]> granicus.if.org Git - python/commitdiff
Removing junk
authorGuido van Rossum <guido@python.org>
Thu, 11 May 2000 18:28:03 +0000 (18:28 +0000)
committerGuido van Rossum <guido@python.org>
Thu, 11 May 2000 18:28:03 +0000 (18:28 +0000)
18 files changed:
Demo/tkinter/www/Para.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/fmt.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/htmllib.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/sgmllib.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/tkfmt.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www1.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www10.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www11.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www12.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www13.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www2.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www3.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www4.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www5.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www6.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www7.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www8.py [deleted file]
Demo/tkinter/www/www9.py [deleted file]

diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/Para.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/Para.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e24471f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-# Text formatting abstractions
-# Oft-used type object
-Int = type(0)
-# Represent a paragraph.  This is a list of words with associated
-# font and size information, plus indents and justification for the
-# entire paragraph.
-# Once the words have been added to a paragraph, it can be laid out
-# for different line widths.  Once laid out, it can be rendered at
-# different screen locations.  Once rendered, it can be queried
-# for mouse hits, and parts of the text can be highlighted
-class Para:
-       #
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.words = [] # The words
-               self.just = 'l' # Justification: 'l', 'r', 'lr' or 'c'
-               self.indent_left = self.indent_right = self.indent_hang = 0
-               # Final lay-out parameters, may change
-               self.left = self.top = self.right = self.bottom = \
-                       self.width = self.height = self.lines = None
-       #
-       # Add a word, computing size information for it.
-       # Words may also be added manually by appending to self.words
-       # Each word should be a 7-tuple:
-       # (font, text, width, space, stretch, ascent, descent)
-       def addword(self, d, font, text, space, stretch):
-               if font <> None:
-                       d.setfont(font)
-               width = d.textwidth(text)
-               ascent = d.baseline()
-               descent = d.lineheight() - ascent
-               spw = d.textwidth(' ')
-               space = space * spw
-               stretch = stretch * spw
-               tuple = (font, text, width, space, stretch, ascent, descent)
-               self.words.append(tuple)
-       #
-       # Hooks to begin and end anchors -- insert numbers in the word list!
-       def bgn_anchor(self, id):
-               self.words.append(id)
-       #
-       def end_anchor(self, id):
-               self.words.append(0)
-       #
-       # Return the total length (width) of the text added so far, in pixels
-       def getlength(self):
-               total = 0
-               for word in self.words:
-                       if type(word) <> Int:
-                               total = total + word[2] + word[3]
-               return total
-       #
-       # Tab to a given position (relative to the current left indent):
-       # remove all stretch, add fixed space up to the new indent.
-       # If the current position is already beying the tab stop,
-       # don't add any new space (but still remove the stretch)
-       def tabto(self, tab):
-               total = 0
-               as, de = 1, 0
-               for i in range(len(self.words)):
-                       word = self.words[i]
-                       if type(word) == Int: continue
-                       fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
-                       self.words[i] = fo, te, wi, sp, 0, as, de
-                       total = total + wi + sp
-               if total < tab:
-                       self.words.append((None, '', 0, tab-total, 0, as, de))
-       #
-       # Make a hanging tag: tab to hang, increment indent_left by hang,
-       # and reset indent_hang to -hang
-       def makehangingtag(self, hang):
-               self.tabto(hang)
-               self.indent_left = self.indent_left + hang
-               self.indent_hang = -hang
-       #
-       # Decide where the line breaks will be given some screen width
-       def layout(self, linewidth):
-               self.width = linewidth
-               height = 0
-               self.lines = lines = []
-               avail1 = self.width - self.indent_left - self.indent_right
-               avail = avail1 - self.indent_hang
-               words = self.words
-               i = 0
-               n = len(words)
-               lastfont = None
-               while i < n:
-                       firstfont = lastfont
-                       charcount = 0
-                       width = 0
-                       stretch = 0
-                       ascent = 0
-                       descent = 0
-                       lsp = 0
-                       j = i
-                       while i < n:
-                               word = words[i]
-                               if type(word) == Int:
-                                       if word > 0 and width >= avail:
-                                               break
-                                       i = i+1
-                                       continue
-                               fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
-                               if width + wi > avail and width > 0 and wi > 0:
-                                       break
-                               if fo <> None:
-                                       lastfont = fo
-                                       if width == 0:
-                                               firstfont = fo
-                               charcount = charcount + len(te) + (sp > 0)
-                               width = width + wi + sp
-                               lsp = sp
-                               stretch = stretch + st
-                               lst = st
-                               ascent = max(ascent, as)
-                               descent = max(descent, de)
-                               i = i+1
-                       while i > j and type(words[i-1]) == Int and \
-                               words[i-1] > 0: i = i-1
-                       width = width - lsp
-                       if i < n:
-                               stretch = stretch - lst
-                       else:
-                               stretch = 0
-                       tuple = i-j, firstfont, charcount, width, stretch, \
-                               ascent, descent
-                       lines.append(tuple)
-                       height = height + ascent + descent
-                       avail = avail1
-               self.height = height
-       #
-       # Call a function for all words in a line
-       def visit(self, wordfunc, anchorfunc):
-               avail1 = self.width - self.indent_left - self.indent_right
-               avail = avail1 - self.indent_hang
-               v = self.top
-               i = 0
-               for tuple in self.lines:
-                       wordcount, firstfont, charcount, width, stretch, \
-                               ascent, descent = tuple
-                       h = self.left + self.indent_left
-                       if i == 0: h = h + self.indent_hang
-                       extra = 0
-                       if self.just == 'r': h = h + avail - width
-                       elif self.just == 'c': h = h + (avail - width) / 2
-                       elif self.just == 'lr' and stretch > 0:
-                               extra = avail - width
-                       v2 = v + ascent + descent
-                       for j in range(i, i+wordcount):
-                               word = self.words[j]
-                               if type(word) == Int:
-                                       ok = anchorfunc(self, tuple, word, \
-                                                       h, v)
-                                       if ok <> None: return ok
-                                       continue
-                               fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
-                               if extra > 0 and stretch > 0:
-                                       ex = extra * st / stretch
-                                       extra = extra - ex
-                                       stretch = stretch - st
-                               else:
-                                       ex = 0
-                               h2 = h + wi + sp + ex
-                               ok = wordfunc(self, tuple, word, h, v, \
-                                       h2, v2, (j==i), (j==i+wordcount-1))
-                               if ok <> None: return ok
-                               h = h2
-                       v = v2
-                       i = i + wordcount
-                       avail = avail1
-       #
-       # Render a paragraph in "drawing object" d, using the rectangle
-       # given by (left, top, right) with an unspecified bottom.
-       # Return the computed bottom of the text.
-       def render(self, d, left, top, right):
-               if self.width <> right-left:
-                       self.layout(right-left)
-               self.left = left
-               self.top = top
-               self.right = right
-               self.bottom = self.top + self.height
-               self.anchorid = 0
-               try:
-                       self.d = d
-                       self.visit(self.__class__._renderword, \
-                                  self.__class__._renderanchor)
-               finally:
-                       self.d = None
-               return self.bottom
-       #
-       def _renderword(self, tuple, word, h, v, h2, v2, isfirst, islast):
-               if word[0] <> None: self.d.setfont(word[0])
-               baseline = v + tuple[5]
-               self.d.text((h, baseline - word[5]), word[1])
-               if self.anchorid > 0:
-                       self.d.line((h, baseline+2), (h2, baseline+2))
-       #
-       def _renderanchor(self, tuple, word, h, v):
-               self.anchorid = word
-       #
-       # Return which anchor(s) was hit by the mouse
-       def hitcheck(self, mouseh, mousev):
-               self.mouseh = mouseh
-               self.mousev = mousev
-               self.anchorid = 0
-               self.hits = []
-               self.visit(self.__class__._hitcheckword, \
-                          self.__class__._hitcheckanchor)
-               return self.hits
-       #
-       def _hitcheckword(self, tuple, word, h, v, h2, v2, isfirst, islast):
-               if self.anchorid > 0 and h <= self.mouseh <= h2 and \
-                       v <= self.mousev <= v2:
-                       self.hits.append(self.anchorid)
-       #
-       def _hitcheckanchor(self, tuple, word, h, v):
-               self.anchorid = word
-       #
-       # Return whether the given anchor id is present
-       def hasanchor(self, id):
-               return id in self.words or -id in self.words
-       #
-       # Extract the raw text from the word list, substituting one space
-       # for non-empty inter-word space, and terminating with '\n'
-       def extract(self):
-               text = ''
-               for w in self.words:
-                       if type(w) <> Int:
-                               word = w[1]
-                               if w[3]: word = word + ' '
-                               text = text + word
-               return text + '\n'
-       #
-       # Return which character position was hit by the mouse, as
-       # an offset in the entire text as returned by extract().
-       # Return None if the mouse was not in this paragraph
-       def whereis(self, d, mouseh, mousev):
-               if mousev < self.top or mousev > self.bottom:
-                       return None
-               self.mouseh = mouseh
-               self.mousev = mousev
-               self.lastfont = None
-               self.charcount = 0
-               try:
-                       self.d = d
-                       return self.visit(self.__class__._whereisword, \
-                                         self.__class__._whereisanchor)
-               finally:
-                       self.d = None
-       #
-       def _whereisword(self, tuple, word, h1, v1, h2, v2, isfirst, islast):
-               fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
-               if fo <> None: self.lastfont = fo
-               h = h1
-               if isfirst: h1 = 0
-               if islast: h2 = 999999
-               if not (v1 <= self.mousev <= v2 and h1 <= self.mouseh <= h2):
-                       self.charcount = self.charcount + len(te) + (sp > 0)
-                       return
-               if self.lastfont <> None:
-                       self.d.setfont(self.lastfont)
-               cc = 0
-               for c in te:
-                       cw = self.d.textwidth(c)
-                       if self.mouseh <= h + cw/2:
-                               return self.charcount + cc
-                       cc = cc+1
-                       h = h+cw
-               self.charcount = self.charcount + cc
-               if self.mouseh <= (h+h2) / 2:
-                       return self.charcount
-               else:
-                       return self.charcount + 1
-       #
-       def _whereisanchor(self, tuple, word, h, v):
-               pass
-       #
-       # Return screen position corresponding to position in paragraph.
-       # Return tuple (h, vtop, vbaseline, vbottom).
