-Automatic commands *autocommand*
+Automatic commands *autocommand* *autocommands*
For a basic explanation, see section |40.3| in the user manual.
When evaluating {skip} causes an error the search is aborted
and -1 returned.
{skip} can be a string, a lambda, a funcref or a partial.
+ Anything else makes the function fail.
For {stopline} and {timeout} see |search()|.
'undoreload' 'ur' max nr of lines to save for undo on a buffer reload
'updatecount' 'uc' after this many characters flush swap file
'updatetime' 'ut' after this many milliseconds flush swap file
+'varsofttabstop' 'vsts' a list of number of spaces when typing <Tab>
+'vartabstop' 'vts' a list of number of spaces for <Tab>s
'verbose' 'vbs' give informative messages
'verbosefile' 'vfile' file to write messages in
'viewdir' 'vdir' directory where to store files with :mkview
--servername {name} Become the server {name}. When used together
with one of the --remote commands: connect to
server {name} instead of the default (see
- below).
+ below). The name used will be uppercase.
--remote-send {keys} Send {keys} to server and exit. The {keys}
are not mapped. Special key names are
'updatetime' options.txt /*'updatetime'*
'ur' options.txt /*'ur'*
'ut' options.txt /*'ut'*
+'varsofttabstop' options.txt /*'varsofttabstop'*
+'vartabstop' options.txt /*'vartabstop'*
'vb' options.txt /*'vb'*
'vbs' options.txt /*'vbs'*
'vdir' options.txt /*'vdir'*
'virtualedit' options.txt /*'virtualedit'*
'visualbell' options.txt /*'visualbell'*
'vop' options.txt /*'vop'*
+'vsts' options.txt /*'vsts'*
+'vts' options.txt /*'vts'*
'w1200' vi_diff.txt /*'w1200'*
'w300' vi_diff.txt /*'w300'*
'w9600' vi_diff.txt /*'w9600'*
+toolbar various.txt /*+toolbar*
+unix eval.txt /*+unix*
+user_commands various.txt /*+user_commands*
++vartabs various.txt /*+vartabs*
+vertsplit various.txt /*+vertsplit*
+viminfo various.txt /*+viminfo*
+virtualedit various.txt /*+virtualedit*
- delay next prompt until plugin gives OK?
Terminal debugger:
-- Using terminal window: after "cont" in gdb window CTRL-C interrupts, but
- after :Continue it does not. Mode of UI is changed? :Stop does work.
-- patch from Christian to handle changing 'background'
- and a patch to show breakpoint nr in sign. (June 14)
- Make prompt-buffer variant work better.
+- When only gdb window exists, on "quit" edit another buffer.
- Termdebug does not work when Vim was build with mzscheme: gdb hangs just
after "run". Everything else works, including communication channel. Not
initializing mzscheme avoid the problem, thus it's not some #ifdef.
-- Show breakpoint number in the sign? (Uri Moszkowicz, 2018 Jun 13, #3007)
-- Allow for users to create their own gdb mappings. Perhaps by making the gdb
- buffer global? (Uri Moszkowicz, #3012) Or with a function to send a command
- to gdb.
Terminal emulator window:
- With a vertical split only one window is updated. (Linwei, 2018 Jun 2,
-- When typing : at the more prompt, instead of entering a new Vim command, the
- : is inserted in the terminal window. Should skip terminal_loop here.
- ()
- When pasting should call vterm_keyboard_start_paste(), e.g. when using
K_MIDDLEMOUSE, calling insert_reg().
- Users expect parsing the :term argument like a shell does, also support
single quotes. E.g. with: :term grep 'alice says "hello"' (#1999)
-- When running a shell in a terminal to run Vim tests, CTRL-W : the command
- line keeps getting cleard. Doing the same in another window is OK. (Jason
- Franklin, 2018 Jun 17)
- How to access selection in Terminal running a shell? (damnskippy, 2018 May
27, #29620 When terminal doesn't use the mouse, use modeless selection.
- Win32: Redirecting input does not work, half of Test_terminal_redir_file()
More warnings from static analysis:
-Patch to make "is" and "as" work better. (Jason Franklin, 2018 May 19)
-Patch to add tests for user and language completion. (Dominique Pelle, 2018
-Jun 2, #2978) typo wk -> we
-Patch to support user name completion on MS-Windows. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2012
-Aug 16)
-Patch to add tests for libcall() and libcallnr(). (Dominique Pelle, #2982)
-Patch to fix that v:shell_error is always zero when using terminal for shell
-command. (Ichizok, 2018 Jun 8, #2994)
-Patch to make test for terminal out&error more reliable. (Ichizok, 2018 Jun 8,
Patch to fix duplicate entry in tagfiles() and add a test. (Dominique Pelle,
Pasting foo} causes Vim to behave weird. (John Little, 2018 Jun 17)
-Related to bracketed paste.
+Related to bracketed paste. I cannot reproduce it.
Using ":file" in quickfix window during an autocommand doesn't work.
(Jason Franklin, 2018 May 23) Allow for using it when there is no argument.
Patch to add more testing for :cd command. (Dominique Pelle, 2018 May 30,
+Whenever the file name is "~" then expand('%:p') returns $HOME. (Aidan
+Shafran, 2018 Jun 23, #3072)
+Patch to set w_curswant when setting the cursor in language interfaces.
+(David Hotham, 2018 Jun 22, #3060)
+Patch to make CTRL-W <CR> work properly in a quickfix window. (Jason Franklin,
+2018 May 30)
Patch to make mode() return something different for Normal mode when coming
from Insert mode with CTRL-O. (#3000)
- Test_setbufvar_options()
- Test_exit_callback_interval()
+Patch to stack and pop the window title and icon. (IWAMOTO Kouichi, 2018 Jun
+22, #3059)
+8 For xterm need to open a connection to the X server to get the window
+ title, which can be slow. Can also get the title with "<Esc>[21t", no
+ need to use X11 calls. This returns "<Esc>]l{title}<Esc>\".
+Using title stack probably works better.
Make balloon_show() work outside of 'balloonexpr'? Users expect it to work:
#2948. (related to #1512?)
On Win32 it stops showing, because showState is already ShS_SHOWING.
Quickfix window height is not kept with a vertical split. (Lifepillar, 2018
Jun 10, #2998)
-Patch for variable tabstops. On github (Christian Brabandt, 2014 May 15)
-Update 2018 March 12, #2711
Improve the installer for MS-Windows. There are a few alternatives:
- Add silent install option. (Shane Lee, #751)
- Installer from Cream (Steve Hall).
Patch to parse ":line" in tags file and use it for search. (Daniel Hahler,
#2546) Fixes #1057. Missing a test.
+":file" does not show anything when 'shortmess' contains 'F'. (#3070)
Patch to add winlayout() function. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2018 Jan 4)
No profile information for function that executes ":quit". (Daniel Hahler,
When recovering a file, put the swap file name in b:recovered_swapfile. Then
a command can delete it.
+When a swap file exists, is not for a running process, is from the same
+machine and recovering results in the same text, we could silently delete it.
Overlong utf-8 sequence is displayed wrong. (Harm te Hennepe, 2017 Sep 14,
#2089) Patch with possible solution by Björn Linse.
7 X11: Some people prefer to use CLIPBOARD instead of PRIMARY for the normal
selection. Add an "xclipboard" argument to the 'clipboard' option? (Mark
-8 For xterm need to open a connection to the X server to get the window
- title, which can be slow. Can also get the title with "<Esc>[21t", no
- need to use X11 calls. This returns "<Esc>]l{title}<Esc>\".
6 When the xterm reports the number of colors, a redraw occurs. This is
annoying on a slow connection. Wait for the xterm to report the number of
colors before drawing the screen. With a timeout.
--- /dev/null
+" Menu Translations: Danish / Dansk
+" Maintainer: scootergrisen
+" Last Change: 2018 Jun 23
+" Quit when menu translations have already been done.
+if exists("did_menu_trans")
+ finish
+let did_menu_trans = 1
+let s:keepcpo= &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" Help menu
+menut &Help Hjælp
+menut &Overview<Tab><F1> Overblik<Tab><F1>
+menut &User\ Manual Brugermanual
+menut &How-to\ links How-to-links
+menut &Find\.\.\. Find\.\.\.
+" -SEP1-
+menut &Credits Anerkendelser
+menut Co&pying Kopiering
+menut &Sponsor/Register Sponsorer/registrer
+menut O&rphans Forældreløse\ børn
+" -SEP2-
+menut &Version Version
+menut &About Om
+let g:menutrans_help_dialog = "Indtast en kommando eller ord for at finde hjælp om:\n\nStart med i_ for kommandoer til inputtilstand (f.eks.: i_CTRL-X)\nStart med c_ for kommandoer til redigering af kommandolinje (f.eks.: c_<Del>)\nStart med ' for et tilvalgsnavn (f.eks.: 'shiftwidth')"
+" File menu
+menut &File Fil
+menut &Open\.\.\.<Tab>:e Åbn\.\.\.<Tab>:e
+menut Sp&lit-Open\.\.\.<Tab>:sp Opdel-åbn\.\.\.<Tab>:sp
+menut Open\ Tab\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew Åbn\ faneblad\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew
+menut &New<Tab>:enew Ny<Tab>:enew
+menut &Close<Tab>:close Luk<Tab>:close
+" -SEP1-
+menut &Save<Tab>:w Gem<Tab>:w
+menut Save\ &As\.\.\.<Tab>:sav Gem\ som\.\.\.<Tab>:sav
+" -SEP2-
+menut Split\ &Diff\ with\.\.\. Opdel\ diff\ med\.\.\.
+menut Split\ Patched\ &By\.\.\. Opdel\ "patchet\ af"\.\.\.
+" -SEP3-
+menut &Print Udskriv
+" -SEP4-
+menut Sa&ve-Exit<Tab>:wqa Gem-afslut
+menut E&xit<Tab>:qa Afslut
+" Edit menu
+menut &Edit Rediger
+menut &Undo<Tab>u Fortryd<Tab>u
+menut &Redo<Tab>^R Omgør<Tab>^R
+menut Rep&eat<Tab>\. Gentag<Tab>\.
+" -SEP1-
+menut Cu&t<Tab>"+x Klip<Tab>"+x
+menut &Copy<Tab>"+y Kopiér<Tab>"+y
+menut &Paste<Tab>"+gP Indsæt<Tab>"+gP
+menut Put\ &Before<Tab>[p Indsæt\ inden\ (put)<Tab>[p
+menut Put\ &After<Tab>]p Indsæt\ efter\ (put)<Tab>]p
+menut &Delete<Tab>x Slet<Tab>x
+menut &Select\ all<Tab>ggVG Markér\ alt<Tab>ggVG
+" -SEP2-
+menut &Find\.\.\. Find\.\.\.
+menut &Find\.\.\.<Tab>/ Find\.\.\.<Tab>/
+menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\. Find\ og\ erstat\.\.\.
+menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\.<Tab>:%s Find\ og\ erstat\.\.\.<Tab>:%s
+menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\.<Tab>:s Find\ og\ erstat\.\.\.<Tab>:s
+" -SEP3-
+menut Settings\ &Window Indstillinger-vindue
+menut Startup\ &Settings Opstartsindstillinger
+menut &Global\ Settings Globale\ indstillinger
+menut Question Spørgsmål
+" Edit
+menut Toggle\ Pattern\ &Highlight<Tab>:set\ hls! Fremhævning\ af\ mønster\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ hls!
+menut Toggle\ &Ignoring\ Case<Tab>:set\ ic! Ignorerer\ "forskel\ på\ store\ og\ små\ bogstaver"\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ ic!
+menut Toggle\ &Showing\ Matched\ Pairs<Tab>:set\ sm! Viser\ matchende\ par\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ sm!
+menut &Context\ lines Kontekstlinjer
+menut &Virtual\ Edit Virtuel\ redigering
+menut Never Aldrig
+menut Block\ Selection Blokmarkering
+menut Insert\ mode Indsæt-tilstand
+menut Block\ and\ Insert Blok\ og\ indsæt
+menut Always Altid
+menut Toggle\ Insert\ &Mode<Tab>:set\ im! Indsæt-tilstand\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ im!
+menut Toggle\ Vi\ C&ompatibility<Tab>:set\ cp! Vi-kompatibel\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ cp!
+menut Search\ &Path\.\.\. Søgesti\.\.\.
+menut Ta&g\ Files\.\.\. Tag-filer\.\.\.
+" -SEP1-
+menut Toggle\ &Toolbar Værktøjslinje\ til/fra
+menut Toggle\ &Bottom\ Scrollbar Nederste\ rullebjælke\ til/fra
+menut Toggle\ &Left\ Scrollbar Venstre\ rullebjælke\ til/fra
+menut Toggle\ &Right\ Scrollbar Højre\ rullebjælke\ til/fra
+let g:menutrans_path_dialog = "Indtast søgesti til filer.\nSeparer mappenavne med et komma."
+let g:menutrans_tags_dialog = "Indtast navne på tag-filer.\nSeparer navnene med et komma."
+" Edit/File Settings
+menut F&ile\ Settings Filindstillinger
+" Boolean options
+menut Toggle\ Line\ &Numbering<Tab>:set\ nu! Linjenummerering\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ nu!
+menut Toggle\ Relati&ve\ Line\ Numbering<Tab>:set\ rnu! Relativ\ linjenummerering\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ rnu!
+menut Toggle\ &List\ Mode<Tab>:set\ list! Listetilstand\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ list!
+menut Toggle\ Line\ &Wrapping<Tab>:set\ wrap! Linjeombrydning\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ wrap!
+menut Toggle\ W&rapping\ at\ word<Tab>:set\ lbr! Ombrydning\ ved\ ord\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ lbr!
+menut Toggle\ Tab\ &expanding<Tab>:set\ et! Udvidelse\ af\ tabulator\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ et!
+menut Toggle\ &Auto\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ ai! Automatisk\ indrykning\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ ai!
+menut Toggle\ &C-Style\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ cin! Indrykning\ i\ &C-stil\ til/fra<Tab>:set\ cin!
+" -SEP2-
+menut &Shiftwidth "Shiftwidth"
+" menut &Shiftwidth.2<Tab>:set\ sw=2\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".2<Tab>:set\ sw=2\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.3<Tab>:set\ sw=3\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".3<Tab>:set\ sw=3\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.4<Tab>:set\ sw=4\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".4<Tab>:set\ sw=4\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.5<Tab>:set\ sw=5\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".5<Tab>:set\ sw=5\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.6<Tab>:set\ sw=6\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".6<Tab>:set\ sw=6\ sw?<CR>
+" menut &Shiftwidth.8<Tab>:set\ sw=8\ sw?<CR> "Shiftwidth".8<Tab>:set\ sw=8\ sw?<CR>
+menut Soft\ &Tabstop Blødt\ tabulatorstop
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.2<Tab>:set\ sts=2\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".2<Tab>:set\ sts=2\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.3<Tab>:set\ sts=3\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".3<Tab>:set\ sts=3\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.4<Tab>:set\ sts=4\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".4<Tab>:set\ sts=4\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.5<Tab>:set\ sts=5\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".5<Tab>:set\ sts=5\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.6<Tab>:set\ sts=6\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".6<Tab>:set\ sts=6\ sts?
+" menut Soft\ &Tabstop.8<Tab>:set\ sts=8\ sts? Blødt\ "Tabstop".8<Tab>:set\ sts=8\ sts?
+menut Te&xt\ Width\.\.\. Tekstbredde\.\.\.
+menut &File\ Format\.\.\. Filformat\.\.\.
+let g:menutrans_textwidth_dialog = "Indtast ny tekstbredde (0 for at deaktivere formatering): "
+let g:menutrans_fileformat_dialog = "Vælg format til skrivning af filen"
+let g:menutrans_fileformat_choices = "&Unix\n&Dos\n&Mac\n&Annuller"
+menut Show\ C&olor\ Schemes\ in\ Menu Vis\ farveskemaer\ i\ menu
+menut C&olor\ Scheme Farveskema
+" menut blue blå
+" menut darkblue mørkeblå
+" menut desert ørken
+" menut elflord elverherre
+" menut evening aften
+" menut industry industri
+" menut morning morgen
+" menut peachpuff fersken
+" menut shine skær
+" menut slate skiffer
+" menut default standard
+" menut torte tærte
+" menut zellner ???
+" menut delek ???
+" menut koehler ???
+" menut murphy ???
+" menut pablo ???
+" menut ron ron
+menut Show\ &Keymaps\ in\ Menu Vis\ tastaturlayouts\ i\ menu
+menut &Keymap Tastaturlayout
+menut None Intet
+" menut accents Diakritiske\ tegn
+" menut arabic arabisk
+" menut armenian-eastern armensk\ (østlig)
+" menut armenian-western armensk\ (vestlig)
+" menut belarusian-jcuken hviderussisk"\ [belarusian-jcuken]"
+" menut czech tjekkisk
+" menut greek græsk
+" menut hebrew hebraisk
+" menut hebrewp hebraisk"\ [hebrewp]"
+" menut magyar ungarsk
+" menut persian persisk
+" menut serbian serbisk
+" menut serbian-latin serbisk\ (latinsk)
+" menut slovak slovakisk
+menut Select\ Fo&nt\.\.\. Vælg\ skrifttype\.\.\.
+" Programming menu
+menut &Tools Værktøjer
+menut &Jump\ to\ this\ tag<Tab>g^] Hop\ til\ tagget<Tab>g^]
+menut Jump\ &back<Tab>^T Hop\ tilbage<Tab>^T
+menut Build\ &Tags\ File Build\ tags-fil
+" -SEP1-
+" Tools.Spelling Menu
+menut &Spelling Stavning
+menut &Spell\ Check\ On Stavekontrol\ til
+menut Spell\ Check\ &Off Stavekontrol\ fra
+menut To\ &Next\ error<Tab>]s Til\ næste\ fejl<Tab>]s
+menut To\ &Previous\ error<Tab>[s Til\ forrige\ fejl<Tab>[s
+menut Suggest\ &Corrections<Tab>z= Foreslå\ rettelse<Tab>z=
+menut &Repeat\ correction<Tab>:spellrepall Gentag\ rettelse<Tab>:spellrepall
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_au" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_au"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_ca" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_ca"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_gb" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_gb"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_nz" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_nz"
+menut Set\ language\ to\ "en_us" Sæt\ sprog\ til\ "en_us"
+menut &Find\ More\ Languages Find\ flere\ sprog
+" Tools.Fold Menu
+menut &Folding Foldning
+" open close folds
+menut &Enable/Disable\ folds<Tab>zi Aktivér/deaktivér\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zi
+menut &View\ Cursor\ Line<Tab>zv Vis\ markørlinje<Tab>zv
+menut Vie&w\ Cursor\ Line\ only<Tab>zMzx Vis\ kun\ markørlinje<Tab>zMzx
+menut C&lose\ more\ folds<Tab>zm Luk\ flere\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zm
+menut &Close\ all\ folds<Tab>zM Luk\ alle\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zM
+menut O&pen\ more\ folds<Tab>zr Åbn\ flere\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zr
+menut &Open\ all\ folds<Tab>zR Åbn\ alle\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zR
+" fold method
+" -SEP1-
+menut Fold\ Met&hod Sammenfoldningsmetode
+menut M&anual Manuelt
+menut I&ndent Indryk
+menut E&xpression Udtryk
+menut S&yntax Syntaks
+menut &Diff Diff
+menut Ma&rker Markør
+" create and delete folds
+menut Create\ &Fold<Tab>zf Opret\ sammenfoldning<Tab>zf
+menut &Delete\ Fold<Tab>zd Slet\ sammenfoldning<Tab>zd
+menut Delete\ &All\ Folds<Tab>zD Slet\ alle\ sammenfoldninger<Tab>zD
+" moving around in folds
+" -SEP2-
+menut Fold\ col&umn\ width Kolonnebredde\ for\ sammenfoldning
+menut &Diff Diff
+menut &Update Opdater
+menut &Get\ Block Hent\ blok\ (get)
+menut &Put\ Block Indsæt\ blok\ (put)
+" -SEP2-
+menut &Make<Tab>:make &Make<Tab>:make
+menut &List\ Errors<Tab>:cl Oplist\ fejl<Tab>:cl
+menut L&ist\ Messages<Tab>:cl! Oplist\ meddelelser<Tab>:cl!
+menut &Next\ Error<Tab>:cn Næste\ fejl<Tab>:cn
+menut &Previous\ Error<Tab>:cp Forrige\ fejl<Tab>:cp
+menut &Older\ List<Tab>:cold Ældre\ liste<Tab>:cold
+menut N&ewer\ List<Tab>:cnew Nyere\ liste<Tab>:cnew
+menut Error\ &Window Fejl-vindue
+menut &Update<Tab>:cwin Opdater<Tab>:cwin
+menut &Open<Tab>:copen Åbn<Tab>:copen
+menut &Close<Tab>:cclose Luk<Tab>:cclose
+" -SEP3-
+menut &Convert\ to\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd Konvertér\ til\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd
+menut Conve&rt\ back<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r Konvertér\ tilbage<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r
+menut Se&T\ Compiler Sæt\ kompiler
+" Buffers menu
+menut &Buffers Buffere
+menut &Refresh\ menu Genopfrisk\ menu
+menut &Delete Slet
+menut &Alternate Skift
+menut &Next Næste
+menut &Previous Forrige
+menut [No\ File] [Ingen\ fil]
+" Syntax menu
+menut &Syntax Syntaks
+menut &Show\ File\ Types\ in\ menu Vis\ filtyper\ i\ menu
+menut Set\ '&syntax'\ only Sæt\ kun\ 'syntax'
+menut Set\ '&filetype'\ too Sæt\ også\ 'filetype'
+menut &Off Fra
+menut &Manual Manuelt
+menut A&utomatic Automatisk
+menut On/Off\ for\ &This\ File Til/fra\ for\ denne\ fil
+menut Co&lor\ test Farvetest
+menut &Highlight\ test Fremhævningstest
+menut &Convert\ to\ HTML Konvertér\ til\ HTML
+let g:menutrans_no_file = "[Ingen fil]"
+" Window menu
+menut &Window Vindue
+menut &New<Tab>^Wn Nyt<Tab>^Wn
+menut S&plit<Tab>^Ws Opdel<Tab>^Ws
+menut Sp&lit\ To\ #<Tab>^W^^ Opdel\ til\ #<Tab>^W^^
+menut Split\ &Vertically<Tab>^Wv Opdel\ lodret<Tab>^Wv
+menut Split\ File\ E&xplorer Opdel\ filbrowser
+" -SEP1-
+menut &Close<Tab>^Wc Luk<Tab>^Wc
+menut Close\ &Other(s)<Tab>^Wo Luk\ andre<Tab>^Wo
+" -SEP2-
+menut Move\ &To Flyt\ til
+menut &Top<Tab>^WK Øverst<Tab>^WK
+menut &Bottom<Tab>^WJ Nederst<Tab>^WJ
+menut &Left\ side<Tab>^WH Venstre\ side<Tab>^WH
+menut &Right\ side<Tab>^WL Højre\ side<Tab>^WL
+menut Rotate\ &Up<Tab>^WR Roter\ op<Tab>^WR
+menut Rotate\ &Down<Tab>^Wr Roter\ ned<Tab>^Wr
+" -SEP3-
+menut &Equal\ Size<Tab>^W= Samme\ størrelse<Tab>^W=
+menut &Max\ Height<Tab>^W_ Maks\.\ højde<Tab>^W_
+menut M&in\ Height<Tab>^W1_ Min\.\ højde<Tab>^W1_
+menut Max\ &Width<Tab>^W\| Maks\.\ bredde<Tab>^W\|
+menut Min\ Widt&h<Tab>^W1\| Min\.\ bredde<Tab>^W1\|
+" The popup menu
+menut &Undo Fortryd
+" -SEP1-
+menut Cu&t Klip
+menut &Copy Kopiér
+menut &Paste Indsæt
+menut &Delete Slet
+" -SEP2-
+menut Select\ Blockwise Markér\ blokvis
+menut Select\ &Word Markér\ ord
+menut Select\ &Sentence Markér\ sætning
+menut Select\ Pa&ragraph Markér\ afsnit
+menut Select\ &Line Markér\ linje
+menut Select\ &Block Markér\ blok
+menut Select\ &All Markér\ alt
+" The GUI toolbar
+if has("toolbar")
+ if exists("*Do_toolbar_tmenu")
+ delfun Do_toolbar_tmenu
+ endif
+ fun Do_toolbar_tmenu()
+ tmenu ToolBar.Open Åbn fil
+ tmenu ToolBar.Save Gem nuværende fil
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveAll Gem alle filer
+ tmenu ToolBar.Print Udskriv
+ tmenu ToolBar.Undo Fortryd
+ tmenu ToolBar.Redo Omgør
+ tmenu ToolBar.Cut Klip til udklipsholder
+ tmenu ToolBar.Copy Kopiér til udklipsholder
+ tmenu ToolBar.Paste Indsæt fra udklipsholder
+ if !has("gui_athena")
+ tmenu ToolBar.Replace Find/erstat...
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindNext Find næste
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindPrev Find forrige
+ endif
+ tmenu ToolBar.LoadSesn Vælg en session som skal indlæses
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveSesn Gem nuværende session
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunScript Vælg et Vim-script som skal køres
+ tmenu ToolBar.Make Make nuværende projekt (:make)
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunCtags Build tags i nuværende mappetræ (!ctags -R .)
