call, or via setting an instance or class vrbl.
Rewrote the calibration docs.
Modern boxes are so friggin' fast, and a profiler event does so much work
anyway, that the cost of looking up an instance vrbl (the bias constant)
per profile event just isn't a big deal.
\section{Calibration \label{profile-calibration}}
-The profiler class has a hard coded constant that is added to each
+The profiler subtracts a constant from each
event handling time to compensate for the overhead of calling the time
-function, and socking away the results. The following procedure can
-be used to obtain this constant for a given platform (see discussion
+function, and socking away the results. By default, the constant is 0.
+The following procedure can
+be used to obtain a better constant for a given platform (see discussion
in section Limitations above).
import profile
pr = profile.Profile()
-print pr.calibrate(100)
-print pr.calibrate(100)
-print pr.calibrate(100)
+for i in range(5):
+ print pr.calibrate(10000)
-The argument to \method{calibrate()} is the number of times to try to
-do the sample calls to get the CPU times. If your computer is
-\emph{very} fast, you might have to do:
-or even:
+The method executes the number of Python calls given by the argument,
+directly and again under the profiler, measuring the time for both.
+It then computes the hidden overhead per profiler event, and returns
+that as a float. For example, on an 800 MHz Pentium running
+Windows 2000, and using Python's time.clock() as the timer,
+the magical number is about 12.5e-6.
The object of this exercise is to get a fairly consistent result.
-When you have a consistent answer, you are ready to use that number in
-the source code. For a Sun Sparcstation 1000 running Solaris 2.3, the
-magical number is about .00053. If you have a choice, you are better
-off with a smaller constant, and your results will ``less often'' show
-up as negative in profile statistics.
+If your computer is \emph{very} fast, or your timer function has poor
+resolution, you might have to pass 100000, or even 1000000, to get
+consistent results.
-The following shows how the trace_dispatch() method in the Profile
-class should be modified to install the calibration constant on a Sun
-Sparcstation 1000:
+When you have a consistent answer,
+there are three ways you can use it:\footnote{Prior to Python 2.2, it
+ was necessary to edit the profiler source code to embed the bias as
+ a literal number. You still can, but that method is no longer
+ described, because no longer needed.}
-def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
- t = self.timer()
- t = t[0] + t[1] - self.t - .00053 # Calibration constant
- if self.dispatch[event](frame,t):
- t = self.timer()
- self.t = t[0] + t[1]
- else:
- r = self.timer()
- self.t = r[0] + r[1] - t # put back unrecorded delta
- return
+import profile
-Note that if there is no calibration constant, then the line
-containing the callibration constant should simply say:
+# 1. Apply computed bias to all Profile instances created hereafter.
+profile.Profile.bias =
-t = t[0] + t[1] - self.t # no calibration constant
+# 2. Apply computed bias to a specific Profile instance.
+pr = profile.Profile()
+pr.bias = your_computed_bias
+# 3. Specify computed bias in instance constructor.
+pr = profile.Profile(bias=your_computed_bias)
-You can also achieve the same results using a derived class (and the
-profiler will actually run equally fast!!), but the above method is
-the simplest to use. I could have made the profiler ``self
-calibrating,'' but it would have made the initialization of the
-profiler class slower, and would have required some \emph{very} fancy
-coding, or else the use of a variable where the constant \samp{.00053}
-was placed in the code shown. This is a \strong{VERY} critical
-performance section, and there is no reason to use a variable lookup
-at this point, when a constant can be used.
+If you have a choice, you are better off choosing a smaller constant, and
+then your results will ``less often'' show up as negative in profile
\section{Extensions --- Deriving Better Profilers}
it was called by us.
