Problem: Vim9: blob tests for legacy and Vim9 script are separate.
Solution: Add CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(). Make blob index assign work.
return OK;
+ * Set bytes "n1" to "n2" (inclusive) in "dest" to the value of "src".
+ * Caller must make sure "src" is a blob.
+ * Returns FAIL if the number of bytes does not match.
+ */
+ int
+blob_set_range(blob_T *dest, long n1, long n2, typval_T *src)
+ int il, ir;
+ if (n2 - n1 + 1 != blob_len(src->vval.v_blob))
+ {
+ emsg(_("E972: Blob value does not have the right number of bytes"));
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ ir = 0;
+ for (il = n1; il <= n2; il++)
+ blob_set(dest, il, blob_get(src->vval.v_blob, ir++));
+ return OK;
* "remove({blob})" function
INIT(= N_("E1180: Variable arguments type must be a list: %s"));
EXTERN char e_cannot_use_underscore_here[]
INIT(= N_("E1181: Cannot use an underscore here"));
+EXTERN char e_blob_required[]
+ INIT(= N_("E1182: Blob required"));
if (lp->ll_range && rettv->v_type == VAR_BLOB)
- int il, ir;
if (lp->ll_empty2)
lp->ll_n2 = blob_len(lp->ll_blob) - 1;
- if (lp->ll_n2 - lp->ll_n1 + 1 != blob_len(rettv->vval.v_blob))
- {
- emsg(_("E972: Blob value does not have the right number of bytes"));
+ if (blob_set_range(lp->ll_blob, lp->ll_n1, lp->ll_n2,
+ rettv) == FAIL)
- }
- if (lp->ll_empty2)
- lp->ll_n2 = blob_len(lp->ll_blob);
- ir = 0;
- for (il = lp->ll_n1; il <= lp->ll_n2; il++)
- blob_set(lp->ll_blob, il,
- blob_get(rettv->vval.v_blob, ir++));
// "varname.key" is an expression.
|| (*p == '.' && ASCII_ISALPHA(p[1]))))
- char_u *after = p;
+ char_u *after = eap->cmd;
// When followed by "=" or "+=" then it is an assignment.
+ // Skip over the whole thing, it can be:
+ // name.member = val
+ // name[a : b] = val
+ // name[idx] = val
+ // name[idx].member = val
+ // etc.
+ eap->cmdidx = CMD_eval;
- if (*after == '.')
- after = skipwhite(after + 1);
if (skip_expr(&after, NULL) == OK)
+ {
after = skipwhite(after);
- else
- after = (char_u *)"";
- if (*after == '=' || (*after != NUL && after[1] == '=')
+ if (*after == '=' || (*after != NUL && after[1] == '=')
|| (after[0] == '.' && after[1] == '.'
&& after[2] == '='))
- eap->cmdidx = CMD_var;
- else
- eap->cmdidx = CMD_eval;
+ eap->cmdidx = CMD_var;
+ }
return eap->cmd;
char_u *blob2string(blob_T *blob, char_u **tofree, char_u *numbuf);
blob_T *string2blob(char_u *str);
int blob_slice_or_index(blob_T *blob, int is_range, varnumber_T n1, varnumber_T n2, int exclusive, typval_T *rettv);
+int blob_set_range(blob_T *dest, long n1, long n2, typval_T *src);
void blob_remove(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
/* vim: set ft=c : */
" Tests for the Blob types
+source vim9.vim
func TearDown()
" Run garbage collection after every test
call test_garbagecollect_now()
" Blob creation from constant
func Test_blob_create()
- let b = 0zDEADBEEF
- call assert_equal(v:t_blob, type(b))
- call assert_equal(4, len(b))
- call assert_equal(0xDE, b[0])
- call assert_equal(0xAD, b[1])
- call assert_equal(0xBE, b[2])
- call assert_equal(0xEF, b[3])
- call assert_fails('let x = b[4]')
- call assert_equal(0xDE, get(b, 0))
- call assert_equal(0xEF, get(b, 3))
- call assert_fails('let b = 0z1', 'E973:')
- call assert_fails('let b = 0z1x', 'E973:')
- call assert_fails('let b = 0z12345', 'E973:')
- call assert_equal(0z, test_null_blob())
- let b = 0z001122.33445566.778899.aabbcc.dd
- call assert_equal(0z00112233445566778899aabbccdd, b)
- call assert_fails('let b = 0z1.1')
- call assert_fails('let b = 0z.')
