return undef;
+# get service_description from object
+sub obj_1x_get_host_attr {
+ my $objs_1x = shift;
+ my $obj_1x = shift;
+ my $host_name = shift;
+ my $search_attr = shift;
+ my $host_attr = "";
+ # if this object is invalid, bail early
+ return undef if !defined($obj_1x);
+ # first, check if we already got a service_description here in our struct (recursion safety)
+ return $obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_SEARCH_ATTR'} if defined($obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_SEARCH_ATTR'});
+ delete $obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_SEARCH_ATTR'};
+ # if this object got what we want, return (it can be recursion and a template!)
+ if(defined($obj_1x->{$search_attr})) {
+ $obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_SEARCH_ATTR'} = $obj_1x->{$search_attr};
+ return $obj_1x->{$search_attr};
+ #return $obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_SEARCH_ATTR'};
+ }
+ # we don't have the attribute, should we look into a template?
+ # make sure _not_ to use
+ if (defined($obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_USES_TEMPLATE'}) && $obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_USES_TEMPLATE'} == 1) {
+ # get the object referenced as template - this is an array of templates, loop (funny recursion here)
+ foreach my $obj_1x_template (@{$obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_TEMPLATE_NAMES'}}) {
+ # get the template object associated with by its unique 'name' attr
+ my $obj_1x_tmpl = obj_get_tmpl_obj_by_tmpl_name($objs_1x, 'host', $obj_1x_template);
+ # now recurse into ourselves and look for a possible service_description
+ $host_attr = obj_1x_get_host_attr($objs_1x,$obj_1x_tmpl,$host_name,$search_attr); # we must pass the host_name and search_attr
+ #say Dumper($service_attr);
+ # bail here if search did not unveil anything
+ next if(!defined($host_attr));
+ # get the service attr and return - first template wins
+ $obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_SEARCH_ATTR'} = $host_attr;
+ return $host_attr;
+ #return $obj_1x->{'__I2CONVERT_SEARCH_ATTR'};
+ }
+ }
+ # no template used, and not service description - broken object, ignore it
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # we should never hit here
+ return undef;
# get service_description from object
sub obj_1x_get_contact_attr {
my $objs_1x = shift;
#say Dumper(@$cfg_obj_2x{'host'}->{$host_obj_2x_key});
my $obj_2x_host = @$cfg_obj_2x{'host'}->{$host_obj_2x_key};
+ # if there's no host check_command, we must look it up in the tree
+ if(!defined($obj_2x_host->{'check_command'})) {
+ @$cfg_obj_2x{'host'}->{$host_obj_2x_key}->{'check_command'} = obj_1x_get_host_attr($cfg_obj_1x, $obj_2x_host, $obj_2x_host->{'__I2CONVERT_HOSTNAME'}, 'check_command');
+ say Dumper("found check_command in ".$obj_2x_host->{'check_command'});
+ say Dumper(@$cfg_obj_2x{'host'}->{$host_obj_2x_key});
+ }
# Create Host->Service Relation for later dumping
# we use the prep'ed 2x service hashref already