full listing (add_*_ascii_string_*, add_*_rt_string_*, add_*_unicode_*,
+UBYTES() macro can be used to obtain the number of bytes necessary to store
+the given number of UChar's. The typical usage is:
+ char *constant_name = colon + (UG(unicode)?UBYTES(2):2);
+Memory Allocation
+For ease of use and to reduce possible bugs, there are memory allocation
+functions specific to Unicode strings. Please use them at all times when
+allocating UChar's.
+ eumalloc(size)
+ eurealloc(ptr, size)
+ eustrndup(s, length)
+ eustrdup(s)
+ peumalloc(size, persistent)
+ peurealloc(ptr, size, persistent)
+The size parameter refers to the number of UChar's, not bytes.
version. It returns the key as a char* pointer, you can can cast it
appropriately based on the key type.
+Identifiers and Class Entries
+In Unicode mode all the identifiers are Unicode strings. This means that
+while various structures such as zend_class_entry, zend_function, etc store
+the identifier name as a char* pointer, it will actually point to UChar*
+string. Be careful when accessing the names of classes, functions, and such
+-- always check UG(unicode) before using them.
+In addition, zend_class_entry has a u_twin field that points to its Unicode
+counterpart in UG(unicode) mode. Use U_CLASS_ENTRY() macro to access the
+correct class entry, e.g.:
+ ce = U_CLASS_ENTRY(default_exception_ce);