- def __init__(self, timer=None):
+ bias = 0 # calibration constant
+ def __init__(self, timer=None, bias=None):
self.timings = {}
self.cur = None
self.cmd = ""
+ if bias is None:
+ bias = self.bias
+ self.bias = bias # Materialize in local dict for lookup speed.
if not timer:
if == 'mac':
self.timer = MacOS.GetTicks
def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
timer = self.timer
t = timer()
- t = t[0] + t[1] - self.t # - .00053 calibration constant
+ t = t[0] + t[1] - self.t - self.bias
if self.dispatch[event](self, frame,t):
t = timer()
r = timer()
self.t = r[0] + r[1] - t # put back unrecorded delta
- return
# Dispatch routine for best timer program (return = scalar, fastest if
# an integer but float works too -- and time.clock() relies on that).
def trace_dispatch_i(self, frame, event, arg):
timer = self.timer
- t = timer() - self.t # - 16e-6 # calibration constant
+ t = timer() - self.t - self.bias
if self.dispatch[event](self, frame,t):
self.t = timer()
self.t = timer() - t # put back unrecorded delta
- return
# Dispatch routine for macintosh (timer returns time in ticks of
# 1/60th second)
def trace_dispatch_mac(self, frame, event, arg):
timer = self.timer
- t = timer()/60.0 - self.t # - 1 # calibration constant
- if self.dispatch[event](self, frame,t):
+ t = timer()/60.0 - self.t - self.bias
+ if self.dispatch[event](self, frame, t):
self.t = timer()/60.0
self.t = timer()/60.0 - t # put back unrecorded delta
- return
# SLOW generic dispatch routine for timer returning lists of numbers
def trace_dispatch_l(self, frame, event, arg):
get_time = self.get_time
- t = get_time() - self.t
+ t = get_time() - self.t - self.bias
- if self.dispatch[event](self, frame,t):
+ if self.dispatch[event](self, frame, t):
self.t = get_time()
self.t = get_time() - t # put back unrecorded delta
- return
# In the event handlers, the first 3 elements of self.cur are unpacked
# into vrbls w/ 3-letter names. The last two characters are meant to be
# Similarly, there is a delay from the time that the profiler
# re-starts the stopwatch before the user's code really gets to
# continue. The following code tries to measure the difference on
- # a per-event basis. The result can the be placed in the
- # Profile.dispatch_event() routine for the given platform. Note
- # that this difference is only significant if there are a lot of
+ # a per-event basis.
+ #
+ # Note that this difference is only significant if there are a lot of
# events, and relatively little user code per event. For example,
# code with small functions will typically benefit from having the
# profiler calibrated for the current platform. This *could* be
# that this additional feature will slow the heavily optimized
# event/time ratio (i.e., the profiler would run slower, fur a very
# low "value added" feature.)
- #
- # Plugging in the calibration constant doesn't slow down the
- # profiler very much, and the accuracy goes way up.
def calibrate(self, m, verbose=0):
+ if self.__class__ is not Profile:
+ raise TypeError("Subclasses must override .calibrate().")
+ saved_bias = self.bias
+ self.bias = 0
+ try:
+ return self._callibrate_inner(m, verbose)
+ finally:
+ self.bias = saved_bias
+ def _callibrate_inner(self, m, verbose):
get_time = self.get_time
# Set up a test case to be run with and without profiling. Include
without losing information).
- Profile.calibrate() has a new implementation that should deliver
- a better system-specific calibration constant. Calibration must still
- be done manually (see the docs for the profile module).
+ a much better system-specific calibration constant. The constant can
+ now be specified in an instance constructor, or as a Profile class or
+ instance variable, instead of by editing's source code.
+ Calibration must still be done manually (see the docs for the profile
+ module).
+ Note that Profile.calibrate() must be overriden by subclasses.
+ Improving the accuracy required exploiting detailed knowledge of
+ profiler internals; the earlier method abstracted away the details
+ and measured a simplified model instead, but consequently computed
+ a constant too small by a factor of 2 on some modern machines.
- quopri's encode and decode methods take an optional header parameter,
which indicates whether output is intended for the header 'Q' encoding.