$(ERL) -noinput +B -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin -eval \
- 'case fxml_gen:compile("tools/xmpp_codec.spec", [{add_type_specs, xmpp_element}, {erl_dir, "src"}, {hrl_dir, "include"}]) of ok -> halt(0); _ -> halt(1) end.'
+ 'case fxml_gen:compile("specs/xmpp_codec.spec", [{add_type_specs, xmpp_element}, {erl_dir, "src"}, {hrl_dir, "include"}]) of ok -> halt(0); _ -> halt(1) end.'
+ $(ERL) -noinput +B -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin -eval \
+ 'case xdata_codec:compile("specs", [{erl_dir, "src"}, {hrl_dir, "include"}]) of ok -> halt(0); _ -> halt(1) end.'
JOIN_PATHS=$(if $(wordlist 2,1000,$(1)),$(firstword $(1))/$(call JOIN_PATHS,$(wordlist 2,1000,$(1))),$(1))
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: flex_offline.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/offline
+%% Document: XEP-0013
+-type property() :: {'number_of_messages', non_neg_integer()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type form() :: [property() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: muc_register.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register
+%% Document: XEP-0045
+-type property() :: {'allow', boolean()} |
+ {'email', binary()} |
+ {'faqentry', [binary()]} |
+ {'first', binary()} |
+ {'last', binary()} |
+ {'roomnick', binary()} |
+ {'url', binary()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type form() :: [property() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: muc_request.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request
+%% Document: XEP-0045
+-type property() :: {'role', participant} |
+ {'jid', jid:jid()} |
+ {'roomnick', binary()} |
+ {'request_allow', boolean()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type options(T) :: [{binary(), T}].
+-type property_with_options() ::
+ {'role', participant, options(participant)}.
+-type form() :: [property() | property_with_options() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: muc_roomconfig.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig
+%% Document: XEP-0045
+-type 'allow_private_messages_from_visitors'() :: nobody | moderators | anyone.
+-type 'maxusers'() :: none | non_neg_integer().
+-type 'presencebroadcast'() :: moderator | participant | visitor.
+-type 'whois'() :: moderators | anyone.
+-type property() :: {'maxhistoryfetch', binary()} |
+ {'allowpm', binary()} |
+ {'allow_private_messages', boolean()} |
+ {'allow_private_messages_from_visitors', 'allow_private_messages_from_visitors'()} |
+ {'allow_visitor_status', boolean()} |
+ {'allow_visitor_nickchange', boolean()} |
+ {'allow_voice_requests', boolean()} |
+ {'allow_subscription', boolean()} |
+ {'voice_request_min_interval', non_neg_integer()} |
+ {'captcha_protected', boolean()} |
+ {'captcha_whitelist', [jid:jid()]} |
+ {'allow_query_users', boolean()} |
+ {'allowinvites', boolean()} |
+ {'changesubject', boolean()} |
+ {'enablelogging', boolean()} |
+ {'getmemberlist', [binary()]} |
+ {'lang', binary()} |
+ {'pubsub', binary()} |
+ {'maxusers', 'maxusers'()} |
+ {'membersonly', boolean()} |
+ {'moderatedroom', boolean()} |
+ {'members_by_default', boolean()} |
+ {'passwordprotectedroom', boolean()} |
+ {'persistentroom', boolean()} |
+ {'presencebroadcast', ['presencebroadcast'()]} |
+ {'publicroom', boolean()} |
+ {'public_list', boolean()} |
+ {'roomadmins', [jid:jid()]} |
+ {'roomdesc', binary()} |
+ {'roomname', binary()} |
+ {'roomowners', [jid:jid()]} |
+ {'roomsecret', binary()} |
+ {'whois', 'whois'()} |
+ {'mam', boolean()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type options(T) :: [{binary(), T}].
+-type property_with_options() ::
+ {'allowpm', binary(), options(binary())} |
+ {'allow_private_messages_from_visitors', 'allow_private_messages_from_visitors'(), options('allow_private_messages_from_visitors'())} |
+ {'getmemberlist', [binary()], options(binary())} |
+ {'maxusers', 'maxusers'(), options('maxusers'())} |
+ {'presencebroadcast', ['presencebroadcast'()], options('presencebroadcast'())} |
+ {'whois', 'whois'(), options('whois'())}.
+-type form() :: [property() | property_with_options() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: muc_roominfo.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo
+%% Document: XEP-0045
+-type property() :: {'maxhistoryfetch', non_neg_integer()} |
+ {'contactjid', [jid:jid()]} |
+ {'description', binary()} |
+ {'lang', binary()} |
+ {'ldapgroup', binary()} |
+ {'logs', binary()} |
+ {'occupants', non_neg_integer()} |
+ {'subject', binary()} |
+ {'subjectmod', boolean()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type form() :: [property() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_get_pending.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_authorization
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-type property() :: {'node', binary()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type options(T) :: [{binary(), T}].
+-type property_with_options() ::
+ {'node', binary(), options(binary())}.
+-type form() :: [property() | property_with_options() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_node_config.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-type 'access_model'() :: authorize | open | presence | roster | whitelist.
+-type 'children_association_policy'() :: all | owners | whitelist.
+-type 'itemreply'() :: owner | publisher | none.
+-type 'node_type'() :: leaf | collection.
+-type 'notification_type'() :: normal | headline.
+-type 'publish_model'() :: publishers | subscribers | open.
+-type 'send_last_published_item'() :: never | on_sub | on_sub_and_presence.
+-type property() :: {'access_model', 'access_model'()} |
+ {'body_xslt', binary()} |
+ {'children_association_policy', 'children_association_policy'()} |
+ {'children_association_whitelist', [jid:jid()]} |
+ {'children', [binary()]} |
+ {'children_max', binary()} |
+ {'collection', [binary()]} |
+ {'contact', [jid:jid()]} |
+ {'dataform_xslt', binary()} |
+ {'deliver_notifications', boolean()} |
+ {'deliver_payloads', boolean()} |
+ {'description', binary()} |
+ {'item_expire', binary()} |
+ {'itemreply', 'itemreply'()} |
+ {'language', binary()} |
+ {'max_items', non_neg_integer()} |
+ {'max_payload_size', non_neg_integer()} |
+ {'node_type', 'node_type'()} |
+ {'notification_type', 'notification_type'()} |
+ {'notify_config', boolean()} |
+ {'notify_delete', boolean()} |
+ {'notify_retract', boolean()} |
+ {'notify_sub', boolean()} |
+ {'persist_items', boolean()} |
+ {'presence_based_delivery', boolean()} |
+ {'publish_model', 'publish_model'()} |
+ {'purge_offline', boolean()} |
+ {'roster_groups_allowed', [binary()]} |
+ {'send_last_published_item', 'send_last_published_item'()} |
+ {'tempsub', boolean()} |
+ {'subscribe', boolean()} |
+ {'title', binary()} |
+ {'type', binary()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type options(T) :: [{binary(), T}].
+-type property_with_options() ::
+ {'access_model', 'access_model'(), options('access_model'())} |
+ {'children_association_policy', 'children_association_policy'(), options('children_association_policy'())} |
+ {'itemreply', 'itemreply'(), options('itemreply'())} |
+ {'language', binary(), options(binary())} |
+ {'node_type', 'node_type'(), options('node_type'())} |
+ {'notification_type', 'notification_type'(), options('notification_type'())} |
+ {'publish_model', 'publish_model'(), options('publish_model'())} |
+ {'roster_groups_allowed', [binary()], options(binary())} |
+ {'send_last_published_item', 'send_last_published_item'(), options('send_last_published_item'())}.
+-type form() :: [property() | property_with_options() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_publish_options.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-type 'access_model'() :: authorize | open | presence | roster | whitelist.
+-type property() :: {'access_model', 'access_model'()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type options(T) :: [{binary(), T}].
+-type property_with_options() ::
+ {'access_model', 'access_model'(), options('access_model'())}.
+-type form() :: [property() | property_with_options() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_subscribe_authorization.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_authorization
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-type property() :: {'allow', boolean()} |
+ {'node', binary()} |
+ {'subscriber_jid', jid:jid()} |
+ {'subid', binary()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type form() :: [property() | xdata_field()].
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_subscribe_options.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_options
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-type 'show-values'() :: away | chat | dnd | online | xa.
+-type 'subscription_type'() :: items | nodes.
+-type 'subscription_depth'() :: 1 | all.
+-type property() :: {'deliver', boolean()} |
+ {'digest', boolean()} |
+ {'digest_frequency', binary()} |
+ {'expire', binary()} |
+ {'include_body', boolean()} |
+ {'show-values', ['show-values'()]} |
+ {'subscription_type', 'subscription_type'()} |
+ {'subscription_depth', 'subscription_depth'()}.
+-type result() :: [property()].
+-type options(T) :: [{binary(), T}].
+-type property_with_options() ::
+ {'show-values', ['show-values'()], options('show-values'())} |
+ {'subscription_type', 'subscription_type'(), options('subscription_type'())} |
+ {'subscription_depth', 'subscription_depth'(), options('subscription_depth'())}.
+-type form() :: [property() | property_with_options() | xdata_field()].
-record(ps_affiliation, {xmlns = <<>> :: binary(),
node = <<>> :: binary(),
type :: member | none | outcast |
- owner | publisher | 'publish-only',
+ owner | publisher | publish_only,
jid :: jid:jid()}).
-type ps_affiliation() :: #ps_affiliation{}.
type :: 'boolean' | 'fixed' | 'hidden' | 'jid-multi' | 'jid-single' | 'list-multi' | 'list-single' | 'text-multi' | 'text-private' | 'text-single',
var = <<>> :: binary(),
required = false :: boolean(),
- desc :: binary(),
+ desc = <<>> :: binary(),
values = [] :: [binary()],
options = [] :: [#xdata_option{}],
sub_els = [] :: [xmpp_element() | fxml:xmlel()]}).
--- /dev/null
+[{decode, [{<<"number_of_messages">>, {dec_int, [0, infinity]}}]}].
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/offline</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0013</doc>
+ <desc>
+ Service Discovery extension for number of messages
+ in an offline message queue.
+ </desc>
+ <field
+ var='number_of_messages'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Number of Offline Messages'/>
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"muc#register_">>},
+ {required, [<<"muc#register_roomnick">>]}].
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0045</doc>
+ <desc>
+ Forms enabling user registration with a
+ Multi-User Chat (MUC) room or admin approval
+ of user registration requests.
+ </desc>
+ <field
+ var='muc#register_allow'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow this person to register with the room?'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#register_email'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Email Address'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#register_faqentry'
+ type='text-multi'
+ label='FAQ Entry'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#register_first'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Given Name'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#register_last'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Family Name'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#register_roomnick'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Nickname'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#register_url'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='A Web Page'/>
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"muc#">>},
+ {required, [<<"muc#role">>]}].
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0045</doc>
+ <desc>
+ Forms enabling voice requests in a
+ Multi-User Chat (MUC) room or admin
+ approval of such requests.
+ </desc>
+ <field var='muc#role'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Requested role'>
+ <option label='Participant'>
+ <value>participant</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='muc#jid'
+ type='jid-single'
+ label='User JID'/>
+ <field var='muc#roomnick'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Nickname'/>
+ <field var='muc#request_allow'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Grant voice to this person?'/>
+Local Variables:
+mode: xml
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"muc#roomconfig_">>},
+ {prefix, <<"muc#">>},
+ {decode, [{<<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>,
+ {dec_enum_int, [[none], 0, infinity]}},
+ {<<"voice_request_min_interval">>,
+ {dec_int, [0, infinity]}}]}].
+%% Local Variables:
+%% mode: erlang
+%% End:
+%% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8:
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0045</doc>
+ <desc>
+ Forms enabling creation and configuration of
+ a Multi-User Chat (MUC) room.
+ </desc>
+ <field
+ var='muc#maxhistoryfetch'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Maximum Number of History Messages Returned by Room'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_allowpm'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Roles that May Send Private Messages'/>
+ <field
+ var='allow_private_messages'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow users to send private messages'/>
+ <field
+ var='allow_private_messages_from_visitors'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Allow visitors to send private messages to'>
+ <option label='nobody'>
+ <value>nobody</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='moderators only'>
+ <value>moderators</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='anyone'>
+ <value>anyone</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field
+ var='allow_visitor_status'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates'/>
+ <field
+ var='allow_visitor_nickchange'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow visitors to change nickname'/>
+ <field
+ var='allow_voice_requests'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow visitors to send voice requests'/>
+ <field
+ var='allow_subscription'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow subscription'/>
+ <field
+ var='voice_request_min_interval'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)'/>
+ <field
+ var='captcha_protected'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Make room CAPTCHA protected'/>
+ <field
+ var='captcha_whitelist'
+ type='jid-multi'
+ label='Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge'/>
+ <field
+ var='allow_query_users'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow users to query other users'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_allowinvites'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow users to send invites'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_changesubject'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow users to change the subject'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_enablelogging'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Enable logging'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist'
+ type='list-multi'
+ label='Roles and Affiliations that May Retrieve Member List'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_lang'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Natural Language for Room Discussions'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_pubsub'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_maxusers'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Maximum Number of Occupants'>
+ <option label='No limit'>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </option>
+ <option><value>5</value></option>
+ <option><value>10</value></option>
+ <option><value>20</value></option>
+ <option><value>30</value></option>
+ <option><value>50</value></option>
+ <option><value>100</value></option>
+ <option><value>200</value></option>
+ <option><value>500</value></option>
+ <option><value>1000</value></option>
+ <option><value>2000</value></option>
+ <option><value>5000</value></option>
+ </field>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_membersonly'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Make room members-only'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Make room moderated'/>
+ <field
+ var='members_by_default'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Default users as participants'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Make room password protected'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_persistentroom'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Make room persistent'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast'
+ type='list-multi'
+ label='Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted'>
+ <option label='Moderator'>
+ <value>moderator</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Participant'>
+ <value>participant</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Visitor'>
+ <value>visitor</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_publicroom'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Make room public searchable'/>
+ <field
+ var='public_list'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Make participants list public'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_roomadmins'
+ type='jid-multi'
+ label='Full List of Room Admins'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_roomdesc'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Room description'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_roomname'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Room title'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_roomowners'
+ type='jid-multi'
+ label='Full List of Room Owners'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_roomsecret'
+ type='text-private'
+ label='Password'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roomconfig_whois'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Present real Jabber IDs to'>
+ <option label='moderators only'>
+ <value>moderators</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='anyone'>
+ <value>anyone</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field
+ var='mam'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Enable message archiving'/>
+Local Variables:
+mode: xml
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"muc#roominfo_">>},
+ {prefix, <<"muc#">>},
+ {decode, [{<<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ {dec_int, [0, infinity]}},
+ {<<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>,
+ {dec_int, [0, infinity]}}]}].
+%% Local Variables:
+%% mode: erlang
+%% End:
+%% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8:
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0045</doc>
+ <desc>
+ Forms enabling the communication of extended service discovery
+ information about a Multi-User Chat (MUC) room.
+ </desc>
+ <field
+ var='muc#maxhistoryfetch'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Maximum Number of History Messages Returned by Room'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roominfo_contactjid'
+ type='jid-multi'
+ label='Contact Addresses (normally, room owner or owners)'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roominfo_description'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Room description'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roominfo_lang'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Natural Language for Room Discussions'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roominfo_ldapgroup'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='An associated LDAP group that defines
+ room membership; this should be an LDAP
+ Distinguished Name according to an
+ implementation-specific or
+ deployment-specific definition of a
+ group.'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roominfo_logs'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='URL for Archived Discussion Logs'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roominfo_occupants'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Number of occupants'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roominfo_subject'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Current Discussion Topic'/>
+ <field
+ var='muc#roominfo_subjectmod'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='The room subject can be modified by participants'/>
+Local Variables:
+mode: xml
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"pubsub#">>},
+ {required, [<<"pubsub#node">>]}].
+%% Local Variables:
+%% mode: erlang
+%% End:
+%% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8:
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_authorization</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0060</doc>
+ <desc>Forms enabling authorization of subscriptions to pubsub nodes</desc>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#node'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='The NodeID of the relevant node'/>
+Local Variables:
+mode: xml
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"pubsub#">>},
+ {decode, [{<<"pubsub#max_items">>, {dec_int, [0,infinity]}},
+ {<<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>, {dec_int, [0,infinity]}}]}].
+%% Local Variables:
+%% mode: erlang
+%% End:
+%% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8:
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0060</doc>
+ <desc>Forms enabling configuration of pubsub nodes</desc>
+ <field var='pubsub#access_model'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Specify the access model'>
+ <option label='Subscription requests must be approved and only subscribers may retrieve items'>
+ <value>authorize</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Anyone may subscribe and retrieve items'>
+ <value>open</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Anyone with a presence subscription of both or from may subscribe and retrieve items'>
+ <value>presence</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Anyone in the specified roster group(s) may subscribe and retrieve items'>
+ <value>roster</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Only those on a whitelist may subscribe and retrieve items'>
+ <value>whitelist</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#body_xslt'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='The URL of an XSL transformation which can be
+ applied to payloads in order to generate an
+ appropriate message body element.'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#children_association_policy'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Who may associate leaf nodes with a collection'>
+ <option label='Anyone may associate leaf nodes with the collection'>
+ <value>all</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Only collection node owners may associate leaf nodes with the collection'>
+ <value>owners</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Only those on a whitelist may associate leaf nodes with the collection'>
+ <value>whitelist</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#children_association_whitelist'
+ type='jid-multi'
+ label='The list of JIDs that may associate leaf nodes with a collection'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#children'
+ type='text-multi'
+ label='The child nodes (leaf or collection) associated with a collection'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#children_max'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='The maximum number of child nodes that can be associated with a collection'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#collection'
+ type='text-multi'
+ label='The collections with which a node is affiliated'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#contact'
+ type='jid-multi'
+ label='The JIDs of those to contact with questions'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#dataform_xslt'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='The URL of an XSL transformation which can be
+ applied to the payload format in order to generate
+ a valid Data Forms result that the client could
+ display using a generic Data Forms rendering
+ engine'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#deliver_notifications' type='boolean'
+ label='Deliver event notifications'>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#deliver_payloads'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Deliver payloads with event notifications'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#description'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='A description of the node'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#item_expire'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Number of seconds after which to automatically purge items'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#itemreply'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Whether owners or publisher should receive replies to items'>
+ <option label='Statically specify a replyto of the node owner(s)'>
+ <value>owner</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Dynamically specify a replyto of the item publisher'>
+ <value>publisher</value>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <value>none</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#language'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='The default language of the node'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#max_items'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Max # of items to persist'>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#max_payload_size'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Max payload size in bytes'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#node_type'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Whether the node is a leaf (default) or a collection'>
+ <option label='The node is a leaf node (default)'>
+ <value>leaf</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='The node is a collection node'>
+ <value>collection</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#notification_type' type='list-single'
+ label='Specify the event message type'>
+ <option label='Messages of type normal'>
+ <value>normal</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Messages of type headline'>
+ <value>headline</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#notify_config'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#notify_delete'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Notify subscribers when the node is deleted'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#notify_retract'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#notify_sub'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Whether to notify owners about new subscribers and unsubscribes'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#persist_items'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Persist items to storage'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#presence_based_delivery'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Only deliver notifications to available users'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#publish_model'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Specify the publisher model'>
+ <option label='Only publishers may publish'>
+ <value>publishers</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Subscribers may publish'>
+ <value>subscribers</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Anyone may publish'>
+ <value>open</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#purge_offline'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#roster_groups_allowed'
+ type='list-multi'
+ label='Roster groups allowed to subscribe'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#send_last_published_item'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='When to send the last published item'>
+ <option label='Never'>
+ <value>never</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='When a new subscription is processed'>
+ <value>on_sub</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='When a new subscription is processed and whenever a subscriber comes online'>
+ <value>on_sub_and_presence</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#tempsub'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Whether to make all subscriptions temporary, based on subscriber presence'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#subscribe' type='boolean'
+ label='Whether to allow subscriptions'>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#title'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='A friendly name for the node'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#type'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='The type of node data, usually specified by
+ the namespace of the payload (if any)'/>
+Local Variables:
+mode: xml
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"pubsub#">>}].
+%% Local Variables:
+%% mode: erlang
+%% End:
+%% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8:
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0060</doc>
+ <desc>
+ Forms enabling publication with options; each field must specify whether it
+ defines METADATA to be attached to the item, a per-item OVERRIDE of the node
+ configuration, or a PRECONDITION to be checked against the node configuration.
+ </desc>
+ <field var='pubsub#access_model'
+ type='list-single'
+ label='Specify the access model'>
+ <option label='Access model of authorize'>
+ <value>authorize</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Access model of open'>
+ <value>open</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Access model of presence'>
+ <value>presence</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Access model of roster'>
+ <value>roster</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Access model of whitelist'>
+ <value>whitelist</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+Local Variables:
+mode: xml
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"pubsub#">>},
+ {required, [<<"pubsub#node">>, <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>, <<"pubsub#allow">>]}].
+%% Local Variables:
+%% mode: erlang
+%% End:
+%% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8:
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_authorization</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0060</doc>
+ <desc>Forms enabling authorization of subscriptions to pubsub nodes</desc>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#allow'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?'/>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#node'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='Node ID'/>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#subscriber_jid'
+ type='jid-single'
+ label='Subscriber Address'/>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#subid'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='The subscription identifier associated with the subscription request'/>
+Local Variables:
+mode: xml
--- /dev/null
+[{prefix, <<"pubsub#">>}].
--- /dev/null
+ <name>http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_options</name>
+ <doc>XEP-0060</doc>
+ <desc>Forms enabling configuration of subscription options for pubsub nodes</desc>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#deliver'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Whether an entity wants to receive
+ or disable notifications'/>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#digest'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Whether an entity wants to receive digests
+ (aggregations) of notifications or all
+ notifications individually'/>
+ <field var='pubsub#digest_frequency'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='The minimum number of milliseconds between
+ sending any two notification digests'/>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#expire'
+ type='text-single'
+ label='The DateTime at which a leased subscription
+ will end or has ended'/>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#include_body'
+ type='boolean'
+ label='Whether an entity wants to receive an XMPP
+ message body in addition to the payload
+ format'/>
+ <field
+ var='pubsub#show-values'
+ type='list-multi'
+ label='The presence states for which an entity
+ wants to receive notifications'>
+ <option label='XMPP Show Value of Away'>
+ <value>away</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='XMPP Show Value of Chat'>
+ <value>chat</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='XMPP Show Value of DND (Do Not Disturb)'>
+ <value>dnd</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Mere Availability in XMPP (No Show Value)'>
+ <value>online</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='XMPP Show Value of XA (Extended Away)'>
+ <value>xa</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#subscription_type'
+ type='list-single'>
+ <option label='Receive notification of new items only'>
+ <value>items</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Receive notification of new nodes only'>
+ <value>nodes</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
+ <field var='pubsub#subscription_depth'
+ type='list-single'>
+ <option label='Receive notification from direct child nodes only'>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </option>
+ <option label='Receive notification from all descendent nodes'>
+ <value>all</value>
+ </option>
+ </field>
default = false,
min = 0, max = 1},
#ref{name = xdata_field_desc,
+ default = <<"">>,
label = '$desc',
min = 0, max = 1},
#ref{name = xdata_field_value,
-record(ps_affiliation, {xmlns = <<>> :: binary(),
node = <<>> :: binary(),
type :: member | none | outcast |
- owner | publisher | 'publish-only',
+ owner | publisher | publish_only,
jid :: jid:jid()}).
-type ps_affiliation() :: #ps_affiliation{}.
#attr{name = <<"affiliation">>,
label = '$type',
required = true,
- dec = {dec_enum, [[member, none, outcast, owner,
- publisher, 'publish-only']]},
- enc = {enc_enum, []}}]}).
+ dec = {dec_ps_aff, []},
+ enc = {enc_ps_aff, []}}]}).
#elem{name = <<"affiliation">>,
#attr{name = <<"affiliation">>,
label = '$type',
required = true,
- dec = {dec_enum, [[member, none, outcast, owner,
- publisher, 'publish-only']]},
- enc = {enc_enum, []}}]}).
+ dec = {dec_ps_aff, []},
+ enc = {enc_ps_aff, []}}]}).
#elem{name = <<"configuration">>,
enc_version({Maj, Min}) ->
<<(integer_to_binary(Maj))/binary, $., (integer_to_binary(Min))/binary>>.
+-spec dec_ps_aff(_) -> member | none | outcast |
+ owner | publisher | publish_only.
+dec_ps_aff(<<"member">>) -> member;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"none">>) -> none;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"outcast">>) -> outcast;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"owner">>) -> owner;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"publisher">>) -> publisher;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"publish-only">>) -> publish_only.
+enc_ps_aff(member) -> <<"member">>;
+enc_ps_aff(none) -> <<"none">>;
+enc_ps_aff(outcast) -> <<"outcast">>;
+enc_ps_aff(owner) -> <<"owner">>;
+enc_ps_aff(publisher) -> <<"publisher">>;
+enc_ps_aff(publish_only) -> <<"publish-only">>.
%% Local Variables:
%% mode: erlang
%% End:
mk_ocr_field(Lang, CID, Type) ->
URI = #media_uri{type = Type, uri = <<"cid:", CID/binary>>},
#xdata_field{var = <<"ocr">>,
+ type = 'text-single',
label = captcha_text(Lang),
required = true,
sub_els = [#media{uri = [URI]}]}.
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: flex_offline.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/offline
+%% Document: XEP-0013
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_int(Val, Min, Max) ->
+ case list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Val)) of
+ Int when Int =< Max, Min == infinity -> Int;
+ Int when Int =< Max, Int >= Min -> Int
+ end.
+enc_int(Int) -> integer_to_binary(Int).
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/offline">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/offline">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {number_of_messages, Val} ->
+ [encode_number_of_messages(Val, Translate)];
+ {number_of_messages, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/offline">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"number_of_messages">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_int(Value, 0, infinity) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{number_of_messages, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"number_of_messages">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"number_of_messages">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/offline">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"number_of_messages">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"number_of_messages">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"number_of_messages">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"number_of_messages">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/offline">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/offline">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/offline">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_number_of_messages(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_int(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"number_of_messages">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Number of Offline Messages">>)}.
-spec concat_info(disco_info()) -> iolist().
concat_info(#disco_info{xdata = Xs}) ->
- [concat_xdata_fields(Fs) || #xdata{type = result, fields = Fs} <- Xs]).
--spec concat_xdata_fields([xdata_field()]) -> iolist().
-concat_xdata_fields(Fields) ->
- Form = case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var, Fields) of
- #xdata_field{values = Values} -> Values;
- false -> []
- end,
+ [concat_xdata_fields(X) || #xdata{type = result} = X <- Xs]).
+-spec concat_xdata_fields(xdata()) -> iolist().
+concat_xdata_fields(#xdata{fields = Fields} = X) ->
+ Form = xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, X),
Res = [[Var, $<, lists:sort([[Val, $<] || Val <- Values])]
|| #xdata_field{var = Var, values = Values} <- Fields,
is_binary(Var), Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">>],
process_iq_v0_2/1, process_iq_v0_3/1, disco_sm_features/5,
remove_user/2, remove_room/3, mod_opt_type/1, muc_process_iq/2,
muc_filter_message/5, message_is_archived/5, delete_old_messages/2,
- get_commands_spec/0, msg_to_el/4, get_room_config/4, set_room_option/4]).
+ get_commands_spec/0, msg_to_el/4, get_room_config/4, set_room_option/3]).
Mod:remove_room(LServer, LName, LHost),
--spec get_room_config([xdata_field()], mod_muc_room:state(), jid(), binary())
- -> [xdata_field()].
-get_room_config(XFields, RoomState, _From, Lang) ->
+-spec get_room_config([muc_roomconfig:property()], mod_muc_room:state(),
+ jid(), binary()) -> [muc_roomconfig:property()].
+get_room_config(Fields, RoomState, _From, _Lang) ->
Config = RoomState#state.config,
- Label = <<"Enable message archiving">>,
- Var = <<"muc#roomconfig_mam">>,
- Val = case Config#config.mam of
- true -> <<"1">>;
- _ -> <<"0">>
- end,
- XField = #xdata_field{type = boolean,
- label = translate:translate(Lang, Label),
- var = Var,
- values = [Val]},
- XFields ++ [XField].
+ Fields ++ [{mam, Config#config.mam}].
--spec set_room_option({pos_integer(), _}, binary(), [binary()], binary())
+-spec set_room_option({pos_integer(), _}, muc_roomconfig:property(), binary())
-> {pos_integer(), _}.
-set_room_option(_Acc, <<"muc#roomconfig_mam">> = Opt, Vals, Lang) ->
- try
- Val = case Vals of
- [<<"0">>|_] -> false;
- [<<"false">>|_] -> false;
- [<<"1">>|_] -> true;
- [<<"true">>|_] -> true
- end,
- {#config.mam, Val}
- catch _:{case_clause, _} ->
- Txt = <<"Value of '~s' should be boolean">>,
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [Opt])),
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrTxt, Lang)}
- end;
-set_room_option(Acc, _Opt, _Vals, _Lang) ->
+set_room_option(_Acc, {mam, Val}, _Lang) ->
+ {#config.mam, Val};
+set_room_option(Acc, _Property, _Lang) ->
-spec user_receive_packet(stanza(), ejabberd_c2s:state(), jid(), jid(), jid()) -> stanza().
Mod:get_nick(LServer, Host, From).
iq_get_register_info(ServerHost, Host, From, Lang) ->
- {Nick, NickVals, Registered} = case get_nick(ServerHost, Host, From) of
- error -> {<<"">>, [], false};
- N -> {N, [N], true}
- end,
+ {Nick, Registered} = case get_nick(ServerHost, Host, From) of
+ error -> {<<"">>, false};
+ N -> {N, true}
+ end,
Title = <<(translate:translate(
Lang, <<"Nickname Registration at ">>))/binary, Host/binary>>,
Inst = translate:translate(Lang, <<"Enter nickname you want to register">>),
- Field = #xdata_field{type = 'text-single',
- label = translate:translate(Lang, <<"Nickname">>),
- var = <<"nick">>,
- values = NickVals},
+ Fields = muc_register:encode(
+ [{roomnick, Nick}],
+ fun(T) -> translate:translate(Lang, T) end),
X = #xdata{type = form, title = Title,
- instructions = [Inst], fields = [Field]},
+ instructions = [Inst], fields = Fields},
#register{nick = Nick,
registered = Registered,
instructions =
#register{nick = Nick, xdata = XData}, Lang) ->
case XData of
#xdata{type = submit, fields = Fs} ->
- case lists:keyfind(<<"nick">>, #xdata_field.var, Fs) of
- #xdata_field{values = [N]} ->
- iq_set_register_info(ServerHost, Host, From, N, Lang);
- _ ->
- ErrText = <<"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang)}
+ try
+ Options = muc_register:decode(Fs),
+ N = proplists:get_value(roomnick, Options),
+ iq_set_register_info(ServerHost, Host, From, N, Lang)
+ catch _:{muc_register, Why} ->
+ ErrText = muc_register:format_error(Why),
+ {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrText, Lang)}
#xdata{} ->
Txt = <<"Incorrect data form">>,
-spec process_normal_message(jid(), message(), state()) -> state().
process_normal_message(From, #message{lang = Lang} = Pkt, StateData) ->
- IsInvitation = is_invitation(Pkt),
- IsVoiceRequest = is_voice_request(Pkt) and
- is_visitor(From, StateData),
- IsVoiceApprovement = is_voice_approvement(Pkt) and
- not is_visitor(From, StateData),
- if IsInvitation ->
- case check_invitation(From, Pkt, StateData) of
- {error, Error} ->
- ejabberd_router:route_error(StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Error),
- StateData;
- IJID ->
- Config = StateData#state.config,
- case Config#config.members_only of
- true ->
- case get_affiliation(IJID, StateData) of
- none ->
- NSD = set_affiliation(IJID, member, StateData),
- send_affiliation(IJID, member, StateData),
- store_room(NSD),
- NSD;
- _ ->
- StateData
- end;
- false ->
- StateData
- end
- end;
- IsVoiceRequest ->
- case (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_voice_requests of
+ Action = lists:foldl(
+ fun(_, {error, _} = Err) ->
+ Err;
+ (#muc_user{invites = [#muc_invite{to = undefined}]}, _) ->
+ Txt = <<"No 'to' attribute found">>,
+ {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)};
+ (#muc_user{invites = [I]}, _) ->
+ {ok, I};
+ (#muc_user{invites = [_|_]}, _) ->
+ Txt = <<"Multiple <invite/> elements are not allowed">>,
+ {error, xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Txt, Lang)};
+ (#xdata{type = submit, fields = Fs}, _) ->
+ try {ok, muc_request:decode(Fs)}
+ catch _:{muc_request, Why} ->
+ Txt = muc_request:format_error(Why),
+ {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}
+ end;
+ (_, Acc) ->
+ Acc
+ end, ok, xmpp:get_els(Pkt)),
+ case Action of
+ {ok, #muc_invite{} = Invitation} ->
+ process_invitation(From, Pkt, Invitation, StateData);
+ {ok, [{role, participant}]} ->
+ process_voice_request(From, Pkt, StateData);
+ {ok, VoiceApproval} ->
+ process_voice_approval(From, Pkt, VoiceApproval, StateData);
+ {error, Err} ->
+ ejabberd_router:route_error(StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Err),
+ StateData;
+ ok ->
+ StateData
+ end.
+-spec process_invitation(jid(), message(), muc_invite(), state()) -> state().
+process_invitation(From, Pkt, Invitation, StateData) ->
+ Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Pkt),
+ case check_invitation(From, Invitation, Lang, StateData) of
+ {error, Error} ->
+ ejabberd_router:route_error(StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Error),
+ StateData;
+ IJID ->
+ Config = StateData#state.config,
+ case Config#config.members_only of
true ->
- MinInterval = (StateData#state.config)#config.voice_request_min_interval,
- BareFrom = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(From)),
- NowPriority = -p1_time_compat:system_time(micro_seconds),
- CleanPriority = NowPriority + MinInterval * 1000000,
- Times = clean_treap(StateData#state.last_voice_request_time,
- CleanPriority),
- case treap:lookup(BareFrom, Times) of
- error ->
- Times1 = treap:insert(BareFrom,
- NowPriority,
- true, Times),
- NSD = StateData#state{last_voice_request_time = Times1},
- send_voice_request(From, Lang, NSD),
+ case get_affiliation(IJID, StateData) of
+ none ->
+ NSD = set_affiliation(IJID, member, StateData),
+ send_affiliation(IJID, member, StateData),
+ store_room(NSD),
- {ok, _, _} ->
- ErrText = <<"Please, wait for a while before sending "
- "new voice request">>,
- Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang),
- ejabberd_router:route_error(
- StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Err),
- StateData#state{last_voice_request_time = Times}
+ _ ->
+ StateData
false ->
- ErrText = <<"Voice requests are disabled in this conference">>,
- Err = xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang),
+ StateData
+ end
+ end.
+-spec process_voice_request(jid(), message(), state()) -> state().
+process_voice_request(From, Pkt, StateData) ->
+ Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Pkt),
+ case (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_voice_requests of
+ true ->
+ MinInterval = (StateData#state.config)#config.voice_request_min_interval,
+ BareFrom = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(From)),
+ NowPriority = -p1_time_compat:system_time(micro_seconds),
+ CleanPriority = NowPriority + MinInterval * 1000000,
+ Times = clean_treap(StateData#state.last_voice_request_time,
+ CleanPriority),
+ case treap:lookup(BareFrom, Times) of
+ error ->
+ Times1 = treap:insert(BareFrom,
+ NowPriority,
+ true, Times),
+ NSD = StateData#state{last_voice_request_time = Times1},
+ send_voice_request(From, Lang, NSD),
+ NSD;
+ {ok, _, _} ->
+ ErrText = <<"Please, wait for a while before sending "
+ "new voice request">>,
+ Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrText, Lang),
StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Err),
- StateData
+ StateData#state{last_voice_request_time = Times}
- IsVoiceApprovement ->
- case is_moderator(From, StateData) of
- true ->
- case extract_jid_from_voice_approvement(Pkt) of
- error ->
- ErrText = <<"Failed to extract JID from your voice "
- "request approval">>,
- Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrText, Lang),
- ejabberd_router:route_error(
- StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Err),
- StateData;
- TargetJid ->
- case is_visitor(TargetJid, StateData) of
- true ->
- Reason = <<>>,
- NSD = set_role(TargetJid,
- participant,
- StateData),
- catch send_new_presence(TargetJid,
- Reason,
- NSD,
- StateData),
- NSD;
- _ ->
- StateData
- end
+ false ->
+ ErrText = <<"Voice requests are disabled in this conference">>,
+ Err = xmpp:err_forbidden(ErrText, Lang),
+ ejabberd_router:route_error(
+ StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Err),
+ StateData
+ end.
+-spec process_voice_approval(jid(), message(), [muc_request:property()], state()) -> state().
+process_voice_approval(From, Pkt, VoiceApproval, StateData) ->
+ Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Pkt),
+ case is_moderator(From, StateData) of
+ true ->
+ case lists:keyfind(jid, 1, VoiceApproval) of
+ {_, TargetJid} ->
+ Allow = proplists:get_bool(request_allow, VoiceApproval),
+ case is_visitor(TargetJid, StateData) of
+ true when Allow ->
+ Reason = <<>>,
+ NSD = set_role(TargetJid, participant, StateData),
+ catch send_new_presence(
+ TargetJid, Reason, NSD, StateData),
+ NSD;
+ _ ->
+ StateData
- _ ->
- ErrText = <<"Only moderators can approve voice requests">>,
- Err = xmpp:err_not_allowed(ErrText, Lang),
+ false ->
+ ErrText = <<"Failed to extract JID from your voice "
+ "request approval">>,
+ Err = xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrText, Lang),
StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Err),
- true ->
+ false ->
+ ErrText = <<"Only moderators can approve voice requests">>,
+ Err = xmpp:err_not_allowed(ErrText, Lang),
+ ejabberd_router:route_error(
+ StateData#state.jid, From, Pkt, Err),
_ -> true
--define(XFIELD(Type, Label, Var, Vals),
- #xdata_field{type = Type,
- label = translate:translate(Lang, Label),
- var = Var,
- values = Vals}).
--define(BOOLXFIELD(Label, Var, Val),
- ?XFIELD(boolean, Label, Var,
- case Val of
- true -> [<<"1">>];
- _ -> [<<"0">>]
- end)).
--define(STRINGXFIELD(Label, Var, Val),
- ?XFIELD('text-single', Label, Var, [Val])).
--define(PRIVATEXFIELD(Label, Var, Val),
- ?XFIELD('text-private', Label, Var, [Val])).
--define(JIDMULTIXFIELD(Label, Var, JIDList),
- ?XFIELD('jid-multi', Label, Var,
- [jid:to_string(JID) || JID <- JIDList])).
--spec make_options([{binary(), binary()}], binary()) -> [xdata_option()].
-make_options(Options, Lang) ->
- [#xdata_option{label = translate:translate(Lang, Label),
- value = Value} || {Label, Value} <- Options].
-spec get_default_room_maxusers(state()) -> non_neg_integer().
get_default_room_maxusers(RoomState) ->
DefRoomOpts =
{MaxUsersRoomInteger, MaxUsersRoomString} =
case get_max_users(StateData) of
N when is_integer(N) ->
- {N, integer_to_binary(N)};
- _ -> {0, <<"none">>}
+ {N, N};
+ _ -> {0, none}
Title = iolist_to_binary(
translate:translate(Lang, <<"Configuration of room ~s">>),
- Fs = [#xdata_field{type = hidden,
- var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
- values = [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>]},
- ?STRINGXFIELD(<<"Room title">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>, (Config#config.title)),
- ?STRINGXFIELD(<<"Room description">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>,
- (Config#config.description))] ++
+ Fs = [{roomname, Config#config.title},
+ {roomdesc, Config#config.description}] ++
case acl:match_rule(StateData#state.server_host, AccessPersistent, From) of
- allow ->
- [?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Make room persistent">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>,
- (Config#config.persistent))];
+ allow -> [{persistentroom, Config#config.persistent}];
deny -> []
end ++
- [?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Make room public searchable">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>,
- (Config#config.public)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Make participants list public">>,
- <<"public_list">>, (Config#config.public_list)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Make room password protected">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>,
- (Config#config.password_protected)),
- ?PRIVATEXFIELD(<<"Password">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>,
- case Config#config.password_protected of
- true -> Config#config.password;
- false -> <<"">>
- end),
- #xdata_field{type = 'list-single',
- label = translate:translate(
- Lang, <<"Maximum Number of Occupants">>),
- var = <<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>,
- values = [MaxUsersRoomString],
- options =
- if is_integer(ServiceMaxUsers) -> [];
- true -> make_options(
- [{<<"No limit">>, <<"none">>}],
- Lang)
- end ++
- make_options(
- [{integer_to_binary(N), integer_to_binary(N)}
- || N <- lists:usort([ServiceMaxUsers,
- DefaultRoomMaxUsers,
- MaxUsersRoomInteger
- N =< ServiceMaxUsers],
- Lang)},
- #xdata_field{type = 'list-single',
- label = translate:translate(
- Lang, <<"Present real Jabber IDs to">>),
- var = <<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>,
- values = [if Config#config.anonymous -> <<"moderators">>;
- true -> <<"anyone">>
- end],
- options = make_options(
- [{<<"moderators only">>, <<"moderators">>},
- {<<"anyone">>, <<"anyone">>}],
- Lang)},
- #xdata_field{type = 'list-multi',
- label = translate:translate(
- Lang,
- <<"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted">>),
- var = <<"muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast">>,
- values = [atom_to_binary(Role, utf8)
- || Role <- Config#config.presence_broadcast],
- options = make_options(
- [{<<"Moderator">>, <<"moderator">>},
- {<<"Participant">>, <<"participant">>},
- {<<"Visitor">>, <<"visitor">>}],
- Lang)},
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Make room members-only">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>,
- (Config#config.members_only)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Make room moderated">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>,
- (Config#config.moderated)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Default users as participants">>,
- <<"members_by_default">>,
- (Config#config.members_by_default)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Allow users to change the subject">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>,
- (Config#config.allow_change_subj)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Allow users to send private messages">>,
- <<"allow_private_messages">>,
- (Config#config.allow_private_messages)),
- #xdata_field{type = 'list-single',
- label = translate:translate(
- Lang,
- <<"Allow visitors to send private messages to">>),
- var = <<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>,
- values = [case Config#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors of
- anyone -> <<"anyone">>;
- moderators -> <<"moderators">>;
- nobody -> <<"nobody">>
- end],
- options = make_options(
- [{<<"nobody">>, <<"nobody">>},
- {<<"moderators only">>, <<"moderators">>},
- {<<"anyone">>, <<"anyone">>}],
- Lang)},
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Allow users to query other users">>,
- <<"allow_query_users">>,
- (Config#config.allow_query_users)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Allow users to send invites">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>,
- (Config#config.allow_user_invites)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Allow visitors to send status text in "
- "presence updates">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_allowvisitorstatus">>,
- (Config#config.allow_visitor_status)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Allow visitors to change nickname">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_allowvisitornickchange">>,
- (Config#config.allow_visitor_nickchange)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Allow visitors to send voice requests">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_allowvoicerequests">>,
- (Config#config.allow_voice_requests)),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Allow subscription">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_allow_subscription">>,
- (Config#config.allow_subscription)),
- ?STRINGXFIELD(<<"Minimum interval between voice requests "
- "(in seconds)">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_voicerequestmininterval">>,
- integer_to_binary(Config#config.voice_request_min_interval))]
+ [{publicroom, Config#config.public},
+ {public_list, Config#config.public_list},
+ {passwordprotectedroom, Config#config.password_protected},
+ {roomsecret, case Config#config.password_protected of
+ true -> Config#config.password;
+ false -> <<"">>
+ end},
+ {maxusers, MaxUsersRoomString,
+ [if is_integer(ServiceMaxUsers) -> [];
+ true -> [{<<"No limit">>, <<"none">>}]
+ end] ++ [{integer_to_binary(N), N}
+ || N <- lists:usort([ServiceMaxUsers,
+ DefaultRoomMaxUsers,
+ MaxUsersRoomInteger
+ N =< ServiceMaxUsers]},
+ {whois, if Config#config.anonymous -> moderators;
+ true -> anyone
+ end},
+ {presencebroadcast, Config#config.presence_broadcast},
+ {membersonly, Config#config.members_only},
+ {moderatedroom, Config#config.moderated},
+ {members_by_default, Config#config.members_by_default},
+ {changesubject, Config#config.allow_change_subj},
+ {allow_private_messages, Config#config.allow_private_messages},
+ {allow_private_messages_from_visitors,
+ Config#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors},
+ {allow_query_users, Config#config.allow_query_users},
+ {allowinvites, Config#config.allow_user_invites},
+ {allow_visitor_status, Config#config.allow_visitor_status},
+ {allow_visitor_nickchange, Config#config.allow_visitor_nickchange},
+ {allow_voice_requests, Config#config.allow_voice_requests},
+ {allow_subscription, Config#config.allow_subscription},
+ {voice_request_min_interval, Config#config.voice_request_min_interval}]
case ejabberd_captcha:is_feature_available() of
- true ->
- [?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Make room CAPTCHA protected">>,
- <<"captcha_protected">>,
- (Config#config.captcha_protected))];
+ true -> [{captcha_protected, Config#config.captcha_protected}];
false -> []
end ++
- [?JIDMULTIXFIELD(<<"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_captcha_whitelist">>,
- ((?SETS):to_list(Config#config.captcha_whitelist)))]
+ [{captcha_whitelist,
+ lists:map(fun jid:make/1, ?SETS:to_list(Config#config.captcha_whitelist))}]
case mod_muc_log:check_access_log(StateData#state.server_host, From) of
- allow ->
- [?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Enable logging">>,
- <<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>,
- (Config#config.logging))];
+ allow -> [{enablelogging, Config#config.logging}];
deny -> []
Fields = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(get_room_config,
[StateData, From, Lang]),
- #xdata{type = form, title = Title, fields = Fields}.
+ #xdata{type = form, title = Title,
+ fields = muc_roomconfig:encode(
+ Fields, fun(T) -> translate:translate(Lang, T) end)}.
-spec set_config(xdata(), state(), binary()) -> {error, stanza_error()} |
{result, undefined, state()}.
set_config(#xdata{fields = Fields}, StateData, Lang) ->
- Options = [{Var, Vals} || #xdata_field{var = Var, values = Vals} <- Fields],
- case set_xoption(Options, StateData#state.config,
- StateData#state.server_host, Lang) of
- #config{} = Config ->
- Res = change_config(Config, StateData),
- {result, _, NSD} = Res,
- Type = case {(StateData#state.config)#config.logging,
- Config#config.logging}
- of
- {true, false} -> roomconfig_change_disabledlogging;
- {false, true} -> roomconfig_change_enabledlogging;
- {_, _} -> roomconfig_change
- end,
- Users = [{U#user.jid, U#user.nick, U#user.role}
- || {_, U} <- (?DICT):to_list(StateData#state.users)],
- add_to_log(Type, Users, NSD),
- Res;
- Err -> Err
+ try
+ Options = muc_roomconfig:decode(Fields),
+ #config{} = Config = set_config(Options, StateData#state.config,
+ StateData#state.server_host, Lang),
+ {result, _, NSD} = Res = change_config(Config, StateData),
+ Type = case {(StateData#state.config)#config.logging,
+ Config#config.logging}
+ of
+ {true, false} -> roomconfig_change_disabledlogging;
+ {false, true} -> roomconfig_change_enabledlogging;
+ {_, _} -> roomconfig_change
+ end,
+ Users = [{U#user.jid, U#user.nick, U#user.role}
+ || {_, U} <- (?DICT):to_list(StateData#state.users)],
+ add_to_log(Type, Users, NSD),
+ Res
+ catch _:{muc_roomconfig, Why} ->
+ Txt = muc_roomconfig:format_error(Why),
+ {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)};
+ _:{badmatch, {error, #stanza_error{}} = Err} ->
+ Err
get_config_opt_name(Pos) ->
Fs = [config|record_info(fields, config)],
lists:nth(Pos, Fs).
--define(SET_BOOL_XOPT(Opt, Val),
- case Val of
- <<"0">> ->
- set_xoption(Opts, setelement(Opt, Config, false), ServerHost, Lang);
- <<"false">> ->
- set_xoption(Opts, setelement(Opt, Config, false), ServerHost, Lang);
- <<"1">> -> set_xoption(Opts, setelement(Opt, Config, true), ServerHost, Lang);
- <<"true">> ->
- set_xoption(Opts, setelement(Opt, Config, true), ServerHost, Lang);
- _ ->
- Txt = <<"Value of '~s' should be boolean">>,
- OptName = get_config_opt_name(Opt),
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [OptName])),
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrTxt, Lang)}
- end).
--define(SET_NAT_XOPT(Opt, Val),
- case catch binary_to_integer(Val) of
- I when is_integer(I), I > 0 ->
- set_xoption(Opts, setelement(Opt, Config, I), ServerHost, Lang);
- _ ->
- Txt = <<"Value of '~s' should be integer">>,
- OptName = get_config_opt_name(Opt),
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [OptName])),
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrTxt, Lang)}
- end).
--define(SET_STRING_XOPT(Opt, Vals),
- try
- V = case Vals of
- [] -> <<"">>;
- [Val] -> Val;
- _ when is_atom(Vals) -> Vals
- end,
- set_xoption(Opts, setelement(Opt, Config, V), ServerHost, Lang)
- catch _:_ ->
- Txt = <<"Incorrect value of option '~s'">>,
- OptName = get_config_opt_name(Opt),
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [OptName])),
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrTxt, Lang)}
- end).
--define(SET_JIDMULTI_XOPT(Opt, Vals),
- begin
- Set = lists:foldl(fun ({U, S, R}, Set1) ->
- (?SETS):add_element({U, S, R}, Set1);
- (#jid{luser = U, lserver = S, lresource = R},
- Set1) ->
- (?SETS):add_element({U, S, R}, Set1);
- (_, Set1) -> Set1
- end,
- (?SETS):empty(), Vals),
- set_xoption(Opts, setelement(Opt, Config, Set), ServerHost, Lang)
- end).
--spec set_xoption([{binary(), [binary()]}], #config{},
+-spec set_config([muc_roomconfig:property()], #config{},
binary(), binary()) -> #config{} | {error, stanza_error()}.
-set_xoption([], Config, _ServerHost, _Lang) -> Config;
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>, Vals}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(#config.title, Vals);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>, Vals}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(#config.description, Vals);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.allow_change_subj, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"allow_query_users">>, [Val]} | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.allow_query_users, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"allow_private_messages">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.allow_private_messages, Val);
- [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- case Val of
- <<"anyone">> ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors,
- anyone);
- <<"moderators">> ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors,
- moderators);
- <<"nobody">> ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(#config.allow_private_messages_from_visitors,
- nobody);
- _ ->
- Txt = <<"Value of 'allow_private_messages_from_visitors' "
- "should be anyone|moderators|nobody">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}
- end;
- [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.allow_visitor_status, Val);
- [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.allow_visitor_nickchange, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.public, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"public_list">>, [Val]} | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.public_list, Val);
- [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.persistent, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.moderated, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"members_by_default">>, [Val]} | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.members_by_default, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.members_only, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"captcha_protected">>, [Val]} | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.captcha_protected, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.allow_user_invites, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_allow_subscription">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.allow_subscription, Val);
- [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.password_protected, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>, Vals}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(#config.password, Vals);
-set_xoption([{<<"anonymous">>, [Val]} | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.anonymous, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast">>, Vals} | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- Roles =
- lists:foldl(
- fun(_S, error) -> error;
- (S, {M, P, V}) ->
- case S of
- <<"moderator">> -> {true, P, V};
- <<"participant">> -> {M, true, V};
- <<"visitor">> -> {M, P, true};
- _ -> error
- end
- end, {false, false, false}, Vals),
- case Roles of
- error ->
- Txt = <<"Value of 'muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast' should "
- "be moderator|participant|visitor">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)};
- {M, P, V} ->
- Res =
- if M -> [moderator]; true -> [] end ++
- if P -> [participant]; true -> [] end ++
- if V -> [visitor]; true -> [] end,
- set_xoption(Opts, Config#config{presence_broadcast = Res},
- ServerHost, Lang)
- end;
- [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.allow_voice_requests, Val);
- [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_NAT_XOPT(#config.voice_request_min_interval, Val);
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- case Val of
- <<"moderators">> ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.anonymous,
- (iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(1))));
- <<"anyone">> ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.anonymous,
- (iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(0))));
- _ ->
- Txt = <<"Value of 'muc#roomconfig_whois' should be "
- "moderators|anyone">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}
- end;
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- case Val of
- <<"none">> -> ?SET_STRING_XOPT(#config.max_users, none);
- _ -> ?SET_NAT_XOPT(#config.max_users, Val)
- end;
-set_xoption([{<<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>, [Val]}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(#config.logging, Val);
- Vals}
- | Opts],
- Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- JIDs = [jid:from_string(Val) || Val <- Vals],
- ?SET_JIDMULTI_XOPT(#config.captcha_whitelist, JIDs);
-set_xoption([{<<"FORM_TYPE">>, _} | Opts], Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- set_xoption(Opts, Config, ServerHost, Lang);
-set_xoption([{Opt, Vals} | Opts], Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
- Txt = <<"Unknown option '~s'">>,
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [Opt])),
- Err = {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(ErrTxt, Lang)},
- case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(set_room_option,
- ServerHost,
- Err,
- [Opt, Vals, Lang]) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason};
- {Pos, Val} ->
- set_xoption(Opts, setelement(Pos, Config, Val), ServerHost, Lang)
- end.
+set_config(Opts, Config, ServerHost, Lang) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(_, {error, _} = Err) -> Err;
+ ({roomname, Title}, C) -> C#config{title = Title};
+ ({roomdesc, Desc}, C) -> C#config{description = Desc};
+ ({changesubject, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_change_subj = V};
+ ({allow_query_users, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_query_users = V};
+ ({allow_private_messages, V}, C) ->
+ C#config{allow_private_messages = V};
+ ({allow_private_messages_from_visitors, V}, C) ->
+ C#config{allow_private_messages_from_visitors = V};
+ ({allow_visitor_status, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_visitor_status = V};
+ ({allow_visitor_nickchange, V}, C) ->
+ C#config{allow_visitor_nickchange = V};
+ ({publicroom, V}, C) -> C#config{public = V};
+ ({public_list, V}, C) -> C#config{public_list = V};
+ ({persistentroom, V}, C) -> C#config{persistent = V};
+ ({moderatedroom, V}, C) -> C#config{moderated = V};
+ ({members_by_default, V}, C) -> C#config{members_by_default = V};
+ ({membersonly, V}, C) -> C#config{members_only = V};
+ ({captcha_protected, V}, C) -> C#config{captcha_protected = V};
+ ({allowinvites, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_user_invites = V};
+ ({allow_subscription, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_subscription = V};
+ ({passwordprotectedroom, V}, C) -> C#config{password_protected = V};
+ ({roomsecret, V}, C) -> C#config{password = V};
+ ({anonymous, V}, C) -> C#config{anonymous = V};
+ ({presencebroadcast, V}, C) -> C#config{presence_broadcast = V};
+ ({allow_voice_requests, V}, C) -> C#config{allow_voice_requests = V};
+ ({voice_request_min_interval, V}, C) ->
+ C#config{voice_request_min_interval = V};
+ ({whois, moderators}, C) -> C#config{anonymous = true};
+ ({whois, anyone}, C) -> C#config{anonymous = false};
+ ({maxusers, V}, C) -> C#config{max_users = V};
+ ({enablelogging, V}, C) -> C#config{logging = V};
+ ({captcha_whitelist, Js}, C) ->
+ LJIDs = [jid:tolower(J) || J <- Js],
+ C#config{captcha_whitelist = ?SETS:from_list(LJIDs)};
+ ({O, V} = Opt, C) ->
+ case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(set_room_option,
+ ServerHost,
+ {0, undefined},
+ [Opt, Lang]) of
+ {0, undefined} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("set_room_option hook failed for "
+ "option '~s' with value ~p", [O, V]),
+ Txt = <<"Failed to process option '", O/binary, "'">>,
+ {error, xmpp:err_internal_server_error(Txt, Lang)};
+ {Pos, Val} ->
+ setelement(Pos, C, Val)
+ end
+ end, Config, Opts).
-spec change_config(#config{}, state()) -> {result, undefined, state()}.
change_config(Config, StateData) ->
name = get_title(StateData)}],
features = Feats}}.
--spec mk_rfieldt('boolean' | 'fixed' | 'hidden' |
- 'jid-multi' | 'jid-single' | 'list-multi' |
- 'list-single' | 'text-multi' | 'text-private' |
- 'text-single', binary(), binary()) -> xdata_field().
-mk_rfieldt(Type, Var, Val) ->
- #xdata_field{type = Type, var = Var, values = [Val]}.
--spec mk_rfield(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> xdata_field().
-mk_rfield(Label, Var, Val, Lang) ->
- #xdata_field{type = 'text-single',
- label = translate:translate(Lang, Label),
- var = Var,
- values = [Val]}.
-spec iq_disco_info_extras(binary(), state()) -> xdata().
iq_disco_info_extras(Lang, StateData) ->
- Len = (?DICT):size(StateData#state.users),
- RoomDescription = (StateData#state.config)#config.description,
+ Fs = [{description, (StateData#state.config)#config.description},
+ {occupants, ?DICT:size(StateData#state.users)}],
#xdata{type = result,
- fields = [mk_rfieldt(hidden, <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
- "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo"),
- mk_rfield(<<"Room description">>,
- <<"muc#roominfo_description">>,
- RoomDescription, Lang),
- mk_rfield(<<"Number of occupants">>,
- <<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>,
- integer_to_binary(Len), Lang)]}.
+ fields = muc_roominfo:encode(
+ Fs, fun(T) -> translate:translate(Lang, T) end)}.
-spec process_iq_disco_items(jid(), iq(), state()) ->
{error, stanza_error()} | {result, disco_items()}.
% Voice request support
--spec is_voice_request(message()) -> boolean().
-is_voice_request(Packet) ->
- Els = xmpp:get_els(Packet),
- lists:any(
- fun(#xdata{} = X) ->
- case {xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, X),
- xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"muc#role">>, X)} of
- {[<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>],
- [<<"participant">>]} ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end;
- (_) ->
- false
- end, Els).
-spec prepare_request_form(jid(), binary(), binary()) -> message().
prepare_request_form(Requester, Nick, Lang) ->
Title = translate:translate(Lang, <<"Voice request">>),
Instruction = translate:translate(
Lang, <<"Either approve or decline the voice request.">>),
- Fs = [#xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
- type = hidden,
- values = [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>]},
- #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#role">>,
- type = hidden,
- values = [<<"participant">>]},
- ?STRINGXFIELD(<<"User JID">>, <<"muc#jid">>,
- jid:to_string(Requester)),
- ?STRINGXFIELD(<<"Nickname">>, <<"muc#roomnick">>, Nick),
- ?BOOLXFIELD(<<"Grant voice to this person?">>,
- <<"muc#request_allow">>, false)],
+ Fs = muc_request:encode([{role, participant},
+ {jid, Requester},
+ {roomnick, Nick},
+ {request_allow, false}],
+ fun(T) -> translate:translate(Lang, T) end),
#message{type = normal,
sub_els = [#xdata{type = form,
title = Title,
--spec is_voice_approvement(message()) -> boolean().
-is_voice_approvement(Packet) ->
- Els = xmpp:get_els(Packet),
- lists:any(
- fun(#xdata{} = X) ->
- case {xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, X),
- xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"muc#role">>, X),
- xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"muc#request_allow">>, X)} of
- {[<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>],
- [<<"participant">>], [Flag]} when Flag == <<"true">>;
- Flag == <<"1">> ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end;
- (_) ->
- false
- end, Els).
--spec extract_jid_from_voice_approvement(message()) -> jid() | error.
-extract_jid_from_voice_approvement(Packet) ->
- Els = xmpp:get_els(Packet),
- lists:foldl(
- fun(#xdata{} = X, error) ->
- case {xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, X),
- xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"muc#role">>, X),
- xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"muc#request_allow">>, X),
- xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"muc#jid">>, X)} of
- {[<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>],
- [<<"participant">>], [Flag], [J]} when Flag == <<"true">>;
- Flag == <<"1">> ->
- jid:from_string(J);
- _ ->
- error
- end;
- (_, Acc) ->
- Acc
- end, error, Els).
% Invitation support
--spec is_invitation(message()) -> boolean().
-is_invitation(Packet) ->
- Els = xmpp:get_els(Packet),
- lists:any(
- fun(#muc_user{invites = [_|_]}) -> true;
- (_) -> false
- end, Els).
--spec check_invitation(jid(), message(), state()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | jid().
-check_invitation(From, Packet, StateData) ->
- Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Packet),
+-spec check_invitation(jid(), muc_invite(), binary(), state()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | jid().
+check_invitation(From, Invitation, Lang, StateData) ->
FAffiliation = get_affiliation(From, StateData),
CanInvite = (StateData#state.config)#config.allow_user_invites
Txt = <<"Invitations are not allowed in this conference">>,
{error, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)};
true ->
- case xmpp:get_subtag(Packet, #muc_user{}) of
- #muc_user{invites = [#muc_invite{to = undefined}]} ->
- Txt = <<"No 'to' attribute found">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)};
- #muc_user{invites = [#muc_invite{to = JID, reason = Reason} = I]} ->
- Invite = I#muc_invite{to = undefined, from = From},
- Password = case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of
- true ->
- (StateData#state.config)#config.password;
- false ->
- undefined
- end,
- XUser = #muc_user{password = Password, invites = [Invite]},
- XConference = #x_conference{jid = jid:make(StateData#state.room,
- StateData#state.host),
- reason = Reason},
- Body = iolist_to_binary(
- [io_lib:format(
- translate:translate(
- Lang,
- <<"~s invites you to the room ~s">>),
- [jid:to_string(From),
- jid:to_string({StateData#state.room,
- StateData#state.host,
- <<"">>})]),
- case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of
- true ->
- <<", ",
- (translate:translate(
- Lang, <<"the password is">>))/binary,
- " '",
- ((StateData#state.config)#config.password)/binary,
- "'">>;
- _ -> <<"">>
- end,
- case Reason of
- <<"">> -> <<"">>;
- _ -> <<" (", Reason/binary, ") ">>
- end]),
- Msg = #message{type = normal,
- body = xmpp:mk_text(Body),
- sub_els = [XUser, XConference]},
- ejabberd_router:route(StateData#state.jid, JID, Msg),
- JID;
- #muc_user{invites = [_|_]} ->
- Txt = <<"Multiple <invite/> elements are not allowed">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, Lang)};
- _ ->
- Txt = <<"No <invite/> element found">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}
- end
+ #muc_invite{to = JID, reason = Reason} = Invitation,
+ Invite = Invitation#muc_invite{to = undefined, from = From},
+ Password = case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of
+ true ->
+ (StateData#state.config)#config.password;
+ false ->
+ undefined
+ end,
+ XUser = #muc_user{password = Password, invites = [Invite]},
+ XConference = #x_conference{jid = jid:make(StateData#state.room,
+ StateData#state.host),
+ reason = Reason},
+ Body = iolist_to_binary(
+ [io_lib:format(
+ translate:translate(
+ Lang,
+ <<"~s invites you to the room ~s">>),
+ [jid:to_string(From),
+ jid:to_string({StateData#state.room,
+ StateData#state.host,
+ <<"">>})]),
+ case (StateData#state.config)#config.password_protected of
+ true ->
+ <<", ",
+ (translate:translate(
+ Lang, <<"the password is">>))/binary,
+ " '",
+ ((StateData#state.config)#config.password)/binary,
+ "'">>;
+ _ -> <<"">>
+ end,
+ case Reason of
+ <<"">> -> <<"">>;
+ _ -> <<" (", Reason/binary, ") ">>
+ end]),
+ Msg = #message{type = normal,
+ body = xmpp:mk_text(Body),
+ sub_els = [XUser, XConference]},
+ ejabberd_router:route(StateData#state.jid, JID, Msg),
%% Handle a message sent to the room by a non-participant.
-spec get_info([xdata()], binary(), module(), binary(), binary()) -> [xdata()];
([xdata()], jid(), jid(), binary(), binary()) -> [xdata()].
get_info(_Acc, #jid{luser = U, lserver = S, lresource = R},
- #jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, ?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE, _Lang) ->
- N = integer_to_binary(count_offline_messages(U, S)),
+ #jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, ?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE, Lang) ->
case ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(U, S, R) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
Pid ! dont_ask_offline;
[#xdata{type = result,
- fields = [#xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
- type = hidden,
- values = [?NS_FLEX_OFFLINE]},
- #xdata_field{var = <<"number_of_messages">>,
- values = [N]}]}];
+ fields = flex_offline:encode(
+ [{number_of_messages, count_offline_messages(U, S)}],
+ fun(T) -> translate:translate(Lang, T) end)}];
get_info(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) ->
case find_authorization_response(Packet) of
undefined ->
- XData ->
- handle_authorization_response(Host, From, To, Packet, XData)
+ {error, Err} ->
+ ejabberd_router:route_error(To, From, Packet, Err);
+ AuthResponse ->
+ handle_authorization_response(
+ Host, From, To, Packet, AuthResponse)
_ ->
Err = xmpp:err_service_unavailable(),
ServerHost = serverhost(Host),
Plugins = config(ServerHost, plugins),
Config = case Configure of
- {_, XData} -> get_xdata_fields(XData);
+ {_, XData} -> decode_node_config(XData, Host, Lang);
undefined -> []
Type = hd(Plugins),
- create_node(Host, ServerHost, Node, From, Type, Access, Config);
+ case Config of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ _ ->
+ create_node(Host, ServerHost, Node, From, Type, Access, Config)
+ end;
{set, #pubsub{publish = #ps_publish{node = Node, items = Items},
publish_options = XData, _ = undefined}} ->
ServerHost = serverhost(Host),
case Items of
[#ps_item{id = ItemId, xml_els = Payload}] ->
- PubOpts = get_xdata_fields(XData),
- publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, From, ItemId,
- Payload, PubOpts, Access);
+ case decode_publish_options(XData, Lang) of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ PubOpts ->
+ publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, From, ItemId,
+ Payload, PubOpts, Access)
+ end;
[] ->
{error, extended_error(xmpp:err_bad_request(), err_item_required())};
_ ->
{set, #pubsub{subscribe = #ps_subscribe{node = Node, jid = JID},
options = Options, _ = undefined}} ->
Config = case Options of
- #ps_options{xdata = XData} -> get_xdata_fields(XData);
- _ -> []
+ #ps_options{xdata = XData} ->
+ decode_subscribe_options(XData, Lang);
+ _ ->
+ []
- subscribe_node(Host, Node, From, JID, Config);
+ case Config of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ _ ->
+ subscribe_node(Host, Node, From, JID, Config)
+ end;
{set, #pubsub{unsubscribe = #ps_unsubscribe{node = Node, jid = JID, subid = SubId},
_ = undefined}} ->
unsubscribe_node(Host, Node, From, JID, SubId);
{set, #pubsub{options = #ps_options{node = Node, subid = SubId,
jid = JID, xdata = XData},
_ = undefined}} ->
- set_options(Host, Node, JID, SubId, get_xdata_fields(XData));
+ case decode_subscribe_options(XData, Lang) of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ Config ->
+ set_options(Host, Node, JID, SubId, Config)
+ end;
{set, #pubsub{}} ->
{error, xmpp:err_bad_request()};
_ ->
#xdata{type = cancel} ->
{result, #pubsub_owner{}};
#xdata{type = submit} ->
- Config = get_xdata_fields(XData),
- set_configure(Host, Node, From, Config, Lang);
+ case decode_node_config(XData, Host, Lang) of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ Config ->
+ set_configure(Host, Node, From, Config, Lang)
+ end;
#xdata{} ->
{error, xmpp:err_bad_request(<<"Incorrect data form">>, Lang)}
send_pending_node_form(Host, Owner, Lang, Plugins);
adhoc_request(Host, _ServerHost, Owner,
#adhoc_command{node = ?NS_PUBSUB_GET_PENDING, lang = Lang,
- action = execute, xdata = #xdata{} = XData},
+ action = execute, xdata = #xdata{} = XData} = Request,
_Access, _Plugins) ->
- Config = get_xdata_fields(XData),
- case set_xoption(Host, Config, []) of
- XForm when is_list(XForm) ->
- case lists:keysearch(node, 1, XForm) of
- {value, {_, Node}} ->
- send_pending_auth_events(Host, Node, Owner, Lang);
- false ->
- {error, extended_error(xmpp:err_bad_request(), err_invalid_payload())}
- end;
- Err ->
- Err
+ case decode_get_pending(XData, Lang) of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ Config ->
+ Node = proplists:get_value(node, Config),
+ case send_pending_auth_events(Host, Node, Owner, Lang) of
+ ok ->
+ xmpp_util:make_adhoc_response(
+ Request, #adhoc_command{action = completed});
+ Err ->
+ Err
+ end
adhoc_request(_Host, _ServerHost, _Owner,
#adhoc_command{action = cancel}, _Access, _Plugins) ->
Ps ->
case get_pending_nodes(Host, Owner, Ps) of
{ok, Nodes} ->
- XOpts = [#xdata_option{value = Node} || Node <- Nodes],
XForm = #xdata{type = form,
- fields = [#xdata_field{
- type = 'list-single',
- var = <<"pubsub#node">>,
- options = lists:usort(XOpts)}]},
+ fields = pubsub_get_pending:encode(
+ [{node, Nodes}])},
#adhoc_command{status = executing, action = execute,
xdata = XForm};
Err ->
Subscriber) ->
%% TODO: pass lang to this function
Lang = <<"en">>,
- Fs = [#xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
- type = hidden,
- values = [?NS_PUBSUB_SUB_AUTH]},
- #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>,
- type = 'text-single',
- label = translate:translate(Lang, <<"Node ID">>),
- values = [Node]},
- #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>,
- type = 'jid-single',
- label = translate:translate(Lang, <<"Subscriber Address">>),
- values = [jid:to_string(Subscriber)]},
- #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#allow">>,
- type = boolean,
- label = translate:translate(
- Lang,
- <<"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to "
- "this pubsub node?">>),
- values = [<<"false">>]}],
+ Fs = pubsub_subscribe_authorization:encode(
+ [{node, Node},
+ {subscriber_jid, Subscriber},
+ {allow, false}],
+ fun(T) -> translate:translate(Lang, T) end),
X = #xdata{type = form,
title = translate:translate(
Lang, <<"PubSub subscriber request">>),
ejabberd_router:route(service_jid(Host), jid:make(Owner), Stanza)
end, node_owners_action(Host, Type, Nidx, O)).
--spec find_authorization_response(message()) -> undefined | xdata().
+-spec find_authorization_response(message()) -> undefined |
+ pubsub_subscribe_authorization:result() |
+ {error, stanza_error()}.
find_authorization_response(Packet) ->
case xmpp:get_subtag(Packet, #xdata{}) of
- #xdata{type = submit} = X ->
- case xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, X) of
- _ -> undefined
+ #xdata{type = cancel} ->
+ undefined;
+ #xdata{type = submit, fields = Fs} ->
+ try pubsub_subscribe_authorization:decode(Fs) of
+ Result -> Result
+ catch _:{pubsub_subscribe_authorization, Why} ->
+ Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Packet),
+ Txt = pubsub_subscribe_authorization:format_error(Why),
+ {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)}
- _ ->
+ #xdata{} ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_bad_request()};
+ false ->
Stanza = #message{sub_els = [Event]},
ejabberd_router:route(service_jid(Host), JID, Stanza).
--spec handle_authorization_response(binary(), jid(), jid(), message(), xdata()) -> ok.
-handle_authorization_response(Host, From, To, Packet, X) ->
+-spec handle_authorization_response(binary(), jid(), jid(), message(),
+ pubsub_subscribe_authorization:result()) -> ok.
