?? Mar 2008 , PHP 5.2.6
+- Fixed bug #44440 (st_blocks undefined under BeOS). (Felipe)
- Fixed bug #44394 (Last two bytes missing from output). (Felipe)
- Fixed bug #44388 (Crash inside exif_read_data() on invalid images) (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #44373 (PDO_OCI extension compile failed). (Felipe)
php_value). (manuel at mausz dot at)
- Fixed bug #42177 (Warning "array_merge_recursive(): recursion detected" comes
again...). (Felipe)
+- Fixed bug #41828 (Failing to call RecursiveIteratorIterator::__construct()
+ causes a sefault). (Etienne)
06 Mar 2008, PHP 5.2.6RC2
- Fixed bug #44333 (SEGFAULT when using mysql_pconnect() with client_flags).