=keys[i]; ++i)
+ {
+ val = o[key];
+ e = root.find('#'+key);
+ if (key === 'blocklist-size')
+ {
+ // special case -- regular text area
+ e.text('' + val.toStringWithCommas());
+ }
+ else switch (e[0].type)
+ {
+ case 'checkbox':
+ case 'radio':
+ e.prop('checked', val);
+ setGroupEnabled(key, val);
+ break;
+ case 'text':
+ // don't change the text if the user's editing it.
+ // it's very annoying when that happens!
+ if (e[0] !== document.activeElement)
+ e.val(val);
+ break;
+ case 'select-one':
+ e.val(val);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ = function ()
+ {
+ window.scrollTo(0,1);
+ setBlocklistButtonEnabled(true);
+ data.remote.checkPort(onPortChecked,this);
+ data.elements.root.dialog('open');
+ };
+ this.shouldAddedTorrentsStart = function()
+ {
+ return data.elements.root.find('#start-added-torrents')[0].checked;
+ };
+ data.dialog = this;
+ initialize (remote);
- * Copyright © Dave Perrett, Malcolm Jarvis and Bruno Bierbaumer
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * For details, see
+ * Copyright © Jordan Lee, Dave Perrett, Malcolm Jarvis and Bruno Bierbaumer
- * Class TransmissionRemote
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
var RPC = {
- _Root : '../rpc',
_DaemonVersion : 'version',
- _Encryption : 'encryption',
- _EncryptionPreferred : 'preferred',
- _EncryptionRequired : 'required',
- _UpSpeedLimit : 'speed-limit-up',
_DownSpeedLimit : 'speed-limit-down',
- _DownloadDir : 'download-dir',
- _PeerPort : 'peer-port',
- _UpSpeedLimited : 'speed-limit-up-enabled',
_DownSpeedLimited : 'speed-limit-down-enabled',
- _TurtleState : 'alt-speed-enabled',
- _TurtleUpSpeedLimit : 'alt-speed-up',
- _TurtleDownSpeedLimit : 'alt-speed-down',
- _TurtleTimeEnabled : 'alt-speed-time-enabled',
- _TurtleTimeBegin : 'alt-speed-time-begin',
- _TurtleTimeEnd : 'alt-speed-time-end',
- _TurtleTimeDay : 'alt-speed-time-day',
- _PeerLimitGlobal : 'peer-limit-global',
- _PeerLimitPerTorrent : 'peer-limit-per-torrent',
- _PexEnabled : 'pex-enabled',
- _DhtEnabled : 'dht-enabled',
- _LpdEnabled : 'lpd-enabled',
- _BlocklistEnabled : 'blocklist-enabled',
- _BlocklistURL : 'blocklist-url',
- _BlocklistSize : 'blocklist-size',
- _UtpEnabled : 'utp-enabled',
- _PeerPortRandom : 'peer-port-random-on-start',
- _PortForwardingEnabled : 'port-forwarding-enabled',
- _StartAddedTorrent : 'start-added-torrents',
_QueueMoveTop : 'queue-move-top',
_QueueMoveBottom : 'queue-move-bottom',
_QueueMoveUp : 'queue-move-up',
- _QueueMoveDown : 'queue-move-down'
+ _QueueMoveDown : 'queue-move-down',
+ _Root : '../rpc',
+ _TurtleDownSpeedLimit : 'alt-speed-down',
+ _TurtleState : 'alt-speed-enabled',
+ _TurtleUpSpeedLimit : 'alt-speed-up',
+ _UpSpeedLimit : 'speed-limit-up',
+ _UpSpeedLimited : 'speed-limit-up-enabled'
function TransmissionRemote(controller)
- * Copyright © Jordan Lee
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * <>
+ * Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
function TorrentRendererHelper()
- * Copyright © Jordan Lee, Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * For details, see
+ * Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC
- * Class Torrent
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
function Torrent(data)
- * Copyright © Dave Perrett, Malcolm Jarvis and Bruno Bierbaumer
- * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
- * For details, see
+ * Copyright © Jordan Lee, Dave Perrett, Malcolm Jarvis and Bruno Bierbaumer
- * Class Transmission
+ * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ *
function Transmission()
initialize: function()
+ var e;
// Initialize the helper classes
this.remote = new TransmissionRemote(this);
this.inspector = new Inspector(this, this.remote);
+ this.prefsDialog = new PrefsDialog(this.remote);
+ this.isMenuEnabled = !isMobileDevice;
// Initialize the implementation fields
this.filterText = '';
// Set up user events
- var tr = this;
- $('#pause_all_link').click(function(e) { tr.stopAllClicked(e); });
- $('#resume_all_link').click(function(e) { tr.startAllClicked(e); });
- $('#pause_selected_link').click(function(e) { tr.stopSelectedClicked(e); });
- $('#resume_selected_link').click(function(e) { tr.startSelectedClicked(e); });
- $('#remove_link').click(function(e) { tr.removeClicked(e); });
- $('#prefs_save_button').click(function(e) { tr.savePrefsClicked(e); return false;});
- $('#prefs_cancel_button').click(function() { tr.hidePrefsDialog(); return false; });
- $('#block_update_button').click(function() { tr.remote.updateBlocklist(); return false; });
- $('#stats_close_button').click(function() { tr.hideStatsDialog(); return false; });
- $('#open_link').click(function(e) { tr.openTorrentClicked(e); });
- $('#upload_confirm_button').click(function(e) { tr.confirmUploadClicked(e); return false;});
- $('#upload_cancel_button').click(function() { tr.hideUploadDialog(); return false; });
- $('#turtle-button').click(function() { tr.toggleTurtleClicked(); });
- $('#compact-button').click(function() { tr.toggleCompactClicked(); });
- $('#prefs-tab-general').click(function() { tr.selectPrefsTab('general'); });
- $('#prefs-tab-speed').click(function() { tr.selectPrefsTab('speed'); });
- $('#prefs-tab-peers').click(function() { tr.selectPrefsTab('peers'); });