-       # This is more or less the inverse of whereis()
-       def screenpos(self, d, pos):
-               if pos < 0:
-                       ascent, descent = self.lines[0][5:7]
-                       return self.left, self.top, self.top + ascent, \
-                               self.top + ascent + descent
-               self.pos = pos
-               self.lastfont = None
-               try:
-                       self.d = d
-                       ok = self.visit(self.__class__._screenposword, \
-                                       self.__class__._screenposanchor)
-               finally:
-                       self.d = None
-               if ok == None:
-                       ascent, descent = self.lines[-1][5:7]
-                       ok = self.right, self.bottom - ascent - descent, \
-                               self.bottom - descent, self.bottom
-               return ok
-       #
-       def _screenposword(self, tuple, word, h1, v1, h2, v2, isfirst, islast):
-               fo, te, wi, sp, st, as, de = word
-               if fo <> None: self.lastfont = fo
-               cc = len(te) + (sp > 0)
-               if self.pos > cc:
-                       self.pos = self.pos - cc
-                       return
-               if self.pos < cc:
-                       self.d.setfont(self.lastfont)
-                       h = h1 + self.d.textwidth(te[:self.pos])
-               else:
-                       h = h2
-               ascent, descent = tuple[5:7]
-               return h, v1, v1+ascent, v2
-       #
-       def _screenposanchor(self, tuple, word, h, v):
-               pass
-       #
-       # Invert the stretch of text between pos1 and pos2.
-       # If pos1 is None, the beginning is implied;
-       # if pos2 is None, the end is implied.
-       # Undoes its own effect when called again with the same arguments
-       def invert(self, d, pos1, pos2):
-               if pos1 == None:
-                       pos1 = self.left, self.top, self.top, self.top
-               else:
-                       pos1 = self.screenpos(d, pos1)
-               if pos2 == None:
-                       pos2 = self.right, self.bottom,self.bottom,self.bottom
-               else:
-                       pos2 = self.screenpos(d, pos2)
-               h1, top1, baseline1, bottom1 = pos1
-               h2, top2, baseline2, bottom2 = pos2
-               if bottom1 <= top2:
-                       d.invert((h1, top1), (self.right, bottom1))
-                       h1 = self.left
-                       if bottom1 < top2:
-                               d.invert((h1, bottom1), (self.right, top2))
-                       top1, bottom1 = top2, bottom2
-               d.invert((h1, top1), (h2, bottom2))
-# Test class Para
-# XXX This was last used on the Mac, hence the weird fonts...
-def test():
-       import stdwin
-       from stdwinevents import *
-       words = 'The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', \
-               'the', 'lazy', 'dog.'
-       paralist = []
-       for just in 'l', 'r', 'lr', 'c':
-               p = Para()
-               p.just = just
-               p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'p', 12), words[0], 1, 1)
-               for word in words[1:-1]:
-                       p.addword(stdwin, None, word, 1, 1)
-               p.addword(stdwin, None, words[-1], 2, 4)
-               p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'b', 18), 'Bye!', 0, 0)
-               p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'p', 10), 'Bye!', 0, 0)
-               paralist.append(p)
-       window = stdwin.open('Para.test()')
-       start = stop = selpara = None
-       while 1:
-               etype, win, detail = stdwin.getevent()
-               if etype == WE_CLOSE:
-                       break
-               if etype == WE_SIZE:
-                       window.change((0, 0), (1000, 1000))
-               if etype == WE_DRAW:
-                       width, height = window.getwinsize()
-                       d = None
-                       try:
-                               d = window.begindrawing()
-                               d.cliprect(detail)
-                               d.erase(detail)
-                               v = 0
-                               for p in paralist:
-                                       v = p.render(d, 0, v, width)
-                                       if p == selpara and \
-                                          start <> None and stop <> None:
-                                               p.invert(d, start, stop)
-                       finally:
-                               if d: d.close()
-               if etype == WE_MOUSE_DOWN:
-                       if selpara and start <> None and stop <> None:
-                               d = window.begindrawing()
-                               selpara.invert(d, start, stop)
-                               d.close()
-                       start = stop = selpara = None
-                       mouseh, mousev = detail[0]
-                       for p in paralist:
-                               start = p.whereis(stdwin, mouseh, mousev)
-                               if start <> None:
-                                       selpara = p
-                                       break
-               if etype == WE_MOUSE_UP and start <> None and selpara:
-                       mouseh, mousev = detail[0]
-                       stop = selpara.whereis(stdwin, mouseh, mousev)
-                       if stop == None: start = selpara = None
-                       else:
-                               if start > stop:
-                                       start, stop = stop, start
-                               d = window.begindrawing()
-                               selpara.invert(d, start, stop)
-                               d.close()
-       window.close()
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/fmt.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/fmt.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index b5ca33c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
-# Text formatting abstractions
-import string
-import Para
-# A formatter back-end object has one method that is called by the formatter:
-# addpara(p), where p is a paragraph object.  For example:
-# Formatter back-end to do nothing at all with the paragraphs
-class NullBackEnd:
-       #
-       def __init__(self):
-               pass
-       #
-       def addpara(self, p):
-               pass
-       #
-       def bgn_anchor(self, id):
-               pass
-       #
-       def end_anchor(self, id):
-               pass
-# Formatter back-end to collect the paragraphs in a list
-class SavingBackEnd(NullBackEnd):
-       #
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.paralist = []
-       #
-       def addpara(self, p):
-               self.paralist.append(p)
-       #
-       def hitcheck(self, h, v):
-               hits = []
-               for p in self.paralist:
-                       if p.top <= v <= p.bottom:
-                               for id in p.hitcheck(h, v):
-                                       if id not in hits:
-                                               hits.append(id)
-               return hits
-       #
-       def extract(self):
-               text = ''
-               for p in self.paralist:
-                       text = text + (p.extract())
-               return text
-       #
-       def extractpart(self, long1, long2):
-               if long1 > long2: long1, long2 = long2, long1
-               para1, pos1 = long1
-               para2, pos2 = long2
-               text = ''
-               while para1 < para2:
-                       ptext = self.paralist[para1].extract()
-                       text = text + ptext[pos1:]
-                       pos1 = 0
-                       para1 = para1 + 1
-               ptext = self.paralist[para2].extract()
-               return text + ptext[pos1:pos2]
-       #
-       def whereis(self, d, h, v):
-               total = 0
-               for i in range(len(self.paralist)):
-                       p = self.paralist[i]
-                       result = p.whereis(d, h, v)
-                       if result <> None:
-                               return i, result
-               return None
-       #
-       def roundtowords(self, long1, long2):
-               i, offset = long1
-               text = self.paralist[i].extract()
-               while offset > 0 and text[offset-1] <> ' ': offset = offset-1
-               long1 = i, offset
-               #
-               i, offset = long2
-               text = self.paralist[i].extract()
-               n = len(text)
-               while offset < n-1 and text[offset] <> ' ': offset = offset+1
-               long2 = i, offset
-               #
-               return long1, long2
-       #
-       def roundtoparagraphs(self, long1, long2):
-               long1 = long1[0], 0
-               long2 = long2[0], len(self.paralist[long2[0]].extract())
-               return long1, long2
-# Formatter back-end to send the text directly to the drawing object
-class WritingBackEnd(NullBackEnd):
-       #
-       def __init__(self, d, width):
-               self.d = d
-               self.width = width
-               self.lineno = 0
-       #
-       def addpara(self, p):
-               self.lineno = p.render(self.d, 0, self.lineno, self.width)
-# A formatter receives a stream of formatting instructions and assembles
-# these into a stream of paragraphs on to a back-end.  The assembly is
-# parametrized by a text measurement object, which must match the output
-# operations of the back-end.  The back-end is responsible for splitting
-# paragraphs up in lines of a given maximum width.  (This is done because
-# in a windowing environment, when the window size changes, there is no
-# need to redo the assembly into paragraphs, but the splitting into lines
-# must be done taking the new window size into account.)
-# Formatter base class.  Initialize it with a text measurement object,
-# which is used for text measurements, and a back-end object,
-# which receives the completed paragraphs.  The formatting methods are:
-# setfont(font)
-# setleftindent(nspaces)
-# setjust(type) where type is 'l', 'c', 'r', or 'lr'
-# flush()
-# vspace(nlines)
-# needvspace(nlines)
-# addword(word, nspaces)
-class BaseFormatter:
-       #
-       def __init__(self, d, b):
-               # Drawing object used for text measurements
-               self.d = d
-               #
-               # BackEnd object receiving completed paragraphs
-               self.b = b
-               #
-               # Parameters of the formatting model
-               self.leftindent = 0
-               self.just = 'l'
-               self.font = None
-               self.blanklines = 0
-               #
-               # Parameters derived from the current font
-               self.space = d.textwidth(' ')
-               self.line = d.lineheight()
-               self.ascent = d.baseline()
-               self.descent = self.line - self.ascent
-               #
-               # Parameter derived from the default font
-               self.n_space = self.space
-               #
-               # Current paragraph being built
-               self.para = None
-               self.nospace = 1
-               #
-               # Font to set on the next word
-               self.nextfont = None
-       #
-       def newpara(self):
-               return Para.Para()
-       #
-       def setfont(self, font):
-               if font == None: return
-               self.font = self.nextfont = font
-               d = self.d
-               d.setfont(font)
-               self.space = d.textwidth(' ')
-               self.line = d.lineheight()
-               self.ascent = d.baseline()
-               self.descent = self.line - self.ascent
-       #
-       def setleftindent(self, nspaces):
-               self.leftindent = int(self.n_space * nspaces)
-               if self.para:
-                       hang = self.leftindent - self.para.indent_left
-                       if hang > 0 and self.para.getlength() <= hang:
-                               self.para.makehangingtag(hang)
-                               self.nospace = 1
-                       else:
-                               self.flush()
-       #
-       def setrightindent(self, nspaces):
-               self.rightindent = int(self.n_space * nspaces)
-               if self.para:
-                       self.para.indent_right = self.rightindent
-                       self.flush()
-       #
-       def setjust(self, just):
-               self.just = just
-               if self.para:
-                       self.para.just = self.just
-       #
-       def flush(self):
-               if self.para:
-                       self.b.addpara(self.para)
-                       self.para = None
-                       if self.font <> None:
-                               self.d.setfont(self.font)
-               self.nospace = 1
-       #
-       def vspace(self, nlines):
-               self.flush()
-               if nlines > 0:
-                       self.para = self.newpara()
-                       tuple = None, '', 0, 0, 0, int(nlines*self.line), 0
-                       self.para.words.append(tuple)
-                       self.flush()
-                       self.blanklines = self.blanklines + nlines
-       #
-       def needvspace(self, nlines):
-               self.flush() # Just to be sure
-               if nlines > self.blanklines:
-                       self.vspace(nlines - self.blanklines)
-       #
-       def addword(self, text, space):
-               if self.nospace and not text:
-                       return
-               self.nospace = 0
-               self.blanklines = 0
-               if not self.para:
-                       self.para = self.newpara()
-                       self.para.indent_left = self.leftindent
-                       self.para.just = self.just
-                       self.nextfont = self.font
-               space = int(space * self.space)
-               self.para.words.append(self.nextfont, text, \
-                       self.d.textwidth(text), space, space, \
-                       self.ascent, self.descent)
-               self.nextfont = None
-       #
-       def bgn_anchor(self, id):
-               if not self.para:
-                       self.nospace = 0
-                       self.addword('', 0)
-               self.para.bgn_anchor(id)
-       #
-       def end_anchor(self, id):
-               if not self.para:
-                       self.nospace = 0
-                       self.addword('', 0)
-               self.para.end_anchor(id)
-       #
-       def hrule(self):
-               # Typically need to override this for bit-mapped displays
-               self.flush()
-               self.addword('-'*60, 0)
-               self.flush()
-# Measuring object for measuring text as viewed on a tty
-class NullMeasurer:
-       #
-       def __init__(self):
-               pass
-       #
-       def setfont(self, font):
-               pass
-       #
-       def textwidth(self, text):
-               return len(text)
-       #
-       def lineheight(self):
-               return 1
-       #
-       def baseline(self):
-               return 0
-# Drawing object for writing plain ASCII text to a file
-class FileWriter:
-       #
-       def __init__(self, fp):
-               self.fp = fp
-               self.lineno, self.colno = 0, 0
-       #
-       def setfont(self, font):
-               pass
-       #
-       def text(self, (h, v), str):
-               if not str: return
-               if '\n' in str:
-                       raise ValueError, 'can\'t write \\n'
-               while self.lineno < v:
-                       self.fp.write('\n')
-                       self.colno, self.lineno = 0, self.lineno + 1
-               while self.lineno > v:
-                       # XXX This should never happen...
