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> > > saying this is a major issue for PostgreSQL but the numbers would be
> > > interesting.
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+Subject: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+From: Greg Stark <>
+Organization: The Emacs Conspiracy; member since 1992
+Date: 27 Jan 2004 15:36:20 -0500
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+How feasible would it be to have a btree index on ctid? I'm thinking it ought
+to work simply enough for the normal case of insert/delet/update, but I'm not
+completely certain how vacuum, vacuum full, and cluster would interact.
+You may think this would be utterly useless, but I have a cunning plan.
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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+From Tue Jan 27 18:01:59 2004
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+To: Greg Stark <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
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+Comments: In-reply-to Greg Stark <>
+ message dated "27 Jan 2004 15:36:20 -0500"
+Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 17:51:56 -0500
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+From: Tom Lane <>
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+Greg Stark <> writes:
+> How feasible would it be to have a btree index on ctid?
+Why would you want one? Direct access by ctid beats out an index lookup
+every time. In any case, vacuum and friends would break such an index
+ regards, tom lane
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+From Tue Jan 27 18:19:13 2004
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+To: Tom Lane <>
+cc: Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+References: <>
+ <>
+In-Reply-To: <>
+From: Greg Stark <>
+Organization: The Emacs Conspiracy; member since 1992
+Date: 27 Jan 2004 18:11:31 -0500
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+Tom Lane <> writes:
+> Greg Stark <> writes:
+> > How feasible would it be to have a btree index on ctid?
+> Why would you want one? Direct access by ctid beats out an index lookup
+> every time.
+Of course. But as I mentioned, I have a cunning plan.
+If you have two indexes (a,ctid) and (b,ctid) and do a query where a=1 and b=2
+then it would be particularly easy to combine the two efficiently.
+If specially marked btree indexes -- or even all btree indexes -- implicitly
+had ctid as a final sort order after all the index column, then it would
+esentially obviate the need for bitmap indexes. They wouldn't have the space
+advantage, but they would be possible to combine using arbitrary boolean
+expressions without looking at the actual tuples.
+This is essentially what is in the TODO about using bitmaps, but without
+having to do any extra sorts.
+This would only really be an advantage for particularly wide tables where the
+combination of boolean clauses narrows the result set down a lot more than any
+one clause.
+> In any case, vacuum and friends would break such an index entirely.
+That was what I was afraid of.
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
+From Tue Jan 27 18:32:25 2004
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+To: Greg Stark <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <> <> <>
+Comments: In-reply-to Greg Stark <>
+ message dated "27 Jan 2004 18:11:31 -0500"
+Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:24:41 -0500
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+From: Tom Lane <>
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+Greg Stark <> writes:
+> If you have two indexes (a,ctid) and (b,ctid) and do a query where a=1 and b=2
+> then it would be particularly easy to combine the two efficiently.
+> If specially marked btree indexes -- or even all btree indexes -- implicitly
+> had ctid as a final sort order after all the index column, then it would
+> esentially obviate the need for bitmap indexes.
+I don't think so. You are thinking only of exact-equality queries ---
+as soon as the WHERE clause describes a range of index entries, the
+readout wouldn't be sorted by ctid anyway.
+Combining indexes via a bitmap intermediate step (which is not really
+the same thing as bitmap indexes, IIUC) seems like a more robust
+approach than relying on the index entries to be in ctid order.
+But if we did want to sort indexes that way, we could do it today,
+I think. The ctid is already stored in index entries (it is the
+"payload" remember...) and we could use it as a tiebreaker when
+determining insertion position. This doesn't have the problems that
+putting ctid into the user columns would do, because the system knows
+about that ctid as being special; the difficulty with ctid in the user
+columns is the code not knowing that it'd need to change on a tuple move.
+ regards, tom lane
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
+From Tue Jan 27 21:28:20 2004
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+To: Tom Lane <>
+cc: Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+References: <>
+ <> <>
+ <>
+In-Reply-To: <>
+From: Greg Stark <>
+Organization: The Emacs Conspiracy; member since 1992
+Date: 27 Jan 2004 21:19:26 -0500
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+Status: OR
+Tom Lane <> writes:
+> I don't think so. You are thinking only of exact-equality queries ---
+> as soon as the WHERE clause describes a range of index entries, the
+> readout wouldn't be sorted by ctid anyway.