- $('#prefs-tab-network').click(function() { tr.selectPrefsTab('network'); });
- $('#torrent_upload_form').submit(function() { $('#upload_confirm_button').click(); return false; });
- $('#torrent_container').bind('dragover', function(e) { return tr.dragenter(e); });
- $('#torrent_container').bind('dragenter', function(e) { return tr.dragenter(e); });
- $('#torrent_container').bind('drop', function(e) { return tr.drop(e); });
+ $('#pause_all_link').click($.proxy(this.stopAllClicked,this));
+ $('#resume_all_link').click($.proxy(this.startAllClicked,this));
+ $('#pause_selected_link').click($.proxy(this.stopSelectedClicked,this));
+ $('#resume_selected_link').click($.proxy(this.startSelectedClicked,this));
+ $('#remove_link').click($.proxy(this.removeClicked,this));
+ $('#stats_close_button').click($.proxy(this.hideStatsDialog,this));
+ $('#open_link').click($.proxy(this.openTorrentClicked,this));
+ $('#prefs-button').click($.proxy(this.showPrefsDialog,this));
+ $('#upload_confirm_button').click($.proxy(this.confirmUploadClicked,this));
+ $('#upload_cancel_button').click($.proxy(this.hideUploadDialog,this));
+ $('#turtle-button').click($.proxy(this.toggleTurtleClicked,this));
+ $('#compact-button').click($.proxy(this.toggleCompactClicked,this));
+ $('#torrent_container').bind('dragover', $.proxy(this.dragenter,this));
+ $('#torrent_container').bind('dragenter', $.proxy(this.dragenter,this));
+ $('#torrent_container').bind('drop', $.proxy(this.drop,this));
// tell jQuery to copy the dataTransfer property from events over if it exists
$('#torrent_upload_form').submit(function() { $('#upload_confirm_button').click(); return false; });
if (isMobileDevice) {
- $('#inspector_close').bind('click', function() { tr.setInspectorVisible(false); });
- $('#preferences_link').bind('click', function(e) { tr.releaseClutchPreferencesButton(e); });
+ $('#inspector_close').click($.proxy(this.toggleInspector,this));
} else {
- $(document).bind('keydown', function(e) { return tr.keyDown(e); });
- $(document).bind('keyup', function(e) { tr.keyUp(e); });
- $(document).delegate('#torrent_container', 'click', function() { tr.deselectAll(); });
- $('#inspector_link').click(function(e) { tr.toggleInspector(); });
+ $(document).bind('keydown', $.proxy(this.keyDown,this) );
+ $(document).bind('keyup', $.proxy(this.keyUp, this) );
+ $('#torrent_container').click( $.proxy(this.deselectAll,this) );
+ $('#inspector_link').click( $.proxy(this.toggleInspector,this) );
- this.createSettingsMenu();
- this.initTurtleDropDowns();
- this._torrent_list = $('#torrent_list')[0];
- this._toolbar_buttons = $('#toolbar ul li');
- this._toolbar_pause_button = $('#toolbar #pause_selected')[0];
- this._toolbar_pause_all_button = $('#toolbar #pause_all')[0];
- this._toolbar_start_button = $('#toolbar #resume_selected')[0];
- this._toolbar_start_all_button = $('#toolbar #resume_all')[0];
- this._toolbar_remove_button = $('#toolbar #remove')[0];
- this._context_pause_button = $('li#context_pause_selected')[0];
- this._context_start_button = $('li#context_resume_selected')[0];
- this._context_start_now_button = $('li#context_resume_now_selected')[0];
- this._context_move_top = $('li#context_move_top')[0];
- this._context_move_up = $('li#context_move_up')[0];
- this._context_move_down = $('li#context_move_down')[0];
- this._context_move_bottom = $('li#context_move_bottom')[0];
- // Setup the prefs gui
+ if (this.isMenuEnabled)
+ this.createSettingsMenu();
+ e = {};
+ e.torrent_list = $('#torrent_list')[0];
+ e.toolbar_buttons = $('#toolbar ul li');
+ e.toolbar_pause_button = $('#toolbar #pause_selected')[0];
+ e.toolbar_pause_all_button = $('#toolbar #pause_all')[0];
+ e.toolbar_start_button = $('#toolbar #resume_selected')[0];
+ e.toolbar_start_all_button = $('#toolbar #resume_all')[0];
+ e.toolbar_remove_button = $('#toolbar #remove')[0];
+ e.context_pause_button = $('li#context_pause_selected')[0];
+ e.context_start_button = $('li#context_resume_selected')[0];
+ e.context_start_now_button = $('li#context_resume_now_selected')[0];
+ e.context_move_top = $('li#context_move_top')[0];
+ e.context_move_up = $('li#context_move_up')[0];
+ e.context_move_down = $('li#context_move_down')[0];
+ e.context_move_bottom = $('li#context_move_bottom')[0];
+ this.elements = e;
+ // Apply the prefs settings to the gui
// Get preferences & torrents from the daemon
- selectPrefsTab: function(name) {
- $('#prefs-tab-'+name).addClass('selected').siblings('.prefs-tab').removeClass('selected');
- $('#prefs-page-'+name).show().siblings('.prefs-page').hide();
- },
loadDaemonPrefs: function(async) {
this.remote.loadDaemonPrefs(function(data) {
var o = data['arguments'];
- this.updatePrefs(o);
+ this.updateGuiFromSession(o);
}, this, async);
}, this, async);
- checkPort: function(async) {
- $('#port_test').text('checking ...');
- this.remote.checkPort(function(data) {
- this.updatePortStatus(data['arguments']);
- }, this, async);
- },
preloadImages: function() {
if (isMobileDevice) {
- // iPhone conditions in the section allow us to not
- // include transmenu js to save some bandwidth; if we
- // start using prefs on mobile devices we need to weed
- // transmenu refs out of that too.