+handle_authorization_response(Host, From, To, Packet, Response) ->
+ Node = proplists:get_value(node, Response),
+ Subscriber = proplists:get_value(subscriber_jid, Response),
+ Allow = proplists:get_value(allow, Response),
Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Packet),
- case {xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"pubsub#node">>, X),
- xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>, X),
- xmpp_util:get_xdata_values(<<"pubsub#allow">>, X)} of
- {[Node], [SSubscriber], [SAllow]} ->
- FromLJID = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(From)),
- Subscriber = jid:from_string(SSubscriber),
- Allow = case SAllow of
- <<"1">> -> true;
- <<"true">> -> true;
- _ -> false
- end,
- Action =
- fun(#pubsub_node{type = Type, id = Nidx, owners = O}) ->
- Owners = node_owners_call(Host, Type, Nidx, O),
- case lists:member(FromLJID, Owners) of
- true ->
- {result, Subs} = node_call(Host, Type, get_subscriptions, [Nidx, Subscriber]),
- update_auth(Host, Node, Type, Nidx, Subscriber, Allow, Subs);
- false ->
- {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(<<"Owner privileges required">>, Lang)}
- end
- end,
- case transaction(Host, Node, Action, sync_dirty) of
- {error, Error} ->
- ejabberd_router:route_error(To, From, Packet, Error);
- {result, {_, _NewSubscription}} ->
- %% XXX: notify about subscription state change, section 12.11
- ok;
- _ ->
- Err = xmpp:err_internal_server_error(),
- ejabberd_router:route_error(To, From, Packet, Err)
- end;
+ FromLJID = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(From)),
+ Action =
+ fun(#pubsub_node{type = Type, id = Nidx, owners = O}) ->
+ Owners = node_owners_call(Host, Type, Nidx, O),
+ case lists:member(FromLJID, Owners) of
+ true ->
+ {result, Subs} = node_call(Host, Type, get_subscriptions, [Nidx, Subscriber]),
+ update_auth(Host, Node, Type, Nidx, Subscriber, Allow, Subs);
+ false ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(<<"Owner privileges required">>, Lang)}
+ end
+ end,
+ case transaction(Host, Node, Action, sync_dirty) of
+ {error, Error} ->
+ ejabberd_router:route_error(To, From, Packet, Error);
+ {result, {_, _NewSubscription}} ->
+ %% XXX: notify about subscription state change, section 12.11
+ ok;
_ ->
- Err = xmpp:err_not_acceptable(<<"Incorrect data form">>, Lang),
+ Err = xmpp:err_internal_server_error(),
ejabberd_router:route_error(To, From, Packet, Err)
{error, xmpp:err_unexpected_request(Txt, ?MYLANG)}
--define(XFIELD(Type, Label, Var, Val),
- #xdata_field{type = Type,
- label = translate:translate(Lang, Label),
- var = Var,
- values = [Val]}).
--define(BOOLXFIELD(Label, Var, Val),
- ?XFIELD(boolean, Label, Var,
- case Val of
- true -> <<"1">>;
- _ -> <<"0">>
- end)).
--define(STRINGXFIELD(Label, Var, Val),
- ?XFIELD('text-single', Label, Var, Val)).
--define(STRINGMXFIELD(Label, Var, Vals),
- #xdata_field{type = 'text-multi',
- label = translate:translate(Lang, Label),
- var = Var,
- values = Vals}).
--define(XFIELDOPT(Type, Label, Var, Val, Opts),
- #xdata_field{type = Type,
- label = translate:translate(Lang, Label),
- var = Var,
- options = [#xdata_option{value = Opt} || Opt <- Opts],
- values = [Val]}).
--define(LISTXFIELD(Label, Var, Val, Opts),
- ?XFIELDOPT('list-single', Label, Var, Val, Opts)).
--define(LISTMXFIELD(Label, Var, Vals, Opts),
- #xdata_field{type = 'list-multi',
- label = translate:translate(Lang, Label),
- var = Var,
- options = [#xdata_option{value = Opt} || Opt <- Opts],
- values = Vals}).
%% @doc <p>Create new pubsub nodes</p>
%%<p>In addition to method-specific error conditions, there are several general reasons why the node creation request might fail:</p>
create_node(Host, ServerHost, Node, Owner, GivenType, Access, Configuration) ->
Type = select_type(ServerHost, Host, Node, GivenType),
- case set_xoption(Host, Configuration, node_options(Host, Type)) of
- NodeOptions when is_list(NodeOptions) ->
- CreateNode =
- fun() ->
- Parent = case node_call(Host, Type, node_to_path, [Node]) of
- {result, [Node]} ->
- <<>>;
- {result, Path} ->
- element(2, node_call(Host, Type, path_to_node,
- [lists:sublist(Path, length(Path)-1)]))
- end,
- Parents = case Parent of
- <<>> -> [];
- _ -> [Parent]
- end,
- case node_call(Host, Type, create_node_permission,
- [Host, ServerHost, Node, Parent, Owner, Access]) of
- {result, true} ->
- case tree_call(Host, create_node,
- [Host, Node, Type, Owner, NodeOptions, Parents])
- of
- {ok, Nidx} ->
- SubsByDepth = get_node_subs_by_depth(Host, Node, Owner),
- case node_call(Host, Type, create_node, [Nidx, Owner]) of
- {result, Result} -> {result, {Nidx, SubsByDepth, Result}};
- Error -> Error
- end;
- {error, {virtual, Nidx}} ->
- case node_call(Host, Type, create_node, [Nidx, Owner]) of
- {result, Result} -> {result, {Nidx, [], Result}};
- Error -> Error
- end;
- Error ->
- Error
+ NodeOptions = merge_config(Configuration, node_options(Host, Type)),
+ CreateNode =
+ fun() ->
+ Parent = case node_call(Host, Type, node_to_path, [Node]) of
+ {result, [Node]} ->
+ <<>>;
+ {result, Path} ->
+ element(2, node_call(Host, Type, path_to_node,
+ [lists:sublist(Path, length(Path)-1)]))
+ end,
+ Parents = case Parent of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ _ -> [Parent]
+ end,
+ case node_call(Host, Type, create_node_permission,
+ [Host, ServerHost, Node, Parent, Owner, Access]) of
+ {result, true} ->
+ case tree_call(Host, create_node,
+ [Host, Node, Type, Owner, NodeOptions, Parents])
+ of
+ {ok, Nidx} ->
+ SubsByDepth = get_node_subs_by_depth(Host, Node, Owner),
+ case node_call(Host, Type, create_node, [Nidx, Owner]) of
+ {result, Result} -> {result, {Nidx, SubsByDepth, Result}};
+ Error -> Error
- _ ->
- Txt = <<"You're not allowed to create nodes">>,
- {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, ?MYLANG)}
- end
- end,
- Reply = #pubsub{create = Node},
- case transaction(Host, CreateNode, transaction) of
- {result, {Nidx, SubsByDepth, {Result, broadcast}}} ->
- broadcast_created_node(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth),
- ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_create_node, ServerHost,
- [ServerHost, Host, Node, Nidx, NodeOptions]),
- case Result of
- default -> {result, Reply};
- _ -> {result, Result}
- end;
- {result, {Nidx, _SubsByDepth, Result}} ->
- ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_create_node, ServerHost,
- [ServerHost, Host, Node, Nidx, NodeOptions]),
- case Result of
- default -> {result, Reply};
- _ -> {result, Result}
- end;
- Error ->
- %% in case we change transaction to sync_dirty...
- %% node_call(Host, Type, delete_node, [Host, Node]),
- %% tree_call(Host, delete_node, [Host, Node]),
- Error
+ {error, {virtual, Nidx}} ->
+ case node_call(Host, Type, create_node, [Nidx, Owner]) of
+ {result, Result} -> {result, {Nidx, [], Result}};
+ Error -> Error
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Txt = <<"You're not allowed to create nodes">>,
+ {error, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, ?MYLANG)}
+ end
+ end,
+ Reply = #pubsub{create = Node},
+ case transaction(Host, CreateNode, transaction) of
+ {result, {Nidx, SubsByDepth, {Result, broadcast}}} ->
+ broadcast_created_node(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth),
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_create_node, ServerHost,
+ [ServerHost, Host, Node, Nidx, NodeOptions]),
+ case Result of
+ default -> {result, Reply};
+ _ -> {result, Result}
+ end;
+ {result, {Nidx, _SubsByDepth, Result}} ->
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_create_node, ServerHost,
+ [ServerHost, Host, Node, Nidx, NodeOptions]),
+ case Result of
+ default -> {result, Reply};
+ _ -> {result, Result}
Error ->
+ %% in case we change transaction to sync_dirty...
+ %% node_call(Host, Type, delete_node, [Host, Node]),
+ %% tree_call(Host, delete_node, [Host, Node]),
Owner = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(From)),
Notify = fun(#ps_subscription{jid = JID, type = Sub}) ->
Stanza = #message{
- sub_els = [#pubsub{
+ sub_els = [#ps_event{
subscription = #ps_subscription{
jid = JID,
type = Sub,
--define(BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var),
- <<"pubsub#", (atom_to_binary(Var, latin1))/binary>>,
- (get_option(Options, Var)))).
--define(STRING_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var),
- <<"pubsub#", (atom_to_binary(Var, latin1))/binary>>,
- (get_option(Options, Var, <<>>)))).
--define(INTEGER_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var),
- <<"pubsub#", (atom_to_binary(Var, latin1))/binary>>,
- (integer_to_binary(get_option(Options, Var))))).
--define(JLIST_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var, Opts),
- <<"pubsub#", (atom_to_binary(Var, latin1))/binary>>,
- (jid:to_string(get_option(Options, Var))),
- [jid:to_string(O) || O <- Opts])).
--define(ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var, Opts),
- <<"pubsub#", (atom_to_binary(Var, latin1))/binary>>,
- (atom_to_binary(get_option(Options, Var), latin1)),
- [atom_to_binary(O, latin1) || O <- Opts])).
--define(LISTM_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var, Opts),
- <<"pubsub#", (atom_to_binary(Var, latin1))/binary>>,
- (get_option(Options, Var)), Opts)).
--define(NLIST_CONFIG_FIELD(Label, Var),
- <<"pubsub#", (atom_to_binary(Var, latin1))/binary>>,
- get_option(Options, Var, []))).
+-spec get_configure_xfields(_, pubsub_node_config:result(),
+ binary(), [binary()]) -> [xdata_field()].
get_configure_xfields(_Type, Options, Lang, Groups) ->
- [?XFIELD(hidden, <<>>, <<"FORM_TYPE">>, ?NS_PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Deliver payloads with event notifications">>,
- deliver_payloads),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Deliver event notifications">>,
- deliver_notifications),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes">>,
- notify_config),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted">>,
- notify_delete),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node">>,
- notify_retract),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Persist items to storage">>,
- persist_items),
- ?STRING_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"A friendly name for the node">>,
- title),
- ?INTEGER_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Max # of items to persist">>,
- max_items),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Whether to allow subscriptions">>,
- subscribe),
- ?ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Specify the access model">>,
- access_model, [open, authorize, presence, roster, whitelist]),
- ?LISTM_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Roster groups allowed to subscribe">>,
- roster_groups_allowed, Groups),
- ?ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Specify the publisher model">>,
- publish_model, [publishers, subscribers, open]),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline">>,
- purge_offline),
- ?ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Specify the event message type">>,
- notification_type, [headline, normal]),
- ?INTEGER_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Max payload size in bytes">>,
- max_payload_size),
- ?ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"When to send the last published item">>,
- send_last_published_item, [never, on_sub, on_sub_and_presence]),
- ?BOOL_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Only deliver notifications to available users">>,
- presence_based_delivery),
- ?NLIST_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"The collections with which a node is affiliated">>,
- collection),
- ?ALIST_CONFIG_FIELD(<<"Whether owners or publisher should receive replies to items">>,
- itemreply, [none, owner, publisher])].
+ pubsub_node_config:encode(
+ lists:map(
+ fun({roster_groups_allowed, Value}) ->
+ {roster_groups_allowed, Value, Groups};
+ (Opt) ->
+ Opt
+ end, Options),
+ fun(Txt) -> translate:translate(Lang, Txt) end).
%%<p>There are several reasons why the node configuration request might fail:</p>
[] -> node_options(Host, Type);
_ -> Options
- case set_xoption(Host, Config, OldOpts) of
- NewOpts when is_list(NewOpts) ->
- case tree_call(Host,
- set_node,
- [N#pubsub_node{options = NewOpts}])
- of
- {result, Nidx} -> {result, ok};
- ok -> {result, ok};
- Err -> Err
- end;
- Error ->
- Error
+ NewOpts = merge_config(Config, OldOpts),
+ case tree_call(Host,
+ set_node,
+ [N#pubsub_node{options = NewOpts}]) of
+ {result, Nidx} -> {result, ok};
+ ok -> {result, ok};
+ Err -> Err
_ ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden(
--spec add_opt(atom(), any(), [{atom(), any()}]) -> [{atom(), any()}].
-add_opt(Key, Value, Opts) ->
- lists:keystore(Key, 1, Opts, {Key, Value}).
+-spec merge_config([proplists:property()], [proplists:property()]) -> [proplists:property()].
+merge_config(Config1, Config2) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({Opt, Val}, Acc) ->
+ lists:keystore(Opt, 1, Acc, {Opt, Val})
+ end, Config2, Config1).
--define(SET_BOOL_XOPT(Opt, Val),
- BoolVal = case Val of
- <<"0">> -> false;
- <<"1">> -> true;
- <<"false">> -> false;
- <<"true">> -> true;
- _ -> error
- end,
- case BoolVal of
- error ->
- Txt = <<"Value of '~s' should be boolean">>,
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [Opt])),
- {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrTxt, ?MYLANG)};
- _ -> set_xoption(Host, Opts, add_opt(Opt, BoolVal, NewOpts))
- end).
--define(SET_STRING_XOPT(Opt, Val),
- set_xoption(Host, Opts, add_opt(Opt, Val, NewOpts))).
--define(SET_INTEGER_XOPT(Opt, Val, Min, Max),
- case catch binary_to_integer(Val) of
- IVal when is_integer(IVal), IVal >= Min ->
- if (Max =:= undefined) orelse (IVal =< Max) ->
- set_xoption(Host, Opts, add_opt(Opt, IVal, NewOpts));
- true ->
- Txt = <<"Incorrect value of '~s'">>,
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [Opt])),
- {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrTxt, ?MYLANG)}
- end;
- _ ->
- Txt = <<"Value of '~s' should be integer">>,
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [Opt])),
- {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrTxt, ?MYLANG)}
- end).
+-spec decode_node_config(undefined | xdata(), binary(), binary()) ->
+ pubsub_node_config:result() |
+ {error, stanza_error()}.
+decode_node_config(undefined, _, _) ->
+ [];
+decode_node_config(#xdata{fields = Fs}, Host, Lang) ->
+ try
+ Config = pubsub_node_config:decode(Fs),
+ Max = get_max_items_node(Host),
+ case {check_opt_range(max_items, Config, Max),
+ check_opt_range(max_payload_size, Config, ?MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE)} of
+ {true, true} ->
+ Config;
+ {true, false} ->
+ erlang:error(
+ {pubsub_node_config,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>,
+ {false, _} ->
+ erlang:error(
+ {pubsub_node_config,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#max_items">>,
+ end
+ catch _:{pubsub_node_config, Why} ->
+ Txt = pubsub_node_config:format_error(Why),
+ {error, xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Txt, Lang)}
+ end.
+-spec decode_subscribe_options(undefined | xdata(), binary()) ->
+ pubsub_subscribe_options:result() |
+ {error, stanza_error()}.
+decode_subscribe_options(undefined, _) ->
+ [];
+decode_subscribe_options(#xdata{fields = Fs}, Lang) ->
+ try pubsub_subscribe_options:decode(Fs)
+ catch _:{pubsub_subscribe_options, Why} ->
+ Txt = pubsub_subscribe_options:format_error(Why),
+ {error, xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Txt, Lang)}
+ end.
--define(SET_ALIST_XOPT(Opt, Val, Vals),
- case lists:member(Val, [atom_to_binary(V, latin1) || V <- Vals]) of
- true ->
- set_xoption(Host, Opts, add_opt(Opt, jlib:binary_to_atom(Val), NewOpts));
- false ->
- Txt = <<"Incorrect value of '~s'">>,
- ErrTxt = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Txt, [Opt])),
- {error, xmpp:err_not_acceptable(ErrTxt, ?MYLANG)}
- end).
--define(SET_LIST_XOPT(Opt, Val),
- set_xoption(Host, Opts, add_opt(Opt, Val, NewOpts))).
--spec set_xoption(host(), [{binary(), [binary()]}], [{atom(), any()}]) -> [{atom(), any()}].
-set_xoption(_Host, [], NewOpts) -> NewOpts;
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"FORM_TYPE">>, _} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- set_xoption(Host, Opts, NewOpts);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#roster_groups_allowed">>, Value} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_LIST_XOPT(roster_groups_allowed, Value);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(deliver_payloads, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(deliver_notifications, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#notify_config">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(notify_config, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#notify_delete">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(notify_delete, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#notify_retract">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(notify_retract, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#persist_items">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(persist_items, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#max_items">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- MaxItems = get_max_items_node(Host),
- ?SET_INTEGER_XOPT(max_items, Val, 0, MaxItems);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#subscribe">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(subscribe, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#access_model">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_ALIST_XOPT(access_model, Val, [open, authorize, presence, roster, whitelist]);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#publish_model">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_ALIST_XOPT(publish_model, Val, [publishers, subscribers, open]);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#notification_type">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_ALIST_XOPT(notification_type, Val, [headline, normal]);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#node_type">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_ALIST_XOPT(node_type, Val, [leaf, collection]);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_INTEGER_XOPT(max_payload_size, Val, 0, (?MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE));
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_ALIST_XOPT(send_last_published_item, Val, [never, on_sub, on_sub_and_presence]);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(presence_based_delivery, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#purge_offline">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_BOOL_XOPT(purge_offline, Val);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#title">>, Value} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(title, Value);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#type">>, Value} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(type, Value);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#body_xslt">>, Value} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_STRING_XOPT(body_xslt, Value);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#collection">>, Value} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- % NewValue = [string_to_node(V) || V <- Value],
- ?SET_LIST_XOPT(collection, Value);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#node">>, [Value]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- % NewValue = string_to_node(Value),
- ?SET_LIST_XOPT(node, Value);
-set_xoption(Host, [{<<"pubsub#itemreply">>, [Val]} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- ?SET_ALIST_XOPT(itemreply, Val, [none, owner, publisher]);
-set_xoption(Host, [_ | Opts], NewOpts) ->
- set_xoption(Host, Opts, NewOpts).
--spec get_xdata_fields(undefined | xdata()) -> [{binary(), [binary()]}].
-get_xdata_fields(undefined) ->
+-spec decode_publish_options(undefined | xdata(), binary()) ->
+ pubsub_publish_options:result() |
+ {error, stanza_error()}.
+decode_publish_options(undefined, _) ->
-get_xdata_fields(#xdata{fields = Fs}) ->
- [{Var, Vals} || #xdata_field{var = Var, values = Vals} <- Fs].
+decode_publish_options(#xdata{fields = Fs}, Lang) ->
+ try pubsub_publish_options:decode(Fs)
+ catch _:{pubsub_publish_options, Why} ->
+ Txt = pubsub_publish_options:format_error(Why),
+ {error, xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Txt, Lang)}
+ end.
+-spec decode_get_pending(xdata(), binary()) ->
+ pubsub_get_pending:result() |
+ {error, stanza_error()}.
+decode_get_pending(#xdata{fields = Fs}, Lang) ->
+ try pubsub_get_pending:decode(Fs)
+ catch _:{pubsub_get_pending, Why} ->
+ Txt = pubsub_get_pending:format_error(Why),
+ {error, xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Txt, Lang)}
+ end;
+decode_get_pending(undefined, Lang) ->
+ {error, xmpp:err_bad_request(<<"No data form found">>, Lang)}.
+-spec check_opt_range(atom(), [proplists:property()], non_neg_integer()) -> boolean().
+check_opt_range(Opt, Opts, Max) ->
+ Val = proplists:get_value(Opt, Opts, Max),
+ Val =< Max.
-spec get_max_items_node(host()) -> undefined | non_neg_integer().
get_max_items_node(Host) ->
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: muc_register.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register
+%% Document: XEP-0045
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
+dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false.
+enc_bool(true) -> <<"1">>;
+enc_bool(false) -> <<"0">>.
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, [<<"muc#register_roomnick">>]);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, [<<"muc#register_roomnick">>]);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {allow, Val} -> [encode_allow(Val, Translate)];
+ {allow, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {email, Val} -> [encode_email(Val, Translate)];
+ {email, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {faqentry, Val} -> [encode_faqentry(Val, Translate)];
+ {faqentry, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {first, Val} -> [encode_first(Val, Translate)];
+ {first, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {last, Val} -> [encode_last(Val, Translate)];
+ {last, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {roomnick, Val} -> [encode_roomnick(Val, Translate)];
+ {roomnick, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {url, Val} -> [encode_url(Val, Translate)];
+ {url, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_allow">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allow, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#register_allow">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#register_allow">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_allow">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_allow">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_allow">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#register_allow">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_email">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{email, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#register_email">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#register_email">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_email">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_email">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_email">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#register_email">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_faqentry">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [Value || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{faqentry, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#register_faqentry">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#register_faqentry">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_first">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{first, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#register_first">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#register_first">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_first">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_first">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_first">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#register_first">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_last">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{last, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#register_last">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#register_last">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_last">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_last">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_last">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#register_last">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_roomnick">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{roomnick, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#register_roomnick">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#register_roomnick">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_roomnick">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_roomnick">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_roomnick">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#register_roomnick">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_url">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{url, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#register_url">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#register_url">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_url">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_url">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_url">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#register_url">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#register">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_allow(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_allow">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow this person to register with the "
+ "room?">>)}.
+encode_email(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_email">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Email Address">>)}.
+encode_faqentry(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_faqentry">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"FAQ Entry">>)}.
+encode_first(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_first">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Given Name">>)}.
+encode_last(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_last">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Family Name">>)}.
+encode_roomnick(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_roomnick">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Nickname">>)}.
+encode_url(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#register_url">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"A Web Page">>)}.
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: muc_request.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request
+%% Document: XEP-0045
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_enum(Val, Enums) ->
+ AtomVal = erlang:binary_to_existing_atom(Val, utf8),
+ case lists:member(AtomVal, Enums) of
+ true -> AtomVal
+ end.
+enc_enum(Atom) -> erlang:atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8).
+dec_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
+dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false.
+enc_bool(true) -> <<"1">>;
+enc_bool(false) -> <<"0">>.
+enc_jid(J) -> jid:to_string(J).
+dec_jid(Val) ->
+ case jid:from_string(Val) of
+ error -> erlang:error(badarg);
+ J -> J
+ end.
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, [<<"muc#role">>]);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, [<<"muc#role">>]);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {role, Val} -> [encode_role(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {role, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_role(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {jid, Val} -> [encode_jid(Val, Translate)];
+ {jid, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {roomnick, Val} -> [encode_roomnick(Val, Translate)];
+ {roomnick, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {request_allow, Val} ->
+ [encode_request_allow(Val, Translate)];
+ {request_allow, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#role">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [participant]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{role, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#role">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#role">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#role">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#role">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#role">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#role">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#jid">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_jid(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{jid, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#jid">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#jid">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#jid">>, values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#jid">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#jid">>} | _], _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#jid">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomnick">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{roomnick, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomnick">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomnick">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomnick">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomnick">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomnick">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomnick">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#request_allow">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{request_allow, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#request_allow">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#request_allow">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#request_allow">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#request_allow">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#request_allow">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#request_allow">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#request">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_role(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"Participant">>),
+ value = <<"participant">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#role">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'list-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>, label = Translate(<<"Requested role">>)}.
+encode_jid(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_jid(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#jid">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'jid-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>, label = Translate(<<"User JID">>)}.
+encode_roomnick(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomnick">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'text-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>, label = Translate(<<"Nickname">>)}.
+encode_request_allow(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#request_allow">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Grant voice to this person?">>)}.
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: muc_roomconfig.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig
+%% Document: XEP-0045
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_int(Val, Min, Max) ->
+ case list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Val)) of
+ Int when Int =< Max, Min == infinity -> Int;
+ Int when Int =< Max, Int >= Min -> Int
+ end.