+But then even bitmap indexes would fail in that way too, or at least have a
+lot of extra cost that would have to be taken into account based on the number
+of values in the range.
+> Combining indexes via a bitmap intermediate step (which is not really
+> the same thing as bitmap indexes, IIUC) seems like a more robust
+> approach than relying on the index entries to be in ctid order.
+I would see that as the next step, But it seems to me it would be only a small
+set of queries where it would really help enough to outweigh the extra work of
+the sort. Whereas if the ctid is already pre-sorted then the extra cost is
+fairly low. Sort of like the difference in cost between a merge join where
+both sides have to be sorted and a merge join where both sides are pre-sorted.
+> But if we did want to sort indexes that way, we could do it today,
+> I think. The ctid is already stored in index entries (it is the
+> "payload" remember...) and we could use it as a tiebreaker when
+> determining insertion position. This doesn't have the problems that
+> putting ctid into the user columns would do, because the system knows
+> about that ctid as being special; the difficulty with ctid in the user
+> columns is the code not knowing that it'd need to change on a tuple move.
+That's exactly what I was thinking. I just don't know how badly it would
+complicate the vacuum{,full}/cluster code and whether those are the only cases
+to worry about.
+Note that the space saving of bitmap indexes is still a substantial factor.
+Using btree indexes the i/o costs of doing multiple index scans plus a table
+scan of the relevant pages would still be quite substantial. So this doesn't
+completely obviate the need for bitmap indexes, but I think it would remove a
+lot of the pressure from people who just need them to handle a few select
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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+From Tue Jan 27 21:53:09 2004
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+To: Greg Stark <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <> <> <> <> <>
+Comments: In-reply-to Greg Stark <>
+ message dated "27 Jan 2004 21:19:26 -0500"
+Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 21:48:59 -0500
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+From: Tom Lane <>
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+Status: OR
+Greg Stark <> writes:
+>> Combining indexes via a bitmap intermediate step (which is not really
+>> the same thing as bitmap indexes, IIUC) seems like a more robust
+>> approach than relying on the index entries to be in ctid order.
+> I would see that as the next step, But it seems to me it would be only a small
+> set of queries where it would really help enough to outweigh the extra work of
+> the sort.
+What sort? The whole point of a bitmap is that it makes it easy to
+visit the tuples in heap order. You scan the index, you set the
+appropriate bits in the bitmap, and then you scan the bitmap and go to
+the heap tuples that have their bits set. If you are using multiple
+indexes you can AND or OR their results at the bitmap phase before you
+go to the heap.
+An implementation of this kind would not produce tuples in index order,
+so if you have an ORDER BY to satisfy then you end up doing an explicit
+sort after you have the tuples. It would be up to the planner to
+consider this cost versus the advantages of being able to use multiple
+indexes; we'd certainly want to keep the existing scan mechanism as an
+available alternative. But if the query is suited to multiple indexes
+I suspect it'd be a win pretty often.
+> Note that the space saving of bitmap indexes is still a substantial factor.
+I think you are still confusing what I'm talking about with a bitmap
+index, ie, a persistent structure on-disk. It's not that at all, but
+a transient structure built in-memory during an index scan.
+I'm a little dubious that true bitmap indexes would be worth building
+for Postgres. Seems like partial indexes cover the same sorts of
+applications and are more flexible.
+ regards, tom lane
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
+From Wed Jan 28 13:10:48 2004
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+cc: Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+References: <>
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+In-Reply-To: <>
+From: Greg Stark <>
+Organization: The Emacs Conspiracy; member since 1992
+Date: 28 Jan 2004 09:13:47 -0500
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+Tom Lane <> writes:
+> Greg Stark <> writes:
+> >
+> > I would see that as the next step, But it seems to me it would be only a small
+> > set of queries where it would really help enough to outweigh the extra work of
+> > the sort.
+> What sort?
+To build the in-memory bitmap you effectively have to do a sort. If the tuples
+come out of the index in heap order then you can combine them without having
+to go through that step.
+> I'm a little dubious that true bitmap indexes would be worth building
+> for Postgres. Seems like partial indexes cover the same sorts of
+> applications and are more flexible.
+I'm clear on the distinction. I think bitmap indexes still have a place, but
+if regular btree indexes could be combined efficiently then that would be an
+even narrower niche.
+Partial indexes are very handy, and they're useful in corner cases where
+bitmap indexes are useful, such as flags for special types of records.
