} else {
/* Else, if we got bytes back, check for possible errors. */
- int err = SSL_get_error(sslsock->ssl_handle, nr_bytes );
+ int err = SSL_get_error(sslsock->ssl_handle, nr_bytes);
/* If we didn't get any error, then let's return it to PHP. */
- if (err == SSL_ERROR_NONE) {
- break;
- }
+ if (err == SSL_ERROR_NONE)
+ break;
/* Otherwise, we need to wait again (up to time_left or we get an error) */
- if (blocked) {
+ if (began_blocked) {
if (read) {
php_pollfd_for(sslsock->s.socket, (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) ?
(POLLOUT|POLLPRI) : (POLLIN|POLLPRI), has_timeout ? &left_time : NULL);