-# Very rudimentary test of thread module
-# Create a bunch of threads, let each do some work, wait until all are done
-from test.test_support import verbose
+import os
+import unittest
import random
+from test import test_support
import thread
import time
-mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
-rmutex = thread.allocate_lock() # for calls to random
-running = 0
-done = thread.allocate_lock()
-numtasks = 10
-def task(ident):
- global running
- rmutex.acquire()
- delay = random.random() * numtasks
- rmutex.release()
- if verbose:
- print 'task', ident, 'will run for', round(delay, 1), 'sec'
- time.sleep(delay)
- if verbose:
- print 'task', ident, 'done'
- mutex.acquire()
- running = running - 1
- if running == 0:
- done.release()
- mutex.release()
-next_ident = 0
-def newtask():
- global next_ident, running
- mutex.acquire()
- next_ident = next_ident + 1
- if verbose:
- print 'creating task', next_ident
- thread.start_new_thread(task, (next_ident,))
- running = running + 1
- mutex.release()
-for i in range(numtasks):
- newtask()
-print 'waiting for all tasks to complete'
-print 'all tasks done'
-class barrier:
- def __init__(self, n):
- self.n = n
+def verbose_print(arg):
+ """Helper function for printing out debugging output."""
+ if test_support.verbose:
+ print arg
+class BasicThreadTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.done_mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
+ self.done_mutex.acquire()
+ self.running_mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
+ self.random_mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
+ self.running = 0
+ self.next_ident = 0
+class ThreadRunningTests(BasicThreadTest):
+ def newtask(self):
+ with self.running_mutex:
+ self.next_ident += 1
+ verbose_print("creating task %s" % self.next_ident)
+ thread.start_new_thread(self.task, (self.next_ident,))
+ self.running += 1
+ def task(self, ident):
+ with self.random_mutex:
+ delay = random.random() * NUMTASKS
+ verbose_print("task %s will run for %s" % (ident, round(delay, 1)))
+ time.sleep(delay)
+ verbose_print("task %s done" % ident)
+ with self.running_mutex:
+ self.running -= 1
+ if self.running == 0:
+ self.done_mutex.release()
+ def test_starting_threads(self):
+ # Basic test for thread creation.
+ for i in range(NUMTASKS):
+ self.newtask()
+ verbose_print("waiting for tasks to complete...")
+ self.done_mutex.acquire()
+ verbose_print("all tasks done")
+ def test_stack_size(self):
+ # Various stack size tests.
+ self.assertEquals(thread.stack_size(), 0, "intial stack size is not 0")
+ thread.stack_size(0)
+ self.assertEquals(thread.stack_size(), 0, "stack_size not reset to default")
+ if os.name not in ("nt", "os2", "posix"):
+ return
+ tss_supported = True
+ try:
+ thread.stack_size(4096)
+ except ValueError:
+ verbose_print("caught expected ValueError setting "
+ "stack_size(4096)")
+ except thread.error:
+ tss_supported = False
+ verbose_print("platform does not support changing thread stack "
+ "size")
+ if tss_supported:
+ fail_msg = "stack_size(%d) failed - should succeed"
+ for tss in (262144, 0x100000, 0):
+ thread.stack_size(tss)
+ self.assertEquals(thread.stack_size(), tss, fail_msg % tss)
+ verbose_print("successfully set stack_size(%d)" % tss)
+ for tss in (262144, 0x100000):
+ verbose_print("trying stack_size = (%d)" % tss)
+ self.next_ident = 0
+ for i in range(NUMTASKS):
+ self.newtask()
+ verbose_print("waiting for all tasks to complete")
+ self.done_mutex.acquire()
+ verbose_print("all tasks done")
+ thread.stack_size(0)
+class Barrier:
+ def __init__(self, num_threads):
+ self.num_threads = num_threads
self.waiting = 0
- self.checkin = thread.allocate_lock()
- self.checkout = thread.allocate_lock()
- self.checkout.acquire()
+ self.checkin_mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
+ self.checkout_mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
+ self.checkout_mutex.acquire()
def enter(self):
- checkin, checkout = self.checkin, self.checkout
- checkin.acquire()
+ self.checkin_mutex.acquire()
self.waiting = self.waiting + 1
- if self.waiting == self.n:
- self.waiting = self.n - 1
- checkout.release()
+ if self.waiting == self.num_threads:
+ self.waiting = self.num_threads - 1
+ self.checkout_mutex.release()
- checkin.release()
+ self.checkin_mutex.release()
- checkout.acquire()
+ self.checkout_mutex.acquire()
self.waiting = self.waiting - 1
if self.waiting == 0:
- checkin.release()
+ self.checkin_mutex.release()
- checkout.release()
-numtrips = 3
-def task2(ident):
- global running
- for i in range(numtrips):
- if ident == 0:
- # give it a good chance to enter the next
- # barrier before the others are all out
- # of the current one
- delay = 0.001
- else:
- rmutex.acquire()
- delay = random.random() * numtasks
- rmutex.release()
- if verbose:
- print 'task', ident, 'will run for', round(delay, 1), 'sec'
- time.sleep(delay)
- if verbose:
- print 'task', ident, 'entering barrier', i
- bar.enter()
- if verbose:
- print 'task', ident, 'leaving barrier', i
- mutex.acquire()
- running -= 1
- # Must release mutex before releasing done, else the main thread can
- # exit and set mutex to None as part of global teardown; then
- # mutex.release() raises AttributeError.
- finished = running == 0
- mutex.release()
- if finished:
- done.release()
-print '\n*** Barrier Test ***'
-if done.acquire(0):
- raise ValueError, "'done' should have remained acquired"
-bar = barrier(numtasks)
-running = numtasks
-for i in range(numtasks):
- thread.start_new_thread(task2, (i,))
-print 'all tasks done'
-# not all platforms support changing thread stack size
-print '\n*** Changing thread stack size ***'
-if thread.stack_size() != 0:
- raise ValueError, "initial stack_size not 0"
-if thread.stack_size() != 0:
- raise ValueError, "stack_size not reset to default"
-from os import name as os_name
-if os_name in ("nt", "os2", "posix"):
- tss_supported = 1
- try:
- thread.stack_size(4096)
- except ValueError:
- print 'caught expected ValueError setting stack_size(4096)'
- except thread.error:
- tss_supported = 0
- print 'platform does not support changing thread stack size'
- if tss_supported:
- failed = lambda s, e: s != e
- fail_msg = "stack_size(%d) failed - should succeed"
- for tss in (262144, 0x100000, 0):
- thread.stack_size(tss)
- if failed(thread.stack_size(), tss):
- raise ValueError, fail_msg % tss
- print 'successfully set stack_size(%d)' % tss
- for tss in (262144, 0x100000):
- print 'trying stack_size = %d' % tss
- next_ident = 0
- for i in range(numtasks):
- newtask()
- print 'waiting for all tasks to complete'
- done.acquire()
- print 'all tasks done'
- # reset stack size to default
- thread.stack_size(0)
+ self.checkout_mutex.release()
+class BarrierTest(BasicThreadTest):
+ def test_barrier(self):
+ self.bar = Barrier(NUMTASKS)
+ self.running = NUMTASKS
+ for i in range(NUMTASKS):
+ thread.start_new_thread(self.task2, (i,))
+ verbose_print("waiting for tasks to end")
+ self.done_mutex.acquire()
+ verbose_print("tasks done")
+ def task2(self, ident):
+ for i in range(NUMTRIPS):
+ if ident == 0:
+ # give it a good chance to enter the next
+ # barrier before the others are all out
+ # of the current one
+ delay = 0.001
+ else:
+ with self.random_mutex:
+ delay = random.random() * NUMTASKS
+ verbose_print("task %s will run for %s" % (ident, round(delay, 1)))
+ time.sleep(delay)
+ verbose_print("task %s entering %s" % (ident, i))
+ self.bar.enter()
+ verbose_print("task %s leaving barrier" % ident)
+ with self.running_mutex:
+ self.running -= 1
+ # Must release mutex before releasing done, else the main thread can
+ # exit and set mutex to None as part of global teardown; then
+ # mutex.release() raises AttributeError.
+ finished = self.running == 0
+ if finished:
+ self.done_mutex.release()
+def test_main():
+ test_support.run_unittest(ThreadRunningTests, BarrierTest)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()