NameField and FieldModifier there, plus a number of smaller changes.
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
abstract class FieldModifierImpl {
public abstract String modifyField(String fieldValue);
- public static FieldModifierImpl forName(PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier modifierID, PersonNameFormatterImpl formatterImpl) {
+ public static FieldModifierImpl forName(PersonName.FieldModifier modifierID, PersonNameFormatterImpl formatterImpl) {
switch (modifierID) {
- public String formatToString(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ public String formatToString(PersonName name) {
// TODO: Should probably return a FormattedPersonName object
// if the formatter is for a language that doesn't use spaces between words and the name is from a language
* @param name The name to be formatted.
* @return If true, use given-first order to format the name; if false, use surname-first order.
- private boolean nameIsGnFirst(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ private boolean nameIsGnFirst(PersonName name) {
// the name can declare its order-- check that first (it overrides any locale-based calculation)
- Set<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> modifiers = new HashSet<>();
- String preferredOrder = name.getFieldValue(PersonNameFormatter.NameField.PREFERRED_ORDER, modifiers);
+ Set<PersonName.FieldModifier> modifiers = new HashSet<>();
+ String preferredOrder = name.getFieldValue(PersonName.NameField.PREFERRED_ORDER, modifiers);
if (preferredOrder != null) {
if (preferredOrder.equals("givenFirst")) {
return true;
return true;
- private PersonNamePattern getBestPattern(PersonNamePattern[] patterns, PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ private PersonNamePattern getBestPattern(PersonNamePattern[] patterns, PersonName name) {
// early out if there's only one pattern
if (patterns.length == 1) {
return patterns[0];
* @param name The name for which we need the locale
* @return The name's (real or guessed) locale.
- private Locale getNameLocale(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ private Locale getNameLocale(PersonName name) {
// if the name specifies its locale, we can just return it
Locale nameLocale = name.getNameLocale();
if (nameLocale == null) {
// if not, we look at the characters in the name. If their script matches the default script for the formatter's
// locale, we use the formatter's locale as the name's locale
int formatterScript = UScript.getCodeFromName(ULocale.addLikelySubtags(ULocale.forLocale(locale)).getScript());
- String givenName = name.getFieldValue(PersonNameFormatter.NameField.GIVEN, new HashSet<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier>());
+ String givenName = name.getFieldValue(PersonName.NameField.GIVEN, new HashSet<PersonName.FieldModifier>());
int nameScript = UScript.INVALID_CODE;
for (int i = 0; nameScript == UScript.INVALID_CODE && i < givenName.length(); i++) {
// the script of the name is the script of the first character in the name whose script isn't
// License & terms of use:
import java.util.*;
this.patternElements = elements.toArray(new Element[0]);
- public String format(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ public String format(PersonName name) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
boolean seenLeadingField = false;
boolean seenEmptyLeadingField = false;
return result.toString();
- public int numPopulatedFields(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ public int numPopulatedFields(PersonName name) {
int result = 0;
for (Element element : patternElements) {
result += element.isPopulated(name) ? 1 : 0;
return result;
- public int numEmptyFields(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ public int numEmptyFields(PersonName name) {
int result = 0;
for (Element element : patternElements) {
result += element.isPopulated(name) ? 0 : 1;
private interface Element {
boolean isLiteral();
- String format(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name);
- boolean isPopulated(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name);
+ String format(PersonName name);
+ boolean isPopulated(PersonName name);
return true;
- public String format(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ public String format(PersonName name) {
return text;
- public boolean isPopulated(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ public boolean isPopulated(PersonName name) {
return false;
* PersonName object and applying any modifiers to it.