- call assert_fails('let b = 0z001122.')
- call assert_fails('call get("", 1)', 'E896:')
- call assert_equal(0, len(test_null_blob()))
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ call assert_equal(v:t_blob, type(b))
+ call assert_equal(4, len(b))
+ call assert_equal(0xDE, b[0])
+ call assert_equal(0xAD, b[1])
+ call assert_equal(0xBE, b[2])
+ call assert_equal(0xEF, b[3])
+ call assert_fails('VAR x = b[4]')
+ call assert_equal(0xDE, get(b, 0))
+ call assert_equal(0xEF, get(b, 3))
+ call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z1', 'E973:')
+ call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z1x', 'E973:')
+ call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z12345', 'E973:')
+ call assert_equal(0z, test_null_blob())
+ LET b = 0z001122.33445566.778899.aabbcc.dd
+ call assert_equal(0z00112233445566778899aabbccdd, b)
+ call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z1.1')
+ call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z.')
+ call assert_fails('VAR b = 0z001122.')
+ call assert_fails('call get("", 1)', 'E896:')
+ call assert_equal(0, len(test_null_blob()))
+ call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
" assignment to a blob
func Test_blob_assign()
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ VAR b2 = b[1 : 2]
+ call assert_equal(0zADBE, b2)
+ VAR bcopy = b[:]
+ call assert_equal(b, bcopy)
+ call assert_false(b is bcopy)
+ LET b2 = b
+ call assert_true(b is b2)
+ LET b[:] = 0z11223344
+ call assert_equal(0z11223344, b)
+ call assert_equal(0z11223344, b2)
+ call assert_true(b is b2)
+ LET b[3 :] = 0z66
+ call assert_equal(0zDEADBE66, b)
+ LET b[: 1] = 0z8899
+ call assert_equal(0z8899BE66, b)
+ LET b += 0z99
+ call assert_equal(0zDEADBEEF99, b)
+ VAR l = [0z12]
+ VAR m = deepcopy(l)
+ LET m[0] = 0z34 #" E742 or E741 should not occur.
+ call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
+ " TODO: move to above once it works
let b = 0zDEADBEEF
- let b2 = b[1:2]
- call assert_equal(0zADBE, b2)
- let bcopy = b[:]
- call assert_equal(b, bcopy)
- call assert_false(b is bcopy)
- let b = 0zDEADBEEF
- let b2 = b
- call assert_true(b is b2)
- let b[:] = 0z11223344
- call assert_equal(0z11223344, b)
- call assert_equal(0z11223344, b2)
- call assert_true(b is b2)
+ call assert_fails('let b[2 : 3] = 0z112233', 'E972:')
+ call assert_fails('let b[2 : 3] = 0z11', 'E972:')
+ call assert_fails('let b[3 : 2] = 0z', 'E979:')
- let b = 0zDEADBEEF
- let b[3:] = 0z66
- call assert_equal(0zDEADBE66, b)
- let b[:1] = 0z8899
- call assert_equal(0z8899BE66, b)
- call assert_fails('let b[2:3] = 0z112233', 'E972:')
- call assert_fails('let b[2:3] = 0z11', 'E972:')
- call assert_fails('let b[3:2] = 0z', 'E979:')
- let b = 0zDEADBEEF
- let b += 0z99
- call assert_equal(0zDEADBEEF99, b)
- call assert_fails('let b .= 0z33', 'E734:')
- call assert_fails('let b .= "xx"', 'E734:')
+ call assert_fails('let b ..= 0z33', 'E734:')
+ call assert_fails('let b ..= "xx"', 'E734:')
call assert_fails('let b += "xx"', 'E734:')
- call assert_fails('let b[1:1] .= 0z55', 'E734:')
- let l = [0z12]
- let m = deepcopy(l)
- let m[0] = 0z34 " E742 or E741 should not occur.