-                       self.fp.write('\033[A') # ANSI up arrow
-                       self.lineno = self.lineno - 1
-               if self.colno < h:
-                       self.fp.write(' ' * (h - self.colno))
-               elif self.colno > h:
-                       self.fp.write('\b' * (self.colno - h))
-               self.colno = h
-               self.fp.write(str)
-               self.colno = h + len(str)
-# Formatting class to do nothing at all with the data
-class NullFormatter(BaseFormatter):
-       #
-       def __init__(self):
-               d = NullMeasurer()
-               b = NullBackEnd()
-               BaseFormatter.__init__(self, d, b)
-# Formatting class to write directly to a file
-class WritingFormatter(BaseFormatter):
-       #
-       def __init__(self, fp, width):
-               dm = NullMeasurer()
-               dw = FileWriter(fp)
-               b = WritingBackEnd(dw, width)
-               BaseFormatter.__init__(self, dm, b)
-               self.blanklines = 1
-       #
-       # Suppress multiple blank lines
-       def needvspace(self, nlines):
-               BaseFormatter.needvspace(self, min(1, nlines))
-# A "FunnyFormatter" writes ASCII text with a twist: *bold words*,
-# _italic text_ and _underlined words_, and `quoted text'.
-# It assumes that the fonts are 'r', 'i', 'b', 'u', 'q': (roman,
-# italic, bold, underline, quote).
-# Moreover, if the font is in upper case, the text is converted to
-class FunnyFormatter(WritingFormatter):
-       #
-       def flush(self):
-               if self.para: finalize(self.para)
-               WritingFormatter.flush(self)
-# Surrounds *bold words* and _italic text_ in a paragraph with
-# appropriate markers, fixing the size (assuming these characters'
-# width is 1).
-openchar = \
-    {'b':'*', 'i':'_', 'u':'_', 'q':'`', 'B':'*', 'I':'_', 'U':'_', 'Q':'`'}
-closechar = \
-    {'b':'*', 'i':'_', 'u':'_', 'q':'\'', 'B':'*', 'I':'_', 'U':'_', 'Q':'\''}
-def finalize(para):
-       oldfont = curfont = 'r'
-       para.words.append('r', '', 0, 0, 0, 0) # temporary, deleted at end
-       for i in range(len(para.words)):
-               fo, te, wi = para.words[i][:3]
-               if fo <> None: curfont = fo
-               if curfont <> oldfont:
-                       if closechar.has_key(oldfont):
-                               c = closechar[oldfont]
-                               j = i-1
-                               while j > 0 and para.words[j][1] == '': j = j-1
-                               fo1, te1, wi1 = para.words[j][:3]
-                               te1 = te1 + c
-                               wi1 = wi1 + len(c)
-                               para.words[j] = (fo1, te1, wi1) + \
-                                       para.words[j][3:]
-                       if openchar.has_key(curfont) and te:
-                               c = openchar[curfont]
-                               te = c + te
-                               wi = len(c) + wi
-                               para.words[i] = (fo, te, wi) + \
-                                       para.words[i][3:]
-                       if te: oldfont = curfont
-                       else: oldfont = 'r'
-               if curfont in string.uppercase:
-                       te = string.upper(te)
-                       para.words[i] = (fo, te, wi) + para.words[i][3:]
-       del para.words[-1]
-# Formatter back-end to draw the text in a window.
-# This has an option to draw while the paragraphs are being added,
-# to minimize the delay before the user sees anything.
-# This manages the entire "document" of the window.
-class StdwinBackEnd(SavingBackEnd):
-       #
-       def __init__(self, window, drawnow):
-               self.window = window
-               self.drawnow = drawnow
-               self.width = window.getwinsize()[0]
-               self.selection = None
-               self.height = 0
-               window.setorigin(0, 0)
-               window.setdocsize(0, 0)
-               self.d = window.begindrawing()
-               SavingBackEnd.__init__(self)
-       #
-       def finish(self):
-               self.d.close()
-               self.d = None
-               self.window.setdocsize(0, self.height)
-       #
-       def addpara(self, p):
-               self.paralist.append(p)
-               if self.drawnow:
-                       self.height = \
-                               p.render(self.d, 0, self.height, self.width)
-               else:
-                       p.layout(self.width)
-                       p.left = 0
-                       p.top = self.height
-                       p.right = self.width
-                       p.bottom = self.height + p.height
-                       self.height = p.bottom
-       #
-       def resize(self):
-               self.window.change((0, 0), (self.width, self.height))
-               self.width = self.window.getwinsize()[0]
-               self.height = 0
-               for p in self.paralist:
-                       p.layout(self.width)
-                       p.left = 0
-                       p.top = self.height
-                       p.right = self.width
-                       p.bottom = self.height + p.height
-                       self.height = p.bottom
-               self.window.change((0, 0), (self.width, self.height))
-               self.window.setdocsize(0, self.height)
-       #
-       def redraw(self, area):
-               d = self.window.begindrawing()
-               (left, top), (right, bottom) = area
-               d.erase(area)
-               d.cliprect(area)
-               for p in self.paralist:
-                       if top < p.bottom and p.top < bottom:
-                               v = p.render(d, p.left, p.top, p.right)
-               if self.selection:
-                       self.invert(d, self.selection)
-               d.close()
-       #
-       def setselection(self, new):
-               if new:
-                       long1, long2 = new
-                       pos1 = long1[:3]
-                       pos2 = long2[:3]
-                       new = pos1, pos2
-               if new <> self.selection:
-                       d = self.window.begindrawing()
-                       if self.selection:
-                               self.invert(d, self.selection)
-                       if new:
-                               self.invert(d, new)
-                       d.close()
-                       self.selection = new
-       #
-       def getselection(self):
-               return self.selection
-       #
-       def extractselection(self):
-               if self.selection:
-                       a, b = self.selection
-                       return self.extractpart(a, b)
-               else:
-                       return None
-       #
-       def invert(self, d, region):
-               long1, long2 = region
-               if long1 > long2: long1, long2 = long2, long1
-               para1, pos1 = long1
-               para2, pos2 = long2
-               while para1 < para2:
-                       self.paralist[para1].invert(d, pos1, None)
-                       pos1 = None
-                       para1 = para1 + 1
-               self.paralist[para2].invert(d, pos1, pos2)
-       #
-       def search(self, prog):
-               import regex, string
-               if type(prog) == type(''):
-                       prog = regex.compile(string.lower(prog))
-               if self.selection:
-                       iold = self.selection[0][0]
-               else:
-                       iold = -1
-               hit = None
-               for i in range(len(self.paralist)):
-                       if i == iold or i < iold and hit:
-                               continue
-                       p = self.paralist[i]
-                       text = string.lower(p.extract())
-                       if prog.search(text) >= 0:
-                               a, b = prog.regs[0]
-                               long1 = i, a
-                               long2 = i, b
-                               hit = long1, long2
-                               if i > iold:
-                                       break
-               if hit:
-                       self.setselection(hit)
-                       i = hit[0][0]
-                       p = self.paralist[i]
-                       self.window.show((p.left, p.top), (p.right, p.bottom))
-                       return 1
-               else:
-                       return 0
-       #
-       def showanchor(self, id):
-               for i in range(len(self.paralist)):
-                       p = self.paralist[i]
-                       if p.hasanchor(id):
-                               long1 = i, 0
-                               long2 = i, len(p.extract())
-                               hit = long1, long2
-                               self.setselection(hit)
-                               self.window.show( \
-                                       (p.left, p.top), (p.right, p.bottom))
-                               break
-# GL extensions
-class GLFontCache:
-       #
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.reset()
-               self.setfont('')
-       #
-       def reset(self):
-               self.fontkey = None
-               self.fonthandle = None
-               self.fontinfo = None
-               self.fontcache = {}
-       #
-       def close(self):
-               self.reset()
-       #
-       def setfont(self, fontkey):
-               if fontkey == '':
-                       fontkey = 'Times-Roman 12'
-               elif ' ' not in fontkey:
-                       fontkey = fontkey + ' 12'
-               if fontkey == self.fontkey:
-                       return
-               if self.fontcache.has_key(fontkey):
-                       handle = self.fontcache[fontkey]
-               else:
-                       import string
-                       i = string.index(fontkey, ' ')
-                       name, sizestr = fontkey[:i], fontkey[i:]
-                       size = eval(sizestr)
-                       key1 = name + ' 1'
-                       key = name + ' ' + `size`
-                       # NB key may differ from fontkey!