+ tmenu ToolBar.TagJump Hop til tag under markør
+ tmenu ToolBar.Help Vim hjælp
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindHelp Søg i Vim hjælp
+ endfun
+let g:menutrans_set_lang_to = "Sæt sprog til"
+let g:menutrans_spell_change_ARG_to = 'Ændr "%s" til'
+let g:menutrans_spell_add_ARG_to_word_list = 'Tilføj "%s" til ordliste'
+let g:menutrans_spell_ignore_ARG = 'Ignorer "%s"'
+let &cpo = s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" vim: set sw=2 :
" Vim syntax file
" Language: php PHP 3/4/5/7
" Maintainer: Jason Woofenden <>
-" Last Change: May 12, 2018
+" Last Change: Jun 20, 2018
" URL:;a=blob;f=php.vim;hb=HEAD
" Former Maintainers: Peter Hodge <>
" Debian VIM Maintainers <>
syn match phpException "\(\s\|^\)catch\(\s\+.*}\)\@=" contained
syn match phpException "\(\s\|^\)finally\(\s\+.*}\)\@=" contained
- set foldmethod=syntax
+ setlocal foldmethod=syntax
syn region phpFoldHtmlInside matchgroup=Delimiter start="?>" end="<?\(php\)\=" contained transparent contains=@htmlTop
syn region phpFoldFunction matchgroup=Storageclass start="^\z(\s*\)\(abstract\s\+\|final\s\+\|private\s\+\|protected\s\+\|public\s\+\|static\s\+\)*function\s\([^};]*$\)\@="rs=e-9 matchgroup=Delimiter end="^\z1}" contains=@phpClFunction,phpFoldHtmlInside,phpFCKeyword contained transparent fold extend
syn region phpFoldFunction matchgroup=Define start="^function\s\([^};]*$\)\@=" matchgroup=Delimiter end="^}" contains=@phpClFunction,phpFoldHtmlInside contained transparent fold extend
syn keyword phpException catch throw try finally contained
syn keyword phpStorageClass final global private protected public static contained
if exists("php_folding") && php_folding==2
- set foldmethod=syntax
+ setlocal foldmethod=syntax
syn region phpFoldHtmlInside matchgroup=Delimiter start="?>" end="<?\(php\)\=" contained transparent contains=@htmlTop
syn region phpParent matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" end="}" contained contains=@phpClFunction,phpFoldHtmlInside transparent fold
" Repository:
" License: Vim
" Previous Maintainer: Paul Moore
-" Last Change: 2018 May 13
+" Last Change: 2018 June 24
" Changes:
" 02.04.2016: Support for when keyword
" 03.04.2016: Support for join related keywords
" 22.07.2016: Support Oracle Q-Quote-Syntax
" 25.07.2016: Support for Oracle N'-Quote syntax
+" 22.06.2018: Remove skip part for sqlString (do not escape strings)
+" (
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" next ones are contained, so folding works.
syn keyword sqlStatement create update alter select insert contained
-syn keyword sqlType boolean char character date float integer long
-syn keyword sqlType mlslabel number raw rowid varchar varchar2 varray
+syn keyword sqlType bfile blob boolean char character clob date datetime
+syn keyword sqlType dec decimal float int integer long mlslabel nchar
+syn keyword sqlType nclob number numeric nvarchar2 precision raw rowid
+syn keyword sqlType smallint real timestamp urowid varchar varchar2 varray
" Strings:
-syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
-syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?"+ end=+"+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?'+ end=+'+
syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'\z([^[(<{]\)+ end=+\z1'+
syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'<+ end=+>'+
syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'{+ end=+}'+
" Comments:
syn region sqlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=sqlTodo,@Spell fold
syn match sqlComment "--.*$" contains=sqlTodo,@Spell
+syn match sqlComment "^rem.*$" contains=sqlTodo,@Spell
" Setup Folding:
" this is a hack, to get certain statements folded.
syn keyword sqlTodo TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE contained
" Define the default highlighting.
-hi def link Quote Special
-hi def link sqlComment Comment
-hi def link sqlFunction Function
-hi def link sqlKeyword sqlSpecial
-hi def link sqlNumber Number
-hi def link sqlOperator sqlStatement
-hi def link sqlSpecial Special
+hi def link Quote Special
+hi def link sqlComment Comment
+hi def link sqlFunction Function
+hi def link sqlKeyword sqlSpecial
+hi def link sqlNumber Number
+hi def link sqlOperator sqlStatement
+hi def link sqlSpecial Special
hi def link sqlStatement Statement
-hi def link sqlString String
+hi def link sqlString String
hi def link sqlType Type
hi def link sqlTodo Todo
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Outobevele ---"
msgstr "E218: outobevele te diep genes"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s outobevele vir \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid " vim [arguments] "
msgstr " vim [parameters] "
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( nie hier toegelaat nie"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 e.a. nie hier toegelaat nie"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr "\n--- Ordres automàtiques ---"
#, c-format
# todo: substitucions
# <event> ... <pattern>
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "Ordres automàtiques de %s per a \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( no està permès aquí"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
-msgstr "E67: \\z1 et al. no estan permesos aquí"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
+msgstr "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 no estan permesos aquí"
#, c-format
msgid "E69: Missing ] after %s%%["
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA) Error en llegir els límits de repetició"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA) Diverses especificacions de multiplicitat seguides !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA) Diverses especificacions de multiplicitat seguides"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA) Sobren '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA) parèntesi sense tancar"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) No es poden treure elements de la pila !"
msgid ""
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Automatické pøíkazy ---"
msgstr "E218: vnoøení automatického pøíkazu pøíli\9a hluboká"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s automatické pøíkazy pro \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Automatické pøíkazy ---"
msgstr "E218: vnoøení automatického pøíkazu pøíli¹ hluboká"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s automatické pøíkazy pro \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-# German Translation for Vim
+# German translation for Vim
# Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
# Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Vim(deutsch)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-04-30 15:16+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-24 10:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-24 17:26+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Brabandt <>\n"
"Language-Team: German\n"
msgid "E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set"
msgstr "E382: Kann nicht schreiben, 'buftype'-Option ist gesetzt"
+msgid "[Prompt]"
+msgstr "[Prompt]"
msgid "[Scratch]"
msgstr "[Scratch]"
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "&Ok"
+#, c-format
msgid "+-%s%3ld line: "
msgid_plural "+-%s%3ld lines: "
msgstr[0] "+-%s%3ld Zeile, "
msgid "E921: Invalid callback argument"
msgstr "E921: Ungülgültiges Callback Argument"
+#, c-format
msgid "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Oct %03o, Digr %s"
msgstr "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Oktal %03o, Digr %s"
msgid "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Octal %03o"
msgstr "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Oktal %03o"
+#, c-format
msgid "> %d, Hex %04x, Oct %o, Digr %s"
msgstr "> %d, Hex %04x, Oktal %o, Digr %s"
+#, c-format
msgid "> %d, Hex %08x, Oct %o, Digr %s"
msgstr "> %d, Hex %08x, Oktal %o, Digr %s"
msgid "Entering Debug mode. Type \"cont\" to continue."
msgstr "Debug-Modus. Geben Sie \"cont\" zum Fortsetzen ein."
+#, c-format
msgid "Oldval = \"%s\""
msgstr "Alter Wert = \"%s\""
msgstr "Herzliche Grüße, Vim Benutzer!"
msgid "E784: Cannot close last tab page"
-msgstr "E784: Kann letzten Tab nicht schließen."
+msgstr "E784: Kann letzten Reiter nicht schließen."
msgid "Already only one tab page"
-msgstr "Es existiert nur ein Tab"
+msgstr "Es existiert nur ein Reiter"
+msgid "Edit File in new tab page"
+msgstr "Öffne Datei in einem neuen Reiter"
msgid "Edit File in new window"
msgstr "Öffne Datei in einem neuen Fenster"
#, c-format
msgid "Tab page %d"
-msgstr "Tab %d"
+msgstr "Reiter %d"
msgid "No swap file"
msgstr "Keine Auslagerungsdatei"
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autokommandos ---"
msgstr "E218: Autokommando-Schachtelung zu tief"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Autokommandos für \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgstr ""
"E351: Faltung kann mit der aktuellen Faltungsmethode nicht gelöscht werden"
+#, c-format
msgid "+--%3ld line folded "
msgid_plural "+--%3ld lines folded "
msgstr[0] "%3ld Zeile gefaltet "
msgstr "Vim: \"die\"-Request von Session-Manager erhalten\n"
msgid "Close tab"
-msgstr "Tab schließen"
+msgstr "Reiter schließen"
msgid "New tab"
-msgstr "Neuer Tab"
+msgstr "Neuer Reiter"
msgid "Open Tab..."
-msgstr "Öffne Tab..."
+msgstr "Öffne Reiter..."
msgid "Vim: Main window unexpectedly destroyed\n"
msgstr "Vim: Hauptfenster unerwartet gelöscht\n"
msgstr "&Rückgängig"
msgid "Open tab..."
-msgstr "Öffne Tab..."
+msgstr "Öffne Reiter..."
-msgid "Find string (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
+msgid "Find string (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
msgstr "Suche (benutze '\\\\' um ein '\\' zu finden)"
-msgid "Find & Replace (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
+msgid "Find & Replace (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
msgstr "Suche & Ersetze (benutze '\\\\' um ein '\\' zu finden)"
msgid "Not Used"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr "--noplugin\t\tlade keine \"plugin\"-Skripte"
msgid "-p[N]\t\tOpen N tab pages (default: one for each file)"
-msgstr "-p[N]\t\tÖffne N Tabs (Vorgabe: einen für jede Datei)"
+msgstr "-p[N]\t\tÖffne N Reiter (Vorgabe: einen für jede Datei)"
msgid "-o[N]\t\tOpen N windows (default: one for each file)"
msgstr "-o[N]\t\tÖffne N Fenster (Vorgabe: für jede Datei eins)"
msgid ""
"--remote-tab[-wait][-silent] <files> As --remote but use tab page per file"
msgstr ""
-"--remote-tab[-wait][-silent] <Dateien> Wie --remote, aber öffne ein Tab für "
+"--remote-tab[-wait][-silent] <Dateien> Wie --remote, aber öffne ein Reiter für "
"jede Datei."
msgid "--remote-send <keys>\tSend <keys> to a Vim server and exit"
"Sp %s von %s; Zeile %ld von %ld; Wort %lld von %lld; Zeichen %lld von %lld; "
"Byte %lld von %lld"
+#, c-format
msgid "(+%lld for BOM)"
msgstr "(+%lld für BOM)"
msgid "E617: Cannot be changed in the GTK+ 2 GUI"
msgstr "E617: Kann in der GTK+ 2 GUI nicht verändert werden"
+#, c-format
msgid "E950: Cannot convert between %s and %s"
msgstr "E950: Kann nicht zwischen %s und %s konvertieren."
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( ist hier nicht erlaubt"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
-msgstr "E67: \\z1 usw. ist hier nicht erlaubt"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
+msgstr "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 ist hier nicht erlaubt"
#, c-format
msgid "E69: Missing ] after %s%%["
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA regexp) Fehler beim Lesen der Wiederholungsbeschränkung."
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Ein Multi darf nicht auf ein Multi folgen!"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA regexp) geeigneter Abschlussfehler"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
+msgstr ""
+"Konnte temporäre Datei zum Schreiben öffnen, zeige auf Standard "
+"Fehlerausgabe... "
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Konnte nicht vom Stack herausnehmen!"
msgid ""
msgid "E878: (NFA) Could not allocate memory for branch traversal!"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Konnte nicht Speicher allokieren um Äste zu durchlaufen!"
-msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
-msgstr ""
-"Konnte temporäre Datei zum Schreiben öffnen, zeige auf Standard "
-"Fehlerausgabe... "
-#, c-format
-msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
-msgstr "(NFA) KONNTE NICHT ÖFFNEN %s !"
-msgid "Could not open temporary log file for writing "
-msgstr "Temporäre Logdatei kann nicht zum Schreiben geöffnet werden"
msgid " VREPLACE"
msgstr " V-ERSETZEN"
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "E760: Keine Wörter gezählt in %s"
+#, c-format
msgid "line %6d, word %6ld - %s"
msgstr "Zeile %6d, Wort %6ld - %s"
msgid "E751: Output file name must not have region name"
msgstr "E751: Ausgabedatei darf keinen Regionsnamen haben"
+#, c-format
msgid "E754: Only up to %ld regions supported"
msgstr "E754: Maximal %ld Regionen unterstützt"
msgid "finished"
msgstr "beendet"
+#, c-format
msgid "E953: File exists: %s"
msgstr "E953: Datei existiert bereits: %s"
msgid "E107: Missing parentheses: %s"
msgstr "E107: Fehlende Klammern: %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (%s, compiled %s)"
+msgstr "%s (%s kompiliert am %s)"
msgid ""
"MS-Windows 64-bit GUI version"
msgid "E475: Invalid argument: %s"
msgstr "E475: Ungültiges Argument: %s"
+#, c-format
msgid "E475: Invalid value for argument %s"
msgstr "E475: Ungültiger Wert für Argument: %s"
+#, c-format
msgid "E475: Invalid value for argument %s: %s"
msgstr "E475: Ungültiger Wert für Argument %s: %s"
msgstr "konnte option %s nicht aufheben, da sie keinen globalen Wert hat"
msgid "attempt to refer to deleted tab page"
-msgstr "Versuch, Bezug auf einen gelöschten Tab zu nehmen"
+msgstr "Versuch, Bezug auf einen gelöschten Reiter zu nehmen"
msgid "no such tab page"
-msgstr "kein solcher Tab vorhanden"
+msgstr "kein solcher Reiter vorhanden"
msgid "attempt to refer to deleted window"
msgstr "Versuch, Bezug auf eine gelöschtes Fenster zu nehmen"
msgstr "erwartete vim.Window Objekt, erhielt jedoch %s"
msgid "failed to find window in the current tab page"
-msgstr "konnte Fenster im aktuellen Tab nicht finden"
+msgstr "konnte Fenster im aktuellen Reiter nicht finden"
msgid "did not switch to the specified window"
msgstr "konnte nicht zu spezifizierten Fenster wechseln"
msgstr "erwartete vim.TabPage Objekt, erhielt jedoch %s"
msgid "did not switch to the specified tab page"
-msgstr "konnte nicht zu spezifiziertem Tab wechseln"
+msgstr "konnte nicht zu spezifiziertem Reiter wechseln"
msgid "failed to run the code"
msgstr "Ausführen des Codes fehlgeschlagen."
"Alle Dateien (*)\t*\n"
msgid "All Files (*)\t*\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Alle Dateien (*)\t*\n"
+msgstr "Alle Dateien (*)\t*\n"
msgid ""
"All Files (*)\t*\n"
#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Cannot have a multi follow a multi !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Cannot have a multi follow a multi"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Aŭto-Komandoj ---"
msgstr "E218: aŭtokomando tro ingita"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Aŭtokomandoj por \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr "E66: \\z( estas nepermesebla tie"
# DP: vidu
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 kaj aliaj estas nepermeseblaj tie"
#, c-format
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFS-regulesprimo) Eraro dum legado de limoj de ripeto"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
msgstr ""
"E871: (NFA-regulesprimo) Ne povas havi mult-selekton tuj post alia mult-"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA-regulesprimo) tro da '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA-regulesprimo) propra end-eraro"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Ne povis elpreni de la staplo!"
msgid ""
#: fileio.c:8058
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Auto-órdenes ---"
#: fileio.c:9215
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Auto-órdenes para \"%s\""
#: fileio.c:9225
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr "E66: No se permite \\z( aquí"
#: regexp.c:1801
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
-msgstr "E67: \\z1 et al. no se permiten aquí"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
+msgstr "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 no se permiten aquí"
# Es preferible traducir "invalid" por "no [es] válido" pues "inválido" no es lo suficientemente claro. Además, no es políticamente correcto :-) ALV
#: regexp.c:1813
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autocommandit ---"
msgstr "E218: liian monta tasoa autocommandissa"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Autocommands kohteelle %s"
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( ei ole sallittu tässä"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 jne. ei ole sallittu tässä"
#, c-format
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA regexp) Virhe luettaessa toiston määriä"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Multi ei voi seurata multia"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA regexp) oikea lopetusvirhe"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Ei voida poistaa pinosta"
msgid ""
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Auto-commandes ---"
msgstr "E218: autocommandes trop imbriquées"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "Autocommandes %s pour \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"utilisation :"
+"Utilisation :"
msgid " vim [arguments] "
msgstr " vim [args] "
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( n'est pas autorisé ici"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 et co. ne sont pas autorisés ici"
#, c-format
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (regexp NFA) Erreur à la lecture des limites de répétition"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (regexp NFA) Un multi ne peut pas suivre un multi !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (regexp NFA) Un multi ne peut pas suivre un multi"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (regexp NFA) Trop de '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA regexp) erreur de terminaison"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Impossible de dépiler !"
msgid ""
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Uathorduithe ---"
msgstr "E218: uathordú neadaithe ródhomhain"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Uathorduithe do \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: ní cheadaítear \\z( anseo"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
-msgstr "E67: ní cheadaítear \\z1 et al. anseo"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
+msgstr "E67: ní cheadaítear \\z1 - \\z9 anseo"
#, c-format
msgid "E69: Missing ] after %s%%["
msgstr "E870: (slonn NFA) Earráid agus teorainneacha athdhéanta á léamh"
#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (slonn NFA) Ní cheadaítear ilchodach tar éis ilchodach!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (slonn NFA) Ní cheadaítear ilchodach tar éis ilchodach"
#. Too many `('
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (slonn NFA) críochnú neamhoiriúnach"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Níorbh fhéidir an chruach a phlobadh!"
msgid ""
-# Italian Translation for Vim
+# Italian translation for Vim
# FIRST AUTHOR Antonio Colombo <>, 2000
+# Vlad Sandrini <>
+# Luciano Montanaro <>
# Ogni commento è benvenuto...
# Every remark is very welcome...
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vim 8.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-12 16:07+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-13 22:32+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-19 21:17+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-19 22:30+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Antonio Colombo <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Antonio Colombo <>\n"
-" Vlad Sandrini <>\n"
-" Luciano Montanaro <>\n"
-"Language: Italian\n"
+"Language-Team: Italian\n"
+"Language: It\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO_8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
msgid "1 buffer unloaded"
msgstr "1 buffer scaricato"
-#, c-format
msgid "%d buffers unloaded"
msgstr "%d buffer scaricati"
msgid "1 buffer deleted"
msgstr "1 buffer tolto dalla lista"
-#, c-format
msgid "%d buffers deleted"
msgstr "%d buffer tolti dalla lista"
msgid "1 buffer wiped out"
msgstr "1 buffer cancellato"
-#, c-format
msgid "%d buffers wiped out"
msgstr "%d buffer cancellati"
msgid "E88: Cannot go before first buffer"
msgstr "E88: Non posso andare prima del primo buffer"
-#, c-format
msgid "E89: No write since last change for buffer %ld (add ! to override)"
msgstr ""
"E89: Buffer %ld non salvato dopo modifica (aggiungi ! per eseguire comunque)"
msgid "W14: Warning: List of file names overflow"
msgstr "W14: Avviso: Superato limite della lista dei nomi di file"
-#, c-format
msgid "E92: Buffer %ld not found"
msgstr "E92: Buffer %ld non trovato"
-#, c-format
msgid "E93: More than one match for %s"
msgstr "E93: Più di una corrispondenza per %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E94: No matching buffer for %s"
msgstr "E94: Nessun buffer corrispondente a %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "line %ld"
msgstr "riga %ld"
msgid "[readonly]"
msgstr "[in sola lettura]"
-#, c-format
msgid "1 line --%d%%--"
msgstr "1 riga --%d%%--"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines --%d%%--"
msgstr "%ld righe --%d%%--"
-#, c-format
msgid "line %ld of %ld --%d%%-- col "
msgstr "riga %ld di %ld --%d%%-- col "
msgid "E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set"
msgstr "E382: Non posso scrivere, l'opzione 'buftype' è impostata"
+msgid "[Prompt]"
+msgstr "[Richiesta]"
msgid "[Scratch]"
msgstr "[Volatile]"
"--- Segni ---"
-#, c-format
msgid "Signs for %s:"
msgstr "Segni per %s:"
-#, c-format
msgid " line=%ld id=%d name=%s"
msgstr " riga=%ld id=%d, nome=%s"
msgid "E904: third argument for call must be a list"
msgstr "E904: il terzo argomento della chiamata dev'essere una Lista"
-#, c-format
msgid "E905: received unknown command: %s"
msgstr "E905: recevuto comando non conosciuto: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E630: %s(): write while not connected"
msgstr "E630: %s(): scrittura in mancanza di connessione"
-#, c-format
msgid "E631: %s(): write failed"
msgstr "E631: %s(): scrittura non riuscita"
-#, c-format
msgid "E917: Cannot use a callback with %s()"
msgstr "E917: Non posso usare callback con %s()"
msgid "E915: in_io buffer requires in_buf or in_name to be set"
msgstr "E915: il buffer in_io necessita di impostare in_buf o in_name"
-#, c-format
msgid "E918: buffer must be loaded: %s"
msgstr "E918: il buffer dev'essere caricato: %s"
msgid "[crypted]"
msgstr "[cifrato]"
-#, c-format
msgid "E720: Missing colon in Dictionary: %s"
msgstr "E720: Manca ':' nel Dizionario: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E721: Duplicate key in Dictionary: \"%s\""
msgstr "E721: Chiave duplicata nel Dizionario: \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E722: Missing comma in Dictionary: %s"
msgstr "E722: Manca virgola nel Dizionario: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E723: Missing end of Dictionary '}': %s"
msgstr "E723: Manca '}' a fine Dizionario: %s"
msgid "extend() argument"
msgstr "argomento di extend()"
-#, c-format
msgid "E737: Key already exists: %s"
msgstr "E737: Chiave già esistente: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E96: Cannot diff more than %ld buffers"
msgstr "E96: Non supporto differenze fra più di %ld buffer"
msgid "E101: More than two buffers in diff mode, don't know which one to use"
msgstr "E101: Più di due buffer in modalità 'diff', non so quale usare"
-#, c-format
msgid "E102: Can't find buffer \"%s\""
msgstr "E102: Non riesco a trovare il buffer: \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E103: Buffer \"%s\" is not in diff mode"
msgstr "E103: Il buffer \"%s\" non è in modalità 'diff'"
msgid "'thesaurus' option is empty"
msgstr "l'opzione 'thesaurus' non è impostata"
-#, c-format
msgid "Scanning dictionary: %s"
msgstr "Scansione dizionario: %s"
msgid " (replace) Scroll (^E/^Y)"
msgstr " (sostituisci) Scroll (^E/^Y)"
-#, c-format
msgid "Scanning: %s"
msgstr "Scansione: %s"
msgid "The only match"
msgstr "L'unica corrispondenza"
-#, c-format
msgid "match %d of %d"
msgstr "corrispondenza %d di %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "match %d"
msgstr "corrispondenza %d"
msgid "E18: Unexpected characters in :let"
msgstr "E18: Caratteri non previsti in :let"
-#, c-format
msgid "E121: Undefined variable: %s"
msgstr "E121: Variabile non definita: %s"
msgid "E719: Cannot use [:] with a Dictionary"
msgstr "E719: Non posso usare [:] con un Dizionario"
-#, c-format
msgid "E734: Wrong variable type for %s="
msgstr "E734: Tipo di variabile errato per %s="
-#, c-format
msgid "E461: Illegal variable name: %s"
msgstr "E461: Nome di variabile non ammesso: %s"
msgid "Double ; in list of variables"
msgstr "Doppio ; nella lista di variabili"
-#, c-format
msgid "E738: Can't list variables for %s"
msgstr "E738: Non riesco a elencare le variabili per %s"
msgid "E690: Missing \"in\" after :for"
msgstr "E690: Manca \"in\" dopo :for"
-#, c-format
msgid "E108: No such variable: \"%s\""
msgstr "E108: Variabile inesistente: \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E940: Cannot lock or unlock variable %s"
msgstr "E940: Non riesco a bloccare o sbloccare la variabile %s"
msgid "E909: Cannot index a special variable"
msgstr "E909: Non posso indicizzare una variabile speciale"
-#, c-format
msgid "E112: Option name missing: %s"
msgstr "E112: Nome Opzione mancante: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E113: Unknown option: %s"
msgstr "E113: Opzione inesistente: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E114: Missing quote: %s"
msgstr "E114: Manca '\"': %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E115: Missing quote: %s"
msgstr "E115: Manca apostrofo: %s"
msgid "E908: using an invalid value as a String"
msgstr "E908: uso di un valore non valido come Stringa"
-#, c-format
msgid "E795: Cannot delete variable %s"
msgstr "E795: Non posso cancellare la variabile %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E704: Funcref variable name must start with a capital: %s"
msgstr ""
"E704: Il nome della variabile Funcref deve iniziare con una maiuscola: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E705: Variable name conflicts with existing function: %s"
msgstr "E705: Nome di variabile in conflitto con una funzione esistente: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E741: Value is locked: %s"
msgstr "E741: Valore di %s non modificabile"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
-#, c-format
msgid "E742: Cannot change value of %s"
msgstr "E742: Non riesco a cambiare il valore di %s"
msgid "filter() argument"
msgstr "argomento di filter()"
-#, c-format
msgid "E686: Argument of %s must be a List"
msgstr "E686: L'argomento di %s deve essere una Lista"
msgstr[0] "+-%s%3ld riga: "
msgstr[1] "+-%s%3ld righe: "
-#, c-format
msgid "E700: Unknown function: %s"
msgstr "E700: Funzione sconosciuta: %s"
msgid "E701: Invalid type for len()"
msgstr "E701: Tipo non valido per len()"
-#, c-format
msgid "E798: ID is reserved for \":match\": %ld"
msgstr "E798: ID riservato per \":match\": %ld"
msgid "E240: No connection to the X server"
msgstr "E240: Manca connessione con server Vim"
-#, c-format
msgid "E241: Unable to send to %s"
msgstr "E241: Impossibile inviare a %s"
msgid "E258: Unable to send to client"
msgstr "E258: Impossibile inviare al client"
-#, c-format
msgid "E927: Invalid action: '%s'"
msgstr "E927: Azione non valida: '%s'"
msgid "(Invalid)"
msgstr "(Non valido)"
-#, c-format
msgid "E935: invalid submatch number: %d"
msgstr "E935: nomeri di sotto-corrispondenza non valido: %d"
msgid "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Oct %03o, Digr %s"
msgstr "<%s>%s%s %d, Esa %02x, Ottale %03o, Digr %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Octal %03o"
msgstr "<%s>%s%s %d, Esa %02x, Ottale %03o"
msgid "> %d, Hex %08x, Oct %o, Digr %s"
msgstr "> %d, Esa %08x, Ottale %o, Digr %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "> %d, Hex %04x, Octal %o"
msgstr "> %d, Esa %04x, Ottale %o"
-#, c-format
msgid "> %d, Hex %08x, Octal %o"
msgstr "> %d, Esa %08x, Ottale %o"
msgid "1 line moved"
msgstr "1 riga mossa"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines moved"
msgstr "%ld righe mosse"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines filtered"
msgstr "%ld righe filtrate"
msgid "[No write since last change]\n"
msgstr "[Non salvato dopo l'ultima modifica]\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "%sviminfo: %s in line: "
msgstr "%sviminfo: %s nella riga: "
msgid "E136: viminfo: Too many errors, skipping rest of file"
msgstr "E136: viminfo: Troppi errori, ignoro il resto del file"
-#, c-format
msgid "Reading viminfo file \"%s\"%s%s%s"
msgstr "Lettura file viminfo \"%s\"%s%s%s"
msgid " FAILED"
msgstr " FALLITO"
-#, c-format
msgid "E137: Viminfo file is not writable: %s"
msgstr "E137: File viminfo \"%s\" inaccessibile in scrittura"
-#, c-format
msgid "E929: Too many viminfo temp files, like %s!"
msgstr "E929: Troppi file temporanei viminfo, come %s!"
-#, c-format
msgid "E138: Can't write viminfo file %s!"
msgstr "E138: Non riesco a scrivere il file viminfo %s!"