+ call assert_fails('let b[1 : 1] ..= 0z55', 'E734:')
func Test_blob_get_range()
CheckDefExecFailure(lines, errorDef, lnum)
CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, errorScript, lnum + 1)
+" Check that "lines" inside a legacy function has no error.
+func CheckLegacySuccess(lines)
+ let cwd = getcwd()
+ let fname = 'XlegacySuccess' .. s:sequence
+ let s:sequence += 1
+ call writefile(['func Func()'] + a:lines + ['endfunc'], fname)
+ try
+ exe 'so ' .. fname
+ call Func()
+ delfunc! Func
+ finally
+ call chdir(cwd)
+ call delete(fname)
+ endtry
+" Execute "lines" in a legacy function, :def function and Vim9 script.
+" Use 'VAR' for a declaration.
+" Use 'LET' for an assignment
+" Use ' #"' for a comment
+def CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines: list<string>)
+ var legacylines = lines->mapnew((_, v) =>
+ v->substitute('\<VAR\>', 'let', 'g')
+ ->substitute('\<LET\>', 'let', 'g')
+ ->substitute('#"', ' "', 'g'))
+ CheckLegacySuccess(legacylines)
+ var vim9lines = lines->mapnew((_, v) =>
+ v->substitute('\<VAR\>', 'var', 'g')
+ ->substitute('\<LET ', '', 'g'))
+ CheckDefSuccess(vim9lines)
+ CheckScriptSuccess(['vim9script'] + vim9lines)
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2757,
ISN_STORENR, // store number into local variable isn_arg.storenr.stnr_idx
ISN_STOREINDEX, // store into list or dictionary, type isn_arg.vartype,
// value/index/variable on stack
+ ISN_STORERANGE, // store into blob,
+ // value/index 1/index 2/variable on stack
ISN_UNLET, // unlet variable isn_arg.unlet.ul_name
ISN_UNLETENV, // unlet environment variable isn_arg.unlet.ul_name
char_u *var_start,
lhs_T *lhs,
- int is_assign,
int *range,
cctx_T *cctx)
size_t varlen = lhs->lhs_varlen;
char_u *p;
int r = OK;
+ int need_white_before = TRUE;
+ int empty_second;
p = var_start + varlen;
if (*p == '[')
p = skipwhite(p + 1);
- r = compile_expr0(&p, cctx);
+ if (*p == ':')
+ {
+ // empty first index, push zero
+ r = generate_PUSHNR(cctx, 0);
+ need_white_before = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ r = compile_expr0(&p, cctx);
if (r == OK && *skipwhite(p) == ':')
// unlet var[idx : idx]
- if (is_assign)
- {
- semsg(_(e_cannot_use_range_with_assignment_str), p);
- return FAIL;
- }
+ // blob[idx : idx] = value
*range = TRUE;
p = skipwhite(p);
- if (!IS_WHITE_OR_NUL(p[-1]) || !IS_WHITE_OR_NUL(p[1]))
+ empty_second = *skipwhite(p + 1) == ']';
+ if ((need_white_before && !IS_WHITE_OR_NUL(p[-1]))
+ || (!empty_second && !IS_WHITE_OR_NUL(p[1])))
":", p);
return FAIL;
p = skipwhite(p + 1);
- r = compile_expr0(&p, cctx);
+ if (*p == ']')
+ // empty second index, push "none"
+ r = generate_PUSHSPEC(cctx, VVAL_NONE);
+ else
+ r = compile_expr0(&p, cctx);
if (r == OK && *skipwhite(p) != ']')
