#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "esp_event_loop.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
+#include "freertos/portmacro.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
+#include "soc/timer_group_struct.h"
+#include "driver/periph_ctrl.h"
+#include "driver/timer.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_event_private.h"
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_loop_delete_default());
+#define TIMER_DIVIDER 16 // Hardware timer clock divider
+#define TIMER_SCALE (TIMER_BASE_CLK / TIMER_DIVIDER) // convert counter value to seconds
+#define TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC (2.0) // sample test interval for the first timer
+static void test_handler_post_from_isr(void* event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data)
+ SemaphoreHandle_t *sem = (SemaphoreHandle_t*) event_handler_arg;
+ // Event data is just the address value (maybe have been truncated due to casting).
+ int *data = (int*) event_data;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(*data, (int) (*sem));
+ xSemaphoreGive(*sem);
+void IRAM_ATTR test_event_on_timer_alarm(void* para)
+ /* Retrieve the interrupt status and the counter value
+ from the timer that reported the interrupt */
+ TIMERG0.hw_timer[TIMER_0].update = 1;
+ uint64_t timer_counter_value =
+ ((uint64_t) TIMERG0.hw_timer[TIMER_0].cnt_high) << 32
+ | TIMERG0.hw_timer[TIMER_0].cnt_low;
+ TIMERG0.int_clr_timers.t0 = 1;
+ timer_counter_value += (uint64_t) (TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC * TIMER_SCALE);
+ TIMERG0.hw_timer[TIMER_0].alarm_high = (uint32_t) (timer_counter_value >> 32);
+ TIMERG0.hw_timer[TIMER_0].alarm_low = (uint32_t) timer_counter_value;
+ int data = (int) para;
+ // Posting events with data more than 4 bytes should fail.
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, esp_event_isr_post(s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &data, 5, NULL));
+ // This should succeedd, as data is int-sized. The handler for the event checks that the passed event data
+ // is correct.
+ BaseType_t task_unblocked;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_isr_post(s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1, &data, sizeof(data), &task_unblocked));
+ if (task_unblocked == pdTRUE) {
+ }
TEST_CASE("can create and delete event loops", "[event]")
+TEST_CASE("can post events from interrupt handler", "[event]")
+ SemaphoreHandle_t sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
+ /* Select and initialize basic parameters of the timer */
+ timer_config_t config;
+ config.divider = TIMER_DIVIDER;
+ config.counter_dir = TIMER_COUNT_UP;
+ config.counter_en = TIMER_PAUSE;
+ config.alarm_en = TIMER_ALARM_EN;
+ config.intr_type = TIMER_INTR_LEVEL;
+ config.auto_reload = false;
+ timer_init(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, &config);
+ /* Timer's counter will initially start from value below.
+ Also, if auto_reload is set, this value will be automatically reload on alarm */
+ timer_set_counter_value(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, 0x00000000ULL);
+ /* Configure the alarm value and the interrupt on alarm. */
+ timer_set_alarm_value(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC * TIMER_SCALE);
+ timer_enable_intr(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0);
+ timer_isr_register(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0, test_event_on_timer_alarm,
+ (void *) sem, ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM, NULL);
+ timer_start(TIMER_GROUP_0, TIMER_0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, esp_event_handler_register(s_test_base1, TEST_EVENT_BASE1_EV1,
+ test_handler_post_from_isr, &sem));
+ xSemaphoreTake(sem, portMAX_DELAY);
TEST_CASE("can dump event loop profile", "[event]")