- if (!isMobileDevice)
+ if (this.isMenuEnabled)
$('#sort_by_' + this[Prefs._SortMethod]).selectMenuItem();
- /*
+ /**
* Create the torrent right-click menu
createContextMenu: function() {
context_move_bottom: function() { tr.moveBottom(); }
- // Setup the context menu
+ // Set up the context menu
$('ul#torrent_list').contextMenu('torrent_context_menu', {
bindings: bindings,
- menuStyle: Menu.context.menu_style,
- itemStyle: Menu.context.item_style,
- itemHoverStyle: Menu.context.item_hover_style,
- itemDisabledStyle: Menu.context.item_disabled_style,
+ menuStyle: { width: '310px', backgroundColor: '#fff', border: 'none', padding: '5px 0', textAlign: 'left' },
+ itemStyle: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', margin: '0', padding: '3px 10px 3px 20px', color: '#000', cursor: 'default', border: 'none'},
+ itemHoverStyle: { backgroundColor: '#24e', color: '#fff', border: 'none'},
+ itemDisabledStyle: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', margin: '0', padding: '3px 10px 3px 20px', color: '#aaa', cursor: 'default', border: 'none'},
shadow: false,
boundingElement: $('div#torrent_container'),
boundingRightPad: 20,
selected_char: '✔',
direction: 'up',
- onClick: $.proxy(this.processSettingsMenuEvent,this)
+ onClick: $.proxy(this.onMenuClicked,this)
- initTurtleDropDowns: function() {
- var i, hour, mins, start, end, value, content;
- // Build the list of times
- start = $('#turtle_start_time')[0];
- end = $('#turtle_end_time')[0];
- for (i = 0; i < 24 * 4; i++) {
- hour = parseInt(i / 4, 10);
- mins = ((i % 4) * 15);
- value = (i * 15);
- content = hour + ":" + (mins || '00');
- start.options[i] = new Option(content, value);
- end.options[i] = new Option(content, value);
- }
- },
setSelectedRow: function(row) {
- $(this._torrent_list).children('.selected').removeClass('selected');
+ $(this.elements.torrent_list).children('.selected').removeClass('selected');
selectAll: function() {
- $(this._torrent_list).children().addClass('selected');
+ $(this.elements.torrent_list).children().addClass('selected');
deselectAll: function() {
- $(this._torrent_list).children('.selected').removeClass('selected');
+ $(this.elements.torrent_list).children('.selected').removeClass('selected');
delete this._last_torrent_clicked;
- var paused = $('#prefs_form #auto_start')[0].checked;
+ var paused = this.shouldAddedTorrentsStart();
for (i = 0; i < uris.length; ++i) {
var uri = uris[i];
if (/^#/.test(uri)) {
- savePrefsClicked: function()
- {
- // handle the clutch prefs locally
- var rate = parseInt ($('#prefs_form #refresh_rate')[0].value, 10);
- if (rate != this[Prefs._RefreshRate])
- this.setPref (Prefs._RefreshRate, rate);
- var up_bytes = parseInt($('#prefs_form #upload_rate').val(), 10),
- dn_bytes = parseInt($('#prefs_form #download_rate').val(), 10),
- turtle_up_bytes = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_upload_rate').val(), 10),
- turtle_dn_bytes = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_download_rate').val(), 10);
- // pass the new prefs upstream to the RPC server
- var o = { };
- o[RPC._StartAddedTorrent] = $('#prefs_form #auto_start')[0].checked;
- o[RPC._PeerPort] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #port').val(), 10);
- o[RPC._UpSpeedLimit] = up_bytes;
- o[RPC._DownSpeedLimit] = dn_bytes;
- o[RPC._DownloadDir] = $('#prefs_form #download_location').val();
- o[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = $('#prefs_form #limit_upload').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = $('#prefs_form #limit_download').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._Encryption] = $('#prefs_form #encryption').prop('checked')
- ? RPC._EncryptionRequired
- : RPC._EncryptionPreferred;
- o[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit] = turtle_dn_bytes;
- o[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit] = turtle_up_bytes;
- o[RPC._TurtleTimeEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #turtle_schedule').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._TurtleTimeBegin] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_start_time').val(), 10);
- o[RPC._TurtleTimeEnd] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_end_time').val(), 10);
- o[RPC._TurtleTimeDay] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_days').val(), 10);
- o[RPC._PeerLimitGlobal] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #conn_global').val(), 10);
- o[RPC._PeerLimitPerTorrent] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #conn_torrent').val(), 10);
- o[RPC._PexEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #conn_pex').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._DhtEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #conn_dht').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._LpdEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #conn_lpd').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._BlocklistEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #block_enable').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._BlocklistURL] = $('#prefs_form #block_url').val();
- o[RPC._UtpEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #network_utp').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._PeerPortRandom] = $('#prefs_form #port_rand').prop('checked');
- o[RPC._PortForwardingEnabled]= $('#prefs_form #port_forward').prop('checked');
- this.remote.savePrefs(o);
- this.hidePrefsDialog();
- },
removeClicked: function(ev) {
if (this.isButtonEnabled(ev)) {
- /*
- * 'Clutch Preferences' was clicked (isMobileDevice only)
- */
- releaseClutchPreferencesButton: function() {