+enc_int(Int) -> integer_to_binary(Int).
+dec_enum(Val, Enums) ->
+ AtomVal = erlang:binary_to_existing_atom(Val, utf8),
+ case lists:member(AtomVal, Enums) of
+ true -> AtomVal
+ end.
+enc_enum(Atom) -> erlang:atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8).
+dec_enum_int(Val, Enums, Min, Max) ->
+ try dec_int(Val, Min, Max) catch
+ _:_ -> dec_enum(Val, Enums)
+ end.
+enc_enum_int(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> enc_int(Int);
+enc_enum_int(Atom) -> enc_enum(Atom).
+dec_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
+dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false.
+enc_bool(true) -> <<"1">>;
+enc_bool(false) -> <<"0">>.
+enc_jid(J) -> jid:to_string(J).
+dec_jid(Val) ->
+ case jid:from_string(Val) of
+ error -> erlang:error(badarg);
+ J -> J
+ end.
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {maxhistoryfetch, Val} ->
+ [encode_maxhistoryfetch(Val, Translate)];
+ {maxhistoryfetch, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {allowpm, Val} ->
+ [encode_allowpm(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {allowpm, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_allowpm(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {allow_private_messages, Val} ->
+ [encode_allow_private_messages(Val, Translate)];
+ {allow_private_messages, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {allow_private_messages_from_visitors, Val} ->
+ [encode_allow_private_messages_from_visitors(Val,
+ default,
+ Translate)];
+ {allow_private_messages_from_visitors, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_allow_private_messages_from_visitors(Val, Opts,
+ Translate)];
+ {allow_visitor_status, Val} ->
+ [encode_allow_visitor_status(Val, Translate)];
+ {allow_visitor_status, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {allow_visitor_nickchange, Val} ->
+ [encode_allow_visitor_nickchange(Val, Translate)];
+ {allow_visitor_nickchange, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {allow_voice_requests, Val} ->
+ [encode_allow_voice_requests(Val, Translate)];
+ {allow_voice_requests, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {allow_subscription, Val} ->
+ [encode_allow_subscription(Val, Translate)];
+ {allow_subscription, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {voice_request_min_interval, Val} ->
+ [encode_voice_request_min_interval(Val, Translate)];
+ {voice_request_min_interval, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {captcha_protected, Val} ->
+ [encode_captcha_protected(Val, Translate)];
+ {captcha_protected, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {captcha_whitelist, Val} ->
+ [encode_captcha_whitelist(Val, Translate)];
+ {captcha_whitelist, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {allow_query_users, Val} ->
+ [encode_allow_query_users(Val, Translate)];
+ {allow_query_users, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {allowinvites, Val} ->
+ [encode_allowinvites(Val, Translate)];
+ {allowinvites, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {changesubject, Val} ->
+ [encode_changesubject(Val, Translate)];
+ {changesubject, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {enablelogging, Val} ->
+ [encode_enablelogging(Val, Translate)];
+ {enablelogging, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {getmemberlist, Val} ->
+ [encode_getmemberlist(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {getmemberlist, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_getmemberlist(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {lang, Val} -> [encode_lang(Val, Translate)];
+ {lang, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {pubsub, Val} -> [encode_pubsub(Val, Translate)];
+ {pubsub, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {maxusers, Val} ->
+ [encode_maxusers(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {maxusers, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_maxusers(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {membersonly, Val} ->
+ [encode_membersonly(Val, Translate)];
+ {membersonly, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {moderatedroom, Val} ->
+ [encode_moderatedroom(Val, Translate)];
+ {moderatedroom, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {members_by_default, Val} ->
+ [encode_members_by_default(Val, Translate)];
+ {members_by_default, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {passwordprotectedroom, Val} ->
+ [encode_passwordprotectedroom(Val, Translate)];
+ {passwordprotectedroom, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {persistentroom, Val} ->
+ [encode_persistentroom(Val, Translate)];
+ {persistentroom, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {presencebroadcast, Val} ->
+ [encode_presencebroadcast(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {presencebroadcast, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_presencebroadcast(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {publicroom, Val} ->
+ [encode_publicroom(Val, Translate)];
+ {publicroom, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {public_list, Val} ->
+ [encode_public_list(Val, Translate)];
+ {public_list, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {roomadmins, Val} ->
+ [encode_roomadmins(Val, Translate)];
+ {roomadmins, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {roomdesc, Val} -> [encode_roomdesc(Val, Translate)];
+ {roomdesc, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {roomname, Val} -> [encode_roomname(Val, Translate)];
+ {roomname, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {roomowners, Val} ->
+ [encode_roomowners(Val, Translate)];
+ {roomowners, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {roomsecret, Val} ->
+ [encode_roomsecret(Val, Translate)];
+ {roomsecret, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {whois, Val} -> [encode_whois(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {whois, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_whois(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {mam, Val} -> [encode_mam(Val, Translate)];
+ {mam, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{maxhistoryfetch, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_allowpm">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allowpm, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_allowpm">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_allowpm">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_allowpm">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_allowpm">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_allowpm">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_allowpm">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_private_messages">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allow_private_messages, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"allow_private_messages">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"allow_private_messages">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_private_messages">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_private_messages">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_private_messages">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"allow_private_messages">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [nobody, moderators, anyone]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs,
+ [{allow_private_messages_from_visitors, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value,
+ <<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values,
+ <<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_visitor_status">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allow_visitor_status, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"allow_visitor_status">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"allow_visitor_status">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_visitor_status">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_visitor_status">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_visitor_status">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"allow_visitor_status">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allow_visitor_nickchange, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_voice_requests">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allow_voice_requests, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"allow_voice_requests">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"allow_voice_requests">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_voice_requests">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_voice_requests">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_voice_requests">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"allow_voice_requests">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_subscription">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allow_subscription, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"allow_subscription">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"allow_subscription">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_subscription">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_subscription">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_subscription">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"allow_subscription">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"voice_request_min_interval">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_int(Value, 0, infinity) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{voice_request_min_interval, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"voice_request_min_interval">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"voice_request_min_interval">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"voice_request_min_interval">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"voice_request_min_interval">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"voice_request_min_interval">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"voice_request_min_interval">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"captcha_protected">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{captcha_protected, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"captcha_protected">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"captcha_protected">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"captcha_protected">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"captcha_protected">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"captcha_protected">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"captcha_protected">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"captcha_whitelist">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [dec_jid(Value) || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{captcha_whitelist, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"captcha_whitelist">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"captcha_whitelist">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_query_users">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allow_query_users, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"allow_query_users">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"allow_query_users">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_query_users">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_query_users">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"allow_query_users">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"allow_query_users">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allowinvites, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{changesubject, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{enablelogging, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [Value || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{getmemberlist, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_lang">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{lang, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_lang">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_lang">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_lang">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_lang">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_lang">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_lang">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_pubsub">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{pubsub, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_pubsub">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_pubsub">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_pubsub">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_pubsub">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_pubsub">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_pubsub">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum_int(Value, [none], 0, infinity) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{maxusers, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{membersonly, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{moderatedroom, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"members_by_default">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{members_by_default, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"members_by_default">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"members_by_default">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"members_by_default">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"members_by_default">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"members_by_default">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"members_by_default">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{passwordprotectedroom, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value,
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values,
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{persistentroom, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [dec_enum(Value, [moderator, participant, visitor])
+ || Value <- Values]
+ of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{presencebroadcast, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{publicroom, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"public_list">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{public_list, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"public_list">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"public_list">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"public_list">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"public_list">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"public_list">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"public_list">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomadmins">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [dec_jid(Value) || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{roomadmins, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_roomadmins">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_roomadmins">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{roomdesc, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{roomname, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomowners">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [dec_jid(Value) || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{roomowners, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_roomowners">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_roomowners">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{roomsecret, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [moderators, anyone]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{whois, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"mam">>, values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{mam, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"mam">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"mam">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"mam">>, values = []} = F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"mam">>, values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"mam">>} | _], _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"mam">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_maxhistoryfetch(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Maximum Number of History Messages Returned "
+ "by Room">>)}.
+encode_allowpm(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default -> [];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L), value = V}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_allowpm">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Roles that May Send Private Messages">>)}.
+encode_allow_private_messages(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"allow_private_messages">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow users to send private messages">>)}.
+ Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"nobody">>),
+ value = <<"nobody">>},
+ #xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"moderators only">>),
+ value = <<"moderators">>},
+ #xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"anyone">>),
+ value = <<"anyone">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var =
+ <<"allow_private_messages_from_visitors">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow visitors to send private messages to">>)}.
+encode_allow_visitor_status(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"allow_visitor_status">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow visitors to send status text in "
+ "presence updates">>)}.
+encode_allow_visitor_nickchange(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"allow_visitor_nickchange">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow visitors to change nickname">>)}.
+encode_allow_voice_requests(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"allow_voice_requests">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow visitors to send voice requests">>)}.
+encode_allow_subscription(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"allow_subscription">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Allow subscription">>)}.
+encode_voice_request_min_interval(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_int(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"voice_request_min_interval">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Minimum interval between voice requests "
+ "(in seconds)">>)}.
+encode_captcha_protected(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"captcha_protected">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Make room CAPTCHA protected">>)}.
+encode_captcha_whitelist(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_jid(V) || V <- Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"captcha_whitelist">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'jid-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge">>)}.
+encode_allow_query_users(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"allow_query_users">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow users to query other users">>)}.
+encode_allowinvites(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_allowinvites">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Allow users to send invites">>)}.
+encode_changesubject(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_changesubject">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow users to change the subject">>)}.
+encode_enablelogging(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_enablelogging">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Enable logging">>)}.
+encode_getmemberlist(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default -> [];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L), value = V}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Roles and Affiliations that May Retrieve "
+ "Member List">>)}.
+encode_lang(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_lang">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Natural Language for Room Discussions">>)}.
+encode_pubsub(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_pubsub">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe "
+ "Node">>)}.
+encode_maxusers(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum_int(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"No limit">>),
+ value = <<"none">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"5">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"10">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"20">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"30">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"50">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"100">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"200">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"500">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"1000">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"2000">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"5000">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum_int(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_maxusers">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Maximum Number of Occupants">>)}.
+encode_membersonly(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_membersonly">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Make room members-only">>)}.
+encode_moderatedroom(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Make room moderated">>)}.
+encode_members_by_default(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"members_by_default">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Default users as participants">>)}.
+encode_passwordprotectedroom(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Make room password protected">>)}.
+encode_persistentroom(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Make room persistent">>)}.
+encode_presencebroadcast(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(V) || V <- Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"Moderator">>),
+ value = <<"moderator">>},
+ #xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"Participant">>),
+ value = <<"participant">>},
+ #xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"Visitor">>),
+ value = <<"visitor">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roomconfig_presencebroadcast">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted">>)}.
+encode_publicroom(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_publicroom">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Make room public searchable">>)}.
+encode_public_list(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"public_list">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = boolean, options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Make participants list public">>)}.
+encode_roomadmins(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_jid(V) || V <- Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_roomadmins">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'jid-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Full List of Room Admins">>)}.
+encode_roomdesc(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_roomdesc">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Room description">>)}.
+encode_roomname(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_roomname">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Room title">>)}.
+encode_roomowners(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_jid(V) || V <- Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_roomowners">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'jid-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Full List of Room Owners">>)}.
+encode_roomsecret(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_roomsecret">>,
+ values = Values, required = false,
+ type = 'text-private', options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Password">>)}.
+encode_whois(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"moderators only">>),
+ value = <<"moderators">>},
+ #xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"anyone">>),
+ value = <<"anyone">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_whois">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Present real Jabber IDs to">>)}.
+encode_mam(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"mam">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = boolean, options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Enable message archiving">>)}.
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: muc_roominfo.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo
+%% Document: XEP-0045
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_int(Val, Min, Max) ->
+ case list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Val)) of
+ Int when Int =< Max, Min == infinity -> Int;
+ Int when Int =< Max, Int >= Min -> Int
+ end.
+enc_int(Int) -> integer_to_binary(Int).
+dec_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
+dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false.
+enc_bool(true) -> <<"1">>;
+enc_bool(false) -> <<"0">>.
+enc_jid(J) -> jid:to_string(J).
+dec_jid(Val) ->
+ case jid:from_string(Val) of
+ error -> erlang:error(badarg);
+ J -> J
+ end.
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {maxhistoryfetch, Val} ->
+ [encode_maxhistoryfetch(Val, Translate)];
+ {maxhistoryfetch, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {contactjid, Val} ->
+ [encode_contactjid(Val, Translate)];
+ {contactjid, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {description, Val} ->
+ [encode_description(Val, Translate)];
+ {description, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {lang, Val} -> [encode_lang(Val, Translate)];
+ {lang, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {ldapgroup, Val} -> [encode_ldapgroup(Val, Translate)];
+ {ldapgroup, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {logs, Val} -> [encode_logs(Val, Translate)];
+ {logs, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {occupants, Val} -> [encode_occupants(Val, Translate)];
+ {occupants, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {subject, Val} -> [encode_subject(Val, Translate)];
+ {subject, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {subjectmod, Val} ->
+ [encode_subjectmod(Val, Translate)];
+ {subjectmod, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_int(Value, 0, infinity) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{maxhistoryfetch, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_contactjid">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [dec_jid(Value) || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{contactjid, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roominfo_contactjid">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roominfo_contactjid">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_description">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{description, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roominfo_description">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roominfo_description">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_description">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_description">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_description">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roominfo_description">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_lang">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{lang, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roominfo_lang">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roominfo_lang">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_lang">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_lang">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_lang">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roominfo_lang">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_ldapgroup">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{ldapgroup, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roominfo_ldapgroup">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roominfo_ldapgroup">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_ldapgroup">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_ldapgroup">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_ldapgroup">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roominfo_ldapgroup">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_logs">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{logs, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roominfo_logs">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roominfo_logs">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_logs">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_logs">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_logs">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roominfo_logs">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_int(Value, 0, infinity) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{occupants, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_subject">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{subject, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roominfo_subject">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roominfo_subject">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_subject">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_subject">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_subject">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roominfo_subject">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_subjectmod">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{subjectmod, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"muc#roominfo_subjectmod">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"muc#roominfo_subjectmod">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_subjectmod">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_subjectmod">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"muc#roominfo_subjectmod">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"muc#roominfo_subjectmod">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_maxhistoryfetch(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_int(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#maxhistoryfetch">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Maximum Number of History Messages Returned "
+ "by Room">>)}.
+encode_contactjid(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_jid(V) || V <- Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_contactjid">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'jid-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Contact Addresses (normally, room owner "
+ "or owners)">>)}.
+encode_description(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_description">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Room description">>)}.
+encode_lang(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_lang">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Natural Language for Room Discussions">>)}.
+encode_ldapgroup(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_ldapgroup">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"An associated LDAP group that defines "
+ "room membership; this should be an LDAP "
+ "Distinguished Name according to an implementa"
+ "tion-specific or deployment-specific "
+ "definition of a group.">>)}.
+encode_logs(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_logs">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"URL for Archived Discussion Logs">>)}.
+encode_occupants(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_int(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_occupants">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Number of occupants">>)}.
+encode_subject(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_subject">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Current Discussion Topic">>)}.
+encode_subjectmod(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roominfo_subjectmod">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The room subject can be modified by "
+ "participants">>)}.
{max_payload_size, ?MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE},
{send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence},
{deliver_notifications, true},
+ {title, <<>>},
{presence_based_delivery, false},
{itemreply, none}].
{error, xmpp:err_item_not_found()}, States);
_ ->
- {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found()}
+ {error, xmpp:err_forbidden()}
itemids(Nidx, {_U, _S, _R} = JID) ->
SJID = encode_jid(JID),
- SJIDLike = <<(ejabberd_sql:escape(encode_jid_like(JID)))/binary, "/%">>,
+ SJIDLike = <<(encode_jid_like(JID))/binary, "/%">>,
case catch
?SQL("select @(itemid)s from pubsub_item where "
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_get_pending.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_authorization
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, [<<"pubsub#node">>]);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, [<<"pubsub#node">>]);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {node, Val} -> [encode_node(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {node, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_node(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{node, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#node">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_node(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default -> [];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L), value = V}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'list-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The NodeID of the relevant node">>)}.
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_node_config.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_int(Val, Min, Max) ->
+ case list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Val)) of
+ Int when Int =< Max, Min == infinity -> Int;
+ Int when Int =< Max, Int >= Min -> Int
+ end.
+enc_int(Int) -> integer_to_binary(Int).
+dec_enum(Val, Enums) ->
+ AtomVal = erlang:binary_to_existing_atom(Val, utf8),
+ case lists:member(AtomVal, Enums) of
+ true -> AtomVal
+ end.
+enc_enum(Atom) -> erlang:atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8).
+dec_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
+dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false.
+enc_bool(true) -> <<"1">>;
+enc_bool(false) -> <<"0">>.
+enc_jid(J) -> jid:to_string(J).
+dec_jid(Val) ->
+ case jid:from_string(Val) of
+ error -> erlang:error(badarg);
+ J -> J
+ end.
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {access_model, Val} ->
+ [encode_access_model(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {access_model, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_access_model(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {body_xslt, Val} -> [encode_body_xslt(Val, Translate)];
+ {body_xslt, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {children_association_policy, Val} ->
+ [encode_children_association_policy(Val, default,
+ Translate)];
+ {children_association_policy, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_children_association_policy(Val, Opts,
+ Translate)];
+ {children_association_whitelist, Val} ->
+ [encode_children_association_whitelist(Val, Translate)];
+ {children_association_whitelist, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {children, Val} -> [encode_children(Val, Translate)];
+ {children, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {children_max, Val} ->
+ [encode_children_max(Val, Translate)];
+ {children_max, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {collection, Val} ->
+ [encode_collection(Val, Translate)];
+ {collection, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {contact, Val} -> [encode_contact(Val, Translate)];
+ {contact, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {dataform_xslt, Val} ->
+ [encode_dataform_xslt(Val, Translate)];
+ {dataform_xslt, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {deliver_notifications, Val} ->
+ [encode_deliver_notifications(Val, Translate)];
+ {deliver_notifications, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {deliver_payloads, Val} ->
+ [encode_deliver_payloads(Val, Translate)];
+ {deliver_payloads, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {description, Val} ->
+ [encode_description(Val, Translate)];
+ {description, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {item_expire, Val} ->
+ [encode_item_expire(Val, Translate)];
+ {item_expire, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {itemreply, Val} ->
+ [encode_itemreply(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {itemreply, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_itemreply(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {language, Val} ->
+ [encode_language(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {language, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_language(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {max_items, Val} -> [encode_max_items(Val, Translate)];
+ {max_items, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {max_payload_size, Val} ->
+ [encode_max_payload_size(Val, Translate)];
+ {max_payload_size, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {node_type, Val} ->
+ [encode_node_type(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {node_type, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_node_type(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {notification_type, Val} ->
+ [encode_notification_type(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {notification_type, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_notification_type(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {notify_config, Val} ->
+ [encode_notify_config(Val, Translate)];
+ {notify_config, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {notify_delete, Val} ->
+ [encode_notify_delete(Val, Translate)];
+ {notify_delete, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {notify_retract, Val} ->
+ [encode_notify_retract(Val, Translate)];
+ {notify_retract, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {notify_sub, Val} ->
+ [encode_notify_sub(Val, Translate)];
+ {notify_sub, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {persist_items, Val} ->
+ [encode_persist_items(Val, Translate)];
+ {persist_items, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {presence_based_delivery, Val} ->
+ [encode_presence_based_delivery(Val, Translate)];
+ {presence_based_delivery, _, _} ->
+ erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {publish_model, Val} ->
+ [encode_publish_model(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {publish_model, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_publish_model(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {purge_offline, Val} ->
+ [encode_purge_offline(Val, Translate)];
+ {purge_offline, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {roster_groups_allowed, Val} ->
+ [encode_roster_groups_allowed(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {roster_groups_allowed, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_roster_groups_allowed(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {send_last_published_item, Val} ->
+ [encode_send_last_published_item(Val, default,
+ Translate)];
+ {send_last_published_item, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_send_last_published_item(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {tempsub, Val} -> [encode_tempsub(Val, Translate)];
+ {tempsub, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {subscribe, Val} -> [encode_subscribe(Val, Translate)];
+ {subscribe, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {title, Val} -> [encode_title(Val, Translate)];
+ {title, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {type, Val} -> [encode_type(Val, Translate)];
+ {type, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value,
+ [authorize, open, presence, roster, whitelist])
+ of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{access_model, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#access_model">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#body_xslt">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{body_xslt, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#body_xslt">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#body_xslt">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#body_xslt">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#body_xslt">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#body_xslt">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#body_xslt">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_policy">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [all, owners, whitelist]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs,
+ [{children_association_policy, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#children_association_policy">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value,
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_policy">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_policy">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_policy">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_policy">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values,
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_policy">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_whitelist">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [dec_jid(Value) || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs,
+ [{children_association_whitelist, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#children_association_whitelist">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value,
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_whitelist">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#children">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [Value || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{children, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#children">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#children">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#children_max">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{children_max, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#children_max">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#children_max">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#children_max">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#children_max">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#children_max">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#children_max">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#collection">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [Value || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{collection, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#collection">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#collection">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#contact">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [dec_jid(Value) || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{contact, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#contact">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#contact">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#dataform_xslt">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{dataform_xslt, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#dataform_xslt">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#dataform_xslt">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#dataform_xslt">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#dataform_xslt">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#dataform_xslt">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#dataform_xslt">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{deliver_notifications, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{deliver_payloads, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#description">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{description, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#description">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#description">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#description">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#description">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#description">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#description">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#item_expire">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{item_expire, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#item_expire">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#item_expire">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#item_expire">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#item_expire">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#item_expire">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#item_expire">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#itemreply">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [owner, publisher, none]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{itemreply, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#itemreply">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#itemreply">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#itemreply">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#itemreply">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#itemreply">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#itemreply">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#language">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{language, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#language">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#language">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#language">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#language">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#language">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#language">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#max_items">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_int(Value, 0, infinity) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{max_items, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#max_items">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#max_items">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#max_items">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#max_items">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#max_items">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#max_items">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_int(Value, 0, infinity) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{max_payload_size, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node_type">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [leaf, collection]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{node_type, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#node_type">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#node_type">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node_type">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node_type">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node_type">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#node_type">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#notification_type">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [normal, headline]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{notification_type, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#notification_type">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#notification_type">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#notification_type">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#notification_type">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#notification_type">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#notification_type">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_config">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{notify_config, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#notify_config">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#notify_config">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_config">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_config">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_config">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#notify_config">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_delete">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{notify_delete, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#notify_delete">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#notify_delete">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_delete">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_delete">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_delete">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#notify_delete">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_retract">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{notify_retract, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#notify_retract">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#notify_retract">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_retract">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_retract">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_retract">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#notify_retract">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_sub">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{notify_sub, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#notify_sub">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#notify_sub">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_sub">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_sub">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_sub">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#notify_sub">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#persist_items">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{persist_items, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#persist_items">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#persist_items">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#persist_items">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#persist_items">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#persist_items">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#persist_items">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{presence_based_delivery, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#publish_model">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [publishers, subscribers, open]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{publish_model, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#publish_model">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#publish_model">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#publish_model">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#publish_model">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#publish_model">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#publish_model">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#purge_offline">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{purge_offline, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#purge_offline">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#purge_offline">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#purge_offline">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#purge_offline">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#purge_offline">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#purge_offline">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#roster_groups_allowed">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [Value || Value <- Values] of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{roster_groups_allowed, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#roster_groups_allowed">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#roster_groups_allowed">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value,
+ [never, on_sub, on_sub_and_presence])
+ of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{send_last_published_item, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>,
+ Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#tempsub">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{tempsub, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#tempsub">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#tempsub">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#tempsub">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#tempsub">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#tempsub">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#tempsub">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscribe">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{subscribe, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#subscribe">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#subscribe">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscribe">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscribe">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscribe">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#subscribe">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#title">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{title, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#title">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#title">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#title">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#title">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#title">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#title">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#type">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{type, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#type">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#type">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#type">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#type">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#type">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#type">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_access_model(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Subscription requests must be approved "
+ "and only subscribers may retrieve items">>),
+ value = <<"authorize">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Anyone may subscribe and retrieve items">>),
+ value = <<"open">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Anyone with a presence subscription "
+ "of both or from may subscribe and retrieve "
+ "items">>),
+ value = <<"presence">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Anyone in the specified roster group(s) "
+ "may subscribe and retrieve items">>),
+ value = <<"roster">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Only those on a whitelist may subscribe "
+ "and retrieve items">>),
+ value = <<"whitelist">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Specify the access model">>)}.
+encode_body_xslt(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#body_xslt">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The URL of an XSL transformation which "
+ "can be applied to payloads in order "
+ "to generate an appropriate message body "
+ "element.">>)}.
+encode_children_association_policy(Value, Options,
+ Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Anyone may associate leaf nodes with "
+ "the collection">>),
+ value = <<"all">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Only collection node owners may associate "
+ "leaf nodes with the collection">>),
+ value = <<"owners">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Only those on a whitelist may associate "
+ "leaf nodes with the collection">>),
+ value = <<"whitelist">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_policy">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Who may associate leaf nodes with a "
+ "collection">>)}.
+ Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_jid(V) || V <- Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#children_association_whitelist">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'jid-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The list of JIDs that may associate "
+ "leaf nodes with a collection">>)}.
+encode_children(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#children">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The child nodes (leaf or collection) "
+ "associated with a collection">>)}.
+encode_children_max(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#children_max">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The maximum number of child nodes that "
+ "can be associated with a collection">>)}.
+encode_collection(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#collection">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The collections with which a node is "
+ "affiliated">>)}.
+encode_contact(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_jid(V) || V <- Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#contact">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'jid-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The JIDs of those to contact with questions">>)}.
+encode_dataform_xslt(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#dataform_xslt">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The URL of an XSL transformation which "
+ "can be applied to the payload format "
+ "in order to generate a valid Data Forms "
+ "result that the client could display "
+ "using a generic Data Forms rendering "
+ "engine">>)}.
+encode_deliver_notifications(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#deliver_notifications">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Deliver event notifications">>)}.
+encode_deliver_payloads(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#deliver_payloads">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Deliver payloads with event notifications">>)}.
+encode_description(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#description">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"A description of the node">>)}.
+encode_item_expire(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#item_expire">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Number of seconds after which to automaticall"
+ "y purge items">>)}.
+encode_itemreply(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Statically specify a replyto of the "
+ "node owner(s)">>),
+ value = <<"owner">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Dynamically specify a replyto of the "
+ "item publisher">>),
+ value = <<"publisher">>},
+ #xdata_option{value = <<"none">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#itemreply">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Whether owners or publisher should receive "
+ "replies to items">>)}.
+encode_language(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default -> [];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L), value = V}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#language">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The default language of the node">>)}.
+encode_max_items(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_int(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#max_items">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Max # of items to persist">>)}.
+encode_max_payload_size(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_int(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#max_payload_size">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Max payload size in bytes">>)}.
+encode_node_type(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"The node is a leaf node (default)">>),
+ value = <<"leaf">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"The node is a collection node">>),
+ value = <<"collection">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node_type">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Whether the node is a leaf (default) "
+ "or a collection">>)}.
+encode_notification_type(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Messages of type normal">>),
+ value = <<"normal">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Messages of type headline">>),
+ value = <<"headline">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notification_type">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Specify the event message type">>)}.
+encode_notify_config(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_config">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Notify subscribers when the node configuratio"
+ "n changes">>)}.
+encode_notify_delete(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_delete">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Notify subscribers when the node is "
+ "deleted">>)}.
+encode_notify_retract(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_retract">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Notify subscribers when items are removed "
+ "from the node">>)}.
+encode_notify_sub(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#notify_sub">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Whether to notify owners about new subscriber"
+ "s and unsubscribes">>)}.
+encode_persist_items(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#persist_items">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Persist items to storage">>)}.
+encode_presence_based_delivery(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#presence_based_delivery">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Only deliver notifications to available "
+ "users">>)}.
+encode_publish_model(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Only publishers may publish">>),
+ value = <<"publishers">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Subscribers may publish">>),
+ value = <<"subscribers">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Anyone may publish">>),
+ value = <<"open">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#publish_model">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Specify the publisher model">>)}.
+encode_purge_offline(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#purge_offline">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Purge all items when the relevant publisher "
+ "goes offline">>)}.
+encode_roster_groups_allowed(Value, Options,
+ Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default -> [];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L), value = V}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#roster_groups_allowed">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Roster groups allowed to subscribe">>)}.
+encode_send_last_published_item(Value, Options,
+ Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(<<"Never">>),
+ value = <<"never">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"When a new subscription is processed">>),
+ value = <<"on_sub">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"When a new subscription is processed "
+ "and whenever a subscriber comes online">>),
+ value = <<"on_sub_and_presence">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#send_last_published_item">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"When to send the last published item">>)}.
+encode_tempsub(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#tempsub">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Whether to make all subscriptions temporary, "
+ "based on subscriber presence">>)}.
+encode_subscribe(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscribe">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Whether to allow subscriptions">>)}.
+encode_title(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#title">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'text-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"A friendly name for the node">>)}.
+encode_type(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#type">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'text-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The type of node data, usually specified "
+ "by the namespace of the payload (if "
+ "any)">>)}.
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_publish_options.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_enum(Val, Enums) ->
+ AtomVal = erlang:binary_to_existing_atom(Val, utf8),
+ case lists:member(AtomVal, Enums) of
+ true -> AtomVal
+ end.
+enc_enum(Atom) -> erlang:atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8).
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-opt"
+ "ions">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-opt"
+ "ions">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {access_model, Val} ->
+ [encode_access_model(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {access_model, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_access_model(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-opt"
+ "ions">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value,
+ [authorize, open, presence, roster, whitelist])
+ of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{access_model, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#access_model">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-opt"
+ "ions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-opt"
+ "ions">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-opt"
+ "ions">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-opt"
+ "ions">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_access_model(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Access model of authorize">>),
+ value = <<"authorize">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Access model of open">>),
+ value = <<"open">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Access model of presence">>),
+ value = <<"presence">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Access model of roster">>),
+ value = <<"roster">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Access model of whitelist">>),
+ value = <<"whitelist">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#access_model">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Specify the access model">>)}.
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_subscribe_authorization.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_authorization
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
+dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false.
+enc_bool(true) -> <<"1">>;
+enc_bool(false) -> <<"0">>.
+enc_jid(J) -> jid:to_string(J).
+dec_jid(Val) ->
+ case jid:from_string(Val) of
+ error -> erlang:error(badarg);
+ J -> J
+ end.
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc,
+ [<<"pubsub#allow">>, <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>]);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc,
+ [<<"pubsub#allow">>, <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>]);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {allow, Val} -> [encode_allow(Val, Translate)];
+ {allow, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {node, Val} -> [encode_node(Val, Translate)];
+ {node, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {subscriber_jid, Val} ->
+ [encode_subscriber_jid(Val, Translate)];
+ {subscriber_jid, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {subid, Val} -> [encode_subid(Val, Translate)];
+ {subid, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#allow">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{allow, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#allow">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#allow">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#allow">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#allow">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#allow">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#allow">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{node, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#node">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#node">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_jid(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{subscriber_jid, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subid">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{subid, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#subid">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#subid">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subid">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subid">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subid">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#subid">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_a"
+ "uthorization">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_allow(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#allow">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = boolean, options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to "
+ "this pubsub node?">>)}.
+encode_node(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#node">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'text-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>, label = Translate(<<"Node ID">>)}.
+encode_subscriber_jid(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_jid(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscriber_jid">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'jid-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label = Translate(<<"Subscriber Address">>)}.
+encode_subid(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subid">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'text-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The subscription identifier associated "
+ "with the subscription request">>)}.
--- /dev/null
+%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)
+%% Source: pubsub_subscribe_options.xdata
+%% Form type: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_options
+%% Document: XEP-0060
+-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2,
+ format_error/1]).
+-export_type([{property, 0}, {result, 0}, {form, 0}]).
+dec_enum(Val, Enums) ->
+ AtomVal = erlang:binary_to_existing_atom(Val, utf8),
+ case lists:member(AtomVal, Enums) of
+ true -> AtomVal
+ end.
+enc_enum(Atom) -> erlang:atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8).
+dec_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
+dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false.
+enc_bool(true) -> <<"1">>;
+enc_bool(false) -> <<"0">>.
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary,
+ "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '",
+ Type/binary, "'">>.
+decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).
+decode(Fs, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"FORM_TYPE">>, #xdata_field.var,
+ Fs)
+ of
+ false -> decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ #xdata_field{values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>]} ->
+ decode(Fs, Acc, []);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {form_type_mismatch,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end.
+encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun (Text) -> Text end).
+encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->
+ Fs = [case Opt of
+ {deliver, Val} -> [encode_deliver(Val, Translate)];
+ {deliver, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {digest, Val} -> [encode_digest(Val, Translate)];
+ {digest, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {digest_frequency, Val} ->
+ [encode_digest_frequency(Val, Translate)];
+ {digest_frequency, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {expire, Val} -> [encode_expire(Val, Translate)];
+ {expire, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {include_body, Val} ->
+ [encode_include_body(Val, Translate)];
+ {include_body, _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt});
+ {'show-values', Val} ->
+ ['encode_show-values'(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {'show-values', Val, Opts} ->
+ ['encode_show-values'(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {subscription_type, Val} ->
+ [encode_subscription_type(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {subscription_type, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_subscription_type(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ {subscription_depth, Val} ->
+ [encode_subscription_depth(Val, default, Translate)];
+ {subscription_depth, Val, Opts} ->
+ [encode_subscription_depth(Val, Opts, Translate)];
+ #xdata_field{} -> [Opt];
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ || Opt <- List],
+ FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<"FORM_TYPE">>,
+ type = hidden,
+ values =
+ [<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>]},
+ [FormType | lists:flatten(Fs)].
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#deliver">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{deliver, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#deliver">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#deliver">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#deliver">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#deliver">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#deliver">>} | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#deliver">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#digest">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{digest, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#digest">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#digest">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#digest">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#digest">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#digest">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#digest">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{digest_frequency, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#expire">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try Value of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{expire, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#expire">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#expire">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#expire">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#expire">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#expire">>} | _], _,
+ _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#expire">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#include_body">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_bool(Value) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{include_body, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#include_body">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#include_body">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#include_body">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#include_body">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#include_body">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#include_body">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#show-values">>,
+ values = Values}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try [dec_enum(Value, [away, chat, dnd, online, xa])
+ || Value <- Values]
+ of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{'show-values', Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#show-values">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#show-values">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#subscription_type">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, [items, nodes]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{subscription_type, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#subscription_type">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#subscription_type">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#subscription_type">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#subscription_type">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#subscription_type">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#subscription_type">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>,
+ values = [Value]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ try dec_enum(Value, ['1', all]) of
+ Result ->
+ decode(Fs, [{subscription_depth, Result} | Acc],
+ lists:delete(<<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>, Required))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {bad_var_value, <<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}})
+ end;
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>,
+ values = []} =
+ F
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required) ->
+ decode([F#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>,
+ values = [<<>>]}
+ | Fs],
+ Acc, Required);
+decode([#xdata_field{var =
+ <<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>}
+ | _],
+ _, _) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {too_many_values, <<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+decode([#xdata_field{var = Var} | Fs], Acc, Required) ->
+ if Var /= <<"FORM_TYPE">> ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {unknown_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+ true -> decode(Fs, Acc, Required)
+ end;
+decode([], _, [Var | _]) ->
+ erlang:error({?MODULE,
+ {missing_required_var, Var,
+ <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#subscribe_o"
+ "ptions">>}});
+decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.
+encode_deliver(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#deliver">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Whether an entity wants to receive or "
+ "disable notifications">>)}.
+encode_digest(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#digest">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = boolean, options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Whether an entity wants to receive digests "
+ "(aggregations) of notifications or all "
+ "notifications individually">>)}.
+encode_digest_frequency(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#digest_frequency">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'text-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The minimum number of milliseconds between "
+ "sending any two notification digests">>)}.
+encode_expire(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ <<>> -> [];
+ Value -> [Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#expire">>, values = Values,
+ required = false, type = 'text-single', options = Opts,
+ desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The DateTime at which a leased subscription "
+ "will end or has ended">>)}.
+encode_include_body(Value, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_bool(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = [],
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#include_body">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = boolean,
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"Whether an entity wants to receive an "
+ "XMPP message body in addition to the "
+ "payload format">>)}.
+'encode_show-values'(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ [] -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(V) || V <- Value]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"XMPP Show Value of Away">>),
+ value = <<"away">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"XMPP Show Value of Chat">>),
+ value = <<"chat">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"XMPP Show Value of DND (Do Not Disturb)">>),
+ value = <<"dnd">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Mere Availability in XMPP (No Show Value)">>),
+ value = <<"online">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"XMPP Show Value of XA (Extended Away)">>),
+ value = <<"xa">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#show-values">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-multi',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>,
+ label =
+ Translate(<<"The presence states for which an entity "
+ "wants to receive notifications">>)}.
+encode_subscription_type(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Receive notification of new items only">>),
+ value = <<"items">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Receive notification of new nodes only">>),
+ value = <<"nodes">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscription_type">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>, label = <<>>}.
+encode_subscription_depth(Value, Options, Translate) ->
+ Values = case Value of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Value -> [enc_enum(Value)]
+ end,
+ Opts = if Options == default ->
+ [#xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Receive notification from direct child "
+ "nodes only">>),
+ value = <<"1">>},
+ #xdata_option{label =
+ Translate(<<"Receive notification from all descendent "
+ "nodes">>),
+ value = <<"all">>}];
+ true ->
+ [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L),
+ value = enc_enum(V)}
+ || {L, V} <- Options]
+ end,
+ #xdata_field{var = <<"pubsub#subscription_depth">>,
+ values = Values, required = false, type = 'list-single',
+ options = Opts, desc = <<>>, label = <<>>}.
--- /dev/null
+%%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
+%%% @copyright (C) 2016, Evgeny Khramtsov
+%%% @doc
+%%% @end
+%%% Created : 27 Sep 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
+%% API
+-export([compile/1, compile/2]).
+-export([dec_int/1, dec_int/3, dec_enum/2, dec_bool/1, not_empty/1,
+ dec_enum_int/2, dec_enum_int/4, enc_int/1, enc_enum/1,
+ enc_bool/1, enc_enum_int/1, format_error/1, enc_jid/1, dec_jid/1]).
+-record(state, {mod_name :: atom(),
+ file_name :: string(),
+ erl = "" :: string(),
+ hrl = "" :: string(),
+ dir = "" :: string(),
+ ns = <<>> :: binary(),
+ doc = <<>> :: binary(),
+ erl_dir = "" :: string(),
+ hrl_dir = "" :: string(),
+ prefix = [] :: [binary()],
+ dec_mfas = [] :: [{binary(), mfa()}],
+ enc_mfas = [] :: [{binary(), mfa()}],
+ specs = [] :: [{binary(), string()}],
+ required = [] :: [{binary(), boolean()} | binary()],
+ defaults = [] :: [{binary(), any()}]}).
+ ((T == 'list-multi') or (T == 'jid-multi') or (T == 'text-multi'))).
+ ((T == 'list-single') or (T == 'list-multi'))).
+%%% API
+compile(Path) ->
+ compile(Path, []).
+compile(Path, Opts) ->
+ case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
+ true ->
+ filelib:fold_files(
+ Path, ".*.xdata", false,
+ fun(File, ok) ->
+ compile_file(File, Opts);
+ (_, Err) ->
+ Err
+ end, ok);
+ false ->
+ compile_file(Path, Opts)
+ end.
+compile_file(Path, Opts) ->
+ try
+ ok = application:ensure_started(fast_xml),
+ DirName = filename:dirname(Path),
+ FileName = filename:basename(Path),
+ RootName = filename:rootname(FileName),
+ ConfigPath = filename:join(DirName, RootName) ++ ".cfg",
+ ModName = list_to_atom(RootName),
+ {ok, Data} = file:read_file(Path),
+ Config = case file:consult(ConfigPath) of
+ {ok, Terms} -> lists:flatten(Terms);
+ {error, enoent} -> []
+ end,
+ State = #state{mod_name = ModName,
+ file_name = FileName,
+ erl = filename:rootname(FileName) ++ ".erl",
+ hrl = filename:rootname(FileName) ++ ".hrl",
+ dir = DirName,
+ prefix = proplists:get_all_values(prefix, Config),
+ erl_dir = proplists:get_value(erl_dir, Opts, DirName),
+ hrl_dir = proplists:get_value(hrl_dir, Opts, DirName),
+ dec_mfas = proplists:get_value(decode, Config, []),
+ enc_mfas = proplists:get_value(encode, Config, []),
+ specs = proplists:get_value(specs, Config, []),
+ required = proplists:get_value(required, Config, []),
+ defaults = proplists:get_value(defaults, Config, [])},
+ #xmlel{} = El = fxml_stream:parse_element(Data),
+ ok = compile_element(normalize(El), State),
+ io:format("Compiled ~s~n", [Path])
+ catch _:{badmatch, Err} ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "Failed to compile ~s: ~p~n",
+ [Path, Err]),
+ Err
+ end.
+emit(Format) ->
+ emit(Format, []).
+emit(Format, Args) ->
+ put(outbuf, get(outbuf) ++ io_lib:format(Format, Args)).
+dec_int(Val) ->
+ dec_int(Val, infinity, infinity).
+dec_int(Val, Min, Max) ->
+ case list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Val)) of
+ Int when Int =< Max, Min == infinity ->
+ Int;
+ Int when Int =< Max, Int >= Min ->
+ Int
+ end.
+enc_int(Int) ->
+ integer_to_binary(Int).
+dec_enum(Val, Enums) ->
+ AtomVal = erlang:binary_to_existing_atom(Val, utf8),
+ case lists:member(AtomVal, Enums) of
+ true ->
+ AtomVal
+ end.
+enc_enum(Atom) ->
+ erlang:atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8).
+dec_enum_int(Val, Enums) ->
+ try dec_int(Val)
+ catch _:_ -> dec_enum(Val, Enums)
+ end.
+dec_enum_int(Val, Enums, Min, Max) ->
+ try dec_int(Val, Min, Max)
+ catch _:_ -> dec_enum(Val, Enums)
+ end.
+enc_enum_int(Int) when is_integer(Int) ->
+ enc_int(Int);
+enc_enum_int(Atom) ->
+ enc_enum(Atom).
+dec_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"0">>) -> false;
+dec_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+dec_bool(<<"false">>) -> false.
+enc_bool(true) -> <<"1">>;
+enc_bool(false) -> <<"0">>.
+enc_jid(J) -> jid:to_string(J).
+dec_jid(Val) ->
+ case jid:from_string(Val) of
+ error -> erlang:error(badarg);
+ J -> J
+ end.
+not_empty(<<_, _/binary>> = Val) ->
+ Val.
+format_error({form_type_mismatch, Type}) ->
+ <<"FORM_TYPE doesn't match '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({bad_var_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Bad value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_value, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing value of field '", Var/binary, "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({too_many_values, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Too many values for field '", Var/binary, "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({unknown_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Unknown field '", Var/binary, "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>;
+format_error({missing_required_var, Var, Type}) ->
+ <<"Missing required field '", Var/binary, "' of type '", Type/binary, "'">>.
+%%% Internal functions
+compile_element(#xmlel{name = <<"form_type">>, children = Els} = Form,
+ #state{erl = OutErl, erl_dir = ErlDir,
+ hrl = OutHrl, hrl_dir = HrlDir} = State0) ->
+ try
+ Name = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Form, <<"name">>),
+ Doc = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Form, <<"doc">>),
+ X = #xmlel{name = <<"x">>,
+ attrs = [{<<"type">>, <<"form">>},
+ {<<"xmlns">>, <<"jabber:x:data">>}],
+ children = Els},
+ State = State0#state{ns = Name, doc = Doc},
+ #xdata{fields = Fs} = xmpp_codec:decode(X),
+ put(outbuf, []),
+ mk_header(State),
+ mk_aux_funs(),
+ mk_top_decoder(Fs, State),
+ mk_top_encoder(Fs, State),
+ mk_decoder(Fs, State),
+ mk_encoders(Fs, State),
+ ErlData = get(outbuf),
+ ok = file:write_file(filename:join(ErlDir, OutErl), ErlData),
+ ok = erl_tidy:file(filename:join(ErlDir, OutErl), [{backups, false}]),
+ put(outbuf, []),
+ mk_type_definitions(Fs, State),
+ HrlData = get(outbuf),
+ ok = file:write_file(filename:join(HrlDir, OutHrl), HrlData)
+ catch _:{badmatch, Err} ->
+ Err
+ end.
+mk_aux_funs() ->
+ case get_abstract_code_from_myself() of
+ {ok, AbsCode} ->
+ AST = lists:filter(
+ fun(T) ->
+ case catch erl_syntax_lib:analyze_function(T) of
+ {format_error, 1} -> true;
+ {dec_int, 3} -> true;
+ {dec_int, 1} -> true;
+ {dec_enum, 2} -> true;
+ {dec_enum_int, 2} -> true;
+ {dec_enum_int, 4} -> true;
+ {enc_int, 1} -> true;
+ {enc_enum, 1} -> true;
+ {enc_enum_int, 1} -> true;
+ {not_empty, 1} -> true;
+ {dec_bool, 1} -> true;
+ {enc_bool, 1} -> true;
+ {enc_jid, 1} -> true;
+ {dec_jid, 1} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end, AbsCode),
+ emit(erl_prettypr:format(erl_syntax:form_list(AST)) ++ io_lib:nl());
+ error ->
+ erlang:error({no_abstract_code_found, ?MODULE})
+ end.
+get_abstract_code_from_myself() ->
+ {file, File} = code:is_loaded(?MODULE),
+ case beam_lib:chunks(File, [abstract_code]) of
+ {ok, {_, List}} ->
+ case lists:keyfind(abstract_code, 1, List) of
+ {abstract_code, {raw_abstract_v1, Abstr}} ->
+ {ok, Abstr};
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ error
+ end.
+mk_comment_header(#state{file_name = Source, ns = NS, doc = Doc}) ->
+ emit("%% Created automatically by xdata generator (xdata_codec.erl)~n"
+ "%% Source: ~s~n"
+ "%% Form type: ~s~n", [Source, NS]),
+ if Doc /= <<>> -> emit("%% Document: ~s~n~n", [Doc]);
+ true -> emit("~n")
+ end.
+mk_header(#state{mod_name = Mod, hrl = Include} = State) ->
+ mk_comment_header(State),
+ emit("~n-module(~s).~n", [Mod]),
+ emit("-export([decode/1, decode/2, encode/1, encode/2, format_error/1]).~n"),
+ emit("-include(\"xmpp_codec.hrl\").~n"),
+ emit("-include(\"~s\").~n", [Include]),
+ emit("-export_type([property/0, result/0, form/0]).~n").
+mk_type_definitions(Fs, State) ->
+ mk_comment_header(State),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(#xdata_field{var = Var} = F) ->
+ Spec = get_typespec(F, State),
+ case is_complex_type(Spec) of
+ true ->
+ emit("-type '~s'() :: ~s.~n",
+ [var_to_rec_field(Var, State), Spec]);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, Fs),
+ emit("~n-type property() :: "),
+ Fields = lists:map(
+ fun(#xdata_field{var = Var} = F) ->
+ RecField = var_to_rec_field(Var, State),
+ [io_lib:format("{'~s', ~s}",
+ [RecField, mk_typespec(F, State)])]
+ end, Fs),
+ emit(string:join(Fields, " |~n ") ++ ".~n"),
+ emit("-type result() :: [property()].~n~n"),
+ VarsWithSpec = lists:flatmap(
+ fun(#xdata_field{type = T, var = Var} = F)
+ when ?is_list_type(T) ->
+ RecName = var_to_rec_field(Var, State),
+ Spec0 = get_typespec(F, State),
+ Spec = case is_complex_type(Spec0) of
+ true ->
+ io_lib:format("'~s'()", [RecName]);
+ false ->
+ Spec0
+ end,
+ [{RecName, mk_typespec(F, State), Spec}];
+ (_) ->
+ []
+ end, Fs),
+ case VarsWithSpec of
+ [] ->
+ emit("-type form() :: [property() | xdata_field()].~n");
+ _ ->
+ emit("-type options(T) :: [{binary(), T}].~n"),
+ emit("-type property_with_options() ::~n "),
+ Options = [io_lib:format("{'~s', ~s, options(~s)}",
+ [Var, Spec1, Spec2])
+ || {Var, Spec1, Spec2} <- VarsWithSpec],
+ emit(string:join(Options, " |~n ") ++ ".~n"),
+ emit("-type form() :: [property() | property_with_options() | xdata_field()].~n")
+ end.
