Problem: More functions can be used as methods.
Solution: Make popup functions usable as a method.
\ })
< Use {options} to change the properties.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetText()->popup_atcursor({})
popup_beval({what}, {options}) *popup_beval()*
Show the {what} above the position from 'ballooneval' and
< Use {options} to change the properties.
See |popup_beval_example| for an example use.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetText()->popup_beval({})
popup_clear() Emergency solution to a misbehaving plugin: close all popup
windows for the current tab and global popups.
it will be passed as the second argument of the callback.
Otherwise zero is passed to the callback.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetPopup()->popup_close()
popup_create({what}, {options}) *popup_create()*
Open a popup window showing {what}, which is either:
call setbufline(bufnr, 2, 'second line')
< In case of failure zero is returned.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetText()->popup_create({})
popup_dialog({what}, {options}) *popup_dialog()*
Just like |popup_create()| but with these default options: >
< By default the dialog can be dragged, so that text below it
can be read if needed.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetText()->popup_dialog({})
popup_filter_menu({id}, {key}) *popup_filter_menu()*
Filter that can be used for a popup. These keys can be used:
If popup window {id} is not found an empty Dict is returned.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetPopup()->popup_getoptions()
popup_getpos({id}) *popup_getpos()*
Return the position and size of popup {id}. Returns a Dict
If popup window {id} is not found an empty Dict is returned.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetPopup()->popup_getpos()
popup_hide({id}) *popup_hide()*
If {id} is a displayed popup, hide it now. If the popup has a
If window {id} does not exist nothing happens. If window {id}
exists but is not a popup window an error is given. *E993*
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetPopup()->popup_hide()
popup_locate({row}, {col}) *popup_locate()*
Return the |window-ID| of the popup at screen position {row}
\ callback: 'ColorSelected',
\ })
+< Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChoices()->popup_menu({})
popup_move({id}, {options}) *popup_move()*
Move popup {id} to the position specified with {options}.
For {id} see `popup_hide()`.
For other options see |popup_setoptions()|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetPopup()->popup_move(options)
popup_notification({what}, {options}) *popup_notification()*
Show the {what} for 3 seconds at the top of the Vim window.
Use {options} to change the properties.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetText()->popup_notification({})
popup_show({id}) *popup_show()*
If {id} is a hidden popup, show it now.
For "hidden" use |popup_hide()| and |popup_show()|.
"tabpage" cannot be changed.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetPopup()->popup_setoptions(options)
popup_settext({id}, {text}) *popup_settext()*
Set the text of the buffer in popup win {id}. {text} is the
same as supplied to |popup_create()|, except that a buffer
Does not change the window size or position, other than caused
by the different text.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetPopup()->popup_settext('hello')
3. Usage *popup-usage*
{"perleval", 1, 1, 0, f_perleval},
- {"popup_atcursor", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_atcursor},
- {"popup_beval", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_beval},
+ {"popup_atcursor", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_atcursor},
+ {"popup_beval", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_beval},
{"popup_clear", 0, 0, 0, f_popup_clear},
- {"popup_close", 1, 2, 0, f_popup_close},
- {"popup_create", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_create},
- {"popup_dialog", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_dialog},
+ {"popup_close", 1, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_close},
+ {"popup_create", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_create},
+ {"popup_dialog", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_dialog},
{"popup_filter_menu", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_filter_menu},
{"popup_filter_yesno", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_filter_yesno},
{"popup_findinfo", 0, 0, 0, f_popup_findinfo},
{"popup_findpreview", 0, 0, 0, f_popup_findpreview},
- {"popup_getoptions", 1, 1, 0, f_popup_getoptions},
- {"popup_getpos", 1, 1, 0, f_popup_getpos},
- {"popup_hide", 1, 1, 0, f_popup_hide},