-#, c-format
msgid "Writing viminfo file \"%s\""
msgstr "Scrivo file viminfo \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E886: Can't rename viminfo file to %s!"
msgstr "E886: Non riesco a rinominare il file viminfo a %s!"
-#, c-format
msgid "# This viminfo file was generated by Vim %s.\n"
msgstr "# Questo file viminfo è stato generato da Vim %s.\n"
msgid "E140: Use ! to write partial buffer"
msgstr "E140: Usa ! per scrivere il buffer incompleto"
-#, c-format
msgid "Overwrite existing file \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Riscrittura del file esistente \"%s\"?"
-#, c-format
msgid "Swap file \"%s\" exists, overwrite anyway?"
msgstr "Il file swap \"%s\" esiste già, sovrascrivo?"
-#, c-format
msgid "E768: Swap file exists: %s (:silent! overrides)"
msgstr "E768: File swap esistente: %s (:silent! per sovrascriverlo)"
-#, c-format
msgid "E141: No file name for buffer %ld"
msgstr "E141: Manca nome file per il buffer %ld"
msgid "E142: File not written: Writing is disabled by 'write' option"
msgstr "E142: File non scritto: Scrittura inibita da opzione 'write'"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"'readonly' option is set for \"%s\".\n"
"Do you wish to write anyway?"
"opzione 'readonly' attiva per \"%s\".\n"
"Vuoi scrivere comunque?"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"File permissions of \"%s\" are read-only.\n"
"It may still be possible to write it.\n"
"Questo potrebbe non impedire la scrittura.\n"
"Vuoi provare?"
-#, c-format
msgid "E505: \"%s\" is read-only (add ! to override)"
msgstr "E505: \"%s\" è in sola lettura (aggiungi ! per eseguire comunque)"
msgid "Edit File"
msgstr "Elabora File"
-#, c-format
msgid "E143: Autocommands unexpectedly deleted new buffer %s"
msgstr ""
"E143: Gli autocomandi hanno inaspettatamente cancellato il nuovo buffer %s"
msgid "E146: Regular expressions can't be delimited by letters"
msgstr "E146: Le espressioni regolari non possono essere delimitate da lettere"
-#, c-format
msgid "replace with %s (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)?"
msgstr "sostituire con %s (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)?"
msgid "1 substitution"
msgstr "1 sostituzione"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld matches"
msgstr "%ld corrisp."
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld substitutions"
msgstr "%ld sostituzioni"
msgid " on 1 line"
msgstr " in 1 riga"
-#, c-format
msgid " on %ld lines"
msgstr " in %ld righe"
msgid "E148: Regular expression missing from global"
msgstr "E148: Manca espressione regolare nel comando 'global'"
-#, c-format
msgid "Pattern found in every line: %s"
msgstr "Espressione trovata su ogni riga: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Espressione non trovata: %s"
msgid "E478: Don't panic!"
msgstr "E478: Non lasciarti prendere dal panico!"
-#, c-format
msgid "E661: Sorry, no '%s' help for %s"
msgstr "E661: Spiacente, nessun aiuto '%s' per %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E149: Sorry, no help for %s"
msgstr "E149: Spiacente, nessun aiuto per %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Sorry, help file \"%s\" not found"
msgstr "Spiacente, non trovo file di aiuto \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E151: No match: %s"
msgstr "E151: Nessuna corrispondenza: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E152: Cannot open %s for writing"
msgstr "E152: Non posso aprire %s in scrittura"
-#, c-format
msgid "E153: Unable to open %s for reading"
msgstr "E153: Non riesco ad aprire %s in lettura"
-#, c-format
msgid "E670: Mix of help file encodings within a language: %s"
msgstr "E670: Codifiche diverse fra file di aiuto nella stessa lingua: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E154: Duplicate tag \"%s\" in file %s/%s"
msgstr "E154: Tag duplicato \"%s\" nel file %s/%s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E150: Not a directory: %s"
msgstr "E150: %s non è una directory"
-#, c-format
msgid "E160: Unknown sign command: %s"
msgstr "E160: Comando 'sign' sconosciuto: %s"
msgid "E612: Too many signs defined"
msgstr "E612: Troppi 'sign' definiti"
-#, c-format
msgid "E239: Invalid sign text: %s"
msgstr "E239: Testo 'sign' non valido: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E155: Unknown sign: %s"
msgstr "E155: 'sign' sconosciuto: %s"
msgid "E159: Missing sign number"
msgstr "E159: Manca numero 'sign'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E158: Invalid buffer name: %s"
msgstr "E158: Nome buffer non valido: %s"
msgid "E934: Cannot jump to a buffer that does not have a name"
msgstr "E934: Impossibile passare a un buffer che non ha un nome"
-#, c-format
msgid "E157: Invalid sign ID: %ld"
msgstr "E157: ID 'sign' non valido: %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "E885: Not possible to change sign %s"
msgstr "E885: Impossibile cambiare segno %s"
msgid "Oldval = \"%s\""
msgstr "Vecchioval = \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "Newval = \"%s\""
msgstr "Nuovoval = \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "line %ld: %s"
msgstr "riga %ld: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "cmd: %s"
msgstr "com: %s"
msgid "frame is zero"
msgstr "al livello zero"
-#, c-format
msgid "frame at highest level: %d"
msgstr "al livello più alto: %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "Breakpoint in \"%s%s\" line %ld"
msgstr "Pausa in \"%s%s\" riga %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "E161: Breakpoint not found: %s"
msgstr "E161: Breakpoint %s non trovato"
msgid "No breakpoints defined"
msgstr "Nessun 'breakpoint' definito"
-#, c-format
msgid "%3d %s %s line %ld"
msgstr "%3d %s %s riga %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "%3d expr %s"
msgstr "%3d espr %s"
msgid "E750: First use \":profile start {fname}\""
msgstr "E750: Usare prima \":profile start {fname}\""
-#, c-format
msgid "Save changes to \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Salvare modifiche a \"%s\"?"
-#, c-format
msgid "E947: Job still running in buffer \"%s\""
msgstr "E947: Lavoro ancora in esecuzione nel buffer \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E162: No write since last change for buffer \"%s\""
msgstr "E162: Buffer \"%s\" non salvato dopo modifica"
msgid "E165: Cannot go beyond last file"
msgstr "E165: Non posso oltrepassare l'ultimo file"
-#, c-format
msgid "E666: compiler not supported: %s"
msgstr "E666: compilatore non supportato: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Searching for \"%s\" in \"%s\""
msgstr "Cerco \"%s\" in \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "Searching for \"%s\""
msgstr "Cerco \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "not found in '%s': \"%s\""
msgstr "non trovato in '%s': \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "W20: Required python version 2.x not supported, ignoring file: %s"
msgstr ""
"W20: Versione richiesta di python 2.x non supportata, ignoro il file: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "W21: Required python version 3.x not supported, ignoring file: %s"
msgstr ""
"W21: Versione richiesta di python 3.x non supportata, ignoro il file: %s"
msgid "Source Vim script"
msgstr "Esegui script Vim"
-#, c-format
msgid "Cannot source a directory: \"%s\""
msgstr "Non riesco ad eseguire una directory: \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "could not source \"%s\""
msgstr "non riesco ad eseguire \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "line %ld: could not source \"%s\""
msgstr "riga %ld: non riesco ad eseguire \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "sourcing \"%s\""
msgstr "eseguo \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "line %ld: sourcing \"%s\""
msgstr "riga %ld: eseguo \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "finished sourcing %s"
msgstr "esecuzione di %s terminata"
-#, c-format
msgid "continuing in %s"
msgstr "continuo in %s"
msgid "E168: :finish used outside of a sourced file"
msgstr "E168: :finish usato fuori da file di comandi"
-#, c-format
msgid "Current %slanguage: \"%s\""
msgstr "Lingua %sin uso: \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E197: Cannot set language to \"%s\""
msgstr "E197: Non posso impostare lingua a \"%s\""
msgid "E169: Command too recursive"
msgstr "E169: Comando troppo ricorsivo"
-#, c-format
msgid "E605: Exception not caught: %s"
msgstr "E605: Eccezione non intercettata: %s"
msgid "1 more file to edit. Quit anyway?"
msgstr "1 ulteriore file da elaborare. Esco lo stesso?"
-#, c-format
msgid "%d more files to edit. Quit anyway?"
msgstr "%d ulteriori file da elaborare. Esco lo stesso?"
msgid "E173: 1 more file to edit"
msgstr "E173: ancora 1 file da elaborare"
-#, c-format
msgid "E173: %ld more files to edit"
msgstr "E173: ancora %ld file da elaborare"
msgid "E179: argument required for -addr"
msgstr "E179: argomento necessario per -addr"
-#, c-format
msgid "E181: Invalid attribute: %s"
msgstr "E181: Attributo non valido: %s"
msgid "E841: Reserved name, cannot be used for user defined command"
msgstr "E841: Nome riservato, non usabile in un comando definito dall'utente"
-#, c-format
msgid "E184: No such user-defined command: %s"
msgstr "E184: Comando definito dall'utente %s inesistente"
-#, c-format
msgid "E180: Invalid address type value: %s"
msgstr "E180: Tipo di indirizzo non valido: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E180: Invalid complete value: %s"
msgstr "E180: Valore %s non valido per 'complete'"
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "sconosciuto"
-#, c-format
msgid "E185: Cannot find color scheme '%s'"
msgstr "E185: Non riesco a trovare schema colore '%s'"
msgid "Edit File in new window"
msgstr "Apri il File in una nuova finestra"
-#, c-format
msgid "Tab page %d"
msgstr "Linguetta %d"
msgid "E465: :winsize requires two number arguments"
msgstr "E465: :winsize richiede due argomenti numerici"
-#, c-format
msgid "Window position: X %d, Y %d"
msgstr "Posizione finestra: X %d, Y %d"
msgid "Save Setup"
msgstr "Salva Setup"
-#, c-format
msgid "E739: Cannot create directory: %s"
msgstr "E739: Non posso creare la directory: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E189: \"%s\" exists (add ! to override)"
msgstr "E189: \"%s\" esiste (aggiungi ! per eseguire comunque)"
-#, c-format
msgid "E190: Cannot open \"%s\" for writing"
msgstr "E190: Non riesco ad aprire \"%s\" in scrittura"
msgid "E608: Cannot :throw exceptions with 'Vim' prefix"
msgstr "E608: Impossibile lanciare eccezioni con prefisso 'Vim'"
-#, c-format
msgid "Exception thrown: %s"
msgstr "Eccezione lanciata: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Exception finished: %s"
msgstr "Eccezione finita: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Exception discarded: %s"
msgstr "Eccezione scartata: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s, line %ld"
msgstr "%s, riga %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "Exception caught: %s"
msgstr "Eccezione intercettata: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s made pending"
msgstr "%s reso 'pending'"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s resumed"
msgstr "%s ripristinato"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s discarded"
msgstr "%s scartato"
msgid "'history' option is zero"
msgstr "l'opzione 'history' è a zero"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"# %s History (newest to oldest):\n"
msgid "[converted]"
msgstr "[convertito]"
-#, c-format
msgid "[CONVERSION ERROR in line %ld]"
msgstr "[ERRORE DI CONVERSIONE alla riga %ld]"
-#, c-format
msgid "[ILLEGAL BYTE in line %ld]"
msgstr "[BYTE NON VALIDO alla riga %ld]"
"E513: errore in scrittura, conversione fallita (rendere 'fenc' nullo per "
"eseguire comunque)"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"E513: write error, conversion failed in line %ld (make 'fenc' empty to "
-#, c-format
msgid " in line %ld;"
msgstr " alla riga %ld;"
msgid "1 line, "
msgstr "1 riga, "
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines, "
msgstr "%ld righe,"
msgid "1 character"
msgstr "1 carattere"
-#, c-format
msgid "%lld characters"
msgstr "%lld caratteri"
msgid "Do you really want to write to it"
msgstr "Vuoi davvero riscriverlo"
-#, c-format
msgid "E208: Error writing to \"%s\""
msgstr "E208: Errore in scrittura di \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E209: Error closing \"%s\""
msgstr "E209: Errore in chiusura di \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E210: Error reading \"%s\""
msgstr "E210: Errore in lettura di \"%s\""
msgid "E246: FileChangedShell autocommand deleted buffer"
msgstr "E246: L'autocomando 'FileChangedShell' ha cancellato il buffer"
-#, c-format
msgid "E211: File \"%s\" no longer available"
msgstr "E211: Il file \"%s\" non esiste più"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"W12: Warning: File \"%s\" has changed and the buffer was changed in Vim as "
msgid "See \":help W12\" for more info."
msgstr "Vedere \":help W12\" per ulteriori informazioni."
-#, c-format
msgid "W11: Warning: File \"%s\" has changed since editing started"
msgstr "W11: Avviso: File \"%s\" modificato dopo l'apertura"
msgid "See \":help W11\" for more info."
msgstr "Vedere \":help W11\" per ulteriori informazioni."
-#, c-format
msgid "W16: Warning: Mode of file \"%s\" has changed since editing started"
msgstr "W16: Avviso: Modo File \"%s\" modificato dopo l'apertura"
msgid "See \":help W16\" for more info."
msgstr "Vedere \":help W16\" per ulteriori informazioni."
-#, c-format
msgid "W13: Warning: File \"%s\" has been created after editing started"
msgstr "W13: Avviso: Il file \"%s\" risulta creato dopo l'apertura"
"&Carica File"
-#, c-format
msgid "E462: Could not prepare for reloading \"%s\""
msgstr "E462: Non riesco a preparare per ri-caricare \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E321: Could not reload \"%s\""
msgstr "E321: Non riesco a ri-caricare \"%s\""
msgid "--Deleted--"
msgstr "--Cancellato--"
-#, c-format
msgid "auto-removing autocommand: %s <buffer=%d>"
msgstr "auto-rimozione dell'autocomando: %s <buffer=%d>"
-#, c-format
msgid "E367: No such group: \"%s\""
msgstr "E367: Gruppo inesistente: \"%s\""
msgid "W19: Deleting augroup that is still in use"
msgstr "W19: Cancello augroup, ma è ancora in uso"
-#, c-format
msgid "E215: Illegal character after *: %s"
msgstr "E215: Carattere non ammesso dopo *: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E216: No such event: %s"
msgstr "E216: Evento inesistente: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E216: No such group or event: %s"
msgstr "E216: Evento o gruppo inesistente: %s"
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Auto-Comandi ---"
-#, c-format
msgid "E680: <buffer=%d>: invalid buffer number "
msgstr "E680: <buffer=%d>: numero buffer non valido"
msgid "E218: autocommand nesting too deep"
msgstr "E218: nidificazione dell'autocomando troppo estesa"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Auto comandi per \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "Executing %s"
msgstr "Eseguo %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "autocommand %s"
msgstr "autocomando %s"
msgid "E223: recursive mapping"
msgstr "E223: mapping ricorsivo"
-#, c-format
msgid "E224: global abbreviation already exists for %s"
msgstr "E224: una abbreviazione globale già esiste per %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E225: global mapping already exists for %s"
msgstr "E225: un mapping globale già esiste per %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E226: abbreviation already exists for %s"
msgstr "E226: una abbreviazione già esiste per %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E227: mapping already exists for %s"
msgstr "E227: un mapping già esiste per %s"
msgid "E229: Cannot start the GUI"
msgstr "E229: Non posso inizializzare la GUI"
-#, c-format
msgid "E230: Cannot read from \"%s\""
msgstr "E230: Non posso leggere da \"%s\""
msgid "E599: Value of 'imactivatekey' is invalid"
msgstr "E599: Il valore di 'imactivatekey' non è valido"
-#, c-format
msgid "E254: Cannot allocate color %s"
msgstr "E254: Non riesco ad allocare il colore %s"
msgid "<cannot open> "
msgstr "<non posso aprire> "
-#, c-format
msgid "E616: vim_SelFile: can't get font %s"
msgstr "E616: vim_SelFile: non riesco a trovare il font %s"
msgid "Open tab..."
msgstr "Apri linguetta..."
-msgid "Find string (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
-msgstr "Stringa di ricerca (usa '\\\\' per cercare un '\\')"
+msgid "Find string (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
+msgstr "Stringa di ricerca (usa '\\\\' per cercare un '\\')"
-msgid "Find & Replace (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
-msgstr "Sostituisci (usa '\\\\' per cercare un '\\')"
+msgid "Find & Replace (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
+msgstr "Sostituisci (usa '\\\\' per cercare un '\\')"
msgid "Not Used"
msgstr "Non Utilizzato"
msgid "Directory\t*.nothing\n"
msgstr "Directory\t*.nothing\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "E671: Cannot find window title \"%s\""
msgstr "E671: Non trovo il titolo della finestra \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E243: Argument not supported: \"-%s\"; Use the OLE version."
msgstr "E243: Argomento non supportato: \"-%s\"; Usa la versione OLE."
"Vim E458: Non riesco ad allocare elemento di colormap, possibili colori "
-#, c-format
msgid "E250: Fonts for the following charsets are missing in fontset %s:"
msgstr "E250: Mancano descrizioni per i seguenti caratteri nel font: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E252: Fontset name: %s"
msgstr "E252: Nome fontset: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Font '%s' is not fixed-width"
msgstr "Il font '%s' non di larghezza fissa"
-#, c-format
msgid "E253: Fontset name: %s"
msgstr "E253: Nome fontset: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Font0: %s"
msgstr "Font0: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Font1: %s"
msgstr "Font1: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Font%ld width is not twice that of font0"
msgstr "La larghezza di font%ld non è doppia di quella di font0"
-#, c-format
msgid "Font0 width: %ld"
msgstr "Larghezza di Font0: %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "Font1 width: %ld"
msgstr "Larghezza di Font1: %ld"
msgid "E552: digit expected"
msgstr "E552: aspettavo un numero"
-#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Pagina %d"
msgid "No text to be printed"
msgstr "Manca testo da stampare"
-#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d (%d%%)"
msgstr "Sto stampando pagina %d (%d%%)"
-#, c-format
msgid " Copy %d of %d"
msgstr " Copia %d di %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "Printed: %s"
msgstr "Stampato: %s"
msgid "E455: Error writing to PostScript output file"
msgstr "E455: Errore in scrittura a file PostScript di output"
-#, c-format
msgid "E624: Can't open file \"%s\""
msgstr "E624: Non riesco ad aprire il file \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E457: Can't read PostScript resource file \"%s\""
msgstr "E457: Non riesco a leggere file risorse PostScript \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E618: file \"%s\" is not a PostScript resource file"
msgstr "E618: file \"%s\" non è un file di risorse PostScript"
-#, c-format
msgid "E619: file \"%s\" is not a supported PostScript resource file"
msgstr "E619: file \"%s\" non è un file di risorse PostScript supportato"
-#, c-format
msgid "E621: \"%s\" resource file has wrong version"
msgstr "E621: il file di risorse \"%s\" ha una versione sbagliata"
msgid "E324: Can't open PostScript output file"
msgstr "E324: Non riesco ad aprire file PostScript di output"
-#, c-format
msgid "E456: Can't open file \"%s\""
msgstr "E456: Non riesco ad aprire il file \"%s\""
msgid "E456: Can't find PostScript resource file \"\""
msgstr "E456: Non trovo file risorse PostScript \"\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E456: Can't find PostScript resource file \"\""
msgstr "E456: Non trovo file risorse PostScript \"\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E620: Unable to convert to print encoding \"%s\""
msgstr "E620: Impossibile convertire a codifica di stampa \"%s\""
msgid "Show connections"
msgstr "Visualizza connessioni"
-#, c-format
msgid "E560: Usage: cs[cope] %s"
msgstr "E560: Uso: cs[cope] %s"
msgid "E257: cstag: tag not found"
msgstr "E257: cstag: tag non trovato"
-#, c-format
msgid "E563: stat(%s) error: %d"
msgstr "E563: errore stat(%s): %d"
msgid "E563: stat error"
msgstr "E563: errore stat"
-#, c-format
msgid "E564: %s is not a directory or a valid cscope database"
msgstr "E564: %s non è una directory o un database cscope valido"
-#, c-format
msgid "Added cscope database %s"
msgstr "Aggiunto database cscope %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E262: error reading cscope connection %ld"
msgstr "E262: errore leggendo connessione cscope %ld"
msgid "E567: no cscope connections"
msgstr "E567: nessuna connessione cscope"
-#, c-format
msgid "E469: invalid cscopequickfix flag %c for %c"
msgstr "E469: flag cscopequickfix %c non valido per %c"
-#, c-format
msgid "E259: no matches found for cscope query %s of %s"
msgstr "E259: nessuna corrispondenza trovata per la richiesta cscope %s di %s"
msgid "cscope commands:\n"
msgstr "comandi cscope:\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "%-5s: %s%*s (Usage: %s)"
msgstr "%-5s: %s%*s (Uso: %s)"
" s: Trova questo simbolo C\n"
" t: Trova questa stringa di testo\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "E625: cannot open cscope database: %s"
msgstr "E625: impossibile aprire database cscope: %s"
msgid "E568: duplicate cscope database not added"
msgstr "E568: database cscope duplicato, non aggiunto"
-#, c-format
msgid "E261: cscope connection %s not found"
msgstr "E261: connessione cscope %s non trovata"
-#, c-format
msgid "cscope connection %s closed"
msgstr "connessione cscope %s chiusa"
msgid "E570: fatal error in cs_manage_matches"
msgstr "E570: errore irreparabile in cs_manage_matches"
-#, c-format
msgid "Cscope tag: %s"
msgstr "Tag cscope: %s"
msgid "filename / context / line\n"
msgstr "nomefile / contest / riga\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "E609: Cscope error: %s"
msgstr "E609: Errore cscope: %s"
msgid "E272: unhandled exception"
msgstr "E272: eccezione non gestita"
-#, c-format
msgid "E273: unknown longjmp status %d"
msgstr "E273: tipo sconosciuto di salto nel programma %d"
msgid "mark not set"
msgstr "mark non impostato"
-#, c-format
msgid "row %d column %d"
msgstr "riga %d colonna %d"
"E571: Spiacente, comando non disponibile, non riesco a caricare libreria "
"programmi Tcl."
-#, c-format
msgid "E572: exit code %d"
msgstr "E572: codice di uscita %d"
msgid "E248: Failed to send command to the destination program"
msgstr "E248: Fallito invio comando a programma destinatario"
-#, c-format
msgid "E573: Invalid server id used: %s"
msgstr "E573: Identificativo di server non valido: %s"
msgid "E251: VIM instance registry property is badly formed. Deleted!"
msgstr "E251: Proprietà registry relative a VIM non adeguate. Cancellate!"
-#, c-format
msgid "E938: Duplicate key in JSON: \"%s\""
msgstr "E938: Chiave duplicata in JSON: \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E696: Missing comma in List: %s"
msgstr "E696: Manca virgola nella Lista: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E697: Missing end of List ']': %s"
msgstr "E697: Manca ']' a fine Lista: %s"
msgid "Invalid argument for"
msgstr "Argomento non valido per"
-#, c-format
msgid "%d files to edit\n"
msgstr "%d file da elaborare\n"
msgid "pre-vimrc command line"
msgstr "riga comandi prima di vimrc"
-#, c-format
msgid "E282: Cannot read from \"%s\""
msgstr "E282: Non posso leggere da \"%s\""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ": Send failed. Trying to execute locally\n"
msgstr ": Invio fallito. Tento di eseguire localmente\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "%d of %d edited"
msgstr "%d di %d elaborato"
msgid "No marks set"
msgstr "Nessun mark impostato"
-#, c-format
msgid "E283: No marks matching \"%s\""
msgstr "E283: Nessun mark corrispondente a \"%s\""
msgid "E302: Could not rename swap file"
msgstr "E302: Non riesco a rinominare lo swap file"
-#, c-format
msgid "E303: Unable to open swap file for \"%s\", recovery impossible"
msgstr ""
"E303: Non riesco ad aprile lo swap file per \"%s\", recupero impossibile"
msgid "E304: ml_upd_block0(): Didn't get block 0??"
msgstr "E304: ml_upd_block0(): Non riesco a leggere blocco 0??"
-#, c-format
msgid "E305: No swap file found for %s"
msgstr "E305: Nessun swap file trovato per %s"
msgid "Enter number of swap file to use (0 to quit): "
msgstr "Dimmi numero di swap file da usare (0 per lasciar perdere): "
-#, c-format
msgid "E306: Cannot open %s"
msgstr "E306: Non riesco ad aprire %s"
msgid "Use Vim version 3.0.\n"
msgstr "Usa Vim versione 3.0.\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "E307: %s does not look like a Vim swap file"
msgstr "E307: %s non sembra uno swap file Vim"
"o il file è stato danneggiato."
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"E833: %s is encrypted and this version of Vim does not support encryption"
msgstr "E833: %s è cifrato e questa versione di Vim non supporta la cifratura"
msgstr ""
" è stato danneggiato (la dimensione della pagina è inferiore al minimo).\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "Using swap file \"%s\""
msgstr "Uso swap file \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "Original file \"%s\""
msgstr "File originale \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"E308: Avviso: il file originale può essere stato modificato nel frattempo"
-#, c-format
msgid "Swap file is encrypted: \"%s\""
msgstr "Il file swap è cifrato: \"%s\""
"per usare la stessa chiave sia per il testo che per il file swap"
-#, c-format
msgid "E309: Unable to read block 1 from %s"
msgstr "E309: Impossibile leggere blocco 1 da %s"
msgid "???LINES MISSING"
msgstr "???RIGHE MANCANTI"
-#, c-format
msgid "E310: Block 1 ID wrong (%s not a .swp file?)"
msgstr "E310: ID del Blocco 1 errato (che %s non sia un .swp file?)"
msgid "E314: Preserve failed"
msgstr "E314: Preservazione fallita"
-#, c-format
msgid "E315: ml_get: invalid lnum: %ld"
msgstr "E315: ml_get: numero riga non valido: %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "E316: ml_get: cannot find line %ld"
msgstr "E316: ml_get: non riesco a trovare la riga %ld"
msgid "deleted block 1?"
msgstr "cancellato blocco 1?"