- $('div#prefs_container div#pref_error').hide();
- $('div#prefs_container h2.dialog_heading').show();
- this.showPrefsDialog();
- },
- getIntervalMsec: function(key, min)
- {
- var interval = this[key];
- if (!interval || (interval < min))
- interval = min;
- return interval * 1000;
- },
- /* Turn the periodic ajax session refresh on & off */
togglePeriodicSessionRefresh: function(enabled) {
+ /* Turn the periodic ajax session refresh on & off */
delete this.sessionInterval;
if (enabled) {
- var msec = this.getIntervalMsec(Prefs._SessionRefreshRate, 5);
- this.sessionInterval = setInterval($.proxy(this.loadDaemonPrefs,this), msec);
+ var callback = $.proxy(this.loadDaemonPrefs,this),
+ msec = 8000;
+ this.sessionInterval = setInterval(callback, msec);
delete this.statsInterval;
if (enabled) {
- var msec = this.getIntervalMsec(Prefs._SessionRefreshRate, 5);
- this.statsInterval = setInterval($.proxy(this.loadDaemonStats,this), msec);
+ var callback = $.proxy(this.loadDaemonStats,this),
+ msec = 5000;
+ this.statsInterval = setInterval(callback, msec);
toggleTurtleClicked: function()
- // toggle it
- var p = Prefs._TurtleState;
- this[p] = !this[p];
- // send it to the session
- var args = { };
- args[RPC._TurtleState] = this[p];
- this.remote.savePrefs(args);
- },
- updateTurtleButton: function() {
- var enabled = this[Prefs._TurtleState],
- w = $('#turtle-button'),
- t = [ 'Click to ', (enabled?'disable':'enable'), ' Temporary Speed Limits',
- '(', Transmission.fmt.speed(this._prefs[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit]), 'up,',
- Transmission.fmt.speed(this._prefs[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit]), 'down)' ];
- w.toggleClass('enabled',enabled);
- w.attr('title', t.join(' '));
+ var o = {};
+ o[RPC._TurtleState] = !$('#turtle-button').hasClass('enabled');
+ this.remote.savePrefs(o);
- showPrefsDialog: function() {
- this.checkPort(true);
- $('body').addClass('prefs_showing');
- $('#prefs_container').fadeIn();
- this.hideMobileAddressbar();
- this.updateButtonStates();
- this.togglePeriodicSessionRefresh(false);
- },
- hidePrefsDialog: function()
+ showPrefsDialog: function()
- $('body.prefs_showing').removeClass('prefs_showing');
- if (isMobileDevice)
- this.hideMobileAddressbar();
- $('#prefs_container').fadeOut();
- this.updateButtonStates();
- this.togglePeriodicSessionRefresh(true);
- },
- /*
- * Process got some new session data from the server
- */
- updatePrefs: function(p)
- {
- // remember them for later
- this._prefs = p;
- var up_limited = p[RPC._UpSpeedLimited];
- var dn_limited = p[RPC._DownSpeedLimited];
- var up_limit_k = p[RPC._UpSpeedLimit];
- var dn_limit_k = p[RPC._DownSpeedLimit];
- var turtle_up_limit_k = p[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit];
- var turtle_dn_limit_k = p[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit];
- if (p.units)
- Transmission.fmt.updateUnits(p.units);
- $('div.download_location input').val( p[RPC._DownloadDir]);
- $('div.port input').val( p[RPC._PeerPort]);
- $('div.auto_start input').prop('checked', p[RPC._StartAddedTorrent]);
- $('input#limit_download').prop('checked', dn_limited);
- $('input#download_rate').val( dn_limit_k);
- $('input#limit_upload').prop('checked', up_limited);
- $('input#upload_rate').val( up_limit_k);
- $('input#refresh_rate').val( p[Prefs._RefreshRate]);
- $('div.encryption input').val( p[RPC._Encryption] === RPC._EncryptionRequired);
- $('input#turtle_download_rate').val( turtle_dn_limit_k);
- $('input#turtle_upload_rate').val( turtle_up_limit_k);
- $('input#turtle_schedule').prop('checked', p[RPC._TurtleTimeEnabled]);
- $('select#turtle_start_time').val( p[RPC._TurtleTimeBegin]);
- $('select#turtle_end_time').val( p[RPC._TurtleTimeEnd]);
- $('select#turtle_days').val( p[RPC._TurtleTimeDay]);
- $('#transmission_version').text( p[RPC._DaemonVersion]);
- $('#conn_global').val( p[RPC._PeerLimitGlobal]);
- $('#conn_torrent').val( p[RPC._PeerLimitPerTorrent]);
- $('#conn_pex').prop('checked', p[RPC._PexEnabled]);
- $('#conn_dht').prop('checked', p[RPC._DhtEnabled]);
- $('#conn_lpd').prop('checked', p[RPC._LpdEnabled]);
- $('#block_enable').prop('checked', p[RPC._BlocklistEnabled]);
- $('#block_url').val( p[RPC._BlocklistURL]);
- $('#block_size').text( p[RPC._BlocklistSize]+' IP rules in the list');
- $('#network_utp').prop('checked', p[RPC._UtpEnabled]);
- $('#port_rand').prop('checked', p[RPC._PeerPortRandom]);
- $('#port_forward').prop('checked', p[RPC._PortForwardingEnabled]);
- if (!isMobileDevice)
- {
- setInnerHTML($('#limited_download_rate')[0], [ 'Limit (', Transmission.fmt.speed(dn_limit_k), ')' ].join(''));
- var key = dn_limited ? '#limited_download_rate'
- : '#unlimited_download_rate';
- $(key).deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
- setInnerHTML($('#limited_upload_rate')[0], [ 'Limit (', Transmission.fmt.speed(up_limit_k), ')' ].join(''));
- key = up_limited ? '#limited_upload_rate'
- : '#unlimited_upload_rate';
- $(key).deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
- }
- this[Prefs._TurtleState] = p[RPC._TurtleState];
- this.updateTurtleButton();
- this.setCompactMode(p[Prefs._CompactDisplayState]);
- },
- updatePortStatus: function(status) {
- if (status['port-is-open'])
- $('#port_test').text('Port is open');
- else
- $('#port_test').text('Port is closed');
showStatsDialog: function() {
- $('body').addClass('stats_showing');
hideStatsDialog: function() {
- $('body.stats_showing').removeClass('stats_showing');
- if (isMobileDevice)
- this.hideMobileAddressbar();
+ this.hideMobileAddressbar();
- /*
- * Process an event in the footer-menu