private static class NameFieldImpl implements Element {
- private PersonNameFormatter.NameField fieldID;
- private Map<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier, FieldModifierImpl> modifiers;
+ private PersonName.NameField fieldID;
+ private Map<PersonName.FieldModifier, FieldModifierImpl> modifiers;
public NameFieldImpl(String fieldNameAndModifiers, PersonNameFormatterImpl formatterImpl) {
- List<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> modifierIDs = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<PersonName.FieldModifier> modifierIDs = new ArrayList<>();
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(fieldNameAndModifiers, "-");
- this.fieldID = PersonNameFormatter.NameField.forString(tok.nextToken());
+ this.fieldID = PersonName.NameField.forString(tok.nextToken());
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
- modifierIDs.add(PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier.forString(tok.nextToken()));
+ modifierIDs.add(PersonName.FieldModifier.forString(tok.nextToken()));
- if (this.fieldID == PersonNameFormatter.NameField.SURNAME && formatterImpl.shouldCapitalizeSurname()) {
- modifierIDs.add(PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier.ALL_CAPS);
+ if (this.fieldID == PersonName.NameField.SURNAME && formatterImpl.shouldCapitalizeSurname()) {
+ modifierIDs.add(PersonName.FieldModifier.ALL_CAPS);
this.modifiers = new HashMap<>();
- for (PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier modifierID : modifierIDs) {
+ for (PersonName.FieldModifier modifierID : modifierIDs) {
this.modifiers.put(modifierID, FieldModifierImpl.forName(modifierID, formatterImpl));
return false;
- public String format(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
- Set<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> modifierIDs = new HashSet<>(modifiers.keySet());
+ public String format(PersonName name) {
+ Set<PersonName.FieldModifier> modifierIDs = new HashSet<>(modifiers.keySet());
String result = name.getFieldValue(fieldID, modifierIDs);
if (result != null) {
- for (PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier modifierID : modifierIDs) {
+ for (PersonName.FieldModifier modifierID : modifierIDs) {
result = modifiers.get(modifierID).modifyField(result);
return result;
- public boolean isPopulated(PersonNameFormatter.PersonName name) {
+ public boolean isPopulated(PersonName name) {
// just check whether the unmodified field contains a value
- Set<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> modifierIDs = new HashSet<>();
+ Set<PersonName.FieldModifier> modifierIDs = new HashSet<>();
String fieldValue = name.getFieldValue(fieldID, modifierIDs);
return fieldValue != null && !fieldValue.isEmpty();
--- /dev/null
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * An object used to provide name data to the PersonNameFormatter for formatting.
+ * Clients can implement this interface to talk directly to some other subsystem
+ * that actually contains the name data (instead of having to copy it into a separate
+ * object just for formatting) or to override the default modifier behavior described
+ * above. A concrete SimplePersonName object that does store the field values directly
+ * is provided.
+ *
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @see SimplePersonName
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+public interface PersonName {
+ //==============================================================================
+ // Identifiers used to request field values from the PersonName object
+ /**
+ * Identifiers for the name fields supported by the PersonName object.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ enum NameField {
+ /**
+ * Contains titles and other words that precede the actual name, such as "Mr."
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ PREFIX("prefix"),
+ /**
+ * The given name. May contain more than one token.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ GIVEN("given"),
+ /**
+ * Additional given names. (In English, this is usually the "middle name" and
+ * may contain more than one word.)
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ GIVEN2("given2"),
+ /**
+ * The surname. In Spanish, this is the patronymic surname.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ SURNAME("surname"),
+ /**
+ * Additional surnames. This is only used in a few languages, such as Spanish,
+ * where it is the matronymic surname. (In most languages, multiple surnames all
+ * just go in the SURNAME field.)
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ SURNAME2("surname2"),
+ /**
+ * Generational and professional qualifiers that generally follow the actual name,
+ * such as "Jr." or "M.D."
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ SUFFIX("suffix"),
+ /**
+ * The preferred field order for the name. PersonName objects generally shouldn't provide
+ * this field, allowing the PersonNameFormatter to deduce the proper field order based on
+ * the locales of the name of the formatter. But this can be used to force a particular
+ * field order, generally in cases where the deduction logic in PersonNameFormatter would
+ * guess wrong. When used, the only valid values are "givenFirst" and "surnameFirst".
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ PREFERRED_ORDER("preferredOrder");
+ private final String name;
+ private NameField(String name) {
+ = name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the NameField's display name.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the appropriate NameField for its display name.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ public static NameField forString(String name) {
+ for (NameField field : values()) {
+ if ( {
+ return field;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field name " + name);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Identifiers for the name field modifiers supported by the PersonName and PersonNameFormatter objects.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ enum FieldModifier {
+ /**
+ * Requests an "informal" variant of the field, generally a nickname of some type:
+ * if "given" is "James", "given-informal" might be "Jimmy". Only applied to the "given"
+ * field. If the PersonName object doesn't apply this modifier, PersonNameFormatter just
+ * uses the unmodified version of "given".
