To build extensions using these instructions, you need to have a copy
of the Python sources of the same version as your installed Python.
You will need Microsoft Visual \Cpp{} ``Developer Studio''; project
-files are supplied for V\Cpp{} version 6, but you can use older
-versions of V\Cpp. The example files described here are distributed
-with the Python sources in the \file{PC\textbackslash
-example_nt\textbackslash} directory.
+files are supplied for V\Cpp{} version 7.1, but you can use older
+versions of V\Cpp. Notice that you should use the same version of
+V\Cpp that was used to build Python itself. The example files
+described here are distributed with the Python sources in the
+\file{PC\textbackslash example_nt\textbackslash} directory.
\strong{Open the project}\\
- From V\Cpp, use the \menuselection{File \sub Open Workspace}
+ From V\Cpp, use the \menuselection{File \sub Open Solution}
dialog (not \menuselection{File \sub Open}!). Navigate to and
- select the file \file{example.dsw}, in the \emph{copy} of the
+ select the file \file{example.sln}, in the \emph{copy} of the
\file{example_nt} directory you made above. Click Open.
Select a configuration. This step is optional. Choose
- \menuselection{Build \sub Select Active Configuration} and
- select either \guilabel{example - Win32 Release} or
- \guilabel{example - Win32 Debug}. If you skip this step,
+ \menuselection{Build \sub Configuration Manager \sub Active
+ Solution Configuration} and select either \guilabel{Release}
+ or\guilabel{Debug}. If you skip this step,
V\Cpp{} will use the Debug configuration by default.
Build the DLL. Choose \menuselection{Build \sub Build
- example_d.dll} in Debug mode, or \menuselection{Build \sub
- Build example.dll} in Release mode. This creates all
- intermediate and result files in a subdirectory called either
- \file{Debug} or \file{Release}, depending on which
- configuration you selected in the preceding step.
+ Solution}. This creates all intermediate and result files in
+ a subdirectory called either \file{Debug} or \file{Release},
+ depending on which configuration you selected in the preceding
+ step.
Now your options are:
- \item Copy \file{example.dsw} and \file{example.dsp}, rename
+ \item Copy \file{example.sln} and \file{example.vcproj}, rename
them to \file{spam.*}, and edit them by hand, or
\item Create a brand new project; instructions are below.
little file with only two lines. An alternative approach is to
forget about the \file{.def} file, and add the option
\programopt{/export:initspam} somewhere to the Link settings, by
- manually editing the setting in Project Options dialog).
+ manually editing the setting in Project Properties dialog).
\strong{Creating a brand new project}\\
- Use the \menuselection{File \sub New \sub Projects} dialog to
- create a new Project Workspace. Select \guilabel{Win32 Dynamic-Link
- Library}, enter the name (\samp{spam}), and make sure the
- Location is set to the \file{spam} directory you have created
- (which should be a direct subdirectory of the Python build tree, a
- sibling of \file{Include} and \file{PC}). Select Win32 as the
- platform (in my version, this is the only choice). Make sure the
- Create new workspace radio button is selected. Click OK.
- Now open the \menuselection{Project \sub Settings} dialog. You
- only need to change a few settings. Make sure All Configurations
- is selected from the Settings for: dropdown list. Select the
- C/\Cpp{} tab. Choose the Preprocessor category in the popup menu
- at the top. Type the following text in the entry box labeled
- \guilabel{Additional include directories}:
+ Use the \menuselection{File \sub New \sub Project} dialog to
+ create a new Project Workspace. Select \guilabel{Visual C++
+ Projects/Win32/ Win32 Project}, enter the name (\samp{spam}), and
+ make sure the Location is set to parent of the \file{spam}
+ directory you have created (which should be a direct subdirectory
+ of the Python build tree, a sibling of \file{Include} and
+ \file{PC}). Select Win32 as the platform (in my version, this is
+ the only choice). Make sure the Create new workspace radio button
+ is selected. Click OK.
+ You should now create the file \file{spam.def} as instructed in
+ the previous section. Add the source files to the project, using
+ \menuselection{Project \sub Add Existing Item}. Set the pattern to
+ \code{*.*} and select both \file{spam.c} and \file{spam.def} and
+ click OK. (Inserting them one by one is fine too.)
+ Now open the \menuselection{Project \sub spam properties} dialog.
+ You only need to change a few settings. Make sure \guilable{All
+ Configurations} is selected from the \guilable{Settings for:}
+ dropdown list. Select the C/\Cpp{} tab. Choose the General
+ category in the popup menu at the top. Type the following text in
+ the entry box labeled \guilabel{Additional Include Directories}:
- Then, choose the Input category in the Link tab, and enter
+ Then, choose the General category in the Linker tab, and enter
- in the text box labelled \guilabel{Additional library path}.
+ in the text box labelled \guilabel{Additional library Directories}.
Now you need to add some mode-specific settings:
- Select \guilabel{Win32 Release} in the \guilabel{Settings for}
+ Select \guilabel{Release} in the \guilabel{Configuration}
dropdown list. Choose the \guilabel{Link} tab, choose the
- \guilabel{Input Category}, and append \code{pythonXY.lib} to the
- list in the \guilabel{Object/library modules} box.
- Select \guilabel{Win32 Debug} in the \guilabel{Settings for}
- dropdown list, and append \code{pythonXY_d.lib} to the list in the
- \guilabel{Object/library modules} box. Then click the C/\Cpp{}
- tab, select \guilabel{Code Generation} from the
- \guilabel{Category} dropdown list, and select \guilabel{Debug
- Multithreaded DLL} from the \guilabel{Use run-time library} dropdown
- list.
- Select \guilabel{Win32 Release} again from the \guilabel{Settings
- for} dropdown list. Select \guilabel{Multithreaded DLL} from the
- \guilabel{Use run-time library:} dropdown list.
- You should now create the file \file{spam.def} as instructed in the
- previous section. Then chose the \menuselection{Insert \sub Files
- into Project} dialog. Set the pattern to \code{*.*} and select
- both \file{spam.c} and \file{spam.def} and click OK. (Inserting
- them one by one is fine too.)
+ \guilabel{Input} category, and append \code{pythonXY.lib} to the
+ list in the \guilabel{Additional Dependencies} box.
+ Select \guilabel{Debug} in the \guilabel{Configuration} dropdown
+ list, and append \code{pythonXY_d.lib} to the list in the
+ \guilabel{Additional Dependencies} box. Then click the C/\Cpp{}
+ tab, select \guilabel{Code Generation}, and select
+ \guilabel{Multi-threaded Debug DLL} from the \guilabel{Runtime
+ library} dropdown list.
+ Select \guilabel{Release} again from the \guilabel{Configuration}
+ dropdown list. Select \guilabel{Multi-threaded DLL} from the
+ \guilabel{Runtime library} dropdown list.