+ {"popup_getoptions", 1, 1, FEARG_1, f_popup_getoptions},
+ {"popup_getpos", 1, 1, FEARG_1, f_popup_getpos},
+ {"popup_hide", 1, 1, FEARG_1, f_popup_hide},
{"popup_locate", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_locate},
- {"popup_menu", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_menu},
- {"popup_move", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_move},
- {"popup_notification", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_notification},
- {"popup_setoptions", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_setoptions},
- {"popup_settext", 2, 2, 0, f_popup_settext},
- {"popup_show", 1, 1, 0, f_popup_show},
+ {"popup_menu", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_menu},
+ {"popup_move", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_move},
+ {"popup_notification", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_notification},
+ {"popup_setoptions", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_setoptions},
+ {"popup_settext", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_popup_settext},
+ {"popup_show", 1, 1, FEARG_1, f_popup_show},
{"pow", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_pow},
\ scrollbar: 0,
\ visible: 1}
let winid = popup_create('hello border', #{line: 2, col: 3, border: []})",
- call assert_equal(with_border_or_padding, popup_getpos(winid))
+ call assert_equal(with_border_or_padding, winid->popup_getpos())
let options = popup_getoptions(winid)
call assert_equal([], options.border)
call assert_false(has_key(options, "padding"))
call assert_equal(3, popup_getoptions(winid).firstline)
call popup_setoptions(winid, #{firstline: 1})
call assert_equal(1, popup_getoptions(winid).firstline)
- call popup_close(winid)
+ eval winid->popup_close()
let winid = popup_create(['xxx']->repeat(50), #{
\ maxheight: 3,
" buffer is still listed but hidden
call assert_match(winbufnr(winid) .. 'u h.*\[Popup\]', execute('ls u'))
- call popup_show(winid)
+ eval winid->popup_show()
let line = join(map(range(1, 5), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '')
call assert_equal('world', line)
call assert_fails('call popup_hide(win_getid())', 'E993:')
" no error non-existing window
- call popup_hide(1234234)
+ eval 1234234->popup_hide()
call popup_show(41234234)
let line = join(map(range(1, 6), 'screenstring(2, v:val)'), '')
call assert_equal('~world', line)
- call popup_move(winid, #{line: 1})
+ eval winid->popup_move(#{line: 1})
let line = join(map(range(1, 6), 'screenstring(1, v:val)'), '')
call assert_equal('hworld', line)
call cursor(3, 4)
- let winid = popup_atcursor('vim', {})
+ let winid = 'vim'->popup_atcursor({})
let line = join(map(range(1, 17), 'screenstring(2, v:val)'), '')
call assert_equal('xxxvimxxxxxxxxxxx', line)
set balloonexpr=BalloonExpr()
set balloondelay=100
func BalloonExpr()
- let s:winid = popup_beval([v:beval_text], {})
+ let s:winid = [v:beval_text]->popup_beval({})
return ''
func Hover()
return 0
- let winid = popup_create('something', #{filter: 'MyPopupFilter'})
+ let winid = 'something'->popup_create(#{filter: 'MyPopupFilter'})
" e is consumed by the filter
let lines =<< trim END
let opts = #{wrap: 0}
let p = popup_create('test', opts)
- call popup_settext(p, 'this is a text')
+ eval p->popup_settext('this is a text')
call writefile(lines, 'XtestPopupSetText')
let s:cb_winid = a:id
let s:cb_res = a:res
- let winid = popup_dialog('make a choice', #{hidden: 1,
+ let winid = 'make a choice'->popup_dialog(#{hidden: 1,
\ filter: 'popup_filter_yesno',
\ callback: 'QuitCallback',
\ })
\ maxheight: 10,
\ })
for top in range(1, 20)
- call popup_setoptions(winid, #{firstline: top})
+ eval winid->popup_setoptions(#{firstline: top})
call assert_equal(19, popup_getpos(winid).width)
call setline(1, range(1, 20))
hi ScrollThumb ctermbg=blue
hi ScrollBar ctermbg=red
- call popup_menu(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five',
- \ 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'], #{
+ eval ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five',
+ \ 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine']
+ \ ->popup_menu(#{
\ minwidth: 8,
\ maxheight: 3,
\ })
call setline(1, 'text text text text text text text ')
func ChangeColor()
let id = popup_findinfo()
- call popup_setoptions(id, #{highlight: 'InfoPopup'})
+ eval id->popup_setoptions(#{highlight: 'InfoPopup'})
return lines
func Test_popupwin_recycle_bnr()
let bufnr = popup_notification('nothing wrong', {})->winbufnr()
call popup_clear()
- let winid = popup_notification('nothing wrong', {})
+ let winid = 'nothing wrong'->popup_notification({})
call assert_equal(bufnr, winbufnr(winid))
call popup_clear()
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1982,