+But I think bitmap indexes are specifically wanted by certain types of data
+warehousing applications where you have an index on virtually every column and
+then want to do arbitrary boolean combinations of all of them. btree indexes
+would generate more i/o scanning all the indexes than just doing a sequential
+scan would. Whereas bitmap indexes are much denser on disk.
+However my experience leans more towards the OLTP side and I very rarely saw
+applications like this.
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+To: Greg Stark <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
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+Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 09:59:11 -0500
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+Status: OR
+Greg Stark <> writes:
+> Tom Lane <> writes:
+>> What sort?
+> To build the in-memory bitmap you effectively have to do a sort.
+Hm, you're thinking that the operation of inserting a bit into a bitmap
+has to be at least O(log N). Seems to me that that depends on the data
+structure you use. In principle it could be O(1), if you use a true
+bitmap (linear array) -- just index and set the bit. You might be right
+that practical data structures would be O(log N), but I'm not totally
+> If the tuples come out of the index in heap order then you can combine
+> them without having to go through that step.
+But considering the restrictions implied by that assumption --- no range
+scans, no non-btree indexes --- I doubt we will take the trouble to
+implement that variant. We'll want to do the generalized bitmap code
+In any case, this discussion is predicated on the assumption that the
+operations involving the bitmap are a significant fraction of the total
+time, which I think is quite uncertain. Until we build it and profile
+it, we won't know that.
+ regards, tom lane
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
+From Wed Jan 28 10:42:58 2004
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+ id 1AlrJu-0001rj-00; Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:09:34 -0500
+To: Tom Lane <>
+cc: Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+References: <>
+ <> <>
+ <> <>
+ <> <>
+ <>
+In-Reply-To: <>
+From: Greg Stark <>
+Organization: The Emacs Conspiracy; member since 1992
+Date: 28 Jan 2004 10:09:34 -0500
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+Status: ORr
+Tom Lane <> writes:
+> In any case, this discussion is predicated on the assumption that the
+> operations involving the bitmap are a significant fraction of the total
+> time, which I think is quite uncertain. Until we build it and profile
+> it, we won't know that.
+The other thought I had was that it would be difficult to tell when to follow
+this path. Since the main case where it wins is when the individual indexes
+aren't very selective but the combination is very selective, and we don't have
+inter-column correlation statistics ...
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
+ joining column's datatypes do not match
+From Wed Jan 28 17:29:11 2004
+Return-path: <>
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+ id 1AlxyO-0002XD-Ab; Wed, 28 Jan 2004 22:15:48 +0000
+Reply-To: <>
+From: "Simon Riggs" <>
+To: "'Tom Lane'" <>, "'Greg Stark'" <>
+cc: <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 22:15:40 -0000
+Organization: 2nd Quadrant
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+Status: OR
+Some potentially helpful background comments on the discussion so far...
+>Tom Lane writes
+>>Greg Stark writes
+>> Note that the space saving of bitmap indexes is still a substantial
+>> factor.
+>I think you are still confusing what I'm talking about with a bitmap
+index, >ie, a persistent structure on-disk. It's not that at all, but a
+transient >structure built in-memory during an index scan.
+Oracle allows the creation of bitmap indices as persistent data
+The "space saving" of bitmap indices is only a saving when compared with
+btree indices. If you don't have them at all because they are built
+dynamically when required, as Tom is suggesting, then you "save" even
+more space.
+Maintaining the bitmap index is a costly operation. You tend to want to
+build them on "characteristic" columns, of which there tends to be more
+of in a database than "partial/full identity" columns on which you build
+btrees (forgive the vagueness of that comment), so you end up with loads
+of the damn things, so the space soon adds up. It can be hard to judge
+which ones are the important ones, especially when each is used by a
+different user/group. Building them dynamically is a good way of solving
+the question "which ones are needed?". Ever seen 58 indices on a table?
+Don't go there.
+My vote would be implement the dynamic building capability, then return
+to implement a persisted structure later if that seems like it would be
+a further improvement. [The option would be nice]
+If we do it dynamically, as Tom suggests, then we don't have to code the
+index maintenance logic at all and the functionality will be with us all
+the sooner. Go Tom!
+>Tom Lane writes
+> In any case, this discussion is predicated on the assumption that the
+> operations involving the bitmap are a significant fraction of the
+> time, which I think is quite uncertain. Until we build it and profile
+> it, we won't know that.