- */
- processSettingsMenuEvent: function(ev) {
- var tr = this;
- var $element = $(;
+ updateGuiFromSession: function(o)
+ {
+ var limit, limited, e, b, text,
+ fmt = Transmission.fmt,
+ menu = $('#settings_menu');
- // Figure out which menu has been clicked
- switch ($element.parent()[0].id) {
+ this.prefsDialog.set(o);
- // Display the preferences dialog
- case 'footer_super_menu':
- if ($element[0].id === 'preferences') {
- $('div#prefs_container div#pref_error').hide();
- $('div#prefs_container h2.dialog_heading').show();
- tr.showPrefsDialog();
- }
- else if ($element[0].id === 'statistics') {
- $('div#stats_container div#stats_error').hide();
- $('div#stats_container h2.dialog_heading').show();
- tr.showStatsDialog();
- }
- else if ($element[0].id === 'homepage') {
- }
- else if ($element[0].id === 'tipjar') {
- }
+ if (RPC._TurtleState in o)
+ {
+ b = o[RPC._TurtleState];
+ e = $('#turtle-button');
+ text = [ 'Click to ', (b?'disable':'enable'), ' Temporary Speed Limits (',
+ fmt.speed(o[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit]), ' up,',
+ fmt.speed(o[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit]), ' down)' ].join('');
+ e.toggleClass('enabled', b);
+ e.attr('title', text);
+ }
+ if (this.isMenuEnabled && (RPC._DownSpeedLimited in o)
+ && (RPC._DownSpeedLimit in o))
+ {
+ limit = o[RPC._DownSpeedLimit];
+ limited = o[RPC._DownSpeedLimited];
+ e = menu.find('#limited_download_rate');
+ e.html('Limit (' + fmt.speed(limit) + ')');
+ if (!limited)
+ e = menu.find('#unlimited_download_rate');
+ e.deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
+ }
+ if (this.isMenuEnabled && (RPC._UpSpeedLimited in o)
+ && (RPC._UpSpeedLimit in o))
+ {
+ limit = o[RPC._UpSpeedLimit];
+ limited = o[RPC._UpSpeedLimited];
+ e = menu.find('#limited_upload_rate');
+ e.html('Limit (' + fmt.speed(limit) + ')');
+ if (!limited)
+ e = menu.find('#unlimited_upload_rate');
+ e.deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
+ }
+ },
+ onMenuClicked: function(ev)
+ {
+ var o, dir,
+ id =,
+ remote = this.remote,
+ element = $(;
+ if (element.hasClass('sort-mode'))
+ {
+ element.parent().find('.sort-mode').each(function() {
+ element.parent().deselectMenuItem();
+ });
+ element.selectMenuItem();
+ this.setSortMethod(id.replace(/sort_by_/, ''));
+ }
+ else if (element.hasClass('upload-speed'))
+ {
+ o = {};
+ o[RPC._UpSpeedLimit] = parseInt(;
+ o[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = true;
+ remote.savePrefs(o);
+ }
+ else if (element.hasClass('download-speed'))
+ {
+ o = {};
+ o[RPC._DownSpeedLimit] = parseInt(;
+ o[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = true;
+ remote.savePrefs(o);
+ }
+ else switch (id)
+ {
+ case 'preferences':
+ this.showPrefsDialog();
- // Limit the download rate
- case 'footer_download_rate_menu':
- var args = { };
- if ($'#unlimited_download_rate')) {
- $element.deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
- args[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = false;
- } else {
- var rate_str = $element[0].innerHTML;
- var rate_val = parseInt(rate_str, 10);
- setInnerHTML($('#limited_download_rate')[0], [ 'Limit (', Transmission.fmt.speed(rate_val), ')' ].join(''));
- $('#limited_download_rate').deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
- $('div.preference input#download_rate')[0].value = rate_str;
- args[RPC._DownSpeedLimit] = rate_val;
- args[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = true;
- }
- $('div.preference input#limit_download')[0].checked = args[RPC._DownSpeedLimited];
- tr.remote.savePrefs(args);
+ case 'statistics':
+ $('div#stats_container div#stats_error').hide();
+ $('div#stats_container h2.dialog_heading').show();
+ this.showStatsDialog();
- // Limit the upload rate
- case 'footer_upload_rate_menu':
- var args = { };
- if ($'#unlimited_upload_rate')) {
- $element.deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
- args[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = false;
- } else {
- var rate_str = $element[0].innerHTML;
- var rate_val = parseInt(rate_str, 10);
- setInnerHTML($('#limited_upload_rate')[0], [ 'Limit (', Transmission.fmt.speed(rate_val), ')' ].join(''));
- $('#limited_upload_rate').deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
- $('div.preference input#upload_rate')[0].value = rate_str;
- args[RPC._UpSpeedLimit] = rate_val;
- args[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = true;
- }
- $('div.preference input#limit_upload')[0].checked = args[RPC._UpSpeedLimited];
- tr.remote.savePrefs(args);
+ case 'homepage':
- // Sort the torrent list
- case 'footer_sort_menu':
- // The 'reverse sort' option state can be toggled independently of the other options
- if ($'#reverse_sort_order')) {
- if (!$'')) break;
- var dir;
- if ($element.menuItemIsSelected()) {
- $element.deselectMenuItem();
- dir = Prefs._SortAscending;
- } else {
- $element.selectMenuItem();
- dir = Prefs._SortDescending;
- }
- tr.setSortDirection(dir);
- // Otherwise, deselect all other options (except reverse-sort) and select this one
+ case 'tipjar':
+ break;
+ case 'unlimited_download_rate':
+ o = { };
+ o[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = false;
+ remote.savePrefs(o);
+ break;
+ case 'limited_download_rate':
+ o = { };
+ o[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = true;
+ remote.savePrefs(o);
+ break;
+ case 'unlimited_upload_rate':
+ o = {};
+ o[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = false;
+ remote.savePrefs(o);
+ break;
+ case 'limited_upload_rate':
+ o = {};
+ o[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = true;
