$ git log --use-mailmap | grep ^Author: | cut -f2- -d' ' | sort | uniq > AUTHORS
* Bump the version in icinga2.spec.
* Update the ChangeLog and doc/1-about.md files.
-* Commit these changes to the "next" branch and create a signed tag (tags/v<VERSION>).
+* Commit these changes to the "master" branch and create a signed tag (tags/v<VERSION>).
$ git commit -v -a -m "Release version <VERSION>"
$ git tag -u EE8E0720 -m "Version <VERSION>" v<VERSION>
$ git push --tags
-* Merge the "next" branch into the "master" branch (using --ff-only).
- $ git checkout master
- $ git merge --ff-only next
- $ git push origin master
-* Bump the version to "v<NEXT-VERSION>-dev" and commit this change to the "next" branch.
+* Merge the "master" branch into the "support/2.0" branch (using --ff-only).
+ $ git checkout support/2.0
+ $ git merge --ff-only master
+ $ git push origin support/2.0
+* Bump the version to "v<NEXT-VERSION>-dev" and commit this change to the "master" branch.
Note: CMake determines the Icinga 2 version number using "git describe" if the
source directory is contained in a Git repository. Otherwise the version number