-ISSUE #115 (path issue when using phar)\r
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>\r
-<?php if (!extension_loaded("phar")) die("skip"); ?>\r
-<?php if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") die("skip CLI only"); ?>\r
-$stub = '<?php\r
-require "phar://this/index.php";\r
-__HALT_COMPILER(); ?>';\r
-$p = new Phar(__DIR__ . '/issue0115_1.phar.php', 0, 'this');\r
-$p['index.php'] = '<?php\r
-echo "Hello from Index 1.\n";\r
-require_once "phar://this/hello.php"; \r
-$p['hello.php'] = "Hello World 1!\n"; \r
-$p = new Phar(__DIR__ . '/issue0115_2.phar.php', 0, 'this');\r
-$p['index.php'] = '<?php\r
-echo "Hello from Index 2.\n";\r
-require_once "phar://this/hello.php"; \r
-$p['hello.php'] = "Hello World 2!\n"; \r
-include "php_cli_server.inc";\r
-php_cli_server_start('-d opcache.enable=1 -d opcache.enable_cli=1');\r
-echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0115_1.phar.php');\r
-echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0115_2.phar.php');\r
-<?php \r
-@unlink(__DIR__ . '/issue0115_1.phar.php');\r
-@unlink(__DIR__ . '/issue0115_2.phar.php');\r
-Hello from Index 1.\r
-Hello World 1!\r
-Hello from Index 2.\r
-Hello World 2!\r
+ISSUE #115 (path issue when using phar)
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("phar")) die("skip"); ?>
+<?php if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") die("skip CLI only"); ?>
+$stub = '<?php
+require "phar://this/index.php";
+__HALT_COMPILER(); ?>';
+$p = new Phar(__DIR__ . '/issue0115_1.phar.php', 0, 'this');
+$p['index.php'] = '<?php
+echo "Hello from Index 1.\n";
+require_once "phar://this/hello.php";
+$p['hello.php'] = "Hello World 1!\n";
+$p = new Phar(__DIR__ . '/issue0115_2.phar.php', 0, 'this');
+$p['index.php'] = '<?php
+echo "Hello from Index 2.\n";
+require_once "phar://this/hello.php";
+$p['hello.php'] = "Hello World 2!\n";
+include "php_cli_server.inc";
+php_cli_server_start('-d opcache.enable=1 -d opcache.enable_cli=1');
+echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0115_1.phar.php');
+echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0115_2.phar.php');
+@unlink(__DIR__ . '/issue0115_1.phar.php');
+@unlink(__DIR__ . '/issue0115_2.phar.php');
+Hello from Index 1.
+Hello World 1!
+Hello from Index 2.
+Hello World 2!
-Issue #140: "opcache.enable_file_override" doesn't respect "opcache.revalidate_freq"\r
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>\r
-<?php if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") die("skip CLI only"); ?>\r
-define("FILENAME", dirname(__FILE__) . "/issuer0140.inc.php");\r
-file_put_contents(FILENAME, "1\n");\r
-file_put_contents(FILENAME, "2\n");\r
+Issue #140: "opcache.enable_file_override" doesn't respect "opcache.revalidate_freq"
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+<?php if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") die("skip CLI only"); ?>
+define("FILENAME", dirname(__FILE__) . "/issuer0140.inc.php");
+file_put_contents(FILENAME, "1\n");
+file_put_contents(FILENAME, "2\n");
-ISSUE #149 (Phar mount points not working this OPcache enabled)\r
-<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>\r
-<?php if (!extension_loaded("phar")) die("skip"); ?>\r
-<?php if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") die("skip CLI only"); ?>\r
-$stub = "<?php header('Content-Type: text/plain;');\r
-Phar::mount('this.file', '". __FILE__ . "');\r
-echo 'OK\n';\r
-__HALT_COMPILER(); ?>";\r
-$p = new Phar(__DIR__ . '/issue0149.phar.php', 0, 'this');\r
-$p['index.php'] = ""; # A Phar must have at least one file, hence this dummy\r
-include "php_cli_server.inc";\r
-php_cli_server_start('-d opcache.enable=1 -d opcache.enable_cli=1');\r
-echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0149.phar.php');\r
-echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0149.phar.php');\r
-echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0149.phar.php');\r
-<?php \r
-@unlink(__DIR__ . '/issue0149.phar.php');\r
+ISSUE #149 (Phar mount points not working this OPcache enabled)
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("phar")) die("skip"); ?>
+<?php if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") die("skip CLI only"); ?>
+$stub = "<?php header('Content-Type: text/plain;');
+Phar::mount('this.file', '". __FILE__ . "');
+echo 'OK\n';
+__HALT_COMPILER(); ?>";
+$p = new Phar(__DIR__ . '/issue0149.phar.php', 0, 'this');
+$p['index.php'] = ""; # A Phar must have at least one file, hence this dummy
+include "php_cli_server.inc";
+php_cli_server_start('-d opcache.enable=1 -d opcache.enable_cli=1');
+echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0149.phar.php');
+echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0149.phar.php');
+echo file_get_contents('http://' . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . '/issue0149.phar.php');
+@unlink(__DIR__ . '/issue0149.phar.php');