% The format of the MeanShiftImage method is:
% Image *MeanShiftImage(const Image *image,const size_t width,
-% const size_t height,const double distance,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% const size_t height,const double color_distance,
+% ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows:
% o width, height: find clusters as local maxima in this neighborhood.
-% o distance: the color distance.
+% o color_distance: the color distance.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickExport Image *MeanShiftImage(const Image *image,const size_t width,
- const size_t height,const double shift,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+ const size_t height,const double color_distance,ExceptionInfo *exception)
- return((Image *) NULL);
+#define MaxMeanShiftIterations 100
+ CacheView
+ *image_view,
+ *mean_view,
+ *pixel_view;
+ Image
+ *mean_image;
+ MagickBooleanType
+ status;
+ ssize_t
+ y;
+ assert(image != (const Image *) NULL);
+ assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
+ if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
+ assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
+ assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature);
+ mean_image=CloneImage(image,image->columns,image->rows,MagickTrue,exception);
+ if (mean_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return((Image *) NULL);
+ if (SetImageStorageClass(mean_image,DirectClass,exception) == MagickFalse)
+ {
+ mean_image=DestroyImage(mean_image);
+ return((Image *) NULL);
+ }
+ status=MagickTrue;
+ image_view=AcquireVirtualCacheView(image,exception);
+ pixel_view=AcquireVirtualCacheView(image,exception);
+ mean_view=AcquireAuthenticCacheView(mean_image,exception);
+ #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,4) shared(status) \
+ magick_threads(mean_image,mean_image,mean_image->rows,1)
+ for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) mean_image->rows; y++)
+ {
+ register const Quantum
+ *restrict p;
+ register Quantum
+ *restrict q;
+ register ssize_t
+ x;
+ if (status == MagickFalse)
+ continue;
+ p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,0,y,image->columns,1,exception);
+ q=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(mean_view,0,y,mean_image->columns,1,
+ exception);
+ if ((p == (const Quantum *) NULL) || (q == (Quantum *) NULL))
+ {
+ status=MagickFalse;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) mean_image->columns; x++)
+ {
+ PixelInfo
+ mean_pixel,
+ previous_pixel;
+ PointInfo
+ mean_location,
+ previous_location;
+ register ssize_t
+ i;
+ GetPixelInfo(image,&mean_pixel);
+ GetPixelInfoPixel(image,p,&mean_pixel);
+ mean_location.x=(double) x;
+ mean_location.y=(double) y;
+ for (i=0; i < MaxMeanShiftIterations; i++)
+ {
+ double
+ distance,
+ gamma;
+ PixelInfo
+ sum_pixel;
+ PointInfo
+ sum_location;
+ ssize_t
+ count,
+ v;
+ sum_location.x=0.0;
+ sum_location.y=0.0;
+ GetPixelInfo(image,&sum_pixel);
+ previous_location.x=mean_location.x;
+ previous_location.y=mean_location.y;
+ previous_pixel=mean_pixel;
+ count=0;
+ for (v=(-((ssize_t) height/2)); v < (((ssize_t) height/2)); v++)
+ {
+ ssize_t
+ u;
+ for (u=(-((ssize_t) width/2)); u < (((ssize_t) width/2)); u++)
+ {
+ PixelInfo
+ pixel;
+ status=GetOneCacheViewVirtualPixelInfo(pixel_view,(ssize_t)
+ (mean_location.x+u),(ssize_t) (mean_location.y+v),&pixel,
+ exception);
+ distance=(mean_pixel.red-previous_pixel.red)*
+ (mean_pixel.red-previous_pixel.red)+
+ (mean_pixel.green-previous_pixel.green)*
+ (mean_pixel.green-previous_pixel.green)+
+ (mean_pixel.blue-previous_pixel.blue)*
+ (mean_pixel.blue-previous_pixel.blue);
+ if (distance <= (color_distance*color_distance))
+ {
+ sum_location.x+=mean_location.x+u;
+ sum_location.y+=mean_location.y+v;
+ sum_pixel.red+=pixel.red;
+ sum_pixel.green+=pixel.green;
+ sum_pixel.blue+=pixel.blue;
+ sum_pixel.alpha+=pixel.alpha;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gamma=1.0/count;
+ mean_location.x=gamma*sum_location.x;
+ mean_location.y=gamma*sum_location.y;
+ mean_pixel.red=gamma*sum_pixel.red;
+ mean_pixel.green=gamma*sum_pixel.green;
+ mean_pixel.blue=gamma*sum_pixel.blue;
+ mean_pixel.alpha=gamma*sum_pixel.alpha;
+ distance=(mean_location.x-previous_location.x)*
+ (mean_location.x-previous_location.x)+
+ (mean_location.y-previous_location.y)*
+ (mean_location.y-previous_location.y)+
+ (mean_pixel.red-previous_pixel.red)*
+ (mean_pixel.red-previous_pixel.red)+
+ (mean_pixel.green-previous_pixel.green)*
+ (mean_pixel.green-previous_pixel.green)+
+ (mean_pixel.blue-previous_pixel.blue)*
+ (mean_pixel.blue-previous_pixel.blue);
+ if (distance <= 3.0)
+ break;
+ }
+ SetPixelRed(mean_image,ClampToQuantum(mean_pixel.red),q);
+ SetPixelGreen(mean_image,ClampToQuantum(mean_pixel.green),q);
+ SetPixelBlue(mean_image,ClampToQuantum(mean_pixel.blue),q);
+ SetPixelAlpha(mean_image,ClampToQuantum(mean_pixel.alpha),q);
+ p+=GetPixelChannels(image);
+ q+=GetPixelChannels(mean_image);
+ }
+ if (SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(mean_view,exception) == MagickFalse)
+ status=MagickFalse;
+ }
+ mean_view=DestroyCacheView(mean_view);
+ pixel_view=DestroyCacheView(pixel_view);
+ image_view=DestroyCacheView(image_view);
+ return(mean_image);