+ remote.savePrefs(o);
+ break;
+ case 'reverse_sort_order':
+ if (element.menuItemIsSelected()) {
+ dir = Prefs._SortAscending;
+ element.deselectMenuItem();
} else {
- $element.parent().find('span.selected').each(function() {
- if (! $element.parent().is('#reverse_sort_order')) {
- $element.parent().deselectMenuItem();
- }
- });
- $element.selectMenuItem();
- var method = $element[0].id.replace(/sort_by_/, '');
- tr.setSortMethod(method);
+ dir = Prefs._SortDescending;
+ element.selectMenuItem();
+ this.setSortDirection(dir);
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log('unhandled: ' + id);
- return false; // to prevent the event from bubbling up
+ ev.stopImmediatePropagation();
t = this._torrents[id] = new Torrent(o);
this.dirtyTorrents[id] = true;
- if(!('name' in t.fields) || !('status' in t.fields)) // missing some fields...
+ // if we need them, ask for fields from the server...
+ if(!('name' in t.fields) || !('status' in t.fields))
refreshTorrents: function()
+ var callback = $.proxy(this.refreshTorrents,this),
+ msec = this[Prefs._RefreshRate] * 1000,
+ fields = ['id'].concat(Torrent.Fields.Stats);
// send a request right now
- this.updateTorrents('recently-active', ['id'].concat(Torrent.Fields.Stats));
+ this.updateTorrents('recently-active', fields);
// schedule the next request
- this.refreshTorrentsTimeout = setTimeout($.proxy(this.refreshTorrents,this), this[Prefs._RefreshRate]*1000);
+ this.refreshTorrentsTimeout = setTimeout(callback,msec);
initializeTorrents: function()
- this.updateTorrents(null, ['id'].concat(Torrent.Fields.Metadata, Torrent.Fields.Stats));
+ var fields = ['id'].concat(Torrent.Fields.Metadata,
+ Torrent.Fields.Stats);
+ this.updateTorrents(null, fields);
onRowClicked: function(ev)
updateStatusbar: function()
- var i, row,
+ var i, row, text,
u=0, d=0,
fmt = Transmission.fmt,
torrents = this.getAllTorrents();
d += row.getDownloadSpeed();
- setInnerHTML($('#statusbar #speed-up-label')[0], u ? '↑ ' + fmt.speedBps(u) : '');
- setInnerHTML($('#statusbar #speed-dn-label')[0], d ? '↓ ' + fmt.speedBps(d) : '');
+ text = u ? '↑ ' + fmt.speedBps(u) : '';
+ setInnerHTML($('#statusbar #speed-up-label')[0], text);
+ text = d ? '↓ ' + fmt.speedBps(d) : '';
+ setInnerHTML($('#statusbar #speed-dn-label')[0], text);
+ },
+ shouldAddedTorrentsStart: function()
+ {
+ return this.prefsDialog.shouldAddedTorrentsStart();
if (! confirmed) {
$('input#torrent_upload_file').attr('value', '');
$('input#torrent_upload_url').attr('value', '');
- $('input#torrent_auto_start').attr('checked', $('#prefs_form #auto_start')[0].checked);
+ $('input#torrent_auto_start').attr('checked', this.shouldAddedTorrentsStart());
if (torrents.length === 1)
- var torrent = torrents[0];
- var header = 'Remove ' + torrent.getName() + '?';
- var message = 'Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file. Are you sure you want to remove it?';
+ var torrent = torrents[0],
+ header = 'Remove ' + torrent.getName() + '?',
+ message = 'Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file. Are you sure you want to remove it?';
dialog.confirm(header, message, 'Remove', 'transmission.removeTorrents', torrents);
- var header = 'Remove ' + torrents.length + ' transfers?';
- var message = 'Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files. Are you sure you want to remove them?';
+ var header = 'Remove ' + torrents.length + ' transfers?',
+ message = 'Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files. Are you sure you want to remove them?';
dialog.confirm(header, message, 'Remove', 'transmission.removeTorrents', torrents);
if (torrents.length === 1)
var torrent = torrents[0],
- header = 'Remove ' + torrent.getName() + ' and delete data?',
- message = 'All data downloaded for this torrent will be deleted. Are you sure you want to remove it?';
+ header = 'Remove ' + torrent.getName() + ' and delete data?',
+ message = 'All data downloaded for this torrent will be deleted. Are you sure you want to remove it?';
dialog.confirm(header, message, 'Remove', 'transmission.removeTorrentsAndData', torrents);
var header = 'Remove ' + torrents.length + ' transfers and delete data?',
- message = 'All data downloaded for these torrents will be deleted. Are you sure you want to remove them?';
+ message = 'All data downloaded for these torrents will be deleted. Are you sure you want to remove them?';
dialog.confirm(header, message, 'Remove', 'transmission.removeTorrentsAndData', torrents);
removeTorrents: function(torrents) {
- var ids = $.map(torrents, function(t) { return t.getId(); });
+ var ids = this.getTorrentIds(torrents);
this.remote.removeTorrents(ids, this.refreshTorrents, this);
startTorrent: function(torrent) {
this.startTorrents([ torrent ], false);
+ getTorrentIds: function(torrents) {
+ return $.map(torrents.slice(0), function(t) {return t.getId();});
+ },
startTorrents: function(torrents, force) {
- this.remote.startTorrents($.map(torrents, function(t) {return t.getId();}),
- force, this.refreshTorrents, this);
+ this.remote.startTorrents(this.getTorrentIds(torrents), force,
+ this.refreshTorrents, this);
verifyTorrent: function(torrent) {
this.verifyTorrents([ torrent ]);
verifyTorrents: function(torrents) {
- this.remote.verifyTorrents($.map(torrents, function(t) {return t.getId();}),
+ this.remote.verifyTorrents(this.getTorrentIds(torrents),
this.refreshTorrents, this);
this.reannounceTorrents([ torrent ]);
reannounceTorrents: function(torrents) {
- this.remote.reannounceTorrents($.map(torrents, function(t) {return t.getId();}),
+ this.remote.reannounceTorrents(this.getTorrentIds(torrents),