-                       if self.fontcache.has_key(key):
-                               handle = self.fontcache[key]
-                       else:
-                               if self.fontcache.has_key(key1):
-                                       handle = self.fontcache[key1]
-                               else:
-                                       import fm
-                                       handle = fm.findfont(name)
-                                       self.fontcache[key1] = handle
-                               handle = handle.scalefont(size)
-                               self.fontcache[fontkey] = \
-                                       self.fontcache[key] = handle
-               self.fontkey = fontkey
-               if self.fonthandle <> handle:
-                       self.fonthandle = handle
-                       self.fontinfo = handle.getfontinfo()
-                       handle.setfont()
-class GLMeasurer(GLFontCache):
-       #
-       def textwidth(self, text):
-               return self.fonthandle.getstrwidth(text)
-       #
-       def baseline(self):
-               return self.fontinfo[6] - self.fontinfo[3]
-       #
-       def lineheight(self):
-               return self.fontinfo[6]
-class GLWriter(GLFontCache):
-       #
-       # NOTES:
-       # (1) Use gl.ortho2 to use X pixel coordinates!
-       #
-       def text(self, (h, v), text):
-               import gl, fm
-               gl.cmov2i(h, v + self.fontinfo[6] - self.fontinfo[3])
-               fm.prstr(text)
-       #
-       def setfont(self, fontkey):
-               oldhandle = self.fonthandle
-               GLFontCache.setfont(fontkey)
-               if self.fonthandle <> oldhandle:
-                       handle.setfont()
-class GLMeasurerWriter(GLMeasurer, GLWriter):
-       pass
-class GLBackEnd(SavingBackEnd):
-       #
-       def __init__(self, wid):
-               import gl
-               gl.winset(wid)
-               self.wid = wid
-               self.width = gl.getsize()[1]
-               self.height = 0
-               self.d = GLMeasurerWriter()
-               SavingBackEnd.__init__(self)
-       #
-       def finish(self):
-               pass
-       #
-       def addpara(self, p):
-               self.paralist.append(p)
-               self.height = p.render(self.d, 0, self.height, self.width)
-       #
-       def redraw(self):
-               import gl
-               gl.winset(self.wid)
-               width = gl.getsize()[1]
-               if width <> self.width:
-                       setdocsize = 1
-                       self.width = width
-                       for p in self.paralist:
-                               p.top = p.bottom = None
-               d = self.d
-               v = 0
-               for p in self.paralist:
-                       v = p.render(d, 0, v, width)
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/htmllib.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/htmllib.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index f45657f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
-# A parser for HTML documents
-# HTML: HyperText Markup Language; an SGML-like syntax used by WWW to
-# describe hypertext documents
-# SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language
-# WWW: World-Wide Web; a distributed hypertext system develped at CERN
-# CERN: European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland
-# This file is only concerned with parsing and formatting HTML
-# documents, not with the other (hypertext and networking) aspects of
-# the WWW project.  (It does support highlighting of anchors.)
-import os
-import sys
-import regex
-import string
-import sgmllib
-class HTMLParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
-       # Copy base class entities and add some
-       entitydefs = {}
-       for key in sgmllib.SGMLParser.entitydefs.keys():
-               entitydefs[key] = sgmllib.SGMLParser.entitydefs[key]
-       entitydefs['bullet'] = '*'
-       # Provided -- handlers for tags introducing literal text
-       def start_listing(self, attrs):
-               self.setliteral('listing')
-               self.literal_bgn('listing', attrs)
-       def end_listing(self):
-               self.literal_end('listing')
-       def start_xmp(self, attrs):
-               self.setliteral('xmp')
-               self.literal_bgn('xmp', attrs)
-       def end_xmp(self):
-               self.literal_end('xmp')
-       def do_plaintext(self, attrs):
-               self.setnomoretags()
-               self.literal_bgn('plaintext', attrs)
-       # To be overridden -- begin/end literal mode
-       def literal_bgn(self, tag, attrs): pass
-       def literal_end(self, tag): pass
-# Next level of sophistication -- collect anchors, title, nextid and isindex
-class CollectingParser(HTMLParser):
-       #
-       def __init__(self):
-               HTMLParser.__init__(self)
-               self.savetext = None
-               self.nextid = ''
-               self.isindex = 0
-               self.title = ''
-               self.inanchor = 0
-               self.anchors = []
-               self.anchornames = []
-               self.anchortypes = []
-       #
-       def start_a(self, attrs):
-               self.inanchor = 0
-               href = ''
-               name = ''
-               type = ''
-               for attrname, value in attrs:
-                       if attrname == 'href':
-                               href = value
-                       if attrname == 'name=':
-                               name = value
-                       if attrname == 'type=':
-                               type = string.lower(value)
-               if not (href or name):
-                       return
-               self.anchors.append(href)
-               self.anchornames.append(name)
-               self.anchortypes.append(type)
-               self.inanchor = len(self.anchors)
-               if not href:
-                       self.inanchor = -self.inanchor
-       #
-       def end_a(self):
-               if self.inanchor > 0:
-                       # Don't show anchors pointing into the current document
-                       if self.anchors[self.inanchor-1][:1] <> '#':
-                               self.handle_data('[' + `self.inanchor` + ']')
-               self.inanchor = 0
-       #
-       def start_header(self, attrs): pass
-       def end_header(self): pass
-       #
-       # (head is the same as header)
-       def start_head(self, attrs): pass
-       def end_head(self): pass
-       #
-       def start_body(self, attrs): pass
-       def end_body(self): pass
-       #
-       def do_nextid(self, attrs):
-               self.nextid = attrs
-       #
-       def do_isindex(self, attrs):
-               self.isindex = 1
-       #
-       def start_title(self, attrs):
-               self.savetext = ''
-       #
-       def end_title(self):
-               if self.savetext <> None:
-                       self.title = self.savetext
-                       self.savetext = None
-       #
-       def handle_data(self, text):
-               if self.savetext is not None:
-                       self.savetext = self.savetext + text
-# Formatting parser -- takes a formatter and a style sheet as arguments
-# XXX The use of style sheets should change: for each tag and end tag
-# there should be a style definition, and a style definition should
-# encompass many more parameters: font, justification, indentation,
-# vspace before, vspace after, hanging tag...
-wordprog = regex.compile('[^ \t\n]*')
-spaceprog = regex.compile('[ \t\n]*')
-class FormattingParser(CollectingParser):
-       def __init__(self, formatter, stylesheet):
-               CollectingParser.__init__(self)
-               self.fmt = formatter
-               self.stl = stylesheet
-               self.savetext = None
-               self.compact = 0
-               self.nofill = 0
-               self.resetfont()
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-       def resetfont(self):
-               self.fontstack = []
-               self.stylestack = []
-               self.fontset = self.stl.stdfontset
-               self.style = ROMAN
-               self.passfont()
-       def passfont(self):
-               font = self.fontset[self.style]
-               self.fmt.setfont(font)
-       def pushstyle(self, style):
-               self.stylestack.append(self.style)
-               self.style = min(style, len(self.fontset)-1)
-               self.passfont()
-       def popstyle(self):
-               self.style = self.stylestack[-1]
-               del self.stylestack[-1]
-               self.passfont()
-       def pushfontset(self, fontset, style):
-               self.fontstack.append(self.fontset)
-               self.fontset = fontset
-               self.pushstyle(style)
-       def popfontset(self):
-               self.fontset = self.fontstack[-1]
-               del self.fontstack[-1]
-               self.popstyle()
-       def flush(self):
-               self.fmt.flush()
-       def setindent(self, n):
-               self.fmt.setleftindent(n)
-       def needvspace(self, n):
-               self.fmt.needvspace(n)
-       def close(self):
-               HTMLParser.close(self)
-               self.fmt.flush()
-       def handle_literal(self, text):
-               lines = string.splitfields(text, '\n')
-               for i in range(1, len(lines)):
-                       lines[i] = string.expandtabs(lines[i], 8)
-               for line in lines[:-1]:
-                       self.fmt.addword(line, 0)
-                       self.fmt.flush()
-                       self.fmt.nospace = 0
-               for line in lines[-1:]:
-                       self.fmt.addword(line, 0)
-       def handle_data(self, text):
-               if self.savetext is not None:
-                       self.savetext = self.savetext + text
-                       return
-               if self.literal:
-                       self.handle_literal(text)
-                       return
-               i = 0
-               n = len(text)
-               while i < n:
-                       j = i + wordprog.match(text, i)
-                       word = text[i:j]
-                       i = j + spaceprog.match(text, j)
-                       self.fmt.addword(word, i-j)
-                       if self.nofill and '\n' in text[j:i]:
-                               self.fmt.flush()
-                               self.fmt.nospace = 0
-                               i = j+1
-                               while text[i-1] <> '\n': i = i+1
-       def literal_bgn(self, tag, attrs):
-               if tag == 'plaintext':
-                       self.flush()
-               else:
-                       self.needvspace(1)
-               self.pushfontset(self.stl.stdfontset, FIXED)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.literalindent)
-       def literal_end(self, tag):
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.popfontset()
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-       def start_title(self, attrs):
-               self.flush()
-               self.savetext = ''
-       # NB end_title is unchanged
-       def do_p(self, attrs):
-               if self.compact:
-                       self.flush()
-               else:
-                       self.needvspace(1)
-       def do_hr(self, attrs):
-               self.fmt.hrule()
-       def start_h1(self, attrs):
-               self.needvspace(2)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.h1indent)
-               self.pushfontset(self.stl.h1fontset, BOLD)
-               self.fmt.setjust('c')
-       def end_h1(self):
-               self.popfontset()
-               self.needvspace(2)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-               self.fmt.setjust('l')
-       def start_h2(self, attrs):
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.h2indent)
-               self.pushfontset(self.stl.h2fontset, BOLD)
-       def end_h2(self):
-               self.popfontset()
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-       def start_h3(self, attrs):
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-               self.pushfontset(self.stl.h3fontset, BOLD)
-       def end_h3(self):
-               self.popfontset()
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-       def start_h4(self, attrs):
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-               self.pushfontset(self.stl.stdfontset, BOLD)
-       def end_h4(self):
-               self.popfontset()
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-       start_h5 = start_h4
-       end_h5 = end_h4
-       start_h6 = start_h5
-       end_h6 = end_h5
-       start_h7 = start_h6
-       end_h7 = end_h6
-       def start_ul(self, attrs):
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               for attrname, value in attrs:
-                       if attrname == 'compact':
-                               self.compact = 1
-                               self.setindent(0)
-                               break
-               else:
-                       self.setindent(self.stl.ulindent)
-       start_dir = start_menu = start_ol = start_ul
-       do_li = do_p
-       def end_ul(self):
-               self.compact = 0
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-       end_dir = end_menu = end_ol = end_ul
-       def start_dl(self, attrs):
-               for attrname, value in attrs:
-                       if attrname == 'compact':
-                               self.compact = 1
-               self.needvspace(1)
-       def end_dl(self):
-               self.compact = 0
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-       def do_dt(self, attrs):
-               if self.compact:
-                       self.flush()
-               else:
-                       self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-       def do_dd(self, attrs):
-               self.fmt.addword('', 1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.ddindent)
-       def start_address(self, attrs):
-               self.compact = 1
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.fmt.setjust('r')
-       def end_address(self):
-               self.compact = 0
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.setindent(self.stl.stdindent)
-               self.fmt.setjust('l')
-       def start_pre(self, attrs):
-               self.needvspace(1)
-               self.nofill = self.nofill + 1
-               self.pushstyle(FIXED)
-       def end_pre(self):
-               self.popstyle()
-               self.nofill = self.nofill - 1
-               self.needvspace(1)
-       start_typewriter = start_pre
-       end_typewriter = end_pre
-       def do_img(self, attrs):
-               self.fmt.addword('(image)', 0)
-       # Physical styles
-       def start_tt(self, attrs): self.pushstyle(FIXED)
-       def end_tt(self): self.popstyle()
-       def start_b(self, attrs): self.pushstyle(BOLD)
-       def end_b(self): self.popstyle()
-       def start_i(self, attrs): self.pushstyle(ITALIC)
-       def end_i(self): self.popstyle()
-       def start_u(self, attrs): self.pushstyle(ITALIC) # Underline???
