<p>In the case of Unix, the decision as to which MPM is installed is
based on two questions:</p>
-<p>1. Does the system support <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threads_(computer_science)">threads</a>?</p>
-<p>2. Does the system support <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polling_(computer_science)">polling</a>?</p>
+<p>1. Does the system support threads?</p>
+<p>2. Does the system support thread-safe polling (Specifically, the
+kqueue and epoll functions)?</p>
<p>If the answer to both questions is 'yes', the default MPM is
<code class="module"><a href="./mod/event.html">event</a></code>.</p>
<a href="./tr/mpm.html" hreflang="tr" rel="alternate" title="Türkçe"> tr </a> |
<a href="./zh-cn/mpm.html" hreflang="zh-cn" rel="alternate" title="Simplified Chinese"> zh-cn </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">Cette traduction peut être périmée. Vérifiez la version
+ anglaise pour les changements récents.</div>
<p>Ce document décrit ce qu'est un Module Multi-Processus, ainsi
que la manière dont ces modules sont utilisés par le serveur HTTP Apache.</p>
<a href="./tr/mpm.html" title="Türkçe"> tr </a> |
<a href="./zh-cn/mpm.html" hreflang="zh-cn" rel="alternate" title="Simplified Chinese"> zh-cn </a></p>
+<div class="outofdate">Bu çeviri güncel olmayabilir. Son değişiklikler için İngilizce sürüm geçerlidir.</div>
<p>Bu belgede Çok Süreçlilik Modülü denince ne anlaşıldığı ve bunların
Apache HTTP Sunucusu tarafından nasıl kullanıldıkları açıklanmıştır.</p>
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Translated by: Nilgün Belma Bugüner <nilgun belgeler.org>
Reviewed by: Orhan Berent <berent belgeler.org>
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