--- /dev/null
+* Copyright (C) 2012, International Business Machines Corporation and *
+* others. All Rights Reserved. *
+This directory contains a tool used for maintaining ICU's ISO 4217 currency
+code mapping data. ICU uses a resource generated by this tool for mapping
+ISO 4217 currency alpha codes to numeric codes.
+package com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.currency
+Main.java - The tool's entry point
+NumericCodeData.java - The mapping data used by ICU
+CurrencyDataParser.java - ISO 4217 XML data parser
+CurrencyDataEntry.java - ISO 4217 XML data entry
+com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.NumericCodeData has String[][] CODE_MAP_DATA.
+This array represents mappings between ISO 4217 alpha codes and
+numeric codes. ICU's resource bundle currencyNumericCodes is generated
+from the table.
+ISO 4217 maintenance agency - SIX Interbank Clearing distributes
+ISO 4217 code data in XML format. These files are found in
+http://www.currency-iso.org/iso_index/iso_tables.htm. There are two
+files that we're interested in.
+ - http://www.currency-iso.org/dl_iso_table_a1.xml
+ - http://www.currency-iso.org/dl_iso_tables_a3.xml
+Table A.1 contains current currencies and funds and Table A.3 contains
+historic denominations.
+The tool supports 3 commands - check / print / build.
+1) check
+This command compares the hardcoded mapping data in NumericCodeData.java
+with the ISO 4217 XML data files side by side and check differences.
+2) print
+This command prints out body of String[][] CODE_MAP_DATA from the ISO
+4217 XML data files.
+3) build
+This command writes out the hardcoded mapping data in NumericCodeData.java
+in ICU resource bundle source format - currencyNumericCodes.txt.
+[Release Tasks]
+For each ICU release, we should check if the mapping data is up to date.
+Prerequisites: Java 6+, ant
+First, run the ant target "check". This ant target download XML files from
+the SIX Interbank Clearing site and invoke the tool command "check".
+When the target successfully finished, you should see the log like below:
+C:\devtls\trunk\currency>ant check
+Buildfile: C:\devtls\trunk\currency\build.xml
+ [echo] Downloading ISO 4217 XML data files
+ [get] Getting: http://www.currency-iso.org/dl_iso_table_a1.xml
+ [get] To: C:\devtls\trunk\currency\out\xml\dl_iso_table_a1.xml
+ [get] Getting: http://www.currency-iso.org/dl_iso_tables_a3.xml
+ [get] To: C:\devtls\trunk\currency\out\xml\dl_iso_tables_a3.xml
+ [java] [OK] ICU data is synchronized with the reference data
+Total time: 2 seconds
+In this case, our data is synchronized with the latest XML data and you're done.
+If the data is out of sync, you should see message like below:
+ [java] Missing alpha code in ICU map [ZWR]
+ [java] Codes not found in the reference data: ZZZ
+C:\devtls\trunk\currency\build.xml:54: Java returned: 1
+In this case, you have to update the hardcoded data in NumericCodeData.
+You can either edit the table in NumericCodeData manually, or run the tool
+command "print" and copy the output and paste it to the table.
+Once you make sure "ant check" returns no errors, run "ant build". This
+target generate out/res/currencyNumericCodes.txt. The file should go to
+<icu4c>/source/data/misc directory.
+Note: The default ant target does both operation. Although it creates the
+ICU resource file, you do not need to replace the one in ICU4C package with
+the newly generated one if "check" successfully finished.