-       def end_u(self): self.popstyle()
-       def start_r(self, attrs): self.pushstyle(ROMAN) # Not official
-       def end_r(self): self.popstyle()
-       # Logical styles
-       start_em = start_i
-       end_em = end_i
-       start_strong = start_b
-       end_strong = end_b
-       start_code = start_tt
-       end_code = end_tt
-       start_samp = start_tt
-       end_samp = end_tt
-       start_kbd = start_tt
-       end_kbd = end_tt
-       start_file = start_tt # unofficial
-       end_file = end_tt
-       start_var = start_i
-       end_var = end_i
-       start_dfn = start_i
-       end_dfn = end_i
-       start_cite = start_i
-       end_cite = end_i
-       start_hp1 = start_i
-       end_hp1 = start_i
-       start_hp2 = start_b
-       end_hp2 = end_b
-       def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
-               print '*** unknown <' + tag + '>'
-       def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
-               print '*** unknown </' + tag + '>'
-# An extension of the formatting parser which formats anchors differently.
-class AnchoringParser(FormattingParser):
-       def start_a(self, attrs):
-               FormattingParser.start_a(self, attrs)
-               if self.inanchor:
-                       self.fmt.bgn_anchor(self.inanchor)
-       def end_a(self):
-               if self.inanchor:
-                       self.fmt.end_anchor(self.inanchor)
-                       self.inanchor = 0
-# Style sheet -- this is never instantiated, but the attributes
-# of the class object itself are used to specify fonts to be used
-# for various paragraph styles.
-# A font set is a non-empty list of fonts, in the order:
-# [roman, italic, bold, fixed].
-# When a style is not available the nearest lower style is used
-ROMAN = 0
-BOLD = 2
-FIXED = 3
-class NullStylesheet:
-       # Fonts -- none
-       stdfontset = [None]
-       h1fontset = [None]
-       h2fontset = [None]
-       h3fontset = [None]
-       # Indents
-       stdindent = 2
-       ddindent = 25
-       ulindent = 4
-       h1indent = 0
-       h2indent = 0
-       literalindent = 0
-class X11Stylesheet(NullStylesheet):
-       stdfontset = [ \
-               '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-*-100-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-100-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               ]
-       h1fontset = [ \
-               '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-180-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-*-180-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-180-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               ]
-       h2fontset = [ \
-               '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-*-140-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-140-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               ]
-       h3fontset = [ \
-               '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-*-120-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               '-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-100-*-*-*-*-*', \
-               ]
-       ddindent = 40
-class MacStylesheet(NullStylesheet):
-       stdfontset = [ \
-               ('Geneva', 'p', 10), \
-               ('Geneva', 'i', 10), \
-               ('Geneva', 'b', 10), \
-               ('Monaco', 'p', 10), \
-               ]
-       h1fontset = [ \
-               ('Geneva', 'p', 18), \
-               ('Geneva', 'i', 18), \
-               ('Geneva', 'b', 18), \
-               ('Monaco', 'p', 18), \
-               ]
-       h3fontset = [ \
-               ('Geneva', 'p', 14), \
-               ('Geneva', 'i', 14), \
-               ('Geneva', 'b', 14), \
-               ('Monaco', 'p', 14), \
-               ]
-       h3fontset = [ \
-               ('Geneva', 'p', 12), \
-               ('Geneva', 'i', 12), \
-               ('Geneva', 'b', 12), \
-               ('Monaco', 'p', 12), \
-               ]
-if os.name == 'mac':
-       StdwinStylesheet = MacStylesheet
-       StdwinStylesheet = X11Stylesheet
-class GLStylesheet(NullStylesheet):
-       stdfontset = [ \
-               'Helvetica 10', \
-               'Helvetica-Italic 10', \
-               'Helvetica-Bold 10', \
-               'Courier 10', \
-               ]
-       h1fontset = [ \
-               'Helvetica 18', \
-               'Helvetica-Italic 18', \
-               'Helvetica-Bold 18', \
-               'Courier 18', \
-               ]
-       h2fontset = [ \
-               'Helvetica 14', \
-               'Helvetica-Italic 14', \
-               'Helvetica-Bold 14', \
-               'Courier 14', \
-               ]
-       h3fontset = [ \
-               'Helvetica 12', \
-               'Helvetica-Italic 12', \
-               'Helvetica-Bold 12', \
-               'Courier 12', \
-               ]
-# Test program -- produces no output but times how long it takes
-# to send a document to a null formatter, exclusive of I/O
-def test():
-       import fmt
-       import time
-       import urllib
-       if sys.argv[1:]: file = sys.argv[1]
-       else: file = 'test.html'
-       data = urllib.urlopen(file).read()
-       t0 = time.time()
-       fmtr = fmt.WritingFormatter(sys.stdout, 79)
-       p = FormattingParser(fmtr, NullStylesheet)
-       p.feed(data)
-       p.close()
-       t1 = time.time()
-       print
-       print '*** Formatting time:', round(t1-t0, 3), 'seconds.'
-# Test program using stdwin
-def testStdwin():
-       import stdwin, fmt
-       from stdwinevents import *
-       if sys.argv[1:]: file = sys.argv[1]
-       else: file = 'test.html'
-       data = open(file, 'r').read()
-       window = stdwin.open('testStdwin')
-       b = None
-       while 1:
-               etype, ewin, edetail = stdwin.getevent()
-               if etype == WE_CLOSE:
-                       break
-               if etype == WE_SIZE:
-                       window.setdocsize(0, 0)
-                       window.setorigin(0, 0)
-                       window.change((0, 0), (10000, 30000)) # XXX
-               if etype == WE_DRAW:
-                       if not b:
-                               b = fmt.StdwinBackEnd(window, 1)
-                               f = fmt.BaseFormatter(b.d, b)
-                               p = FormattingParser(f, \
-                                                           MacStylesheet)
-                               p.feed(data)
-                               p.close()
-                               b.finish()
-                       else:
-                               b.redraw(edetail)
-       window.close()
-# Test program using GL
-def testGL():
-       import gl, GL, fmt
-       if sys.argv[1:]: file = sys.argv[1]
-       else: file = 'test.html'
-       data = open(file, 'r').read()
-       W, H = 600, 600
-       gl.foreground()
-       gl.prefsize(W, H)
-       wid = gl.winopen('testGL')
-       gl.ortho2(0, W, H, 0)
-       gl.color(GL.WHITE)
-       gl.clear()
-       gl.color(GL.BLACK)
-       b = fmt.GLBackEnd(wid)
-       f = fmt.BaseFormatter(b.d, b)
-       p = FormattingParser(f, GLStylesheet)
-       p.feed(data)
-       p.close()
-       b.finish()
-       #
-       import time
-       time.sleep(5)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-       test()
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/sgmllib.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/sgmllib.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index af75e0d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# A parser for SGML, using the derived class as static DTD.
-# XXX This only supports those SGML features used by HTML.
-# XXX There should be a way to distinguish between PCDATA (parsed
-# character data -- the normal case), RCDATA (replaceable character
-# data -- only char and entity references and end tags are special)
-# and CDATA (character data -- only end tags are special).
-import regex
-import string
-# Regular expressions used for parsing
-incomplete = regex.compile( \
-         '<!-?\|</[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ \t\n]*\|</?\|' + \
-         '&#[a-zA-Z0-9]*\|&[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\|&')
-entityref = regex.compile('&[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[;.]')
-charref = regex.compile('&#[a-zA-Z0-9]+;')
-starttagopen = regex.compile('<[a-zA-Z]')
-endtag = regex.compile('</[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ \t\n]*>')
-commentopen = regex.compile('<!--')
-# SGML parser base class -- find tags and call handler functions.
-# Usage: p = SGMLParser(); p.feed(data); ...; p.close().
-# The dtd is defined by deriving a class which defines methods
-# with special names to handle tags: start_foo and end_foo to handle
-# <foo> and </foo>, respectively, or do_foo to handle <foo> by itself.
-# (Tags are converted to lower case for this purpose.)  The data
-# between tags is passed to the parser by calling self.handle_data()
-# with some data as argument (the data may be split up in arbutrary
-# chunks).  Entity references are passed by calling
-# self.handle_entityref() with the entity reference as argument.
-class SGMLParser:
-       # Interface -- initialize and reset this instance
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.reset()
-       # Interface -- reset this instance.  Loses all unprocessed data
-       def reset(self):
-               self.rawdata = ''
-               self.stack = []
-               self.nomoretags = 0
-               self.literal = 0
-       # For derived classes only -- enter literal mode (CDATA) till EOF
-       def setnomoretags(self):
-               self.nomoretags = self.literal = 1
-       # For derived classes only -- enter literal mode (CDATA)
-       def setliteral(self, *args):
-               self.literal = 1
-       # Interface -- feed some data to the parser.  Call this as
-       # often as you want, with as little or as much text as you
-       # want (may include '\n').  (This just saves the text, all the
-       # processing is done by process() or close().)
-       def feed(self, data):
-               self.rawdata = self.rawdata + data
-               self.goahead(0)
-       # Interface -- handle the remaining data
-       def close(self):
-               self.goahead(1)
-       # Internal -- handle data as far as reasonable.  May leave state
-       # and data to be processed by a subsequent call.  If 'end' is
-       # true, force handling all data as if followed by EOF marker.