+mk_top_decoder(Fs, State) ->
+ Required = [Var || #xdata_field{var = Var} <- Fs, is_required(Var, State)],
+ emit("decode(Fs) -> decode(Fs, []).~n"),
+ emit("decode(Fs, Acc) ->"
+ " case lists:keyfind(<<\"FORM_TYPE\">>, #xdata_field.var, Fs) of"
+ " false ->"
+ " decode(Fs, Acc, ~p);"
+ " #xdata_field{values = [~p]} ->"
+ " decode(Fs, Acc, ~p);"
+ " _ ->"
+ " erlang:error({?MODULE, {form_type_mismatch, ~p}})~n"
+ " end.~n",
+ [Required, State#state.ns, Required, State#state.ns]).
+mk_top_encoder(Fs, State) ->
+ Clauses = string:join(
+ lists:map(
+ fun(#xdata_field{var = Var, type = T}) when ?is_list_type(T) ->
+ Field = var_to_rec_field(Var, State),
+ io_lib:format(
+ "{'~s', Val} -> ['encode_~s'(Val, default, Translate)];"
+ "{'~s', Val, Opts} -> ['encode_~s'(Val, Opts, Translate)]",
+ [Field, Field, Field, Field]);
+ (#xdata_field{var = Var}) ->
+ Field = var_to_rec_field(Var, State),
+ io_lib:format(
+ "{'~s', Val} -> ['encode_~s'(Val, Translate)];"
+ "{'~s', _, _} -> erlang:error({badarg, Opt})",
+ [Field, Field, Field])
+ end, Fs) ++ ["#xdata_field{} -> [Opt]; _ -> []"],
+ ";"),
+ emit("encode(Cfg) -> encode(Cfg, fun(Text) -> Text end).~n"),
+ emit("encode(List, Translate) when is_list(List) ->"
+ " Fs = [case Opt of ~s end || Opt <- List],"
+ " FormType = #xdata_field{var = <<\"FORM_TYPE\">>, type = hidden,"
+ " values = [~p]},"
+ " [FormType|lists:flatten(Fs)].~n",
+ [Clauses, State#state.ns]).
+mk_decoder([#xdata_field{var = Var, type = Type} = F|Fs], State) ->
+ ValVar = if ?is_multi_type(Type) -> "Values";
+ true -> "[Value]"
+ end,
+ DecFun = if ?is_multi_type(Type) ->
+ ["[", mk_decoding_fun(F, State), " || Value <- Values]"];
+ true ->
+ mk_decoding_fun(F, State)
+ end,
+ emit("decode([#xdata_field{var = ~p, values = ~s}|Fs], Acc, Required) ->"
+ " try ~s of"
+ " Result -> decode(Fs, [{'~s', Result}|Acc],"
+ " lists:delete(~p, Required))"
+ " catch _:_ ->"
+ " erlang:error({?MODULE, {bad_var_value, ~p, ~p}})"
+ " end;",
+ [Var, ValVar, DecFun, var_to_rec_field(Var, State),
+ Var, Var, State#state.ns]),
+ if not ?is_multi_type(Type) ->
+ emit("decode([#xdata_field{var = ~p, values = []} = F|Fs],"
+ " Acc, Required) ->"
+ " decode([F#xdata_field{var = ~p, values = [<<>>]}|Fs],"
+ " Acc, Required);",
+ [Var, Var]),
+ emit("decode([#xdata_field{var = ~p}|_], _, _) ->"
+ " erlang:error({?MODULE, {too_many_values, ~p, ~p}});",
+ [Var, Var, State#state.ns]);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ mk_decoder(Fs, State);
+mk_decoder([], State) ->
+ emit("decode([#xdata_field{var = Var}|Fs], Acc, Required) ->"
+ " if Var /= <<\"FORM_TYPE\">> ->"
+ " erlang:error({?MODULE, {unknown_var, Var, ~p}});"
+ " true ->"
+ " decode(Fs, Acc, Required)"
+ " end;",
+ [State#state.ns]),
+ emit("decode([], _, [Var|_]) ->"
+ " erlang:error({?MODULE, {missing_required_var, Var, ~p}});~n",
+ [State#state.ns]),
+ emit("decode([], Acc, []) -> Acc.~n").
+mk_encoders(Fs, State) ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(#xdata_field{var = Var, required = IsRequired, desc = Desc,
+ label = Label, type = Type} = F) ->
+ EncVals = mk_encoded_values(F, State),
+ EncOpts = mk_encoded_options(F, State),
+ FieldName = var_to_rec_field(Var, State),
+ DescStr = if Desc == <<>> -> "<<>>";
+ true -> io_lib:format("Translate(~p)", [Desc])
+ end,
+ LabelStr = if Label == <<>> -> "<<>>";
+ true -> io_lib:format("Translate(~p)", [Label])
+ end,
+ if ?is_list_type(Type) ->
+ emit("'encode_~s'(Value, Options, Translate) ->", [FieldName]);
+ true ->
+ emit("'encode_~s'(Value, Translate) ->", [FieldName])
+ end,
+ emit(" Values = ~s,"
+ " Opts = ~s,"
+ " #xdata_field{var = ~p,"
+ " values = Values,"
+ " required = ~p,"
+ " type = ~p,"
+ " options = Opts,"
+ " desc = ~s,"
+ " label = ~s}.~n",
+ [EncVals, EncOpts, Var, IsRequired, Type, DescStr, LabelStr])
+ end, Fs).
+mk_encoded_values(#xdata_field{var = Var, type = Type,
+ options = Options}, State) ->
+ EncFun =
+ case get_enc_fun(Var, Type, Options, State) of
+ {M, Fun, Args} ->
+ Mod = if M == undefined -> "";
+ true -> io_lib:format("~s:", [M])
+ end,
+ FArgs = [io_lib:format(", ~p", [A]) || A <- Args],
+ if ?is_multi_type(Type) ->
+ "[" ++ io_lib:format("~s~s(V~s)", [Mod, Fun, FArgs]) ++
+ " || V <- Value]";
+ true ->
+ "[" ++ io_lib:format("~s~s(Value~s)", [Mod, Fun, FArgs])
+ ++ "]"
+ end;
+ undefined ->
+ "[Value]"
+ end,
+ Default = case get_dec_fun(Var, Type, Options, State) of
+ _ when ?is_multi_type(Type) -> "[]";
+ undefined -> "<<>>";
+ _MFA -> "undefined"
+ end,
+ io_lib:format(
+ "case Value of"
+ " ~s -> [];~n"
+ " Value -> ~s~n"
+ "end",
+ [Default, EncFun]).
+mk_encoded_options(#xdata_field{var = Var, type = Type,
+ options = Options}, State) ->
+ EncFun = case get_enc_fun(Var, Type, Options, State) of
+ {M, Fun, Args} ->
+ Mod = if M == undefined -> "";
+ true -> io_lib:format("~s:", [M])
+ end,
+ FArgs = [io_lib:format(", ~p", [A]) || A <- Args],
+ io_lib:format("~s~s(V~s)", [Mod, Fun, FArgs]);
+ undefined ->
+ "V"
+ end,
+ EncOpts = string:join(
+ [case L of
+ <<>> ->
+ io_lib:format("#xdata_option{value = ~p}", [V]);
+ _ ->
+ io_lib:format(
+ "#xdata_option{label = Translate(~p), value = ~p}",
+ [L, V])
+ end || #xdata_option{label = L, value = V} <- Options],
+ ","),
+ if ?is_list_type(Type) ->
+ io_lib:format(
+ "if Options == default ->"
+ " [~s];"
+ "true ->"
+ " [#xdata_option{label = Translate(L), value = ~s}"
+ " || {L, V} <- Options]"
+ "end",
+ [EncOpts, EncFun]);
+ true ->
+ "[]"
+ end.
+mk_decoding_fun(#xdata_field{var = Var, type = Type,
+ options = Options}, State) ->
+ case get_dec_fun(Var, Type, Options, State) of
+ {M, Fun, Args} ->
+ Mod = if M == undefined -> "";
+ true -> io_lib:format("~s:", [M])
+ end,
+ FArgs = [io_lib:format(", ~p", [A]) || A <- Args],
+ io_lib:format("~s~s(Value~s)", [Mod, Fun, FArgs]);
+ undefined ->
+ "Value"
+ end.
+var_to_rec_field(Var, #state{prefix = [Prefix|T]} = State) ->
+ Size = size(Prefix),
+ case Var of
+ <<(Prefix):Size/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
+ binary_to_atom(Rest, utf8);
+ _ ->
+ var_to_rec_field(Var, State#state{prefix = T})
+ end;
+var_to_rec_field(Var, #state{prefix = []}) ->
+ Var.
+get_dec_fun(Var, Type, Options, State) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, State#state.dec_mfas) of
+ false when Type == 'list-multi'; Type == 'list-single' ->
+ if Options /= [] ->
+ Variants = [binary_to_atom(V, utf8)
+ || #xdata_option{value = V} <- Options],
+ {undefined, dec_enum, [Variants]};
+ true ->
+ undefined
+ end;
+ false when Type == 'jid-multi'; Type == 'jid-single' ->
+ {undefined, dec_jid, []};
+ false when Type == boolean ->
+ {undefined, dec_bool, []};
+ false ->
+ undefined;
+ {Var, {M, F, A}} ->
+ {M, F, A};
+ {Var, {dec_bool, []}} ->
+ {undefined, dec_bool, []};
+ {Var, {not_empty, []}} ->
+ {undefined, not_empty, []};
+ {Var, {dec_enum, [Variants]}} ->
+ {undefined, dec_enum, [Variants]};
+ {Var, {dec_int, Args}} ->
+ {undefined, dec_int, Args};
+ {Var, {dec_enum_int, Args}} ->
+ {undefined, dec_enum_int, Args};
+ {Var, {dec_jid, []}} ->
+ {undefined, dec_jid, []}
+ end.
+get_enc_fun(Var, Type, Options, State) ->
+ case get_dec_fun(Var, Type, Options, State) of
+ {undefined, dec_enum, _} ->
+ {undefined, enc_enum, []};
+ {undefined, dec_bool, _} ->
+ {undefined, enc_bool, []};
+ {undefined, dec_int, _} ->
+ {undefined, enc_int, []};
+ {undefined, dec_enum_int, _} ->
+ {undefined, enc_enum_int, []};
+ {undefined, dec_jid, _} ->
+ {undefined, enc_jid, []};
+ _ ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, State#state.enc_mfas) of
+ false ->
+ undefined;
+ {Var, {M, F, A}} ->
+ {M, F, A};
+ {Var, {enc_bool, []}} ->
+ {undefined, enc_bool, []};
+ {Var, {dec_enum, _}} ->
+ {undefined, enc_enum, []};
+ {Var, {enc_int, _}} ->
+ {undefined, enc_int, []};
+ {Var, {dec_enum_int, _}} ->
+ {undefined, enc_enum_int, []};
+ {Var, {enc_jid, _}} ->
+ {undefined, enc_jid, []}
+ end
+ end.
+mk_typespec(#xdata_field{type = Type, var = Var} = Field, State) ->
+ Spec0 = get_typespec(Field, State),
+ Spec1 = case is_complex_type(Spec0) of
+ true ->
+ io_lib:format("'~s'()", [var_to_rec_field(Var, State)]);
+ false ->
+ Spec0
+ end,
+ if ?is_multi_type(Type) -> "[" ++ Spec1 ++ "]";
+ true -> Spec1
+ end.
+get_typespec(#xdata_field{var = Var, type = Type, options = Options}, State) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, State#state.specs) of
+ false ->
+ case get_dec_fun(Var, Type, Options, State) of
+ {undefined, dec_enum, Args} ->
+ enum_spec(Args);
+ {undefined, dec_bool, _} ->
+ "boolean()";
+ {undefined, dec_jid, _} ->
+ "jid:jid()";
+ {undefined, dec_int, Args} ->
+ int_spec(Args);
+ {undefined, dec_enum_int, [Variants|T]} ->
+ enum_spec([Variants]) ++ " | " ++ int_spec(T);
+ _ ->
+ "binary()"
+ end;
+ {Var, Spec} ->
+ Spec
+ end.
+-spec is_complex_type(string()) -> boolean().
+is_complex_type(Spec) ->
+ string:chr(Spec, $|) /= 0.
+int_spec([]) ->
+ "integer()";
+int_spec([From, To]) ->
+ if From /= infinity, To /= infinity ->
+ io_lib:format("~p..~p", [From, To]);
+ From > 0 ->
+ "pos_integer()";
+ From == 0 ->
+ "non_neg_integer()";
+ true ->
+ "integer()"
+ end.
+enum_spec([Variants]) ->
+ string:join([atom_to_list(V) || V <- Variants], " | ").
+is_required(Var, State) ->
+ lists:member(Var, State#state.required) orelse
+ proplists:get_bool(Var, State#state.required).
+normalize(#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs, children = Els}) ->
+ #xmlel{name = Name,
+ attrs = [normalize(Attr) || Attr <- Attrs],
+ children = [normalize(El) || El <- Els]};
+normalize({Key, Data}) ->
+ {Key, normalize(Data)};
+normalize(Txt) when is_binary(Txt) ->
+ case re:split(Txt, "[\\s\\r\\n\\t]+", [trim, {return, list}]) of
+ [""|T] ->
+ list_to_binary(string:join(T, " "));
+ T ->
+ list_to_binary(string:join(T, " "))
+ end.
pp(thumbnail, 4) -> [uri, 'media-type', width, height];
pp(_, _) -> no.
+enc_ps_aff(member) -> <<"member">>;
+enc_ps_aff(none) -> <<"none">>;
+enc_ps_aff(outcast) -> <<"outcast">>;
+enc_ps_aff(owner) -> <<"owner">>;
+enc_ps_aff(publisher) -> <<"publisher">>;
+enc_ps_aff(publish_only) -> <<"publish-only">>.
+dec_ps_aff(<<"member">>) -> member;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"none">>) -> none;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"outcast">>) -> outcast;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"owner">>) -> owner;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"publisher">>) -> publisher;
+dec_ps_aff(<<"publish-only">>) -> publish_only.
enc_version({Maj, Min}) ->
<<(integer_to_binary(Maj))/binary, $.,
_val) ->
- case catch dec_enum(_val,
- [member, none, outcast, owner, publisher,
- 'publish-only'])
- of
+ case catch dec_ps_aff(_val) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
{bad_attr_value, <<"affiliation">>, <<"affiliation">>,
_acc) ->
- [{<<"affiliation">>, enc_enum(_val)} | _acc].
+ [{<<"affiliation">>, enc_ps_aff(_val)} | _acc].
decode_pubsub_affiliation(__TopXMLNS, __IgnoreEls,
{xmlel, <<"affiliation">>, _attrs, _els}) ->
_val) ->
- case catch dec_enum(_val,
- [member, none, outcast, owner, publisher,
- 'publish-only'])
- of
+ case catch dec_ps_aff(_val) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
{bad_attr_value, <<"affiliation">>, <<"affiliation">>,
_acc) ->
- [{<<"affiliation">>, enc_enum(_val)} | _acc].
+ [{<<"affiliation">>, enc_ps_aff(_val)} | _acc].
decode_pubsub_subscription(__TopXMLNS, __IgnoreEls,
{xmlel, <<"subscription">>, _attrs, _els}) ->
{xmlel, <<"field">>, _attrs, _els}) ->
{Options, Values, Desc, Required, __Els} =
decode_xdata_field_els(__TopXMLNS, __IgnoreEls, _els,
- [], [], undefined, false, []),
+ [], [], <<>>, false, []),
{Label, Type, Var} =
decode_xdata_field_attrs(__TopXMLNS, _attrs, undefined,
undefined, undefined),
[encode_xdata_field_value(Values, __TopXMLNS)
| _acc]).
-'encode_xdata_field_$desc'(undefined, __TopXMLNS,
- _acc) ->
+'encode_xdata_field_$desc'(<<>>, __TopXMLNS, _acc) ->
'encode_xdata_field_$desc'(Desc, __TopXMLNS, _acc) ->
[encode_xdata_field_desc(Desc, __TopXMLNS) | _acc].
%% API
-export([add_delay_info/3, add_delay_info/4, unwrap_carbon/1,
is_standalone_chat_state/1, get_xdata_values/2,
- has_xdata_var/2, make_adhoc_response/1, make_adhoc_response/2]).
+ has_xdata_var/2, make_adhoc_response/1, make_adhoc_response/2,
+ decode_timestamp/1, encode_timestamp/1]).
-spec make_adhoc_response(adhoc_command()) -> adhoc_command().
make_adhoc_response(#adhoc_command{sid = <<"">>} = Command) ->
- SID = jlib:now_to_utc_string(p1_time_compat:timestamp()),
+ SID = encode_timestamp(p1_time_compat:timestamp()),
Command#adhoc_command{sid = SID};
make_adhoc_response(Command) ->
+-spec decode_timestamp(binary()) -> erlang:timestamp().
+decode_timestamp(S) ->
+ try try_decode_timestamp(S)
+ catch _:_ -> erlang:error({bad_timestamp, S})
+ end.
+-spec encode_timestamp(erlang:timestamp()) -> binary().
+encode_timestamp({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}) ->
+ {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}} =
+ calendar:now_to_universal_time({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}),
+ Fraction = if MicroSecs > 0 ->
+ io_lib:format(".~6..0B", [MicroSecs]);
+ true ->
+ ""
+ end,
+ list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~4..0B-~2..0B-~2..0BT"
+ "~2..0B:~2..0B:~2..0B~sZ",
+ [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second,
+ Fraction])).
%%% Internal functions
+try_decode_timestamp(<<Y:4/binary, $-, Mo:2/binary, $-, D:2/binary, $T,
+ H:2/binary, $:, Mi:2/binary, $:, S:2/binary, T/binary>>) ->
+ Date = {to_integer(Y, 1970, 9999), to_integer(Mo, 1, 12), to_integer(D, 1, 31)},
+ Time = {to_integer(H, 0, 23), to_integer(Mi, 0, 59), to_integer(S, 0, 59)},
+ {MS, {TZH, TZM}} = try_decode_fraction(T),
+ Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time}) -
+ calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970,1,1}, {0,0,0}}) -
+ TZH * 60 * 60 - TZM * 60,
+ {Seconds div 1000000, Seconds rem 1000000, MS};
+try_decode_timestamp(<<Y:4/binary, Mo:2/binary, D:2/binary, $T,
+ H:2/binary, $:, Mi:2/binary, $:, S:2/binary>>) ->
+ try_decode_timestamp(<<Y:4/binary, $-, Mo:2/binary, $-, D:2/binary, $T,
+ H:2/binary, $:, Mi:2/binary, $:, S:2/binary, $Z>>).
+try_decode_fraction(<<$., T/binary>>) ->
+ {match, [V]} = re:run(T, <<"^[0-9]+">>, [{capture, [0], binary}]),
+ Size = size(V),
+ <<V:Size/binary, TZD/binary>> = T,
+ {to_integer(binary:part(V, 0, min(6, Size)), 0, 999999),
+ try_decode_tzd(TZD)};
+try_decode_fraction(TZD) ->
+ {0, try_decode_tzd(TZD)}.
+try_decode_tzd(<<$Z>>) ->
+ {0, 0};
+try_decode_tzd(<<$-, H:2/binary, $:, M:2/binary>>) ->
+ {-1 * to_integer(H, 0, 12), to_integer(M, 0, 59)};
+try_decode_tzd(<<$+, H:2/binary, $:, M:2/binary>>) ->
+ {to_integer(H, 0, 12), to_integer(M, 0, 59)}.
+to_integer(S, Min, Max) ->
+ case binary_to_integer(S) of
+ I when I >= Min, I =< Max ->
+ I
+ end.
suite() ->
- [{timetrap, {seconds,30}}].
+ [{timetrap, {seconds,60}}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
NewConfig = init_config(Config),
{replaced, [parallel],
[replaced_master, replaced_slave]}].
+pubsub_single_tests() ->
+ {pubsub_single, [sequence],
+ [test_pubsub_features,
+ test_pubsub_create,
+ test_pubsub_configure,
+ test_pubsub_delete,
+ test_pubsub_get_affiliations,
+ test_pubsub_get_subscriptions,
+ test_pubsub_create_instant,
+ test_pubsub_default,
+ test_pubsub_create_configure,
+ test_pubsub_publish,
+ test_pubsub_auto_create,
+ test_pubsub_get_items,
+ test_pubsub_delete_item,
+ test_pubsub_purge,
+ test_pubsub_subscribe,
+ test_pubsub_unsubscribe]}.
+pubsub_multiple_tests() ->
+ {pubsub_multiple, [sequence],
+ [{pubsub_publish, [parallel],
+ [pubsub_publish_master, pubsub_publish_slave]},
+ {pubsub_subscriptions, [parallel],
+ [pubsub_subscriptions_master, pubsub_subscriptions_slave]},
+ {pubsub_affiliations, [parallel],
+ [pubsub_affiliations_master, pubsub_affiliations_slave]},
+ {pubsub_authorize, [parallel],
+ [pubsub_authorize_master, pubsub_authorize_slave]}]}.
db_tests(riak) ->
%% No support for mod_pubsub
[{single_user, [sequence],
- {test_muc_register, [sequence],
+ {test_muc_register, [parallel],
[muc_register_master, muc_register_slave]},
{test_roster_subscribe, [parallel],
- pubsub,
+ pubsub_single_tests(),
- {test_muc_register, [sequence],
+ pubsub_multiple_tests(),
+ {test_muc_register, [parallel],
[muc_register_master, muc_register_slave]},
{test_mix, [parallel],
[mix_master, mix_slave]},
[{single_user, [sequence],
- auth_plain,
- auth_md5,
- presence_broadcast,
- last,
- roster_get,
- roster_ver,
- private,
- privacy,
- blocking,
- vcard,
- pubsub,
- test_unregister]},
- {test_muc_register, [sequence],
+ auth_plain,
+ auth_md5,
+ presence_broadcast,
+ last,
+ roster_get,
+ roster_ver,
+ private,
+ privacy,
+ blocking,
+ vcard,
+ pubsub_single_tests(),
+ test_unregister]},
+ pubsub_multiple_tests(),
+ {test_muc_register, [parallel],
[muc_register_master, muc_register_slave]},
{test_mix, [parallel],
[mix_master, mix_slave]},
{riak, [sequence], db_tests(riak)}].
all() ->
- [%%{group, ldap},
+ [{group, ldap},
{group, no_db},
- %% {group, mnesia},
- %% {group, redis},
- %% {group, mysql},
- %% {group, pgsql},
- %% {group, sqlite},
- %% {group, extauth},
- %% {group, riak},
- %% {group, component},
- %% {group, s2s},
+ {group, mnesia},
+ {group, redis},
+ {group, mysql},
+ {group, pgsql},
+ {group, sqlite},
+ {group, extauth},
+ {group, riak},
+ {group, component},
+ {group, s2s},
stop_ejabberd(Config) ->
end, Items),
-replaced_master(Config0) ->
- Config = bind(Config0),
- wait_for_slave(Config),
- ?recv1(#stream_error{reason = conflict}),
- ?recv1({xmlstreamend, <<"stream:stream">>}),
- close_socket(Config).
+%% replaced_master(Config0) ->
+%% Config = bind(Config0),
+%% wait_for_slave(Config),
+%% ?recv1(#stream_error{reason = conflict}),
+%% ?recv1({xmlstreamend, <<"stream:stream">>}),
+%% close_socket(Config).
+%% replaced_slave(Config0) ->
+%% wait_for_master(Config0),
+%% Config = bind(Config0),
+%% disconnect(Config).