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ INFORMAL("informal"),
+ /**
+ * If the field contains a main word with one or more separate prefixes, such as
+ * "van den Hul", this requests just the prefixes ("van den"). Only applied to the "surname"
+ * field. If the PersonName object doesn't apply this modifier, PersonNameFormatter
+ * assumes there are no prefixes.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ PREFIX("prefix"),
+ /**
+ * If the field contains a main word with one or more separate prefixes, such as
+ * "van den Hul", this requests just the main word ("Hul"). Only applied to the "surname"
+ * field. If the implementing class doesn't apply this modifier, PersonNameFormatter
+ * assumes the entire "surname" field is the "core".
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ CORE("core"),
+ /**
+ * Requests an initial for the specified field. PersonNameFormatter will do
+ * this algorithmically, but a PersonName object can apply this modifier itself if it wants
+ * different initial-generation logic (or stores the initial separately).
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ INITIAL("initial"),
+ /**
+ * Requests an initial for the specified field, suitable for use in a monogram
+ * (this usually differs from "initial" in that "initial" often adds a period and "monogram"
+ * never does). PersonNameFormatter will do this algorithmically, but a PersonName object can
+ * apply this modifier itself if it wants different monogram-generation logic.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ MONOGRAM("monogram"),
+ /**
+ * Requests the field value converted to ALL CAPS. PersonName objects
+ * generally won't need to handle this modifier themselves.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ ALL_CAPS("allCaps"),
+ /**
+ * Requests the field value with the first grapheme of each word converted to titlecase.
+ * A PersonName object might handle this modifier itself to capitalize words more
+ * selectively.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ INITIAL_CAP("initialCap");
+ private final String name;
+ private FieldModifier(String name) {
+ = name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the FieldModifier's display name.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the appropriate fieldModifier for its display name.
+ * @internal
+ */
+ public static FieldModifier forString(String name) {
+ for (FieldModifier modifier : values()) {
+ if ( {
+ return modifier;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid modifier name " + name);
+ }
+ }
+ //==============================================================================
+ // Public API on PersonName
+ /**
+ * Returns the locale of the name-- that is, the language or country of origin for the person being named.
+ * An implementing class is allowed to return null here to indicate the name's locale is unknown.
+ *
+ * @return The name's locale, or null if it's not known.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ public Locale getNameLocale();
+ /**
+ * Returns one field of the name, possibly in a modified form.
+ *
+ * @param identifier The identifier of the requested field.
+ * @param modifiers An **IN/OUT** parameter that specifies modifiers to apply to the basic field value.
+ * An implementing class can choose to handle or ignore any modifiers; it should modify
+ * the passed-in Set so that on exit, it contains only the requested modifiers that it
+ * DIDN'T handle. This parameter may not be null, and must either be mutable or empty.
+ * @return The value of the requested field, optionally modified by some or all of the requested modifiers, or
+ * null if the requested field isn't present in the name.
+ * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
+ * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
+ */
+ public String getFieldValue(NameField identifier, Set<FieldModifier> modifiers);
- //==============================================================================
- // Identifiers used to request field values from the PersonName object
- /**
- * Identifiers for the name fields supported by the PersonName object.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- public enum NameField {
- /**
- * Contains titles and other words that precede the actual name, such as "Mr."
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- PREFIX("prefix"),
- /**
- * The given name. May contain more than one token.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- GIVEN("given"),
- /**
- * Additional given names. (In English, this is usually the "middle name" and
- * may contain more than one word.)
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- GIVEN2("given2"),
- /**
- * The surname. In Spanish, this is the patronymic surname.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- SURNAME("surname"),
- /**
- * Additional surnames. This is only used in a few languages, such as Spanish,
- * where it is the matronymic surname. (In most languages, multiple surnames all
- * just go in the SURNAME field.)
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- SURNAME2("surname2"),
- /**
- * Generational and professional qualifiers that generally follow the actual name,
- * such as "Jr." or "M.D."
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- SUFFIX("suffix"),
- /**
- * The preferred field order for the name. PersonName objects generally shouldn't provide
- * this field, allowing the PersonNameFormatter to deduce the proper field order based on
- * the locales of the name of the formatter. But this can be used to force a particular
- * field order, generally in cases where the deduction logic in PersonNameFormatter would
- * guess wrong. When used, the only valid values are "givenFirst" and "surnameFirst".