-       def goahead(self, end):
-               rawdata = self.rawdata
-               i = 0
-               n = len(rawdata)
-               while i < n:
-                       if self.nomoretags:
-                               self.handle_data(rawdata[i:n])
-                               i = n
-                               break
-                       j = incomplete.search(rawdata, i)
-                       if j < 0: j = n
-                       if i < j: self.handle_data(rawdata[i:j])
-                       i = j
-                       if i == n: break
-                       if rawdata[i] == '<':
-                               if starttagopen.match(rawdata, i) >= 0:
-                                       if self.literal:
-                                               self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
-                                               i = i+1
-                                               continue
-                                       k = self.parse_starttag(i)
-                                       if k < 0: break
-                                       i = i + k
-                                       continue
-                               k = endtag.match(rawdata, i)
-                               if k >= 0:
-                                       j = i+k
-                                       self.parse_endtag(rawdata[i:j])
-                                       i = j
-                                       self.literal = 0
-                                       continue
-                               if commentopen.match(rawdata, i) >= 0:
-                                       if self.literal:
-                                               self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
-                                               i = i+1
-                                               continue
-                                       k = self.parse_comment(i)
-                                       if k < 0: break
-                                       i = i+k
-                                       continue
-                       elif rawdata[i] == '&':
-                               k = charref.match(rawdata, i)
-                               if k >= 0:
-                                       j = i+k
-                                       self.handle_charref(rawdata[i+2:j-1])
-                                       i = j
-                                       continue
-                               k = entityref.match(rawdata, i)
-                               if k >= 0:
-                                       j = i+k
-                                       self.handle_entityref(rawdata[i+1:j-1])
-                                       i = j
-                                       continue
-                       else:
-                               raise RuntimeError, 'neither < nor & ??'
-                       # We get here only if incomplete matches but
-                       # nothing else
-                       k = incomplete.match(rawdata, i)
-                       if k < 0: raise RuntimeError, 'no incomplete match ??'
-                       j = i+k
-                       if j == n: break # Really incomplete
-                       self.handle_data(rawdata[i:j])
-                       i = j
-               # end while
-               if end and i < n:
-                       self.handle_data(rawdata[i:n])
-                       i = n
-               self.rawdata = rawdata[i:]
-               # XXX if end: check for empty stack
-       # Internal -- parse comment, return length or -1 if not ternimated
-       def parse_comment(self, i):
-               rawdata = self.rawdata
-               if rawdata[i:i+4] <> '<!--':
-                       raise RuntimeError, 'unexpected call to handle_comment'
-               try:
-                       j = string.index(rawdata, '--', i+4)
-               except string.index_error:
-                       return -1
-               self.handle_comment(rawdata[i+4: j])
-               j = j+2
-               n = len(rawdata)
-               while j < n and rawdata[j] in ' \t\n': j = j+1
-               if j == n: return -1 # Wait for final '>'
-               if rawdata[j] == '>':
-                       j = j+1
-               else:
-                       print '*** comment not terminated with >'
-                       print repr(rawdata[j-5:j]), '*!*', repr(rawdata[j:j+5])
-               return j-i
-       # Internal -- handle starttag, return length or -1 if not terminated
-       def parse_starttag(self, i):
-               rawdata = self.rawdata
-               try:
-                       j = string.index(rawdata, '>', i)
-               except string.index_error:
-                       return -1
-               # Now parse the data between i+1 and j into a tag and attrs
-               attrs = []
-               tagfind = regex.compile('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*')
-               attrfind = regex.compile( \
-                 '[ \t\n]+\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\)' + \
-                 '\([ \t\n]*=[ \t\n]*' + \
-                    '\(\'[^\']*\';\|"[^"]*"\|[-a-zA-Z0-9./:+*%?!()_#]+\)\)?')
-               k = tagfind.match(rawdata, i+1)
-               if k < 0:
-                       raise RuntimeError, 'unexpected call to parse_starttag'
-               k = i+1+k
-               tag = string.lower(rawdata[i+1:k])
-               while k < j:
-                       l = attrfind.match(rawdata, k)
-                       if l < 0: break
-                       regs = attrfind.regs
-                       a1, b1 = regs[1]
-                       a2, b2 = regs[2]
-                       a3, b3 = regs[3]
-                       attrname = rawdata[a1:b1]
-                       if '=' in rawdata[k:k+l]:
-                               attrvalue = rawdata[a3:b3]
-                               if attrvalue[:1] == '\'' == attrvalue[-1:] or \
-                                  attrvalue[:1] == '"' == attrvalue[-1:]:
-                                       attrvalue = attrvalue[1:-1]
-                       else:
-                               attrvalue = ''
-                       attrs.append(string.lower(attrname), attrvalue)
-                       k = k + l
-               j = j+1
-               try:
-                       method = getattr(self, 'start_' + tag)
-               except AttributeError:
-                       try:
-                               method = getattr(self, 'do_' + tag)
-                       except AttributeError:
-                               self.unknown_starttag(tag, attrs)
-                               return j-i
-                       method(attrs)
-                       return j-i
-               self.stack.append(tag)
-               method(attrs)
-               return j-i
-       # Internal -- parse endtag
-       def parse_endtag(self, data):
-               if data[:2] <> '</' or data[-1:] <> '>':
-                       raise RuntimeError, 'unexpected call to parse_endtag'
-               tag = string.lower(string.strip(data[2:-1]))
-               try:
-                       method = getattr(self, 'end_' + tag)
-               except AttributeError:
-                       self.unknown_endtag(tag)
-                       return
-               if self.stack and self.stack[-1] == tag:
-                       del self.stack[-1]
-               else:
-                       print '*** Unbalanced </' + tag + '>'
-                       print '*** Stack:', self.stack
-                       found = None
-                       for i in range(len(self.stack)):
-                               if self.stack[i] == tag: found = i
-                       if found <> None:
-                               del self.stack[found:]
-               method()
-       # Example -- handle character reference, no need to override
-       def handle_charref(self, name):
-               try:
-                       n = string.atoi(name)
-               except string.atoi_error:
-                       self.unknown_charref(name)
-                       return
-               if not 0 <= n <= 255:
-                       self.unknown_charref(name)
-                       return
-               self.handle_data(chr(n))
-       # Definition of entities -- derived classes may override
-       entitydefs = \
-               {'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', 'amp': '&', 'quot': '"', 'apos': '\''}
-       # Example -- handle entity reference, no need to override
-       def handle_entityref(self, name):
-               table = self.__class__.entitydefs
-               name = string.lower(name)
-               if table.has_key(name):
-                       self.handle_data(table[name])
-               else:
-                       self.unknown_entityref(name)
-                       return
-       # Example -- handle data, should be overridden
-       def handle_data(self, data):
-               pass
-       # Example -- handle comment, could be overridden
-       def handle_comment(self, data):
-               pass
-       # To be overridden -- handlers for unknown objects
-       def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): pass
-       def unknown_endtag(self, tag): pass
-       def unknown_charref(self, ref): pass
-       def unknown_entityref(self, ref): pass
-class TestSGML(SGMLParser):
-       def handle_data(self, data):
-               r = repr(data)
-               if len(r) > 72:
-                       r = r[:35] + '...' + r[-35:]
-               print 'data:', r
-       def handle_comment(self, data):
-               r = repr(data)
-               if len(r) > 68:
-                       r = r[:32] + '...' + r[-32:]
-               print 'comment:', r
-       def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
-               print 'start tag: <' + tag,
-               for name, value in attrs:
-                       print name + '=' + '"' + value + '"',
-               print '>'
-       def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
-               print 'end tag: </' + tag + '>'
-       def unknown_entityref(self, ref):
-               print '*** unknown entity ref: &' + ref + ';'
-       def unknown_charref(self, ref):
-               print '*** unknown char ref: &#' + ref + ';'
-def test():
-       file = 'test.html'
-       f = open(file, 'r')
-       x = TestSGML()
-       while 1:
-               line = f.readline()
-               if not line:
-                       x.close()
-                       break
-               x.feed(line)
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/tkfmt.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/tkfmt.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index adbb002..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Tk backend -- unfinished
-debug = 0
-from fmt import *
-class TkFormatter:
-       def __init__(self, text):
-               self.text = text        # The text widget to draw in
-               self.nospace = 1
-               self.blanklines = 0
-               self.font = ''
-       # Methods called by htmllib.FormattingParser:
-       def setfont(self, font):
-               if 1 or debug: print "setfont(%s)" % `font`
-               self.font = font
-       def resetfont(self):
-               if debug: print "resetfont()"
-               self.font = ''
-       def flush(self):
-               if debug: print "flush()"
-               self.needvspace(1)
-       def setleftindent(self, n):
-               if debug: print "setleftindent(%d)" % n
-       def needvspace(self, n):
-               if debug: print "needvspace(%d)" % n
-               self.blanklines = max(n, self.blanklines)
-               self.nospace = 1
-       def addword(self, word, nspaces):
-               if debug: print "addword(%s, %d)" % (`word`, nspaces)
-               if self.nospace and not word:
-                       return
-               if self.blanklines > 0:
-                       word = '\n'*self.blanklines + word
-               self.blanklines = 0
-               self.nospace = 0
-               here = self.text.index('end')
-               self.text.insert('end', word + nspaces*' ')
-               if not self.font:
-                       self.tag_remo
-       def setjust(self, c):
-               if debug: print "setjust(%s)" % `c`
-       def bgn_anchor(self):
-               if debug: print "bgn_anchor()"
-       def end_anchor(self):
-               if debug: print "end_anchor()"
-       def hrule(self):
-               if debug: print "hrule()"
-               self.flush()
-               self.addword('_'*60, 0)
-               self.flush()
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www1.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www1.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 558fd74..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www1.py -- print the contents of a URL on stdout
-import sys
-import urllib
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-       while 1:
-               line = fp.readline()
-               if not line: break
-               print line,
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www10.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www10.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index eef5220..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www10.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-# - make window resizable
-# - update display while reading
-# - vertical scroll bar
-# - rewritten as class
-# - editable url entry and reload button
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       viewer = Viewer()
-       viewer.load(url)
-       viewer.go()
-class Viewer:
-       def __init__(self):
-               # Create root window
-               self.root = Tk()
-               self.root.minsize(1, 1)
-               # Create topframe for the entry and button
-               self.topframe = Frame(self.root)
-               self.topframe.pack({'fill': 'x', 'side': 'top'})
-               # Create a label in front of the entry
-               self.urllabel = Label(self.topframe, {'text': 'URL:'})
-               self.urllabel.pack({'side': 'left'})
-               # Create the entry containing the URL
-               self.entry = Entry(self.topframe, {'relief': 'sunken'})