-replaced_slave(Config0) ->
- wait_for_master(Config0),
- Config = bind(Config0),
+replaced_master(Config) ->
+ disconnect(Config).
+replaced_slave(Config) ->
sm(Config) ->
end, Stats),
-pubsub(Config) ->
- Features = get_features(Config, pubsub_jid(Config)),
- true = lists:member(?NS_PUBSUB, Features),
- %% Publish <presence/> element within node "presence"
- ItemID = randoms:get_string(),
- Node = <<"presence!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>,
- Item = #ps_item{id = ItemID,
- xml_els = [xmpp:encode(#presence{})]},
- #iq{type = result,
- sub_els = [#pubsub{publish = #ps_publish{
- node = Node,
- items = [#ps_item{id = ItemID}]}}]} =
- send_recv(Config,
- #iq{type = set, to = pubsub_jid(Config),
- sub_els = [#pubsub{publish = #ps_publish{
- node = Node,
- items = [Item]}}]}),
- %% Subscribe to node "presence"
- I1 = send(Config,
- #iq{type = set, to = pubsub_jid(Config),
- sub_els = [#pubsub{subscribe = #ps_subscribe{
- node = Node,
- jid = my_jid(Config)}}]}),
- ?recv2(
- #message{sub_els = [#ps_event{}, #delay{}]},
- #iq{type = result, id = I1}),
- %% Get subscriptions
- true = lists:member(?PUBSUB("retrieve-subscriptions"), Features),
- #iq{type = result,
- sub_els =
- [#pubsub{subscriptions =
- {<<>>, [#ps_subscription{node = Node}]}}]} =
- send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = pubsub_jid(Config),
- sub_els = [#pubsub{subscriptions = {<<>>, []}}]}),
- %% Get affiliations
- true = lists:member(?PUBSUB("retrieve-affiliations"), Features),
- #iq{type = result,
- sub_els = [#pubsub{
- affiliations =
- {<<>>, [#ps_affiliation{node = Node, type = owner}]}}]} =
- send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = pubsub_jid(Config),
- sub_els = [#pubsub{affiliations = {<<>>, []}}]}),
- %% Fetching published items from node "presence"
- #iq{type = result,
- sub_els = [#pubsub{items = #ps_items{
- node = Node,
- items = [Item]}}]} =
- send_recv(Config,
- #iq{type = get, to = pubsub_jid(Config),
- sub_els = [#pubsub{items = #ps_items{node = Node}}]}),
- %% Deleting the item from the node
- true = lists:member(?PUBSUB("delete-items"), Features),
- I2 = send(Config,
- #iq{type = set, to = pubsub_jid(Config),
- sub_els = [#pubsub{retract = #ps_retract{
- node = Node,
- items = [#ps_item{id = ItemID}]}}]}),
- ?recv2(
- #iq{type = result, id = I2, sub_els = []},
- #message{sub_els = [#ps_event{
- items = #ps_items{
- node = Node,
- retract = ItemID}}]}),
- %% Unsubscribe from node "presence"
- #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} =
- send_recv(Config,
- #iq{type = set, to = pubsub_jid(Config),
- sub_els = [#pubsub{unsubscribe = #ps_unsubscribe{
- node = Node,
- jid = my_jid(Config)}}]}),
+test_pubsub_features(Config) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ AllFeatures = sets:from_list(get_features(Config, PJID)),
+ NeededFeatures = sets:from_list(
+ ?PUBSUB("access-open"),
+ ?PUBSUB("access-authorize"),
+ ?PUBSUB("create-nodes"),
+ ?PUBSUB("instant-nodes"),
+ ?PUBSUB("config-node"),
+ ?PUBSUB("retrieve-default"),
+ ?PUBSUB("create-and-configure"),
+ ?PUBSUB("publish"),
+ ?PUBSUB("auto-create"),
+ ?PUBSUB("retrieve-items"),
+ ?PUBSUB("delete-items"),
+ ?PUBSUB("subscribe"),
+ ?PUBSUB("retrieve-affiliations"),
+ ?PUBSUB("modify-affiliations"),
+ ?PUBSUB("retrieve-subscriptions"),
+ ?PUBSUB("manage-subscriptions"),
+ ?PUBSUB("purge-nodes"),
+ ?PUBSUB("delete-nodes")]),
+ true = sets:is_subset(NeededFeatures, AllFeatures),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_create(Config) ->
+ Node = ?config(pubsub_node, Config),
+ Node = create_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_create_instant(Config) ->
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_configure(Config) ->
+ Node = ?config(pubsub_node, Config),
+ NodeTitle = ?config(pubsub_node_title, Config),
+ NodeConfig = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ MyNodeConfig = set_opts(NodeConfig,
+ [{title, NodeTitle}]),
+ set_node_config(Config, Node, MyNodeConfig),
+ NewNodeConfig = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ NodeTitle = proplists:get_value(title, NewNodeConfig),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_default(Config) ->
+ get_default_node_config(Config),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_create_configure(Config) ->
+ NodeTitle = ?config(pubsub_node_title, Config),
+ DefaultNodeConfig = get_default_node_config(Config),
+ CustomNodeConfig = set_opts(DefaultNodeConfig,
+ [{title, NodeTitle}]),
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>, CustomNodeConfig),
+ NodeConfig = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ NodeTitle = proplists:get_value(title, NodeConfig),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_publish(Config) ->
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>),
+ publish_item(Config, Node),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_auto_create(Config) ->
+ Node = randoms:get_string(),
+ publish_item(Config, Node),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_get_items(Config) ->
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>),
+ ItemsIn = [publish_item(Config, Node) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5)],
+ ItemsOut = get_items(Config, Node),
+ true = [I || #ps_item{id = I} <- lists:sort(ItemsIn)]
+ == [I || #ps_item{id = I} <- lists:sort(ItemsOut)],
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_delete_item(Config) ->
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>),
+ #ps_item{id = I} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ [#ps_item{id = I}] = get_items(Config, Node),
+ delete_item(Config, Node, I),
+ [] = get_items(Config, Node),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_subscribe(Config) ->
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>),
+ #ps_subscription{type = subscribed} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ [#ps_subscription{node = Node}] = get_subscriptions(Config),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_unsubscribe(Config) ->
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>),
+ subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ [#ps_subscription{node = Node}] = get_subscriptions(Config),
+ unsubscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ [] = get_subscriptions(Config),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_get_affiliations(Config) ->
+ Nodes = lists:sort([create_node(Config, <<>>) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5)]),
+ Affs = get_affiliations(Config),
+ Nodes = lists:sort([Node || #ps_affiliation{node = Node,
+ type = owner} <- Affs]),
+ [delete_node(Config, Node) || Node <- Nodes],
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_get_subscriptions(Config) ->
+ Nodes = lists:sort([create_node(Config, <<>>) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5)]),
+ [subscribe_node(Config, Node) || Node <- Nodes],
+ Subs = get_subscriptions(Config),
+ Nodes = lists:sort([Node || #ps_subscription{node = Node} <- Subs]),
+ [delete_node(Config, Node) || Node <- Nodes],
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_purge(Config) ->
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>),
+ ItemsIn = [publish_item(Config, Node) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 5)],
+ ItemsOut = get_items(Config, Node),
+ true = [I || #ps_item{id = I} <- lists:sort(ItemsIn)]
+ == [I || #ps_item{id = I} <- lists:sort(ItemsOut)],
+ purge_node(Config, Node),
+ [] = get_items(Config, Node),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+test_pubsub_delete(Config) ->
+ Node = ?config(pubsub_node, Config),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+pubsub_publish_master(Config) ->
+ Node = create_node(Config, <<>>),
+ put_event(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_slave(Config),
+ #ps_item{id = ID} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ #ps_item{id = ID} = get_event(Config),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+pubsub_publish_slave(Config) ->
+ Node = get_event(Config),
+ subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ #message{
+ sub_els =
+ [#ps_event{
+ items = #ps_items{node = Node,
+ items = [Item]}}]} = recv(Config),
+ put_event(Config, Item),
+ disconnect(Config).
+pubsub_subscriptions_master(Config) ->
+ Peer = ?config(slave, Config),
+ Node = ?config(pubsub_node, Config),
+ Node = create_node(Config, Node),
+ [] = get_subscriptions(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_slave(Config),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Type) ->
+ ok = set_subscriptions(Config, Node, [{Peer, Type}]),
+ #ps_item{} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ case get_subscriptions(Config, Node) of
+ [] when Type == none; Type == pending ->
+ ok;
+ [#ps_subscription{jid = Peer, type = Type}] ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, [subscribed, unconfigured, pending, none]),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+pubsub_subscriptions_slave(Config) ->
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ MyJID = my_jid(Config),
+ Node = ?config(pubsub_node, Config),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(subscribed = Type) ->
+ ?recv2(#message{
+ sub_els =
+ [#ps_event{
+ subscription = #ps_subscription{
+ node = Node,
+ jid = MyJID,
+ type = Type}}]},
+ #message{sub_els = [#ps_event{}]});
+ (Type) ->
+ ?recv1(#message{
+ sub_els =
+ [#ps_event{
+ subscription = #ps_subscription{
+ node = Node,
+ jid = MyJID,
+ type = Type}}]})
+ end, [subscribed, unconfigured, pending, none]),
+ disconnect(Config).
+pubsub_affiliations_master(Config) ->
+ Peer = ?config(slave, Config),
+ BarePeer = jid:remove_resource(Peer),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Aff) ->
+ Node = <<(atom_to_binary(Aff, utf8))/binary,
+ $-, (randoms:get_string())/binary>>,
+ create_node(Config, Node, default_node_config(Config)),
+ #ps_item{id = I} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ ok = set_affiliations(Config, Node, [{Peer, Aff}]),
+ Affs = get_affiliations(Config, Node),
+ case lists:keyfind(BarePeer, #ps_affiliation.jid, Affs) of
+ false when Aff == none ->
+ ok;
+ #ps_affiliation{type = Aff} ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ put_event(Config, {Aff, Node, I}),
+ wait_for_slave(Config),
+ delete_node(Config, Node)
+ end, [outcast, none, member, publish_only, publisher, owner]),
+ put_event(Config, disconnect),
+ disconnect(Config).
+pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config) ->
+ pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, get_event(Config)).
+pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, {outcast, Node, ItemID}) ->
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{} = unsubscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_items(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_item(Config, Node, ItemID),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = purge_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_node_config(Config, Node, default_node_config(Config)),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_subscriptions(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_subscriptions(Config, Node, [{my_jid(Config), subscribed}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_affiliations(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_affiliations(Config, Node, [{?config(master, Config), outcast},
+ {my_jid(Config), owner}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_node(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, get_event(Config));
+pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, {none, Node, ItemID}) ->
+ #ps_subscription{type = subscribed} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ ok = unsubscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ %% This violates the affiliation char from section 4.1
+ [_|_] = get_items(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_item(Config, Node, ItemID),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = purge_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_node_config(Config, Node, default_node_config(Config)),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_subscriptions(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_subscriptions(Config, Node, [{my_jid(Config), subscribed}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_affiliations(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_affiliations(Config, Node, [{?config(master, Config), outcast},
+ {my_jid(Config), owner}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_node(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, get_event(Config));
+pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, {member, Node, ItemID}) ->
+ #ps_subscription{type = subscribed} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ ok = unsubscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ [_|_] = get_items(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_item(Config, Node, ItemID),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = purge_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_node_config(Config, Node, default_node_config(Config)),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_subscriptions(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_subscriptions(Config, Node, [{my_jid(Config), subscribed}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_affiliations(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_affiliations(Config, Node, [{?config(master, Config), outcast},
+ {my_jid(Config), owner}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_node(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, get_event(Config));
+pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, {publish_only, Node, ItemID}) ->
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{} = unsubscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_items(Config, Node),
+ #ps_item{id = MyItemID} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ %% BUG: This should be fixed
+ %% ?match(ok, delete_item(Config, Node, MyItemID)),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_item(Config, Node, ItemID),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = purge_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_node_config(Config, Node, default_node_config(Config)),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_subscriptions(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_subscriptions(Config, Node, [{my_jid(Config), subscribed}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_affiliations(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_affiliations(Config, Node, [{?config(master, Config), outcast},
+ {my_jid(Config), owner}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_node(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, get_event(Config));
+pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, {publisher, Node, ItemID}) ->
+ #ps_subscription{type = subscribed} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ ok = unsubscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ [_|_] = get_items(Config, Node),
+ #ps_item{id = MyItemID} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ ok = delete_item(Config, Node, MyItemID),
+ %% BUG: this should be fixed
+ %% #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_item(Config, Node, ItemID),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = purge_node(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_node_config(Config, Node, default_node_config(Config)),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_subscriptions(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_subscriptions(Config, Node, [{my_jid(Config), subscribed}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = get_affiliations(Config, Node),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} =
+ set_affiliations(Config, Node, [{?config(master, Config), outcast},
+ {my_jid(Config), owner}]),
+ #stanza_error{reason = 'forbidden'} = delete_node(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, get_event(Config));
+pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, {owner, Node, ItemID}) ->
+ MyJID = my_jid(Config),
+ Peer = ?config(master, Config),
+ #ps_subscription{type = subscribed} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ ok = unsubscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ [_|_] = get_items(Config, Node),
+ #ps_item{id = MyItemID} = publish_item(Config, Node),
+ ok = delete_item(Config, Node, MyItemID),
+ ok = delete_item(Config, Node, ItemID),
+ ok = purge_node(Config, Node),
+ [_|_] = get_node_config(Config, Node),
+ ok = set_node_config(Config, Node, default_node_config(Config)),
+ ok = set_subscriptions(Config, Node, []),
+ [] = get_subscriptions(Config, Node),
+ ok = set_affiliations(Config, Node, [{Peer, outcast}, {MyJID, owner}]),
+ [_, _] = get_affiliations(Config, Node),
+ ok = delete_node(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, get_event(Config));
+pubsub_affiliations_slave(Config, disconnect) ->
+pubsub_authorize_master(Config) ->
+ send(Config, #presence{}),
+ ?recv1(#presence{}),
+ Peer = ?config(slave, Config),
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ NodeConfig = set_opts(default_node_config(Config),
+ [{access_model, authorize}]),
+ Node = ?config(pubsub_node, Config),
+ Node = create_node(Config, Node, NodeConfig),
+ wait_for_slave(Config),
+ #message{sub_els = [#xdata{fields = F1}]} = recv(Config),
+ C1 = pubsub_subscribe_authorization:decode(F1),
+ Node = proplists:get_value(node, C1),
+ Peer = proplists:get_value(subscriber_jid, C1),
+ %% Deny it at first
+ Deny = #xdata{type = submit,
+ fields = pubsub_subscribe_authorization:encode(
+ [{node, Node},
+ {subscriber_jid, Peer},
+ {allow, false}])},
+ send(Config, #message{to = PJID, sub_els = [Deny]}),
+ %% We should not have any subscriptions
+ [] = get_subscriptions(Config, Node),
+ wait_for_slave(Config),
+ #message{sub_els = [#xdata{fields = F2}]} = recv(Config),
+ C2 = pubsub_subscribe_authorization:decode(F2),
+ Node = proplists:get_value(node, C2),
+ Peer = proplists:get_value(subscriber_jid, C2),
+ %% Now we accept is as the peer is very insisting ;)
+ Approve = #xdata{type = submit,
+ fields = pubsub_subscribe_authorization:encode(
+ [{node, Node},
+ {subscriber_jid, Peer},
+ {allow, true}])},
+ send(Config, #message{to = PJID, sub_els = [Approve]}),
+ wait_for_slave(Config),
+ delete_node(Config, Node),
+ disconnect(Config).
+pubsub_authorize_slave(Config) ->
+ Node = ?config(pubsub_node, Config),
+ MyJID = my_jid(Config),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ #ps_subscription{type = pending} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ %% We're denied at first
+ ?recv1(#message{
+ sub_els =
+ [#ps_event{
+ subscription = #ps_subscription{type = none,
+ jid = MyJID}}]}),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ #ps_subscription{type = pending} = subscribe_node(Config, Node),
+ %% Now much better!
+ ?recv1(#message{
+ sub_els =
+ [#ps_event{
+ subscription = #ps_subscription{type = subscribed,
+ jid = MyJID}}]}),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ disconnect(Config).
+create_node(Config, Node) ->
+ create_node(Config, Node, undefined).
+create_node(Config, Node, Options) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ NodeConfig = if is_list(Options) ->
+ #xdata{type = submit,
+ fields = pubsub_node_config:encode(Options)};
+ true ->
+ undefined
+ end,
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{create = Node,
+ configure = {<<>>, NodeConfig}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#pubsub{create = NewNode}]} ->
+ NewNode;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+delete_node(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{delete = {Node, <<>>}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} ->
+ ok;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+purge_node(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{purge = Node}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} ->
+ ok;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+get_default_node_config(Config) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = get, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{default = {<<>>, undefined}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{default = {<<>>, NodeConfig}}]} ->
+ pubsub_node_config:decode(NodeConfig#xdata.fields);
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+get_node_config(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = get, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{configure = {Node, undefined}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{configure = {Node, NodeConfig}}]} ->
+ pubsub_node_config:decode(NodeConfig#xdata.fields);
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+set_node_config(Config, Node, Options) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ NodeConfig = #xdata{type = submit,
+ fields = pubsub_node_config:encode(Options)},
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{configure =
+ {Node, NodeConfig}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} ->
+ ok;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+publish_item(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ ItemID = randoms:get_string(),
+ Item = #ps_item{id = ItemID, xml_els = [xmpp:encode(#presence{id = ItemID})]},
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{publish = #ps_publish{
+ node = Node,
+ items = [Item]}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{publish = #ps_publish{
+ node = Node,
+ items = [#ps_item{id = ItemID}]}}]} ->
+ Item;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+get_items(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = get, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{items = #ps_items{node = Node}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{items = #ps_items{node = Node, items = Items}}]} ->
+ Items;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+delete_item(Config, Node, I) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{retract =
+ #ps_retract{
+ node = Node,
+ items = [#ps_item{id = I}]}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} ->
+ ok;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+subscribe_node(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ MyJID = my_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{subscribe = #ps_subscribe{
+ node = Node,
+ jid = MyJID}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{
+ subscription = #ps_subscription{
+ node = Node,
+ jid = MyJID} = Sub}]} ->
+ Sub;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+unsubscribe_node(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ MyJID = my_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{
+ unsubscribe = #ps_unsubscribe{
+ node = Node,
+ jid = MyJID}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} ->
+ ok;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+get_affiliations(Config) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = get, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{affiliations = {<<>>, []}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{affiliations = {<<>>, Affs}}]} ->
+ Affs;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+get_affiliations(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = get, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{affiliations = {Node, []}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{affiliations = {Node, Affs}}]} ->
+ Affs;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+set_affiliations(Config, Node, JTs) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ Affs = [#ps_affiliation{jid = J, type = T} || {J, T} <- JTs],
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{affiliations =
+ {Node, Affs}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} ->
+ ok;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+get_subscriptions(Config) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = get, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub{subscriptions = {<<>>, []}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#pubsub{subscriptions = {<<>>, Subs}}]} ->
+ Subs;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+get_subscriptions(Config, Node) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = get, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{subscriptions = {Node, []}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{subscriptions = {Node, Subs}}]} ->
+ Subs;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+set_subscriptions(Config, Node, JTs) ->
+ PJID = pubsub_jid(Config),
+ Subs = [#ps_subscription{jid = J, type = T} || {J, T} <- JTs],
+ case send_recv(Config,
+ #iq{type = set, to = PJID,
+ sub_els = [#pubsub_owner{subscriptions =
+ {Node, Subs}}]}) of
+ #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} ->
+ ok;
+ #iq{type = error} = IQ ->
+ xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #stanza_error{})
+ end.
+default_node_config(Config) ->
+ [{title, ?config(pubsub_node_title, Config)},
+ {notify_delete, false},
+ {send_last_published_item, never}].
mix_master(Config) ->
MIX = mix_jid(Config),
Room = mix_room_jid(Config),
to = Room}),
%% Find the MAM field in the config and enable it
NewFields = lists:flatmap(
- fun(#xdata_field{var = <<"muc#roomconfig_mam">> = Var}) ->
+ fun(#xdata_field{var = <<"mam">> = Var}) ->
[#xdata_field{var = Var, values = [<<"1">>]}];
(_) ->
muc_register_nick(Config, MUC, PrevNick, Nick) ->
- {Registered, PrevNickVals} = if PrevNick /= <<"">> ->
- {true, [PrevNick]};
- true ->
- {false, []}
- end,
+ PrevRegistered = if PrevNick /= <<"">> -> true;
+ true -> false
+ end,
+ NewRegistered = if Nick /= <<"">> -> true;
+ true -> false
+ end,
%% Request register form
#iq{type = result,
- sub_els = [#register{registered = Registered,
+ sub_els = [#register{registered = PrevRegistered,
xdata = #xdata{type = form,
fields = FsWithoutNick}}]} =
send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = MUC,
sub_els = [#register{}]}),
- %% Check if 'nick' field presents
- #xdata_field{type = 'text-single',
- var = <<"nick">>,
- values = PrevNickVals} =
- lists:keyfind(<<"nick">>, #xdata_field.var, FsWithoutNick),
- X = #xdata{type = submit,
- fields = [#xdata_field{var = <<"nick">>, values = [Nick]}]},
+ %% Check if previous nick is registered
+ PrevNick = proplists:get_value(
+ roomnick, muc_register:decode(FsWithoutNick)),
+ X = #xdata{type = submit, fields = muc_register:encode([{roomnick, Nick}])},
%% Submitting form
#iq{type = result, sub_els = []} =
send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, to = MUC,
sub_els = [#register{xdata = X}]}),
- %% Check if the nick was registered
+ %% Check if new nick was registered
#iq{type = result,
- sub_els = [#register{registered = true,
+ sub_els = [#register{registered = NewRegistered,
xdata = #xdata{type = form,
fields = FsWithNick}}]} =
send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, to = MUC,
sub_els = [#register{}]}),
- #xdata_field{type = 'text-single', var = <<"nick">>,
- values = [Nick]} =
- lists:keyfind(<<"nick">>, #xdata_field.var, FsWithNick).
+ Nick = proplists:get_value(
+ roomnick, muc_register:decode(FsWithNick)).
muc_register_master(Config) ->
MUC = muc_jid(Config),
muc_register_nick(Config, MUC, <<"">>, <<"master2">>),
%% Now register nick "master"
muc_register_nick(Config, MUC, <<"master2">>, <<"master">>),
+ %% Wait for slave to fail trying to register nick "master"
+ wait_for_slave(Config),
+ wait_for_slave(Config),
+ %% Now register empty ("") nick, which means we're unregistering
+ muc_register_nick(Config, MUC, <<"master">>, <<"">>),
muc_register_slave(Config) ->
MUC = muc_jid(Config),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
%% Trying to register occupied nick "master"
- X = #xdata{type = submit,
- fields = [#xdata_field{var = <<"nick">>,
- values = [<<"master">>]}]},
+ Fs = muc_register:encode([{roomnick, <<"master">>}]),
+ X = #xdata{type = submit, fields = Fs},
#iq{type = error} =
send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, to = MUC,
sub_els = [#register{xdata = X}]}),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
announce_master(Config) ->
socks5_recv(Sock, Data) ->
{ok, Data} = gen_tcp:recv(Sock, size(Data)).
+set_opts(Config, Options) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({Opt, Val}, Acc) ->
+ lists:keystore(Opt, 1, Acc, {Opt, Val})
+ end, Config, Options).
%%% SQL stuff
{lang, <<"en">>},
{base_dir, BaseDir},
{socket, undefined},
+ {pubsub_node, <<"node!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>},
+ {pubsub_node_title, <<"title!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>},
{resource, <<"resource!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>},
{master_resource, <<"master_resource!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>},
{slave_resource, <<"slave_resource!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>},
+-define(match(Pattern, Result),
+ case Result of
+ Pattern ->
+ Pattern;
+ Mismatch ->
+ suite:match_failure([Mismatch], [??Pattern])
+ end).
-define(COMMON_VHOST, <<"localhost">>).
-define(MNESIA_VHOST, <<"mnesia.localhost">>).
-define(REDIS_VHOST, <<"redis.localhost">>).