this.refreshTorrents, this);
this.stopTorrents([ torrent ]);
stopTorrents: function(torrents) {
- this.remote.stopTorrents($.map(torrents.slice(0), function(t) {return t.getId();}),
+ this.remote.stopTorrents(this.getTorrentIds(torrents),
this.refreshTorrents, this);
changeFileCommand: function(torrentId, rowIndices, command) {
hideMobileAddressbar: function(delaySecs) {
if (isMobileDevice && !scroll_timeout) {
- var delayMsec = delaySecs*1000 || 150;
- scroll_timeout = setTimeout($.proxy(this.doToolbarHide,this), delayMsec);
+ var callback = $.proxy(this.doToolbarHide,this),
+ msec = delaySecs*1000 || 150;
+ scroll_timeout = setTimeout(callback,msec);
doToolbarHide: function() {
updateButtonsSoon: function()
if (!this.buttonRefreshTimer)
- this.buttonRefreshTimer = setTimeout($.proxy(this.updateButtonStates,this), 100);
+ {
+ var callback = $.proxy(this.updateButtonStates,this),
+ msec = 100;
+ this.buttonRefreshTimer = setTimeout(callback, msec);
+ }
updateButtonStates: function()
+ var e = this.elements,
+ haveActive = false,
+ havePaused = false,
+ haveSelection = false,
+ haveActiveSelection = false,
+ havePausedSelection = false;
delete this.buttonRefreshTimer;
- var showing_dialog = new RegExp("(prefs_showing|dialog_showing|open_showing)").test(document.body.className);
- this._toolbar_buttons.toggleClass('disabled', showing_dialog);
- if (!showing_dialog)
- {
- var haveSelection = false,
- haveActive = false,
- haveActiveSelection = false,
- havePaused = false,
- havePausedSelection = false;
- for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i) {
- var isStopped = row.getTorrent().isStopped();
- var isSelected = row.isSelected();
- if (!isStopped) haveActive = true;
- if (isStopped) havePaused = true;
- if (isSelected) haveSelection = true;
- if (isSelected && !isStopped) haveActiveSelection = true;
- if (isSelected && isStopped) havePausedSelection = true;
- }
- this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_pause_button, haveActiveSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._context_pause_button, haveActiveSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_start_button, havePausedSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._context_start_button, havePausedSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._context_move_top_button, haveSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._context_move_up_button, haveSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._context_move_down_button, haveSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._context_move_bottom_button, haveSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._context_start_now_button, havePausedSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_remove_button, haveSelection);
- this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_pause_all_button, haveActive);
- this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_start_all_button, havePaused);
+ for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i) {
+ var isStopped = row.getTorrent().isStopped();
+ var isSelected = row.isSelected();
+ if (!isStopped) haveActive = true;
+ if (isStopped) havePaused = true;
+ if (isSelected) haveSelection = true;
+ if (isSelected && !isStopped) haveActiveSelection = true;
+ if (isSelected && isStopped) havePausedSelection = true;
+ this.setEnabled(e.toolbar_pause_button, haveActiveSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.context_pause_button, haveActiveSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.toolbar_start_button, havePausedSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.context_start_button, havePausedSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.context_move_top_button, haveSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.context_move_up_button, haveSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.context_move_down_button, haveSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.context_move_bottom_button, haveSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.context_start_now_button, havePausedSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.toolbar_remove_button, haveSelection);
+ this.setEnabled(e.toolbar_pause_all_button, haveActive);
+ this.setEnabled(e.toolbar_start_all_button, havePaused);
setInspectorVisible: function(visible)
+ if (visible)
+ this.inspector.setTorrents(this.getSelectedTorrents());
// update the ui widgetry
if (isMobileDevice) {
$('#torrent_container')[0].style.right = w;
setInnerHTML($('ul li#context_toggle_inspector')[0], (visible?'Hide':'Show')+' Inspector');
- if (visible)
- this.inspector.setTorrents(this.getSelectedTorrents());
var popup = $('#filter-popup');
autoOpen: false,
- position: isMobileDevice ? [0,0] : [40,80],
+ position: isMobileDevice ? 'center' : [40,80],
show: 'blind',
hide: 'blind',
title: 'Show',
visible_count = this._rows.length;
// count the total number of torrents
- // torrent_count = Object.keys(this._torrents).length; // IE8 doesn't support Object.keys(
torrent_count = 0;
o = this._torrents;
for (tmp in o)
refilterSoon: function()
if (!this.refilterTimer) {
- var tr = this;
- this.refilterTimer = setTimeout(function(){tr.refilter(false);}, 100);
+ var tr = this,
+ callback = function(){tr.refilter(false);},
+ msec = 100;
+ this.refilterTimer = setTimeout(callback, msec);
filter_text = this.filterText,
filter_tracker = this.filterTracker,
renderer = this.torrentRenderer,
- list = this._torrent_list,
+ list = this.elements.torrent_list,
old_sel_count = $(list).children('.selected').length;
**** Trackers
- var trackers = this.getTrackers();
- //var names = Object.keys(trackers).sort(); (IE8 doesn't have Object.keys)
- var name, name=[];
- var names = [];
- for (name in trackers)
+ var trackers = this.getTrackers(),
+ name, name=[],
+ names = [];
+ for (name in trackers)
names.push (name);
width: 100%;
height: 75px;
margin: 0;
- border: 1px outset #AEBBCB;
+ border: 1px outset #AEBBCB;
overflow: hidden;
-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-#toolbar h1 {
- height: inherit;
- width: 205px;
- text-indent: -9000px !important;
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0 0 0 5px;
#toolbar ul {
height: 50px;
margin: 0;
left: 0px;
#filter-popup .row {
- font-size: 1.2em;
text-align: left;
cursor: pointer;
margin: 8px 2px;
background-position: center bottom;
+#prefs-dialog.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel {
+ padding: 0px;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+.prefs-section {
+ margin: 10px;
+ text-align: left;
+.prefs-section > * {
+ padding-top: 8px;
+ padding-left: 8px;
+.prefs-section .title {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ padding-left: 0px;
+.prefs-section .row .key {
+ float: left;
+ padding-top: 3px;
+.prefs-section .row .key > * {
+ margin-left: 0px;
+.prefs-section .row .value {
+ margin-left: 150px;
+.prefs-section .row .value > * {
+ width: 100%;
+.prefs-section .checkbox-row > input {
+ margin: 0px;
+.prefs-section .checkbox-row > label {
+ margin-left: 5px;
* T O R R E N T I N S P E C T O R
cursor: default;
- *
- * T O R R E N T F O O T E R
- *
- *--------------------------------------*/
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- *
- * D I A L O G S
- *
- *--------------------------------------*/
+***** DIALOGS
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- *
- * T R A N S M E N U
- *
- *--------------------------------------*/
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* Progressbar
border-color: #3D9DEA;
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margin: 5px auto 12px;
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- *
- * P R E F S C O N T A I N E R
- *
- *--------------------------------------*/
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- float: left;
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+ font-weight: bold;
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float: left;
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- position: absolute;
- right: 20px;
- left: 160px;
- width: auto !important;
-div#prefs_container label.category {
- clear: both;
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+ margin-left: 150px;
-div#prefs_container a {
- margin-top: 42px !important;
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+ width: 100%;
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+ margin: 0px;
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- right: 135px;
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+ margin-left: 5px;
div#torrent_inspector #torrent_inspector_name {
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overflow: hidden;
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padding-top: 2px;
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color: #666;
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font-size: 1em;
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background-position: right -19px;
div.file_priority_control.low {
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background-position: right -38px;
ul.single_file li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry>.file_priority_control, li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry.complete div.file_priority_control {
- *
- * T O R R E N T F O O T E R
- *
- *--------------------------------------*/
div.torrent_footer {
- margin: 0px;
height: 20px;
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- background-image: linear-gradient(top, #C9C9C9, #A7A7A7); /* standard, but currently unimplemented */
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display: none;
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+ background-position: left -36px;
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+ background-position: -32px -36px;
#compact-button {
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- background: transparent url('../images/graphics/chrome.png') left -54px no-repeat;
+ background: transparent url('../images/graphics/chrome.png') left -54px no-repeat;
#compact-button:active {
- background-position: -32px -54px;
+ background-position: -32px -54px;
#compact-button.enabled {
- background-position: left -72px;
+ background-position: left -72px;
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+ background-position: -32px -72px;
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- background: transparent url('../images/graphics/chrome.png') left -18px no-repeat;
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+ background: transparent url('../images/graphics/chrome.png') left -90px no-repeat;
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- background-position: -32px -18px;
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- background-position: left -36px;
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+ background-position: -32px -90px;
-#turtle-button.enabled:active {
- background-position: -32px -36px;
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* Hide remnants of stuff we don't need, like
-.torrent_footer div.main_container, .torrent_footer ul#settings_menu, div.torrent_footer ul#settings_menu li#button, div#torrent_context_menu {
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