-               self.entry.pack({'side': 'left', 'fill': 'x', 'expand': 1})
-               self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.loadit)
-               # Create the button
-               self.reload = Button(self.topframe,
-                                    {'text': 'Reload',
-                                     'command': self.reload})
-               self.reload.pack({'side': 'right'})
-               # Create botframe for the text and scrollbar
-               self.botframe = Frame(self.root)
-               self.botframe.pack({'fill': 'both', 'expand': 1})
-               # The Scrollbar *must* be created first
-               self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.botframe)
-               self.vbar.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
-               self.text = Text(self.botframe)
-               self.text.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
-               # Link Text widget and Scrollbar
-               self.text['yscrollcommand'] = (self.vbar, 'set')
-               self.vbar['command'] = (self.text, 'yview')
-               self.url = None
-       def load(self, url):
-               # Load a new URL into the window
-               fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-               self.url = url
-               self.root.title(url)
-               self.entry.delete('0', 'end')
-               self.entry.insert('end', url)
-               self.text.delete('1.0', 'end')
-               while 1:
-                       line = fp.readline()
-                       if not line: break
-                       if line[-2:] == '\r\n': line = line[:-2] + '\n'
-                       self.text.insert('end', line)
-                       self.root.update_idletasks()
-               fp.close()
-       def go(self):
-               # Start Tk main loop
-               self.root.mainloop()
-       def reload(self, *args):
-               # Callback for Reload button
-               if self.url:
-                       self.load(self.url)
-       def loadit(self, *args):
-               # Callback for <Return> event in entry
-               self.load(self.entry.get())
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www11.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www11.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0b13ce1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www11.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-# - make window resizable
-# - update display while reading
-# - vertical scroll bar
-# - rewritten as class
-# - editable url entry and reload button
-# - error dialog
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-import Dialog
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       viewer = Viewer()
-       viewer.load(url)
-       viewer.go()
-class Viewer:
-       def __init__(self):
-               # Create root window
-               self.root = Tk()
-               self.root.minsize(1, 1)
-               # Create topframe for the entry and button
-               self.topframe = Frame(self.root)
-               self.topframe.pack({'fill': 'x'})
-               # Create a label in front of the entry
-               self.urllabel = Label(self.topframe, {'text': 'URL:'})
-               self.urllabel.pack({'side': 'left'})
-               # Create the entry containing the URL
-               self.entry = Entry(self.topframe,
-                                  {'relief': 'sunken', 'border': 2})
-               self.entry.pack({'side': 'left', 'fill': 'x', 'expand': 1})
-               self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.loadit)
-               # Create the button
-               self.reload = Button(self.topframe,
-                                    {'text': 'Reload',
-                                     'command': self.reload})
-               self.reload.pack({'side': 'right'})
-               # Create botframe for the text and scrollbar
-               self.botframe = Frame(self.root)
-               self.botframe.pack({'fill': 'both', 'expand': 1})
-               # The Scrollbar *must* be created first
-               self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.botframe)
-               self.vbar.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
-               self.text = Text(self.botframe)
-               self.text.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
-               # Link Text widget and Scrollbar
-               self.text['yscrollcommand'] = (self.vbar, 'set')
-               self.vbar['command'] = (self.text, 'yview')
-               self.url = None
-       def load(self, url):
-               # Load a new URL into the window
-               fp, url = self.urlopen(url)
-               if not fp:
-                       return
-               self.url = url
-               self.root.title(url)
-               self.entry.delete('0', 'end')
-               self.entry.insert('end', url)
-               self.text.delete('0.0', 'end')
-               while 1:
-                       line = fp.readline()
-                       if not line: break
-                       if line[-2:] == '\r\n': line = line[:-2] + '\n'
-                       self.text.insert('end', line)
-                       self.root.update_idletasks()
-               fp.close()
-       def urlopen(self, url):
-               # Open a URL --
-               # return (fp, url) if successful
-               # display dialog and return (None, url) for errors
-               try:
-                       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-               except IOError, msg:
-                       import types
-                       if type(msg) == types.TupleType and len(msg) == 4:
-                               if msg[1] == 302:
-                                       m = msg[3]
-                                       if m.has_key('location'):
-                                               url = m['location']
-                                               return self.urlopen(url)
-                                       elif m.has_key('uri'):
-                                               url = m['uri']
-                                               return self.urlopen(url)
-                       self.errordialog(IOError, msg)
-                       fp = None
-               return fp, url
-       def errordialog(self, exc, msg):
-               # Display an error dialog -- return when the user clicks OK
-               Dialog.Dialog(self.root, {
-                       'text': str(msg),
-                       'title': exc,
-                       'bitmap': 'error',
-                       'default': 0,
-                       'strings': ('OK',),
-                       })
-       def go(self):
-               # Start Tk main loop
-               self.root.mainloop()
-       def reload(self, *args):
-               # Callback for Reload button
-               if self.url:
-                       self.load(self.url)
-       def loadit(self, *args):
-               # Callback for <Return> event in entry
-               self.load(self.entry.get())
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www12.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www12.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 78884c9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www12.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-# - make window resizable
-# - update display while reading
-# - vertical scroll bar
-# - rewritten as class
-# - editable url entry and reload button
-# - error dialog
-# - menu bar; added 'master' option to constructor
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-import Dialog
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       tk = Tk()
-       tk.withdraw()
-       viewer = Viewer(tk)
-       viewer.load(url)
-       viewer.go()
-class Viewer:
-       def __init__(self, master = None):
-               # Create root window
-               if master is None:
-                       self.root = self.master = Tk()
-               else:
-                       self.master = master
-                       self.root = Toplevel(self.master)
-               self.root.minsize(1, 1)
-               # Create menu bar
-               self.mbar = Frame(self.root,
-                                 {'relief': 'raised',
-                                  'border': 2})
-               self.mbar.pack({'fill': 'x'})
-               # Create File menu
-               self.filebutton = Menubutton(self.mbar, {'text': 'File'})
-               self.filebutton.pack({'side': 'left'})
-               self.filemenu = Menu(self.filebutton)
-               self.filebutton['menu'] = self.filemenu
-               # Create Edit menu
-               self.editbutton = Menubutton(self.mbar, {'text': 'Edit'})
-               self.editbutton.pack({'side': 'left'})
-               self.editmenu = Menu(self.editbutton)
-               self.editbutton['menu'] = self.editmenu
-               # Magic so you can swipe from one button to the next
-               self.mbar.tk_menuBar(self.filebutton, self.editbutton)
-               # Populate File menu
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'New',
-                                             'command': self.new_command})
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'Open...',
-                                             'command': self.open_command})
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'Clone',
-                                             'command': self.clone_command})
-               self.filemenu.add('separator')
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'Close',
-                                             'command': self.close_command})
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'Quit',
-                                             'command': self.quit_command})
-               # Populate Edit menu
-               pass
-               # Create topframe for the entry and button
-               self.topframe = Frame(self.root)
-               self.topframe.pack({'fill': 'x'})
-               # Create a label in front of the entry
-               self.urllabel = Label(self.topframe, {'text': 'URL:'})
-               self.urllabel.pack({'side': 'left'})
-               # Create the entry containing the URL
-               self.entry = Entry(self.topframe,
-                                  {'relief': 'sunken', 'border': 2})
-               self.entry.pack({'side': 'left', 'fill': 'x', 'expand': 1})
-               self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.loadit)
-               # Create the button
-               self.reload = Button(self.topframe,
-                                    {'text': 'Reload',
-                                     'command': self.reload})
-               self.reload.pack({'side': 'right'})
-               # Create botframe for the text and scrollbar
-               self.botframe = Frame(self.root)
-               self.botframe.pack({'fill': 'both', 'expand': 1})
-               # The Scrollbar *must* be created first
-               self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.botframe)
-               self.vbar.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
-               self.text = Text(self.botframe)
-               self.text.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
-               # Link Text widget and Scrollbar
-               self.text['yscrollcommand'] = (self.vbar, 'set')
-               self.vbar['command'] = (self.text, 'yview')
-               self.url = None
-       def load(self, url):
-               # Load a new URL into the window
-               fp, url = self.urlopen(url)
-               if not fp:
-                       return
-               self.url = url
-               self.root.title(url)
-               self.entry.delete('0', 'end')
-               self.entry.insert('end', url)
-               self.text.delete('0.0', 'end')
-               while 1:
-                       line = fp.readline()
-                       if not line: break
-                       if line[-2:] == '\r\n': line = line[:-2] + '\n'
-                       self.text.insert('end', line)
-                       self.root.update_idletasks()
-               fp.close()
-       def urlopen(self, url):
-               # Open a URL --
-               # return (fp, url) if successful
-               # display dialog and return (None, url) for errors
-               try:
-                       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-               except IOError, msg:
-                       import types
-                       if type(msg) == types.TupleType and len(msg) == 4:
-                               if msg[1] == 302:
-                                       m = msg[3]
-                                       if m.has_key('location'):
-                                               url = m['location']
-                                               return self.urlopen(url)
-                                       elif m.has_key('uri'):
-                                               url = m['uri']
-                                               return self.urlopen(url)
-                       self.errordialog(IOError, msg)
-                       fp = None
-               return fp, url
-       def errordialog(self, exc, msg):
-               # Display an error dialog -- return when the user clicks OK
-               Dialog.Dialog(self.root, {
-                       'text': str(msg),
-                       'title': exc,
-                       'bitmap': 'error',
-                       'default': 0,
-                       'strings': ('OK',),
-                       })
-       def go(self):
-               # Start Tk main loop
-               self.root.mainloop()
-       def reload(self, *args):
-               # Callback for Reload button
-               if self.url:
-                       self.load(self.url)
-       def loadit(self, *args):
-               # Callback for <Return> event in entry
-               self.load(self.entry.get())
-       def new_command(self):
-               # File/New...
-               Viewer(self.master)
-       def clone_command(self):
-               # File/Clone
-               v = Viewer(self.master)
-               v.load(self.url)
-       def open_command(self):
-               # File/Open...