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- PREFERRED_ORDER("preferredOrder");
- private final String name;
- private NameField(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the NameField's display name.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the appropriate NameField for its display name.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- public static NameField forString(String name) {
- for (NameField field : values()) {
- if ( {
- return field;
- }
- }
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field name " + name);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Identifiers for the name field modifiers supported by the PersonName and PersonNameFormatter objects.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- public enum FieldModifier {
- /**
- * Requests an "informal" variant of the field, generally a nickname of some type:
- * if "given" is "James", "given-informal" might be "Jimmy". Only applied to the "given"
- * field. If the PersonName object doesn't apply this modifier, PersonNameFormatter just
- * uses the unmodified version of "given".
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- INFORMAL("informal"),
- /**
- * If the field contains a main word with one or more separate prefixes, such as
- * "van den Hul", this requests just the prefixes ("van den"). Only applied to the "surname"
- * field. If the PersonName object doesn't apply this modifier, PersonNameFormatter
- * assumes there are no prefixes.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- PREFIX("prefix"),
- /**
- * If the field contains a main word with one or more separate prefixes, such as
- * "van den Hul", this requests just the main word ("Hul"). Only applied to the "surname"
- * field. If the implementing class doesn't apply this modifier, PersonNameFormatter
- * assumes the entire "surname" field is the "core".
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- CORE("core"),
- /**
- * Requests an initial for the specified field. PersonNameFormatter will do
- * this algorithmically, but a PersonName object can apply this modifier itself if it wants
- * different initial-generation logic (or stores the initial separately).
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- INITIAL("initial"),
- /**
- * Requests an initial for the specified field, suitable for use in a monogram
- * (this usually differs from "initial" in that "initial" often adds a period and "monogram"
- * never does). PersonNameFormatter will do this algorithmically, but a PersonName object can
- * apply this modifier itself if it wants different monogram-generation logic.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- MONOGRAM("monogram"),
- /**
- * Requests the field value converted to ALL CAPS. PersonName objects
- * generally won't need to handle this modifier themselves.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- ALL_CAPS("allCaps"),
- /**
- * Requests the field value with the first grapheme of each word converted to titlecase.
- * A PersonName object might handle this modifier itself to capitalize words more
- * selectively.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- INITIAL_CAP("initialCap");
- private final String name;
- private FieldModifier(String name) {
- = name;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the FieldModifier's display name.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the appropriate fieldModifier for its display name.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- public static FieldModifier forString(String name) {
- for (FieldModifier modifier : values()) {
- if ( {
- return modifier;
- }
- }
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid modifier name " + name);
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- // The PersonName object
- /**
- * An object used to provide name data to the PersonNameFormatter for formatting.
- * Clients can implement this interface to talk directly to some other subsystem
- * that actually contains the name data (instead of having to copy it into a separate
- * object just for formatting) or to override the default modifier behavior described
- * above. A concrete SimplePersonName object that does store the field values directly
- * is provided.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- * @see SimplePersonName
- */
- public interface PersonName {
- /**
- * Returns the locale of the name-- that is, the language or country of origin for the person being named.
- * @return The name's locale, or null if it's not known.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- public Locale getNameLocale();
- /**
- * Returns one field of the name, possibly in a modified form.
- * @param identifier The identifier of the requested field.
- * @param modifiers An **IN/OUT** parameter that specifies modifiers to apply to the basic field value.
- * An implementing class can choose to handle or ignore any modifiers; it should modify
- * this parameter so that on exit, it contains only the requested modifiers that it
- * DIDN'T handle.
- * @return The value of the requested field, optionally modified by some or all of the requested modifiers, or
- * null if the requested field isn't present in the name.
- * @internal ICU 72 technology preview
- * @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- */
- public String getFieldValue(NameField identifier, Set<FieldModifier> modifiers);
- }
private final PersonNameFormatterImpl impl;
- // Builder for PersonNameformatter
+ // Builder for PersonNameFormatter
* A utility class that can be used to construct a PersonNameFormatter.
+ * Use PersonNameFormatter.builder() to get a new instance.
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
public static class Builder {
* Sets the locale for the formatter to be constructed.
- * @param locale The new formatter locale.
+ * @param locale The new formatter locale. May not be null.
* @return This builder.
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
public Builder setLocale(Locale locale) {
- this.locale = locale;
+ if (locale != null) {
+ this.locale = locale;
+ }
return this;
- * Sets the options set for the formatter to be constructed.
+ * Sets the options set for the formatter to be constructed. The Set passed in
+ * here replaces the entire options set the builder already has (if one has
+ * already been set); this method doesn't modify the builder's options set.
* @param options The new options set.
* @return This builder.
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* Returns a new PersonNameFormatter with the values that were passed to this builder.
+ * This method doesn't freeze or delete the builder; you can call build() more than once
+ * (presumably after calling the other methods to change the parameter) to create more
+ * than one PersonNameFormatter; you don't need a new Builder for each PersonNameFormatter.
* @return A new PersonNameFormatter.
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
private Builder() {
- private Locale locale = null;
+ private Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
private Length length = Length.MEDIUM;
private Usage usage = Usage.REFERRING;
private Formality formality = Formality.FORMAL;
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- public Builder builderFromThis() {
+ public Builder toBuilder() {
Builder builder = builder();
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
-public class SimplePersonName implements PersonNameFormatter.PersonName {
+public class SimplePersonName implements PersonName {
+ * A utility class for constructing a SimplePersonName. Use SimplePersonName.builder()
+ * to get a new Builder instance.
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
public static class Builder {
* Set the locale for the new name object.
- * @param locale The locale for the new name object.
+ * @param locale The locale for the new name object. Can be null, which indicates the
+ * name's locale is unknown.
* @return This builder.
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
* @internal ICU 72 technology preview
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- public Builder addField(PersonNameFormatter.NameField field,
- Collection<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> modifiers,
+ public Builder addField(NameField field,
+ Collection<FieldModifier> modifiers,
String value) {
// generate the modifiers' internal names, and sort them alphabetically
Set<String> modifierNames = new TreeSet<>();
if (modifiers != null) {
- for (PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier modifier : modifiers) {
+ for (FieldModifier modifier : modifiers) {
* @deprecated This API is for technology preview only.
- public String getFieldValue(PersonNameFormatter.NameField nameField, Set<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> modifiers) {
+ public String getFieldValue(NameField nameField, Set<FieldModifier> modifiers) {
// first look for the fully modified name in the internal table
String fieldName = nameField.toString();
String result = fieldValues.get(makeModifiedFieldName(nameField, modifiers));
int winningScore = 0;
for (String key : fieldValues.keySet()) {
if (key.startsWith(fieldName)) {
- Set<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> keyModifiers = makeModifiersFromName(key);
+ Set<FieldModifier> keyModifiers = makeModifiersFromName(key);
if (modifiers.containsAll(keyModifiers)) {
if (keyModifiers.size() > winningScore || (keyModifiers.size() == winningScore && key.compareTo(winningKey) < 0)) {
winningKey = key;
return result;
- private static String makeModifiedFieldName(PersonNameFormatter.NameField fieldName,
- Collection<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> modifiers) {
+ private static String makeModifiedFieldName(NameField fieldName,
+ Collection<FieldModifier> modifiers) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
TreeSet<String> sortedModifierNames = new TreeSet<>();
- for (PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier modifier : modifiers) {
+ for (FieldModifier modifier : modifiers) {
for (String modifierName : sortedModifierNames) {
return result.toString();
- private static Set<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> makeModifiersFromName(String modifiedName) {
+ private static Set<FieldModifier> makeModifiersFromName(String modifiedName) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(modifiedName, "-");
- Set<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> result = new HashSet<>();
+ Set<FieldModifier> result = new HashSet<>();
String fieldName = tok.nextToken(); // throw away the field name
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
- result.add(PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier.forString(tok.nextToken()));
+ result.add(PersonName.FieldModifier.forString(tok.nextToken()));
return result;
import org.junit.Test;
// locale ID
builder.setLocale(Locale.forLanguageTag(fieldValue.replace("_", "-")));
} else if (fieldName.indexOf('-') < 0) {
- builder.addField(PersonNameFormatter.NameField.forString(fieldName), null, fieldValue);
+ builder.addField(PersonName.NameField.forString(fieldName), null, fieldValue);
} else {
StringTokenizer fieldNameSplitter = new StringTokenizer(fieldName, "-");
- Set<PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier> modifiers = new HashSet<>();
- PersonNameFormatter.NameField fieldID = PersonNameFormatter.NameField.forString(fieldNameSplitter.nextToken());
+ Set<PersonName.FieldModifier> modifiers = new HashSet<>();
+ PersonName.NameField fieldID = PersonName.NameField.forString(fieldNameSplitter.nextToken());
while (fieldNameSplitter.hasMoreTokens()) {
- modifiers.add(PersonNameFormatter.FieldModifier.forString(fieldNameSplitter.nextToken()));
+ modifiers.add(PersonName.FieldModifier.forString(fieldNameSplitter.nextToken()));
builder.addField(fieldID, modifiers, fieldValue);