+Dynamically building the bitmaps has been the strategy in use by
+Teradata for nearly a decade on many large datawarehouses. I can
+personally vouch for the effectiveness of this approach - I was
+surprised when Oracle went for the persistent option. Certainly in that
+case building the bitmaps adds much less time than is saved overall by
+the better total query strategy.
+>Greg Stark writes
+> > To build the in-memory bitmap you effectively have to do a sort.
+Not sure on this latter point: I think I agree with Greg on that point,
+but want to believe Tom because requiring a sort will definitely add
+To shed some light in this area, some other major implementations are:
+In Teradata, tables are stored based upon a primary index, which is
+effectively an index-organised table. The index pointers are stored in
+sorted order lock step with the blocks of the associated table - No sort
+required. (The ordering is based upon a hashed index, but that doesn't
+change the technique).
+Oracle's tables/indexes use heaps/btrees also, though they do provide an
+index-organised table feature similar to Teradata. Maybe the lack of
+heap/btree consistent ordering in Oracle and their subsequent design
+choice of persistent bitmap indices is an indication for PostgreSQL too?
+In Oracle, bitmap indices are an important precursor to the star join
+technique. AFAICS it is still possible to have a star join plan without
+having persistent bitmap indices. IMHO, the longer term goal of a good
+star join plan is an important one - that may influence the design
+selection for this discussion.
+Hope some of that helps,
+Best regards, Simon Riggs
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
+From Thu Jan 29 04:24:47 2004
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+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 09:17:11 -0000
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+A small comment on Oracle's implementation of persistent bitmap indexes:
+Oracle's bitmap index is concurently locked by DML, i.e. it suites for OLAP
+(basically read only data warehouses) but in no way for OLTP.
+> Maybe the lack of heap/btree consistent ordering in Oracle
+> and their subsequent design choice of persistent bitmap
+> indices is an indication for PostgreSQL too?
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
+ joining column's datatypes do not match
+From Fri Jan 30 01:22:15 2004
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+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+References: <>
+In-Reply-To: <>
+From: Greg Stark <>
+Organization: The Emacs Conspiracy; member since 1992
+Date: 30 Jan 2004 01:16:21 -0500
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+Status: OR
+<> writes:
+> A small comment on Oracle's implementation of persistent bitmap indexes:
+> Oracle's bitmap index is concurently locked by DML, i.e. it suites for OLAP
+> (basically read only data warehouses) but in no way for OLTP.
+I knew this. I think they figured that was ok because bitmap indexes were
+mainly intended to solve data warehouse problems anyways.
+Thinking out loud here, I wonder whether this would be less of a problem for
+postgres. Since tuples are never updated in place there would never be a need
+to lock the entire bitmap until a transaction completes.
+There would never be as much concurrency as btrees, assuming there was any
+kind of compression on the bitmap, but I don't see any reason why a long-term
+lock would have to be held for updates.
+Even regular vacuum might not have to lock anything for long, just long enough
+to clear the bits. and vacuum full/cluster already take table locks anyways.
+I think the problem Oracle ran into was that storing rollback ids in the
+bitmap is untenable. The whole point of persistent bitmap indexes is to store
+a very dense representation that represents thousands of records per page.
+Allocating space to store thousands of pending transaction ids and having
+thousands of old versions of the page in the rollback segment would defeat the
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
+From Fri Jan 30 06:37:25 2004
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+ Fri, 30 Jan 2004 06:31:17 -0500 (EST)
+From: Bruce Momjian <>
+Message-ID: <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+To: Greg Stark <>
+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 06:31:17 -0500 (EST)
+cc: Tom Lane <>,
+X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL108 (25)]
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+Status: OR
+Greg Stark wrote:
+> Tom Lane <> writes:
+> > In any case, this discussion is predicated on the assumption that the
+> > operations involving the bitmap are a significant fraction of the total
+> > time, which I think is quite uncertain. Until we build it and profile
+> > it, we won't know that.
+> The other thought I had was that it would be difficult to tell when to follow
+> this path. Since the main case where it wins is when the individual indexes
+> aren't very selective but the combination is very selective, and we don't have
+> inter-column correlation statistics ...
+I like the idea of building in-memory bitmapped indexes.
