#include "gvplugin_device.h"
#include "gvplugin_render.h"
+#include "cgraph.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "gvplugin_quartz.h"
-static CGFloat dashed[] = {6.0};
-static CGFloat dotted[] = {2.0, 6.0};
+static CGFloat dashed[] = { 6.0 };
+static CGFloat dotted[] = { 2.0, 6.0 };
-static void quartzgen_begin_job(GVJ_t *job)
+static void quartzgen_begin_job(GVJ_t * job)
- if (!job->external_context)
- job->context = NULL;
- else if (job->device.id == FORMAT_CGIMAGE)
- {
- /* save the passed-in context in the window field, so we can create a CGContext in the context field later on */
- job->window = job->context;
- *((CGImageRef*)job->window) = NULL;
- job->context = NULL;
- }
+ if (!job->external_context)
+ job->context = NULL;
+ else if (job->device.id == FORMAT_CGIMAGE) {
+ /* save the passed-in context in the window field, so we can create a CGContext in the context field later on */
+ job->window = job->context;
+ *((CGImageRef *) job->window) = NULL;
+ job->context = NULL;
+ }
-static void quartzgen_end_job(GVJ_t *job)
+static void quartzgen_end_job(GVJ_t * job)
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- if (!job->external_context) {
- switch (job->device.id) {
- case FORMAT_PDF:
- /* save the PDF */
- CGPDFContextClose(context);
- break;
- break;
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ if (!job->external_context) {
+ switch (job->device.id) {
+ case FORMAT_PDF:
+ /* save the PDF */
+ CGPDFContextClose(context);
+ break;
+ break;
- default: /* bitmap formats */
- {
- /* create an image destination */
- CGDataConsumerRef data_consumer = CGDataConsumerCreate(job, &device_data_consumer_callbacks);
- CGImageDestinationRef image_destination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithDataConsumer(data_consumer, format_uti[job->device.id], 1, NULL);
- /* add the bitmap image to the destination and save it */
- CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
- CGImageDestinationAddImage(image_destination, image, NULL);
- CGImageDestinationFinalize(image_destination);
- /* clean up */
- if (image_destination)
- CFRelease(image_destination);
- CGImageRelease(image);
- CGDataConsumerRelease(data_consumer);
- }
- break;
+ default: /* bitmap formats */
+ {
+ /* create an image destination */
+ CGDataConsumerRef data_consumer =
+ CGDataConsumerCreate(job,
+ &device_data_consumer_callbacks);
+ CGImageDestinationRef image_destination =
+ CGImageDestinationCreateWithDataConsumer(data_consumer,
+ format_uti
+ [job->device.
+ id], 1,
+ NULL);
+ /* add the bitmap image to the destination and save it */
+ CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
+ CGImageDestinationAddImage(image_destination, image, NULL);
+ CGImageDestinationFinalize(image_destination);
+ /* clean up */
+ if (image_destination)
+ CFRelease(image_destination);
+ CGImageRelease(image);
+ CGDataConsumerRelease(data_consumer);
+ }
+ break;
- }
- CGContextRelease(context);
- else if (job->device.id == FORMAT_CGIMAGE)
- {
- /* create an image and save it where the window field is, which was set to the passed-in context at begin job */
- *((CGImageRef*)job->window) = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
+ CGContextRelease(context);
+ } else if (job->device.id == FORMAT_CGIMAGE) {
+ /* create an image and save it where the window field is, which was set to the passed-in context at begin job */
+ *((CGImageRef *) job->window) =
+ CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
- void* context_data = CGBitmapContextGetData(context);
- size_t context_datalen = CGBitmapContextGetBytesPerRow(context) * CGBitmapContextGetHeight(context);
+ void *context_data = CGBitmapContextGetData(context);
+ size_t context_datalen =
+ CGBitmapContextGetBytesPerRow(context) *
+ CGBitmapContextGetHeight(context);
- CGContextRelease(context);
+ CGContextRelease(context);
- munmap(context_data, context_datalen);
+ munmap(context_data, context_datalen);
- }
+ }
-static void quartzgen_begin_page(GVJ_t *job)
+static void quartzgen_begin_page(GVJ_t * job)
- CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, job->width, job->height);
- if (!job->context) {
- switch (job->device.id) {
- case FORMAT_PDF:
- {
- /* create the auxiliary info for PDF content, author and title */
- CFStringRef auxiliaryKeys[] = {
- kCGPDFContextCreator,
- kCGPDFContextTitle
- };
- CFStringRef auxiliaryValues[] = {
- CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%s %s"), job->common->info[0], job->common->info[1]),
- job->obj->type == ROOTGRAPH_OBJTYPE ?
- CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *)job->obj->u.g->name, strlen(job->obj->u.g->name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false, kCFAllocatorNull)
- : CFSTR("")
- };
- CFDictionaryRef auxiliaryInfo = CFDictionaryCreate(
- kCFAllocatorDefault,
- (const void **)&auxiliaryKeys,
- (const void **)&auxiliaryValues,
- sizeof(auxiliaryValues)/sizeof(auxiliaryValues[0]),
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks
- );
- /* create a PDF for drawing into */
- CGDataConsumerRef data_consumer = CGDataConsumerCreate(job, &device_data_consumer_callbacks);
- job->context = CGPDFContextCreate(data_consumer, &bounds, auxiliaryInfo);
- /* clean up */
- CGDataConsumerRelease(data_consumer);
- CFRelease(auxiliaryInfo);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(auxiliaryValues)/sizeof(auxiliaryValues[0]); ++i)
- CFRelease(auxiliaryValues[i]);
- }
- break;
- default: /* bitmap formats */
- {
- size_t bytes_per_row = (job->width * BYTES_PER_PIXEL + BYTE_ALIGN) & ~BYTE_ALIGN;
- void* buffer = NULL;
+ CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, job->width, job->height);
+ if (!job->context) {
+ switch (job->device.id) {
+ case FORMAT_PDF:
+ {
+ /* create the auxiliary info for PDF content, author and title */
+ CFStringRef auxiliaryKeys[] = {
+ kCGPDFContextCreator,
+ kCGPDFContextTitle
+ };
+ CFStringRef auxiliaryValues[] = {
+ CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL,
+ CFSTR("%s %s"),
+ job->common->info[0],
+ job->common->info[1]),
+ job->obj->type ==
+ CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ (const UInt8 *) agnameof(job->obj->u.g),
+ strlen(agnameof(job->obj->u.g)),
+ kCFStringEncodingUTF8,
+ false,
+ kCFAllocatorNull)
+ : CFSTR("")
+ };
+ CFDictionaryRef auxiliaryInfo =
+ CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ (const void **) &auxiliaryKeys,
+ (const void **) &auxiliaryValues,
+ sizeof(auxiliaryValues) /
+ sizeof(auxiliaryValues[0]),
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ /* create a PDF for drawing into */
+ CGDataConsumerRef data_consumer =
+ CGDataConsumerCreate(job,
+ &device_data_consumer_callbacks);
+ job->context =
+ CGPDFContextCreate(data_consumer, &bounds,
+ auxiliaryInfo);
+ /* clean up */
+ CGDataConsumerRelease(data_consumer);
+ CFRelease(auxiliaryInfo);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0;
+ i <
+ sizeof(auxiliaryValues) / sizeof(auxiliaryValues[0]);
+ ++i)
+ CFRelease(auxiliaryValues[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* bitmap formats */
+ {
+ size_t bytes_per_row =
+ (job->width * BYTES_PER_PIXEL +
+ void *buffer = NULL;
- /* iPhoneOS has no swap files for memory, so if we're short of memory we need to make our own temp scratch file to back it */
- size_t buffer_size = job->height * bytes_per_row;
- mach_msg_type_number_t vm_info_size = HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT;
- vm_statistics_data_t vm_info;
- if (host_statistics(mach_host_self(), HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_info, &vm_info_size) != KERN_SUCCESS
- || buffer_size * 2 > vm_info.free_count * vm_page_size)
- {
- FILE* temp_file = tmpfile();
- if (temp_file)
- {
- int temp_file_descriptor = fileno(temp_file);
- if (temp_file_descriptor >= 0 && ftruncate(temp_file_descriptor, buffer_size) == 0)
- {
- buffer = mmap(
- buffer_size,
- temp_file_descriptor,
- 0);
- if (buffer == (void*)-1)
- buffer = NULL;
- }
- fclose(temp_file);
- }
- }
- if (!buffer)
- buffer = mmap(
- buffer_size,
- -1,
- 0);
- /* create a true color bitmap for drawing into */
- CGColorSpaceRef color_space = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
- job->context = CGBitmapContextCreate(
- buffer, /* data: MacOSX lets system allocate, iPhoneOS use manual memory mapping */
- job->width, /* width in pixels */
- job->height, /* height in pixels */
- BITS_PER_COMPONENT, /* bits per component */
- bytes_per_row, /* bytes per row: align to 16 byte boundary */
- color_space, /* color space: device RGB */
- kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst /* bitmap info: premul ARGB has best support in OS X */
- );
- job->imagedata = CGBitmapContextGetData((CGContextRef)job->context);
- /* clean up */
- CGColorSpaceRelease(color_space);
+ /* iPhoneOS has no swap files for memory, so if we're short of memory we need to make our own temp scratch file to back it */
+ size_t buffer_size = job->height * bytes_per_row;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t vm_info_size = HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT;