-#, c-format
msgid "E320: Cannot find line %ld"
msgstr "E320: Non riesco a trovare la riga %ld"
msgid "pe_line_count is zero"
msgstr "pe_line_count a zero"
-#, c-format
msgid "E322: line number out of range: %ld past the end"
msgstr "E322: numero riga non ammissibile: %ld dopo la fine"
-#, c-format
msgid "E323: line count wrong in block %ld"
msgstr "E323: contatore righe errato nel blocco %ld"
msgid "E317: pointer block id wrong 2"
msgstr "E317: ID blocco puntatori errato 2"
-#, c-format
msgid "E773: Symlink loop for \"%s\""
msgstr "E773: Collegamento simbolico ricorsivo per \"%s\""
msgid "E328: Menu only exists in another mode"
msgstr "E328: I Menu esistono solo in un'altra modalità"
-#, c-format
msgid "E329: No menu \"%s\""
msgstr "E329: Nessun Menu \"%s\""
msgid "Tear off this menu"
msgstr "Togli questo Menu"
-#, c-format
msgid "E335: Menu not defined for %s mode"
msgstr "E335: Menu non definito per la modalità %s"
msgid "E333: Menu path must lead to a menu item"
msgstr "E333: Il percorso Menu deve condurre ad un elemento Menu"
-#, c-format
msgid "E334: Menu not found: %s"
msgstr "E334: Menu non trovato: %s"
msgid "E337: Menu not found - check menu names"
msgstr "E337: Menu non trovato - controlla nomi Menu"
-#, c-format
msgid "Error detected while processing %s:"
msgstr "Errore/i eseguendo %s:"
-#, c-format
msgid "line %4ld:"
msgstr "riga %4ld:"
-#, c-format
msgid "E354: Invalid register name: '%s'"
msgstr "E354: Nome registro non valido: '%s'"
msgid "Press ENTER or type command to continue"
msgstr "Premi INVIO o un comando per proseguire"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s line %ld"
msgstr "%s riga %ld"
msgid "1 line less"
msgstr "1 riga in meno"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld more lines"
msgstr "%ld righe in più"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld fewer lines"
msgstr "%ld righe in meno"
msgid "ERROR: "
msgstr "ERRORE: "
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"[bytes] total alloc-freed %lu-%lu, in use %lu, peak use %lu\n"
"[byte] totali alloc-rilasc %lu-%lu, in uso %lu, max uso %lu\n"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"[calls] total re/malloc()'s %lu, total free()'s %lu\n"
msgid "E340: Line is becoming too long"
msgstr "E340: La riga sta diventando troppo lunga"
-#, c-format
msgid "E341: Internal error: lalloc(%ld, )"
msgstr "E341: Errore interno: lalloc(%ld, )"
-#, c-format
msgid "E342: Out of memory! (allocating %lu bytes)"
msgstr "E342: Non c'è più memoria! (stavo allocando %lu byte)"
-#, c-format
msgid "Calling shell to execute: \"%s\""
msgstr "Chiamo lo shell per eseguire: \"%s\""
msgid "E854: path too long for completion"
msgstr "E854: percorso troppo lungo per il completamento"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"E343: Invalid path: '**[number]' must be at the end of the path or be "
"followed by '%s'."
"E343: Percorso non valido: '**[numero]' deve essere a fine percorso o essere "
"seguito da '%s'."
-#, c-format
msgid "E344: Can't find directory \"%s\" in cdpath"
msgstr "E344: Non riesco a trovare la directory \"%s\" nel 'cdpath'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E345: Can't find file \"%s\" in path"
msgstr "E345: Non riesco a trovare il file \"%s\" nel percorso"
-#, c-format
msgid "E346: No more directory \"%s\" found in cdpath"
msgstr "E346: Nessun altra directory \"%s\" trovata nel 'cdpath'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E347: No more file \"%s\" found in path"
msgstr "E347: Nessun altro file \"%s\" trovato nel percorso"
-#, c-format
msgid "E668: Wrong access mode for NetBeans connection info file: \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"E668: Modalità errata di accesso a file info connessione NetBeans: \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E658: NetBeans connection lost for buffer %ld"
msgstr "E658: Connessione NetBeans persa per il buffer %ld"
msgid "E511: netbeans already connected"
msgstr "E511: netbeans già connesso"
-#, c-format
msgid "E505: %s is read-only (add ! to override)"
msgstr "E505: %s è in sola lettura (aggiungi ! per eseguire comunque)"
msgid "Type :qa! and press <Enter> to abandon all changes and exit Vim"
msgstr "Batti :qa! e premi <Invio> per ignorare le modifiche e uscire da Vim"
-#, c-format
msgid "1 line %sed 1 time"
msgstr "1 riga %sa 1 volta"
-#, c-format
msgid "1 line %sed %d times"
msgstr "1 riga %sa %d volte"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines %sed 1 time"
msgstr "%ld righe %se 1 volta"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines %sed %d times"
msgstr "%ld righe %se %d volte"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines to indent... "
msgstr "%ld righe da rientrare... "
msgid "1 line indented "
msgstr "1 riga rientrata "
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines indented "
msgstr "%ld righe rientrate "
msgid "1 line changed"
msgstr "1 riga cambiata"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines changed"
msgstr "%ld righe cambiate"
-#, c-format
msgid "freeing %ld lines"
msgstr "libero %ld righe"
-#, c-format
msgid " into \"%c"
msgstr " in \"%c"
-#, c-format
msgid "block of 1 line yanked%s"
msgstr "blocco di 1 riga messo in registro%s"
-#, c-format
msgid "1 line yanked%s"
msgstr "1 riga messa in registro%s"
-#, c-format
msgid "block of %ld lines yanked%s"
msgstr "blocco di %ld righe messo in registro%s"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld lines yanked%s"
msgstr "%ld righe messe in registro%s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E353: Nothing in register %s"
msgstr "E353: Niente nel registro %s"
"# Registri:\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "E574: Unknown register type %d"
msgstr "E574: Tipo di registro sconosciuto: %d"
"E883: espressione di ricerca e registro dell'espressione non possono "
"contenere due o più righe"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld Cols; "
msgstr "%ld Col.; "
-#, c-format
msgid "Selected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %lld of %lld Words; %lld of %lld Bytes"
msgstr ""
"Selezionate %s%ld di %ld Righe; %lld di %lld Parole; %lld di %lld Caratt."
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"Selected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %lld of %lld Words; %lld of %lld Chars; %lld of "
"%lld Bytes"
"Selezionate %s%ld di %ld Righe; %lld di %lld Parole; %lld di %lld Caratt.; "
"%lld di %lld Byte"
-#, c-format
msgid "Col %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %lld of %lld; Byte %lld of %lld"
msgstr ""
"Col. %s di %s; Riga %ld di %ld; Parola %lld di %lld; Caratt. %lld di %lld"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"Col %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %lld of %lld; Char %lld of %lld; Byte "
"%lld of %lld"
msgid "E522: Not found in termcap"
msgstr "E522: Non trovato in 'termcap'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E539: Illegal character <%s>"
msgstr "E539: Carattere non ammesso <%s>"
-#, c-format
msgid "For option %s"
msgstr "Per opzione %s"
msgid "E525: Zero length string"
msgstr "E525: Stringa nulla"
-#, c-format
msgid "E526: Missing number after <%s>"
msgstr "E526: Manca numero dopo <%s>"
msgid "E534: Invalid wide font"
msgstr "E534: 'Wide font' non valido"
-#, c-format
msgid "E535: Illegal character after <%c>"
msgstr "E535: Carattere non ammesso dopo <%c>"
msgid "E536: comma required"
msgstr "E536: virgola mancante"
-#, c-format
msgid "E537: 'commentstring' must be empty or contain %s"
msgstr "E537: 'commentstring' deve essere nulla o contenere %s"
msgid "E954: 24-bit colors are not supported on this environment"
msgstr "E954: colori a 24-bit non supportati in questo ambiente"
-#, c-format
msgid "E593: Need at least %d lines"
msgstr "E593: Servono almeno %d righe"
-#, c-format
msgid "E594: Need at least %d columns"
msgstr "E594: Servono almeno %d colonne"
-#, c-format
msgid "E355: Unknown option: %s"
msgstr "E355: Opzione inesistente: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E521: Number required: &%s = '%s'"
msgstr "E521: Ci vuole un numero: &%s = '%s'"
msgid "E356: get_varp ERROR"
msgstr "E356: ERRORE get_varp"
-#, c-format
msgid "E357: 'langmap': Matching character missing for %s"
msgstr "E357: 'langmap': Manca carattere corrispondente per %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E358: 'langmap': Extra characters after semicolon: %s"
msgstr "E358: 'langmap': Caratteri in più dopo il ';': %s"
msgid "Need Amigados version 2.04 or later\n"
msgstr "Serve Amigados versione 2.04 o successiva\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "Need %s version %ld\n"
msgstr "Serve %s versione %ld\n"
msgid "Cannot create "
msgstr "Non riesco a creare "
-#, c-format
msgid "Vim exiting with %d\n"
msgstr "Vim esce con %d\n"
msgid "E237: Printer selection failed"
msgstr "E237: Scelta stampante non riuscita"
-#, c-format
msgid "to %s on %s"
msgstr "a %s su %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E613: Unknown printer font: %s"
msgstr "E613: Font per stampante sconosciuto: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E238: Print error: %s"
msgstr "E238: Errore durante stampa: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Printing '%s'"
msgstr "Stampato: '%s'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E244: Illegal charset name \"%s\" in font name \"%s\""
msgstr "E244: Nome di charset non ammesso \"%s\" nel fonte di nome \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E244: Illegal quality name \"%s\" in font name \"%s\""
msgstr "E244: Nome di qualità non ammesso \"%s\" nel font di nome \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E245: Illegal char '%c' in font name \"%s\""
msgstr "E245: Carattere non ammesso '%c' nel font di nome \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "Opening the X display took %ld msec"
msgstr "Attivazione visualizzazione X ha richiesto %ld msec"
"Non posso impostare il contesto di sicurezza per "
-#, c-format
msgid "Could not set security context %s for %s"
msgstr "Non posso impostare il contesto di sicurezza %s per %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Could not get security context %s for %s. Removing it!"
msgstr "Non posso ottenere il contesto di sicurezza %s per %s. Lo rimuovo!"
msgid "XSMP lost ICE connection"
msgstr "XSMP ha perso la connessione ICE"
-#, c-format
msgid "dlerror = \"%s\""
msgstr "dlerror = \"%s\""
msgid "XSMP ICE connection watch failed"
msgstr "XSMP osservazione connessione ICE fallita"
-#, c-format
msgid "XSMP SmcOpenConnection failed: %s"
msgstr "XSMP SmcOpenConnection fallita: %s"
msgid "Could not fix up function pointers to the DLL!"
msgstr "Non sono riuscito a impostare puntatori di funzione verso la DLL!"
-#, c-format
msgid "Vim: Caught %s event\n"
msgstr "Vim: Intercettato evento %s\n"
msgid "Vim Warning"
msgstr "Avviso da Vim"
-#, c-format
msgid "shell returned %d"
msgstr "shell terminato con return-code %d"
msgid "E926: Current location list was changed"
msgstr "E926: La lista delle locazioni corrente è stata cambiata"
-#, c-format
msgid "E372: Too many %%%c in format string"
msgstr "E372: Troppi %%%c nella stringa di 'format'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E373: Unexpected %%%c in format string"
msgstr "E373: %%%c imprevisto nella stringa di 'format'"
msgid "E374: Missing ] in format string"
msgstr "E374: Manca ] nella stringa di 'format'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E375: Unsupported %%%c in format string"
msgstr "E375: %%%c non supportato nella stringa di 'format'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E376: Invalid %%%c in format string prefix"
msgstr "E376: %%%c non valido nel prefisso della stringa di 'format'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E377: Invalid %%%c in format string"
msgstr "E377: %%%c non valido nella stringa di 'format'"
msgid "E925: Current quickfix was changed"
msgstr "E925: Il quickfix corrente è stato cambiato"
-#, c-format
msgid "(%d of %d)%s%s: "
msgstr "(%d di %d)%s%s: "
msgid " (line deleted)"
msgstr " (riga cancellata)"
-#, c-format
msgid "%serror list %d of %d; %d errors "
msgstr "%slista errori %d di %d; %d errori"
msgid "E683: File name missing or invalid pattern"
msgstr "E683: Nome file mancante o espressione non valida"
-#, c-format
msgid "Cannot open file \"%s\""
msgstr "Non riesco ad aprire il file \"%s\""
msgid "E777: String or List expected"
msgstr "E777: aspettavo Stringa o Lista"
-#, c-format
msgid "E369: invalid item in %s%%[]"
msgstr "E369: elemento non valido in %s%%[]"
-#, c-format
msgid "E769: Missing ] after %s["
msgstr "E769: Manca ] dopo %s["
msgid "E945: Range too large in character class"
msgstr "E945: Intervallo troppo ampio nella classe di caratteri"
-#, c-format
msgid "E53: Unmatched %s%%("
msgstr "E53: Senza riscontro: %s%%("
-#, c-format
msgid "E54: Unmatched %s("
msgstr "E54: Senza riscontro: %s("
-#, c-format
msgid "E55: Unmatched %s)"
msgstr "E55: Senza riscontro: %s)"
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( non consentito qui"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 ecc. non consentiti qui"
-#, c-format
msgid "E69: Missing ] after %s%%["
msgstr "E69: Manca ] dopo %s%%["
-#, c-format
msgid "E70: Empty %s%%[]"
msgstr "E70: %s%%[] vuoto"
msgid "E50: Too many \\z("
msgstr "E50: Troppe \\z("
-#, c-format
msgid "E51: Too many %s("
msgstr "E51: Troppe %s("
msgid "E52: Unmatched \\z("
msgstr "E52: Senza riscontro: \\z("
-#, c-format
msgid "E59: invalid character after %s@"
msgstr "E59: Carattere non ammesso dopo %s@"
-#, c-format
msgid "E60: Too many complex %s{...}s"
msgstr "E60: Troppi %s{...}s complessi"
-#, c-format
msgid "E61: Nested %s*"
msgstr "E61: %s* nidificato"
-#, c-format
msgid "E62: Nested %s%c"
msgstr "E62: %s%c nidificato"
msgid "E63: invalid use of \\_"
msgstr "E63: uso non valido di \\_"
-#, c-format
msgid "E64: %s%c follows nothing"
msgstr "E64: %s%c senza nulla prima"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
msgstr "E68: Carattere non ammesso dopo \\z"
-#, c-format
msgid "E678: Invalid character after %s%%[dxouU]"
msgstr "E678: Carattere non valido dopo %s%%[dxouU]"
-#, c-format
msgid "E71: Invalid character after %s%%"
msgstr "E71: Carattere non ammesso dopo %s%%"
-#, c-format
msgid "E554: Syntax error in %s{...}"
msgstr "E554: Errore sintattico in %s{...}"
msgid "External submatches:\n"
msgstr "Sotto-corrispondenze esterne:\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "E888: (NFA regexp) cannot repeat %s"
msgstr "E888: (NFA regexp) non riesco a ripetere %s"
msgid "E865: (NFA) Regexp end encountered prematurely"
msgstr "E865: (NFA) Fine prematura dell'espressione regolare"
-#, c-format
msgid "E866: (NFA regexp) Misplaced %c"
msgstr "E866: (NFA regexp) %c fuori posto"
-#, c-format
msgid "E877: (NFA regexp) Invalid character class: %ld"
msgstr "E877: (NFA regexp) Classe di caratteri non valida: %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "E867: (NFA) Unknown operator '\\z%c'"
msgstr "E867: (NFA) Operatore sconosciuto '\\z%c'"
msgid "E951: \\% value too large"
msgstr "E951: \\% valore troppo grande"
-#, c-format
msgid "E867: (NFA) Unknown operator '\\%%%c'"
msgstr "E867: (NFA) Operatore sconosciuto '\\%%%c'"
msgid "E868: Error building NFA with equivalence class!"
msgstr "E868: Errore nel build di NFA con classe di equivalenza!"
-#, c-format
msgid "E869: (NFA) Unknown operator '\\@%c'"
msgstr "E869: (NFA) Operatore sconosciuto '\\@%c'"
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA regexp) Errore nella lettura dei limiti di ripetizione"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Non si può avere multi dopo multi !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Non si può avere multi dopo multi"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA regexp) Troppi '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA regexp) errore di terminazione corretta"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Impossibile riprendere lo stack !"
msgid ""
msgid "E878: (NFA) Could not allocate memory for branch traversal!"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Non posso allocare memoria per il zigzag di ramo!"
-msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
+msgid "Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
-"Non posso aprire il file temporaneo per la scrittura, mostro su stderr... "
+"Non posso aprire il file temporaneo di log in scrittura, mostro su stderr... "
-#, c-format
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
+msgid ""
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+msgstr ""
+"Non posso aprire il file temporaneo di log in scrittura, mostro su "
+"stderr ... "
msgid "Could not open temporary log file for writing "
msgstr "Non posso aprire il log temporaneo in scrittura "
msgid "recording"
msgstr "registrazione"
-#, c-format
msgid "E383: Invalid search string: %s"
msgstr "E383: Stringa di ricerca non valida: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E384: search hit TOP without match for: %s"
msgstr "E384: la ricerca ha raggiunto la CIMA senza successo per: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E385: search hit BOTTOM without match for: %s"
msgstr "E385: la ricerca ha raggiunto il FONDO senza successo per: %s"
msgid " NOT FOUND"
msgstr " NON TROVATO"
-#, c-format
msgid "Scanning included file: %s"
msgstr "Scandisco file incluso: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Searching included file %s"
msgstr "Cerco nel file incluso: %s"
msgid "Substitute "
msgstr "Sostituzione "
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"# Last %sSearch Pattern:\n"
msgid "E756: Spell checking is not enabled"
msgstr "E756: Controllo ortografico non abilitato"
-#, c-format
msgid "Warning: Cannot find word list \"%s_%s.spl\" or \"%s_ascii.spl\""
msgstr "Avviso: Non trovo lista parole \"%s_%s.spl\" o \"%s_ascii.spl\""
-#, c-format
msgid "Warning: Cannot find word list \"%s.%s.spl\" or \"%s.ascii.spl\""
msgstr "Avviso: Non trovo lista parole \"%s.%s.spl\" o \"%s.ascii.spl\""
msgid "E797: SpellFileMissing autocommand deleted buffer"
msgstr "E797: L'autocomando 'SpellFileMissing' ha cancellato il buffer"
-#, c-format
msgid "Warning: region %s not supported"
msgstr "Avviso: regione %s non supportata"
msgid "Sorry, no suggestions"
msgstr "Spiacente, nessun suggerimento"
-#, c-format
msgid "Sorry, only %ld suggestions"
msgstr "Spiacente, solo %ld suggerimenti"
-#, c-format
msgid "Change \"%.*s\" to:"
msgstr "Cambiare \"%.*s\" in:"
-#, c-format
msgid " < \"%.*s\""
msgstr " < \"%.*s\""
msgid "E752: No previous spell replacement"
msgstr "E752: Nessuna sostituzione ortografica precedente"
-#, c-format
msgid "E753: Not found: %s"
msgstr "E753: Non trovato: %s"
msgid "E758: Truncated spell file"
msgstr "E758: File ortografico troncato"
-#, c-format
msgid "Trailing text in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Testo in eccesso in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Affix name too long in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Nome affisso troppo lungo in %s riga %d: %s"
msgid "Compressing word tree..."
msgstr "Comprimo albero di parole..."
-#, c-format
msgid "Reading spell file \"%s\""
msgstr "Lettura file ortografico \"%s\""
msgid "E770: Unsupported section in spell file"
msgstr "E770: Sezione non supportata nel file ortografico"
-#, c-format
msgid "E778: This does not look like a .sug file: %s"
msgstr "E778: Questo non sembra un file .sug: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E779: Old .sug file, needs to be updated: %s"
msgstr "E779: File .sug obsoleto, è necessario aggiornarlo: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E780: .sug file is for newer version of Vim: %s"
msgstr "E780: Il file .sug è per versioni di Vim più recenti: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E781: .sug file doesn't match .spl file: %s"
msgstr "E781: Il file .sug non corrisponde al file .spl: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E782: error while reading .sug file: %s"
msgstr "E782: Errore leggendo il file .sug: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Reading affix file %s..."
msgstr "Lettura file affissi %s..."
-#, c-format
msgid "Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Conversione fallita per una parola in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Conversion in %s not supported: from %s to %s"
msgstr "Conversione in %s non supportata: da %s a %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Conversion in %s not supported"
msgstr "Conversione in %s non supportata"
-#, c-format
msgid "Invalid value for FLAG in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Valore di FLAG non valido in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "FLAG after using flags in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "FLAG dopo l'uso di flags in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"Defining COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG after PFX item may give wrong results in %s line "
"Definire COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG dopo l'elemento PFX potrebbe dare risultati "
"errati in %s riga %d"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"Defining COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG after PFX item may give wrong results in %s line "
"Definire COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG dopo l'elemento PFX potrebbe dare risultati "
"errati in %s riga %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "Wrong COMPOUNDRULES value in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Valore errato per COMPOUNDRULES in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Wrong COMPOUNDWORDMAX value in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Valore errato per COMPOUNDWORDMAX in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Wrong COMPOUNDMIN value in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Valore errato per COMPOUNDMIN in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Wrong COMPOUNDSYLMAX value in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Valore errato per COMPOUNDSYLMAX in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Wrong CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN value in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Valore errato per CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Different combining flag in continued affix block in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Flag combinazione diverso in blocco affissi continuo in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate affix in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Affisso duplicato in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"line %d: %s"
"in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Expected Y or N in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Y o N deve essere presente in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Broken condition in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Condizione non rispettata in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Expected REP(SAL) count in %s line %d"
msgstr "Contatore REP(SAL) necessario in %s riga %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "Expected MAP count in %s line %d"
msgstr "Contatore MAP necessario in %s riga %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate character in MAP in %s line %d"
msgstr "Carattere duplicato in MAP in %s riga %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized or duplicate item in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Elemento non riconosciuto o duplicato in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Missing FOL/LOW/UPP line in %s"
msgstr "Riga FOL/LOW/UPP mancante in %s"
msgid "Too many postponed prefixes and/or compound flags"
msgstr "Troppi suffissi e/o flag composti"
-#, c-format
msgid "Missing SOFO%s line in %s"
msgstr "Riga SOFO%s mancante in %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Both SAL and SOFO lines in %s"
msgstr "Righe sia SAL che SOFO in %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Flag is not a number in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Il flag non è un numero in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Illegal flag in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Flag non ammesso in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s value differs from what is used in another .aff file"
msgstr "Il valore di %s è diverso da quello usato in un altro file .aff"
-#, c-format
msgid "Reading dictionary file %s..."
msgstr "Lettura file dizionario %s..."
-#, c-format
msgid "E760: No word count in %s"
msgstr "E760: Nessun contatore parole in %s"
msgid "line %6d, word %6ld - %s"
msgstr "riga %6d, parola %6ld - %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Parola duplicata in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "First duplicate word in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Prima parola duplicata in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "%d duplicate word(s) in %s"
msgstr "%d parole duplicate in %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Ignored %d word(s) with non-ASCII characters in %s"
msgstr "%d parole con caratteri non-ASCII ignorate in %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Reading word file %s..."
msgstr "Lettura file parole %s..."
-#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Riga /encoding= duplicata ignorata in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "/encoding= line after word ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Riga /encoding= dopo parola ignorata in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate /regions= line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Riga /regions= duplicata ignorata in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Too many regions in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Troppe regioni in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "/ line ignored in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Riga / ignorata in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Invalid region nr in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "N. regione non valido in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized flags in %s line %d: %s"
msgstr "Flag non riconosciuti in %s riga %d: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Ignored %d words with non-ASCII characters"
msgstr "%d parole con caratteri non-ASCII ignorate"
msgid "E845: Insufficient memory, word list will be incomplete"
msgstr "E845: Memoria insufficiente, la lista parole sarà incompleta"
-#, c-format
msgid "Compressed %d of %d nodes; %d (%d%%) remaining"
msgstr "%d di %d nodi compressi; ne restano %d (%d%%)"
msgid "Performing soundfolding..."
msgstr "Eseguo soundfolding..."
-#, c-format
msgid "Number of words after soundfolding: %ld"
msgstr "Numero di parole dopo soundfolding: %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "Total number of words: %d"
msgstr "Conteggio totale delle parole: %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
msgstr "Scrivo file di suggerimenti %s..."
-#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
msgstr "Uso stimato di memoria durante esecuzione: %d byte"
msgid "E754: Only up to %ld regions supported"
msgstr "E754: Sono supportate al massimo %ld regioni"
-#, c-format
msgid "E755: Invalid region in %s"
msgstr "E755: Regione non valida in %s"
msgid "Warning: both compounding and NOBREAK specified"
msgstr "Avviso: specificati sia composizione sia NOBREAK"
-#, c-format
msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
msgstr "Scrivo file ortografico %s..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Fatto!"
-#, c-format
msgid "E765: 'spellfile' does not have %ld entries"
msgstr "E765: 'spellfile' non ha %ld elementi"
-#, c-format
msgid "Word '%.*s' removed from %s"
msgstr "Parola '%.*s' rimossa da %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Word '%.*s' added to %s"
msgstr "Parola '%.*s' aggiunta a %s"
msgid "syntax conceal off"
msgstr "syntax conceal inattivo"
-#, c-format
msgid "E390: Illegal argument: %s"
msgstr "E390: Argomento non ammesso: %s"
msgid "syntax iskeyword "
msgstr "syntax iskeyword "
-#, c-format
msgid "E391: No such syntax cluster: %s"
msgstr "E391: 'cluster' sintattico inesistente: %s"
"--- Elementi sintattici ---"
-#, c-format
msgid "E392: No such syntax cluster: %s"
msgstr "E392: 'cluster' sintattico inesistente: %s"
msgid "E393: group[t]here not accepted here"
msgstr "E393: group[t]here non ammesso qui"
-#, c-format
msgid "E394: Didn't find region item for %s"
msgstr "E394: Elemento di 'region' non trovato per %s"
msgid "E847: Too many syntax includes"
msgstr "E847: Troppe inclusioni di sintassi"
-#, c-format
msgid "E789: Missing ']': %s"
msgstr "E789: Manca ']': %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E890: trailing char after ']': %s]%s"
msgstr "E890: Caratteri in più dopo ']': %s]%s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E398: Missing '=': %s"
msgstr "E398: Manca '=': %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E399: Not enough arguments: syntax region %s"
msgstr "E399: Argomenti non sufficienti per: 'syntax region' %s"
msgid "E400: No cluster specified"
msgstr "E400: Nessun 'cluster' specificato"
-#, c-format
msgid "E401: Pattern delimiter not found: %s"
msgstr "E401: Delimitatore di espressione non trovato: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E402: Garbage after pattern: %s"
msgstr "E402: Spazzatura dopo espressione: %s"
msgstr ""
"E403: syntax sync: espressione di continuazione riga specificata due volte"
-#, c-format
msgid "E404: Illegal arguments: %s"
msgstr "E404: Argomenti non validi: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E405: Missing equal sign: %s"
msgstr "E405: Manca '=': %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E406: Empty argument: %s"
msgstr "E406: Argomento nullo: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E407: %s not allowed here"
msgstr "E407: %s non consentito qui"
-#, c-format
msgid "E408: %s must be first in contains list"
msgstr "E408: %s deve venire per primo nella lista 'contains'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E409: Unknown group name: %s"
msgstr "E409: Nome gruppo sconosciuto: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E410: Invalid :syntax subcommand: %s"
msgstr "E410: Sotto-comando :syntax non valido: %s"
msgid "E679: recursive loop loading syncolor.vim"
msgstr "E679: ciclo ricorsivo nel caricamento di syncolor.vim"
-#, c-format
msgid "E411: highlight group not found: %s"
msgstr "E411: gruppo evidenziazione non trovato: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E412: Not enough arguments: \":highlight link %s\""
msgstr "E412: Argomenti non sufficienti: \":highlight link %s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E413: Too many arguments: \":highlight link %s\""
msgstr "E413: Troppi argomenti: \":highlight link %s\""
msgid "E414: group has settings, highlight link ignored"
msgstr "E414: 'group' ha impostazioni, 'highlight link' ignorato"
-#, c-format
msgid "E415: unexpected equal sign: %s"
msgstr "E415: segno '=' inatteso: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E416: missing equal sign: %s"
msgstr "E416: manca segno '=': %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E417: missing argument: %s"
msgstr "E417: manca argomento: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E418: Illegal value: %s"
msgstr "E418: Valore non ammesso: %s"
msgid "E420: BG color unknown"
msgstr "E420: colore di sfondo sconosciuto"
-#, c-format
msgid "E421: Color name or number not recognized: %s"
msgstr "E421: Numero o nome di colore non riconosciuto: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E422: terminal code too long: %s"
msgstr "E422: codice terminale troppo lungo: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E423: Illegal argument: %s"
msgstr "E423: Argomento non ammesso: %s"
msgid "E425: Cannot go before first matching tag"
msgstr "E425: Non posso andare prima del primo tag corrispondente"
-#, c-format
msgid "E426: tag not found: %s"
msgstr "E426: tag non trovato: %s"
msgid "E428: Cannot go beyond last matching tag"
msgstr "E428: Non posso andare oltre l'ultimo tag corrispondente"
-#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" does not exist"
msgstr "Il file \"%s\" non esiste"
-#, c-format
msgid "tag %d of %d%s"
msgstr "tag %d di %d%s"
msgid " Using tag with different case!"
msgstr " Uso tag ignorando maiuscole/minuscole!"
-#, c-format
msgid "E429: File \"%s\" does not exist"
msgstr "E429: Il file \"%s\" non esiste"
" # A tag DA__ riga in file/testo"
-#, c-format
msgid "Searching tags file %s"
msgstr "Ricerca nel tag file %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E430: Tag file path truncated for %s\n"
msgstr "E430: Percorso tag file troncato per %s\n"
msgid "Ignoring long line in tags file"
msgstr "Riga lunga ignorata nel tag file"
-#, c-format
msgid "E431: Format error in tags file \"%s\""
msgstr "E431: Errore di formato nel tag file \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "Before byte %ld"
msgstr "Prima del byte %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "E432: Tags file not sorted: %s"
msgstr "E432: Tag file non ordinato alfabeticamente: %s"
msgid "E435: Couldn't find tag, just guessing!"
msgstr "E435: Non riesco a trovare tag, sto solo tirando a indovinare!"
-#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate field name: %s"
msgstr "Nome di campo duplicato: %s"
msgid "E559: Terminal entry not found in termcap"
msgstr "E559: Descrizione terminale non trovata in 'termcap'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E436: No \"%s\" entry in termcap"
msgstr "E436: Nessuna descrizione per \"%s\" in 'termcap'"
msgid "Cannot open $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt"
msgstr "Non riesco ad aprire $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt"
-#, c-format
msgid "Kill job in \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Cancello lavoro \"%s\"?"
msgid "No undo possible; continue anyway"
msgstr "'undo' non più possibile; continuo comunque"
-#, c-format
msgid "E828: Cannot open undo file for writing: %s"
msgstr "E828: Non posso aprire il file Undo in scrittura: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E825: Corrupted undo file (%s): %s"
msgstr "E825: File Undo corrotto (%s): %s"
msgid "Cannot write undo file in any directory in 'undodir'"
msgstr "Non posso scrivere un file Undo in alcuna directory di 'undodir'"
-#, c-format
msgid "Will not overwrite with undo file, cannot read: %s"
msgstr "File Undo non sovrascritto, non riesco a leggere: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Will not overwrite, this is not an undo file: %s"
msgstr "Non sovrascritto, non è un file Undo: %s"
msgid "Skipping undo file write, nothing to undo"
msgstr "Ometto scrittura del file Undo, non ci sono modifiche"
-#, c-format
msgid "Writing undo file: %s"
msgstr "Scrivo file Undo: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E829: write error in undo file: %s"
msgstr "E829: errore scrivendo nel file Undo: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Not reading undo file, owner differs: %s"
msgstr "Non leggo file Undo, appartiene a un altro utente: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "Reading undo file: %s"
msgstr "Lettura file Undo: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E822: Cannot open undo file for reading: %s"
msgstr "E822: Non posso aprire il file Undo in lettura: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E823: Not an undo file: %s"
msgstr "E823: Non è un file Undo: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E832: Non-encrypted file has encrypted undo file: %s"
msgstr "E832: File non cifrato con file Undo cifrato: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E826: Undo file decryption failed: %s"
msgstr "E826: Decifratura fallita del file Undo: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E827: Undo file is encrypted: %s"
msgstr "E827: File Undo cifrato: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E824: Incompatible undo file: %s"
msgstr "E824: File Undo incompatibile: %s"
msgid "File contents changed, cannot use undo info"
msgstr "File ulteriormente modificato, non posso usare informazioni di Undo"
-#, c-format
msgid "Finished reading undo file %s"
msgstr "Lettura del file Undo %s effettuata"
msgid "Already at newest change"
msgstr "Questa è già l'ultima modifica"
-#, c-format
msgid "E830: Undo number %ld not found"
msgstr "E830: Undo numero %ld non trovato"
msgid "changes"
msgstr "modifiche"
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld %s; %s #%ld %s"
msgstr "%ld %s; %s #%ld %s"
msgid "number changes when saved"
msgstr "numero modif. quando salv."
-#, c-format
msgid "%ld seconds ago"
msgstr "%ld secondi fa"
msgid "E440: undo line missing"
msgstr "E440: riga di 'undo' mancante"
-#, c-format
msgid "E122: Function %s already exists, add ! to replace it"
msgstr "E122: La funzione %s esiste già, aggiungi ! per sostituirla"
msgid "E718: Funcref required"
msgstr "E718: Funcref necessario"
-#, c-format
msgid "E130: Unknown function: %s"
msgstr "E130: Funzione sconosciuta: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E125: Illegal argument: %s"
msgstr "E125: Argomento non ammesso: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E853: Duplicate argument name: %s"
msgstr "E853: Nome argomento duplicato: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E740: Too many arguments for function %s"
msgstr "E740: Troppi argomenti per la funzione: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E116: Invalid arguments for function %s"
msgstr "E116: Argomenti non validi per la funzione: %s"
msgstr ""
"E132: Nidificazione della chiamata di funzione maggiore di 'maxfuncdepth'"
-#, c-format
msgid "calling %s"
msgstr "chiamo %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s aborted"
msgstr "%s non completata"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s returning #%ld"
msgstr "%s ritorno #%ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "%s returning %s"
msgstr "%s ritorno %s"
msgid "E699: Too many arguments"
msgstr "E699: Troppi argomenti"
-#, c-format
msgid "E117: Unknown function: %s"
msgstr "E117: Funzione sconosciuta: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E933: Function was deleted: %s"
msgstr "E933: Funzione eliminata: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E119: Not enough arguments for function: %s"
msgstr "E119: La funzione: %s richiede più argomenti"
-#, c-format
msgid "E120: Using <SID> not in a script context: %s"
msgstr "E120: Uso di <SID> fuori dal contesto di uno script: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: %s"
msgstr "E725: Chiamata di funzione dict in assenza di Dizionario: %s"
msgid "E129: Function name required"
msgstr "E129: Nome funzione necessario"
-#, c-format
msgid "E128: Function name must start with a capital or \"s:\": %s"
msgstr "E128: Il nome funzione deve iniziare con maiuscola o \"s:\": %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E884: Function name cannot contain a colon: %s"
msgstr "E884: Il nome della funzione non può contenere un due punti: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E123: Undefined function: %s"
msgstr "E123: Funzione non definita: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E124: Missing '(': %s"
msgstr "E124: Manca '(': %s"
msgid "E862: Cannot use g: here"
msgstr "E862: Non si può usare g: qui"
-#, c-format
msgid "E932: Closure function should not be at top level: %s"
msgstr ""
"E932: La funzione di chiusura non novrebbe essere al livello più alto: %s"
msgid "E126: Missing :endfunction"
msgstr "E126: Manca :endfunction"
-#, c-format
msgid "W22: Text found after :endfunction: %s"
msgstr "W22: Trovato testo dopo :endfunction: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E707: Function name conflicts with variable: %s"
msgstr "E707: Nome funzione in conflitto con la variabile: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E127: Cannot redefine function %s: It is in use"
msgstr "E127: Non posso ridefinire la funzione %s: È in uso"
-#, c-format
msgid "E746: Function name does not match script file name: %s"
msgstr "E746: Il nome funzione non corrisponde al nome file dello script: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E131: Cannot delete function %s: It is in use"
msgstr "E131: Non posso eliminare la funzione %s: È in uso"
msgid "E133: :return not inside a function"
msgstr "E133: :return fuori da una funzione"
-#, c-format
msgid "E107: Missing parentheses: %s"
msgstr "E107: Mancano parentesi: %s"
msgid "E446: No file name under cursor"
msgstr "E446: Nessun nome file sotto il cursore"
-#, c-format
msgid "E447: Can't find file \"%s\" in path"
msgstr "E447: Non riesco a trovare il file \"%s\" nel percorso"
-#, c-format
msgid "E799: Invalid ID: %ld (must be greater than or equal to 1)"
msgstr "E799: ID non valido: %ld (dev'essere maggiore o uguale a 1)"
-#, c-format
msgid "E801: ID already taken: %ld"
msgstr "E801: ID già utilizzato: %ld"
msgid "List or number required"
msgstr "È necessaria una Lista o un numero"
-#, c-format
msgid "E802: Invalid ID: %ld (must be greater than or equal to 1)"
msgstr "E802: ID non valido: %ld (dev'essere maggiore o uguale a 1)"
-#, c-format
msgid "E803: ID not found: %ld"
msgstr "E803: ID non trovato: %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "E370: Could not load library %s"
msgstr "E370: Non riesco a caricare la libreria %s"
msgid "E472: Command failed"
msgstr "E472: Comando fallito"
-#, c-format
msgid "E234: Unknown fontset: %s"
msgstr "E234: Fontset sconosciuto: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E235: Unknown font: %s"
msgstr "E235: Font sconosciuto: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E236: Font \"%s\" is not fixed-width"
msgstr "E236: Font \"%s\" non di larghezza fissa"
msgid "E473: Internal error"
msgstr "E473: Errore interno"
-#, c-format
msgid "E685: Internal error: %s"
msgstr "E685: Errore interno: %s"
msgid "E474: Invalid argument"
msgstr "E474: Argomento non valido"
-#, c-format
msgid "E475: Invalid argument: %s"
msgstr "E475: Argomento non valido: %s"
msgid "E475: Invalid value for argument %s: %s"
msgstr "E475: Valore non valido per l'argomento %s: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E15: Invalid expression: %s"
msgstr "E15: Espressione non valida: %s"
msgid "E476: Invalid command"
msgstr "E476: Comando non valido"
-#, c-format
msgid "E17: \"%s\" is a directory"
msgstr "E17: \"%s\" è una directory"
-#, c-format
msgid "E364: Library call failed for \"%s()\""
msgstr "E364: Chiamata a libreria fallita per \"%s()\""
msgid "E667: Fsync failed"
msgstr "E667: Fsync fallito"
-#, c-format
msgid "E448: Could not load library function %s"
msgstr "E448: Non posso caricare la funzione di libreria %s"
msgid "E800: Arabic cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time\n"
msgstr "E800: Arabo non utilizzabile: Non abilitato in compilazione\n"
-#, c-format
msgid "E28: No such highlight group name: %s"
msgstr "E28: Nome di gruppo di evidenziazione inesistente: %s"
msgid "E479: No match"
msgstr "E479: Nessuna corrispondenza"
-#, c-format
msgid "E480: No match: %s"
msgstr "E480: Nessuna corrispondenza: %s"
msgid "E36: Not enough room"
msgstr "E36: Manca spazio"
-#, c-format
msgid "E247: no registered server named \"%s\""
msgstr "E247: non esiste server registrato con nome \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E482: Can't create file %s"
msgstr "E482: Non riesco a creare il file %s"
msgid "E483: Can't get temp file name"
msgstr "E483: Non riesco ad ottenere nome file 'temp'"
-#, c-format
msgid "E484: Can't open file %s"
msgstr "E484: Non riesco ad aprire il file %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E485: Can't read file %s"
msgstr "E485: Non riesco a leggere il file %s"
msgid "E39: Number expected"
msgstr "E39: Mi aspettavo un numero"
-#, c-format
msgid "E40: Can't open errorfile %s"
msgstr "E40: Non riesco ad aprire il file errori %s"
msgid "Pattern not found"
msgstr "Espressione non trovata"
-#, c-format
msgid "E486: Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "E486: Espressione non trovata: %s"
msgid "E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)"
msgstr "E45: file in sola lettura (aggiungi ! per eseguire comunque)"
-#, c-format
msgid "E46: Cannot change read-only variable \"%s\""
msgstr "E46: Non posso cambiare la variabile read-only \"%s\""
-#, c-format
msgid "E794: Cannot set variable in the sandbox: \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"E794: Non posso impostare la variabile read-only in ambiente protetto: \"%s\""
msgid "E715: Dictionary required"
msgstr "E715: È necessario un Dizionario"
-#, c-format
msgid "E684: list index out of range: %ld"
msgstr "E684: indice lista fuori intervallo: %ld"
-#, c-format
msgid "E118: Too many arguments for function: %s"
msgstr "E118: Troppi argomenti per la funzione: %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "E716: Key not present in Dictionary: %s"
msgstr "E716: Chiave assente dal Dizionario: %s"
msgid "E714: List required"
msgstr "E714: È necessaria una Lista"
-#, c-format
msgid "E712: Argument of %s must be a List or Dictionary"
msgstr "E712: L'argomento di %s deve essere una Lista o un Dizionario"
msgid "E749: empty buffer"
msgstr "E749: buffer vuoto"
-#, c-format
msgid "E86: Buffer %ld does not exist"
msgstr "E86: Non esiste il buffer %ld"
msgid "E139: File is loaded in another buffer"
msgstr "E139: File già caricato in un altro buffer"
-#, c-format
msgid "E764: Option '%s' is not set"
msgstr "E764: opzione '%s' non impostata"
msgid "E850: Invalid register name"
msgstr "E850: Nome registro non valido"
-#, c-format
msgid "E919: Directory not found in '%s': \"%s\""
msgstr "E919: Directory non trovata in '%s': \"%s\""
msgid "search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP"
msgstr "raggiunto il FONDO nella ricerca, continuo dalla CIMA"
-#, c-format
msgid "Need encryption key for \"%s\""
msgstr "Serve una chiave di cifratura per \"%s\""
msgid "list is locked"
msgstr "la lista è bloccata"
-#, c-format
msgid "failed to add key '%s' to dictionary"
msgstr "non non riusciato ad aggiungere la chiave '%s' al dizionario"
-#, c-format
msgid "index must be int or slice, not %s"
msgstr "l'indice deve'essere un intero o un intervallo, non %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected str() or unicode() instance, but got %s"
msgstr "attesa istanza di str() o unicode(), trovato invece %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected bytes() or str() instance, but got %s"
msgstr "attesa istanza di bytes() o str(), trovato invece %s"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
"expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got %s"
msgstr ""
"atteso int(), long() o qualcosa che supporti forzatura a long(), trovato "
"invece %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected int() or something supporting coercing to int(), but got %s"
msgstr ""
"atteso int() o qualcosa che supporti forzatura a int(), trovato invece %s"
msgid "can't delete OutputObject attributes"
msgstr "non riesco a cancellare gli attributi OutputObject"
-#, c-format
msgid "invalid attribute: %s"
msgstr "attributo non valido: %s"
msgid "failed to change directory"
msgstr "cambio directory non riuscito"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected 3-tuple as imp.find_module() result, but got %s"
msgstr "atteso terzetto come risultato di imp.find_module(), trovato invece %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected 3-tuple as imp.find_module() result, but got tuple of size %d"
msgstr ""
"atteso terzetto come risultato di imp.find_module(), trovato invece tuple di "
msgid "cannot modify fixed dictionary"
msgstr "non posso modificare il dizionario fisso"
-#, c-format
msgid "cannot set attribute %s"
msgstr "non posso impostare attributo %s"
msgid "hashtab changed during iteration"
msgstr "hashtab cambiato durante l'iterazione"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected sequence element of size 2, but got sequence of size %d"
msgstr ""
"atteso elemento sequenza di dimensione 2, trovata sequenza di dimensione %d"
msgid "list index out of range"
msgstr "indice di lista non nell'intervallo"
-#, c-format
msgid "internal error: failed to get vim list item %d"
msgstr "errore interno: non ho potuto ottenere l'elemento di vim list %d"
msgid "slice step cannot be zero"
msgstr "il passo scorrendo un intervallo non può essere zero"
-#, c-format
msgid "attempt to assign sequence of size greater than %d to extended slice"
msgstr ""
"tentativo di assegnare una sequenza maggiore di %d a un intervallo esteso"
-#, c-format
msgid "internal error: no vim list item %d"
msgstr "errore interno: non c'è un elemento di vim list %d"
msgid "internal error: failed to add item to list"
msgstr "errore interno: non ho potuto aggiungere un elemento alla lista"
-#, c-format
msgid "attempt to assign sequence of size %d to extended slice of size %d"
msgstr ""
"tentativo di assegnare sequenza di dimensione %d a un intervallo esteso di "
msgid "cannot modify fixed list"
msgstr "non posso modificare la lista fissa"
-#, c-format
msgid "unnamed function %s does not exist"
msgstr "la funzione anonima %s non esiste"
-#, c-format
msgid "function %s does not exist"
msgstr "la funzione %s non esiste"
-#, c-format
msgid "failed to run function %s"
msgstr "esecuzione non riuscita della funzione %s"
msgid "problem while switching windows"
msgstr "problema nel cambio finestra"
-#, c-format
msgid "unable to unset global option %s"
msgstr "impossibile deimpostare l'opzione globale %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "unable to unset option %s which does not have global value"
msgstr "impossibile deimpostare l'opzione %s che non ha un valore globale"
msgid "mark name must be a single character"
msgstr "il nome mark dev'essere un carattere singolo"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected vim.Buffer object, but got %s"
msgstr "atteso oggetto vim.Buffer, trovato %s"
-#, c-format
msgid "failed to switch to buffer %d"
msgstr "passaggio non riuscito al buffer %d"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected vim.Window object, but got %s"
msgstr "atteso oggetto vim.Window, trovato %s"
msgid "did not switch to the specified window"
msgstr "passaggio alla finestra specificata non effettuato"
-#, c-format
msgid "expected vim.TabPage object, but got %s"
msgstr "atteso oggetto vim.TabPage, trovato %s"
msgstr ""
"E859: Conversione non riuscita dell'oggetto python risultato a un valore vim"
-#, c-format
msgid "unable to convert %s to vim dictionary"
msgstr "impossibile convertire %s a dizionario vim"
-#, c-format
msgid "unable to convert %s to vim list"
msgstr "impossibile convertire %s a Lista vim"
-#, c-format
msgid "unable to convert %s to vim structure"
msgstr "impossibile convertire %s a struttura vim"
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
#, c-format
msgid "E680: <buffer=%d>: invalid buffer number "
msgstr "E218: autocommand¤ÎÆþ¤ì»Ò¤¬¿¼²á¤®¤Þ¤¹"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
-msgstr "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
+msgstr "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid "Executing %s"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr "E66: \\z( ¤Ï¥³¥³¤Ç¤Ïµö²Ä¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 ¤½¤Î¾¤Ï¥³¥³¤Ç¤Ïµö²Ä¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA Àµµ¬É½¸½) ·«¤êÊÖ¤·¤ÎÀ©¸Â²ó¿ô¤òÆɹþÃæ¤Ë¥¨¥é¡¼"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA Àµµ¬É½¸½) ·«¤êÊÖ¤· ¤Î¸å¤Ë ·«¤êÊÖ¤· ¤Ï¤Ç¤¤Þ¤»¤ó!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA Àµµ¬É½¸½) ·«¤êÊÖ¤· ¤Î¸å¤Ë ·«¤êÊÖ¤· ¤Ï¤Ç¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA Àµµ¬É½¸½) '(' ¤¬Â¿²á¤®¤Þ¤¹"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA Àµµ¬É½¸½) ½ªÃ¼µ¹æ¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) ¥¹¥¿¥Ã¥¯¤ò¥Ý¥Ã¥×¤Ç¤¤Þ¤»¤ó!"
msgid ""
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
#, c-format
msgid "E680: <buffer=%d>: invalid buffer number "
msgstr "E218: autocommandの入れ子が深過ぎます"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
-msgstr "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
+msgstr "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid "Executing %s"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr "E66: \\z( はココでは許可されていません"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 その他はココでは許可されていません"
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA 正規表現) 繰り返しの制限回数を読込中にエラー"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA 正規表現) 繰り返し の後に 繰り返し はできません!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA 正規表現) 繰り返し の後に 繰り返し はできません"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA 正規表現) '(' が多過ぎます"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA 正規表現) 終端記号がありません"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) スタックをポップできません!"
msgid ""
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
#, c-format
msgid "E680: <buffer=%d>: invalid buffer number "
msgstr "E218: autocommand\82Ì\93ü\82ê\8eq\82ª\90[\89ß\82¬\82Ü\82·"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
-msgstr "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
+msgstr "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid "Executing %s"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr "E66: \\z( \82Í\83R\83R\82Å\82Í\8b\96\89Â\82³\82ê\82Ä\82¢\82Ü\82¹\82ñ"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 \82»\82Ì\91¼\82Í\83R\83R\82Å\82Í\8b\96\89Â\82³\82ê\82Ä\82¢\82Ü\82¹\82ñ"
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA \90³\8bK\95\\\8c») \8cJ\82è\95Ô\82µ\82Ì\90§\8cÀ\89ñ\90\94\82ð\93Ç\8d\9e\92\86\82É\83G\83\89\81["
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
msgstr "E871: (NFA \90³\8bK\95\\\8c») \8cJ\82è\95Ô\82µ \82Ì\8cã\82É \8cJ\82è\95Ô\82µ \82Í\82Å\82«\82Ü\82¹\82ñ!"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA \90³\8bK\95\\\8c») \8fI\92[\8bL\8d\86\82ª\82 \82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) \83X\83^\83b\83N\82ð\83|\83b\83v\82Å\82«\82Ü\82¹\82ñ!"
msgid ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-07-12 14:52+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-07-12 18:56+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: SungHyun Nam <>\n"
-"Language-Team: GTP Korean\n"
+"Language-Team: Korean\n"
+"Language: ko\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- 자동-명령 ---"
msgstr "E218: 자동명령이 너무 깊게 중첩되었습니다"
#, c-format
-#~ msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z(는 여기에서 허용되지 않습니다"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 등은 여기에서 허용되지 않습니다"
#, c-format
#~ msgstr ""
#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-#~ msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
+#~ msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
#~ msgstr ""
#. Too many `('
#~ msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+#~ msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-07-12 14:52+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-07-12 18:56+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: SungHyun Nam <>\n"
-"Language-Team: GTP Korean\n"
+"Language-Team: Korean\n"
+"Language: ko\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=euc-kr\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- ÀÚµ¿-¸í·É ---"
msgstr "E218: ÀÚµ¿¸í·ÉÀÌ ³Ê¹« ±í°Ô ÁßøµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù"
#, c-format
-#~ msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
#~ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z(´Â ¿©±â¿¡¼ Çã¿ëµÇÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 µîÀº ¿©±â¿¡¼ Çã¿ëµÇÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù"
#, c-format
#~ msgstr ""
#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-#~ msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
+#~ msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
#~ msgstr ""
#. Too many `('
#~ msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+#~ msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#, c-format
msgid "Writing suggestion file %s..."
-msgstr "%s Á¦¾È ÆÄÀÏÀ» ¾²´Â Áß..."
+msgstr "%s Á¦¾È ÆÄÀÏÀ» ¾²´Â Áß ..."
#, c-format
msgid "Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"
#, c-format
msgid "Writing spell file %s..."
-msgstr "spell ÆÄÀÏ %s ¾²´Â Áß..."
+msgstr "spell ÆÄÀÏ %s ¾²´Â Áß ..."