+In your example, if you are restricting on A and B, and have no A,B
+index but an A index and B index, why wouldn't you always create an
+in-memory bitmapped index from indexes A and B, unless index A hits only
+a few rows. In fact, from the optimizer statistics, you can guess on
+how many bits you will hit from index A and index B, so we only have to
+decide if it is better to take the more restrictive index and do heap
+lookups for those, or scan the second index and then hit the heap. The
+only thing A,B combined statistics would tell you is how many heap
+matches you will find. The time to scan A and B indexes and create the
+bitmap is already guessable from the single column statistics.
+Also, what does an in-memory bitmapped index look like? Is it:
+ value: bitmap...
+ value: bitmap...
+with the values organized in a btree fashion?
+ Bruce Momjian |
+ | (610) 359-1001
+ + If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road
+ + Christ can be your backup. | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
+From Fri Jan 30 09:55:27 2004
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+To: Bruce Momjian <>
+cc: Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <>
+Comments: In-reply-to Bruce Momjian <>
+ message dated "Fri, 30 Jan 2004 06:31:17 -0500"
+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:48:19 -0500
+Message-ID: <>
+From: Tom Lane <>
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+Status: ORr
+Bruce Momjian <> writes:
+> Also, what does an in-memory bitmapped index look like?
+One idea that might work: a binary search tree in which each node
+represents a single page of the table, and contains a bit array with
+one bit for each possible item number on the page. You could not need
+more than BLCKSZ/(sizeof(HeapTupleHeaderData)+sizeof(ItemIdData)) bits
+in a node, or about 36 bytes at default BLCKSZ --- for most tables you
+could probably prove it would be a great deal less. You only allocate
+nodes for pages that have at least one interesting row.
+I think this would represent a reasonable compromise between size and
+insertion speed. It would only get large if the indexscan output
+demanded visiting many different pages --- but at some point you could
+abandon index usage and do a sequential scan, so I think that property
+is okay.
+A variant is to make the per-page bit arrays be entries in a hash table
+with page number as hash key. This would reduce insertion to a nearly
+constant-time operation, but the drawback is that you'd need an explicit
+sort at the end to put the per-page entries into page number order
+before you scan 'em. You might come out ahead anyway, not sure.
+Or we could try a true linear bitmap (indexed by page number times
+max-items-per-page plus item number) that's compressed in some fashion,
+probably just by eliminating large runs of zeroes. The difficulty here
+is that inserting a new one-bit could be pretty expensive, and we need
+it to be cheap.
+Perhaps someone can come up with other better ideas ...
+ regards, tom lane
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
+From Fri Jan 30 10:23:37 2004
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+ Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:14:22 -0500 (EST)
+From: Bruce Momjian <>
+Message-ID: <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+To: Tom Lane <>
+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:14:22 -0500 (EST)
+cc: Greg Stark <>,
+X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL108 (25)]
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+Precedence: bulk
+Status: OR
+Tom Lane wrote:
+> Bruce Momjian <> writes:
+> > Also, what does an in-memory bitmapped index look like?
+> One idea that might work: a binary search tree in which each node
+> represents a single page of the table, and contains a bit array with
+> one bit for each possible item number on the page. You could not need
+> more than BLCKSZ/(sizeof(HeapTupleHeaderData)+sizeof(ItemIdData)) bits
+> in a node, or about 36 bytes at default BLCKSZ --- for most tables you
+> could probably prove it would be a great deal less. You only allocate
+> nodes for pages that have at least one interesting row.
+Actually, I think I made a mistake. I was wondering what on-disk
+bitmapped indexes look like.
+ Bruce Momjian |
+ | (610) 359-1001
+ + If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road
+ + Christ can be your backup. | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
+ joining column's datatypes do not match
+From Fri Jan 30 10:31:27 2004
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+ Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:22:34 -0500 (EST)
+From: Bruce Momjian <>
+Message-ID: <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+To: Greg Stark <>
+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:22:34 -0500 (EST)
+cc: Tom Lane <>,
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+Greg Stark wrote:
+> Tom Lane <> writes:
+> > In any case, this discussion is predicated on the assumption that the
+> > operations involving the bitmap are a significant fraction of the total
+> > time, which I think is quite uncertain. Until we build it and profile
+> > it, we won't know that.
+> The other thought I had was that it would be difficult to tell when to follow
+> this path. Since the main case where it wins is when the individual indexes
+> aren't very selective but the combination is very selective, and we don't have
+> inter-column correlation statistics ...
