pre.code .ln { color: grey; } /* line numbers */
pre.code .comment, code .comment { color: #0077ff; }
-pre.code .keyword, code .keyword { color: #aa3300; font-weight: bold; }
+pre.code .comment.preproc, code .comment.preproc { color: #9966ff; }
+pre.code .keyword, code .keyword { color: #003399; font-weight: bold; }
+pre.code .keyword.type, code .keyword.type { color: #aa3300; }
+pre.code .operator, code .operator { color: #000066; }
+pre.code .punctuation, code .punctuation { color: #000066; font-weight: bold; }
pre.code .literal.string, code .literal.string { color: #ff5500; }
+pre.code .literal.number, code .literal.number { color: #ff5500; font-weight: bold; }
pre.code .name.builtin, code .name.builtin { color: #352B84 }
pre.code .deleted, code .deleted { background-color: #DEB0A1}
pre.code .inserted, code .inserted { background-color: #A3D289}
--- /dev/null
+.. _Recognizing integer literals:
+Recognizing integer literals
+This program simply loops over its commad-line arguments
+and tries to match each argument against one of the four patterns:
+binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal integer literals.
+The numbers are not *parsed* (their numeric value is not retrieved), they are merely *recognized*.
+.. include:: examples/
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+A couple of things should be noted:
+* Default case (when none of the patterns matched) is handled properly (line 17).
+* Check for the end of input is disabled (line 9).
+ In this case it is safe, because all arguments are ``NULL``-terminated
+ and none of the rules matches ``NULL`` in the middle:
+ when lexer reaches end of input, it will see ``NULL`` and stop.
+ It's a common practice to use ``re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;``
+ in cases when input character set is restricted and one special
+ character can be chosen to indicate end of input.
+ **But do make sure that the terminating character is not allowed in the middle of a rule!**
+* ``YYMARKER`` (line 6) is needed because rules overlap:
+ it backups input position of the longest successful match.
+ Say, we have overlapping rules ``"a"`` and ``"abc"`` and input string ``"abd"``:
+ by the time ``"a"`` matches there's still a chance to match ``"abc"``.
+ But when lexer sees ``'d'`` it must rollback.
+ (You might wonder why the programmer has to bother with ``YYMARKER`` at all: couldn't re2c generate a local variable ``YYMARKER``?
+ The thing is, all input pointers must be updated syncronously by ``YYFILL``).
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -o
+ $ g++ -o example
+ $ ./example 0 -12 +345 12345678901234567890 0xAbcDEf 0x00 007 0B0 0b110101010 0x 0b a ? ""
+ dec: 0
+ dec: -12
+ dec: +345
+ dec: 12345678901234567890
+ hex: 0xAbcDEf
+ hex: 0x00
+ oct: 007
+ bin: 0B0
+ bin: 0b110101010
+ err: 0x
+ err: 0b
+ err: a
+ err: ?
+ err:
+.. _Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL:
+Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL
+This example is about recognizing strings.
+Strings may contain *any* characters in the range [0 - 0xFF] except quotes (quotes should be escaped).
+It means that (unlike the previous example, `Recognizing integer literals`_)
+we cannot use ``NULL`` or any other character as a terminator.
+We must explicitely check for end of input.
+So how does it work?
+The simplest possible way is to check on each character (right before advancing input position).
+But this is very slow.
+Instead, re2c estimates maximal lexeme length ``YYMAXFILL`` (disregarding loops)
+and generates check if there's at least ``YYMAXFILL`` characters left:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+``YYLIMIT`` must point at the end of input (so that ``YYLIMIT[-1]`` is the last input character).
+These checks are inserted at start and before loops.
+If there's not enough input characters, the generated lexer calls ``YYFILL(YYMAXFILL)``
+so that the programmer can supply more input or stop.
+The common practice is to pad input with ``YYMAXFILL`` fake characters.
+**The padding should not form a valid lexeme suffix!**
+.. include:: examples/
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+* ``/*!max:re2c*/`` (line 4) tells re2c to generate ``#define YYMAXFILL <n>``.
+* Input string is padded with ``YYMAXFILL`` zeroes (line 15).
+ Zeroes do not form a valid lexeme suffix (but padding with quotes would confuse the lexer ``;)``).
+* ``YYFILL`` simply stops: there's nothing more to lex (line 30).
+* We have to use ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;`` (line 31)
+ in order to suppress passing parameter to ``YYFILL``.
+ (It was an unfortunate idea to make ``YYFILL`` a call expression by default:
+ ``YYFILL`` has to stop the lexer eventually, that's why it has to be a macro and not a function.
+ One should either set ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;``, or define ``YYFILL(n)`` as a macro.)
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -o
+ $ g++ -o example
+ $ ./example \"a\ momentary\" \"\" \"lap\"se\" \"of \"rea\\\"son\"
+ str: "a momentary"
+ str: ""
+ err: "lap"se"
+ err: "of
+ str: "rea\"son"
+.. _Arbitrary large input and YYFILL:
+Arbitrary large input and YYFILL
+Suppose the input cannot be mapped in memory at once.
+The usual thing to do is to allocate a reasonably sized buffer and to read
+input chunk by chunk.
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+struct input_t {
+ size_t len;
+ char *str;
+ input_t(const char *s)
+ : len(strlen(s))
+ , str(new char[len + YYMAXFILL])
+ {
+ memcpy(str, s, len);
+ memset(str + len, 0, YYMAXFILL);
+ }
+ ~input_t()
+ {
+ delete[]str;
+ }
+static const char *lex(const input_t & input)
+ const char *YYCURSOR = input.str;
+ const char *const YYLIMIT = input.str + input.len + YYMAXFILL;
+ const char *YYMARKER;
+ /*!re2c
+ re2c:define:YYCTYPE = char;
+ re2c:define:YYFILL = "return \"err\";";
+ re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;
+ end = "\x00";
+ str = "\"" ([^"] | "\\\"")* "\"";
+ * { return "err"; }
+ str end { return "str"; }
+ */
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
+ input_t arg(argv[i]);
+ printf("%s: %s\n", lex(arg), arg.str);
+ }
+ return 0;
-The subdirectory ``examples`` of the ``re2c`` distribution contains a few step
-by step examples to get you started with ``re2c``.
-Given the following code:
-.. code-block:: c
- unsigned int stou (const char \* s)
- {
- # define YYCTYPE char const
- unsigned int result = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- /*!re2c
- re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
- "\x00" { return result; }
- [0-9] { result = result * 10 + c; continue; }
- */
- }
- }
-``re2c -is`` will generate:
-.. code-block:: c
- /* Generated by re2c on Mon Jul 14 13:37:46 2014 */
- unsigned int stou (const char * s)
- {
- # define YYCTYPE char
- const YYCTYPE * YYCURSOR = s;
- unsigned int result = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- {
- YYCTYPE yych;
- yych = *YYCURSOR;
- if (yych <= 0x00) goto yy3;
- if (yych <= '/') goto yy2;
- if (yych <= '9') goto yy5;
- yy2:
- yy3:
- { return result; }
- yy5:
- { result = result * 10 + c; continue; }
- }
- }
- }
+All examples are written in C++-98.
+`Do let me know <>`_ if you notice any obvious lies and errors.
+You can find more examples in subdirectory ``examples`` of the ``re2c`` distribution.
+.. include:: examples.rst
.. _Changelog: