currentDoctypeName = xmlCharDup(doctypeName);
+static void
+ while (notationListHead != NULL) {
+ NotationList *next = notationListHead->next;
+ free((void *)notationListHead->notationName);
+ free((void *)notationListHead->systemId);
+ free((void *)notationListHead->publicId);
+ free(notationListHead);
+ notationListHead = next;
+ }
+static int xcscmp(const XML_Char *xs, const XML_Char *xt)
+ while (*xs != 0 && *xt != 0) {
+ if (*xs < *xt)
+ return -1;
+ if (*xs > *xt)
+ return 1;
+ xs++;
+ xt++;
+ }
+ if (*xs < *xt)
+ return -1;
+ if (*xs > *xt)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int
+notationCmp(const void *a, const void *b)
+ const NotationList * const n1 = *(NotationList **)a;
+ const NotationList * const n2 = *(NotationList **)b;
+ return xcscmp(n1->notationName, n2->notationName);
static void XMLCALL
endDoctypeDecl(void *userData)
FILE *fp = (FILE *)userData;
+ NotationList **notations;
+ int notationCount = 0;
+ NotationList *p;
+ int i;
- if (notationListHead != NULL) {
- /* Output the DOCTYPE header */
- fputts(T("<!DOCTYPE "), fp);
- fputts(currentDoctypeName, fp);
- fputts(T(" [\n"), fp);
- /* Now the NOTATIONs */
- while (notationListHead != NULL) {
- NotationList *next = notationListHead->next;
- fputts(T("<!NOTATION "), fp);
- fputts(notationListHead->notationName, fp);
- if (notationListHead->publicId != NULL) {
- fputts(T(" PUBLIC '"), fp);
- fputts(notationListHead->publicId, fp);
+ /* How many notations do we have? */
+ for (p = notationListHead; p != NULL; p = p->next)
+ notationCount++;
+ if (notationCount == 0)
+ return; /* Nothing to report */
+ notations = malloc(notationCount * sizeof(NotationList *));
+ if (notations == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to sort notations");
+ freeNotations();
+ return;
+ }
+ for (p = notationListHead, i = 0;
+ i < notationCount;
+ p = p->next, i++) {
+ notations[i] = p;
+ }
+ qsort(notations, notationCount, sizeof(NotationList *), notationCmp);
+ /* Output the DOCTYPE header */
+ fputts(T("<!DOCTYPE "), fp);
+ fputts(currentDoctypeName, fp);
+ fputts(T(" [\n"), fp);
+ /* Now the NOTATIONs */
+ for (i = 0; i < notationCount; i++) {
+ fputts(T("<!NOTATION "), fp);
+ fputts(notations[i]->notationName, fp);
+ if (notations[i]->publicId != NULL) {
+ fputts(T(" PUBLIC '"), fp);
+ fputts(notations[i]->publicId, fp);
+ puttc(T('\''), fp);
+ if (notations[i]->systemId != NULL) {
+ puttc(T(' '), fp);
puttc(T('\''), fp);
- if (notationListHead->systemId != NULL) {
- puttc(T(' '), fp);
- puttc(T('\''), fp);
- fputts(notationListHead->systemId, fp);
- puttc(T('\''), fp);
- }
- }
- else if (notationListHead->systemId != NULL) {
- fputts(T(" SYSTEM '"), fp);
- fputts(notationListHead->systemId, fp);
+ fputts(notations[i]->systemId, fp);
puttc(T('\''), fp);
- puttc(T('>'), fp);
- puttc(T('\n'), fp);
- free((void *)notationListHead->notationName);
- free((void *)notationListHead->systemId);
- free((void *)notationListHead->publicId);
- free(notationListHead);
- notationListHead = next;
- /* Finally end the DOCTYPE */
- fputts(T("]>\n"), fp);
+ else if (notations[i]->systemId != NULL) {
+ fputts(T(" SYSTEM '"), fp);
+ fputts(notations[i]->systemId, fp);
+ puttc(T('\''), fp);
+ }
+ puttc(T('>'), fp);
+ puttc(T('\n'), fp);
+ /* Finally end the DOCTYPE */
+ fputts(T("]>\n"), fp);
+ free(notations);
+ freeNotations();
free((void *)currentDoctypeName);
currentDoctypeName = NULL;