-               print "File/Open...: Not implemented"
-       def close_command(self):
-               # File/Close
-               self.destroy()
-       def quit_command(self):
-               # File/Quit
-               self.root.quit()
-       def destroy(self):
-               # Destroy this window
-               self.root.destroy()
-               if self.master is not self.root and not self.master.children:
-                       self.master.quit()
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www13.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www13.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 90de016..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www13.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-# - make window resizable
-# - update display while reading
-# - vertical scroll bar
-# - rewritten as class
-# - editable url entry and reload button
-# - error dialog
-# - menu bar; added 'master' option to constructor
-# - Added HTML parser
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-import Dialog
-import tkfmt
-import htmllib
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       tk = Tk()
-       tk.withdraw()
-       viewer = Viewer(tk)
-       viewer.load(url)
-       viewer.go()
-class Viewer:
-       def __init__(self, master = None):
-               # Create root window
-               if master is None:
-                       self.root = self.master = Tk()
-               else:
-                       self.master = master
-                       self.root = Toplevel(self.master)
-               self.root.minsize(1, 1)
-               # Create menu bar
-               self.mbar = Frame(self.root,
-                                 {'relief': 'raised',
-                                  'border': 2})
-               self.mbar.pack({'fill': 'x'})
-               # Create File menu
-               self.filebutton = Menubutton(self.mbar, {'text': 'File'})
-               self.filebutton.pack({'side': 'left'})
-               self.filemenu = Menu(self.filebutton)
-               self.filebutton['menu'] = self.filemenu
-               # Create Edit menu
-               self.editbutton = Menubutton(self.mbar, {'text': 'Edit'})
-               self.editbutton.pack({'side': 'left'})
-               self.editmenu = Menu(self.editbutton)
-               self.editbutton['menu'] = self.editmenu
-               # Magic so you can swipe from one button to the next
-               self.mbar.tk_menuBar(self.filebutton, self.editbutton)
-               # Populate File menu
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'New',
-                                             'command': self.new_command})
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'Open...',
-                                             'command': self.open_command})
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'Clone',
-                                             'command': self.clone_command})
-               self.filemenu.add('separator')
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'Close',
-                                             'command': self.close_command})
-               self.filemenu.add('command', {'label': 'Quit',
-                                             'command': self.quit_command})
-               # Populate Edit menu
-               pass
-               # Create topframe for the entry and button
-               self.topframe = Frame(self.root)
-               self.topframe.pack({'fill': 'x'})
-               # Create a label in front of the entry
-               self.urllabel = Label(self.topframe, {'text': 'URL:'})
-               self.urllabel.pack({'side': 'left'})
-               # Create the entry containing the URL
-               self.entry = Entry(self.topframe,
-                                  {'relief': 'sunken', 'border': 2})
-               self.entry.pack({'side': 'left', 'fill': 'x', 'expand': 1})
-               self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.loadit)
-               # Create the button
-               self.reload = Button(self.topframe,
-                                    {'text': 'Reload',
-                                     'command': self.reload})
-               self.reload.pack({'side': 'right'})
-               # Create botframe for the text and scrollbar
-               self.botframe = Frame(self.root)
-               self.botframe.pack({'fill': 'both', 'expand': 1})
-               # The Scrollbar *must* be created first
-               self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.botframe)
-               self.vbar.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
-               self.text = Text(self.botframe)
-               self.text.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
-               # Link Text widget and Scrollbar
-               self.text['yscrollcommand'] = (self.vbar, 'set')
-               self.vbar['command'] = (self.text, 'yview')
-               self.url = None
-       def load(self, url):
-               # Load a new URL into the window
-               fp, url = self.urlopen(url)
-               if not fp:
-                       return
-               self.url = url
-               self.root.title(url)
-               self.entry.delete('0', 'end')
-               self.entry.insert('end', url)
-               self.text.delete('0.0', 'end')
-               f = tkfmt.TkFormatter(self.text)
-               p = htmllib.FormattingParser(f, htmllib.X11Stylesheet)
-               while 1:
-                       line = fp.readline()
-                       if not line: break
-                       if line[-2:] == '\r\n': line = line[:-2] + '\n'
-                       p.feed(line)
-                       self.root.update_idletasks()
-               p.close()
-               fp.close()
-       def urlopen(self, url):
-               # Open a URL --
-               # return (fp, url) if successful
-               # display dialog and return (None, url) for errors
-               try:
-                       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-               except IOError, msg:
-                       import types
-                       if type(msg) == types.TupleType and len(msg) == 4:
-                               if msg[1] == 302:
-                                       m = msg[3]
-                                       if m.has_key('location'):
-                                               url = m['location']
-                                               return self.urlopen(url)
-                                       elif m.has_key('uri'):
-                                               url = m['uri']
-                                               return self.urlopen(url)
-                       self.errordialog(IOError, msg)
-                       fp = None
-               return fp, url
-       def errordialog(self, exc, msg):
-               # Display an error dialog -- return when the user clicks OK
-               Dialog.Dialog(self.root, {
-                       'text': str(msg),
-                       'title': exc,
-                       'bitmap': 'error',
-                       'default': 0,
-                       'strings': ('OK',),
-                       })
-       def go(self):
-               # Start Tk main loop
-               self.root.mainloop()
-       def reload(self, *args):
-               # Callback for Reload button
-               if self.url:
-                       self.load(self.url)
-       def loadit(self, *args):
-               # Callback for <Return> event in entry
-               self.load(self.entry.get())
-       def new_command(self):
-               # File/New...
-               Viewer(self.master)
-       def clone_command(self):
-               # File/Clone
-               v = Viewer(self.master)
-               v.load(self.url)
-       def open_command(self):
-               # File/Open...
-               print "File/Open...: Not implemented"
-       def close_command(self):
-               # File/Close
-               self.destroy()
-       def quit_command(self):
-               # File/Quit
-               self.root.quit()
-       def destroy(self):
-               # Destroy this window
-               self.root.destroy()
-               if self.master is not self.root and not self.master.children:
-                       self.master.quit()
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www2.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www2.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 3501803..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www2.py -- print the contents of a URL on stdout
-# - error checking
-import sys
-import urllib
-import types
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       fp = my_urlopen(url)
-       while 1:
-               line = fp.readline()
-               if not line: break
-               sys.stdout.write(line)
-def my_urlopen(url):
-       try:
-               fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-               return fp
-       except IOError, msg:
-               if type(msg) == types.TupleType and len(msg) == 4:
-                       print msg[:3]
-                       m = msg[3]
-                       for line in m.headers:
-                               sys.stdout.write(line)
-               else:
-                       print msg
-               sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www3.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www3.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e1b1bc5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www3.py -- print the contents of a URL on stdout
-# - error checking
-# - Error 302 handling
-import sys
-import urllib
-import types
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       fp = my_urlopen(url)
-       while 1:
-               line = fp.readline()
-               if not line: break
-               sys.stdout.write(line)
-def my_urlopen(url):
-       try:
-               fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-               return fp
-       except IOError, msg:
-               if type(msg) == types.TupleType and len(msg) == 4:
-                       m = msg[3]
-                       if msg[1] == 302:
-                               if m.has_key('location'):
-                                       url = m['location']
-                                       print 'Location:', url
-                                       return my_urlopen(url)
-                               elif m.has_key('uri'):
-                                       url = m['uri']
-                                       print 'URI:', url
-                                       return my_urlopen(url)
-                               print '(Error 302 w/o Location/URI header???)'
-                       print msg[:3]
-                       for line in m.headers:
-                               sys.stdout.write(line)
-               else:
-                       print msg
-               sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www4.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www4.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index b916dca..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www4.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-       text = Text()                   # Create text widget
-       text.pack()                     # Realize it
-       while 1:
-               line = fp.readline()
-               if not line: break
-               text.insert('end', line)        # Append line to text widget
-       text.mainloop()                 # Start Tk main loop
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www5.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www5.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 83f6ab9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www5.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-       root = Tk()
-       root.title(url)                 # Set window manager title
-       text = Text(root)
-       text.pack()
-       while 1:
-               line = fp.readline()
-               if not line: break
-               text.insert('end', line)
-       text.mainloop()
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www6.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www6.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index a8824fa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www6.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-# - make window resizable
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-       root = Tk()
-       root.title(url)
-       root.minsize(1, 1)              # Set minimum size
-       text = Text(root)
-       text.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both'}) # Expand into available space
-       while 1:
-               line = fp.readline()
-               if not line: break
-               text.insert('end', line)
-       root.mainloop()                 # Start Tk main loop (for root!)
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www7.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www7.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index be66dc8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www7.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-# - make window resizable
-# - update display while reading
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-       root = Tk()
-       root.title(url)
-       root.minsize(1, 1)
-       text = Text(root)
-       text.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both'})
-       while 1:
-               line = fp.readline()
-               if not line: break
-               text.insert('end', line)
-               root.update_idletasks()         # Update display
-       root.mainloop()
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www8.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www8.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 097121b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www8.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-# - make window resizable
-# - update display while reading
-# - vertical scroll bar
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-       # Create root window
-       root = Tk()
-       root.title(url)
-       root.minsize(1, 1)
-       # The Scrollbar *must* be created first -- this is magic for me :-(
-       vbar = Scrollbar(root)
-       vbar.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
-       text = Text(root, {'yscrollcommand': (vbar, 'set')})
-       text.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
-       # Link Text widget and Scrollbar -- this is magic for you :-)
-       ##text['yscrollcommand'] = (vbar, 'set')
-       vbar['command'] = (text, 'yview')
-       while 1:
-               line = fp.readline()
-               if not line: break
-               text.insert('end', line)
-               root.update_idletasks()
-       root.mainloop()
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/www/www9.py b/Demo/tkinter/www/www9.py
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 12ca0f3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# www9.py -- display the contents of a URL in a Text widget
-# - set window title
-# - make window resizable
-# - update display while reading
-# - vertical scroll bar
-# - rewritten as class
-import sys
-import urllib
-from Tkinter import *
-def main():
-       if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1][:1] == '-':
-               print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "url"
-               sys.exit(2)
-       url = sys.argv[1]
-       viewer = Viewer()
-       viewer.load(url)
-       viewer.go()
-class Viewer:
-       def __init__(self):
-               # Create root window
-               self.root = Tk()
-               self.root.minsize(1, 1)
-               # The Scrollbar *must* be created first
-               self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.root)
-               self.vbar.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
-               self.text = Text(self.root)
-               self.text.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
-               # Link Text widget and Scrollbar
-               self.text['yscrollcommand'] = (self.vbar, 'set')
-               self.vbar['command'] = (self.text, 'yview')
-       def load(self, url):
-               # Load a new URL into the window
-               fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
-               self.root.title(url)
-               self.text.delete('0.0', 'end')
-               while 1:
-                       line = fp.readline()
-                       if not line: break
-                       self.text.insert('end', line)
-                       self.root.update_idletasks()
-               fp.close()
-       def go(self):
-               # Start Tk main loop
-               self.root.mainloop()