+We actually have heap access cost and index access cost. You could
+compare costs of looking at all of index A's heap vs. looking at index
+B and then hopefully fewer heap rows.
+ Bruce Momjian |
+ | (610) 359-1001
+ + If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road
+ + Christ can be your backup. | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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+From Fri Jan 30 10:24:32 2004
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+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:24:18 -0300
+From: Alvaro Herrera <>
+To: Tom Lane <>
+cc: Bruce Momjian <>, Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
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+On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 09:48:19AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
+> A variant is to make the per-page bit arrays be entries in a hash table
+> with page number as hash key. This would reduce insertion to a nearly
+> constant-time operation, but the drawback is that you'd need an explicit
+> sort at the end to put the per-page entries into page number order
+> before you scan 'em. You might come out ahead anyway, not sure.
+Is there a reason sort the pages before scanning them? The result won't
+come out sorted one way or the other.
+Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]>)
+"Para tener más hay que desear menos"
+From Fri Jan 30 10:33:18 2004
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+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:24:18 -0300
+From: Alvaro Herrera <>
+To: Tom Lane <>
+cc: Bruce Momjian <>, Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
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+Status: OR
+On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 09:48:19AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
+> A variant is to make the per-page bit arrays be entries in a hash table
+> with page number as hash key. This would reduce insertion to a nearly
+> constant-time operation, but the drawback is that you'd need an explicit
+> sort at the end to put the per-page entries into page number order
+> before you scan 'em. You might come out ahead anyway, not sure.
+Is there a reason sort the pages before scanning them? The result won't
+come out sorted one way or the other.
+Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]>)
+"Para tener más hay que desear menos"
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
+From Fri Jan 30 10:39:11 2004
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+ Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:30:42 -0500 (EST)
+From: Bruce Momjian <>
+Message-ID: <>
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+To: Alvaro Herrera <>
+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:30:42 -0500 (EST)
+cc: Tom Lane <>, Greg Stark <>,
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+Status: OR
+Alvaro Herrera wrote:
+> On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 09:48:19AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
+> > A variant is to make the per-page bit arrays be entries in a hash table
+> > with page number as hash key. This would reduce insertion to a nearly
+> > constant-time operation, but the drawback is that you'd need an explicit
+> > sort at the end to put the per-page entries into page number order
+> > before you scan 'em. You might come out ahead anyway, not sure.
+> Is there a reason sort the pages before scanning them? The result won't
+> come out sorted one way or the other.
+I think the goal would be to hit the heap in sequential order as much as
+possible. When we are doing reading right from the index, we haven't
+collected all the heap values in one place, but since we have them in
+memory, we might as well sort them, though I don't think that is a
+requirement, just a performance enhancement, or at least that is my
+ Bruce Momjian |
+ | (610) 359-1001
+ + If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road
+ + Christ can be your backup. | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
+From Fri Jan 30 17:44:13 2004
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+ Sat, 31 Jan 2004 00:43:54 +0200
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+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+From: Hannu Krosing <>
+To: Tom Lane <>
+cc: Bruce Momjian <>, Greg Stark <>,
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+ <>
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+Tom Lane kirjutas R, 30.01.2004 kell 16:48:
+> Bruce Momjian <> writes:
+> > Also, what does an in-memory bitmapped index look like?
+> One idea that might work: a binary search tree in which each node
+> represents a single page of the table, and contains a bit array with
+> one bit for each possible item number on the page. You could not need
+> more than BLCKSZ/(sizeof(HeapTupleHeaderData)+sizeof(ItemIdData)) bits
+> in a node, or about 36 bytes at default BLCKSZ --- for most tables you
+> could probably prove it would be a great deal less. You only allocate
+> nodes for pages that have at least one interesting row.
+Another idea would be using bitmaps where we have just one bit per
+database page and do a seq scan but just over marked pages.
+Even when allocating them in full such indexes would occupy just
+1/(8k*8bit) of the amount they describe, so index for 1GB table would be
+1G/(8k*8bit) = 16 kilobytes (2 pages)
+Also, such indexes, if persistent, could also be used (together with
+FSM) when deciding placement of new tuples, so they provide a form of
+This would of course be most useful for data-warehouse type operations,
+where database is significantöy bigger than memory.
