- Improved ZLIB extension:
. Re-implemented non-file related functionality. (Mike)
-- Improved SNMP extension:
- . Added OO API. FR #53594.
+- Improved SNMP extension (Boris Lytochkin):
+ . Added OO API. FR #53594 (php-snmp rewrite).
. Sanitized return values of existing functions. Now it returns FALSE on
. Allow ~infinite OIDs in GET/GETNEXT/SET queries. Autochunk them to max_oids
upon request.
. Introducing unit tests for extension with ~full coverage.
- . Fixed bugs #44193, #44193, #45893, #46065, #51336, #53862.
+ . Fixed bugs
+ . #44193 (snmp v3 noAuthNoPriv doesn't work)
+ . #45893 (Snmp buffer limited to 2048 char)
+ . #46065 (snmp_set_quick_print() persists between requests)
+ . #51336 (snmprealwalk (snmp v1) does not handle end of OID tree correctly)
+ . #53862 (snmp_set_oid_output_format does not allow returning to default)