Problem: Recover test fails on FreeBSD.
Solution: Check for Linux.
+" Command to check for running on Linix
+command CheckLinux call CheckLinux()
+func CheckLinux()
+ if !has('linux')
+ throw 'Skipped: only works on Linux'
+ endif
" Command to check for not running on a BSD system.
-" TODO: using this checks should not be needed
+" TODO: using this check should not be needed
command CheckNotBSD call CheckNotBSD()
func CheckNotBSD()
if has('bsd')
func Test_nocatch_process_still_running()
- " assume Unix means sysinfo.uptime can be used
- CheckUnix
+ " sysinfo.uptime probably only works on Linux
+ CheckLinux
+ " the GUI dialog can't be handled
" don't intercept existing swap file here
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2587,