ERROR: cannot convert multidimensional array to Python list
DETAIL: PL/Python only supports one-dimensional arrays.
CONTEXT: PL/Python function "test_type_conversion_array_int4"
+CREATE FUNCTION test_type_conversion_array_text(x text[]) RETURNS text[] AS $$, type(x))
+return x
+$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
+SELECT * FROM test_type_conversion_array_text(ARRAY['foo', 'bar']);
+INFO: (['foo', 'bar'], <type 'list'>)
+CONTEXT: PL/Python function "test_type_conversion_array_text"
+ test_type_conversion_array_text
+ {foo,bar}
+(1 row)
CREATE FUNCTION test_type_conversion_array_bytea(x bytea[]) RETURNS bytea[] AS $$, type(x))
return x
ERROR: cannot convert multidimensional array to Python list
DETAIL: PL/Python only supports one-dimensional arrays.
CONTEXT: PL/Python function "test_type_conversion_array_int4"
+CREATE FUNCTION test_type_conversion_array_text(x text[]) RETURNS text[] AS $$, type(x))
+return x
+$$ LANGUAGE plpython3u;
+SELECT * FROM test_type_conversion_array_text(ARRAY['foo', 'bar']);
+INFO: (['foo', 'bar'], <class 'list'>)
+CONTEXT: PL/Python function "test_type_conversion_array_text"
+ test_type_conversion_array_text
+ {foo,bar}
+(1 row)
CREATE FUNCTION test_type_conversion_array_bytea(x bytea[]) RETURNS bytea[] AS $$, type(x))
return x
SELECT * FROM test_type_conversion_array_int4(ARRAY[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]);
+CREATE FUNCTION test_type_conversion_array_text(x text[]) RETURNS text[] AS $$, type(x))
+return x
+$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
+SELECT * FROM test_type_conversion_array_text(ARRAY['foo', 'bar']);
CREATE FUNCTION test_type_conversion_array_bytea(x bytea[]) RETURNS bytea[] AS $$, type(x))
return x