+ vm_statistics_data_t vm_info;
+ if (host_statistics
+ (mach_host_self(), HOST_VM_INFO,
+ (host_info_t) & vm_info,
+ &vm_info_size) != KERN_SUCCESS
+ || buffer_size * 2 >
+ vm_info.free_count * vm_page_size) {
+ FILE *temp_file = tmpfile();
+ if (temp_file) {
+ int temp_file_descriptor = fileno(temp_file);
+ if (temp_file_descriptor >= 0
+ && ftruncate(temp_file_descriptor,
+ buffer_size) == 0) {
+ buffer =
+ mmap(NULL, buffer_size,
+ temp_file_descriptor, 0);
+ if (buffer == (void *) -1)
+ buffer = NULL;
- break;
+ fclose(temp_file);
+ }
+ if (!buffer)
+ buffer = mmap(NULL,
+ buffer_size,
+ MAP_ANON | MAP_SHARED, -1, 0);
+ /* create a true color bitmap for drawing into */
+ CGColorSpaceRef color_space =
+ CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
+ job->context = CGBitmapContextCreate(buffer, /* data: MacOSX lets system allocate, iPhoneOS use manual memory mapping */
+ job->width, /* width in pixels */
+ job->height, /* height in pixels */
+ BITS_PER_COMPONENT, /* bits per component */
+ bytes_per_row, /* bytes per row: align to 16 byte boundary */
+ color_space, /* color space: device RGB */
+ kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst /* bitmap info: premul ARGB has best support in OS X */
+ );
+ job->imagedata =
+ CGBitmapContextGetData((CGContextRef) job->context);
+ /* clean up */
+ CGColorSpaceRelease(color_space);
+ }
+ break;
- /* start the page (if this is a paged context) and graphics state */
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- CGContextBeginPage(context, &bounds);
- CGContextSaveGState(context);
- CGContextSetMiterLimit(context, 1.0);
- CGContextSetLineJoin(context, kCGLineJoinRound);
- /* set up the context transformation */
- CGContextScaleCTM(context, job->scale.x, job->scale.y);
- CGContextRotateCTM(context, -job->rotation * M_PI / 180.0);
- CGContextTranslateCTM(context, job->translation.x, job->translation.y);
+ }
+ /* start the page (if this is a paged context) and graphics state */
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ CGContextBeginPage(context, &bounds);
+ CGContextSaveGState(context);
+ CGContextSetMiterLimit(context, 1.0);
+ CGContextSetLineJoin(context, kCGLineJoinRound);
+ /* set up the context transformation */
+ CGContextScaleCTM(context, job->scale.x, job->scale.y);
+ CGContextRotateCTM(context, -job->rotation * M_PI / 180.0);
+ CGContextTranslateCTM(context, job->translation.x, job->translation.y);
-static void quartzgen_end_page(GVJ_t *job)
+static void quartzgen_end_page(GVJ_t * job)
- /* end the page (if this is a paged context) and graphics state */
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- CGContextRestoreGState(context);
- CGContextEndPage(context);
+ /* end the page (if this is a paged context) and graphics state */
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ CGContextRestoreGState(context);
+ CGContextEndPage(context);
-static void quartzgen_begin_anchor(GVJ_t *job, char *url, char *tooltip, char *target, char *id)
+static void quartzgen_begin_anchor(GVJ_t * job, char *url, char *tooltip,
+ char *target, char *id)
pointf *url_map = job->obj->url_map_p;
- if (url && url_map) {
- /* set up the hyperlink to the given url */
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- CFURLRef uri = CFURLCreateWithBytes (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *)url, strlen(url), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, NULL);
- CGPDFContextSetURLForRect(
- context,
- uri,
- /* need to reverse the CTM on the area to get it to work */
- CGRectApplyAffineTransform(CGRectMake(url_map[0].x, url_map[0].y, url_map[1].x - url_map[0].x, url_map[1].y - url_map[0].y),CGContextGetCTM(context))
- );
+ if (url && url_map) {
+ /* set up the hyperlink to the given url */
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ CFURLRef uri =
+ CFURLCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *) url,
+ strlen(url), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, NULL);
+ CGPDFContextSetURLForRect(context, uri,
+ /* need to reverse the CTM on the area to get it to work */
+ CGRectApplyAffineTransform(CGRectMake
+ (url_map[0].x,
+ url_map[0].y,
+ url_map[1].
+ x -
+ url_map[0].x,
+ url_map[1].
+ y -
+ url_map[0].
+ y),
+ CGContextGetCTM
+ (context))
+ );
- /* clean up */
- CFRelease(uri);
- }
+ /* clean up */
+ CFRelease(uri);
+ }
-static void quartzgen_path(GVJ_t *job, int filled)
+static void quartzgen_path(GVJ_t * job, int filled)
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- /* set up colors */
- if (filled)
- CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, job->obj->fillcolor.u.RGBA [0], job->obj->fillcolor.u.RGBA [1], job->obj->fillcolor.u.RGBA [2], job->obj->fillcolor.u.RGBA [3]);
- CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA [0], job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA [1], job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA [2], job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA [3]);
- /* set up line style */
- const CGFloat *segments;
- size_t segment_count;
- switch (job->obj->pen) {
- case PEN_DASHED:
- segments = dashed;
- segment_count = sizeof(dashed)/sizeof(CGFloat);
- break;
- case PEN_DOTTED:
- segments = dotted;
- segment_count = sizeof(dotted)/sizeof(CGFloat);
- break;
- default:
- segments = NULL;
- segment_count = 0;
- break;
- }
- CGContextSetLineDash(context, 0.0, segments, segment_count);
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ /* set up colors */
+ if (filled)
+ CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, job->obj->fillcolor.u.RGBA[0],
+ job->obj->fillcolor.u.RGBA[1],
+ job->obj->fillcolor.u.RGBA[2],
+ job->obj->fillcolor.u.RGBA[3]);
+ CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[0],
+ job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[1],
+ job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[2],
+ job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[3]);
+ /* set up line style */
+ const CGFloat *segments;
+ size_t segment_count;
+ switch (job->obj->pen) {
+ case PEN_DASHED:
+ segments = dashed;
+ segment_count = sizeof(dashed) / sizeof(CGFloat);
+ break;
+ case PEN_DOTTED:
+ segments = dotted;
+ segment_count = sizeof(dotted) / sizeof(CGFloat);
+ break;
+ default:
+ segments = NULL;
+ segment_count = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ CGContextSetLineDash(context, 0.0, segments, segment_count);
- /* set up line width */
- CGContextSetLineWidth(context, job->obj->penwidth); // *job->scale.x);
- /* draw the path */
- CGContextDrawPath(context, filled ? kCGPathFillStroke : kCGPathStroke);
+ /* set up line width */
+ CGContextSetLineWidth(context, job->obj->penwidth); // *job->scale.x);
+ /* draw the path */
+ CGContextDrawPath(context, filled ? kCGPathFillStroke : kCGPathStroke);
-void quartzgen_textpara(GVJ_t *job, pointf p, textpara_t *para)
+void quartzgen_textpara(GVJ_t * job, pointf p, textpara_t * para)
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- /* adjust text position */
- switch (para->just) {
- case 'r':
- p.x -= para->width;
- break;
- case 'l':
- p.x -= 0.0;
- break;
- case 'n':
- default:
- p.x -= para->width / 2.0;
- break;
- }
- p.y += para->yoffset_centerline;
- void* layout;
- if (para->free_layout == &quartz_free_layout)
- layout = para->layout;
- else
- layout = quartz_new_layout(para->fontname, para->fontsize, para->str);
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ /* adjust text position */
+ switch (para->just) {
+ case 'r':
+ p.x -= para->width;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ p.x -= 0.0;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ default:
+ p.x -= para->width / 2.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ p.y += para->yoffset_centerline;
+ void *layout;
+ if (para->free_layout == &quartz_free_layout)
+ layout = para->layout;
+ else
+ layout =
+ quartz_new_layout(para->fontname, para->fontsize, para->str);
- CGContextSaveGState(context);
- CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0);
- p.y = -p.y - para->yoffset_layout;
+ CGContextSaveGState(context);
+ CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0);
+ p.y = -p.y - para->yoffset_layout;
- CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[0], job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[1], job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[2], job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[3]);
- quartz_draw_layout(layout, context, CGPointMake(p.x, p.y));
+ CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[0],
+ job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[1],
+ job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[2],
+ job->obj->pencolor.u.RGBA[3]);
+ quartz_draw_layout(layout, context, CGPointMake(p.x, p.y));
- CGContextRestoreGState(context);
+ CGContextRestoreGState(context);
- if (para->free_layout != &quartz_free_layout)
- quartz_free_layout(layout);
+ if (para->free_layout != &quartz_free_layout)
+ quartz_free_layout(layout);
-static void quartzgen_ellipse(GVJ_t *job, pointf *A, int filled)
+static void quartzgen_ellipse(GVJ_t * job, pointf * A, int filled)
- /* convert ellipse into the current path */
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- double dx = A[1].x - A[0].x;
- double dy = A[1].y - A[0].y;
- CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(A[0].x - dx, A[0].y - dy, dx * 2.0, dy * 2.0));
- /* draw the ellipse */
- quartzgen_path(job, filled);
+ /* convert ellipse into the current path */
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ double dx = A[1].x - A[0].x;
+ double dy = A[1].y - A[0].y;
+ CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context,
+ CGRectMake(A[0].x - dx, A[0].y - dy,
+ dx * 2.0, dy * 2.0));
+ /* draw the ellipse */
+ quartzgen_path(job, filled);
-static void quartzgen_polygon(GVJ_t *job, pointf *A, int n, int filled)
+static void quartzgen_polygon(GVJ_t * job, pointf * A, int n, int filled)
- /* convert polygon into the current path */
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- CGContextMoveToPoint(context, A[0].x, A[0].y);
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
- CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, A[i].x, A[i].y);
- CGContextClosePath(context);
- /* draw the ellipse */
- quartzgen_path(job, filled);
+ /* convert polygon into the current path */
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ CGContextMoveToPoint(context, A[0].x, A[0].y);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
+ CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, A[i].x, A[i].y);
+ CGContextClosePath(context);
+ /* draw the ellipse */
+ quartzgen_path(job, filled);
static void
-quartzgen_bezier(GVJ_t *job, pointf *A, int n, int arrow_at_start,
- int arrow_at_end, int filled)
+quartzgen_bezier(GVJ_t * job, pointf * A, int n, int arrow_at_start,
+ int arrow_at_end, int filled)
- /* convert bezier into the current path */
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- CGContextMoveToPoint(context, A[0].x, A[0].y);
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < n; i += 3)
- CGContextAddCurveToPoint(context, A[i].x, A[i].y, A[i+1].x, A[i+1].y, A[i+2].x, A[i+2].y);
- /* draw the ellipse */
- quartzgen_path(job, filled);
+ /* convert bezier into the current path */
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ CGContextMoveToPoint(context, A[0].x, A[0].y);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 1; i < n; i += 3)
+ CGContextAddCurveToPoint(context, A[i].x, A[i].y, A[i + 1].x,
+ A[i + 1].y, A[i + 2].x, A[i + 2].y);
+ /* draw the ellipse */
+ quartzgen_path(job, filled);
-static void quartzgen_polyline(GVJ_t *job, pointf *A, int n)
+static void quartzgen_polyline(GVJ_t * job, pointf * A, int n)
- /* convert polyline into the current path */
- CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef)job->context;
- CGContextMoveToPoint(context, A[0].x, A[0].y);
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
- CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, A[i].x, A[i].y);
- /* draw the ellipse */
- quartzgen_path(job, FALSE);
+ /* convert polyline into the current path */
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) job->context;
+ CGContextMoveToPoint(context, A[0].x, A[0].y);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
+ CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, A[i].x, A[i].y);
+ /* draw the ellipse */
+ quartzgen_path(job, FALSE);
static gvrender_engine_t quartzgen_engine = {
- 0, /* quartzgen_begin_graph */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_graph */
- 0, /* quartzgen_begin_layer */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_layer */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_begin_graph */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_graph */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_begin_layer */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_layer */
- 0, /* quartzgen_begin_cluster */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_cluster */
- 0, /* quartzgen_begin_nodes */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_nodes */
- 0, /* quartzgen_begin_edges */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_edges */
- 0, /* quartzgen_begin_node */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_node */
- 0, /* quartzgen_begin_edge */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_edge */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_begin_cluster */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_cluster */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_begin_nodes */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_nodes */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_begin_edges */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_edges */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_begin_node */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_node */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_begin_edge */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_edge */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_anchor */
- 0, /* quartzgen_begin_label */
- 0, /* quartzgen_end_label */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_anchor */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_begin_label */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_end_label */
- 0, /* quartzgen_comment */
- 0, /* quartzgen_library_shape */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_comment */
+ 0, /* quartzgen_library_shape */
static gvrender_features_t render_features_quartz = {
- 4., /* default pad - graph units */
- NULL, /* knowncolors */
- 0, /* sizeof knowncolors */
- RGBA_DOUBLE /* color_type */
+ 4., /* default pad - graph units */
+ NULL, /* knowncolors */
+ 0, /* sizeof knowncolors */
+ RGBA_DOUBLE /* color_type */
static gvdevice_features_t device_features_quartz = {
- {0.,0.}, /* default margin - points */
- {0.,0.}, /* default page width, height - points */
- {96.,96.} /* dpi */
+ {0., 0.}, /* default margin - points */
+ {0., 0.}, /* default page width, height - points */
+ {96., 96.} /* dpi */
static gvdevice_features_t device_features_quartz_paged = {
- | GVRENDER_NO_WHITE_BG, /* flags */
- {36.,36.}, /* default margin - points */
- {0.,0.}, /* default page width, height - points */
- {72.,72.} /* dpi */
+ {36., 36.}, /* default margin - points */
+ {0., 0.}, /* default page width, height - points */
+ {72., 72.} /* dpi */
gvplugin_installed_t gvrender_quartz_types[] = {
gvplugin_installed_t gvdevice_quartz_types[] = {
- {FORMAT_PDF, "pdf:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz_paged},
+ {FORMAT_PDF, "pdf:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz_paged},
- {FORMAT_CGIMAGE, "cgimage:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_CGIMAGE, "cgimage:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_BMP, "bmp:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_GIF, "gif:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_EXR, "exr:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_JPEG, "jpe:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_JPEG, "jpeg:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_JPEG, "jpg:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_JPEG2000, "jp2:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_PICT, "pct:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_PICT, "pict:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_PNG, "png:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_PSD, "psd:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_SGI, "sgi:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_TIFF, "tif:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_TIFF, "tiff:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {FORMAT_TGA, "tga:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_BMP, "bmp:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_GIF, "gif:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_EXR, "exr:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_JPEG, "jpe:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_JPEG, "jpeg:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_JPEG, "jpg:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_JPEG2000, "jp2:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_PICT, "pct:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_PICT, "pict:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_PNG, "png:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_PSD, "psd:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_SGI, "sgi:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_TIFF, "tif:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_TIFF, "tiff:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
+ {FORMAT_TGA, "tga:quartz", 8, NULL, &device_features_quartz},
- {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}
+ {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}