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "³¡!"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autokommandoer ---"
msgstr "E218: Nøsting av autokommandoer for dyp"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Autokommandoer for \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( ikke tillatt her"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 med venner er ikke tillatt her"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
#, c-format
msgid "E680: <buffer=%d>: invalid buffer number "
msgstr "E218: hierarchie van aanroepen autocommands te diep"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
-msgstr "%s 'Auto commands' voor \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
+msgstr "%s 'Autocommands' voor \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid "Executing %s"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( hier niet toegestaan"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 en andere hier niet toegestaan"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autokommandoer ---"
msgstr "E218: Nøsting av autokommandoer for dyp"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Autokommandoer for \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( ikke tillatt her"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 med venner er ikke tillatt her"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autokomendy ---"
msgstr "E218: zbyt głębokie zagnieżdżenie autokomend"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Autokomend dla \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( jest niedozwolone w tym miejscu"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 i podobne są niedozwolone w tym miejscu"
#, c-format
msgstr "E870: (wyrażenie regularne NFA) Błąd przy odczytywaniu limitów powtórzeń"
#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (wyrażenie regularne NFA) wielokrotne nie może być po wielokrotnym!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (wyrażenie regularne NFA) wielokrotne nie może być po wielokrotnym"
#. Too many `('
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (wyrażenie regularne NFA) błąd poprawnego zakończenia"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Nie można zdjąć elementu ze stosu!"
msgid ""
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autokomendy ---"
msgstr "E218: zbyt g³êbokie zagnie¿d¿enie autokomend"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Autokomend dla \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( jest niedozwolone w tym miejscu"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 i podobne s¹ niedozwolone w tym miejscu"
#, c-format
msgstr "E870: (wyra¿enie regularne NFA) B³¹d przy odczytywaniu limitów powtórzeñ"
#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (wyra¿enie regularne NFA) wielokrotne nie mo¿e byæ po wielokrotnym!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (wyra¿enie regularne NFA) wielokrotne nie mo¿e byæ po wielokrotnym"
#. Too many `('
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (wyra¿enie regularne NFA) b³¹d poprawnego zakoñczenia"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Nie mo¿na zdj¹æ elementu ze stosu!"
msgid ""
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autokomendy ---"
msgstr "E218: zbyt g³êbokie zagnie¿d¿enie autokomend"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Autokomend dla \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( jest niedozwolone w tym miejscu"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 i podobne s± niedozwolone w tym miejscu"
#, c-format
msgstr "E870: (wyra¿enie regularne NFA) B³±d przy odczytywaniu limitów powtórzeñ"
#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (wyra¿enie regularne NFA) wielokrotne nie mo¿e byæ po wielokrotnym!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (wyra¿enie regularne NFA) wielokrotne nie mo¿e byæ po wielokrotnym"
#. Too many `('
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (wyra¿enie regularne NFA) b³±d poprawnego zakoñczenia"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Nie mo¿na zdj±æ elementu ze stosu!"
msgid ""
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autocomandos ---"
msgstr "E218: autocomandos aninhados demais"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "Comandos automáticos %s para \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( não é permitido aqui"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 e cia. não são permitidos aqui"
#, c-format
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA regexp) Erro ao ler limites de repetição"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Não é possível um multi seguindo outro multi!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Não é possível um multi seguindo outro multi"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA regexp) Muitos '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA regexp) terminação imprópria"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) não foi possível desempilhar a pilha!"
msgid ""
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Àâòîêîìàíäû ---"
msgstr "E218: ñëèøêîì ãëóáîêî âëîæåííûå àâòîêîìàíäû"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Àâòîêîìàíäû äëÿ \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( íå ìîæåò áûòü èñïîëüçîâàíî çäåñü"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 è ò.ï. íå ìîãóò áûòü èñïîëüçîâàíû çäåñü"
#, c-format
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (ðåã. âûðàæåíèå ÍÊÀ) îøèáêà ïðè ÷òåíèè ãðàíèö ïîâòîðåíèÿ"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (ðåã. âûðàæåíèå ÍÊÀ) ìíîæåñòâî íå ìîæåò ñëåäîâàòü çà ìíîæåñòâîì!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (ðåã. âûðàæåíèå ÍÊÀ) ìíîæåñòâî íå ìîæåò ñëåäîâàòü çà ìíîæåñòâîì"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (ðåã. âûðàæåíèå ÍÊÀ) ñëèøêîì ìíîãî '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (ðåã. âûðàæåíèå ÍÊÀ) îøèáêà êîððåêòíîãî çàâåðøåíèÿ"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (ðåã. âûðàæåíèå ÍÊÀ) íåâîçìîæíî âçÿòü èç ñòåêà!"
msgid ""
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Автокоманды ---"
msgstr "E218: слишком глубоко вложенные автокоманды"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Автокоманды для \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( не может быть использовано здесь"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 и т.п. не могут быть использованы здесь"
#, c-format
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (рег. выражение НКА) ошибка при чтении границ повторения"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (рег. выражение НКА) множество не может следовать за множеством!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (рег. выражение НКА) множество не может следовать за множеством"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (рег. выражение НКА) слишком много '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (рег. выражение НКА) ошибка корректного завершения"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (рег. выражение НКА) невозможно взять из стека!"
msgid ""
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Automatické príkazy ---"
msgstr "E218: vnorenia automatického príkazu sú príli\9a hlboké"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Automatické príkazy pre \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( tu nie je povolené"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 a spol. tu nie je povolené"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Automatické príkazy ---"
msgstr "E218: vnorenia automatického príkazu sú príli¹ hlboké"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Automatické príkazy pre \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( tu nie je povolené"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 a spol. tu nie je povolené"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Ауто-Команде ---"
msgstr "E218: Угњшждавање аутокоманде је сувише дубоко"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Ауто команде за \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( овде није дозвољено"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 и остали онвде нису дозвољени"
#, c-format
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA regexp) Грешка при читању граница понављања"
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Мулти не може следи иза мулти !"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Мулти не може следи иза мулти"
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA regexp) Превише '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA regexp) грешка правилне терминације"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Скидање са стека није успело !"
msgid ""
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Autokommandon ---"
msgstr "E218: autokommando nästlad för djupt"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s Autokommandon för \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z{ inte tillåtet här"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 m.fl. inte tillåtet här"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
-# Ukrainian Vim translation [uk]
+# Ukrainian translation for Vim
# Generated from uk.po, DO NOT EDIT
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: vim 8.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: vim 8.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-07-12 12:22+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-20 06:30+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-18 21:53+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Àíàòîë³é Ñàõí³ê <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Bohdan Vlasyuk <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Ukrainian\n"
"Language: uk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=cp1251\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
msgid "E831: bf_key_init() called with empty password"
msgstr "E831: Âèêëèêàíî bf_key_init() ç ïîðîæí³ì ïàðîëåì"
msgid "E84: No modified buffer found"
msgstr "E84: Æîäåí áóôåð íå çì³íåíî"
-#. back where we started, didn't find anything.
msgid "E85: There is no listed buffer"
msgstr "E85: Ó ñïèñêó íåìຠáóôåð³â"
msgid "E89: No write since last change for buffer %ld (add ! to override)"
msgstr "E89: Áóôåð %ld ìຠçì³íè (! ùîá íå çâàæàòè)"
+msgid "E948: Job still running (add ! to end the job)"
+msgstr "E948: Çàâäàííÿ âñå ùå âèêîíóºòüñÿ (äîäàéòå ! ùîá çàê³í÷èòè)"
+msgid "E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)"
+msgstr "E37: Çì³íè íå áóëî çàïèñàíî (! ùîá íå çâàæàòè)"
+msgid "E948: Job still running"
+msgstr "E948: Çàâäàííÿ âæå ùå âèêîíóºòüñÿ"
+msgid "E37: No write since last change"
+msgstr "E37: Íå çàïèñàíî ïîïåðåäí³ çì³íè"
msgid "W14: Warning: List of file names overflow"
msgstr "W14: Îáåðåæíî: Ñïèñîê íàçâ ôàéë³â ïåðåïîâíåíî"
msgid "[No Name]"
msgstr "[Áåç íàçâè]"
-#. must be a help buffer
msgid "help"
msgstr "äîïîìîãà"
"# Ñïèñîê áóôåð³â:\n"
+msgid "E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set"
+msgstr "E382: Íå ìîæó çàïèñàòè, âêàçàíà îïö³ÿ 'buftype'"
+msgid "[Prompt]"
+msgstr "[ϳäêàçêà]"
msgid "[Scratch]"
msgstr "[Ç íóëÿ]"
msgid " Keyword completion (^N^P)"
msgstr " Äîïîâíåííÿ êëþ÷îâèõ ñë³â (^N^P)"
-#. ctrl_x_mode == 0, ^P/^N compl.
msgid " ^X mode (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y)"
msgstr " Ðåæèì ^X (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y)"
msgid " Adding"
msgstr " Äîäàºòüñÿ"
-#. showmode might reset the internal line pointers, so it must
-#. * be called before line = ml_get(), or when this address is no
-#. * longer needed. -- Acevedo.
msgid "-- Searching..."
msgstr "-- Ïîøóê..."
msgstr "çá³ã %d"
# msgstr "E17: "
-#. maximum nesting of lists and dicts
msgid "E18: Unexpected characters in :let"
msgstr "E18: Íåî÷³êóâàí³ ñèìâîëè ó :let"
msgid "E108: No such variable: \"%s\""
msgstr "E108: Çì³ííî¿ íåìàº: «%s»"
-#. For historic reasons this error is not given for a list or dict.
-#. * E.g., the b: dict could be locked/unlocked.
#, c-format
msgid "E940: Cannot lock or unlock variable %s"
msgstr "E940: Íåìîæëèâî çàáëîêóâàòè ÷è ðîçáëîêóâàòè çì³ííó %s"
msgid "E109: Missing ':' after '?'"
msgstr "E109: Áðàêóº ':' ï³ñëÿ '?'"
-msgid "E691: Can only compare List with List"
-msgstr "E691: Ñïèñîê ìîæíà ïîð³âíÿòè ò³ëüêè ç³ ñïèñêîì"
-msgid "E692: Invalid operation for List"
-msgstr "E692: Íåêîðåêòíà îïåðàö³ÿ íàä ñïèñêîì"
-msgid "E735: Can only compare Dictionary with Dictionary"
-msgstr "E735: Ñëîâíèê ìîæíà ïîð³âíÿòè ò³ëüêè ³ç ñëîâíèêîì"
-msgid "E736: Invalid operation for Dictionary"
-msgstr "E736: Íåêîðåêòíà îïåðàö³ÿ íàä ñëîâíèêîì"
-msgid "E694: Invalid operation for Funcrefs"
-msgstr "E694: Íåêîðåêòíà îïåðàö³ÿ íàä ôóíêö³ºþ"
msgid "E804: Cannot use '%' with Float"
msgstr "E804: Íå ìîæíà âèêîíàòè '%' íàä Float"
"\tÂîñòàííº çì³íåíà ó "
+msgid "E691: Can only compare List with List"
+msgstr "E691: Ñïèñîê ìîæíà ïîð³âíÿòè ò³ëüêè ç³ ñïèñêîì"
+msgid "E692: Invalid operation for List"
+msgstr "E692: Íåêîðåêòíà îïåðàö³ÿ íàä ñïèñêîì"
+msgid "E735: Can only compare Dictionary with Dictionary"
+msgstr "E735: Ñëîâíèê ìîæíà ïîð³âíÿòè ò³ëüêè ³ç ñëîâíèêîì"
+msgid "E736: Invalid operation for Dictionary"
+msgstr "E736: Íåêîðåêòíà îïåðàö³ÿ íàä ñëîâíèêîì"
+msgid "E694: Invalid operation for Funcrefs"
+msgstr "E694: Íåêîðåêòíà îïåðàö³ÿ íàä ôóíêö³ºþ"
# msgstr "E14: "
msgid "map() argument"
msgstr "àðãóìåíò map()"
msgid "E785: complete() can only be used in Insert mode"
msgstr "E785: complete() ìîæíà âæèâàòè ò³ëüêè â ðåæèì³ âñòàâêè"
-#. * Yes this is ugly, I don't particularly like it either. But doing it
-#. * this way has the compelling advantage that translations need not to
-#. * be touched at all. See below what 'ok' and 'ync' are used for.
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "&O:Ãàðàçä"
+#, c-format
+msgid "+-%s%3ld line: "
+msgid_plural "+-%s%3ld lines: "
+msgstr[0] "+-%s%3ld ðÿäîê: "
+msgstr[1] "+-%s%3ld ðÿäê³â: "
#, c-format
msgid "E700: Unknown function: %s"
msgstr "E700: Íåâ³äîìà ôóíêö³ÿ: %s"
msgid "Entering Debug mode. Type \"cont\" to continue."
msgstr "Ðåæèì íàëàãîäæåííÿ. Ùîá ïðîäîâæèòè ââåä³òü «cont»."
+#, c-format
+msgid "Oldval = \"%s\""
+msgstr "Oldval = «%s»"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Newval = \"%s\""
+msgstr "Newval = «%s»"
#, c-format
msgid "line %ld: %s"
msgstr "ðÿäîê %ld: %s"
msgid "%3d %s %s line %ld"
msgstr "%3d %s %s ðÿäîê %ld"
+#, c-format
+msgid "%3d expr %s"
+msgstr "%3d âèðàç %s"
msgid "E750: First use \":profile start {fname}\""
msgstr "E750: Ñïî÷àòêó çðîá³òü «:profile start {ôàéë}»"
msgid "Save changes to \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Çáåðåãòè çì³íè â «%s»?"
-msgid "Untitled"
-msgstr "Íåíàçâàíèé"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E947: Job still running in buffer \"%s\""
+msgstr "E947: Çàâäàííÿ âæå ùå âèêîíóºòüñÿ ó áóôåð³ «%s»"
#, c-format
msgid "E162: No write since last change for buffer \"%s\""
msgid "E197: Cannot set language to \"%s\""
msgstr "E197: Íå âäàëîñÿ âñòàíîâèòè ìîâó «%s»"
+#, c-format
+msgid "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Oct %03o, Digr %s"
+msgstr "<%s>%s%s %d, ø³ñò %02x, â³ñ %03o, äèãð %s"
#, c-format
msgid "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Octal %03o"
msgstr "<%s>%s%s %d, ø³ñò %02x, â³ñ %03o"
+#, c-format
+msgid "> %d, Hex %04x, Oct %o, Digr %s"
+msgstr "> %d, ø³ñò %04x, â³ñ %o, äèãð %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "> %d, Hex %08x, Oct %o, Digr %s"
+msgstr "> %d, ø³ñò %08x, â³ñ %o, äèãð %s"
#, c-format
msgid "> %d, Hex %04x, Octal %o"
msgstr "> %d, ø³ñò %04x, â³ñ %o"
msgid " FAILED"
msgstr " ÍÅ ÂÄÀËÎÑß"
-#. avoid a wait_return for this message, it's annoying
#, c-format
msgid "E137: Viminfo file is not writable: %s"
msgstr "E137: Íå äîçâîëåíî çàïèñ ó ôàéë viminfo: %s"
msgid "E886: Can't rename viminfo file to %s!"
msgstr "E886: Íå âäàëîñÿ ïåðåéìåíóâàòè ôàéë viminfo ó %s!"
-#. Write the info:
#, c-format
msgid "# This viminfo file was generated by Vim %s.\n"
msgstr "# Öåé ôàéë àâòîìàòè÷íî ñòâîðåíèé Vim %s.\n"
msgid " on %ld lines"
msgstr " â %ld ðÿäêàõ"
-#. will increment global_busy to break out of the loop
msgid "E147: Cannot do :global recursive with a range"
msgstr "E147: :global íå ìîæíà âæèâàòè ðåêóðñèâíî ç ä³àïàçîíîì"
msgid "E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version"
msgstr "E319: Âèáà÷òå, ö³º¿ êîìàíäè íåìຠó ö³é âåðñ³¿"
-msgid "E172: Only one file name allowed"
-msgstr "E172: Äîçâîëåíî ò³ëüêè îäíó íàçâó ôàéëó"
msgid "1 more file to edit. Quit anyway?"
msgstr "Çàëèøèëîñÿ â³äðåäàãóâàòè ùå îäèí ôàéë. Âñå îäíî âèéòè?"
msgstr "E190: Íå âäàëîñÿ â³äêðèòè «%s» äëÿ çàïèñó"
# msgstr "E190: "
-#. set mark
msgid "E191: Argument must be a letter or forward/backward quote"
msgstr "E191: Àðãóìåíò ìຠáóòè ë³òåðîþ, ` àáî '"
msgid "E195: Cannot open viminfo file for reading"
msgstr "E195: Íå âäàëîñÿ ïðî÷èòàòè ôàéë viminfo"
+msgid "Untitled"
+msgstr "Íåíàçâàíèé"
msgid "E196: No digraphs in this version"
msgstr "E196: Ó ö³é âåðñ³¿ íåìຠäèãðàô³â"
msgid "E608: Cannot :throw exceptions with 'Vim' prefix"
msgstr "E608: Íå ìîæíà âèêèäàòè (:throw) âèíÿòêè ç ïðåô³êñîì 'Vim'"
-#. always scroll up, don't overwrite
#, c-format
msgid "Exception thrown: %s"
msgstr "Âèíÿòêîâà ñèòóàö³ÿ: %s"
msgid "%s, line %ld"
msgstr "%s, ðÿäîê %ld"
-#. always scroll up, don't overwrite
#, c-format
msgid "Exception caught: %s"
msgstr "Ñï³éìàíî âèíÿòêîâó ñèòóàö³þ: %s"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Ïîìèëêà"
-#. if (pending & CSTP_INTERRUPT)
msgid "Interrupt"
msgstr "Ïåðåðâàíî"
msgid "E603: :catch without :try"
msgstr "E603: :catch áåç :try"
-#. Give up for a ":catch" after ":finally" and ignore it.
-#. * Just parse.
msgid "E604: :catch after :finally"
msgstr "E604: :catch ï³ñëÿ :finally"
msgid "E606: :finally without :try"
msgstr "E606: :finally áåç :try"
-#. Give up for a multiple ":finally" and ignore it.
msgid "E607: multiple :finally"
msgstr "E607: Íå îäíå :finally"
msgid "Reading from stdin..."
msgstr "×èòàºòüñÿ ç stdin..."
-#. Re-opening the original file failed!
msgid "E202: Conversion made file unreadable!"
msgstr "E202: Êîíâåðòàö³ÿ óíåìîæëèâèëà ÷èòàííÿ ôàéëó!"
msgid "E510: Can't make backup file (add ! to override)"
msgstr "E510: Íå âäàëîñÿ çðîáèòè ðåçåðâíó êîï³þ (! ùîá íå çâàæàòè)"
-msgid "E460: The resource fork would be lost (add ! to override)"
-msgstr "E460: óëêó ðåñóðñ³â ìîæíà âòðàòèòè (! ùîá íå çâàæàòè)"
msgid "E214: Can't find temp file for writing"
msgstr "E214: Íå âäàëîñÿ ï³äøóêàòè òèì÷àñîâèé ôàéë äëÿ çàïèñó"
msgid "E212: Can't open file for writing"
msgstr "E212: Íå âäàëîñÿ â³äêðèòè ôàéë äëÿ çàïèñó"
-msgid "E667: Fsync failed"
-msgstr "E667: Íå âäàëîñÿ âèêîíàòè fsync"
+# msgstr "E79: "
+msgid "E949: File changed while writing"
+msgstr "E949: Ôàéë çì³íèâëÿ ï³ä ÷àñ çàïèñó"
msgid "E512: Close failed"
msgstr "E512: Íå âäàëîñÿ çàêðèòè"
msgid "[Incomplete last line]"
msgstr "[Íåïîâíèé îñòàíí³é ðÿäîê]"
-#. don't overwrite messages here
-#. must give this prompt
-#. don't use emsg() here, don't want to flush the buffers
msgid "WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!"
msgstr "ÇÀÑÒÅÐÅÆÅÍÍß: Ôàéë çì³íèâñÿ ç ÷àñó îñòàííüîãî ÷èòàííÿ!!!"
msgid "auto-removing autocommand: %s <buffer=%d>"
msgstr "Àâòîìàòè÷íå çíèùåííÿ àâòîêîìàíäè: %s <áóôåð=%d>"
-#. the group doesn't exist
#, c-format
msgid "E367: No such group: \"%s\""
msgstr "E367: Íåìຠòàêî¿ ãðóïè: «%s»"
msgstr "E216: Íåìຠòàêî¿ ãðóïè ÷è ïî䳿: %s"
# msgstr "E216: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Àâòîêîìàíäè ---"
# msgstr "E218: "
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "Àâòîêîìàíäè %s äëÿ «%s»"
#, c-format
msgid "E351: Cannot delete fold with current 'foldmethod'"
msgstr "E351: Íå âäàëîñÿ çíèùèòè çãîðòêó ìåòîäîì 'foldmethod'"
+#, c-format
+msgid "+--%3ld line folded "
+msgid_plural "+--%3ld lines folded "
+msgstr[0] "+--%3ld ðÿäîê çãîðíóòî "
+msgstr[1] "+--%3ld ðÿäê³â çãîðíóòî "
msgid "E222: Add to read buffer"
msgstr "E222: Äîäàòè äî áóôåðà ÷èòàííÿ"
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "Çàì³íèòè íà:"
-#. whole word only button
msgid "Match whole word only"
msgstr "Ëèøå ïîâíå ñëîâî"
-#. match case button
msgid "Match case"
msgstr "Çâàæàòè íà ðåã³ñòð"
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Íàïðÿì"
-#. 'Up' and 'Down' buttons
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Âãîðó"
msgstr "³äêðèòè âêëàäêó..."
# msgstr "E245: "
-msgid "Find string (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
+msgid "Find string (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
msgstr "Çíàéòè ðÿäîê ('\\\\' ùîá çíàéòè '\\')"
-msgid "Find & Replace (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
+msgid "Find & Replace (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
msgstr "Çíàéòè ³ çàì³íèòè ('\\\\' ùîá çíàéòè '\\')"
-#. We fake this: Use a filter that doesn't select anything and a default
-#. * file name that won't be used.
msgid "Not Used"
msgstr "Íåìàº"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Íàçâà:"
-#. create toggle button
msgid "Show size in Points"
msgstr "Ïîêàçàòè ðîçì³ð ó ïóíêòàõ"
msgid "cscope connection %s closed"
msgstr "Ç'ºäíàííÿ ç cscope %s çàê³í÷åíî"
-#. should not reach here
msgid "E570: fatal error in cs_manage_matches"
msgstr "E570: Ôàòàëüíà ïîìèëêà â cs_manage_matches"
msgid "not implemented yet"
msgstr "ùå íå ðåàë³çîâàíî"
-#. ???
msgid "cannot set line(s)"
msgstr "íå âäàëîñÿ âñòàíîâèòè ðÿäêè"
"cannot register callback command: buffer/window is already being deleted"
msgstr "Íå âäàëîñÿ çàðåºñòðóâàòè ïîä³þ: áóôåð/â³êíî óæå çíèùóºòüñÿ"
-#. This should never happen. Famous last word?
msgid ""
"E280: TCL FATAL ERROR: reflist corrupt!? Please report this to vim-dev@vim."
msgid "Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal\n"
msgstr "Vim: Çàñòåðåæåííÿ: Óâåäåííÿ íå ç òåðì³íàëó\n"
-#. just in case..
msgid "pre-vimrc command line"
msgstr "êîìàíäè ïåðåä vimrc"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "-i <viminfo>\t\tUse <viminfo> instead of .viminfo"
msgstr "-i <viminfo>\t\tÂèêîðèñòàòè <viminfo> çàì³ñòü .viminfo"
+msgid "--clean\t\t'nocompatible', Vim defaults, no plugins, no viminfo"
+msgstr "--clean\t\t'nocompatible', Vim ïî÷àòêîâî, áåç ðîçøèðåíü, áåç viminfo"
msgid "-h or --help\tPrint Help (this message) and exit"
msgstr "-h ÷è --help\tÍàäðóêóâàòè öå ïîâ³äîìëåííÿ ³ âèéòè"
msgid "No display"
msgstr "Íåìຠäèñïëåþ"
-#. Failed to send, abort.
msgid ": Send failed.\n"
msgstr ": Íå âäàëîñÿ â³ä³ñëàòè.\n"
-#. Let vim start normally.
msgid ": Send failed. Trying to execute locally\n"
msgstr ": Íå âäàëîñÿ â³ä³ñëàòè. Ñïðîáà âèêîíàòè íà ì³ñö³\n"
msgstr "E283: Ïîì³òêó «%s» íå çíàéäåíî"
# msgstr "E283: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"mark line col file/text"
"ïîì. ðÿä. êîë. ôàéë/òåêñò"
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
" jump line col file/text"
" òî÷êà ðÿä. ñòîâï. ôàéë/òåêñò"
# msgstr "E283: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"change line col text"
"# Ïîì³òêè:\n"
-#. Write the jumplist with -'
msgid ""
"# Jumplist (newest first):\n"
msgid "E843: Error while updating swap file crypt"
msgstr "E843: Ïîìèëêà ïîíîâëåííÿ øèôðóâàííÿ ôàéëó îáì³íó"
-#. could not (re)open the swap file, what can we do????
msgid "E301: Oops, lost the swap file!!!"
msgstr "E301: Îé, âòðà÷åíî ôàéë îáì³íó!!!"
msgid "Using crypt key from swap file for the text file.\n"
msgstr "Äëÿ òåêñòîâîãî ôàéëó âèêîðèñòîâóºòüñÿ êëþ÷ øèôðó ç ôàéëó îáì³íó.\n"
-#. use msg() to start the scrolling properly
msgid "Swap files found:"
msgstr "Çíàéäåíî ôàéëè îáì³íó:"
msgid " NEWER than swap file!\n"
msgstr " ÍβØÈÉ çà ôàéë îáì³íó!\n"
-#. Some of these messages are long to allow translation to
-#. * other languages.
msgid ""
"(1) Another program may be editing the same file. If this is the case,\n"
msgid "E329: No menu \"%s\""
msgstr "E329: Íåìຠìåíþ «%s»"
-#. Only a mnemonic or accelerator is not valid.
msgid "E792: Empty menu name"
msgstr "E792: Ïîðîæíÿ íàçâà ìåíþ"
msgstr "E332: Ðîçä³ëüíèê íå ìîæå áóòè ÷àñòèíîþ øëÿõó ìåíþ"
# msgstr "E332: "
-#. Now we have found the matching menu, and we list the mappings
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"--- Menus ---"
msgid "Tear off this menu"
msgstr "³ä³ðâàòè öå ìåíþ"
+# msgstr "E334: "
+#, c-format
+msgid "E335: Menu not defined for %s mode"
+msgstr "E335: Äëÿ ðåæèìó %s ìåíþ íå âèçíà÷åíî"
msgid "E333: Menu path must lead to a menu item"
msgstr "E333: Øëÿõ ïîâèíåí âåñòè äî åëåìåíòà ìåíþ"
msgid "E334: Menu not found: %s"
msgstr "E334: Ìåíþ íå çíàéäåíî: %s"
-# msgstr "E334: "
-#, c-format
-msgid "E335: Menu not defined for %s mode"
-msgstr "E335: Äëÿ ðåæèìó %s ìåíþ íå âèçíà÷åíî"
# msgstr "E335: "
msgid "E336: Menu path must lead to a sub-menu"
msgstr "E336: Øëÿõ ïîâèíåí âåñòè äî ï³äìåíþ"
msgid "Open File dialog"
msgstr "³äêðèòè ôàéë"
-#. TODO: non-GUI file selector here
msgid "E338: Sorry, no file browser in console mode"
msgstr "E338: Âèáà÷òå, àëå â êîíñîë³ íåìຠä³àëîãó âèáîðó ôàéëó"
msgstr "E663: ʳíåöü ñïèñêó çì³í"
msgid "Type :qa! and press <Enter> to abandon all changes and exit Vim"
-msgstr "Óâåä³òü :qa! ³ íàòèñí³òü <Enter>, ùîá â³äêèíóòè âñ³ çì³íè ³ âèéòè ç Vim"
+msgstr ""
+"Óâåä³òü :qa! ³ íàòèñí³òü <Enter>, ùîá â³äêèíóòè âñ³ çì³íè ³ âèéòè ç Vim"
#, c-format
msgid "1 line %sed 1 time"
msgid "E748: No previously used register"
msgstr "E748: Ðåã³ñòðè ïåðåä öèì íå âæèâàëèñü"
-#. must display the prompt
msgid "cannot yank; delete anyway"
msgstr "íå âäàëîñÿ çàïàì'ÿòàòè; âñå îäíî çíèùèòè?"
msgid "freeing %ld lines"
msgstr "Çâ³ëüíåíî ðÿäê³â: %ld"
-msgid "block of 1 line yanked"
-msgstr "Çàïàì'ÿòàâ áëîê ç îäíîãî ðÿäêà"
+#, c-format
+msgid " into \"%c"
+msgstr " ó \"%c"
-msgid "1 line yanked"
-msgstr "Çàïàì'ÿòàâ îäèí ðÿäîê"
+#, c-format
+msgid "block of 1 line yanked%s"
+msgstr "áëîê ç 1 ðÿäêà âèñìèêíóòî%s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "1 line yanked%s"
+msgstr "1 ðÿäîê âèñìèêíóòî%s"
#, c-format
-msgid "block of %ld lines yanked"
-msgstr "Çàïàì'ÿòàâ áëîê ³ç %ld ðÿäê³â"
+msgid "block of %ld lines yanked%s"
+msgstr "áëîê ³ç %ld ðÿäê³â âèñìèêíóòî%s"
#, c-format
-msgid "%ld lines yanked"
-msgstr "Çàïàì'ÿòàâ ðÿäê³â: %ld"
+msgid "%ld lines yanked%s"
+msgstr "%ld ðÿäê³â âèñìèêíóòî%s"
#, c-format
msgid "E353: Nothing in register %s"
msgstr "E353: Ó ðåã³ñòð³ %s í³÷îãî íåìàº"
# msgstr "E353: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"--- Registers ---"
"áàéò %lld ç %lld"
#, c-format
-msgid "(+%ld for BOM)"
-msgstr "(+%ld äëÿ BOM)"
-msgid "%<%f%h%m%=Page %N"
-msgstr "%<%f%h%m%=Ñòîð. %N"
+msgid "(+%lld for BOM)"
+msgstr "(+%lld äëÿ BOM)"
msgid "Thanks for flying Vim"
msgstr "Äÿêóºìî çà âèá³ð Vim"
msgid "E617: Cannot be changed in the GTK+ 2 GUI"
msgstr "E617: Íå ìîæíà çì³íèòè â GUI GTK+ 2"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E950: Cannot convert between %s and %s"
+msgstr "E950: Íå ìîæíà ïåðåòâîðèòè ì³æ %s ³ %s"
msgid "E524: Missing colon"
msgstr "E524: Áðàêóº äâîêðàïêè"
msgid "E542: unbalanced groups"
msgstr "E542: Ãðóïè íå çáàëàíñîâàíî"
+msgid "E946: Cannot make a terminal with running job modifiable"
+msgstr "E946: Íå ìîæíà çðîáèòè ìîäèô³êîâíèì òåðì³íàë ³ç çàïóùåíèì çàâäàííÿì"
msgid "E590: A preview window already exists"
msgstr "E590: ³êíî ïåðåãëÿäó âæå ³ñíóº"
msgstr ""
"W17: Äëÿ àðàáñüêî¿ ìîâè ïîòð³áíå UTF-8, âèêîíàéòå ':set encoding=utf-8'"
+msgid "E954: 24-bit colors are not supported on this environment"
+msgstr "E954: 24-ðîçðÿäí³ êîëüîðè íå ï³äòðèìóþòüñÿ ó öüîìó îòî÷åíí³"
#, c-format
msgid "E593: Need at least %d lines"
msgstr "E593: Ïîòð³áíî ùîíàéìåíøå %d ðÿäê³â"
msgid "E355: Unknown option: %s"
msgstr "E355: Íåâ³äîìà îïö³ÿ: %s"
-#. There's another character after zeros or the string
-#. * is empty. In both cases, we are trying to set a
-#. * num option using a string.
#, c-format
msgid "E521: Number required: &%s = '%s'"
msgstr "E521: Ïîòð³áíî âêàçàòè Number: &%s = '%s'"
msgid "mch_get_shellsize: not a console??\n"
msgstr "mch_get_shellsize: íå êîíñîëü??\n"
-#. if Vim opened a window: Executing a shell may cause crashes
msgid "E360: Cannot execute shell with -f option"
msgstr "E360: Íå âäàëîñÿ çàïóñòèòè îáîëîíêó ç îïö³ºþ -f"
msgid "shell returned %d"
msgstr "îáîëîíêà ïîâåðíóëà %d"
+msgid "E926: Current location list was changed"
+msgstr "E926: Ïîòî÷íèé ñïèñîê ì³ñöü çì³íèâñÿ"
# msgstr "E371: "
#, c-format
msgid "E372: Too many %%%c in format string"
msgstr "E377: Ïîìèëêîâèé `%%%c' ó ðÿäêó ôîðìàòó"
# msgstr "E377: "
-#. nothing found
msgid "E378: 'errorformat' contains no pattern"
msgstr "E378: 'errorformat' íå ì³ñòèòü çðàçîê"
msgid "E925: Current quickfix was changed"
msgstr "E925: Ïîòî÷íèé quickfix çì³íèâñÿ"
-msgid "E926: Current location list was changed"
-msgstr "E926: Ïîòî÷íèé ñïèñîê ì³ñöü çì³íèâñÿ"
#, c-format
msgid "(%d of %d)%s%s: "
msgstr "(%d ç %d)%s%s: "
msgid "No entries"
msgstr "ͳ÷îãî"
-msgid "E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set"
-msgstr "E382: Íå ìîæó çàïèñàòè, âêàçàíà îïö³ÿ 'buftype'"
# msgstr "E231: "
msgid "Error file"
msgstr "Ôàéë ïîìèëîê"
msgstr "E66: \\z( òóò íå äîçâîëåíî"
# msgstr "E406: "
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 òà ³í. òóò íå äîçâîëåíî"
#, c-format
msgid "E867: (NFA) Unknown operator '\\z%c'"
msgstr "E867: (NFA) Íåâ³äîìèé îïåðàòîð '\\z%c'"
+msgid "E951: \\% value too large"
+msgstr "E951: çíà÷åííÿ \\% çàâåëèêå"
#, c-format
msgid "E867: (NFA) Unknown operator '\\%%%c'"
msgstr "E867: (NFA) Íåâ³äîìèé îïåðàòîð '\\%%%c'"
-#. should never happen
msgid "E868: Error building NFA with equivalence class!"
msgstr "E868: Íå âäàëîñÿ ïîáóäóâàòè NFA ç êëàñîì åêâ³âàëåíòíîñò³!"
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA regexp) Íå âäàëîñÿ ïðî÷èòàòè ìåæ³ ïîâòîðåííÿ"
-#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Ìóëüòè íå ìîæå áóòè çà ìóëüòè!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Ìóëüòè íå ìîæå áóòè çà ìóëüòè"
-#. Too many `('
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA regexp) Çàáàãàòî '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA regexp) ïîìèëêà íàëåæíîãî ïðèïèíåííÿ"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Ñòåê ïîðîæí³é!"
msgid ""
msgid "E878: (NFA) Could not allocate memory for branch traversal!"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Íå âäàëîñÿ îòðèìàòè ïàì\92ÿòü äëÿ îáõîäó ã³ëîê!"
-msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
+msgid "Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Íå âäàëîñÿ â³äêðèòè òèì÷àñîâèé ôàéë æóðíàëó äëÿ çàïèñó, ïîêàçóºòüñÿ íà "
"stderr... "
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
msgstr "(NFA) ÍÅ ÂÄÀËÎÑß Â²ÄÊÐÈÒÈ %s!"
+msgid ""
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+msgstr ""
+"Íå âäàëîñÿ â³äêðèòè òèì÷àñîâèé ôàéë æóðíàëó äëÿ çàïèñó, ïîêàçóºòüñÿ íà "
+"stderr ... "
msgid "Could not open temporary log file for writing "
msgstr "Íå âäàëîñÿ â³äêðèòè òèì÷àñîâèé ôàéë æóðíàëó äëÿ çàïèñó "
msgid " (includes previously listed match)"
msgstr " (ðàçîì ç ïîïåðåäí³ìè çá³ãàìè)"
-#. cursor at status line
msgid "--- Included files "
msgstr "--- Âêëþ÷åí³ ôàéëè "
msgid "Sorry, only %ld suggestions"
msgstr "Ïðîáà÷òå, ò³ëüêè %ld ïðîïîçèö³é"
-#. for when 'cmdheight' > 1
-#. avoid more prompt
#, c-format
msgid "Change \"%.*s\" to:"
msgstr "Çàì³íèòè «%.*s» íà:"
msgstr "E760: Íåìຠê³ëüêîñò³ ñë³â ó %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "line %6d, word %6d - %s"
-msgstr "ðÿäîê %6d, ñëîâî %6d - %s"
+msgid "line %6d, word %6ld - %s"
+msgstr "ðÿäîê %6d, ñëîâî %6ld - %s"
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate word in %s line %d: %s"
msgid "Reading back spell file..."
msgstr "Ïåðå÷èòóºòüñÿ ôàéë îðôîãðàô³¿..."
-#. * Go through the trie of good words, soundfold each word and add it to
-#. * the soundfold trie.
msgid "Performing soundfolding..."
msgstr "Âèêîíóºòüñÿ çãîðòàííÿ çâóê³â..."
msgid "E751: Output file name must not have region name"
msgstr "E751: Âèõ³äíèé ôàéë íå ïîâèíåí ìàòè íàçâó ðåã³îíó"
-msgid "E754: Only up to 8 regions supported"
-msgstr "E754: ϳäòðèìóºòüñÿ ò³ëüêè äî âîñüìè ðåã³îí³â"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E754: Only up to %ld regions supported"
+msgstr "E754: ϳäòðèìóºòüñÿ ò³ëüêè äî %ld ðåã³îí³â"
#, c-format
msgid "E755: Invalid region in %s"
msgid "E763: Word characters differ between spell files"
msgstr "E763: Ñèìâîëè ó ñëîâ³ â³äð³çíÿþòüñÿ ó ôàéëàõ îðôîãðàô³¿"
-#. This should have been checked when generating the .spl
-#. * file.
msgid "E783: duplicate char in MAP entry"
msgstr "E783: Ïîâòîðåíî ñèìâîë ó åëåìåíò³ MAP"
msgid "File \"%s\" does not exist"
msgstr "Ôàéë «%s» íå ³ñíóº"
-#. Give an indication of the number of matching tags
#, c-format
msgid "tag %d of %d%s"
msgstr "ì³òêà %d ç %d%s"
msgstr "E429: Ôàéë «%s» íå ³ñíóº"
# msgstr "E429: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
" # TO tag FROM line in file/text"
msgstr "E432: Ôàéë ì³òîê íå âïîðÿäêîâàíèé: %s"
# msgstr "E432: "
-#. never opened any tags file
msgid "E433: No tags file"
msgstr "E433: Íåìຠôàéëó ì³òîê"
msgid "E437: terminal capability \"cm\" required"
msgstr "E437: Ïîòð³áíà ìîæëèâ³ñòü òåðì³íàëó «cm»"
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"--- Terminal keys ---"
msgid "Cannot open $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt"
msgstr "Íåìîæëèâî â³äêðèòè $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Kill job in \"%s\"?"
+msgstr "Çóïèíèòè çàâäàííÿ ó «%s»?"
+msgid "Terminal"
+msgstr "Òåðì³íàë"
+msgid "Terminal-finished"
+msgstr "Òåðì³íàë-çàê³í÷åíî"
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "àêòèâíèé"
+msgid "running"
+msgstr "âèêîíóºòüñÿ"
+msgid "finished"
+msgstr "çàê³í÷åíî"
+# msgstr "E226: "
+#, c-format
+msgid "E953: File exists: %s"
+msgstr "E953: Ôàéë âæå ³ñíóº: %s"
+msgid "E955: Not a terminal buffer"
+msgstr "E955: Íå áóôåð òåðì³íàëó"
msgid "new shell started\n"
msgstr "çàïóùåíî íîâó îáîëîíêó\n"
msgid "Used CUT_BUFFER0 instead of empty selection"
msgstr "Âèêîðèñòàíî CUT_BUFFER0 çàì³ñòü ïîðîæíüîãî âèä³ëåííÿ"
-#. This happens when the FileChangedRO autocommand changes the
-#. * file in a way it becomes shorter.
msgid "E881: Line count changed unexpectedly"
msgstr "E881: ʳëüê³ñòü ðÿäê³â íåñïîä³âàíî çì³íèëàñÿ"
-#. must display the prompt
msgid "No undo possible; continue anyway"
msgstr "Ñêàñóâàííÿ áóäå íåìîæëèâå, âñå îäíî ïðîäîâæèòè"
msgid ""
-"MacOS X (unix) version"
-msgstr ""
-"Âåðñ³ÿ äëÿ MacOS X (unix)"
-msgid ""
-"MacOS X version"
+"macOS version"
msgstr ""
-"Âåðñ³ÿ äëÿ MacOS X"
+"Âåðñ³ÿ macOS"
msgid ""
-"MacOS version"
+"macOS version w/o darwin feat."
msgstr ""
-"Âåðñ³ÿ äëÿ MacOS"
+"Âåðñ³ÿ macOS áåç darwin."
msgid ""
msgid "with Cocoa GUI."
msgstr "ç GUI Cocoa."
-msgid "with (classic) GUI."
-msgstr "ç (êëàñè÷íèì) GUI."
msgid " Features included (+) or not (-):\n"
msgstr " Âêëþ÷åí³ (+) àáî íå âêëþ÷åí³ (-) êîìïîíåíòè:\n"
msgid "Edit with &Vim"
msgstr "Ðåäàãóâàòè çà äîïîìîãîþ &Vim"
-#. Now concatenate
msgid "Edit with existing Vim - "
msgstr "Ðåäàãóâàòè ó âæå çàïóùåíîìó Vim - "
msgid "--No lines in buffer--"
msgstr "--Æîäíîãî ðÿäêà--"
-#. * The error messages that can be shared are included here.
-#. * Excluded are errors that are only used once and debugging messages.
msgid "E470: Command aborted"
msgstr "E470: Êîìàíäó ïåðåðâàíî"
msgid "E475: Invalid argument: %s"
msgstr "E475: Íåêîðåêòíèé àðãóìåíò: %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E475: Invalid value for argument %s"
+msgstr "E475: Íåêîðåêòíå çíà÷åííÿ äëÿ àðãóìåíòó %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E475: Invalid value for argument %s: %s"
+msgstr "E475: Íåêîðåêòíå çíà÷åííÿ äëÿ àðãóìåíòó %s: %s"
#, c-format
msgid "E15: Invalid expression: %s"
msgstr "E15: Íåïðàâèëüíèé âèðàç: %s"
msgid "E364: Library call failed for \"%s()\""
msgstr "E364: Á³áë³îòå÷íèé âèêëèê äî «%s()» íå âäàâñÿ"
+msgid "E667: Fsync failed"
+msgstr "E667: Íå âäàëîñÿ âèêîíàòè fsync"
#, c-format
msgid "E448: Could not load library function %s"
msgstr "E448: Íå âäàëîñÿ çàâàíòàæèòè á³áë³îòå÷íó ôóíêö³þ %s"
msgid "E485: Can't read file %s"
msgstr "E485: Íå âäàëîñÿ ïðî÷èòàòè ôàéë %s"
-msgid "E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)"
-msgstr "E37: Çì³íè íå áóëî çàïèñàíî (! ùîá íå çâàæàòè)"
-msgid "E37: No write since last change"
-msgstr "E37: Íå çàïèñàíî ïîïåðåäí³ çì³íè"
msgid "E38: Null argument"
msgstr "E38: ³äñóòí³é àðãóìåíò"
msgid "E919: Directory not found in '%s': \"%s\""
msgstr "E919: Òåêó íå çíàéäåíî: '%s': «%s»"
+msgid "E952: Autocommand caused recursive behavior"
+msgstr "E952: Àâòîêîìàíäè ïðèçâåëè äî ðåêóðñ³¿"
msgid "search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM"
msgstr "Ïîøóê ä³éøîâ äî ÏÎ×ÀÒÊÓ, ïðîäîâæóºòüñÿ ç ʲÍÖß"
msgid "list index out of range"
msgstr "³íäåêñ ñïèñêó çà ìåæàìè"
-#. No more suitable format specifications in python-2.3
#, c-format
msgid "internal error: failed to get vim list item %d"
msgstr "âíóòð³øíÿ ïîìèëêà: íå âäàëîñÿ îòðèìàòè åëåìåíò ñïèñêó vim %d"
msgstr ""
"Íå âäàëîñÿ âñòàíîâèòè øëÿõ: sys.path íå ñïèñîê\n"
"Âàñ ñë³ä äîäàòè vim.VIM_SPECIAL_PATH äî sys.path"
+msgid ""
+"Vim macro files (*.vim)\t*.vim\n"
+"All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ìàêðîñè Vim (*.vim)\t*.vim\n"
+"Âñ³ ôàéëè (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+msgid "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+msgstr "Âñ³ ôàéëè (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+msgid ""
+"All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+"C source (*.c, *.h)\t*.c;*.h\n"
+"C++ source (*.cpp, *.hpp)\t*.cpp;*.hpp\n"
+"VB code (*.bas, *.frm)\t*.bas;*.frm\n"
+"Vim files (*.vim, _vimrc, _gvimrc)\t*.vim;_vimrc;_gvimrc\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Âñ³ ôàéëè (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+"Ïåðøîêîä C (*.c, *.h)\t*.c;*.h\n"
+"Ïåðøîêîä C++ (*.cpp, *.hpp)\t*.cpp;*.hpp\n"
+"Êîä VB (*.bas, *.frm)\t*.bas;*.frm\n"
+"Ôàéëè Vim (*.vim, _vimrc, _gvimrc)\t*.vim;_vimrc;_gvimrc\n"
+msgid ""
+"Vim macro files (*.vim)\t*.vim\n"
+"All Files (*)\t*\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ìàêðîñè Vim (*.vim)\t*.vim\n"
+"Âñ³ ôàéëè (*)\t*\n"
+msgid "All Files (*)\t*\n"
+msgstr "Âñ³ ôàéëè (*)\t*\n"
+msgid ""
+"All Files (*)\t*\n"
+"C source (*.c, *.h)\t*.c;*.h\n"
+"C++ source (*.cpp, *.hpp)\t*.cpp;*.hpp\n"
+"Vim files (*.vim, _vimrc, _gvimrc)\t*.vim;_vimrc;_gvimrc\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Âñ³ ôàéëè (*)\t*\n"
+"Ïåðøîêîä C (*.c, *.h)\t*.c;*.h\n"
+"Ïåðøîêîä C++ (*.cpp, *.hpp)\t*.cpp;*.hpp\n"
+"Ôàéëè Vim (*.vim, _vimrc, _gvimrc)\t*.vim;_vimrc;_gvimrc\n"
-# Ukrainian Vim translation [uk]
+# Ukrainian translation for Vim
# Original translations
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: vim 8.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: vim 8.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-07-12 12:22+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-20 06:30+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-18 21:53+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Анатолій Сахнік <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Bohdan Vlasyuk <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Ukrainian\n"
"Language: uk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
msgid "E831: bf_key_init() called with empty password"
msgstr "E831: Викликано bf_key_init() з порожнім паролем"
msgid "E84: No modified buffer found"
msgstr "E84: Жоден буфер не змінено"
-#. back where we started, didn't find anything.
msgid "E85: There is no listed buffer"
msgstr "E85: У списку немає буферів"
msgid "E89: No write since last change for buffer %ld (add ! to override)"
msgstr "E89: Буфер %ld має зміни (! щоб не зважати)"
+msgid "E948: Job still running (add ! to end the job)"
+msgstr "E948: Завдання все ще виконується (додайте ! щоб закінчити)"
+msgid "E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)"
+msgstr "E37: Зміни не було записано (! щоб не зважати)"
+msgid "E948: Job still running"
+msgstr "E948: Завдання вже ще виконується"
+msgid "E37: No write since last change"
+msgstr "E37: Не записано попередні зміни"
msgid "W14: Warning: List of file names overflow"
msgstr "W14: Обережно: Список назв файлів переповнено"
msgid "[No Name]"
msgstr "[Без назви]"
-#. must be a help buffer
msgid "help"
msgstr "допомога"
"# Список буферів:\n"
+msgid "E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set"
+msgstr "E382: Не можу записати, вказана опція 'buftype'"
+msgid "[Prompt]"
+msgstr "[Підказка]"
msgid "[Scratch]"
msgstr "[З нуля]"
msgid " Keyword completion (^N^P)"
msgstr " Доповнення ключових слів (^N^P)"
-#. ctrl_x_mode == 0, ^P/^N compl.
msgid " ^X mode (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y)"
msgstr " Режим ^X (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y)"
msgid " Adding"
msgstr " Додається"
-#. showmode might reset the internal line pointers, so it must
-#. * be called before line = ml_get(), or when this address is no
-#. * longer needed. -- Acevedo.
msgid "-- Searching..."
msgstr "-- Пошук..."
msgstr "збіг %d"
# msgstr "E17: "
-#. maximum nesting of lists and dicts
msgid "E18: Unexpected characters in :let"
msgstr "E18: Неочікувані символи у :let"
msgid "E108: No such variable: \"%s\""
msgstr "E108: Змінної немає: «%s»"
-#. For historic reasons this error is not given for a list or dict.
-#. * E.g., the b: dict could be locked/unlocked.
#, c-format
msgid "E940: Cannot lock or unlock variable %s"
msgstr "E940: Неможливо заблокувати чи розблокувати змінну %s"
msgid "E109: Missing ':' after '?'"
msgstr "E109: Бракує ':' після '?'"
-msgid "E691: Can only compare List with List"
-msgstr "E691: Список можна порівняти тільки зі списком"
-msgid "E692: Invalid operation for List"
-msgstr "E692: Некоректна операція над списком"
-msgid "E735: Can only compare Dictionary with Dictionary"
-msgstr "E735: Словник можна порівняти тільки із словником"
-msgid "E736: Invalid operation for Dictionary"
-msgstr "E736: Некоректна операція над словником"
-msgid "E694: Invalid operation for Funcrefs"
-msgstr "E694: Некоректна операція над функцією"
msgid "E804: Cannot use '%' with Float"
msgstr "E804: Не можна виконати '%' над Float"
"\tВостаннє змінена у "
+msgid "E691: Can only compare List with List"
+msgstr "E691: Список можна порівняти тільки зі списком"
+msgid "E692: Invalid operation for List"
+msgstr "E692: Некоректна операція над списком"
+msgid "E735: Can only compare Dictionary with Dictionary"
+msgstr "E735: Словник можна порівняти тільки із словником"
+msgid "E736: Invalid operation for Dictionary"
+msgstr "E736: Некоректна операція над словником"
+msgid "E694: Invalid operation for Funcrefs"
+msgstr "E694: Некоректна операція над функцією"
# msgstr "E14: "
msgid "map() argument"
msgstr "аргумент map()"
msgid "E785: complete() can only be used in Insert mode"
msgstr "E785: complete() можна вживати тільки в режимі вставки"
-#. * Yes this is ugly, I don't particularly like it either. But doing it
-#. * this way has the compelling advantage that translations need not to
-#. * be touched at all. See below what 'ok' and 'ync' are used for.
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "&O:Гаразд"
+#, c-format
+msgid "+-%s%3ld line: "
+msgid_plural "+-%s%3ld lines: "
+msgstr[0] "+-%s%3ld рядок: "
+msgstr[1] "+-%s%3ld рядків: "
#, c-format
msgid "E700: Unknown function: %s"
msgstr "E700: Невідома функція: %s"
msgid "Entering Debug mode. Type \"cont\" to continue."
msgstr "Режим налагодження. Щоб продовжити введіть «cont»."
+#, c-format
+msgid "Oldval = \"%s\""
+msgstr "Oldval = «%s»"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Newval = \"%s\""
+msgstr "Newval = «%s»"
#, c-format
msgid "line %ld: %s"
msgstr "рядок %ld: %s"
msgid "%3d %s %s line %ld"
msgstr "%3d %s %s рядок %ld"
+#, c-format
+msgid "%3d expr %s"
+msgstr "%3d вираз %s"
msgid "E750: First use \":profile start {fname}\""
msgstr "E750: Спочатку зробіть «:profile start {файл}»"
msgid "Save changes to \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Зберегти зміни в «%s»?"
-msgid "Untitled"
-msgstr "Неназваний"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E947: Job still running in buffer \"%s\""
+msgstr "E947: Завдання вже ще виконується у буфері «%s»"
#, c-format
msgid "E162: No write since last change for buffer \"%s\""
msgid "E197: Cannot set language to \"%s\""
msgstr "E197: Не вдалося встановити мову «%s»"
+#, c-format
+msgid "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Oct %03o, Digr %s"
+msgstr "<%s>%s%s %d, шіст %02x, віс %03o, дигр %s"
#, c-format
msgid "<%s>%s%s %d, Hex %02x, Octal %03o"
msgstr "<%s>%s%s %d, шіст %02x, віс %03o"
+#, c-format
+msgid "> %d, Hex %04x, Oct %o, Digr %s"
+msgstr "> %d, шіст %04x, віс %o, дигр %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "> %d, Hex %08x, Oct %o, Digr %s"
+msgstr "> %d, шіст %08x, віс %o, дигр %s"
#, c-format
msgid "> %d, Hex %04x, Octal %o"
msgstr "> %d, шіст %04x, віс %o"
msgid " FAILED"
msgstr " НЕ ВДАЛОСЯ"
-#. avoid a wait_return for this message, it's annoying
#, c-format
msgid "E137: Viminfo file is not writable: %s"
msgstr "E137: Не дозволено запис у файл viminfo: %s"
msgid "E886: Can't rename viminfo file to %s!"
msgstr "E886: Не вдалося перейменувати файл viminfo у %s!"
-#. Write the info:
#, c-format
msgid "# This viminfo file was generated by Vim %s.\n"
msgstr "# Цей файл автоматично створений Vim %s.\n"
msgid " on %ld lines"
msgstr " в %ld рядках"
-#. will increment global_busy to break out of the loop
msgid "E147: Cannot do :global recursive with a range"
msgstr "E147: :global не можна вживати рекурсивно з діапазоном"
msgid "E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version"
msgstr "E319: Вибачте, цієї команди немає у цій версії"
-msgid "E172: Only one file name allowed"
-msgstr "E172: Дозволено тільки одну назву файлу"
msgid "1 more file to edit. Quit anyway?"
msgstr "Залишилося відредагувати ще один файл. Все одно вийти?"
msgstr "E190: Не вдалося відкрити «%s» для запису"
# msgstr "E190: "
-#. set mark
msgid "E191: Argument must be a letter or forward/backward quote"
msgstr "E191: Аргумент має бути літерою, ` або '"
msgid "E195: Cannot open viminfo file for reading"
msgstr "E195: Не вдалося прочитати файл viminfo"
+msgid "Untitled"
+msgstr "Неназваний"
msgid "E196: No digraphs in this version"
msgstr "E196: У цій версії немає диграфів"
msgid "E608: Cannot :throw exceptions with 'Vim' prefix"
msgstr "E608: Не можна викидати (:throw) винятки з префіксом 'Vim'"
-#. always scroll up, don't overwrite
#, c-format
msgid "Exception thrown: %s"
msgstr "Виняткова ситуація: %s"
msgid "%s, line %ld"
msgstr "%s, рядок %ld"
-#. always scroll up, don't overwrite
#, c-format
msgid "Exception caught: %s"
msgstr "Спіймано виняткову ситуацію: %s"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Помилка"
-#. if (pending & CSTP_INTERRUPT)
msgid "Interrupt"
msgstr "Перервано"
msgid "E603: :catch without :try"
msgstr "E603: :catch без :try"
-#. Give up for a ":catch" after ":finally" and ignore it.
-#. * Just parse.
msgid "E604: :catch after :finally"
msgstr "E604: :catch після :finally"
msgid "E606: :finally without :try"
msgstr "E606: :finally без :try"
-#. Give up for a multiple ":finally" and ignore it.
msgid "E607: multiple :finally"
msgstr "E607: Не одне :finally"
msgid "Reading from stdin..."
msgstr "Читається з stdin..."
-#. Re-opening the original file failed!
msgid "E202: Conversion made file unreadable!"
msgstr "E202: Конвертація унеможливила читання файлу!"
msgid "E510: Can't make backup file (add ! to override)"
msgstr "E510: Не вдалося зробити резервну копію (! щоб не зважати)"
-msgid "E460: The resource fork would be lost (add ! to override)"
-msgstr "E460: Гілку ресурсів можна втратити (! щоб не зважати)"
msgid "E214: Can't find temp file for writing"
msgstr "E214: Не вдалося підшукати тимчасовий файл для запису"
msgid "E212: Can't open file for writing"
msgstr "E212: Не вдалося відкрити файл для запису"
-msgid "E667: Fsync failed"
-msgstr "E667: Не вдалося виконати fsync"
+# msgstr "E79: "
+msgid "E949: File changed while writing"
+msgstr "E949: Файл змінивля під час запису"
msgid "E512: Close failed"
msgstr "E512: Не вдалося закрити"
msgid "[Incomplete last line]"
msgstr "[Неповний останній рядок]"
-#. don't overwrite messages here
-#. must give this prompt
-#. don't use emsg() here, don't want to flush the buffers
msgid "WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!"
msgstr "ЗАСТЕРЕЖЕННЯ: Файл змінився з часу останнього читання!!!"
msgid "auto-removing autocommand: %s <buffer=%d>"
msgstr "Автоматичне знищення автокоманди: %s <буфер=%d>"
-#. the group doesn't exist
#, c-format
msgid "E367: No such group: \"%s\""
msgstr "E367: Немає такої групи: «%s»"
msgstr "E216: Немає такої групи чи події: %s"
# msgstr "E216: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Автокоманди ---"
# msgstr "E218: "
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "Автокоманди %s для «%s»"
#, c-format
msgid "E351: Cannot delete fold with current 'foldmethod'"
msgstr "E351: Не вдалося знищити згортку методом 'foldmethod'"
+#, c-format
+msgid "+--%3ld line folded "
+msgid_plural "+--%3ld lines folded "
+msgstr[0] "+--%3ld рядок згорнуто "
+msgstr[1] "+--%3ld рядків згорнуто "
msgid "E222: Add to read buffer"
msgstr "E222: Додати до буфера читання"
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "Замінити на:"
-#. whole word only button
msgid "Match whole word only"
msgstr "Лише повне слово"
-#. match case button
msgid "Match case"
msgstr "Зважати на регістр"
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Напрям"
-#. 'Up' and 'Down' buttons
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Вгору"
msgstr "Відкрити вкладку..."
# msgstr "E245: "
-msgid "Find string (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
+msgid "Find string (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
msgstr "Знайти рядок ('\\\\' щоб знайти '\\')"
-msgid "Find & Replace (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
+msgid "Find & Replace (use '\\\\' to find a '\\')"
msgstr "Знайти і замінити ('\\\\' щоб знайти '\\')"
-#. We fake this: Use a filter that doesn't select anything and a default
-#. * file name that won't be used.
msgid "Not Used"
msgstr "Немає"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Назва:"
-#. create toggle button
msgid "Show size in Points"
msgstr "Показати розмір у пунктах"
msgid "cscope connection %s closed"
msgstr "З'єднання з cscope %s закінчено"
-#. should not reach here
msgid "E570: fatal error in cs_manage_matches"
msgstr "E570: Фатальна помилка в cs_manage_matches"
msgid "not implemented yet"
msgstr "ще не реалізовано"
-#. ???
msgid "cannot set line(s)"
msgstr "не вдалося встановити рядки"
"cannot register callback command: buffer/window is already being deleted"
msgstr "Не вдалося зареєструвати подію: буфер/вікно уже знищується"
-#. This should never happen. Famous last word?
msgid ""
"E280: TCL FATAL ERROR: reflist corrupt!? Please report this to vim-dev@vim."
msgid "Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal\n"
msgstr "Vim: Застереження: Уведення не з терміналу\n"
-#. just in case..
msgid "pre-vimrc command line"
msgstr "команди перед vimrc"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "-i <viminfo>\t\tUse <viminfo> instead of .viminfo"
msgstr "-i <viminfo>\t\tВикористати <viminfo> замість .viminfo"
+msgid "--clean\t\t'nocompatible', Vim defaults, no plugins, no viminfo"
+msgstr "--clean\t\t'nocompatible', Vim початково, без розширень, без viminfo"
msgid "-h or --help\tPrint Help (this message) and exit"
msgstr "-h чи --help\tНадрукувати це повідомлення і вийти"
msgid "No display"
msgstr "Немає дисплею"
-#. Failed to send, abort.
msgid ": Send failed.\n"
msgstr ": Не вдалося відіслати.\n"
-#. Let vim start normally.
msgid ": Send failed. Trying to execute locally\n"
msgstr ": Не вдалося відіслати. Спроба виконати на місці\n"
msgstr "E283: Помітку «%s» не знайдено"
# msgstr "E283: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"mark line col file/text"
"пом. ряд. кол. файл/текст"
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
" jump line col file/text"
" точка ряд. стовп. файл/текст"
# msgstr "E283: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"change line col text"
"# Помітки:\n"
-#. Write the jumplist with -'
msgid ""
"# Jumplist (newest first):\n"
msgid "E843: Error while updating swap file crypt"
msgstr "E843: Помилка поновлення шифрування файлу обміну"
-#. could not (re)open the swap file, what can we do????
msgid "E301: Oops, lost the swap file!!!"
msgstr "E301: Ой, втрачено файл обміну!!!"
msgid "Using crypt key from swap file for the text file.\n"
msgstr "Для текстового файлу використовується ключ шифру з файлу обміну.\n"
-#. use msg() to start the scrolling properly
msgid "Swap files found:"
msgstr "Знайдено файли обміну:"
msgid " NEWER than swap file!\n"
msgstr " НОВІШИЙ за файл обміну!\n"
-#. Some of these messages are long to allow translation to
-#. * other languages.
msgid ""
"(1) Another program may be editing the same file. If this is the case,\n"
msgid "E329: No menu \"%s\""
msgstr "E329: Немає меню «%s»"
-#. Only a mnemonic or accelerator is not valid.
msgid "E792: Empty menu name"
msgstr "E792: Порожня назва меню"
msgstr "E332: Роздільник не може бути частиною шляху меню"
# msgstr "E332: "
-#. Now we have found the matching menu, and we list the mappings
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"--- Menus ---"
msgid "Tear off this menu"
msgstr "Відірвати це меню"
+# msgstr "E334: "
+#, c-format
+msgid "E335: Menu not defined for %s mode"
+msgstr "E335: Для режиму %s меню не визначено"
msgid "E333: Menu path must lead to a menu item"
msgstr "E333: Шлях повинен вести до елемента меню"
msgid "E334: Menu not found: %s"
msgstr "E334: Меню не знайдено: %s"
-# msgstr "E334: "
-#, c-format
-msgid "E335: Menu not defined for %s mode"
-msgstr "E335: Для режиму %s меню не визначено"
# msgstr "E335: "
msgid "E336: Menu path must lead to a sub-menu"
msgstr "E336: Шлях повинен вести до підменю"
msgid "Open File dialog"
msgstr "Відкрити файл"
-#. TODO: non-GUI file selector here
msgid "E338: Sorry, no file browser in console mode"
msgstr "E338: Вибачте, але в консолі немає діалогу вибору файлу"
msgstr "E663: Кінець списку змін"
msgid "Type :qa! and press <Enter> to abandon all changes and exit Vim"
-msgstr "Уведіть :qa! і натисніть <Enter>, щоб відкинути всі зміни і вийти з Vim"
+msgstr ""
+"Уведіть :qa! і натисніть <Enter>, щоб відкинути всі зміни і вийти з Vim"
#, c-format
msgid "1 line %sed 1 time"
msgid "E748: No previously used register"
msgstr "E748: Регістри перед цим не вживались"
-#. must display the prompt
msgid "cannot yank; delete anyway"
msgstr "не вдалося запам'ятати; все одно знищити?"
msgid "freeing %ld lines"
msgstr "Звільнено рядків: %ld"
-msgid "block of 1 line yanked"
-msgstr "Запам'ятав блок з одного рядка"
+#, c-format
+msgid " into \"%c"
+msgstr " у \"%c"
-msgid "1 line yanked"
-msgstr "Запам'ятав один рядок"
+#, c-format
+msgid "block of 1 line yanked%s"
+msgstr "блок з 1 рядка висмикнуто%s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "1 line yanked%s"
+msgstr "1 рядок висмикнуто%s"
#, c-format
-msgid "block of %ld lines yanked"
-msgstr "Ð\97апам'Ñ\8fÑ\82ав блок Ñ\96з %ld Ñ\80Ñ\8fдкÑ\96в"
+msgid "block of %ld lines yanked%s"
+msgstr "блок Ñ\96з %ld Ñ\80Ñ\8fдкÑ\96в виÑ\81микнÑ\83Ñ\82о%s"
#, c-format
-msgid "%ld lines yanked"
-msgstr "Запам'ятав рядків: %ld"
+msgid "%ld lines yanked%s"
+msgstr "%ld рядків висмикнуто%s"
#, c-format
msgid "E353: Nothing in register %s"
msgstr "E353: У регістрі %s нічого немає"
# msgstr "E353: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"--- Registers ---"
"байт %lld з %lld"
#, c-format
-msgid "(+%ld for BOM)"
-msgstr "(+%ld для BOM)"
-msgid "%<%f%h%m%=Page %N"
-msgstr "%<%f%h%m%=Стор. %N"
+msgid "(+%lld for BOM)"
+msgstr "(+%lld для BOM)"
msgid "Thanks for flying Vim"
msgstr "Дякуємо за вибір Vim"
msgid "E617: Cannot be changed in the GTK+ 2 GUI"
msgstr "E617: Не можна змінити в GUI GTK+ 2"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E950: Cannot convert between %s and %s"
+msgstr "E950: Не можна перетворити між %s і %s"
msgid "E524: Missing colon"
msgstr "E524: Бракує двокрапки"
msgid "E542: unbalanced groups"
msgstr "E542: Групи не збалансовано"
+msgid "E946: Cannot make a terminal with running job modifiable"
+msgstr "E946: Не можна зробити модифіковним термінал із запущеним завданням"
msgid "E590: A preview window already exists"
msgstr "E590: Вікно перегляду вже існує"
msgstr ""
"W17: Для арабської мови потрібне UTF-8, виконайте ':set encoding=utf-8'"
+msgid "E954: 24-bit colors are not supported on this environment"
+msgstr "E954: 24-розрядні кольори не підтримуються у цьому оточенні"
#, c-format
msgid "E593: Need at least %d lines"
msgstr "E593: Потрібно щонайменше %d рядків"
msgid "E355: Unknown option: %s"
msgstr "E355: Невідома опція: %s"
-#. There's another character after zeros or the string
-#. * is empty. In both cases, we are trying to set a
-#. * num option using a string.
#, c-format
msgid "E521: Number required: &%s = '%s'"
msgstr "E521: Потрібно вказати Number: &%s = '%s'"
msgid "mch_get_shellsize: not a console??\n"
msgstr "mch_get_shellsize: не консоль??\n"
-#. if Vim opened a window: Executing a shell may cause crashes
msgid "E360: Cannot execute shell with -f option"
msgstr "E360: Не вдалося запустити оболонку з опцією -f"
msgid "shell returned %d"
msgstr "оболонка повернула %d"
+msgid "E926: Current location list was changed"
+msgstr "E926: Поточний список місць змінився"
# msgstr "E371: "
#, c-format
msgid "E372: Too many %%%c in format string"
msgstr "E377: Помилковий `%%%c' у рядку формату"
# msgstr "E377: "
-#. nothing found
msgid "E378: 'errorformat' contains no pattern"
msgstr "E378: 'errorformat' не містить зразок"
msgid "E925: Current quickfix was changed"
msgstr "E925: Поточний quickfix змінився"
-msgid "E926: Current location list was changed"
-msgstr "E926: Поточний список місць змінився"
#, c-format
msgid "(%d of %d)%s%s: "
msgstr "(%d з %d)%s%s: "
msgid "No entries"
msgstr "Нічого"
-msgid "E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set"
-msgstr "E382: Не можу записати, вказана опція 'buftype'"
# msgstr "E231: "
msgid "Error file"
msgstr "Файл помилок"
msgstr "E66: \\z( тут не дозволено"
# msgstr "E406: "
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 та ін. тут не дозволено"
#, c-format
msgid "E867: (NFA) Unknown operator '\\z%c'"
msgstr "E867: (NFA) Невідомий оператор '\\z%c'"
+msgid "E951: \\% value too large"
+msgstr "E951: значення \\% завелике"
#, c-format
msgid "E867: (NFA) Unknown operator '\\%%%c'"
msgstr "E867: (NFA) Невідомий оператор '\\%%%c'"
-#. should never happen
msgid "E868: Error building NFA with equivalence class!"
msgstr "E868: Не вдалося побудувати NFA з класом еквівалентності!"
msgid "E870: (NFA regexp) Error reading repetition limits"
msgstr "E870: (NFA regexp) Не вдалося прочитати межі повторення"
-#. Can't have a multi follow a multi.
-msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi !"
-msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Мульти не може бути за мульти!"
+msgid "E871: (NFA regexp) Can't have a multi follow a multi"
+msgstr "E871: (NFA regexp) Мульти не може бути за мульти"
-#. Too many `('
msgid "E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('"
msgstr "E872: (NFA regexp) Забагато '('"
msgid "E873: (NFA regexp) proper termination error"
msgstr "E873: (NFA regexp) помилка належного припинення"
-msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack !"
+msgid "E874: (NFA) Could not pop the stack!"
msgstr "E874: (NFA) Стек порожній!"
msgid ""
msgid "E878: (NFA) Could not allocate memory for branch traversal!"
msgstr "E878: (NFA) Не вдалося отримати пам’ять для обходу гілок!"
-msgid ""
-"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
+msgid "Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr... "
msgstr ""
"Не вдалося відкрити тимчасовий файл журналу для запису, показується на "
"stderr... "
msgid "(NFA) COULD NOT OPEN %s !"
+msgid ""
+"Could not open temporary log file for writing, displaying on stderr ... "
+msgstr ""
+"Не вдалося відкрити тимчасовий файл журналу для запису, показується на "
+"stderr ... "
msgid "Could not open temporary log file for writing "
msgstr "Не вдалося відкрити тимчасовий файл журналу для запису "
msgid " (includes previously listed match)"
msgstr " (разом з попередніми збігами)"
-#. cursor at status line
msgid "--- Included files "
msgstr "--- Включені файли "
msgid "Sorry, only %ld suggestions"
msgstr "Пробачте, тільки %ld пропозицій"
-#. for when 'cmdheight' > 1
-#. avoid more prompt
#, c-format
msgid "Change \"%.*s\" to:"
msgstr "Замінити «%.*s» на:"
msgstr "E760: Немає кількості слів у %s"
#, c-format
-msgid "line %6d, word %6d - %s"
-msgstr "рядок %6d, слово %6d - %s"
+msgid "line %6d, word %6ld - %s"
+msgstr "рядок %6d, слово %6ld - %s"
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate word in %s line %d: %s"
msgid "Reading back spell file..."
msgstr "Перечитується файл орфографії..."
-#. * Go through the trie of good words, soundfold each word and add it to
-#. * the soundfold trie.
msgid "Performing soundfolding..."
msgstr "Виконується згортання звуків..."
msgid "E751: Output file name must not have region name"
msgstr "E751: Вихідний файл не повинен мати назву регіону"
-msgid "E754: Only up to 8 regions supported"
-msgstr "E754: Підтримується тільки до восьми регіонів"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E754: Only up to %ld regions supported"
+msgstr "E754: Підтримується тільки до %ld регіонів"
#, c-format
msgid "E755: Invalid region in %s"
msgid "E763: Word characters differ between spell files"
msgstr "E763: Символи у слові відрізняються у файлах орфографії"
-#. This should have been checked when generating the .spl
-#. * file.
msgid "E783: duplicate char in MAP entry"
msgstr "E783: Повторено символ у елементі MAP"
msgid "File \"%s\" does not exist"
msgstr "Файл «%s» не існує"
-#. Give an indication of the number of matching tags
#, c-format
msgid "tag %d of %d%s"
msgstr "мітка %d з %d%s"
msgstr "E429: Файл «%s» не існує"
# msgstr "E429: "
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
" # TO tag FROM line in file/text"
msgstr "E432: Файл міток не впорядкований: %s"
# msgstr "E432: "
-#. never opened any tags file
msgid "E433: No tags file"
msgstr "E433: Немає файлу міток"
msgid "E437: terminal capability \"cm\" required"
msgstr "E437: Потрібна можливість терміналу «cm»"
-#. Highlight title
msgid ""
"--- Terminal keys ---"
msgid "Cannot open $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt"
msgstr "Неможливо відкрити $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Kill job in \"%s\"?"
+msgstr "Зупинити завдання у «%s»?"
+msgid "Terminal"
+msgstr "Термінал"
+msgid "Terminal-finished"
+msgstr "Термінал-закінчено"
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "активний"
+msgid "running"
+msgstr "виконується"
+msgid "finished"
+msgstr "закінчено"
+# msgstr "E226: "
+#, c-format
+msgid "E953: File exists: %s"
+msgstr "E953: Файл вже існує: %s"
+msgid "E955: Not a terminal buffer"
+msgstr "E955: Не буфер терміналу"
msgid "new shell started\n"
msgstr "запущено нову оболонку\n"
msgid "Used CUT_BUFFER0 instead of empty selection"
msgstr "Використано CUT_BUFFER0 замість порожнього виділення"
-#. This happens when the FileChangedRO autocommand changes the
-#. * file in a way it becomes shorter.
msgid "E881: Line count changed unexpectedly"
msgstr "E881: Кількість рядків несподівано змінилася"
-#. must display the prompt
msgid "No undo possible; continue anyway"
msgstr "Скасування буде неможливе, все одно продовжити"
msgid ""
-"MacOS X (unix) version"
-msgstr ""
-"Версія для MacOS X (unix)"
-msgid ""
-"MacOS X version"
+"macOS version"
msgstr ""
-"Версія для MacOS X"
+"Версія macOS"
msgid ""
-"MacOS version"
+"macOS version w/o darwin feat."
msgstr ""
-"Версія для MacOS"
+"Версія macOS без darwin."
msgid ""
msgid "with Cocoa GUI."
msgstr "з GUI Cocoa."
-msgid "with (classic) GUI."
-msgstr "з (класичним) GUI."
msgid " Features included (+) or not (-):\n"
msgstr " Включені (+) або не включені (-) компоненти:\n"
msgid "Edit with &Vim"
msgstr "Редагувати за допомогою &Vim"
-#. Now concatenate
msgid "Edit with existing Vim - "
msgstr "Редагувати у вже запущеному Vim - "
msgid "--No lines in buffer--"
msgstr "--Жодного рядка--"
-#. * The error messages that can be shared are included here.
-#. * Excluded are errors that are only used once and debugging messages.
msgid "E470: Command aborted"
msgstr "E470: Команду перервано"
msgid "E475: Invalid argument: %s"
msgstr "E475: Некоректний аргумент: %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E475: Invalid value for argument %s"
+msgstr "E475: Некоректне значення для аргументу %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E475: Invalid value for argument %s: %s"
+msgstr "E475: Некоректне значення для аргументу %s: %s"
#, c-format
msgid "E15: Invalid expression: %s"
msgstr "E15: Неправильний вираз: %s"
msgid "E364: Library call failed for \"%s()\""
msgstr "E364: Бібліотечний виклик до «%s()» не вдався"
+msgid "E667: Fsync failed"
+msgstr "E667: Не вдалося виконати fsync"
#, c-format
msgid "E448: Could not load library function %s"
msgstr "E448: Не вдалося завантажити бібліотечну функцію %s"
msgid "E485: Can't read file %s"
msgstr "E485: Не вдалося прочитати файл %s"
-msgid "E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)"
-msgstr "E37: Зміни не було записано (! щоб не зважати)"
-msgid "E37: No write since last change"
-msgstr "E37: Не записано попередні зміни"
msgid "E38: Null argument"
msgstr "E38: Відсутній аргумент"
msgid "E919: Directory not found in '%s': \"%s\""
msgstr "E919: Теку не знайдено: '%s': «%s»"
+msgid "E952: Autocommand caused recursive behavior"
+msgstr "E952: Автокоманди призвели до рекурсії"
msgid "search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM"
msgstr "Пошук дійшов до ПОЧАТКУ, продовжується з КІНЦЯ"
msgid "list index out of range"
msgstr "індекс списку за межами"
-#. No more suitable format specifications in python-2.3
#, c-format
msgid "internal error: failed to get vim list item %d"
msgstr "внутрішня помилка: не вдалося отримати елемент списку vim %d"
msgstr ""
"Не вдалося встановити шлях: sys.path не список\n"
"Вас слід додати vim.VIM_SPECIAL_PATH до sys.path"
+msgid ""
+"Vim macro files (*.vim)\t*.vim\n"
+"All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Макроси Vim (*.vim)\t*.vim\n"
+"Всі файли (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+msgid "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+msgstr "Всі файли (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+msgid ""
+"All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+"C source (*.c, *.h)\t*.c;*.h\n"
+"C++ source (*.cpp, *.hpp)\t*.cpp;*.hpp\n"
+"VB code (*.bas, *.frm)\t*.bas;*.frm\n"
+"Vim files (*.vim, _vimrc, _gvimrc)\t*.vim;_vimrc;_gvimrc\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Всі файли (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+"Першокод C (*.c, *.h)\t*.c;*.h\n"
+"Першокод C++ (*.cpp, *.hpp)\t*.cpp;*.hpp\n"
+"Код VB (*.bas, *.frm)\t*.bas;*.frm\n"
+"Файли Vim (*.vim, _vimrc, _gvimrc)\t*.vim;_vimrc;_gvimrc\n"
+msgid ""
+"Vim macro files (*.vim)\t*.vim\n"
+"All Files (*)\t*\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Макроси Vim (*.vim)\t*.vim\n"
+"Всі файли (*)\t*\n"
+msgid "All Files (*)\t*\n"
+msgstr "Всі файли (*)\t*\n"
+msgid ""
+"All Files (*)\t*\n"
+"C source (*.c, *.h)\t*.c;*.h\n"
+"C++ source (*.cpp, *.hpp)\t*.cpp;*.hpp\n"
+"Vim files (*.vim, _vimrc, _gvimrc)\t*.vim;_vimrc;_gvimrc\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Всі файли (*)\t*\n"
+"Першокод C (*.c, *.h)\t*.c;*.h\n"
+"Першокод C++ (*.cpp, *.hpp)\t*.cpp;*.hpp\n"
+"Файли Vim (*.vim, _vimrc, _gvimrc)\t*.vim;_vimrc;_gvimrc\n"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- Câu lệnh tự động ---"
msgstr "E218: câu lệnh tự động xếp lồng vào nhau quá xâu"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s câu lệnh tự động cho \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( không thể sử dụng ở đây"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: \\z1 và tương tự không được sử dụng ở đây"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- 自动命令 ---"
msgstr "E218: 自动命令嵌套层数过深"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s 自动命令 \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: 此处不允许 \\z("
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: 此处不允许 \\z1 等"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- ×Ô¶¯ÃüÁî ---"
msgstr "E218: ×Ô¶¯ÃüÁîǶÌײãÊý¹ýÉî"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s ×Ô¶¯ÃüÁî \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: ´Ë´¦²»ÔÊÐí \\z("
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: ´Ë´¦²»ÔÊÐí \\z1 µÈ"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
"--- ×Ô¶¯ÃüÁî ---"
msgstr "E218: ×Ô¶¯ÃüÁîǶÌײãÊý¹ýÉî"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
msgstr "%s ×Ô¶¯ÃüÁî \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: ´Ë´¦²»ÔÊÐí \\z("
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
msgstr "E67: ´Ë´¦²»ÔÊÐí \\z1 µÈ"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgid "E217: Can't execute autocommands for ALL events"
msgstr "E217: 無法對所有事件執行 autocommand"
msgstr "E218: autocommand 層數過深"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
-msgstr "%s Auto commands: \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
+msgstr "%s Autocommands: \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid "Executing %s"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( 不能在此出現"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
-msgstr "E67: \\z1 et al. 不能在此出現"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
+msgstr "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 不能在此出現"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
msgstr "E68: 後面有不正確的字元: \\z"
#. Highlight title
msgid ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgstr ""
-"--- Auto-Commands ---"
+"--- Autocommands ---"
msgid "E217: Can't execute autocommands for ALL events"
msgstr "E217: µLªk¹ï©Ò¦³¨Æ¥ó°õ¦æ autocommand"
msgstr "E218: autocommand ¼h¼Æ¹L²`"
#, c-format
-msgid "%s Auto commands for \"%s\""
-msgstr "%s Auto commands: \"%s\""
+msgid "%s Autocommands for \"%s\""
+msgstr "%s Autocommands: \"%s\""
#, c-format
msgid "Executing %s"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "E66: \\z( not allowed here"
msgstr "E66: \\z( ¤£¯à¦b¦¹¥X²{"
-msgid "E67: \\z1 et al. not allowed here"
-msgstr "E67: \\z1 et al. ¤£¯à¦b¦¹¥X²{"
+msgid "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 not allowed here"
+msgstr "E67: \\z1 - \\z9 ¤£¯à¦b¦¹¥X²{"
msgid "E68: Invalid character after \\z"
msgstr "E68: «á±¦³¤£¥¿½Tªº¦r¤¸: \\z"