+And the seqscan over bitmap should not be done in simple page order, but
+rather in two passes -
+ 1. over those pages which are already in cache (either postgresqls
+ or systems (if we find a way to get such info from the system))
+ 2. in sequential order over the rest.
+> I think this would represent a reasonable compromise between size and
+> insertion speed. It would only get large if the indexscan output
+> demanded visiting many different pages --- but at some point you could
+> abandon index usage and do a sequential scan, so I think that property
+> is okay.
+One case where almost full intermediate bitmap could be needed is when
+doing a star join or just AND of several conditions, where each single
+index spans a significant part of the table, but the result does not.
+> A variant is to make the per-page bit arrays be entries in a hash table
+> with page number as hash key. This would reduce insertion to a nearly
+> constant-time operation, but the drawback is that you'd need an explicit
+> sort at the end to put the per-page entries into page number order
+> before you scan 'em. You might come out ahead anyway, not sure.
+> Or we could try a true linear bitmap (indexed by page number times
+> max-items-per-page plus item number) that's compressed in some fashion,
+> probably just by eliminating large runs of zeroes. The difficulty here
+> is that inserting a new one-bit could be pretty expensive, and we need
+> it to be cheap.
+> Perhaps someone can come up with other better ideas ...
+I have also contemplated a scenario, where we could use some
+not-quite-max power-of-2 bits-per-page linear bitmap and mark intra-page
+wraps (when we tried to mark a point past that not-quite-max number in a
+page) in high bit (or another bitmap) making info for that page folded.
+AN example would be setting bit 40 in 32-bits/page index - this would
+set bit 40&31 and mark the page folded.
+When combining such indexes using AND or OR, we need some spcial
+handling of folded pages, but could still get non-folded (0) results out
+from AND of 2 folded pages if the bits are distributed nicely.
+From Fri Jan 30 18:10:22 2004
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+ Fri, 30 Jan 2004 18:02:58 -0500 (EST)
+To: Hannu Krosing <>
+cc: Bruce Momjian <>, Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <> <> <>
+Comments: In-reply-to Hannu Krosing <>
+ message dated "Sat, 31 Jan 2004 00:43:54 +0200"
+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 18:02:58 -0500
+Message-ID: <>
+From: Tom Lane <>
+X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at
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+ version=2.61
+Status: OR
+Hannu Krosing <> writes:
+> Another idea would be using bitmaps where we have just one bit per
+> database page and do a seq scan but just over marked pages.
+That seems a bit too lossy for me, but I really like your later idea
+about folding. Generalizing that a little, we can choose any fold point
+we like. We could allocate, say, one 32-bit word per page and set the
+(i mod 32) bit when item i is fingered by the index. After retrieving
+the heap page, we'd need to test all the valid rows that have item
+numbers matching a set bit mod 32. On typical tables (with circa 100
+items per page) this would require testing only about 3 rows per page.
+ORing and ANDing of such bitmaps still works, with the understanding
+that it's lossy and you have to double check each retrieved tuple.
+If the fold point is above about 100, your idea of keeping track of
+whether we actually set any wrapped-around bits would become useful,
+but below that I think we'd just be wasting a bit.
+ regards, tom lane
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
+From Fri Jan 30 18:03:08 2004
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+ Fri, 30 Jan 2004 18:02:58 -0500 (EST)
+To: Hannu Krosing <>
+cc: Bruce Momjian <>, Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <> <> <>
+Comments: In-reply-to Hannu Krosing <>
+ message dated "Sat, 31 Jan 2004 00:43:54 +0200"
+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 18:02:58 -0500
+Message-ID: <>
+From: Tom Lane <>
+X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.61 ( on
+X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.9 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=ham
+ version=2.61
+Status: OR
+Hannu Krosing <> writes:
+> Another idea would be using bitmaps where we have just one bit per
+> database page and do a seq scan but just over marked pages.
+That seems a bit too lossy for me, but I really like your later idea
+about folding. Generalizing that a little, we can choose any fold point
+we like. We could allocate, say, one 32-bit word per page and set the
+(i mod 32) bit when item i is fingered by the index. After retrieving
+the heap page, we'd need to test all the valid rows that have item
+numbers matching a set bit mod 32. On typical tables (with circa 100
+items per page) this would require testing only about 3 rows per page.
+ORing and ANDing of such bitmaps still works, with the understanding
+that it's lossy and you have to double check each retrieved tuple.
