- Empty entry. Enjoy
?? ??? 2000, Version 4.0.4
-- Allow passing certain non-variables references by reference. You can do:
- a) func(new myclass());
- b) func(func2()); where func2() returns a reference, i.e. is defined as
+- Allow for three expression types to be sent to functions which are requesting
+ the function argument to be passed by reference (only c. was previously
+ supported):
+ a. func(new myclass());
+ b. func(func2()); where func2() returns a reference, i.e. is defined as
function &func2(...)
- c) func($var); where func() is defined as function func(&$var) {...}
+ c. func($var); where func() is defined as function func(&$var) {...}
You CAN'T count on any other expressions to be passable by reference.
+ (Andi, Zend Engine)
- Fixed bad mod_perl interaction which caused segfaults when using LFS (Sascha)
- const CONSTNAME now gets recognized. Before the patch only @const CONSTNAME description was recognized.
- Added extension for the cracklib library. (Alexander Feldman)