garray_T *stack = &cctx->ctx_type_stack;
int range = FALSE;
- if (compile_assign_index(var_start, lhs, is_assign, &range, cctx) == FAIL)
+ if (compile_assign_index(var_start, lhs, &range, cctx) == FAIL)
return FAIL;
+ if (is_assign && range && lhs->lhs_type != &t_blob
+ && lhs->lhs_type != &t_any)
+ {
+ semsg(_(e_cannot_use_range_with_assignment_str), var_start);
+ return FAIL;
+ }
if (lhs->lhs_type == &t_any)
if (compile_load_lhs(lhs, var_start, rhs_type, cctx) == FAIL)
return FAIL;
- if (dest_type == VAR_LIST || dest_type == VAR_DICT || dest_type == VAR_ANY)
+ if (dest_type == VAR_LIST || dest_type == VAR_DICT
+ || dest_type == VAR_BLOB || dest_type == VAR_ANY)
if (is_assign)
- isn_T *isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_STOREINDEX, 3);
+ if (range)
+ {
+ if (generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_STORERANGE, 4) == NULL)
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ isn_T *isn = generate_instr_drop(cctx, ISN_STOREINDEX, 3);
- if (isn == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- isn->isn_arg.vartype = dest_type;
+ if (isn == NULL)
+ return FAIL;
+ isn->isn_arg.vartype = dest_type;
+ }
else if (range)
// Get member from list or dict. First compile the
// index value.
if (compile_assign_index(var_start, &lhs,
- TRUE, &range, cctx) == FAIL)
+ &range, cctx) == FAIL)
goto theend;
+ if (range)
+ {
+ semsg(_(e_cannot_use_range_with_assignment_str),
+ var_start);
+ return FAIL;
+ }
// Get the member.
if (compile_member(FALSE, cctx) == FAIL)
+ else if (status == OK && dest_type == VAR_BLOB)
+ {
+ // TODO
+ }
status = FAIL;
+ // store value in blob range
+ {
+ typval_T *tv_idx1 = STACK_TV_BOT(-3);
+ typval_T *tv_idx2 = STACK_TV_BOT(-2);
+ typval_T *tv_dest = STACK_TV_BOT(-1);
+ int status = OK;
+ // Stack contains:
+ // -4 value to be stored
+ // -3 first index or "none"
+ // -2 second index or "none"
+ // -1 destination blob
+ tv = STACK_TV_BOT(-4);
+ if (tv_dest->v_type != VAR_BLOB)
+ {
+ status = FAIL;
+ emsg(_(e_blob_required));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ varnumber_T n1;
+ varnumber_T n2;
+ int error = FALSE;
+ n1 = tv_get_number_chk(tv_idx1, &error);
+ if (error)
+ status = FAIL;
+ else
+ {
+ if (tv_idx2->v_type == VAR_SPECIAL
+ && tv_idx2->vval.v_number == VVAL_NONE)
+ n2 = blob_len(tv_dest->vval.v_blob) - 1;
+ else
+ n2 = tv_get_number_chk(tv_idx2, &error);
+ if (error)
+ status = FAIL;
+ else
+ status = blob_set_range(tv_dest->vval.v_blob,
+ n1, n2, tv);
+ }
+ }
+ clear_tv(tv_idx1);
+ clear_tv(tv_idx2);
+ clear_tv(tv_dest);
+ ectx.ec_stack.ga_len -= 4;
+ clear_tv(tv);
+ if (status == FAIL)
+ goto on_error;
+ }
+ break;
// load or store variable or argument from outer scope
+ smsg("%4d STORERANGE", current);
+ break;
// constants
smsg("%4d PUSHNR %lld", current,