+If the fold point is above about 100, your idea of keeping track of
+whether we actually set any wrapped-around bits would become useful,
+but below that I think we'd just be wasting a bit.
+ regards, tom lane
+From Fri Jan 30 18:21:59 2004
+Return-path: <>
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+ Sat, 31 Jan 2004 01:21:42 +0200
+X-Authentication-Warning: hannu set sender to using -f
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+From: Hannu Krosing <>
+To: Tom Lane <>
+cc: Bruce Momjian <>, Greg Stark <>,
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <>
+ <>
+ <>
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+ version=2.61
+Status: OR
+Tom Lane kirjutas L, 31.01.2004 kell 01:02:
+> Hannu Krosing <> writes:
+> > Another idea would be using bitmaps where we have just one bit per
+> > database page and do a seq scan but just over marked pages.
+> That seems a bit too lossy for me,
+I originally thought of it in context of data-warehousing and persistent
+bitmap indexes. there the use of these same bitmaps for clustering would
+un-lossify this approach.
+> but I really like your later idea
+> about folding. Generalizing that a little, we can choose any fold point
+> we like. We could allocate, say, one 32-bit word per page and set the
+> (i mod 32) bit when item i is fingered by the index. After retrieving
+> the heap page, we'd need to test all the valid rows that have item
+> numbers matching a set bit mod 32. On typical tables (with circa 100
+> items per page) this would require testing only about 3 rows per page.
+> ORing and ANDing of such bitmaps still works, with the understanding
+> that it's lossy and you have to double check each retrieved tuple.
+> If the fold point is above about 100, your idea of keeping track of
+> whether we actually set any wrapped-around bits would become useful,
+> but below that I think we'd just be wasting a bit.
+Not only wasting bits, but also making the code hairier - we can't just
+do simple ANDs and ORs.
+From Fri Jan 30 19:04:21 2004
+Return-path: <>
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+ id 1AmicG-0007zf-00; Fri, 30 Jan 2004 19:04:04 -0500
+To: Tom Lane <>
+cc: Hannu Krosing <>, Bruce Momjian <>,
+ Greg Stark <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+References: <>
+ <>
+ <>
+ <>
+In-Reply-To: <>
+From: Greg Stark <>
+Organization: The Emacs Conspiracy; member since 1992
+Date: 30 Jan 2004 19:04:03 -0500
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+X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.9 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=ham
+ version=2.61
+Status: OR
+Tom Lane <> writes:
+> That seems a bit too lossy for me, but I really like your later idea
+> about folding. Generalizing that a little, we can choose any fold point
+> we like. We could allocate, say, one 32-bit word per page and set the
+> (i mod 32) bit when item i is fingered by the index. After retrieving
+> the heap page, we'd need to test all the valid rows that have item
+> numbers matching a set bit mod 32. On typical tables (with circa 100
+> items per page) this would require testing only about 3 rows per page.
+> ORing and ANDing of such bitmaps still works, with the understanding
+> that it's lossy and you have to double check each retrieved tuple.
+That would make it really hard to ever clear the bits. What do you do when you
+vacuum and one of the tuples is no longer needed. You can't be sure you can
+clear the bit in the index because there could be multiple tuples represented
+by the bit being set. You would have to test the condition on the other tuples
+covered by the bit to see if it can be cleared.
+From Fri Jan 30 19:56:45 2004
+Return-path: <>
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+ Fri, 30 Jan 2004 19:50:24 -0500 (EST)
+To: Greg Stark <>
+cc: Hannu Krosing <>, Bruce Momjian <>,
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Question about indexes
+In-Reply-To: <>
+References: <> <> <> <> <>
+Comments: In-reply-to Greg Stark <>
+ message dated "30 Jan 2004 19:04:03 -0500"
+Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 19:50:23 -0500
+Message-ID: <>
+From: Tom Lane <>
+X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at
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+X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-4.9 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=no
+ version=2.61
+Status: OR
+Greg Stark <> writes:
+> Tom Lane <> writes:
+>> ORing and ANDing of such bitmaps still works, with the understanding
+>> that it's lossy and you have to double check each retrieved tuple.
+> That would make it really hard to ever clear the bits.
+We're speaking of in-memory bitmaps constructed on-the-fly here. You're
+right that it wouldn't work for persistent indexes, but I'm not very
+interested in that case at the moment ...
+ regards, tom lane
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend